Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 3 of 4 →
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the province . The business of the day commenced Avith the meeting of the Charity Committee , ancl as tho Avorking of the system has now been in existence some few years , Ave may safely record its success as fully established . This fund is maintained by an annual grant of twenty guineas from the Grand Lodge Fund , as well as a line from each brother taking office in the different lodges in the province ,- the Master , on installation , 10-v . Gd ., the AA ardens 5-s-. and the Assistant Officers 2 * . ( id ., as
, well as an annual contribution of 2 s . from each member . The result is that nearly all the lodges have now been voted by grants from this fund at different periods sufficient to make them life governors in each of our noble Charities . The committee met at one o ' clock , there being present Bros . D . Gooeh , D . Prov . G . M ., President ; AV . Gooch , Prov . G . Sec . and P . Prov . G . AA . ; AVilliam Biggs , P . Prov . G . AA . ; S . AVittey ,
Pi-ov . S . G . AV . ; J . Sheppard , Prov . G . Treas . ; E . T . Payne , V . Prov . G . Reg . ; and H . Calf , Prov . S . G . D ., when the following sums Avere voted : —To Lodge No . S 56 the sum of ten guineas , for the Boys' School ; to Lodge No . 453 the sum often guineas , for the Girls' School ; to Lodge No . 911 the sum of ten guineas , for tho Benevolent . The different accounts Avere then audited , and the brethren proceeded to visit tbe Metbuen Lodge
( No . 9 U ) , when Bro . D . Gooch , D . Prov . G . M ., very ably and impressively installed the W . M . elect , Bro . AA . Hartley , in the chair of that lodge , and , at the conclusion of the ceremony , the AA . AL appointed Bros . T . B . Merriman , S . AA . ; E . A . Moore , J . AA ' . ; AA . Gooch , Sec , Sec . The remainder of the lodge business being finished , the newly-appointed AA ' . M . received in the usual form the Provincial Grand Lodgo , which Avas presided
over by the Prov . G . M ., the Right Hon . the Lord Mcthuen , assisted bv bis D . G . M ., Bro . D . Gooch , Avith Bros . Biggs , as Prov . S . G . W . ; C . Marshall , Prov . J . G . AV . ; Rev . — Codringtou , Prov . G . Chap . ; AA . Gooch , Prov . G . Sec . ; Sheppard , Prov . G . Treas . ; and the other respective Officers . After the Treasurer had read his report , sliOAving a balance of £ 100 in hand ,
Bro . Goocit , D . Prov . G . M ., proposed the usual annual grant of twenty guineas from the Grand Lodge Fund to the Charity Committee , which , being seconded , Avas carried . Bro . BIGGS congratulated tbo Provincial Grand Lodge on the
flourishing state of their funds , and thought that as it now showed a balance worthy of the province , they could not do better than apply a portion of it to Masonic purposes . Then-Charity Fund Avas founded for a specific purpose—that of making life governors of each Charity every lodge in tho pro-A-ince ; but , while the Grand Lodge had carefully looked after her children , she had quite forgotten herself , inasmuch that the Grand Lodge itself was no subscriber to either Charityand as
, they Avere using all their exertions to secure the election of Florence Parsons for the Girls' School , it Avas a very appropriate time to move the following resolution : — " That twenty guineas be appropriated from the Grand Lodge Funds to purchase a life governorship in the Girls' School for the Provincial Grand Jjodge of Wiltshire , in the name of the Prov . G . M . for the time being . " Ho also hoped that Grand Lodgo would sanction its
immediate application , so as to have the benefit of the votes for the next election , and that , should it meet the approval of the brethren as he expected , be should hope to make the same application next year for the boys , and , in fact , secure a life governorship in each Charity for the Provincial Grand Lodgo of Wiltshire as the funds Avould admit . Bro . E . T . PAYNE Prov . G . Reg . expressed tho very great
, , pleasure it gave bim to second Bro . Biggs ' s proposition , feelingsure it \ A-ould meet with the approval of every brother present , as he thought that , for the dignity of their Provincial Grand Lodge , it ought to take its proper place amongst the valuable institutions of the Order . Bro . D . Goocit , D . Prov . G . M ., also spoke highly in favour of the motion , which , on being put , Avas carried Avith acclamation .
The PitOA' . G . MASTER then proceeded to invest his oflicers for the ensuing year by first taking the election , and then reinvesting the venerable Bro . Sheppard , now in the SGth year of bis age , as Prov . G . Treas ., which office he has held for 36 years . In doing so , the Prov . G . M . paid Bro . Sheppard a wel ! merited compliment on the state of the funds , and expressed the great leasure it gave him to see him amongst themto he
p , again appointed to his old office . The folloAving brethren Avere also appointed : —Bros . AVittey , Prov . S . G . AA' ' . ; Stancombe , Prov . J . G . AA . ; AV . Gooch , Prov . G . Sec ; J . Chandler , Prov-. G . Reg . ; H . Calf ; Prov . S . G . D . ; Benham , Prov . J . G . D . ; Read , Prov . Or . Supt . of AVorks ; R . M . Lawson , Prov . G . Dir . of Cers .
Rolton , Prov . G . Asst . Dir . of Cers . ; AVentworth , Prov . G . S . B . ; Camidge , Prov . G . Org . ; Moore , Prov . G . Purst . ; Bros . Toomer , AA estmacott , and Hartley , Stewards . The lodge was then closed , and the brethren proceeded to the banquet , which Avas held at Bro . AA estinacott's , the Goddard's-Arms , and served in his usual splendid style . The chair Avas taken by Bro . Lord Metbuen , supported by the D . Prov . G . M . and the newly appointed officers ; butowing to the
earlde-, y parture of the train , his lordship was obliged to leave before the withdrawal of the cloth , regretting the compulsion , but feeling sm . e , under the presidency of Bro . Gooch , the brethren Avould not suffer by his absence . "" The usual Masonic toasts having been given and responded to , that of the noble Prov . G . M . being received with as muchenthusiasm as though he were present ,
Bro . SnEPrAED , in proposing the health of Bro . Good ] ,. D . Prov . G . M ., regretted the absence of Lard Metbuen , but was . happy , in his absence , to find himself under the presidency of bis excellent deputy , of Avhom all he could say would fall farshort of his real merits and Avorth , as he was all their utmost wishes could desire ; for a more generous , kind , and brotherly spirit did not exist in the province than in the heart of their
wot thy and respected D . Prov . G . M . He , therefore , proposed his health in a bumper , and which Avas enthusiastically responded to . Bro . GOOCH expressed his earnest Avish ' that every lodge in the province might prosper ; he regretted exceedingly that , from , the state of his health for some time past , he had been unable to visit them as formerly ( having been obliged to recruit
itby going abroad ) but he was happy to say , since his return , be felt himself so much benefited by the change that it Avas bis intention to come amongst them as formerly . He congratulated them on the state of their funds , as being most
satisfactory , and hoped , as tliej' might at all times rely on hissupport , that each member AVOUUI rally round the standard of Masonry and support each Master of the different lodges during his year of office . At the time Avhen he filled that chair in the province he had the pleasure to initiate more than fortymembers into the Order—in fact , the lodge increased to such an extent that their lodge room AA-AS insufficient to contain them j and concluded bagain expressing tho hope that each one would
y , strengthen the hands of the AA . M . ' s by punctual attendance , and a faithful discharge of their Masonic duties . The D . PllOA . G . MASTER then proposed "The Health of Bro . Sheppard , " the oldest Mason in the province , having held the office of Provincial Grand Treasurer for thirty-six years ; and hoped he might be spared many years to discharge its duties ,, and visit them as he had done that clay .
Bro . Sni-iMAM ) thanked them most heartily for the repeated marks of confidence he had received at their hands , and could assure them , while he held the office , that he Avould dischargethe duties of it with fervency and zeal . It Avas Avith a feeling of very great regret that he looked round and saw so many vacant chairs that were once filled by old and valued friends , Avho Avere now removed from amengst them . Of one old
lodgehe used to meet in ISIS not one save himself remained , such Avas our transitory state . From Masonry he had seen so much to he thankful for , that be could look back with pride and pleasure to the ease of many a brother who had been , in times of distress and trial , restored to comfort and position through the Masonic charitable institutions , to Avhich it Avas a privilegeto belong , embracing as they did such a ivide range of usefulness ;
and concluded by Avishing health and happiness to all present . The D . PROV . G-. MASTER said , the next toast he had to propose Avas one of great importance to the Craft . They had amongst them a brother Avho Avas well known to them all for bis zeal in
advocating the eliaritable institutions , and a regular attendant at Grand Lodge ; one ivho had taken high rank in the province , and was always actively engaged in some charitable Avork , and Avho had advocated the charities that day with very successful results . He , therefore , begged to propose " Our Masonic Charities , " coupling Avith the toast the name of Bro . Biggs . Bro . BIGGS , in responding , said he was taken quite by surprise in having the high honour of his name coupled with such
an important toast as that of the Masonic Charities ; but , when he looked round and saw the amount of good diffused through its different channels , he must say he felt no small degree of pride in calling himself a Mason , and felt gratified to the brethren present for the support they had given him , iu appropriating some portion of the balance of their funds to those charitable institutions . Ho felt sure that the more these Chari-
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
the province . The business of the day commenced Avith the meeting of the Charity Committee , ancl as tho Avorking of the system has now been in existence some few years , Ave may safely record its success as fully established . This fund is maintained by an annual grant of twenty guineas from the Grand Lodge Fund , as well as a line from each brother taking office in the different lodges in the province ,- the Master , on installation , 10-v . Gd ., the AA ardens 5-s-. and the Assistant Officers 2 * . ( id ., as
, well as an annual contribution of 2 s . from each member . The result is that nearly all the lodges have now been voted by grants from this fund at different periods sufficient to make them life governors in each of our noble Charities . The committee met at one o ' clock , there being present Bros . D . Gooeh , D . Prov . G . M ., President ; AV . Gooch , Prov . G . Sec . and P . Prov . G . AA . ; AVilliam Biggs , P . Prov . G . AA . ; S . AVittey ,
Pi-ov . S . G . AV . ; J . Sheppard , Prov . G . Treas . ; E . T . Payne , V . Prov . G . Reg . ; and H . Calf , Prov . S . G . D ., when the following sums Avere voted : —To Lodge No . S 56 the sum of ten guineas , for the Boys' School ; to Lodge No . 453 the sum often guineas , for the Girls' School ; to Lodge No . 911 the sum of ten guineas , for tho Benevolent . The different accounts Avere then audited , and the brethren proceeded to visit tbe Metbuen Lodge
( No . 9 U ) , when Bro . D . Gooch , D . Prov . G . M ., very ably and impressively installed the W . M . elect , Bro . AA . Hartley , in the chair of that lodge , and , at the conclusion of the ceremony , the AA . AL appointed Bros . T . B . Merriman , S . AA . ; E . A . Moore , J . AA ' . ; AA . Gooch , Sec , Sec . The remainder of the lodge business being finished , the newly-appointed AA ' . M . received in the usual form the Provincial Grand Lodgo , which Avas presided
over by the Prov . G . M ., the Right Hon . the Lord Mcthuen , assisted bv bis D . G . M ., Bro . D . Gooch , Avith Bros . Biggs , as Prov . S . G . W . ; C . Marshall , Prov . J . G . AV . ; Rev . — Codringtou , Prov . G . Chap . ; AA . Gooch , Prov . G . Sec . ; Sheppard , Prov . G . Treas . ; and the other respective Officers . After the Treasurer had read his report , sliOAving a balance of £ 100 in hand ,
Bro . Goocit , D . Prov . G . M ., proposed the usual annual grant of twenty guineas from the Grand Lodge Fund to the Charity Committee , which , being seconded , Avas carried . Bro . BIGGS congratulated tbo Provincial Grand Lodge on the
flourishing state of their funds , and thought that as it now showed a balance worthy of the province , they could not do better than apply a portion of it to Masonic purposes . Then-Charity Fund Avas founded for a specific purpose—that of making life governors of each Charity every lodge in tho pro-A-ince ; but , while the Grand Lodge had carefully looked after her children , she had quite forgotten herself , inasmuch that the Grand Lodge itself was no subscriber to either Charityand as
, they Avere using all their exertions to secure the election of Florence Parsons for the Girls' School , it Avas a very appropriate time to move the following resolution : — " That twenty guineas be appropriated from the Grand Lodge Funds to purchase a life governorship in the Girls' School for the Provincial Grand Jjodge of Wiltshire , in the name of the Prov . G . M . for the time being . " Ho also hoped that Grand Lodgo would sanction its
immediate application , so as to have the benefit of the votes for the next election , and that , should it meet the approval of the brethren as he expected , be should hope to make the same application next year for the boys , and , in fact , secure a life governorship in each Charity for the Provincial Grand Lodgo of Wiltshire as the funds Avould admit . Bro . E . T . PAYNE Prov . G . Reg . expressed tho very great
, , pleasure it gave bim to second Bro . Biggs ' s proposition , feelingsure it \ A-ould meet with the approval of every brother present , as he thought that , for the dignity of their Provincial Grand Lodge , it ought to take its proper place amongst the valuable institutions of the Order . Bro . D . Goocit , D . Prov . G . M ., also spoke highly in favour of the motion , which , on being put , Avas carried Avith acclamation .
The PitOA' . G . MASTER then proceeded to invest his oflicers for the ensuing year by first taking the election , and then reinvesting the venerable Bro . Sheppard , now in the SGth year of bis age , as Prov . G . Treas ., which office he has held for 36 years . In doing so , the Prov . G . M . paid Bro . Sheppard a wel ! merited compliment on the state of the funds , and expressed the great leasure it gave him to see him amongst themto he
p , again appointed to his old office . The folloAving brethren Avere also appointed : —Bros . AVittey , Prov . S . G . AA' ' . ; Stancombe , Prov . J . G . AA . ; AV . Gooch , Prov . G . Sec ; J . Chandler , Prov-. G . Reg . ; H . Calf ; Prov . S . G . D . ; Benham , Prov . J . G . D . ; Read , Prov . Or . Supt . of AVorks ; R . M . Lawson , Prov . G . Dir . of Cers .
Rolton , Prov . G . Asst . Dir . of Cers . ; AVentworth , Prov . G . S . B . ; Camidge , Prov . G . Org . ; Moore , Prov . G . Purst . ; Bros . Toomer , AA estmacott , and Hartley , Stewards . The lodge was then closed , and the brethren proceeded to the banquet , which Avas held at Bro . AA estinacott's , the Goddard's-Arms , and served in his usual splendid style . The chair Avas taken by Bro . Lord Metbuen , supported by the D . Prov . G . M . and the newly appointed officers ; butowing to the
earlde-, y parture of the train , his lordship was obliged to leave before the withdrawal of the cloth , regretting the compulsion , but feeling sm . e , under the presidency of Bro . Gooch , the brethren Avould not suffer by his absence . "" The usual Masonic toasts having been given and responded to , that of the noble Prov . G . M . being received with as muchenthusiasm as though he were present ,
Bro . SnEPrAED , in proposing the health of Bro . Good ] ,. D . Prov . G . M ., regretted the absence of Lard Metbuen , but was . happy , in his absence , to find himself under the presidency of bis excellent deputy , of Avhom all he could say would fall farshort of his real merits and Avorth , as he was all their utmost wishes could desire ; for a more generous , kind , and brotherly spirit did not exist in the province than in the heart of their
wot thy and respected D . Prov . G . M . He , therefore , proposed his health in a bumper , and which Avas enthusiastically responded to . Bro . GOOCH expressed his earnest Avish ' that every lodge in the province might prosper ; he regretted exceedingly that , from , the state of his health for some time past , he had been unable to visit them as formerly ( having been obliged to recruit
itby going abroad ) but he was happy to say , since his return , be felt himself so much benefited by the change that it Avas bis intention to come amongst them as formerly . He congratulated them on the state of their funds , as being most
satisfactory , and hoped , as tliej' might at all times rely on hissupport , that each member AVOUUI rally round the standard of Masonry and support each Master of the different lodges during his year of office . At the time Avhen he filled that chair in the province he had the pleasure to initiate more than fortymembers into the Order—in fact , the lodge increased to such an extent that their lodge room AA-AS insufficient to contain them j and concluded bagain expressing tho hope that each one would
y , strengthen the hands of the AA . M . ' s by punctual attendance , and a faithful discharge of their Masonic duties . The D . PllOA . G . MASTER then proposed "The Health of Bro . Sheppard , " the oldest Mason in the province , having held the office of Provincial Grand Treasurer for thirty-six years ; and hoped he might be spared many years to discharge its duties ,, and visit them as he had done that clay .
Bro . Sni-iMAM ) thanked them most heartily for the repeated marks of confidence he had received at their hands , and could assure them , while he held the office , that he Avould dischargethe duties of it with fervency and zeal . It Avas Avith a feeling of very great regret that he looked round and saw so many vacant chairs that were once filled by old and valued friends , Avho Avere now removed from amengst them . Of one old
lodgehe used to meet in ISIS not one save himself remained , such Avas our transitory state . From Masonry he had seen so much to he thankful for , that be could look back with pride and pleasure to the ease of many a brother who had been , in times of distress and trial , restored to comfort and position through the Masonic charitable institutions , to Avhich it Avas a privilegeto belong , embracing as they did such a ivide range of usefulness ;
and concluded by Avishing health and happiness to all present . The D . PROV . G-. MASTER said , the next toast he had to propose Avas one of great importance to the Craft . They had amongst them a brother Avho Avas well known to them all for bis zeal in
advocating the eliaritable institutions , and a regular attendant at Grand Lodge ; one ivho had taken high rank in the province , and was always actively engaged in some charitable Avork , and Avho had advocated the charities that day with very successful results . He , therefore , begged to propose " Our Masonic Charities , " coupling Avith the toast the name of Bro . Biggs . Bro . BIGGS , in responding , said he was taken quite by surprise in having the high honour of his name coupled with such
an important toast as that of the Masonic Charities ; but , when he looked round and saw the amount of good diffused through its different channels , he must say he felt no small degree of pride in calling himself a Mason , and felt gratified to the brethren present for the support they had given him , iu appropriating some portion of the balance of their funds to those charitable institutions . Ho felt sure that the more these Chari-