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Freemasons And The Church Of Rome.
this Masonic society and the other societies of the same ¦ description , which , although differing in form , tend to "fclte same end , and which conspire overtly or clandestinely against the Church or legitimate power . Wo ¦ desire that the said societies should be held proscribed ¦ and rebuked by us , under the same penalties as those which are specified in the previous constitutions of our
predecessors , and this in the sight of all tW faithful in Christ , of every condition , rank , and dignity , and -kkvoughovifc all tho earth . There remains now nothing -wanting to satisfy the wishes and solicitude of our -paternal heart thau to warn and admonish tho faithful ¦ who should have associated themselves with sects of this 'character to obey in future wiser inspirations , and to not
¦ -abandon those fatal councils , in order that they may be dragged into the abyss of eternal perdition . As ¦ regards all others of the faithful , filled with solicitude 'for their souls , we strongly exhort them to be upon their jgtcard against the perfidious language of sectarians , who , wader a fair exterior , are inflamed with a burning hatred ¦ against the religion of Christ and legitimate authority , & . nd who have but one single thought and single end , ¦ viz ., to overthrow all rights , both human and divine .
I / et them well understand that those affiliated to such sects are like the wolves whom Christ our Lord prophesied would come disguised in sheep's clothing to devour the flock ; let them understand they are of tho number cf those whose society the Apostle has also forbidden to ¦ as , eloquently prohibiting us from even saying unto ¦ them , —Sail ! May the all-merciful God , hearing our the insensate
jprayers , grant that with the aid of his grace ¦ may return to reason , and those who have gone astray lie led back to the path of justice ! May God grant that , -sfter tho suppression of the depraved men , who , by the ' - . aid of the above-mentioned societies , give themselves up jto impious and criminal acts , the Church and human . society may be able to repose in some degree from such
-. numerous and inveterate evils ! In order that our vows may be heard , let us also pray to our Mediatrix with the jnll-clement God , the most holy Virgin , that mother imsnaculate from her birth , to whom it has been granted to ¦ overthrow the enemies of the Church and monstrous errors . Let us equally pray for the protection of the blessed Apostles Peter and Paul , by whose glorious blood this noble city has been sanctified . We havo confidence < fchat with their assistance and aid we shall the more ¦ easily obtain what we ask of the Divine bounty . "
The Pope complains of our being a secret society * . how about his secret consistory ? There will be found several passages of the
allocution which will strikingly display the utter weak-¦ aess of that mass of falsehood , deceit , and treachery called the Holy Boruan Church , to overturn , ¦ weaken , OP cast a stain upon Freemasonry . We -must also point out the truly paternal manner in
which the Pope talks of his Church ' s religious -orders , and contrasts their holy , mild , and Chris--fciaii fame with , the sinful , sanguinary , and diabolic reputation of the Freemasons . Might we ask lrim , in onr desire for knowledge , if the Templars
were destroyed on religions or political grounds ; ; and why the Jesuits were cast out as unfaithful , idiiclean , and damnable heretics by one Pope , and restored by another as everything holy and beciign ? How does the infallibility of the Pope stand fchis strain ; and which of the two Popes was Antichrist ? But the church that persecuted
Galileo , that seriously made a dogma of the sun whirling round the earth , and now persecutes , or would persecute , what it cannot understand , is not likely to keep its sheep within its fold , or add to its rapidly diminishing flock . With regard to
the allocution itself , we do not know wliick to admire most—its assumption of terrible power , its conscious and confessed weakness of execution , or its bombast , which savours of the lees of the majestic ire of a Gregory or an Innocent . The only conclusion we
can come to with regard to it is , that it is the production of a broken down body and spirit , terrible in senile cursing , an angry old bear , deprived of tooth and paw .
What a magnificent stage thunder and lightning , with spirit of lucifer fire ! Is it not sad that the dirty ropes and the rouge should mar the scene , aud that the pitiful arm of the flesh should curb the sword of the spirit ? Doubtless , the Pope
has this consolation in all his trials , —when once he has us safely under hatches in another world , he will let ns feel the fall power of the Christian and merciful spirit of Eome .
Giovanni Maria Mastai Ferretti , Pope Pius the Ninth , ascended the Chair of St . Peter under the most pleasing aspects . He purported to be a public reformer , and he promised to pour the healino' oil into the wounds of his bleedina- and
discontented country . He was intimately acquainted with the prevalence and the causes of that discontent ; he was aware of its concealment under the repressive system of Gregory the Sixteenth , acting by the advice of the Austrians , who
have ever been the ill-advisers of the Papacy , and he donned the triple tiara with a firm resolution to unite the different constituencies of the Italian
peninsula into one harmonious whole . Saving his addiction to gallantry , excusable when a fledgling soldier , although scarcely consistent with the Pontilfship , Pope Pius the Ninth was , and in a manner still is , in spite of the bitterness of his
soul , caused by his reverses , which leads him to lend a ready ear to his villauous advisers , a good and truly amiable man , just and upright , conscientious and sincere in his wishes for the
welfare of the human race , even out of the Roman Church pale . One grand mistake , however , was made by the Eoman Church , and that was in elevating him to the Papacy . The discordant elements of church , state , and people required a stronger hand at the tiller of St . Peter ' s bark than his : the storm came , and the captain , with
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Freemasons And The Church Of Rome.
this Masonic society and the other societies of the same ¦ description , which , although differing in form , tend to "fclte same end , and which conspire overtly or clandestinely against the Church or legitimate power . Wo ¦ desire that the said societies should be held proscribed ¦ and rebuked by us , under the same penalties as those which are specified in the previous constitutions of our
predecessors , and this in the sight of all tW faithful in Christ , of every condition , rank , and dignity , and -kkvoughovifc all tho earth . There remains now nothing -wanting to satisfy the wishes and solicitude of our -paternal heart thau to warn and admonish tho faithful ¦ who should have associated themselves with sects of this 'character to obey in future wiser inspirations , and to not
¦ -abandon those fatal councils , in order that they may be dragged into the abyss of eternal perdition . As ¦ regards all others of the faithful , filled with solicitude 'for their souls , we strongly exhort them to be upon their jgtcard against the perfidious language of sectarians , who , wader a fair exterior , are inflamed with a burning hatred ¦ against the religion of Christ and legitimate authority , & . nd who have but one single thought and single end , ¦ viz ., to overthrow all rights , both human and divine .
I / et them well understand that those affiliated to such sects are like the wolves whom Christ our Lord prophesied would come disguised in sheep's clothing to devour the flock ; let them understand they are of tho number cf those whose society the Apostle has also forbidden to ¦ as , eloquently prohibiting us from even saying unto ¦ them , —Sail ! May the all-merciful God , hearing our the insensate
jprayers , grant that with the aid of his grace ¦ may return to reason , and those who have gone astray lie led back to the path of justice ! May God grant that , -sfter tho suppression of the depraved men , who , by the ' - . aid of the above-mentioned societies , give themselves up jto impious and criminal acts , the Church and human . society may be able to repose in some degree from such
-. numerous and inveterate evils ! In order that our vows may be heard , let us also pray to our Mediatrix with the jnll-clement God , the most holy Virgin , that mother imsnaculate from her birth , to whom it has been granted to ¦ overthrow the enemies of the Church and monstrous errors . Let us equally pray for the protection of the blessed Apostles Peter and Paul , by whose glorious blood this noble city has been sanctified . We havo confidence < fchat with their assistance and aid we shall the more ¦ easily obtain what we ask of the Divine bounty . "
The Pope complains of our being a secret society * . how about his secret consistory ? There will be found several passages of the
allocution which will strikingly display the utter weak-¦ aess of that mass of falsehood , deceit , and treachery called the Holy Boruan Church , to overturn , ¦ weaken , OP cast a stain upon Freemasonry . We -must also point out the truly paternal manner in
which the Pope talks of his Church ' s religious -orders , and contrasts their holy , mild , and Chris--fciaii fame with , the sinful , sanguinary , and diabolic reputation of the Freemasons . Might we ask lrim , in onr desire for knowledge , if the Templars
were destroyed on religions or political grounds ; ; and why the Jesuits were cast out as unfaithful , idiiclean , and damnable heretics by one Pope , and restored by another as everything holy and beciign ? How does the infallibility of the Pope stand fchis strain ; and which of the two Popes was Antichrist ? But the church that persecuted
Galileo , that seriously made a dogma of the sun whirling round the earth , and now persecutes , or would persecute , what it cannot understand , is not likely to keep its sheep within its fold , or add to its rapidly diminishing flock . With regard to
the allocution itself , we do not know wliick to admire most—its assumption of terrible power , its conscious and confessed weakness of execution , or its bombast , which savours of the lees of the majestic ire of a Gregory or an Innocent . The only conclusion we
can come to with regard to it is , that it is the production of a broken down body and spirit , terrible in senile cursing , an angry old bear , deprived of tooth and paw .
What a magnificent stage thunder and lightning , with spirit of lucifer fire ! Is it not sad that the dirty ropes and the rouge should mar the scene , aud that the pitiful arm of the flesh should curb the sword of the spirit ? Doubtless , the Pope
has this consolation in all his trials , —when once he has us safely under hatches in another world , he will let ns feel the fall power of the Christian and merciful spirit of Eome .
Giovanni Maria Mastai Ferretti , Pope Pius the Ninth , ascended the Chair of St . Peter under the most pleasing aspects . He purported to be a public reformer , and he promised to pour the healino' oil into the wounds of his bleedina- and
discontented country . He was intimately acquainted with the prevalence and the causes of that discontent ; he was aware of its concealment under the repressive system of Gregory the Sixteenth , acting by the advice of the Austrians , who
have ever been the ill-advisers of the Papacy , and he donned the triple tiara with a firm resolution to unite the different constituencies of the Italian
peninsula into one harmonious whole . Saving his addiction to gallantry , excusable when a fledgling soldier , although scarcely consistent with the Pontilfship , Pope Pius the Ninth was , and in a manner still is , in spite of the bitterness of his
soul , caused by his reverses , which leads him to lend a ready ear to his villauous advisers , a good and truly amiable man , just and upright , conscientious and sincere in his wishes for the
welfare of the human race , even out of the Roman Church pale . One grand mistake , however , was made by the Eoman Church , and that was in elevating him to the Papacy . The discordant elements of church , state , and people required a stronger hand at the tiller of St . Peter ' s bark than his : the storm came , and the captain , with