Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 3 of 4 →
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indebted to the excellently dignified and impartial manner in which his lordship , as Provincial Grand Master , discharged bis multifarious onerous duties , for the great increase of Freemasonry in AA ' arwickshire . Bro . C . EGAN having responded for " The A'isitors , " in proposing " The Masonic Charities , " said : Although the most munificent support was extended to the numerous charitable institutions which lustrously grace this glorious landyet it
, was at times deemed advisable to enlist some erudite divine or accomplished orator to support their interests ; on this occasion , however , the announcement of the characteristic toast of their benevolent Order had been entrusted to one of tho humbTest of the brethren in acquirements and ability , it being doubtless justly considered that that toast required not argument to uphold , or oratory to adorn it . Gratifying , indeed , it was to
know that the excellent principles of Freemasonry were diffused throughout the globe ; and pleasing it was to learn , from the reminiseenses of the most celebrated travellers , those chivalrous pilgrims , who had crossed tbe great waters , even to the ends of the earth , that in the most remote countries they seldom failed to find a Freemason ; and wherever they found a Masonic brother , they always found a fellow-man imbued with the divine gift of charity . Fearlesslyindeedmight it be asked
, , , what sentiment could be enunciated capable of speaking more eloquently to the heart of every Freemason , than tbe toast so graciously confided to his care , and which he then gave to the brethren , with fraternal heartiness— " The Masonic Charities . " This toast was hailed with a degree of enthusiasm sufficient to awaken a spirit of benevolence in the breasts of a conclave of cardinals .
YORKSHIRE ( NORTH AND EAST ) . PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE . A Provincial Grand Lodge was held on the 4 th ult ., by special appointment , in the Old Globe Lodae , at Scarborough . Tbo Right Hon . the Earl of Zetland , X . T ., M . AV . G . M . of England , and R . AV . Prov . G . M . of this province , on the throne , supported by the following Prov . Grand Officers : —Bros . George Marwood
, D . Prov . G . M . ; James Meek , Prov . S . G . AV ; AV . F . Rooke , M . D . Prov . J . G . AV . ; the Rev . Joseph Hughes , M . A ., Prov . G . Chap . ; Richard Welsh Hollon , Prov . G . Treas . ; AA'illiam Lawton , Prov . G . Reg . ; John Pearson Bell , M . D .. Prov . G . Sec . ; George Fox , P . Prov . S . G . D . as Prov . S . G . D . ; Alexander Young , Prov . J . G . D . ; AVilliam Falkinbridge , P . Prov . S . G . AV ., Prov . G . Supt . of AVorks ; II . C . Martin , Prov . G . Dir . of Cers . ; Henry Pearson ,
Prov . G . Sword Bearer ; John Kemp , jun ., Prov . Grand Standard Bearer ; John Booker , Prov . G . Purst . ; AA'illiam Johr .-son , Prov . G . Tyler . The Provincial Grand Stewards present were : —Bros . Jonathan Turner , 660 ; John Hind , 724 ; Llewellyn AV . Longstaff , 1010 ; J . G . Milner , 57 ; G . Croft , 123 ; G . R . Poole , 200 . Many Past Provincial Grand Officers , and the Worshipful Masters ,
Past Masters , and Wardens , of the various lodges in the province also being present : and tbe following visitors : —Bros A'ictor Williamson , J . G . AV . of England ; D . W . Legard , Prov . G . S . Oxfordshire ; Rev . John Denton , M . A ., P . Prov . S . G . AA '
Leicestershire ; F . . Binckes , P . AI ., Sec . Eoyal Masonic Boys ' School ; J . Wordsworth , Prov . G . Supt . of Works , N . Y .,- AV . Sheard , AV . M . 971 ; J . Dyer , P . M ., 201 . The Provincial Grand Lodge having been opened in ample form and with solemn prayer , the Prov . G . Secretary read the minutes ofthe Provincial Grand Lodge hold at York , on the 20 th October , 1 SG 4 , which were confirmed . Letters were read from Bro . Lord LondesboroughP . Prov .
, S . G . AA ' ., and Bro . W . H . AVhite , P . G . Sec , expressive of their great regret at not being able to be present . The Prov . G . Treasurer then read his annual financial report , showing a balance of £ 24 17 s . Id . in favour of the Provincial Grand Lodge which having been audited by the AV . Masters of the two senior lodges , aud found correct , was unanimously adopted .
The annual returns and payments were then made by the various lodges in tbe province , all of which were represented . The report of the by-laws and Benevolent Fund Committee was then received ; after which the whole of the proposed rules and regulations of the Benevolent Fund , as recommended by the committee , were read . These were then gone through , aud separately considered by the Provincial Grand Lodge . After being discussed , and receiving alterations , the amended rules and regulations were unanimously adopted .
The Prov . S . G . AA ' . moved , and the Prov . J . G . AA' . seconded , a vote of thanks to the Prov . G . Secretary for tbo great care and labour displayed in preparing the by-laws of the Provincial Grand Lodge , and its Benevolent Fund , which vote was carried by acclamation . The Prov . G . Secretary briefly acknowledged the compliment . Bro . John Woodall AA'oodall , P . Prov . S . G . W .,- then moved " That the rules and regulations as just adopted be printed
and circulated and circulated amongst the brethren , " which was seconded by Bro . Thomas Thompson , P . M . Lennox Lodge , and carried unanimously . The Prov . G . M . then appointed the following brethren as Provincial Grand Officers for the ensuing year , with the exception of Bro . It . AV . Hollon , Prov . G . Treas ., who was re-elected by the Provincial Grand Lodge : —
Bro . George Marwood D . Prov . G . M . „ Robert Bower Prov . S . G . AA ' . „ Henry Pearson Prov . J . G . AA' . „ Rev . James Davidson , M . A ., Prov . G . Chap . „ Richard AVelsh Hollon Prov . G . Treas . „ AVilliam Lawton Prov . G . Reg . „ John Pearson Bell , M . D Prov . G . Sec , Thomas Carter Prov . S . G . D .
„ „ JolniTcale Prov . J . G . D . „ Thomas Cooper Prov . G , Supt . of AVorks . „ Thomas Thompson Prov . G . Dir . of Cers . „ Joseph Lyon Jacobs Prov . G . Sword Bearer . „ Thomas Camidge , Prov . G . Organist . „ John Booker Prov . G . Purst . „ AVilliam Johnson Prov . G . Tyler .
Six Provincial Grand Stewards were then nominated by the following lodges , viz .: —The Union , Minerva , Constitutional , Lion , Cleveland , and Zetland . The PROV . G . MASTER , in addressing the Provincial Grand Lodge , expressed his gratification at the numerous attendance of the brethren , and his satisfaction at the proceedings of tbe meeting -. especially did he congratulate them on the establishment of a Provincial Grand Fund of Benevolence , which would
not only tend to the furtherance of the greatest Masonic virtue —Charity , but which he trusted would shortly place this province in a position not inferior to any other : he had pleasure in contributing twenty guineas towards the fund . His Lordship observed that when he compared the present prosperous condition of this province with its state at the time he entered upon his office of Provincial Grand Master , now 30 years ago , he felt great cause for thankfulness and congratulation . Not only was
the number of the lodges increasing , but he thought with the great increase of members , there was also an increase in respectability . During the past year great unanimity had prevailed throughout the province . The brethren of one lodge had beon in some difficulties , owing to the neglect of their predecessors ; but thanks to the judicious advice of tbe worthy Deputy Provincial Grand Master these had been happily
surmounted . Very recently another lodge bad been founded , called the Sykes Lodge , which from its situation and the zeal of its promoters , his lordship thought would soon assume a high position . The Prov . G . M . then stated that he had received invitations for holding the next Provincial Grand Lodge from the brethren of the Lennox and Lion Lodges ; but the former having applied for the lasttwoyearshesbould hold tbe ProvincialGrandLodgenextyear
, at Richmond , where he trusted to meet as numerous a representation of the Craft as on the present occasion . In conclusion , his Lordship alluded with much emotion to his recent bereavement , and although he felt it his duty to attend , if possible , to the business of tho province , he was quite unfitted to be present at the banquet . The Provincial Grand Lodge was then closed in ample form
and with solemn prayer . Tho annual banquet was held the same evening in the Assembly Rooms , at which nearly 200 brethren were present ; and the evening was spent in the greatest unanimity and good feeling . The financial statement , which was confirmed by the Most Worshipful the G . AI ., showed the total receipts of tho Prov . G . L . to bo £ 87 15 s . 4 d ., the expenditure £ 12 18 s . 3 rf ., and invested in Consols , £ 50 , leaving a balance in hands of the Prov . G . Treas . of £ 24 17 s . Id .
SCARJIOROITOH . —Old O-lobe Lodge ( No . 200 ) . —On AA ' cdnesday evening , the 15 th inst ., this lodge was held , and an unusual number of brethren attended . Present : Bros . AA ' . B . Stewart , AA' . M . ; AA' . Bean , AV . G . ltooke , James Frederick Spun-, H . C
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
indebted to the excellently dignified and impartial manner in which his lordship , as Provincial Grand Master , discharged bis multifarious onerous duties , for the great increase of Freemasonry in AA ' arwickshire . Bro . C . EGAN having responded for " The A'isitors , " in proposing " The Masonic Charities , " said : Although the most munificent support was extended to the numerous charitable institutions which lustrously grace this glorious landyet it
, was at times deemed advisable to enlist some erudite divine or accomplished orator to support their interests ; on this occasion , however , the announcement of the characteristic toast of their benevolent Order had been entrusted to one of tho humbTest of the brethren in acquirements and ability , it being doubtless justly considered that that toast required not argument to uphold , or oratory to adorn it . Gratifying , indeed , it was to
know that the excellent principles of Freemasonry were diffused throughout the globe ; and pleasing it was to learn , from the reminiseenses of the most celebrated travellers , those chivalrous pilgrims , who had crossed tbe great waters , even to the ends of the earth , that in the most remote countries they seldom failed to find a Freemason ; and wherever they found a Masonic brother , they always found a fellow-man imbued with the divine gift of charity . Fearlesslyindeedmight it be asked
, , , what sentiment could be enunciated capable of speaking more eloquently to the heart of every Freemason , than tbe toast so graciously confided to his care , and which he then gave to the brethren , with fraternal heartiness— " The Masonic Charities . " This toast was hailed with a degree of enthusiasm sufficient to awaken a spirit of benevolence in the breasts of a conclave of cardinals .
YORKSHIRE ( NORTH AND EAST ) . PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE . A Provincial Grand Lodge was held on the 4 th ult ., by special appointment , in the Old Globe Lodae , at Scarborough . Tbo Right Hon . the Earl of Zetland , X . T ., M . AV . G . M . of England , and R . AV . Prov . G . M . of this province , on the throne , supported by the following Prov . Grand Officers : —Bros . George Marwood
, D . Prov . G . M . ; James Meek , Prov . S . G . AV ; AV . F . Rooke , M . D . Prov . J . G . AV . ; the Rev . Joseph Hughes , M . A ., Prov . G . Chap . ; Richard Welsh Hollon , Prov . G . Treas . ; AA'illiam Lawton , Prov . G . Reg . ; John Pearson Bell , M . D .. Prov . G . Sec . ; George Fox , P . Prov . S . G . D . as Prov . S . G . D . ; Alexander Young , Prov . J . G . D . ; AVilliam Falkinbridge , P . Prov . S . G . AV ., Prov . G . Supt . of AVorks ; II . C . Martin , Prov . G . Dir . of Cers . ; Henry Pearson ,
Prov . G . Sword Bearer ; John Kemp , jun ., Prov . Grand Standard Bearer ; John Booker , Prov . G . Purst . ; AA'illiam Johr .-son , Prov . G . Tyler . The Provincial Grand Stewards present were : —Bros . Jonathan Turner , 660 ; John Hind , 724 ; Llewellyn AV . Longstaff , 1010 ; J . G . Milner , 57 ; G . Croft , 123 ; G . R . Poole , 200 . Many Past Provincial Grand Officers , and the Worshipful Masters ,
Past Masters , and Wardens , of the various lodges in the province also being present : and tbe following visitors : —Bros A'ictor Williamson , J . G . AV . of England ; D . W . Legard , Prov . G . S . Oxfordshire ; Rev . John Denton , M . A ., P . Prov . S . G . AA '
Leicestershire ; F . . Binckes , P . AI ., Sec . Eoyal Masonic Boys ' School ; J . Wordsworth , Prov . G . Supt . of Works , N . Y .,- AV . Sheard , AV . M . 971 ; J . Dyer , P . M ., 201 . The Provincial Grand Lodge having been opened in ample form and with solemn prayer , the Prov . G . Secretary read the minutes ofthe Provincial Grand Lodge hold at York , on the 20 th October , 1 SG 4 , which were confirmed . Letters were read from Bro . Lord LondesboroughP . Prov .
, S . G . AA ' ., and Bro . W . H . AVhite , P . G . Sec , expressive of their great regret at not being able to be present . The Prov . G . Treasurer then read his annual financial report , showing a balance of £ 24 17 s . Id . in favour of the Provincial Grand Lodge which having been audited by the AV . Masters of the two senior lodges , aud found correct , was unanimously adopted .
The annual returns and payments were then made by the various lodges in tbe province , all of which were represented . The report of the by-laws and Benevolent Fund Committee was then received ; after which the whole of the proposed rules and regulations of the Benevolent Fund , as recommended by the committee , were read . These were then gone through , aud separately considered by the Provincial Grand Lodge . After being discussed , and receiving alterations , the amended rules and regulations were unanimously adopted .
The Prov . S . G . AA ' . moved , and the Prov . J . G . AA' . seconded , a vote of thanks to the Prov . G . Secretary for tbo great care and labour displayed in preparing the by-laws of the Provincial Grand Lodge , and its Benevolent Fund , which vote was carried by acclamation . The Prov . G . Secretary briefly acknowledged the compliment . Bro . John Woodall AA'oodall , P . Prov . S . G . W .,- then moved " That the rules and regulations as just adopted be printed
and circulated and circulated amongst the brethren , " which was seconded by Bro . Thomas Thompson , P . M . Lennox Lodge , and carried unanimously . The Prov . G . M . then appointed the following brethren as Provincial Grand Officers for the ensuing year , with the exception of Bro . It . AV . Hollon , Prov . G . Treas ., who was re-elected by the Provincial Grand Lodge : —
Bro . George Marwood D . Prov . G . M . „ Robert Bower Prov . S . G . AA ' . „ Henry Pearson Prov . J . G . AA' . „ Rev . James Davidson , M . A ., Prov . G . Chap . „ Richard AVelsh Hollon Prov . G . Treas . „ AVilliam Lawton Prov . G . Reg . „ John Pearson Bell , M . D Prov . G . Sec , Thomas Carter Prov . S . G . D .
„ „ JolniTcale Prov . J . G . D . „ Thomas Cooper Prov . G , Supt . of AVorks . „ Thomas Thompson Prov . G . Dir . of Cers . „ Joseph Lyon Jacobs Prov . G . Sword Bearer . „ Thomas Camidge , Prov . G . Organist . „ John Booker Prov . G . Purst . „ AVilliam Johnson Prov . G . Tyler .
Six Provincial Grand Stewards were then nominated by the following lodges , viz .: —The Union , Minerva , Constitutional , Lion , Cleveland , and Zetland . The PROV . G . MASTER , in addressing the Provincial Grand Lodge , expressed his gratification at the numerous attendance of the brethren , and his satisfaction at the proceedings of tbe meeting -. especially did he congratulate them on the establishment of a Provincial Grand Fund of Benevolence , which would
not only tend to the furtherance of the greatest Masonic virtue —Charity , but which he trusted would shortly place this province in a position not inferior to any other : he had pleasure in contributing twenty guineas towards the fund . His Lordship observed that when he compared the present prosperous condition of this province with its state at the time he entered upon his office of Provincial Grand Master , now 30 years ago , he felt great cause for thankfulness and congratulation . Not only was
the number of the lodges increasing , but he thought with the great increase of members , there was also an increase in respectability . During the past year great unanimity had prevailed throughout the province . The brethren of one lodge had beon in some difficulties , owing to the neglect of their predecessors ; but thanks to the judicious advice of tbe worthy Deputy Provincial Grand Master these had been happily
surmounted . Very recently another lodge bad been founded , called the Sykes Lodge , which from its situation and the zeal of its promoters , his lordship thought would soon assume a high position . The Prov . G . M . then stated that he had received invitations for holding the next Provincial Grand Lodge from the brethren of the Lennox and Lion Lodges ; but the former having applied for the lasttwoyearshesbould hold tbe ProvincialGrandLodgenextyear
, at Richmond , where he trusted to meet as numerous a representation of the Craft as on the present occasion . In conclusion , his Lordship alluded with much emotion to his recent bereavement , and although he felt it his duty to attend , if possible , to the business of tho province , he was quite unfitted to be present at the banquet . The Provincial Grand Lodge was then closed in ample form
and with solemn prayer . Tho annual banquet was held the same evening in the Assembly Rooms , at which nearly 200 brethren were present ; and the evening was spent in the greatest unanimity and good feeling . The financial statement , which was confirmed by the Most Worshipful the G . AI ., showed the total receipts of tho Prov . G . L . to bo £ 87 15 s . 4 d ., the expenditure £ 12 18 s . 3 rf ., and invested in Consols , £ 50 , leaving a balance in hands of the Prov . G . Treas . of £ 24 17 s . Id .
SCARJIOROITOH . —Old O-lobe Lodge ( No . 200 ) . —On AA ' cdnesday evening , the 15 th inst ., this lodge was held , and an unusual number of brethren attended . Present : Bros . AA ' . B . Stewart , AA' . M . ; AA' . Bean , AV . G . ltooke , James Frederick Spun-, H . C