Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 4 of 4 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 4 of 4 Article AUSTRALIA. Page 1 of 5 →
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ties Avere brought under tbe notice of the brethren , the greater Avould it redound , not only to their credit as Masons , but to the institutions themselves ; they had lately added very largely to the Boys' School hy laying the foundation of another iving , so as to increase the number from 70 to 100 ; and he hoped that it Avould meet with the increased support the demand required . He begged to thank them for the contributions they bad given him in behalf of that institutiononly regretting be had not
, the ability of Bro . Binckes to do it in a manner more Avorthy of the cause he advocated , and concluded by thanking them , in the name of the different institutions , for the support the Masons of AA'iltshire bad ever given them . The D . PROV . G . MASTER then gave "The Province of Somerset , " thanking them for their assistance at all times , but especially for tbe support given to this province in the election of
candidates to the institutions ; and Avould couple with it the name of Bro . Payne , Avho he Avas proud to see as a Grand Officer for both provinces . Bro . PAVNE said , —I thank you heartily and gratefully for tbo kind compliment Avhich you have paid the brethren of Somerset in proposing their health , and likewise the brethren present for the warm response to your proposal . Be assured
that a Avarm sympathy exists on the part of the brethren of Somerset towards the brethren of AA'iltshire ; ancl the Avarm and gratifying reception Avhich they ahA-ays meet at the hands of the Wiltshire brethren tends to cement their union . As Somersetshire brethren we in Bath are proud , at the same time , of our kinship to the AA'iltshire brethren . I thank you sincerely on behalf of the Acting Provincial Grand Master of
Somerset . AVould that I could respond on behalf of a Provincial Grand Master ; but even after nearly three years it has not yet pleased the M . AV . G . M . to fill the vacancy caused by the decease of our late venerable Provincial Grand Master , Colonel Tynte . I thank you also on behalf of the Deputy Provincial Grand Master , Bro . Bridges , who , coming amongst us under circumstances of almost unexampled difficulty , has succeeded by his
admirable and discreet conduct in gaining the affection of all the members of his province . No trouble is ever spared by our Deputy Provincial Grand Master ; he is ever ready to take upon himself any duty , in anv lodge , at any distance , provided he can
oe of service to Freemasonry in general , and bis own iirovmce in particular . I thank you on behalf of his Grand Officers . ! No man can take more trouble or feel greater responsibility iu bis choice than Bro . Bridges ; and I confidently believe that no man can see around him a more worthy staff of officers . Bo assured , sir , that the brethren of "Wiltshire Avill always bo received Avith fraternal sympathy by the brethren of Somerset , on whose behalf thank all most heartil
I again you y . Bro . AVUTEI * begged to ' thank the D . Prov . G . M . and brethren , on behalf of himself and the other officers of the province , for the very kind manner iu which the toast had been received , and trusted it would prove an additional inducement to them to assist the D . Prov . G . M . in carrying out the great desire he had that Masonry should flourish most abundantly in the province ; and they would feel that , as they now held a
higher position among the brethren , so was their obligation increased to act out the great principles of tho Craft , for in proportion to the zeal of those AVIIO held office amongst them would Masonry flourish or decay . Speaking on behalf of himself ' he felt most strongly tho weight of his obligations ; for if ever any society existed where , more than another , the great practical duties of life Avere called into action , it ivas that of
Freemasonry . He had only to point to their noble Charities to test the truth of-AVhat be said , and be Avas glad to find that the Devizes Lodge , with which he was more immediately connected , stood Avell as to the amount of their subscriptions , and the sum of money they Avere consequently enabled to devote to the A-ai-ious Charities ; but still there ivas something more wanting than the mere putting the hand into the pocket and paying the
subscription . An increased attendance upon the w-ork of tho lodges Avas very desirable . It AVAS only here that they could hope to keep together a large number of the Craft , and he trusted that the lodges of the province would strive to emulate each other in this respect , and that tho Devizes Lodge Avould be amongst the foremost to acknowledge the claim . And , as an additional inducement for the good attendance at the lodgesbe
, would venture to ask the D . Prov . G . M . to visit them occasionally , as his health permitted , which be very much regretted to learn Avas not so strong as it has been in times past . He Avas quite sure the suggestion would be received in the same kind spirit in which it Avas uttered ; and if the D . Prov . G . M . would honour
the Devizes Lodge with bis presence at their meeting , the members ivould be highly gratified , and he Avas satisfied much good to the Craft would result from the visit . TheD . PROA * . G . MASTER replied lie should be most happy to visit the lodges of the province as his health , time , and circumstances would permit ; and lie ivould commence by visiting the Devizes Lodge at the next meeting , AA-hicb Avas fixed to take place on Thursday eveningthe 29 th October .
, Bro . BIGGS could not let that toast pass Avithout calling for an especial one to the health of their indefatigable Grand Secretary , Bro . Gooch , AVIIO never thought any duties too arduous Avhen employed in the service of Masonry . They had seen him that day invested as Secretary , not only of Grand Lodge , but also of the Methueu Lodge . He had to thank him personally for bis visit to Devizes , where be AVAS installed , and hoped to
have the pleasure of seeing him there again , on tho 29 th , Avith other brethren of the province . Bro . Goocn felt grateful for the respect he had ever received from the brethren generally , and hoped he should always be supported as be bad hitherto been . It was a great pleasure to him to find his services had met with their approval , and thanked them most cordially for their good wishes .
Several other toasts followed , which brought the evening to a happy conclusion , Bros , Calf , AVestmaeott , Toomer , etc ., having favoured the company with some excellent songs . Considering tho amount of support given to our charitable institutions , AVC may safely record this meeting as one of the most successful gatherings in the South of England .
( From the Melbourne Masonic Journal ) . A meeting of Freemasons of all Constitutions was held at the Duke of Rothsay Hotel , on AVednesday , 15 th July , the P . D . Prov . G . M ., Bro . M'Clure , was unanimously elected chairman , read the following requisition : — " The committee appointed by the general meeting of Freemasons , on the ISth April last , hereby convene a meeting of their brethren in Victoriato be
, held at the Masonic Hall ( St . Patrick's Hall ) , Bourko-street AA est , on AVednesday , the loth July inst ., at seven o'clock , to receive a report of the progress made by the committee , to consider the desirability of forwarding a memorial to the Grand Lodges , and to determine on future proceedings . By order , A . Ellis , Hon . Secretary . The committee invite the attendance of all brethren , Avhether favourable or unfavourable to the
object . " The CIIAIH . AIAN stated that the report would furnish the brethren with all information , and ho Avould not occupy the time of the meeting with any remarks , but called on the Hon . Sec . to read the report of the Committee : — " Committee Room , Duke of Rothsav Hotel , " Melbourne , July 15 , 1 SG 3 . " "To the Members of the Masonic Fraternity in A ^ ictoria . " BRETHREN , —At a meeting of the fraternity , convened by public advertisement , signed by a number of Worshipful and
Past Masters , and held at tho Duke ot Rothsay Hotel , Melbourne , on Saturday , the ISth of April last , it was unanimously resolved that the establishment of a Grand Lodge by the amalgamation of the present Provincial Grand Lodges Avould tend materially to enhance the position , and be for the best interests of Masonry in A'ictoria , and that a committee should be appointed ( with power to add to their number ) , for the purpose of carrying into effect the objects expressed in the resolution ,
and for bringing the same under the notice of the various lodges throughout the colony . In accordance witli tho above resolution , Bros . P . M . 's M'Clure , BradshaAV , Levick , Ellis , Reed , Barnes , Crowell , Rose , Johnston , Thompson , James , Stokes , Syders , 11 . R . AVnrdlaiv , and Walsh Avere elected on the committee , and the following brethren Avere subsequently added thereto : —P . M . 's M'Gaan , Ruck , Drysdale ,
Charles White , John AAliyte , Lazarus , Young , Howitz , T . Thompson , and AA'hiteman . Your Committee have used every exertion since their appointment for carrying into effect tbe Avishes of tho brethren Avho elected them , and they now beg respectfully to submit to this meeting the following report of their proceedings , together with a summary of the replies received by them from the various lodges , with Avhom they have been in communication with respect to the establishment of a Grand Lodge .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
ties Avere brought under tbe notice of the brethren , the greater Avould it redound , not only to their credit as Masons , but to the institutions themselves ; they had lately added very largely to the Boys' School hy laying the foundation of another iving , so as to increase the number from 70 to 100 ; and he hoped that it Avould meet with the increased support the demand required . He begged to thank them for the contributions they bad given him in behalf of that institutiononly regretting be had not
, the ability of Bro . Binckes to do it in a manner more Avorthy of the cause he advocated , and concluded by thanking them , in the name of the different institutions , for the support the Masons of AA'iltshire bad ever given them . The D . PROV . G . MASTER then gave "The Province of Somerset , " thanking them for their assistance at all times , but especially for tbe support given to this province in the election of
candidates to the institutions ; and Avould couple with it the name of Bro . Payne , Avho he Avas proud to see as a Grand Officer for both provinces . Bro . PAVNE said , —I thank you heartily and gratefully for tbo kind compliment Avhich you have paid the brethren of Somerset in proposing their health , and likewise the brethren present for the warm response to your proposal . Be assured
that a Avarm sympathy exists on the part of the brethren of Somerset towards the brethren of AA'iltshire ; ancl the Avarm and gratifying reception Avhich they ahA-ays meet at the hands of the Wiltshire brethren tends to cement their union . As Somersetshire brethren we in Bath are proud , at the same time , of our kinship to the AA'iltshire brethren . I thank you sincerely on behalf of the Acting Provincial Grand Master of
Somerset . AVould that I could respond on behalf of a Provincial Grand Master ; but even after nearly three years it has not yet pleased the M . AV . G . M . to fill the vacancy caused by the decease of our late venerable Provincial Grand Master , Colonel Tynte . I thank you also on behalf of the Deputy Provincial Grand Master , Bro . Bridges , who , coming amongst us under circumstances of almost unexampled difficulty , has succeeded by his
admirable and discreet conduct in gaining the affection of all the members of his province . No trouble is ever spared by our Deputy Provincial Grand Master ; he is ever ready to take upon himself any duty , in anv lodge , at any distance , provided he can
oe of service to Freemasonry in general , and bis own iirovmce in particular . I thank you on behalf of his Grand Officers . ! No man can take more trouble or feel greater responsibility iu bis choice than Bro . Bridges ; and I confidently believe that no man can see around him a more worthy staff of officers . Bo assured , sir , that the brethren of "Wiltshire Avill always bo received Avith fraternal sympathy by the brethren of Somerset , on whose behalf thank all most heartil
I again you y . Bro . AVUTEI * begged to ' thank the D . Prov . G . M . and brethren , on behalf of himself and the other officers of the province , for the very kind manner iu which the toast had been received , and trusted it would prove an additional inducement to them to assist the D . Prov . G . M . in carrying out the great desire he had that Masonry should flourish most abundantly in the province ; and they would feel that , as they now held a
higher position among the brethren , so was their obligation increased to act out the great principles of tho Craft , for in proportion to the zeal of those AVIIO held office amongst them would Masonry flourish or decay . Speaking on behalf of himself ' he felt most strongly tho weight of his obligations ; for if ever any society existed where , more than another , the great practical duties of life Avere called into action , it ivas that of
Freemasonry . He had only to point to their noble Charities to test the truth of-AVhat be said , and be Avas glad to find that the Devizes Lodge , with which he was more immediately connected , stood Avell as to the amount of their subscriptions , and the sum of money they Avere consequently enabled to devote to the A-ai-ious Charities ; but still there ivas something more wanting than the mere putting the hand into the pocket and paying the
subscription . An increased attendance upon the w-ork of tho lodges Avas very desirable . It AVAS only here that they could hope to keep together a large number of the Craft , and he trusted that the lodges of the province would strive to emulate each other in this respect , and that tho Devizes Lodge Avould be amongst the foremost to acknowledge the claim . And , as an additional inducement for the good attendance at the lodgesbe
, would venture to ask the D . Prov . G . M . to visit them occasionally , as his health permitted , which be very much regretted to learn Avas not so strong as it has been in times past . He Avas quite sure the suggestion would be received in the same kind spirit in which it Avas uttered ; and if the D . Prov . G . M . would honour
the Devizes Lodge with bis presence at their meeting , the members ivould be highly gratified , and he Avas satisfied much good to the Craft would result from the visit . TheD . PROA * . G . MASTER replied lie should be most happy to visit the lodges of the province as his health , time , and circumstances would permit ; and lie ivould commence by visiting the Devizes Lodge at the next meeting , AA-hicb Avas fixed to take place on Thursday eveningthe 29 th October .
, Bro . BIGGS could not let that toast pass Avithout calling for an especial one to the health of their indefatigable Grand Secretary , Bro . Gooch , AVIIO never thought any duties too arduous Avhen employed in the service of Masonry . They had seen him that day invested as Secretary , not only of Grand Lodge , but also of the Methueu Lodge . He had to thank him personally for bis visit to Devizes , where be AVAS installed , and hoped to
have the pleasure of seeing him there again , on tho 29 th , Avith other brethren of the province . Bro . Goocn felt grateful for the respect he had ever received from the brethren generally , and hoped he should always be supported as be bad hitherto been . It was a great pleasure to him to find his services had met with their approval , and thanked them most cordially for their good wishes .
Several other toasts followed , which brought the evening to a happy conclusion , Bros , Calf , AVestmaeott , Toomer , etc ., having favoured the company with some excellent songs . Considering tho amount of support given to our charitable institutions , AVC may safely record this meeting as one of the most successful gatherings in the South of England .
( From the Melbourne Masonic Journal ) . A meeting of Freemasons of all Constitutions was held at the Duke of Rothsay Hotel , on AVednesday , 15 th July , the P . D . Prov . G . M ., Bro . M'Clure , was unanimously elected chairman , read the following requisition : — " The committee appointed by the general meeting of Freemasons , on the ISth April last , hereby convene a meeting of their brethren in Victoriato be
, held at the Masonic Hall ( St . Patrick's Hall ) , Bourko-street AA est , on AVednesday , the loth July inst ., at seven o'clock , to receive a report of the progress made by the committee , to consider the desirability of forwarding a memorial to the Grand Lodges , and to determine on future proceedings . By order , A . Ellis , Hon . Secretary . The committee invite the attendance of all brethren , Avhether favourable or unfavourable to the
object . " The CIIAIH . AIAN stated that the report would furnish the brethren with all information , and ho Avould not occupy the time of the meeting with any remarks , but called on the Hon . Sec . to read the report of the Committee : — " Committee Room , Duke of Rothsav Hotel , " Melbourne , July 15 , 1 SG 3 . " "To the Members of the Masonic Fraternity in A ^ ictoria . " BRETHREN , —At a meeting of the fraternity , convened by public advertisement , signed by a number of Worshipful and
Past Masters , and held at tho Duke ot Rothsay Hotel , Melbourne , on Saturday , the ISth of April last , it was unanimously resolved that the establishment of a Grand Lodge by the amalgamation of the present Provincial Grand Lodges Avould tend materially to enhance the position , and be for the best interests of Masonry in A'ictoria , and that a committee should be appointed ( with power to add to their number ) , for the purpose of carrying into effect the objects expressed in the resolution ,
and for bringing the same under the notice of the various lodges throughout the colony . In accordance witli tho above resolution , Bros . P . M . 's M'Clure , BradshaAV , Levick , Ellis , Reed , Barnes , Crowell , Rose , Johnston , Thompson , James , Stokes , Syders , 11 . R . AVnrdlaiv , and Walsh Avere elected on the committee , and the following brethren Avere subsequently added thereto : —P . M . 's M'Gaan , Ruck , Drysdale ,
Charles White , John AAliyte , Lazarus , Young , Howitz , T . Thompson , and AA'hiteman . Your Committee have used every exertion since their appointment for carrying into effect tbe Avishes of tho brethren Avho elected them , and they now beg respectfully to submit to this meeting the following report of their proceedings , together with a summary of the replies received by them from the various lodges , with Avhom they have been in communication with respect to the establishment of a Grand Lodge .