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The Masonic Mirror.
MASONIC MEM . At a meeting of the Lodge of Benevolence , on Wednesday , Bro . John tfclall , P . G . D ., in the cluiir , six petitioners lvere relieved with various sums , amounting to £ 53 10 s . ; ami one brother recommended to Grand Lodge for u grant of £ 50 .
DEVONSHIRE . DEVONPORT . —Lodge Fidelity ( No . 230 ) . —A regular meeting of this lodge was held : it the lodge rooms , Chapel-street , Devonport , on Thursday , the 17 th inst . Ia the absence of the AA ' . M ., the chair AVUS taken hy Bro . Claso . The lodge having been opened in the first degree , one E . A . Avas examined as to his proficiency in that degree , and was passed to the next degree .
Two brethren were then raised to the third degree . The lodge having been closed to the first degree , the AV . M ., with the chair and the Secretary , read to the lodge the correspondence which liad taken place in respect to the complaint of Bro . Leveson , of the Old Concord Lodge , against the lodge for refusing him admittance . The business was brought to a close by the naming of two candidates for initiation at the next regular lodge .
Labour being closed , the brethren Avith their visitors adjourned to the refreshment board , Avhere a . pleasant hour AVSIS spent , enlivened by the vocal powers of Bro . Clase , Chappie , ancl others . Visitors , Bros . Heath and Trounce , from Lodge St . Aubyn ( No . 954 . ) . MOIUCE TOWN . —Lodge St . Aubyn ( No . 051 ) . —An emergency meeting of this lodge was held on Tuesday , the IGtli inst . In the absence of the AA ' . M ., the chair AVUS taken bj- Bro . J . G . Iticliards , P . M . and Treasurer of the Brunswick Lodge , Plymouth . Three brethren of the E . C . degree having , in a most
satisfactory manner , passed the usual examination , were raised to the sublime degree of 11 . 11 . During the evening , a communication was handed to the presiding brother announcing the death of the Tyler , Bro . Elliott , a notice of Avhich appears in our obituary . This being au emergency meeting , the lodge was closed , Avithout further business , in peace and harmony at nine o'clock . STONEitotrS ]! . —Lodge Sincerity ( NoISO ) . —The monthly
. meeting of this lodge was held on the 15 th inst . at St . George ' s Hall The proceedings were opened by Bro . llodcl , P . M ., who , after balloting for a brother as joining member , passed tivo brethren to the second degree . The W . M . having by this time taken his position in the E . and apologised for his unavoidable absence at the opening of business , closed the lodge to the first degree ; whereupon the llev . J . JO . Risk , , T . AA ., Prov . G . Chap .,
moved a vote of five guineas to the Avife or a late member of the lodge , which , after a slight discussion , Avas carried unanimously . The W . AL read a A-ery interesting correspondence from the G . Sec . relative to the form of 0 . 15 . to bo used on the initiation of members of the Society of Friends . It being of a satisfactory nature , two of those people will be proposed at the next regular meeting . Prior to closing , tho W . M . and members united in strongly complimenting Bro . Douse for his exertions in i-e-clecorattng the lodge .
LINCOLNSHIRE . On the evening of the 10 th inst ., the llev . G . Oliver , D . D ., delh-ered his second lecture on tho "Ancient ltifcuals of Freemasonry , " before tbe brethren of the AAltham Lodge and several visiting brethren . The scope of the lecture ( says the Stamford Mercury ) was limited to an exposition of what is technically known in the Order as tbe second degree , and the
greater portion of it consisted of matters of detail both uninteresting and at the same time " caviare " to the general public . There Avere , however , some parts Avhicli may be as acceptable to those " AA-ithout the pale" as to tho brethren , and Ave shall therefore present our readers with some general extracts . In liis opening , the rev . lecturer remarked : — " In responding to your request for a second lecture , I must express my satisfaction at the state of Masonry in Lincoln , because such a request implies that my former effort AVAS SO far successful as to have
contributed to your amusement at the least , and to have induced you to seek for further information on the subject of Masonic antiquities . I have already told you that my love of Masonry for many years lias amounted to something like enthusiasm ; because the Order embraces principles Avhich all sincere Christians ought to receive Avith sentiments of unqualified approbation ; for as it is so accurately depicted in the emblematical engraving now hanging in your lodgeits purity is calculated to drive
, back into their appropriate regions of primitive darkness all slanderers , fanatics , and superstitious enemies of Masonry , who envy its beneficent qualities , and Avould , if they were able , destroy its existence and expunge it from the catalogue of human institutions . " Dr . Oliver thinks the second degree AA-as at one time—when the institution Avas exclusively operativethe only degree , the first being merely probationary ; and the
third , though a very beautiful allegory , an importation of the last century . Having given an interesting account of the E . C . ceremonial , as practised in France , the English ritual , according to Preston , Avas considered . Alluding to the xiass-ivord , the doctor remarked : — " The pass-AA-ord in the last century fiad another interpretation besides the reference to Jephtha ancl the Ephraimites , which I have inserted in the 'Preemasons'Treasury /
lecture 39 , and as some of you may not have seen it , I re-produce it here . The tradition referred to assumes that there Avas an ancient bridge or ford at the point Avhere the Israelites crossed the Jordan at their entrance into the promised land , and Avhen tliey arrived at its foot the Avaters receded , and they found a eom-enieut road open to them , for the Avaters had congregated in the upper part of the stream , forming a Avail on their right hand ; while on the left the river exhausted itself
by running into the Dead Sea , leaving a dry and sandy bottom . And this extraordinary arrangement continued until all the people had passed over . . . . The three most conspicuous objects Avhicli greeted the sight of the Israelites on their passage over the river were the banner of Juclali Avhicli preceded the host ; tho collected Avaters of Jordan , and the abundant fields of corn spread all along its banks , which rejoiced their hearts Avhen they had pitched their tents in the spacious plains of Jericho . This triad was accounted ( however erroneously ) by some of our brethren to he the origin of the pass-word . "
Having given the second section , clause 1 , of the lectures in this degree , the folloAving comments thereon were made : — " From the above clause you will understand that a knowledge of the science of geometry ( which Avas the primitive name of Freemasonry ) is essentially necessary to constitute an expert Mason ; because the glorious Temple of Solomon could not have been erected in such exquisite perfection rvitliout a complete knowledge of architecture , which is founded on geometry . Without
its assistance how could the stones and timber have been so truly squared and prepared in the quarry of Zeredatha and the forest of Lebanon , as to have fitted exactly into their proper places when put together in Jerusalem ? If you would , therefore , advance in the arts and sciences , let me . recommend you A'ery strongly to give your attention to the study of geometry , Avliich affords many subjects of meditation on the Avisdom and power of the G . A . O . T . U . Avhoout of nothingcreated all tilings
, , , by His Almighty Word . . . . The geometrical pillars on Avhich Masonry is founded are those Avhose base is Avisdom , ivhoso shaft is strength , and ivbose chapter is beauty . The Avisdom is that which descends from above , and is first pure , then peaceable , gentle and easy to be entreated , full of mercy and good spirits , ivitliout partiality and without hypocrisy . The strength is that Avhich depends on the Most High , A \ -1 IO resistetli
the mighty and scattsreth the proud in the imaginations of their hearts , who giveth us poiver to resist temptation ancl to subdue our evil appetites—a strength AA-hich is a refuge to the distressed , a bond of unity ancl tone among the brethren , and of peace and quietness in ourselves . Beauty adorns our actions Avith piety and holiness ; raised upright with the plumb-line of the gospel , and squared and levelled to the horizontal of God's
will in tho holy lodge of St . John , as becomes the temple Avhose maker and builder is God . Every true Mason ought , therefore , to knock off all evil dispositions Avith tho gavel of righteousness ; to measure out his actions by tbe 2-X-inch gauge , and to fit them to the square of prudence ancl equity ; to keep them within the compass of moderation and temperance ; to adjust them by the plumb-line of gospel sincerity ; bring them up to
the level of perfection , and spread them abroad with the ti-OAvel of peace . These implements of architecture form the jeAvels of Masonry , Avhich , under the name of geometry , was practised by our ancient , Avise , and Avovthy brethren . " Alluding to the
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Masonic Mirror.
MASONIC MEM . At a meeting of the Lodge of Benevolence , on Wednesday , Bro . John tfclall , P . G . D ., in the cluiir , six petitioners lvere relieved with various sums , amounting to £ 53 10 s . ; ami one brother recommended to Grand Lodge for u grant of £ 50 .
DEVONSHIRE . DEVONPORT . —Lodge Fidelity ( No . 230 ) . —A regular meeting of this lodge was held : it the lodge rooms , Chapel-street , Devonport , on Thursday , the 17 th inst . Ia the absence of the AA ' . M ., the chair AVUS taken hy Bro . Claso . The lodge having been opened in the first degree , one E . A . Avas examined as to his proficiency in that degree , and was passed to the next degree .
Two brethren were then raised to the third degree . The lodge having been closed to the first degree , the AV . M ., with the chair and the Secretary , read to the lodge the correspondence which liad taken place in respect to the complaint of Bro . Leveson , of the Old Concord Lodge , against the lodge for refusing him admittance . The business was brought to a close by the naming of two candidates for initiation at the next regular lodge .
Labour being closed , the brethren Avith their visitors adjourned to the refreshment board , Avhere a . pleasant hour AVSIS spent , enlivened by the vocal powers of Bro . Clase , Chappie , ancl others . Visitors , Bros . Heath and Trounce , from Lodge St . Aubyn ( No . 954 . ) . MOIUCE TOWN . —Lodge St . Aubyn ( No . 051 ) . —An emergency meeting of this lodge was held on Tuesday , the IGtli inst . In the absence of the AA ' . M ., the chair AVUS taken bj- Bro . J . G . Iticliards , P . M . and Treasurer of the Brunswick Lodge , Plymouth . Three brethren of the E . C . degree having , in a most
satisfactory manner , passed the usual examination , were raised to the sublime degree of 11 . 11 . During the evening , a communication was handed to the presiding brother announcing the death of the Tyler , Bro . Elliott , a notice of Avhich appears in our obituary . This being au emergency meeting , the lodge was closed , Avithout further business , in peace and harmony at nine o'clock . STONEitotrS ]! . —Lodge Sincerity ( NoISO ) . —The monthly
. meeting of this lodge was held on the 15 th inst . at St . George ' s Hall The proceedings were opened by Bro . llodcl , P . M ., who , after balloting for a brother as joining member , passed tivo brethren to the second degree . The W . M . having by this time taken his position in the E . and apologised for his unavoidable absence at the opening of business , closed the lodge to the first degree ; whereupon the llev . J . JO . Risk , , T . AA ., Prov . G . Chap .,
moved a vote of five guineas to the Avife or a late member of the lodge , which , after a slight discussion , Avas carried unanimously . The W . AL read a A-ery interesting correspondence from the G . Sec . relative to the form of 0 . 15 . to bo used on the initiation of members of the Society of Friends . It being of a satisfactory nature , two of those people will be proposed at the next regular meeting . Prior to closing , tho W . M . and members united in strongly complimenting Bro . Douse for his exertions in i-e-clecorattng the lodge .
LINCOLNSHIRE . On the evening of the 10 th inst ., the llev . G . Oliver , D . D ., delh-ered his second lecture on tho "Ancient ltifcuals of Freemasonry , " before tbe brethren of the AAltham Lodge and several visiting brethren . The scope of the lecture ( says the Stamford Mercury ) was limited to an exposition of what is technically known in the Order as tbe second degree , and the
greater portion of it consisted of matters of detail both uninteresting and at the same time " caviare " to the general public . There Avere , however , some parts Avhicli may be as acceptable to those " AA-ithout the pale" as to tho brethren , and Ave shall therefore present our readers with some general extracts . In liis opening , the rev . lecturer remarked : — " In responding to your request for a second lecture , I must express my satisfaction at the state of Masonry in Lincoln , because such a request implies that my former effort AVAS SO far successful as to have
contributed to your amusement at the least , and to have induced you to seek for further information on the subject of Masonic antiquities . I have already told you that my love of Masonry for many years lias amounted to something like enthusiasm ; because the Order embraces principles Avhich all sincere Christians ought to receive Avith sentiments of unqualified approbation ; for as it is so accurately depicted in the emblematical engraving now hanging in your lodgeits purity is calculated to drive
, back into their appropriate regions of primitive darkness all slanderers , fanatics , and superstitious enemies of Masonry , who envy its beneficent qualities , and Avould , if they were able , destroy its existence and expunge it from the catalogue of human institutions . " Dr . Oliver thinks the second degree AA-as at one time—when the institution Avas exclusively operativethe only degree , the first being merely probationary ; and the
third , though a very beautiful allegory , an importation of the last century . Having given an interesting account of the E . C . ceremonial , as practised in France , the English ritual , according to Preston , Avas considered . Alluding to the xiass-ivord , the doctor remarked : — " The pass-AA-ord in the last century fiad another interpretation besides the reference to Jephtha ancl the Ephraimites , which I have inserted in the 'Preemasons'Treasury /
lecture 39 , and as some of you may not have seen it , I re-produce it here . The tradition referred to assumes that there Avas an ancient bridge or ford at the point Avhere the Israelites crossed the Jordan at their entrance into the promised land , and Avhen tliey arrived at its foot the Avaters receded , and they found a eom-enieut road open to them , for the Avaters had congregated in the upper part of the stream , forming a Avail on their right hand ; while on the left the river exhausted itself
by running into the Dead Sea , leaving a dry and sandy bottom . And this extraordinary arrangement continued until all the people had passed over . . . . The three most conspicuous objects Avhicli greeted the sight of the Israelites on their passage over the river were the banner of Juclali Avhicli preceded the host ; tho collected Avaters of Jordan , and the abundant fields of corn spread all along its banks , which rejoiced their hearts Avhen they had pitched their tents in the spacious plains of Jericho . This triad was accounted ( however erroneously ) by some of our brethren to he the origin of the pass-word . "
Having given the second section , clause 1 , of the lectures in this degree , the folloAving comments thereon were made : — " From the above clause you will understand that a knowledge of the science of geometry ( which Avas the primitive name of Freemasonry ) is essentially necessary to constitute an expert Mason ; because the glorious Temple of Solomon could not have been erected in such exquisite perfection rvitliout a complete knowledge of architecture , which is founded on geometry . Without
its assistance how could the stones and timber have been so truly squared and prepared in the quarry of Zeredatha and the forest of Lebanon , as to have fitted exactly into their proper places when put together in Jerusalem ? If you would , therefore , advance in the arts and sciences , let me . recommend you A'ery strongly to give your attention to the study of geometry , Avliich affords many subjects of meditation on the Avisdom and power of the G . A . O . T . U . Avhoout of nothingcreated all tilings
, , , by His Almighty Word . . . . The geometrical pillars on Avhich Masonry is founded are those Avhose base is Avisdom , ivhoso shaft is strength , and ivbose chapter is beauty . The Avisdom is that which descends from above , and is first pure , then peaceable , gentle and easy to be entreated , full of mercy and good spirits , ivitliout partiality and without hypocrisy . The strength is that Avhich depends on the Most High , A \ -1 IO resistetli
the mighty and scattsreth the proud in the imaginations of their hearts , who giveth us poiver to resist temptation ancl to subdue our evil appetites—a strength AA-hich is a refuge to the distressed , a bond of unity ancl tone among the brethren , and of peace and quietness in ourselves . Beauty adorns our actions Avith piety and holiness ; raised upright with the plumb-line of the gospel , and squared and levelled to the horizontal of God's
will in tho holy lodge of St . John , as becomes the temple Avhose maker and builder is God . Every true Mason ought , therefore , to knock off all evil dispositions Avith tho gavel of righteousness ; to measure out his actions by tbe 2-X-inch gauge , and to fit them to the square of prudence ancl equity ; to keep them within the compass of moderation and temperance ; to adjust them by the plumb-line of gospel sincerity ; bring them up to
the level of perfection , and spread them abroad with the ti-OAvel of peace . These implements of architecture form the jeAvels of Masonry , Avhich , under the name of geometry , was practised by our ancient , Avise , and Avovthy brethren . " Alluding to the