Article MOTHER KILWINNING. ← Page 4 of 6 →
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Mother Kilwinning.
" It . that no Master Shall take any more prentieses then three all the clays off his life , Avithout the Consent of the pluralitie of the Blasters off the lodge . " It . that no Master receve any prentise bound for fewer years nor at the least , and Sicklyk he shall not be made Brother nor fi ' ellow of Craft till
his said prentiseshipe be doon , and suficient try ell being taken of his worthiness and skill ancl other qualiefiecr . tions requiesite for that efect , under the peanaltie of fiburtie pound Scots .
" It . that no Master shall sell his prentiss to no other Master , nor yett to dispence with the j-ears of his prentiseship by selling thereof to the prentese selfe or others concerned Avith him , under the peanaltie forsaid . " It . that no Master receiA * e any prentise without he signifie to the dicken or warden of the Lodge
Avhere he dwells to the effect that the said prentise name and the day of his receiving may be orderly booked . "It . that no prentise be entered but be the same order that the day of ther enteric may be booked . " It . that no Master or ffellow of Craft receive any Couans to work in his Societie or Companie , nor send any of his Servants to work with Couans , under the peanaltie of twentie pound Scots for each trasspase .
" It . that no prentise take any greater task of work upon hand from any ouner nor -will extend to ten pound , under the peanaltie aforsaid . " It . That no ffellow of Craft nor Master be receved nor admitted Avithout the number off six massons and two entered preatsses , the dickon or warden off
the lodge being on off the six , and that tho clay of the receving off the said ffellow of Craft or Master be orderly Booked and his name and Marie Insert in the said Book , with the names off the six admitters and entered prentisses and the names inteudarres that shall be Chosen to everie person to be also Insert in the Book , Providing always that no man be admitted Avithout an essay and sufficient tryell of his skill an Avorthieness in his vocation and Craft .
" It . If any question , strife , or variance shall flail out amongest any off the Masters servants or entered prentisses , that the pearties that flails in questions or debeats shall signelie the same and what is the Cause off ther quarrells to the Dicken or AA'arden of ther Lodge within the space of twenty four hours , under
the pain off ten pound , to the effect that they may be reconceilled and agried and there A-ariance removed be ther said dicken , Avarden , and Masters ; and if any off the said pearties shall happen to remain willfull or obstienat that they shall be deprived oft' the privilidge off their Lodge and not perjnittod to work thereat untill the time they submitt themselves to reasson at the sight of there dicken , Avarden and masters as Judges for that effect .
"It . that all Masters entered prentisses of Avorks be verrie careft ' ull to see there scaffolds and ffootgangs firmly sett and placed to the effect that no hurt nor skaitli come upon any persons that Avorks at the said work , under the pain off discharging them thereafter to work as Masters having charge oft' any work
, but shall ever be subject all the rest of there days to work under his "Warden and other principal ! Blasters having charge of "Work . " It . that no Master receve another Masters
prentiss or servant that shall happen to run away ffrom his Masters service , nor retain him in his Companie after that he has gotten knowledge of the same , under the penaltie of ffourtie pound Scots . " It . that the Dicken and "Warden take tryall of the art off" mem one and scienee off everie ffellow of
Craft and everie prentise according to Eather off there vocations , and in case that they have lost any peart or point theroff decerned to them to pay the peaneities following for there slouthfullness , viz ., Ilk ffellow off Craft twentie shilling , and Ilk prentiss ten shilling , and that to be payed to the Box for our Common weill .
" It . it is ordained that all the lorsaid penalties be upliffted and taken up ffrom the offenders and breakers off thir ordienancess be the dicken , warden , and master of the lodge where the offenders dwels , and to be Disterabut according to good Conscience be advice off the fibrsnids .
"It . that the Lodge of Kilmarnock elect off ther number by pluralitie off vots one everrie year ( off those most qualiefficd ) on dicken , warden , ffiscall , and other members necessar for Keeping of good order , and that Conform to ust and Practice of the Lodges off this Ileal me ; and for ffulffilling ,
observing , and keeping off thire statuts and all the acts and statuts made and to be made be the Dicken , "Warden , and Masters off the fibresaid lodge conform to equetie and Justice and Ancient poAver ffor Good Order Keeping to the making off Laws and dounsetting thereoi ' tthe dicken ancl wardenwith consent
, , off the Massons of the Lodge of Kilwinning , heareby gives ffiill power and Commission to the Dicken , AA'arden , and Masters before spiesified to erecte and sett up an Lodge in the toun of Kilmarnock , and appoints the day of for the first metting , being in this present year seuenteen hundered and threetie
four years , and to Adjurn from time to time for the more regalareating there affairs and to punish all disordevlie persons and breakers of the acts that belongs to the said Lodge , and in Testiemonie heareof thir put ar Avriten be Alexander Cuningham , wright in Kilhrinuing and Clerk to ther Lodgeancl Signed at
, KillAvinniug the fourth day of November Seuenteen hunder and threetie four years by us . " EOBEET GILAIOB , dicken . " DAVID Slum , Warden . " ALEXR . CUXIXOIIAM , Clerk . "
The conditions upon which this charter Avas granted do not appear ; but they would most likely be similar to those attached to others granted about the same period , A-iz ., " payment of one guinea to the Box and the charges of the charter , Avith the annual payment of one merk Scots money to the Lodge , and sending
one of their members yearly , if required , to the Grand Meeting of the Lodge of Kilwinning on the 20 th of December . " The Kilmarnock Lodge seem , from the folloAving letter , to have , in contributing to the charity fund of the Mother Lodge , been more than usuall y liberal : —
" Kilmarnock , 15 Novr . 1734 . " Brethren ,- — "We return you humble and heart y thanks for the honour you have done us in sending your worshipful Master and Warden to constitute a lodge here dependent on yours . " We shall always acknoAvledge our Mother Lodge with all due fealty and ubmission , in after calls and assisting her poors Box
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Mother Kilwinning.
" It . that no Master Shall take any more prentieses then three all the clays off his life , Avithout the Consent of the pluralitie of the Blasters off the lodge . " It . that no Master receve any prentise bound for fewer years nor at the least , and Sicklyk he shall not be made Brother nor fi ' ellow of Craft till
his said prentiseshipe be doon , and suficient try ell being taken of his worthiness and skill ancl other qualiefiecr . tions requiesite for that efect , under the peanaltie of fiburtie pound Scots .
" It . that no Master shall sell his prentiss to no other Master , nor yett to dispence with the j-ears of his prentiseship by selling thereof to the prentese selfe or others concerned Avith him , under the peanaltie forsaid . " It . that no Master receiA * e any prentise without he signifie to the dicken or warden of the Lodge
Avhere he dwells to the effect that the said prentise name and the day of his receiving may be orderly booked . "It . that no prentise be entered but be the same order that the day of ther enteric may be booked . " It . that no Master or ffellow of Craft receive any Couans to work in his Societie or Companie , nor send any of his Servants to work with Couans , under the peanaltie of twentie pound Scots for each trasspase .
" It . that no prentise take any greater task of work upon hand from any ouner nor -will extend to ten pound , under the peanaltie aforsaid . " It . That no ffellow of Craft nor Master be receved nor admitted Avithout the number off six massons and two entered preatsses , the dickon or warden off
the lodge being on off the six , and that tho clay of the receving off the said ffellow of Craft or Master be orderly Booked and his name and Marie Insert in the said Book , with the names off the six admitters and entered prentisses and the names inteudarres that shall be Chosen to everie person to be also Insert in the Book , Providing always that no man be admitted Avithout an essay and sufficient tryell of his skill an Avorthieness in his vocation and Craft .
" It . If any question , strife , or variance shall flail out amongest any off the Masters servants or entered prentisses , that the pearties that flails in questions or debeats shall signelie the same and what is the Cause off ther quarrells to the Dicken or AA'arden of ther Lodge within the space of twenty four hours , under
the pain off ten pound , to the effect that they may be reconceilled and agried and there A-ariance removed be ther said dicken , Avarden , and Masters ; and if any off the said pearties shall happen to remain willfull or obstienat that they shall be deprived oft' the privilidge off their Lodge and not perjnittod to work thereat untill the time they submitt themselves to reasson at the sight of there dicken , Avarden and masters as Judges for that effect .
"It . that all Masters entered prentisses of Avorks be verrie careft ' ull to see there scaffolds and ffootgangs firmly sett and placed to the effect that no hurt nor skaitli come upon any persons that Avorks at the said work , under the pain off discharging them thereafter to work as Masters having charge oft' any work
, but shall ever be subject all the rest of there days to work under his "Warden and other principal ! Blasters having charge of "Work . " It . that no Master receve another Masters
prentiss or servant that shall happen to run away ffrom his Masters service , nor retain him in his Companie after that he has gotten knowledge of the same , under the penaltie of ffourtie pound Scots . " It . that the Dicken and "Warden take tryall of the art off" mem one and scienee off everie ffellow of
Craft and everie prentise according to Eather off there vocations , and in case that they have lost any peart or point theroff decerned to them to pay the peaneities following for there slouthfullness , viz ., Ilk ffellow off Craft twentie shilling , and Ilk prentiss ten shilling , and that to be payed to the Box for our Common weill .
" It . it is ordained that all the lorsaid penalties be upliffted and taken up ffrom the offenders and breakers off thir ordienancess be the dicken , warden , and master of the lodge where the offenders dwels , and to be Disterabut according to good Conscience be advice off the fibrsnids .
"It . that the Lodge of Kilmarnock elect off ther number by pluralitie off vots one everrie year ( off those most qualiefficd ) on dicken , warden , ffiscall , and other members necessar for Keeping of good order , and that Conform to ust and Practice of the Lodges off this Ileal me ; and for ffulffilling ,
observing , and keeping off thire statuts and all the acts and statuts made and to be made be the Dicken , "Warden , and Masters off the fibresaid lodge conform to equetie and Justice and Ancient poAver ffor Good Order Keeping to the making off Laws and dounsetting thereoi ' tthe dicken ancl wardenwith consent
, , off the Massons of the Lodge of Kilwinning , heareby gives ffiill power and Commission to the Dicken , AA'arden , and Masters before spiesified to erecte and sett up an Lodge in the toun of Kilmarnock , and appoints the day of for the first metting , being in this present year seuenteen hundered and threetie
four years , and to Adjurn from time to time for the more regalareating there affairs and to punish all disordevlie persons and breakers of the acts that belongs to the said Lodge , and in Testiemonie heareof thir put ar Avriten be Alexander Cuningham , wright in Kilhrinuing and Clerk to ther Lodgeancl Signed at
, KillAvinniug the fourth day of November Seuenteen hunder and threetie four years by us . " EOBEET GILAIOB , dicken . " DAVID Slum , Warden . " ALEXR . CUXIXOIIAM , Clerk . "
The conditions upon which this charter Avas granted do not appear ; but they would most likely be similar to those attached to others granted about the same period , A-iz ., " payment of one guinea to the Box and the charges of the charter , Avith the annual payment of one merk Scots money to the Lodge , and sending
one of their members yearly , if required , to the Grand Meeting of the Lodge of Kilwinning on the 20 th of December . " The Kilmarnock Lodge seem , from the folloAving letter , to have , in contributing to the charity fund of the Mother Lodge , been more than usuall y liberal : —
" Kilmarnock , 15 Novr . 1734 . " Brethren ,- — "We return you humble and heart y thanks for the honour you have done us in sending your worshipful Master and Warden to constitute a lodge here dependent on yours . " We shall always acknoAvledge our Mother Lodge with all due fealty and ubmission , in after calls and assisting her poors Box