Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 4 of 4 Article IRELAND. Page 1 of 1 Article AMERICA. Page 1 of 1 Article PUBLIC AMUSEMENTS. Page 1 of 1 Article MEETINGS OF THE SCIENTIFIC AND LEARNED SOCIETIES FOR THE WEEK ENDING DECEMBER 2ND. Page 1 of 1 Article THE WEEK. Page 1 of 3 →
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Martin , Hon . Sec , J . AV . Woodall , Treas ., P . M . ' s ; H . A . Williamson , S . AV . ; J . Hargreaves , J . AV . ; AV . Peacock , S . D . ; J . Verity , J . D . ; Ash and Sandars , Tylers ; Rev . H . Blane , 643 ; Armitage , 3 I . D ., Kilwinning , Scotland ; Captain Symons , Orator ; Fairbank , Guarneria , W . D . AVoodall , Candler , Harrison , Simpson , Hartley , Gibb , AVhite , Crosby , Coulson , Fletcher , Milner , Glaves , Ruddock , Middleton , Gavnett , Vary , Inskip , Hill , Gibson , and others . The lodge was opened in due form in the
first degree , when the minutes were read and confirmed . Bros . Captain AV . E . Richardson , P . AL , and Godfrey Knight , formerly members of this lodge , were balloted for , and re-elected subscribing members , and Bro . Armitage was proposed as a joining member . The lodge was then opened in the F . C . degree , when Bro . AA ' . D . AVoodall was examined , and gave proof of his proficiency in the science . The lodge was then opened in tbe third degreeand Bro . AVoodall was raised and invested with the
, badge of a M . M . The lodge was then closed in the M . M . and F . C . degrees , when it gave all the brethren much pleasure to witness the initiation , into the ancient and honourable Order of Freemasons , of Harcourt Johnstone , Esq ., the eldest son of Bro . Sir J . V . B . Johnstone , Bart ., M . P . The newly-initiated Lewis appeared agreeably impressed by the solemnity of tbe proceedings , which were conducted in a mamier highly
creditable to the AV . M . and his officers . The next duty was to initiate Messrs . Michael Almond and C . R . Goodwin , who had been duly balloted for and accepted . Bro . Captain George Symons then gave a charge to the newly-initiated brethren . The lodge was then closed , and upwards of forty brethren adjourned to refreshment , provided by Bro . J . Chapman . Tbe usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given and responded to , and the brethren separated at eleven o'clock , after spending a very pleasant evening .
DUBLIN . THE MASONIC FEMALE ORPHAN SCHOOL ( or IRELAND ) , BURLINGTON PLACE , DUBLIN . A general meeting of the Board of Governors of this useful Alasonic Charity , under the Grand Lodge of Ireland , is summoned for the 5 th proximo , when , in addition to the ordinary businessthe report of the scrutineers of the ballot for the
, election of five pupils into the school will be received ; the election of tbe several honorary officers and committees of the school for 1866 ; and also to consider the following notices of motion , viz . — " That for the future no girl shall be eligible as a candidate to the Masonic Female Orphan School , who , at the time of her applicationhas a sister an inmate of the Institutionand that
, , no memorial be received or put forward on behalf of any girl who may be so circumstanced . " " That in future the names of the members proposed to serve on any of the committees of the Institution shall be submitted to the board at the meeting , previous to the one at which the election is to take place , and that , in accordance with the existing rulessuch election shall in every case be by ballot . "
, Governors are reminded that their voting papers must be forwarded , so as to be received by tbe Assist . Sec . before five p . m . on the 30 th inst ., as otherwise their votes cannot be received . AA ' e notice thai ) the Governors of the Charities under the Grand Lodge of the Sister Isle commence their business betimes , the summons before us announcing that breakfast will be on the table at half-past eight precisely .
ELECTION OU GRAND M ASTER EOR THE STATE OE CALIFORNIA , UNITED STATES . By the Steamer Bulletin , published in San Francisco , United States , dated 18 th Oct ., un ;! just received , we learn— "The California Grand Lodge of Masons , now in session at Masonic Temple , went into an annual election of oflicers at one p . m . to-day . The first ballot resulted in the choice of Gilbert B . Claiborne as Grand Master , whereupon the lodge adjourned to three p . m ., when the other officers would be elected . Bro . Claiborne is a member of the San Joaquin Lodge of Stockton , and was last year Deputy Grand Master . "
Public Amusements.
GALLERY OF ILLUSTRATION . Mr . and Mrs . German Reed , with their faithful associate , Mr . John Parry , have returned to their accustomed quarters , where they reappeared on Monday evening , the 13 th inst ., to tbe delight of a very numerous and fashionable audience . Re , sinning the popular entertainment of " A Peculiar Family , " with which their last season was brought to a close , Mr . and Mrs .
German Reed again embodied with excellent effect those strongly-marked characters which have so often excited the mirth of crowded audiences . Mr . John Parry once more gave striking proof of bis histrionic versatility , and the exertions of the gifted trio were rewarded by the heartiest demonstrations of delight on the part of tbe audience . The second portion of the entertainment is , as heretofore , composed of Mr . John Parry's " Musical RecollectionsA ' ocal and Instrumental" and
, , nothing can be more welcome than this renewal of a whole series of pleasant memories of the past . Mr . John Parry gives the same sharpness of humorous expression to his unrivalled buffo songs which distinguished his performance in the early days of his popularity , and his pianoforte playing is more wonderful than ever .
Meetings Of The Scientific And Learned Societies For The Week Ending December 2nd.
Monday , Nov . 27 th . —ROYAL GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY , at 8 . 30 . 1 . "Overland Journey from Rockhampton to Cape York , Australia . " By P . & A . Jardine , Esqrs . 2 . "Discovery of a Route between Rockingham Bay and the Valley of Lagoons . " By G . E . Dalrymple , Esq . 3 . "Boat Voyage of 1 , 600 Miles along the Coasts of Northern and AVestern Australia . " By J . P . Stow , Esq .
Tuesday , Nov . 28 th . —INSTITUTION OF CIVIL ENGINEERS , atS . AVednesday , Nov . 29 th . —SOCIETY OI ? ARTS , at 8 . " On tho proposed Purchase of Railways by the Government . " By W . Hawes , Esq ., F . G . S ., Chairman of the Council .
The Week.
THE COURT . —Her Majesty , accompanied by then- Royal Highnesses t \ ie Crown Prince and Princess of Prussia and Princess Helena , left AA'indsor by a special train on tbe Great AA ' estern railway at ten minutes before eleven on the 16 th inst . for London . Her Majesty , on arriving , honoured Mr . Armstead . and Mr . Calder Marshall with visits to their studies , to see the
progress of their sculpture for the Prince Consort ' s Memorial iu Hyde-park . The Queen afterwards drove to Buckingham Palace , and returned to Windsor at a quarter past one o ' clock . Tbe Queen , their Royal Highnesses the Crown Prince ami Princess of Prussia , the Prince and Princess Louis of Hesse , Princess Helena , Princess Louise , and Princess Beatrice , with
the Ladies and Gentlemen in AA'aiting , attended divine service on Sunday morning in the private chapel . The Hon . and A'ery Rev . the Dean of AVindsor officiated , and administered tbe sacrament of the Holy Communion . Her Majesty held a Council at one o ' clock , at which were present Earl Russell , the Duke of Somerset , and the Right Hon . Sir George Grey . Mr .
Helps was clerk of the Council . Larl Russell and Sir George Grey had audiences of the Queen . The Right Hon . AV . Cowpev had an audience to deliver up the Insignia of the Garter worn by the lace A'iscount Palmerston . Mr . Justice Lush , Mr . Lees , of the Colonial Service ; and Dr . Hilditch , Inspector-General of Hospitals and Fleets , were introduced to her Majesty by Sir George Grey , and severally received the honour of knighthood . Tuesday was the anniversary of the birth of her Royal Highness the Crown Princess of Prussia ( Princess Royal ) . At seven
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Martin , Hon . Sec , J . AV . Woodall , Treas ., P . M . ' s ; H . A . Williamson , S . AV . ; J . Hargreaves , J . AV . ; AV . Peacock , S . D . ; J . Verity , J . D . ; Ash and Sandars , Tylers ; Rev . H . Blane , 643 ; Armitage , 3 I . D ., Kilwinning , Scotland ; Captain Symons , Orator ; Fairbank , Guarneria , W . D . AVoodall , Candler , Harrison , Simpson , Hartley , Gibb , AVhite , Crosby , Coulson , Fletcher , Milner , Glaves , Ruddock , Middleton , Gavnett , Vary , Inskip , Hill , Gibson , and others . The lodge was opened in due form in the
first degree , when the minutes were read and confirmed . Bros . Captain AV . E . Richardson , P . AL , and Godfrey Knight , formerly members of this lodge , were balloted for , and re-elected subscribing members , and Bro . Armitage was proposed as a joining member . The lodge was then opened in the F . C . degree , when Bro . AA ' . D . AVoodall was examined , and gave proof of his proficiency in the science . The lodge was then opened in tbe third degreeand Bro . AVoodall was raised and invested with the
, badge of a M . M . The lodge was then closed in the M . M . and F . C . degrees , when it gave all the brethren much pleasure to witness the initiation , into the ancient and honourable Order of Freemasons , of Harcourt Johnstone , Esq ., the eldest son of Bro . Sir J . V . B . Johnstone , Bart ., M . P . The newly-initiated Lewis appeared agreeably impressed by the solemnity of tbe proceedings , which were conducted in a mamier highly
creditable to the AV . M . and his officers . The next duty was to initiate Messrs . Michael Almond and C . R . Goodwin , who had been duly balloted for and accepted . Bro . Captain George Symons then gave a charge to the newly-initiated brethren . The lodge was then closed , and upwards of forty brethren adjourned to refreshment , provided by Bro . J . Chapman . Tbe usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given and responded to , and the brethren separated at eleven o'clock , after spending a very pleasant evening .
DUBLIN . THE MASONIC FEMALE ORPHAN SCHOOL ( or IRELAND ) , BURLINGTON PLACE , DUBLIN . A general meeting of the Board of Governors of this useful Alasonic Charity , under the Grand Lodge of Ireland , is summoned for the 5 th proximo , when , in addition to the ordinary businessthe report of the scrutineers of the ballot for the
, election of five pupils into the school will be received ; the election of tbe several honorary officers and committees of the school for 1866 ; and also to consider the following notices of motion , viz . — " That for the future no girl shall be eligible as a candidate to the Masonic Female Orphan School , who , at the time of her applicationhas a sister an inmate of the Institutionand that
, , no memorial be received or put forward on behalf of any girl who may be so circumstanced . " " That in future the names of the members proposed to serve on any of the committees of the Institution shall be submitted to the board at the meeting , previous to the one at which the election is to take place , and that , in accordance with the existing rulessuch election shall in every case be by ballot . "
, Governors are reminded that their voting papers must be forwarded , so as to be received by tbe Assist . Sec . before five p . m . on the 30 th inst ., as otherwise their votes cannot be received . AA ' e notice thai ) the Governors of the Charities under the Grand Lodge of the Sister Isle commence their business betimes , the summons before us announcing that breakfast will be on the table at half-past eight precisely .
ELECTION OU GRAND M ASTER EOR THE STATE OE CALIFORNIA , UNITED STATES . By the Steamer Bulletin , published in San Francisco , United States , dated 18 th Oct ., un ;! just received , we learn— "The California Grand Lodge of Masons , now in session at Masonic Temple , went into an annual election of oflicers at one p . m . to-day . The first ballot resulted in the choice of Gilbert B . Claiborne as Grand Master , whereupon the lodge adjourned to three p . m ., when the other officers would be elected . Bro . Claiborne is a member of the San Joaquin Lodge of Stockton , and was last year Deputy Grand Master . "
Public Amusements.
GALLERY OF ILLUSTRATION . Mr . and Mrs . German Reed , with their faithful associate , Mr . John Parry , have returned to their accustomed quarters , where they reappeared on Monday evening , the 13 th inst ., to tbe delight of a very numerous and fashionable audience . Re , sinning the popular entertainment of " A Peculiar Family , " with which their last season was brought to a close , Mr . and Mrs .
German Reed again embodied with excellent effect those strongly-marked characters which have so often excited the mirth of crowded audiences . Mr . John Parry once more gave striking proof of bis histrionic versatility , and the exertions of the gifted trio were rewarded by the heartiest demonstrations of delight on the part of tbe audience . The second portion of the entertainment is , as heretofore , composed of Mr . John Parry's " Musical RecollectionsA ' ocal and Instrumental" and
, , nothing can be more welcome than this renewal of a whole series of pleasant memories of the past . Mr . John Parry gives the same sharpness of humorous expression to his unrivalled buffo songs which distinguished his performance in the early days of his popularity , and his pianoforte playing is more wonderful than ever .
Meetings Of The Scientific And Learned Societies For The Week Ending December 2nd.
Monday , Nov . 27 th . —ROYAL GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY , at 8 . 30 . 1 . "Overland Journey from Rockhampton to Cape York , Australia . " By P . & A . Jardine , Esqrs . 2 . "Discovery of a Route between Rockingham Bay and the Valley of Lagoons . " By G . E . Dalrymple , Esq . 3 . "Boat Voyage of 1 , 600 Miles along the Coasts of Northern and AVestern Australia . " By J . P . Stow , Esq .
Tuesday , Nov . 28 th . —INSTITUTION OF CIVIL ENGINEERS , atS . AVednesday , Nov . 29 th . —SOCIETY OI ? ARTS , at 8 . " On tho proposed Purchase of Railways by the Government . " By W . Hawes , Esq ., F . G . S ., Chairman of the Council .
The Week.
THE COURT . —Her Majesty , accompanied by then- Royal Highnesses t \ ie Crown Prince and Princess of Prussia and Princess Helena , left AA'indsor by a special train on tbe Great AA ' estern railway at ten minutes before eleven on the 16 th inst . for London . Her Majesty , on arriving , honoured Mr . Armstead . and Mr . Calder Marshall with visits to their studies , to see the
progress of their sculpture for the Prince Consort ' s Memorial iu Hyde-park . The Queen afterwards drove to Buckingham Palace , and returned to Windsor at a quarter past one o ' clock . Tbe Queen , their Royal Highnesses the Crown Prince ami Princess of Prussia , the Prince and Princess Louis of Hesse , Princess Helena , Princess Louise , and Princess Beatrice , with
the Ladies and Gentlemen in AA'aiting , attended divine service on Sunday morning in the private chapel . The Hon . and A'ery Rev . the Dean of AVindsor officiated , and administered tbe sacrament of the Holy Communion . Her Majesty held a Council at one o ' clock , at which were present Earl Russell , the Duke of Somerset , and the Right Hon . Sir George Grey . Mr .
Helps was clerk of the Council . Larl Russell and Sir George Grey had audiences of the Queen . The Right Hon . AV . Cowpev had an audience to deliver up the Insignia of the Garter worn by the lace A'iscount Palmerston . Mr . Justice Lush , Mr . Lees , of the Colonial Service ; and Dr . Hilditch , Inspector-General of Hospitals and Fleets , were introduced to her Majesty by Sir George Grey , and severally received the honour of knighthood . Tuesday was the anniversary of the birth of her Royal Highness the Crown Princess of Prussia ( Princess Royal ) . At seven