Article MASONIC NOTES AND QUERIES. ← Page 4 of 4 Article CORRESPONDENCE. Page 1 of 1 Article MASONIC CHARITY. Page 1 of 1 Article WANT OF CHARITY. Page 1 of 2 →
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Masonic Notes And Queries.
ROSE CROIX CYPHERS . I am a Eose Croix ; has the degree a secret alphabet ? —RAPHAEL . —[ Bose Croix brethren have four cyphers in use . Masonic cyphers generally differ in various countries , and the key to one is frequently only a partial explanation for that of the same grade in another land . We have spent odd hours for monthsendeavouring
many , to read one Craft cypher , to Avhich a key is appended ; but from left to right , right to left , upside doAvn , or in every AA'ay Ave have yet placed it wo have hitherto been beaten . Mentioning this to a brother of experience , he exclaimed , " What ! have you been taken in , too ? I never confessed it before , but it has been a stumbling-block to mo lor tiventv years . " ]
NOTES ON VIS 1 TIXG BRETHREN S RIGHTS . Iii tivo of the American Grand Lodges the following decisions Avere come to : — " llcsolvcd , That the W . M . ' s of subordinate lodges under this jurisdiction shall not permit their members to vouch i ' ov visiting brethren , unless they have sat in a lodge with them ; othenvise they shall require such visiting brethren to undergo strict
examination by a competent committee ; and , contrary to our usage , it ivas also Ilcsolved , That the right ( so-called ) to visit Masonically is not an absolute right , but a favour , Avhich every lawful Mason in good standing is entitled to ask , ancl Avhich tho Master may concede , or refuse , at his discretion ; and that no Master of a lodge under this jurisdiction shall admit a visitorwhen positive
ob-, jection to such admission is made by a regular member , or by a lodge . " This resolution denies the right of Masons to visit as an inherent right , but that each Master of a lodge may refuse or concede tho priA'ilcge at pleasure . The vicAvs entertained by Bro . Mackay , on
page 225 of " Principles of Masonic Law , " is , " that every affiliated member of a lodge has the right to visit any other lodgo as often as he may desire to clo so . This right is secured to him by tho ancient regulation , and is therefore irreversible . " In the ancient charges and the constitution of a lodge , formerly contained in a MS . of the Lodge of Antiquity , in London , ancl Avhoso
date is anterior to 16 S 8 , this right is secured explicitly in the quaint language of that period ; and the Grand Lodge of England , in tho year 1819 , on a complaint preferred by a brother ivho had b . eeu refused admittance , declared : "That it is tho undoubted right of every Mason , Avho is Avell known or properly vouched , to visit any lod during the time it is opened for general
ge Masonic business , etc , but to entitle him to this right , he must be affiliated with some lodge . " On this subject the Constitution of the Grand Lodge of NCAV York declares : " That the right to visit Masonically is an absolute right , but may bo forfeited or limited by particular regulations . "—LEX MASONICA .
The Editor is not responsible for the opinions expressed hy Correspondents . WEARING MASONIC BADGES IN PUBLIC . 10 THE EU 1 T 0 I 1 or THE FHEEMASOXS' UAGAZIKE AND MASONIC MIUKOH . DEAR SIR AND BROTHER , —The other day , on board a steamboat from London Bridge to St . Paul's Wharf , I saw an old , unshaven man , of tho working class , sporting ''
some kind of medal of Avhich he seemedvery proud , on his left breast . On coming nearer to him , I found it to be a Scotch Royal Arch jeivel . Is this alloAved ? To mo it seems very objectionable . I remain , clear Sir and brother , yours fraternally , H . R . " S . Loudon , September 21 sfc , 1863 . [ Who is to prevent it , if the man thinks fit to make himself ridiculous ?]
Masonic Charity.
TO THE EDITOR OP THE FREEMASONS MAGAZINE AND MASOSTIC UllVAlOT .. DEAR SIR AND BROTHER , —I knoAV nothing of Lodge No . 600 , or any of its ; members but I think the uncharitable letter of " Investigator , " in your last , calls for remark . Every lodge in England claims to use its funds as the members determine ; aud the sneer of placing themselves under the Friendly Societies Act is surely uncalled for
and offensive . Tho last paragraph , however , contains an unwarrantable declaration , viz ., " When certain explanations are forthcoming , Ave may bo able to draAV such conclusions as shall place Lodge No . GOO in its proper position as a Freemason ' s Lodge , and see Avhat claims it has to rankas such . " NOAV " Investigator" dare not deny that . Lodge
600 is a Freemason ' s Lodge , but he proposes to " see Avhat claims it has to rank as such . " Its claim , as I take it , is contained in its warrant of constitution , which "Investigator" cannot gainsay . Under that power it acts and Avill continue to act so long as the it-arrant remains unforfeited . If , how ever , " Investigator" should think that he can show Lodge 600 not to be a Freemason's lodge ,
or that it has no " claims to rank as such , " let him apply to the proper quarter , and ask for tho recall of the warrant ; but it' Ms moral courage fails him to do this , then let us hear no more doubt being throivu on a lodge as to its connection with the Craft , because it members choose to tax themselves to do deeds of charity unapproved by " Investigator , " lvhoso apostolic charity appears to be at a very IOAV ebb . I am , yours truly and fraternally , FAIR PLAY .
TO THE JEDITOK OF TIIE FKEEMASONS' MAGAZINE AND IIASOXIC MlllltOH . DEAR SIR AND BROTHER , —Last month a circular , to Avhich a copy of the Animal Tables of Lodge of Harmony ( No . COO ) , Avas annexed , ii-as forwarded to you , and , in the exercise of your discretion , you published a brief abstract of them in your MAGAZINE . In your issue of
September 5 th appeared a letter from "Investigator , " to Ai'liich you attached a foot-note , " regretting that you had not kept a copy of the tables ! " a second copy was ibr-Avarded to you , ancl the tables AVCI-C published in full in your MAGAZINE of September 10 th , and a second letter from "Investigator" appeared on Saturday last , requiring a list of explanations from Lodge No . 600 .
As tho circular bears my name , and the tables were prepared by me ( in my capacity of Treasurer of tbe lodge ) , at the request and for information of the brethren of the Lodge of Harmony ( No ^ 600 ) , I naturally take a deep interest in them . If "Investigator" approve of the system adopted by Lodge No . 600 , and is desirous to obtain further information thereon , I Avill gladly give
him privately any information in my poiver ; bub Avhatever his object may be , if he Avishes his inquiries to be answered through the columns of the FREEMASONS' MAGAZINE , he must abandon his incognito of "Investigator , " and give his real name , address , and the name of the lodge of Avhich he is a member . Should be decline to do soI can tako no further notice of his lettersor of
, , any further anonymous correspondence . For his information I subscribe myself , Your ' s fraternally and truly , JOHN WARD , P . M ., Treas ., Lodge of Harmony ( No . 600 , late 87-1 ) , Bradford . Market-street , Bradford , Sept . 22 , 1863 .
Want Of Charity.
TO THE EDITOK OF THE FREEMASONS' MAGAZINE AND MASONIC MIRItOH . DEAR SIR AND BROTHER , —I bog respectfully to invite your attention to the conduct of alodge in the immediate neighbourhood of this city toivarcls one of its recent members , on his claiming assistance to remedy his ex-
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Notes And Queries.
ROSE CROIX CYPHERS . I am a Eose Croix ; has the degree a secret alphabet ? —RAPHAEL . —[ Bose Croix brethren have four cyphers in use . Masonic cyphers generally differ in various countries , and the key to one is frequently only a partial explanation for that of the same grade in another land . We have spent odd hours for monthsendeavouring
many , to read one Craft cypher , to Avhich a key is appended ; but from left to right , right to left , upside doAvn , or in every AA'ay Ave have yet placed it wo have hitherto been beaten . Mentioning this to a brother of experience , he exclaimed , " What ! have you been taken in , too ? I never confessed it before , but it has been a stumbling-block to mo lor tiventv years . " ]
NOTES ON VIS 1 TIXG BRETHREN S RIGHTS . Iii tivo of the American Grand Lodges the following decisions Avere come to : — " llcsolvcd , That the W . M . ' s of subordinate lodges under this jurisdiction shall not permit their members to vouch i ' ov visiting brethren , unless they have sat in a lodge with them ; othenvise they shall require such visiting brethren to undergo strict
examination by a competent committee ; and , contrary to our usage , it ivas also Ilcsolved , That the right ( so-called ) to visit Masonically is not an absolute right , but a favour , Avhich every lawful Mason in good standing is entitled to ask , ancl Avhich tho Master may concede , or refuse , at his discretion ; and that no Master of a lodge under this jurisdiction shall admit a visitorwhen positive
ob-, jection to such admission is made by a regular member , or by a lodge . " This resolution denies the right of Masons to visit as an inherent right , but that each Master of a lodge may refuse or concede tho priA'ilcge at pleasure . The vicAvs entertained by Bro . Mackay , on
page 225 of " Principles of Masonic Law , " is , " that every affiliated member of a lodge has the right to visit any other lodgo as often as he may desire to clo so . This right is secured to him by tho ancient regulation , and is therefore irreversible . " In the ancient charges and the constitution of a lodge , formerly contained in a MS . of the Lodge of Antiquity , in London , ancl Avhoso
date is anterior to 16 S 8 , this right is secured explicitly in the quaint language of that period ; and the Grand Lodge of England , in tho year 1819 , on a complaint preferred by a brother ivho had b . eeu refused admittance , declared : "That it is tho undoubted right of every Mason , Avho is Avell known or properly vouched , to visit any lod during the time it is opened for general
ge Masonic business , etc , but to entitle him to this right , he must be affiliated with some lodge . " On this subject the Constitution of the Grand Lodge of NCAV York declares : " That the right to visit Masonically is an absolute right , but may bo forfeited or limited by particular regulations . "—LEX MASONICA .
The Editor is not responsible for the opinions expressed hy Correspondents . WEARING MASONIC BADGES IN PUBLIC . 10 THE EU 1 T 0 I 1 or THE FHEEMASOXS' UAGAZIKE AND MASONIC MIUKOH . DEAR SIR AND BROTHER , —The other day , on board a steamboat from London Bridge to St . Paul's Wharf , I saw an old , unshaven man , of tho working class , sporting ''
some kind of medal of Avhich he seemedvery proud , on his left breast . On coming nearer to him , I found it to be a Scotch Royal Arch jeivel . Is this alloAved ? To mo it seems very objectionable . I remain , clear Sir and brother , yours fraternally , H . R . " S . Loudon , September 21 sfc , 1863 . [ Who is to prevent it , if the man thinks fit to make himself ridiculous ?]
Masonic Charity.
TO THE EDITOR OP THE FREEMASONS MAGAZINE AND MASOSTIC UllVAlOT .. DEAR SIR AND BROTHER , —I knoAV nothing of Lodge No . 600 , or any of its ; members but I think the uncharitable letter of " Investigator , " in your last , calls for remark . Every lodge in England claims to use its funds as the members determine ; aud the sneer of placing themselves under the Friendly Societies Act is surely uncalled for
and offensive . Tho last paragraph , however , contains an unwarrantable declaration , viz ., " When certain explanations are forthcoming , Ave may bo able to draAV such conclusions as shall place Lodge No . GOO in its proper position as a Freemason ' s Lodge , and see Avhat claims it has to rankas such . " NOAV " Investigator" dare not deny that . Lodge
600 is a Freemason ' s Lodge , but he proposes to " see Avhat claims it has to rank as such . " Its claim , as I take it , is contained in its warrant of constitution , which "Investigator" cannot gainsay . Under that power it acts and Avill continue to act so long as the it-arrant remains unforfeited . If , how ever , " Investigator" should think that he can show Lodge 600 not to be a Freemason's lodge ,
or that it has no " claims to rank as such , " let him apply to the proper quarter , and ask for tho recall of the warrant ; but it' Ms moral courage fails him to do this , then let us hear no more doubt being throivu on a lodge as to its connection with the Craft , because it members choose to tax themselves to do deeds of charity unapproved by " Investigator , " lvhoso apostolic charity appears to be at a very IOAV ebb . I am , yours truly and fraternally , FAIR PLAY .
TO THE JEDITOK OF TIIE FKEEMASONS' MAGAZINE AND IIASOXIC MlllltOH . DEAR SIR AND BROTHER , —Last month a circular , to Avhich a copy of the Animal Tables of Lodge of Harmony ( No . COO ) , Avas annexed , ii-as forwarded to you , and , in the exercise of your discretion , you published a brief abstract of them in your MAGAZINE . In your issue of
September 5 th appeared a letter from "Investigator , " to Ai'liich you attached a foot-note , " regretting that you had not kept a copy of the tables ! " a second copy was ibr-Avarded to you , ancl the tables AVCI-C published in full in your MAGAZINE of September 10 th , and a second letter from "Investigator" appeared on Saturday last , requiring a list of explanations from Lodge No . 600 .
As tho circular bears my name , and the tables were prepared by me ( in my capacity of Treasurer of tbe lodge ) , at the request and for information of the brethren of the Lodge of Harmony ( No ^ 600 ) , I naturally take a deep interest in them . If "Investigator" approve of the system adopted by Lodge No . 600 , and is desirous to obtain further information thereon , I Avill gladly give
him privately any information in my poiver ; bub Avhatever his object may be , if he Avishes his inquiries to be answered through the columns of the FREEMASONS' MAGAZINE , he must abandon his incognito of "Investigator , " and give his real name , address , and the name of the lodge of Avhich he is a member . Should be decline to do soI can tako no further notice of his lettersor of
, , any further anonymous correspondence . For his information I subscribe myself , Your ' s fraternally and truly , JOHN WARD , P . M ., Treas ., Lodge of Harmony ( No . 600 , late 87-1 ) , Bradford . Market-street , Bradford , Sept . 22 , 1863 .
Want Of Charity.
TO THE EDITOK OF THE FREEMASONS' MAGAZINE AND MASONIC MIRItOH . DEAR SIR AND BROTHER , —I bog respectfully to invite your attention to the conduct of alodge in the immediate neighbourhood of this city toivarcls one of its recent members , on his claiming assistance to remedy his ex-