Article METROPOLITAN. ← Page 3 of 3
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tbe toast ho bad to propose , which was , "The Health of the AVorshipful Master , and long life to him . " The toast was enthusiastically received . The WM . thanked the brethren for the kind way in which it had been received , and Bro . Thompson for tbe very flattering terms in which be hart proposed it . He had great pleasure , in doing tbe act to which lie had referred . His year of office had been a very successful one , and he must acknowledge the very efficient way in which he had been
supported by bis officers . He thanked them sincerely , and if he had given them satisfaction he ivas amply rewarded . ( Cheers ) . The next toast was that of " The Visitors , " for which a brother from Cardiff returned thanks . "The Health of tho W . M . elect" was next given , for which Bro . Simpson returned thanks . Some other toasts were given , and a very pleasant evening was spent in the true spirit of Freemasonry . In the course of tbe
evening it was mentioned that the Annual Festival for Aged Freemasons and their AVidows will take place on Wednesday , January 31 st , on which occasion Bro . Colonel Bowycr , Prov . G . Master for Oxfordshire , will preside , and ss this worthy brother is so well known for his great zeal in Freemasonry in general , and the cause of charity in particular , it is to be hoped that lie will he well supported on this occasion , and that tbo largest
subscription yet made will be the result . AVifch a view of giving effect to this desirable end , Bro . Farnfield will lie greatly obliged hy any lodge intending to send a steward making tbe "brother's name known to him as early as possible . LODGE OE TRANQUILLITY ( No . 185 ) . —The regular meeting of this prosperous lodge was held on Monday last , the 20 th inst ., at Radley ' s Hotelwhen the AV . M . assisted by his zealous
, , officers , raised in a very impressive manner Bro . Holtze , and initiated into the Order Mr . Joseph Gasbion . Bro . Vesper was unanimously elected Tyler , in place of Bro . Crabtrce , deceased . The lodge business being concluded , the brethren partook of -refreshment in the banqueting room , provided by Bro . Hart , in his usual excellent style . PANJIURE LODGE ( NO . 720 ) . —Tbe usual monthly meeting of
this lodge was held on Monday last at tbe Loughborough Hotel , the AV . M . Bro . J . Thomas presiding with his accustomed bility . He was supported by Bros . Reid and Stevens , P . M . ' s , nd by Bros . Hodges , P . M ., as S . W . ; Oswyn , as J . W . ;
Burgess , as S . D . ; Smetzer , as J . D . ; and Hare , I . G . Bro . Gwilt was raised to the third degree and Messrs . Rizo , Carrias , and Moore were duly initiated . It was announced that Bro . Hodges , P . M ., P . Prov . G . Sec , had complied with the request to become one of the stewards for the next festival of the Girls' School , at which the AV . M . expressed bis gratification , and called on the brethren to cordially support his stewardship on that occasion . After the closing of the lodge the brethren
retired to banquet , at which the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given ; and also "The Health of the A ^ isitors" responded to by Bro . Denvill , of tbe Beadon Lodge , Bro . W . Farnfield , and Bro . Martbin . The musical and vocal entertainments were , as usual , of a high order . ROSE or DENMARK LODGE . ( NO . 975 ) . —The installation meeting of this lodge was held at tbe White Hart Tavern ,
Barnes , Surrev , on Friday , the 17 tb inst . The lodge was opened by theW . M ., * Bro . R . AV . Little , assisted by Bros . Oliver , as S . W . ; Cockburn , J . AA . ; Page , J . D . ; Samols , Dir . of Cers . ; Harrison , Barnes , Buswell , G . Buswell , Graham , Squire , Goodall , Noyce , C . AVilleox , J . Willcox , II . Goodall , Beamish , Guy , itc . The report of the Audit Committee was then read and passed , and tbe brethren were pleased to find a
sood balance in favour of the lodge . Bros . Dr . Clarke , G . Buswell , F . A . Hankins , and C . A . Smith , were then examined as to their proficiency in the first degree , entrusted and retired . The lodge was then opened in the second degree , and the above brethren were duly passed to the F . C . degree . The W . M . elect , Bro . Cockburn , J . W . was then presented to receive the benefit of installation from his predecessorand the usual
pre-, liminary ceremonies having taken place , a board of installed Masters was formed , and the new Master placed iu the chair of K . S ., according to ancient custom . The brethren were then readmitted in the several degrees and ailnfed Bro . Cockburn in the usual manner . The investment of officers for the ensuing year then took place as follows : Bro . Little , I . P . M . and Sec . ; G . H . OliverS . W . ; C . PageJ . W . ; II . PotterTreasurer ; A .
, , , Squire , S . D . ; W . Buswell , J . D . ; J . Barnes , I . G . ; F . II . Newens , Dir . of Cers . ; A . Samols , AA . S . Tho three addresses were then delivered by Bro . Little , P . M . Tiie AV . Master then in an able manner initiated Messrs . VVoodnifle and Henrilt , whe had been previously balloted for , into the mysteries of the
Order , and ho was most efficiently supported by tho newly chosen stall' of oflicers . The W . M . then rose and said that as he would bo unable to remain to the banquet , he would take that opportunity of presenting to Bro . Little , I . P . M ., the jewel which had been voted to him on a previous occasion : and with several encomiums on Bro . Little , tbe AA ' . M . affixed a handsome P . M . 's jewel on the breast of the retiring Masterand which bore the following
inscri-, p tion : — " Presented by the Rose of Denmark Lodge ( No . 975 ) to Bro . R . AV . Little , I . P . M ., as a slight acknowledgment of his valuable services rendered the lodge during his year of office as AV . M . 17 th November , 1865 . " Bro . Little , iu a short but appropriate speech , thanked tbe brethren for the honour conferred upon him . Bro . Oliver , S . AV ., then rose , and said that a further testimony of respect should be paid to the outgoing
Master for the eminent services he bad rendered to tbe lodge , more especially for the admirable manner in which the installation ceremony had been conducted , and proposed that a Past Master's collar and silver jewel be presented to Bro . Little . This being seconded , was carried by acclamation . Bro . Little again thanked the brethren for their kindness , but sai t there was a brother who bad acted as Secretary to the loiige , Bro . Busswiio bad from its formation taken a great interest in its
, welfare , and he , Bro . Little , was sure that to Bro . Buss the lodge was deeply indebted . He bad , therefore , the pleasure to propose that the thanks of the brethren be accorded to Bro . Buss , that he be elected an honorary member , and that the same be engrossed on vellum and presented to their late Secretary . These motions were severally seconded , and carried unanimously . The lodge was then closed , and the brethren
adjourned to the banquet , under tbe presidency of tbe I . P . M ., Bro . Cockburn , the AA' . M ., having suffered a recent domestic bereavement which precluded his enjoying the festivities of the evening . After tbe usual loyal and Masonic toasts , the AV . M . in the chair gave " The Health of the Initiates , " and congratulated them upon being admitted into Freemasonry . The Initiates' song then followed , after which Bros . Hewitt aud Woodruffe responded in suitable terms . " The Alsitors , " toast was replied to in a quaint and humorous speech by Bro . Todd , P . M . 27 , also by Bro . Noke , P . M . 87 . The W . ll . then announced
" The Health of tbe Past Masters , Bros . Potter , Treas ., and Buss , " and concluded by wishing that the latter brother might long be spared to come amongst them as an honorary member , as he , the AA . M ., was certain the brethren were heartily glad to meet him on every occasion . Bro . Potter assured the lodge that he was proud of tho position it now held ; be would endeavour as Treasurer to keep it in the same prosperity , and trusted it would ever continue so . Bro . Buss thanked the
brethren sincerely for the honour he understood had been paid to him by electing him an honorary member , and also for the cordial reception he had ever met with from the Rose of Denmark Lodge . Bro . Potter proposed " The Health of the AV . M ., " and Bro . Little , in returning thanks , regretted much the absence of Bro . Cockburn through so severe a domestic calamity . On "The Officers' Health" following , the W . M . said be could
not let the opportunity pass without complimenting Bros . Oliver and Pago on the excellent and zealous manner in which they had performed their duties , and he ( Bio . Little ) was proud to see that they were now tbe Wardens of the Lodge . He also highly praised the proficiency of Bros . Squire , S . D . ; Buswell , J . D . ; and Barnes , I . G ., iu their several offices . Bro . OliverS . W . in replying to the toastassured the brethren that
, , , his heart was in the work , and that nothing gave him greater pleasure than to find himself surrounded by such choice spirits as tbe members of the Rose of Denmark . He was proud of the lodge—proud of his position , and would be prouder still should tho brethren in process of time elect him to the eastern chair ; but whether as S . W ., or as a private member , bis endeavours should never be wanting to maintain the lodge in
its prese-it prosperous career . Bro . Pago , J . W ., cordially echoed tbe sentiments of the S . W . ; he also aspired , as every Mason might to aspire , to the high station of AV . M ., and trusted that his past conduct would be considered a guarantee for his zeal in the future . Bros . Squire , Buswell , ancfcSamcls then responded seriatim in appropriate language . We must not omit to state that the harmony of the evening was greatly promoted by
several choice songs , Bros . Buss , Squire , Hewitt , and Clarke , especially contributing their quota . The Tyler ' s toa 3 t bought the proceertinss of this happy meeting to an end , and the brethren separated in the utmost good feeling and brotherly love .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
tbe toast ho bad to propose , which was , "The Health of the AVorshipful Master , and long life to him . " The toast was enthusiastically received . The WM . thanked the brethren for the kind way in which it had been received , and Bro . Thompson for tbe very flattering terms in which be hart proposed it . He had great pleasure , in doing tbe act to which lie had referred . His year of office had been a very successful one , and he must acknowledge the very efficient way in which he had been
supported by bis officers . He thanked them sincerely , and if he had given them satisfaction he ivas amply rewarded . ( Cheers ) . The next toast was that of " The Visitors , " for which a brother from Cardiff returned thanks . "The Health of tho W . M . elect" was next given , for which Bro . Simpson returned thanks . Some other toasts were given , and a very pleasant evening was spent in the true spirit of Freemasonry . In the course of tbe
evening it was mentioned that the Annual Festival for Aged Freemasons and their AVidows will take place on Wednesday , January 31 st , on which occasion Bro . Colonel Bowycr , Prov . G . Master for Oxfordshire , will preside , and ss this worthy brother is so well known for his great zeal in Freemasonry in general , and the cause of charity in particular , it is to be hoped that lie will he well supported on this occasion , and that tbo largest
subscription yet made will be the result . AVifch a view of giving effect to this desirable end , Bro . Farnfield will lie greatly obliged hy any lodge intending to send a steward making tbe "brother's name known to him as early as possible . LODGE OE TRANQUILLITY ( No . 185 ) . —The regular meeting of this prosperous lodge was held on Monday last , the 20 th inst ., at Radley ' s Hotelwhen the AV . M . assisted by his zealous
, , officers , raised in a very impressive manner Bro . Holtze , and initiated into the Order Mr . Joseph Gasbion . Bro . Vesper was unanimously elected Tyler , in place of Bro . Crabtrce , deceased . The lodge business being concluded , the brethren partook of -refreshment in the banqueting room , provided by Bro . Hart , in his usual excellent style . PANJIURE LODGE ( NO . 720 ) . —Tbe usual monthly meeting of
this lodge was held on Monday last at tbe Loughborough Hotel , the AV . M . Bro . J . Thomas presiding with his accustomed bility . He was supported by Bros . Reid and Stevens , P . M . ' s , nd by Bros . Hodges , P . M ., as S . W . ; Oswyn , as J . W . ;
Burgess , as S . D . ; Smetzer , as J . D . ; and Hare , I . G . Bro . Gwilt was raised to the third degree and Messrs . Rizo , Carrias , and Moore were duly initiated . It was announced that Bro . Hodges , P . M ., P . Prov . G . Sec , had complied with the request to become one of the stewards for the next festival of the Girls' School , at which the AV . M . expressed bis gratification , and called on the brethren to cordially support his stewardship on that occasion . After the closing of the lodge the brethren
retired to banquet , at which the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given ; and also "The Health of the A ^ isitors" responded to by Bro . Denvill , of tbe Beadon Lodge , Bro . W . Farnfield , and Bro . Martbin . The musical and vocal entertainments were , as usual , of a high order . ROSE or DENMARK LODGE . ( NO . 975 ) . —The installation meeting of this lodge was held at tbe White Hart Tavern ,
Barnes , Surrev , on Friday , the 17 tb inst . The lodge was opened by theW . M ., * Bro . R . AV . Little , assisted by Bros . Oliver , as S . W . ; Cockburn , J . AA . ; Page , J . D . ; Samols , Dir . of Cers . ; Harrison , Barnes , Buswell , G . Buswell , Graham , Squire , Goodall , Noyce , C . AVilleox , J . Willcox , II . Goodall , Beamish , Guy , itc . The report of the Audit Committee was then read and passed , and tbe brethren were pleased to find a
sood balance in favour of the lodge . Bros . Dr . Clarke , G . Buswell , F . A . Hankins , and C . A . Smith , were then examined as to their proficiency in the first degree , entrusted and retired . The lodge was then opened in the second degree , and the above brethren were duly passed to the F . C . degree . The W . M . elect , Bro . Cockburn , J . W . was then presented to receive the benefit of installation from his predecessorand the usual
pre-, liminary ceremonies having taken place , a board of installed Masters was formed , and the new Master placed iu the chair of K . S ., according to ancient custom . The brethren were then readmitted in the several degrees and ailnfed Bro . Cockburn in the usual manner . The investment of officers for the ensuing year then took place as follows : Bro . Little , I . P . M . and Sec . ; G . H . OliverS . W . ; C . PageJ . W . ; II . PotterTreasurer ; A .
, , , Squire , S . D . ; W . Buswell , J . D . ; J . Barnes , I . G . ; F . II . Newens , Dir . of Cers . ; A . Samols , AA . S . Tho three addresses were then delivered by Bro . Little , P . M . Tiie AV . Master then in an able manner initiated Messrs . VVoodnifle and Henrilt , whe had been previously balloted for , into the mysteries of the
Order , and ho was most efficiently supported by tho newly chosen stall' of oflicers . The W . M . then rose and said that as he would bo unable to remain to the banquet , he would take that opportunity of presenting to Bro . Little , I . P . M ., the jewel which had been voted to him on a previous occasion : and with several encomiums on Bro . Little , tbe AA ' . M . affixed a handsome P . M . 's jewel on the breast of the retiring Masterand which bore the following
inscri-, p tion : — " Presented by the Rose of Denmark Lodge ( No . 975 ) to Bro . R . AV . Little , I . P . M ., as a slight acknowledgment of his valuable services rendered the lodge during his year of office as AV . M . 17 th November , 1865 . " Bro . Little , iu a short but appropriate speech , thanked tbe brethren for the honour conferred upon him . Bro . Oliver , S . AV ., then rose , and said that a further testimony of respect should be paid to the outgoing
Master for the eminent services he bad rendered to tbe lodge , more especially for the admirable manner in which the installation ceremony had been conducted , and proposed that a Past Master's collar and silver jewel be presented to Bro . Little . This being seconded , was carried by acclamation . Bro . Little again thanked the brethren for their kindness , but sai t there was a brother who bad acted as Secretary to the loiige , Bro . Busswiio bad from its formation taken a great interest in its
, welfare , and he , Bro . Little , was sure that to Bro . Buss the lodge was deeply indebted . He bad , therefore , the pleasure to propose that the thanks of the brethren be accorded to Bro . Buss , that he be elected an honorary member , and that the same be engrossed on vellum and presented to their late Secretary . These motions were severally seconded , and carried unanimously . The lodge was then closed , and the brethren
adjourned to the banquet , under tbe presidency of tbe I . P . M ., Bro . Cockburn , the AA' . M ., having suffered a recent domestic bereavement which precluded his enjoying the festivities of the evening . After tbe usual loyal and Masonic toasts , the AV . M . in the chair gave " The Health of the Initiates , " and congratulated them upon being admitted into Freemasonry . The Initiates' song then followed , after which Bros . Hewitt aud Woodruffe responded in suitable terms . " The Alsitors , " toast was replied to in a quaint and humorous speech by Bro . Todd , P . M . 27 , also by Bro . Noke , P . M . 87 . The W . ll . then announced
" The Health of tbe Past Masters , Bros . Potter , Treas ., and Buss , " and concluded by wishing that the latter brother might long be spared to come amongst them as an honorary member , as he , the AA . M ., was certain the brethren were heartily glad to meet him on every occasion . Bro . Potter assured the lodge that he was proud of tho position it now held ; be would endeavour as Treasurer to keep it in the same prosperity , and trusted it would ever continue so . Bro . Buss thanked the
brethren sincerely for the honour he understood had been paid to him by electing him an honorary member , and also for the cordial reception he had ever met with from the Rose of Denmark Lodge . Bro . Potter proposed " The Health of the AV . M ., " and Bro . Little , in returning thanks , regretted much the absence of Bro . Cockburn through so severe a domestic calamity . On "The Officers' Health" following , the W . M . said be could
not let the opportunity pass without complimenting Bros . Oliver and Pago on the excellent and zealous manner in which they had performed their duties , and he ( Bio . Little ) was proud to see that they were now tbe Wardens of the Lodge . He also highly praised the proficiency of Bros . Squire , S . D . ; Buswell , J . D . ; and Barnes , I . G ., iu their several offices . Bro . OliverS . W . in replying to the toastassured the brethren that
, , , his heart was in the work , and that nothing gave him greater pleasure than to find himself surrounded by such choice spirits as tbe members of the Rose of Denmark . He was proud of the lodge—proud of his position , and would be prouder still should tho brethren in process of time elect him to the eastern chair ; but whether as S . W ., or as a private member , bis endeavours should never be wanting to maintain the lodge in
its prese-it prosperous career . Bro . Pago , J . W ., cordially echoed tbe sentiments of the S . W . ; he also aspired , as every Mason might to aspire , to the high station of AV . M ., and trusted that his past conduct would be considered a guarantee for his zeal in the future . Bros . Squire , Buswell , ancfcSamcls then responded seriatim in appropriate language . We must not omit to state that the harmony of the evening was greatly promoted by
several choice songs , Bros . Buss , Squire , Hewitt , and Clarke , especially contributing their quota . The Tyler ' s toa 3 t bought the proceertinss of this happy meeting to an end , and the brethren separated in the utmost good feeling and brotherly love .