Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Mr . Beaton ' s Publications . J . 0 . BEETON , Strand . Beeton ' s Illustrated Family Bible is now completed in twenty-six parts , the cost of the Avhole being 5-te ., Avhicli it is well worth . It is beautifully printed , and the illustrations aud notes all that conlcl bs desired . When bound it will make a most acceptable lodge present . The Boys' Ovjn Magazinethe Boys' Oivn Libraryand
, , the Boys' Penny Magazine all continue to be conducted with great spirit ancl discretion . In the first named Mr . Edgar continues his admirable historical romance of "Oressy and Poictiers , " or the story of the Black Prince ' s ,, Page ; the " Zoological Gardens , " by tbe Eev . J . G . 'Wood , popularly ancl clearly treats of elephants and their kin ; the " Adventures of Eeuben Clavidger" are as
"sensational" as it is possible to desire ; whilst " EA'ery Bat has its Ball , " the " Young Norseman , " " Iu the African Bush , " " Ups in the Alps , " and the various other contents stamp the number before us Avith the true ring of genuine metal acceptable to all boys . The "Library" is
still occupied with tho " Curiosities of Savage Life , which are as interesting as ever ; whilst the Penny Magazine is replete Avith amusement and instruction —• the latter being AA ' CII represented by a capital article on iveights and measures . The Fnglislnuoman ' s Domestic Magazine is excellent as ever , so far as regards the literary contents ; Avhilst we
are assured that the fashions and the patterns for needlework are of more value than the Avhole price of the Magazine—though Ave cannot ourselves profess to give au opinion on "Diagrams for cutting out and making a gored petticoat and crinoline casing . " Beeton ' s Dictionary of Universal Information of Science ,
Art , and ' Literature is making rapid progress tOAvards tho completion of its issue , the last article in the number before us beiug " Paper ; " and certainly it is the cheapest ¦ as Avell as one of the best of Cyclopaedias .
Change for a Penny . ! N " ow Series . Parts I . ancl II . London .- GEO . BEBG-EE , Holyivell-street . This is one of the best of the penny serials , and the reader must indeed be more than usually critical if he cannot find something to amuse and interest him . Eomancc , poetry , science , anecdotes , passing events , ¦ statistics—all find their proper laceand are ivell
rep , presented . " The Gambler ' s Compact" and " The Daughters of the Doge" will bo read with interest by the lovers of romance served by weekly instalments—tho one num . ber being sure to create a demand for the next . In the Poetry we have fair specimens of humour and pathos ; Avhilst Mr . George Glenny ' s hints about managing large and small gardens are well worthy of attentive study by
all who take an interest in the beauties of nature , sometimes improved by art . Mr . Glenny is a veteran writer on tho subject , and his opinions always and deservedly command respect .
The Week.
THE CO - . —Her Majesty , the Prince and Princess of AVales , the Prince and Princess of Hesse , avid the other members of the . Eoyal Family continue in Scotland . GESEEAE HOME NEAA - . —The mortality in London is still over the corrected average , though it is falling . The births continue to keep 50 per cent , in advance of the deaths . In the
City the deaths were further above the aA-erage than in the metropolitan district . On the 12 th of this month , there AA-ere 141 . 930 persons receiving parochial relief in the cotton manufacturing districts , —a reduction of S 00 , as compared with the previous week , and of 24 , 555 , as compared with the corresponding week in 1802 . At the Central Criminal Court
Joseph Garbit , convicted of bigamy , Avas sentenced to six months ' imprisonment , AV . Mortimer , Emma Thomas , and Eliza Blair , convicted of uttering counterfeit coin , were severally sentenced to various terms of imprisonment . Mr . Alfred Styles , charged Avith " enlisting soldiers for a foreign Power , to Avit , Poland , " Avas ordered to enter into bis own recognisances to appear Avhen
called upon . The Great Fastem is an unfortunate ship . To her previous mishaps must be added a sad occurrence which took place on Eriday Aveek . AVhile off Cape Clear , she ran clown a ship called the Jane—the collision causing the death of two of the Jane ' s crew . A solicitor has been committed for trial by Mr . Henry , at Bowstreet , ou a charge of indecent assault on a young Avoman , Avho Avas at his office consulting him on an action Avhich she
meant to bring , either for broach of promise or for affiliation . Luke Charles , a policeman , accused of the murder of his Avife , has been committed for trial at Bury . The body found in the canal at Pendlebury , in February last , has been identified as that of tbe prisoner ' s Avife , and evidence was given to show that after tbe Avoman ' s disappearance Charles Avas in the habit of telling plausible stories to the inquiries of her friends and
others as to Avhat had become of her . It Avould also appear that the prisoner during his AA-ife ' s lifetime had proposed marriage to a young Avoman in Ireland ; that his offer had been accepted ; and that he Avas only prevented from committing the offence of bigamy by the refusal of a Roman Catholic priest to perform the ceremony of marriage until he had
satisfactory evidence that the prisoner Avas what be represented himself to be—an unmarried man . A deplorable affair lias occurred in Nottinghamshire . Two men , named Morley and SAvift , before going to bed , lighted a charcoal fire in the room in which they both slept . On the following morning , SAvift Avas found dead , and his . companion in a state of complete insensibility , —the poor fellows having been clearly overpowered
during the night by the fumes of the charcoal . The performance of " two daring female Blondins" at Leamington , which was part of the attractions of the travelling circus of the pugilist Mace , has been stopped by the magistrates . AVe hear from Dukinfield , near Staleybridge , of a frightful boiler explosion , from the effects of Avhich two men Avere immediately killed , one of them being bloAvn over a tAvo-storey house . The accident occurred Avhile the men Avere testing the boiler or tar still—a time , one Avould think , Avhen extra precautions Avould be employed . The steamer Harriet Pinelcney , Avhich
Avas formerly employed as tender to the Confederate cruisers Alabama and Florida , has arrived in the Mersey with a large cargo of cotton , tobacco , and turpentine from the Confederate States . The Sea Queen—the steamer about which so much Avas said at the time Mr . Adams Avas discovered to have granted a " permit" to a vessel laden with arms for the Mexicans—has also arrived at Liverpool Avith a cargo of cotton from Matamoras . Miss Rye is not in a position to give a very cheerful
account of the progress of her scheme for getting young EnglisliAi-omen comfortably settled in New Zealand , In a letter , dated tho 13 th of July , she writes in a somewhat cynical strain . " All great bodies , " she tells us in a tone of bitter pleasantry , " move sloAs-ly . " The colonies furnish no exception to this rule , and she despairs of over being able to report satisfactory progress in "the play , " unless , indeed , "the longevity of a
Wandering Jew" should be vouchsafed to her . At a dinner given to the officers of the Channel fleet at Liverpool on Monday , Lord Stanley , referring to our recent naval expenditure , said he Avas sure that Ave had received value for our money . At the same time , it was doubtful Avhether Ave had yet got the gun or the man of Avar of the future , and it v ,-as the duty of Parliament to shrink from no outlay which might be necessary
for the purpose of experiment . He trusted Ave should never again fall into the error " of resting upon our oars , and of assuming that ivhat Ave consider the perfect model of to-day w-ill be the equally perfect model ten years hence . " It is as Avell that tradesmen should knoAV their liability to repay the amount of coins which , being good , they deface in testing . In a case at the Thames Court , the magistrate advised tbe complainant to bring her action in the county court . AA ' e learn iio n AVest Bromwich that on Tuesday evening two children
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Mr . Beaton ' s Publications . J . 0 . BEETON , Strand . Beeton ' s Illustrated Family Bible is now completed in twenty-six parts , the cost of the Avhole being 5-te ., Avhicli it is well worth . It is beautifully printed , and the illustrations aud notes all that conlcl bs desired . When bound it will make a most acceptable lodge present . The Boys' Ovjn Magazinethe Boys' Oivn Libraryand
, , the Boys' Penny Magazine all continue to be conducted with great spirit ancl discretion . In the first named Mr . Edgar continues his admirable historical romance of "Oressy and Poictiers , " or the story of the Black Prince ' s ,, Page ; the " Zoological Gardens , " by tbe Eev . J . G . 'Wood , popularly ancl clearly treats of elephants and their kin ; the " Adventures of Eeuben Clavidger" are as
"sensational" as it is possible to desire ; whilst " EA'ery Bat has its Ball , " the " Young Norseman , " " Iu the African Bush , " " Ups in the Alps , " and the various other contents stamp the number before us Avith the true ring of genuine metal acceptable to all boys . The "Library" is
still occupied with tho " Curiosities of Savage Life , which are as interesting as ever ; whilst the Penny Magazine is replete Avith amusement and instruction —• the latter being AA ' CII represented by a capital article on iveights and measures . The Fnglislnuoman ' s Domestic Magazine is excellent as ever , so far as regards the literary contents ; Avhilst we
are assured that the fashions and the patterns for needlework are of more value than the Avhole price of the Magazine—though Ave cannot ourselves profess to give au opinion on "Diagrams for cutting out and making a gored petticoat and crinoline casing . " Beeton ' s Dictionary of Universal Information of Science ,
Art , and ' Literature is making rapid progress tOAvards tho completion of its issue , the last article in the number before us beiug " Paper ; " and certainly it is the cheapest ¦ as Avell as one of the best of Cyclopaedias .
Change for a Penny . ! N " ow Series . Parts I . ancl II . London .- GEO . BEBG-EE , Holyivell-street . This is one of the best of the penny serials , and the reader must indeed be more than usually critical if he cannot find something to amuse and interest him . Eomancc , poetry , science , anecdotes , passing events , ¦ statistics—all find their proper laceand are ivell
rep , presented . " The Gambler ' s Compact" and " The Daughters of the Doge" will bo read with interest by the lovers of romance served by weekly instalments—tho one num . ber being sure to create a demand for the next . In the Poetry we have fair specimens of humour and pathos ; Avhilst Mr . George Glenny ' s hints about managing large and small gardens are well worthy of attentive study by
all who take an interest in the beauties of nature , sometimes improved by art . Mr . Glenny is a veteran writer on tho subject , and his opinions always and deservedly command respect .
The Week.
THE CO - . —Her Majesty , the Prince and Princess of AVales , the Prince and Princess of Hesse , avid the other members of the . Eoyal Family continue in Scotland . GESEEAE HOME NEAA - . —The mortality in London is still over the corrected average , though it is falling . The births continue to keep 50 per cent , in advance of the deaths . In the
City the deaths were further above the aA-erage than in the metropolitan district . On the 12 th of this month , there AA-ere 141 . 930 persons receiving parochial relief in the cotton manufacturing districts , —a reduction of S 00 , as compared with the previous week , and of 24 , 555 , as compared with the corresponding week in 1802 . At the Central Criminal Court
Joseph Garbit , convicted of bigamy , Avas sentenced to six months ' imprisonment , AV . Mortimer , Emma Thomas , and Eliza Blair , convicted of uttering counterfeit coin , were severally sentenced to various terms of imprisonment . Mr . Alfred Styles , charged Avith " enlisting soldiers for a foreign Power , to Avit , Poland , " Avas ordered to enter into bis own recognisances to appear Avhen
called upon . The Great Fastem is an unfortunate ship . To her previous mishaps must be added a sad occurrence which took place on Eriday Aveek . AVhile off Cape Clear , she ran clown a ship called the Jane—the collision causing the death of two of the Jane ' s crew . A solicitor has been committed for trial by Mr . Henry , at Bowstreet , ou a charge of indecent assault on a young Avoman , Avho Avas at his office consulting him on an action Avhich she
meant to bring , either for broach of promise or for affiliation . Luke Charles , a policeman , accused of the murder of his Avife , has been committed for trial at Bury . The body found in the canal at Pendlebury , in February last , has been identified as that of tbe prisoner ' s Avife , and evidence was given to show that after tbe Avoman ' s disappearance Charles Avas in the habit of telling plausible stories to the inquiries of her friends and
others as to Avhat had become of her . It Avould also appear that the prisoner during his AA-ife ' s lifetime had proposed marriage to a young Avoman in Ireland ; that his offer had been accepted ; and that he Avas only prevented from committing the offence of bigamy by the refusal of a Roman Catholic priest to perform the ceremony of marriage until he had
satisfactory evidence that the prisoner Avas what be represented himself to be—an unmarried man . A deplorable affair lias occurred in Nottinghamshire . Two men , named Morley and SAvift , before going to bed , lighted a charcoal fire in the room in which they both slept . On the following morning , SAvift Avas found dead , and his . companion in a state of complete insensibility , —the poor fellows having been clearly overpowered
during the night by the fumes of the charcoal . The performance of " two daring female Blondins" at Leamington , which was part of the attractions of the travelling circus of the pugilist Mace , has been stopped by the magistrates . AVe hear from Dukinfield , near Staleybridge , of a frightful boiler explosion , from the effects of Avhich two men Avere immediately killed , one of them being bloAvn over a tAvo-storey house . The accident occurred Avhile the men Avere testing the boiler or tar still—a time , one Avould think , Avhen extra precautions Avould be employed . The steamer Harriet Pinelcney , Avhich
Avas formerly employed as tender to the Confederate cruisers Alabama and Florida , has arrived in the Mersey with a large cargo of cotton , tobacco , and turpentine from the Confederate States . The Sea Queen—the steamer about which so much Avas said at the time Mr . Adams Avas discovered to have granted a " permit" to a vessel laden with arms for the Mexicans—has also arrived at Liverpool Avith a cargo of cotton from Matamoras . Miss Rye is not in a position to give a very cheerful
account of the progress of her scheme for getting young EnglisliAi-omen comfortably settled in New Zealand , In a letter , dated tho 13 th of July , she writes in a somewhat cynical strain . " All great bodies , " she tells us in a tone of bitter pleasantry , " move sloAs-ly . " The colonies furnish no exception to this rule , and she despairs of over being able to report satisfactory progress in "the play , " unless , indeed , "the longevity of a
Wandering Jew" should be vouchsafed to her . At a dinner given to the officers of the Channel fleet at Liverpool on Monday , Lord Stanley , referring to our recent naval expenditure , said he Avas sure that Ave had received value for our money . At the same time , it was doubtful Avhether Ave had yet got the gun or the man of Avar of the future , and it v ,-as the duty of Parliament to shrink from no outlay which might be necessary
for the purpose of experiment . He trusted Ave should never again fall into the error " of resting upon our oars , and of assuming that ivhat Ave consider the perfect model of to-day w-ill be the equally perfect model ten years hence . " It is as Avell that tradesmen should knoAV their liability to repay the amount of coins which , being good , they deface in testing . In a case at the Thames Court , the magistrate advised tbe complainant to bring her action in the county court . AA ' e learn iio n AVest Bromwich that on Tuesday evening two children