Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 2 of 4 →
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him of tho many happy hours bo had spent m Masonic society . His heart would always be with them , and he trusted that he might be spared to come amongst them again . ( Cheers . ) He prayed , in conclusion , that the G . A . O . T . L * . might have them in His keeping , and bless and prosper them in all their undertakings . ( Loud cheers . ) Bro . GADSBY proposed in eulogistic terms " The Health of Bro . ColvileJl . P . " who had for years transacted the Masonic
, , business of the province , as acting Prov . G . M . during the lifetime of their late Prov . G . M ., tbe Duke of Devonshire . ( Cheers . ) Bro . Colvile ' s services were always freely given when required , and be was universally beloved and respected throughout the province . ( Honours . ) Bro . COLVILE replied in a truly Masonic speech , in which he predicted prosperity to the province at the hands of his
successor in office , Bro . Okeover , D . Prov . G . M ., who was striving to make himself fully acquainted with everything connected with his duties . ( Cheers . ) Other toasts and songs succeeded , and the evening passed away in harmony .
LANCASHIRE ( AVEST ) . ST . HELEM ' S . —Lodge of Loyalty ( No . 897 ) . —The usual monthly meeting of this lodge was held on Tuesday , the 31 st Oct ., at the Masonic Lodge-room Fleece Hotel . Tbe AA' . M ., AA' ardens , and other officers being punctual in their places , the lodge was duly opened bv Bros . Knowles , AA ' . M .,- AVignall , S . AA ' . ; Morris , J . AV . Clark " S . D . ; SoddenJ . D . ; ButlerI . G . ; Hammill
; , , , , P . M . ; Haddock , P . M . ; Bates , Yates , J . Johnson , P . Robinson . "Visitors : —Bros . Swift , 86 , & c . The minutes of a lodge of emergency , and also the regular meeting being read , were confirmed . Sir . Benjamin Biram was then duly announced as a candidate for initiation , and the ceremony was impressively performed by Bro . Hamer , Prov . G . Treasurer . The ballot was then taken for the Rev . H . Alcock and Captain AVilcock , which proved
unanimous , and the Rev . H . Alcock being in attendance was solemnly inducted into the Masonic art by Bro . Hamer , Prov . G . T . The next monthly meeting being tbe evening for the installation of tbe AA' . M ., the election proved in favour of Bro . AVignall , S . AA . ; Bro . Morris , J . AA' ., was re-elected Treasurer , and Bro . Sephton , Tyler . The lodge was then closed in solemn form , and the brethren separated in peace and harmony happy to meet again .
LEICESTERSHIRE . LEICESTER . —John of Gaunt Lodge ( No . 523 ) . —The regular monthly meeting of this lodge was held at the Freemason's Hall , on Thursday , the 16 th inst ., under the presidency of the AV . M . the Rev . Bro . Spittal , and was attended by the following members , viz .: —Bros . Brewin , P . M . ; Green , S . AA' . ; G . 11 . Hod J . W . ; J . E . HodgesSec ; Bithrayas S . D . ; Moor
ges , , , , J . D . ; Manning , I . G . ; Orrock , Barfoot , Atkins , Comfort , and J . Davies . A'Tsitor—Bro . L . A . Clarke , St . John's Lodge ( No . 279 ) . The Deputy Provincial Grand Master ( Bro . Kelly ) was also present . The minutes having been read and confirmed , a ballot was taken for a candidate for initiation , who was duly elected , but was prevented by ill-health being in attendance for admission into the Order . Tho AV . AI . having been temporarily
called away , the chair was taken by the D . Prov . G . M ., who ( after due examination ) raised Bros . Barfoot and Atkins to the third degree , assisted by Bro . Brewin , P . M ., who delivered the charge and the lecture < 3 n tbe tracing board and working tools . The lodge was subsequently closed down by the AA ' . M ., and tho brethren adjourned to refreshment .
MIDDLESEX . UXBRIDGE . —¦ BoyaZ "Union Lodge ( No . 382 ) . —The regular meeting of this flourishing lodge was held on Monday evening , at tbe Chequers Hotel , Uxbridge . At the appointed hour of five o ' clock' the lodge was opened indue form by-Bro . Coombes , P . M ., in the unavoidable absence of the W . M ., Bro . C . Herring . The minutes of the previous meeting having beon read and confirmed ,
the ceremony of raising Bros . Law and Cloake to the . sublime degree of M . M . was impressively gone through . The lodge ivas then opened in the second degree , and Bro . Groom was duly passed as a F . C . The next business was the initiation of Mr . Geo . John Jann ' m ; after which the names of three gentlemen were mentioned to be balloted for , and were unanimously approved of . It is but just to state that Bro . Coombes , P . M ., filled the chair with great eliiciencv , and the manner in which be worked the
three degrees showed much ability as a Mason , and <™ „ k satisfaction . The resignation of Bro . G .-iwthrop , as Secretary was accepted with much regret , but Bro . Coombes will officiate in that capacity . The business of the lodge being got through in which every otiicei- ably performed their several " duties , ifro ! Claisen , as S . W ., and Bro . Glaisher , as J . W ., the brethren retired to banquet , Bro . Line , the host , serving up an admirable repast in his usual good style . About 30 sat downincluding
, several visiting brethren . The cloth having fe :: n vemovecf , Bro . Coombes , P . M ., who presided , then gave the usual loyal and Masonic toasts , which were duly honoured . Bro . B . C . Horsley , P . M ., 59 , ably responded to « ' The A'isitors . " After au hour or two's fraternal sociality , the brethren separated , many havingto return to London by an early train , l'he next meeting will be on the third Monday in January .
NORTHAMPTONSHIRE . TOWCESTER . —Zoc'ce of Fidelity ( No . 445 ) . —This lodge met on the 3 rd inst ., when the following officers were appointed for ensuing year : —Bros . John AVardlaw , AV . M . ' ; AVm . Jones , S . AV . ; Richard Howes , J . AV . ; Rev . AA'illiam Atkinson Howes , Chap . ; Samuel Inns , S . D . ; Thomas Davies , J . D . ; John Tunnard , I . G . ; George Hefford , O . G . ; George Osborn , Treas . ; James Teesoi Sec . Bro . John AVardlaw was installed on the 3 rd inst . as W . M
, for the ensuing year . Bro . Inns , P . M ., and Prov . G . Dir . of Cers . officiated as the . Installing Master , - and performed that ceremony most ably . Mr . Henry Shepheard was duly proposed and seconded to be balloted for initiation at the next meeting . The lodge meetings are held at the Pomfret Arms Hotel , Towcester , on the Friday before the full of the moon monthly , omitting tbe three summer months . The following is a list of the present
members of the lodge : —Bros , tho Right Hon . Lord Southampton , P . M . ; George Osborn , P . M . ; Thomas Collier , P . M . ; John AVardlaw , Richard Howes , the Rev . W . A . Howes , Thomas Davies , P . M . ; George Savage , P . M . ; J . Sargent ; J . B . Hurfurt , P . M . ; Samuel Inns , P . M . ; S . Jacob , P . M . ; J . Tunnard , P . M . ; 11 . Gibson , J . Teeson , George Hefford , and AA ' . Jones .
AA'ARAVICKSHIRE . PROVINCIAL GMAND LODGE . Referring to our notice of the meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge held at AA'arwick on the 31 st ult ., a contemporary embraces the opportunity afforded by that meeting to make some remarks , more especially bearing upon the increase of Freemasonryand with reference to the Pope ' s Allocution . Our
, contemporary says : — It has been well observed by an able foreign writer ( Arnaldi ) that " Freemasonry is a most ancient and moral Order ; instituted by good men , with the praiseworthy intention of impressing more vividly on the memory of mankind the most sublime truths ; and that , without precluding innocent and intellectual enjoyments ; for its precepts are founded on liberalitybrotherl
, y love , and charity ; consequently it is not surprising that an Order based upon such admirable principles should bo found extant in all enlightened countries . " And it may be additionally averred that in modern times no country has upheld Freemasonry with more fervour and magnificence than England ; where , as the popular Masonic ditty tells us ,
"Kings , dukes , and lords have laid by their swords , To make merry and put a pleased face on ; And aprons tied on , to make themselves one ; AA'itli a Free and an Accepted Mason . " Notwithstanding the late Papalpronunxiamenio against Freemasonry , the spirit of the brotherhood seems rather invigorated than depressed thereby . At the recent araraal meeting of the Grand Lodge of WarwickshireLord LeighProv . G . M . in his
, , , excellent address , good humourertly glanced at tbo impotent fulminations of the A'iear of the Vatican , and in giving the health of an illustrious brother , H . R . H . tbe Prince of Prussia , referred to the great spread of Freemasonry throughout Europe ; and stated that in England its extension was most conspicuous ; and in Warwickshire alone , within these few years , several new Masonic lod have been establishedand the
ges , masterly working of which reflects the hig hest credit on the brethren of tho midland counties . We may add to ouv account of tbe proceedings given in our issue of the 11 th inst ., that at the dinner , which was held iu the County Hall , Bro . Major MACIIEN , D . Prov . G . M ., in giving " The Health of Lord Leigh , " observed that the brethren were
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him of tho many happy hours bo had spent m Masonic society . His heart would always be with them , and he trusted that he might be spared to come amongst them again . ( Cheers . ) He prayed , in conclusion , that the G . A . O . T . L * . might have them in His keeping , and bless and prosper them in all their undertakings . ( Loud cheers . ) Bro . GADSBY proposed in eulogistic terms " The Health of Bro . ColvileJl . P . " who had for years transacted the Masonic
, , business of the province , as acting Prov . G . M . during the lifetime of their late Prov . G . M ., tbe Duke of Devonshire . ( Cheers . ) Bro . Colvile ' s services were always freely given when required , and be was universally beloved and respected throughout the province . ( Honours . ) Bro . COLVILE replied in a truly Masonic speech , in which he predicted prosperity to the province at the hands of his
successor in office , Bro . Okeover , D . Prov . G . M ., who was striving to make himself fully acquainted with everything connected with his duties . ( Cheers . ) Other toasts and songs succeeded , and the evening passed away in harmony .
LANCASHIRE ( AVEST ) . ST . HELEM ' S . —Lodge of Loyalty ( No . 897 ) . —The usual monthly meeting of this lodge was held on Tuesday , the 31 st Oct ., at the Masonic Lodge-room Fleece Hotel . Tbe AA' . M ., AA' ardens , and other officers being punctual in their places , the lodge was duly opened bv Bros . Knowles , AA ' . M .,- AVignall , S . AA ' . ; Morris , J . AV . Clark " S . D . ; SoddenJ . D . ; ButlerI . G . ; Hammill
; , , , , P . M . ; Haddock , P . M . ; Bates , Yates , J . Johnson , P . Robinson . "Visitors : —Bros . Swift , 86 , & c . The minutes of a lodge of emergency , and also the regular meeting being read , were confirmed . Sir . Benjamin Biram was then duly announced as a candidate for initiation , and the ceremony was impressively performed by Bro . Hamer , Prov . G . Treasurer . The ballot was then taken for the Rev . H . Alcock and Captain AVilcock , which proved
unanimous , and the Rev . H . Alcock being in attendance was solemnly inducted into the Masonic art by Bro . Hamer , Prov . G . T . The next monthly meeting being tbe evening for the installation of tbe AA' . M ., the election proved in favour of Bro . AVignall , S . AA . ; Bro . Morris , J . AA' ., was re-elected Treasurer , and Bro . Sephton , Tyler . The lodge was then closed in solemn form , and the brethren separated in peace and harmony happy to meet again .
LEICESTERSHIRE . LEICESTER . —John of Gaunt Lodge ( No . 523 ) . —The regular monthly meeting of this lodge was held at the Freemason's Hall , on Thursday , the 16 th inst ., under the presidency of the AV . M . the Rev . Bro . Spittal , and was attended by the following members , viz .: —Bros . Brewin , P . M . ; Green , S . AA' . ; G . 11 . Hod J . W . ; J . E . HodgesSec ; Bithrayas S . D . ; Moor
ges , , , , J . D . ; Manning , I . G . ; Orrock , Barfoot , Atkins , Comfort , and J . Davies . A'Tsitor—Bro . L . A . Clarke , St . John's Lodge ( No . 279 ) . The Deputy Provincial Grand Master ( Bro . Kelly ) was also present . The minutes having been read and confirmed , a ballot was taken for a candidate for initiation , who was duly elected , but was prevented by ill-health being in attendance for admission into the Order . Tho AV . AI . having been temporarily
called away , the chair was taken by the D . Prov . G . M ., who ( after due examination ) raised Bros . Barfoot and Atkins to the third degree , assisted by Bro . Brewin , P . M ., who delivered the charge and the lecture < 3 n tbe tracing board and working tools . The lodge was subsequently closed down by the AA ' . M ., and tho brethren adjourned to refreshment .
MIDDLESEX . UXBRIDGE . —¦ BoyaZ "Union Lodge ( No . 382 ) . —The regular meeting of this flourishing lodge was held on Monday evening , at tbe Chequers Hotel , Uxbridge . At the appointed hour of five o ' clock' the lodge was opened indue form by-Bro . Coombes , P . M ., in the unavoidable absence of the W . M ., Bro . C . Herring . The minutes of the previous meeting having beon read and confirmed ,
the ceremony of raising Bros . Law and Cloake to the . sublime degree of M . M . was impressively gone through . The lodge ivas then opened in the second degree , and Bro . Groom was duly passed as a F . C . The next business was the initiation of Mr . Geo . John Jann ' m ; after which the names of three gentlemen were mentioned to be balloted for , and were unanimously approved of . It is but just to state that Bro . Coombes , P . M ., filled the chair with great eliiciencv , and the manner in which be worked the
three degrees showed much ability as a Mason , and <™ „ k satisfaction . The resignation of Bro . G .-iwthrop , as Secretary was accepted with much regret , but Bro . Coombes will officiate in that capacity . The business of the lodge being got through in which every otiicei- ably performed their several " duties , ifro ! Claisen , as S . W ., and Bro . Glaisher , as J . W ., the brethren retired to banquet , Bro . Line , the host , serving up an admirable repast in his usual good style . About 30 sat downincluding
, several visiting brethren . The cloth having fe :: n vemovecf , Bro . Coombes , P . M ., who presided , then gave the usual loyal and Masonic toasts , which were duly honoured . Bro . B . C . Horsley , P . M ., 59 , ably responded to « ' The A'isitors . " After au hour or two's fraternal sociality , the brethren separated , many havingto return to London by an early train , l'he next meeting will be on the third Monday in January .
NORTHAMPTONSHIRE . TOWCESTER . —Zoc'ce of Fidelity ( No . 445 ) . —This lodge met on the 3 rd inst ., when the following officers were appointed for ensuing year : —Bros . John AVardlaw , AV . M . ' ; AVm . Jones , S . AV . ; Richard Howes , J . AV . ; Rev . AA'illiam Atkinson Howes , Chap . ; Samuel Inns , S . D . ; Thomas Davies , J . D . ; John Tunnard , I . G . ; George Hefford , O . G . ; George Osborn , Treas . ; James Teesoi Sec . Bro . John AVardlaw was installed on the 3 rd inst . as W . M
, for the ensuing year . Bro . Inns , P . M ., and Prov . G . Dir . of Cers . officiated as the . Installing Master , - and performed that ceremony most ably . Mr . Henry Shepheard was duly proposed and seconded to be balloted for initiation at the next meeting . The lodge meetings are held at the Pomfret Arms Hotel , Towcester , on the Friday before the full of the moon monthly , omitting tbe three summer months . The following is a list of the present
members of the lodge : —Bros , tho Right Hon . Lord Southampton , P . M . ; George Osborn , P . M . ; Thomas Collier , P . M . ; John AVardlaw , Richard Howes , the Rev . W . A . Howes , Thomas Davies , P . M . ; George Savage , P . M . ; J . Sargent ; J . B . Hurfurt , P . M . ; Samuel Inns , P . M . ; S . Jacob , P . M . ; J . Tunnard , P . M . ; 11 . Gibson , J . Teeson , George Hefford , and AA ' . Jones .
AA'ARAVICKSHIRE . PROVINCIAL GMAND LODGE . Referring to our notice of the meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge held at AA'arwick on the 31 st ult ., a contemporary embraces the opportunity afforded by that meeting to make some remarks , more especially bearing upon the increase of Freemasonryand with reference to the Pope ' s Allocution . Our
, contemporary says : — It has been well observed by an able foreign writer ( Arnaldi ) that " Freemasonry is a most ancient and moral Order ; instituted by good men , with the praiseworthy intention of impressing more vividly on the memory of mankind the most sublime truths ; and that , without precluding innocent and intellectual enjoyments ; for its precepts are founded on liberalitybrotherl
, y love , and charity ; consequently it is not surprising that an Order based upon such admirable principles should bo found extant in all enlightened countries . " And it may be additionally averred that in modern times no country has upheld Freemasonry with more fervour and magnificence than England ; where , as the popular Masonic ditty tells us ,
"Kings , dukes , and lords have laid by their swords , To make merry and put a pleased face on ; And aprons tied on , to make themselves one ; AA'itli a Free and an Accepted Mason . " Notwithstanding the late Papalpronunxiamenio against Freemasonry , the spirit of the brotherhood seems rather invigorated than depressed thereby . At the recent araraal meeting of the Grand Lodge of WarwickshireLord LeighProv . G . M . in his
, , , excellent address , good humourertly glanced at tbo impotent fulminations of the A'iear of the Vatican , and in giving the health of an illustrious brother , H . R . H . tbe Prince of Prussia , referred to the great spread of Freemasonry throughout Europe ; and stated that in England its extension was most conspicuous ; and in Warwickshire alone , within these few years , several new Masonic lod have been establishedand the
ges , masterly working of which reflects the hig hest credit on the brethren of tho midland counties . We may add to ouv account of tbe proceedings given in our issue of the 11 th inst ., that at the dinner , which was held iu the County Hall , Bro . Major MACIIEN , D . Prov . G . M ., in giving " The Health of Lord Leigh , " observed that the brethren were