Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Week.
o'clock in the morning the choir of St . Georg _^ Chapel , under the direction of Dr . Elvey , performed a serf ^ ade under her Royal Highness ' s windows . The Princes and Princess of AVales have gone to spend a few days at Lord Alfred Paget ' s mansion , Melford Hall , Suffolk . GENERAL HOME NEWS . —At a meeting of the Court of
Common Council on the 16 th inst ., it ivas stated thai the delay in establishing the proposed meat market in Smithfield was due to the Metropolitan and Great AVestern Railway Companies being unable to make excavations for their termini until the Corporation should furnish plans of the iuten ded market . AVith regaid to the Bunhitl-jfields burial grounds , a resolution was
passed censuring the Ecclesiastical Commissioners for their proposal to sell the grounds , and calling on the Corporation to maintain the pledge given in 1788 , that the use of the place is a burial-ground should be perpetuated . In the Court of Chancery on the 16 th inst . Vice-Chancelior AA ' ood , ou the motion of Mr . John Camden Hotten , the publisher , granted an
injunction restraining certain parties from the publication of his edition of "Artemus AVard . " It has been so edited and annotated by Mr . Hotten that he is able to claim the protection of the law . The case of Charlotte AVinsor again came before the Court of Queen's Bench on the 16 th inst . Mr . Haniien , on behalf of the Crown , moved for a rule to show cause why
certain amendments should not be made in the record of the trial which has been returned to the court . The object of the learned counsel is to substitute a definite for a vague form of expression in the document in question . Mr . Justice Shee said that the bench would be happy to agree to the proposed amendments if counsel could obtain Baron Channell ' s sanction . Baron Channell subsequently gave his consent , and the record was amended . The wife of a gentleman who
possesses considerable property in Lambeth was last week at the Southwark police-court , committed for trial on a charge of attempting to steal a velvet mantle , the property of a draper iu Newington-causeway . The shopman affirmed that he saw her secrete the mantle beneath her dress , aud that when he impeached her with the theft the stolen property fell on the floor .
The defence was that the mantle was hanging on tbe back of a chair , and that it fell as the lady rose . She was admitted to bail . The lad Duncan , who was receatly apprehended on a charge of forging cheques on the London and AVestminster Bank to the amount of £ 210 , and the men implicated in receiving that sum , were brought up at tbe Mansion House on the 16 th
inst ., and remanded for a week . It is understood that Duncan is willing to become Queen's evidence against the other prisoners , The case of the Alharabra Music Hall came before the Court of Common Pleas on the 17 th inst . It may be remembered that the magistrate at Marlborough-street -convicted Mr . Strange , the proprietor of the Alhambra , of
performing a stage play without a license—the stage play being a ballet . Mr . Strange appealed to the Middlesex magistrates , and the conviction was quashed . Another charge was then brought against Mr . Strange on exactly the same grounds , but in face of the quarter sessions' decision the magistrate refused to convict . He granted a case for tbe superior Court , and
this was argued on the 17 th inst . The judges , not without doubt on several points which they specified , found for the defendant , but without costs . For the present , therefore , Mr . Strange may have ballet in his music hall without interference . The dead bodies of four infants having been found in a cellar in Cripplegate , an inquest was held to inquire into the
circumstance of this remarkable occurrence . It appeared that they had been placed there to oblige an undertaker who had received them for burial , but had got into pecuniary
difficulties . This person , on being examined , affirmed that they were the bodies of stillborn children . The jury returned a special verdict , in which they recommended the police authorities to direct their attention to the subject . To say the least , such practices are calculated' seriously to injure the health of tbe community ; and , althongh iu this
particular instance there is no reason to doubt the e . vplanation of the undertaker , it is obvious that the system tends to facilitate the disposal of the dead bodies of children , aud should be vigorously suppressed . At Bow-street police-station , one man was fined £ 50 for having in his possession a quantity of " black beer , " and another man was fined £ 125 for selling the
same . An excise officer stated that a certain kind of colouring matter , called '' black beer , " manufactured exclusively from malt , was legitimately used by publicans ; but that this false " black beer , " used for purposes of adulteration , was a preparation of treacle . A collision took place in the Thames ou Thursday , the 16 th inst-., between a Boulogne and a Paris
steamer . Some damage was done to the vessels , but the passengers escaped with a fright . Certain ministerial changes are reported . It is said that Sir Robert Peel has resigned the Secretaryship for Ireland , aud Mr . Chichester Porfceseue will be his successor . Further , that Mr . Goschen has accepted the Vice-Presidency of the Board of Trade , in the place of Mr .
Hutt , who will be rewarded with a baronetcy . A Privy Council was held at Windsor on Monday , at which Parliament was ordered to be further prorogued from the 23 rd November to the 2 Sth December . Convocation was at the same time prorogued to the 29 th December . Dr . Underbill took occasion on Monday night , at a missionary meeting iu Camden Town , to reply to the aspersions on himself and on the Baptist body contained in the despatch of Governor
Eyre . He showed very plainly that if the letter which he wrote to Mr . Cardwell caused the outbreak in Jamaica by creating discontent , as the Governor alleges , the person in fault is the Governor himself , who gave to the letter the utmost publicity , whereas it was , in . tho writer ' s intention , strictly a private letter . Dr . Underbill spoke in severe terms of the scandalous cruelty of the military executions in the
island , and said that a full parliamentary inquiry would place the facts in their true light ,- until which time it would be wise to suspendjudgment . A writ of habeas corpus was ordered on Monday by the Court of Queen's Bench to bring up the body of Charlotte AVinsor , who lies in Exeter Gaol , under sentence of death for child murder . She will be brought up
on Friday , but the arguments in her case cannot be heard this term . A further respite will therefore be necessary . In the Court of Queen ' s Bench on Monday . Mr . Coleridge applied for a rule to remove the trial of Mr . Hall , solicitor , who is charged with conspiracy in the A ' alentin case to that court . The rule was granted .
A man named John Thomas Knight was brought up at the Thames Police-court , charged with embezzlement . He had been a traveller in the employment of Alessrs . Brown and Moore , millers , of Lower Shadwell , aud absconded last May , with defalcations amounting to £ 1 , 000 . It was discovered that he had sailed for Melbourne , in a ship called tho Dover Castle ,
taking with him a Mrs . Langford . A detective named Moon was sent out in the auxiliary screw London to arrest the runaway , and arrived at Melbourne five days before the Dover Castle , Knight was arrested , and about £ 100 found on him . He was brought back , and arrived in London on Sunday night . At the police-court on Monday the prisoner was remanded A serious fire broke , out on Sunday on the premises of Messrs . Alderman AVaterlow and sons , wholesale stationers , Cole-
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Week.
o'clock in the morning the choir of St . Georg _^ Chapel , under the direction of Dr . Elvey , performed a serf ^ ade under her Royal Highness ' s windows . The Princes and Princess of AVales have gone to spend a few days at Lord Alfred Paget ' s mansion , Melford Hall , Suffolk . GENERAL HOME NEWS . —At a meeting of the Court of
Common Council on the 16 th inst ., it ivas stated thai the delay in establishing the proposed meat market in Smithfield was due to the Metropolitan and Great AVestern Railway Companies being unable to make excavations for their termini until the Corporation should furnish plans of the iuten ded market . AVith regaid to the Bunhitl-jfields burial grounds , a resolution was
passed censuring the Ecclesiastical Commissioners for their proposal to sell the grounds , and calling on the Corporation to maintain the pledge given in 1788 , that the use of the place is a burial-ground should be perpetuated . In the Court of Chancery on the 16 th inst . Vice-Chancelior AA ' ood , ou the motion of Mr . John Camden Hotten , the publisher , granted an
injunction restraining certain parties from the publication of his edition of "Artemus AVard . " It has been so edited and annotated by Mr . Hotten that he is able to claim the protection of the law . The case of Charlotte AVinsor again came before the Court of Queen's Bench on the 16 th inst . Mr . Haniien , on behalf of the Crown , moved for a rule to show cause why
certain amendments should not be made in the record of the trial which has been returned to the court . The object of the learned counsel is to substitute a definite for a vague form of expression in the document in question . Mr . Justice Shee said that the bench would be happy to agree to the proposed amendments if counsel could obtain Baron Channell ' s sanction . Baron Channell subsequently gave his consent , and the record was amended . The wife of a gentleman who
possesses considerable property in Lambeth was last week at the Southwark police-court , committed for trial on a charge of attempting to steal a velvet mantle , the property of a draper iu Newington-causeway . The shopman affirmed that he saw her secrete the mantle beneath her dress , aud that when he impeached her with the theft the stolen property fell on the floor .
The defence was that the mantle was hanging on tbe back of a chair , and that it fell as the lady rose . She was admitted to bail . The lad Duncan , who was receatly apprehended on a charge of forging cheques on the London and AVestminster Bank to the amount of £ 210 , and the men implicated in receiving that sum , were brought up at tbe Mansion House on the 16 th
inst ., and remanded for a week . It is understood that Duncan is willing to become Queen's evidence against the other prisoners , The case of the Alharabra Music Hall came before the Court of Common Pleas on the 17 th inst . It may be remembered that the magistrate at Marlborough-street -convicted Mr . Strange , the proprietor of the Alhambra , of
performing a stage play without a license—the stage play being a ballet . Mr . Strange appealed to the Middlesex magistrates , and the conviction was quashed . Another charge was then brought against Mr . Strange on exactly the same grounds , but in face of the quarter sessions' decision the magistrate refused to convict . He granted a case for tbe superior Court , and
this was argued on the 17 th inst . The judges , not without doubt on several points which they specified , found for the defendant , but without costs . For the present , therefore , Mr . Strange may have ballet in his music hall without interference . The dead bodies of four infants having been found in a cellar in Cripplegate , an inquest was held to inquire into the
circumstance of this remarkable occurrence . It appeared that they had been placed there to oblige an undertaker who had received them for burial , but had got into pecuniary
difficulties . This person , on being examined , affirmed that they were the bodies of stillborn children . The jury returned a special verdict , in which they recommended the police authorities to direct their attention to the subject . To say the least , such practices are calculated' seriously to injure the health of tbe community ; and , althongh iu this
particular instance there is no reason to doubt the e . vplanation of the undertaker , it is obvious that the system tends to facilitate the disposal of the dead bodies of children , aud should be vigorously suppressed . At Bow-street police-station , one man was fined £ 50 for having in his possession a quantity of " black beer , " and another man was fined £ 125 for selling the
same . An excise officer stated that a certain kind of colouring matter , called '' black beer , " manufactured exclusively from malt , was legitimately used by publicans ; but that this false " black beer , " used for purposes of adulteration , was a preparation of treacle . A collision took place in the Thames ou Thursday , the 16 th inst-., between a Boulogne and a Paris
steamer . Some damage was done to the vessels , but the passengers escaped with a fright . Certain ministerial changes are reported . It is said that Sir Robert Peel has resigned the Secretaryship for Ireland , aud Mr . Chichester Porfceseue will be his successor . Further , that Mr . Goschen has accepted the Vice-Presidency of the Board of Trade , in the place of Mr .
Hutt , who will be rewarded with a baronetcy . A Privy Council was held at Windsor on Monday , at which Parliament was ordered to be further prorogued from the 23 rd November to the 2 Sth December . Convocation was at the same time prorogued to the 29 th December . Dr . Underbill took occasion on Monday night , at a missionary meeting iu Camden Town , to reply to the aspersions on himself and on the Baptist body contained in the despatch of Governor
Eyre . He showed very plainly that if the letter which he wrote to Mr . Cardwell caused the outbreak in Jamaica by creating discontent , as the Governor alleges , the person in fault is the Governor himself , who gave to the letter the utmost publicity , whereas it was , in . tho writer ' s intention , strictly a private letter . Dr . Underbill spoke in severe terms of the scandalous cruelty of the military executions in the
island , and said that a full parliamentary inquiry would place the facts in their true light ,- until which time it would be wise to suspendjudgment . A writ of habeas corpus was ordered on Monday by the Court of Queen's Bench to bring up the body of Charlotte AVinsor , who lies in Exeter Gaol , under sentence of death for child murder . She will be brought up
on Friday , but the arguments in her case cannot be heard this term . A further respite will therefore be necessary . In the Court of Queen ' s Bench on Monday . Mr . Coleridge applied for a rule to remove the trial of Mr . Hall , solicitor , who is charged with conspiracy in the A ' alentin case to that court . The rule was granted .
A man named John Thomas Knight was brought up at the Thames Police-court , charged with embezzlement . He had been a traveller in the employment of Alessrs . Brown and Moore , millers , of Lower Shadwell , aud absconded last May , with defalcations amounting to £ 1 , 000 . It was discovered that he had sailed for Melbourne , in a ship called tho Dover Castle ,
taking with him a Mrs . Langford . A detective named Moon was sent out in the auxiliary screw London to arrest the runaway , and arrived at Melbourne five days before the Dover Castle , Knight was arrested , and about £ 100 found on him . He was brought back , and arrived in London on Sunday night . At the police-court on Monday the prisoner was remanded A serious fire broke , out on Sunday on the premises of Messrs . Alderman AVaterlow and sons , wholesale stationers , Cole-