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CORNWALL . TRURO . —Lodge Fortitude ( No . 131 ) . —On Tuesday evening , the 14 th inst ., the members of this flourishing lodge assembled in their large and newly decorated lodge-room for tbe first time since its completion . The brethren were honoured with a visit from Bro . Augustus Smith , Prov . G . M . for Cornwall , who opened the lodge in the first degree , assisted by Bro . Thomas Chirgwin , P . M . P . Prov . S . G . AV . ; Bro . Stephen HollowayS . W . and
, , , others . The minutes having been read and confirmed , the remaining business was rapidly and ably despatched by Bro / -T . Chirgwin , acting AV . M . The working was first-class . Bro . Augustus Smith expressed his pleasure at being present , and highly eulogised the officers for their zeal , ability , and efficiency . The whole of tbo three degrees were given to tbe various candidates , and in conclusion , by request of the acting AV . M ., Bro .
AV . J . Hughan , of Nos . 331 ( Truro ) , 415 ( Glasgow ) , and 954 ( Devonport ) , gave the lectures on tiie F . C . and M . M . tracing boards . Bro . AVilliam Tweedy , P . M ., and others were present as visitors from tbe Phcenix Lodge , held in the same town . Bro . S . Holloway was proposed as the AV . M ., and Bro . T . Chirgwin as Treas . for the year ensuing in most complimentary terms . The business having been concludedthe lodge was closed with
, solemn prayer . ( We shall have occasion to refer to the very tasteful decoration of this lodgo another time . ) Phoenix : Lodge ( No . 331 ) . —The brethren of this influential lodge met at the Masonic Rooms , High Cross , on Monday last , at 7 p . m . The lodge was opened by Bro . Augustus Smith ,
Prov . G . M ., assisted by Bro . William James Hughan , as S . AV ., and Bro . Thomas Solomon , Prov . J . G . AV ., as J . AV . There was a large muster of tho brethren , and several visitors from lodges in different parts of England . The Prov . G . M . then retired from the chair , and it was then occupied by Bro . the Rev . F . H . A . AVright , Prov . G . Chap ., W . M , The lodge was opened up to the F . C . and M . M . degrees , and then closed down , there being no working business to perform . Bro . Augustus
Smith then expressed his satisfaction at visiting the lodge of which he was a member , and requested the attendance of as many brethren as could make it convenient to attend him at tbe two consecrations during the week . The lodge having been closed according to ancient custom , tbe brethren adjourned to the banquet iu the spacious festive room below , and refreshed themselves after the duties bad been performed . Bro . F . II . A .
AVright , AA ' . M ., was in the chair , and tbe R . AV . Bro . Augustus Smith on bis right , whose health was proposed and received most enthusiastically by the members . In responding he again expressed his delight at being present , and proposed the health of the W . M . Among the other toasts were— " Bro . Tweedy , P . M .. ; " " Officers of the Lodge , " " A'isitors , " and "Bro . AV . J . Hughan , editor of the Devon and Cormoall Masonic Calendar "
, to which suitable answers were returned . Bro . E . D . Anderton , S . AV ., was proposed as AA' . M ., and Bro . J . 0 . Mayne , P . M ., Prov . Assist . G . Sec , as Treasurer for the next year , and their names were received with strong marks of approval . The evening was spent most agreeably .
. CUMBERLAND . CARLISLE . — Union Lodge ( No . 310 ) . —On Tuesday , the 14 th inst ., a lodge of emergency was held in the Masonic Rooms , Barwise-court , English-street , Carlisle . The chair of K . S . was occupied by Bro . AA'illiam Murray , AV . M ., who opened the lodge in due form for the purpose of receiving Mr . George Armstrong , who being in attendance was duly prepared , admitted ,
and initiated by Bro . F . AV . Hayward in that thoroughly Masonic pleasing manner with which he is gifted . He was supported hy G . G . Hayward , S . AV . ; John Slack , J . AV . ; Dr . Thomas D . AVheatley , S . D . ; Arthur AVoodhouse , J . D . ; George Somerville , Sec . '; Mathew Fisher I . G . ; ! Bro . J . Thompson , 104 , visitor , & c . No other business being before the lodge , it was closed with solemn prayer by Bro . Murray . The brethren then retired to the refreshment i-ooin to spend an hour in brotherly love , relief , and truth , til parting in harmony at an early hour .
DERBl'SHIRE . PRESENTATION or A 'I ' EsriitoxiAL TO BRO . EDWIN LOWE , P . M ., P . PROV . S . G . W ., and P . Z . DERISY . For upwards of twenty years Bro . Edwin Lowe has been one of the most indefatigable supporters of Masonry in this province . His love for its principles prompted him early to seek
the attainment of advancement in the science , which , when acquired , has been always at the service of his less perfectly informed brethren . Bro . Lowe being about to quit Derby for a more advantageous position in London , it was resolved by his brethren of the Tyrian ( No . 253 ) , ( the metropolitan lodge of tbe province ) , Repose ( No . 802 ) lodges , and Royal Arch Chapter Justice ( No . 253 ) , that he should not depart without carrying with him a substantial token of the estimation in which he is
regarded by his friends . Accordingly a subscription was raised amongst the brethren and companions , and Messrs . I . and G . Haywood , silversmiths , of Derby , were deputed to provide a service of plate , consisting of tea , coffee , and luncheon services , with salver and cup in massive silver . Tbe salver bore the following inscription : —
" Presented to Bro . Edwin Lowe , P . Prov . S . G . AV ., Derbyshire , P . M . E . Z . of the Chapter of Justice ( No . 253 ) , and P . M . of tbe Tyrian Lodge ( No . 253 ) , and the Lodge of Repose ( No . S 02 ) , by the companions of the Chapter of Justice , and the members of the Tyrian Lodge and Lodge of Repose , as a slight recognition of his valuable services to Masonry in the province , and also as a token of their respect and esteem . DerbyNov .
, 16 th , A . L . 5805 . " The cup was thus inscribed : — ' ¦ Presented to Companion E . Lowe , P . M . E . Z ., by the companions of the R . A . Chapter of Justice ( No . 253 ) , in appreciation of his zeal and efficient service during the many years be has held the office of Principal Sojourner . Derby , Nov . 16 th , A . L . 58 G 5 . "
The gifts were fitted into a substantial oak chest , and the whole of the articles reflect tho utmost credit upon the good taste of the firm who supplied them . On Thursday , Nov . 16 th , Bro . Lowe was invited to a farewell dinner at the King's Head Hotel , Derby , where the lodces and chapter are held . A first class dinner was provided by the landlady ( the widow of the late Bro . Huggins ) , with excellent
dessert and good wines , and the following , amongst others , sat down : —Bros . S . Henchly-Mason , P . Prov . S . G . W ., AV . M . 802 ( Chairman ); John Gamble , P . Prov . S . G . W . ( A'ice Chairman ); C . R . Colvile , M . P ., P . D . Prov . G . M . ; John Gadsby , P . Prov .
S . G . AV . ; T . Cox . Prov . S . G . W . ; Jas . S . Clarke , P . Prov . S . G . W . ; James Crosslev , Prov . G . Reg . ; Joseph Bloor , P . Prov . G . Reg . ; Alfred AVallis " Prov . G . Purst . ; Captain AV . Cox , 253 ; Chas-Harwood , M . D ., 253 ; Thos . Horsley , C . E ., 253 and 1028 ; George Taylor , M . D ., 253 ; AV . Ison , P . Prov . Dir . of Cers . On the removal of the cloth , the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given from the chair and duly honoured . The testimonial was then presented by Bro . COLVILE M . P .
, , in the name of the brethren of the abovenamed lodges , who said that a more gratifying honour could not have fallen upon him than that of being selected to convey to Bro . Lowe the assurances of his brethren that they fully appreciated the long and faithful services which he had rendered to the Order in Derbyshire . ( Cheers . ) Through good report aud through evil report—for Masonry had not always been as prosperous as now—he had
been ever the same . He had zealously laboured to promote the bests interests of the Craft , and well and worthily he had done his duty . ( Cheers . ) The time bad come when his services in that province must be drawn to a conclusion , but he ( Bro . Colvile ) hoped that a long career of prosperity was before him , and that he would find , amongst those with whom he would henceforth be associatedfriends and brethren as warm-hearted as
, those whom be left behind in Derby . ( Cheers . ) Bro . Colville then concluded a most eloquent address by saying Bro . Lowe , —I am requested by the brethren of the Tyrian Lodge , Lodge of Repose , and Chapter of Justice , to present to you this token of their esteem , friendship , and brotherly love ; we , in return , ask nothing more than this , that when in your future home you look upon it you will remember those whom you have
left in Derby , who will always think of you with affection and regret . ( Loud cheers . ) Bro . LOWE , who was warmly cheered , said that it was impossible for him adequately to express his sense of the kindness and true Masonic spirit with which he had ever been treated by his brethren , and he could only imperfectly thank them for that further proof of their confidence in himand
, their appreciation of his endeavours to carry out the teachings of Alasonry acooiding to its true principles . ( Cheers . ) That splendid present , which had been presented by Bro . Colvile in terms which were far too flattering for himself ( no , no ) , he received with pleasure , but it would not be needed to remind
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
CORNWALL . TRURO . —Lodge Fortitude ( No . 131 ) . —On Tuesday evening , the 14 th inst ., the members of this flourishing lodge assembled in their large and newly decorated lodge-room for tbe first time since its completion . The brethren were honoured with a visit from Bro . Augustus Smith , Prov . G . M . for Cornwall , who opened the lodge in the first degree , assisted by Bro . Thomas Chirgwin , P . M . P . Prov . S . G . AV . ; Bro . Stephen HollowayS . W . and
, , , others . The minutes having been read and confirmed , the remaining business was rapidly and ably despatched by Bro / -T . Chirgwin , acting AV . M . The working was first-class . Bro . Augustus Smith expressed his pleasure at being present , and highly eulogised the officers for their zeal , ability , and efficiency . The whole of tbo three degrees were given to tbe various candidates , and in conclusion , by request of the acting AV . M ., Bro .
AV . J . Hughan , of Nos . 331 ( Truro ) , 415 ( Glasgow ) , and 954 ( Devonport ) , gave the lectures on tiie F . C . and M . M . tracing boards . Bro . AVilliam Tweedy , P . M ., and others were present as visitors from tbe Phcenix Lodge , held in the same town . Bro . S . Holloway was proposed as the AV . M ., and Bro . T . Chirgwin as Treas . for the year ensuing in most complimentary terms . The business having been concludedthe lodge was closed with
, solemn prayer . ( We shall have occasion to refer to the very tasteful decoration of this lodgo another time . ) Phoenix : Lodge ( No . 331 ) . —The brethren of this influential lodge met at the Masonic Rooms , High Cross , on Monday last , at 7 p . m . The lodge was opened by Bro . Augustus Smith ,
Prov . G . M ., assisted by Bro . William James Hughan , as S . AV ., and Bro . Thomas Solomon , Prov . J . G . AV ., as J . AV . There was a large muster of tho brethren , and several visitors from lodges in different parts of England . The Prov . G . M . then retired from the chair , and it was then occupied by Bro . the Rev . F . H . A . AVright , Prov . G . Chap ., W . M , The lodge was opened up to the F . C . and M . M . degrees , and then closed down , there being no working business to perform . Bro . Augustus
Smith then expressed his satisfaction at visiting the lodge of which he was a member , and requested the attendance of as many brethren as could make it convenient to attend him at tbe two consecrations during the week . The lodge having been closed according to ancient custom , tbe brethren adjourned to the banquet iu the spacious festive room below , and refreshed themselves after the duties bad been performed . Bro . F . II . A .
AVright , AA ' . M ., was in the chair , and tbe R . AV . Bro . Augustus Smith on bis right , whose health was proposed and received most enthusiastically by the members . In responding he again expressed his delight at being present , and proposed the health of the W . M . Among the other toasts were— " Bro . Tweedy , P . M .. ; " " Officers of the Lodge , " " A'isitors , " and "Bro . AV . J . Hughan , editor of the Devon and Cormoall Masonic Calendar "
, to which suitable answers were returned . Bro . E . D . Anderton , S . AV ., was proposed as AA' . M ., and Bro . J . 0 . Mayne , P . M ., Prov . Assist . G . Sec , as Treasurer for the next year , and their names were received with strong marks of approval . The evening was spent most agreeably .
. CUMBERLAND . CARLISLE . — Union Lodge ( No . 310 ) . —On Tuesday , the 14 th inst ., a lodge of emergency was held in the Masonic Rooms , Barwise-court , English-street , Carlisle . The chair of K . S . was occupied by Bro . AA'illiam Murray , AV . M ., who opened the lodge in due form for the purpose of receiving Mr . George Armstrong , who being in attendance was duly prepared , admitted ,
and initiated by Bro . F . AV . Hayward in that thoroughly Masonic pleasing manner with which he is gifted . He was supported hy G . G . Hayward , S . AV . ; John Slack , J . AV . ; Dr . Thomas D . AVheatley , S . D . ; Arthur AVoodhouse , J . D . ; George Somerville , Sec . '; Mathew Fisher I . G . ; ! Bro . J . Thompson , 104 , visitor , & c . No other business being before the lodge , it was closed with solemn prayer by Bro . Murray . The brethren then retired to the refreshment i-ooin to spend an hour in brotherly love , relief , and truth , til parting in harmony at an early hour .
DERBl'SHIRE . PRESENTATION or A 'I ' EsriitoxiAL TO BRO . EDWIN LOWE , P . M ., P . PROV . S . G . W ., and P . Z . DERISY . For upwards of twenty years Bro . Edwin Lowe has been one of the most indefatigable supporters of Masonry in this province . His love for its principles prompted him early to seek
the attainment of advancement in the science , which , when acquired , has been always at the service of his less perfectly informed brethren . Bro . Lowe being about to quit Derby for a more advantageous position in London , it was resolved by his brethren of the Tyrian ( No . 253 ) , ( the metropolitan lodge of tbe province ) , Repose ( No . 802 ) lodges , and Royal Arch Chapter Justice ( No . 253 ) , that he should not depart without carrying with him a substantial token of the estimation in which he is
regarded by his friends . Accordingly a subscription was raised amongst the brethren and companions , and Messrs . I . and G . Haywood , silversmiths , of Derby , were deputed to provide a service of plate , consisting of tea , coffee , and luncheon services , with salver and cup in massive silver . Tbe salver bore the following inscription : —
" Presented to Bro . Edwin Lowe , P . Prov . S . G . AV ., Derbyshire , P . M . E . Z . of the Chapter of Justice ( No . 253 ) , and P . M . of tbe Tyrian Lodge ( No . 253 ) , and the Lodge of Repose ( No . S 02 ) , by the companions of the Chapter of Justice , and the members of the Tyrian Lodge and Lodge of Repose , as a slight recognition of his valuable services to Masonry in the province , and also as a token of their respect and esteem . DerbyNov .
, 16 th , A . L . 5805 . " The cup was thus inscribed : — ' ¦ Presented to Companion E . Lowe , P . M . E . Z ., by the companions of the R . A . Chapter of Justice ( No . 253 ) , in appreciation of his zeal and efficient service during the many years be has held the office of Principal Sojourner . Derby , Nov . 16 th , A . L . 58 G 5 . "
The gifts were fitted into a substantial oak chest , and the whole of the articles reflect tho utmost credit upon the good taste of the firm who supplied them . On Thursday , Nov . 16 th , Bro . Lowe was invited to a farewell dinner at the King's Head Hotel , Derby , where the lodces and chapter are held . A first class dinner was provided by the landlady ( the widow of the late Bro . Huggins ) , with excellent
dessert and good wines , and the following , amongst others , sat down : —Bros . S . Henchly-Mason , P . Prov . S . G . W ., AV . M . 802 ( Chairman ); John Gamble , P . Prov . S . G . W . ( A'ice Chairman ); C . R . Colvile , M . P ., P . D . Prov . G . M . ; John Gadsby , P . Prov .
S . G . AV . ; T . Cox . Prov . S . G . W . ; Jas . S . Clarke , P . Prov . S . G . W . ; James Crosslev , Prov . G . Reg . ; Joseph Bloor , P . Prov . G . Reg . ; Alfred AVallis " Prov . G . Purst . ; Captain AV . Cox , 253 ; Chas-Harwood , M . D ., 253 ; Thos . Horsley , C . E ., 253 and 1028 ; George Taylor , M . D ., 253 ; AV . Ison , P . Prov . Dir . of Cers . On the removal of the cloth , the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given from the chair and duly honoured . The testimonial was then presented by Bro . COLVILE M . P .
, , in the name of the brethren of the abovenamed lodges , who said that a more gratifying honour could not have fallen upon him than that of being selected to convey to Bro . Lowe the assurances of his brethren that they fully appreciated the long and faithful services which he had rendered to the Order in Derbyshire . ( Cheers . ) Through good report aud through evil report—for Masonry had not always been as prosperous as now—he had
been ever the same . He had zealously laboured to promote the bests interests of the Craft , and well and worthily he had done his duty . ( Cheers . ) The time bad come when his services in that province must be drawn to a conclusion , but he ( Bro . Colvile ) hoped that a long career of prosperity was before him , and that he would find , amongst those with whom he would henceforth be associatedfriends and brethren as warm-hearted as
, those whom be left behind in Derby . ( Cheers . ) Bro . Colville then concluded a most eloquent address by saying Bro . Lowe , —I am requested by the brethren of the Tyrian Lodge , Lodge of Repose , and Chapter of Justice , to present to you this token of their esteem , friendship , and brotherly love ; we , in return , ask nothing more than this , that when in your future home you look upon it you will remember those whom you have
left in Derby , who will always think of you with affection and regret . ( Loud cheers . ) Bro . LOWE , who was warmly cheered , said that it was impossible for him adequately to express his sense of the kindness and true Masonic spirit with which he had ever been treated by his brethren , and he could only imperfectly thank them for that further proof of their confidence in himand
, their appreciation of his endeavours to carry out the teachings of Alasonry acooiding to its true principles . ( Cheers . ) That splendid present , which had been presented by Bro . Colvile in terms which were far too flattering for himself ( no , no ) , he received with pleasure , but it would not be needed to remind