Article AUSTRALIA. ← Page 3 of 5 →
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pledge ourselves to assist by every legitimate means in accomplishing that object . " Shortly , however , after the despatch to the various lodges of the form and circular alluded to , replies Avere received from the Prov . G . Masters of the English aud Scotch Constitutions to the following effect , viz .: — " Provincial Grand Lodge of Victoria ,
Melbourne , 24 th April , 1 SG 3 . " Sir and Brother , —I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 20 th inst ., in which , as chairman of a meeting of brethren held at the Duke of Rothsay Hotel , you request permission to address a circular to the lodges in this province nuclei- the English Constitution , with the view of ascertaining the wishes of the brethren as to the advisability of establishing a Grand Lodge of A ictoria .
"As the authority ivliich I hold as Prov . G . M . of this Institute , under the English Constitution , is delegated to me by the M . AAL the Grand Master of England , I decline to lend my sanction to any movement Avhich may lead to an interruption of the Masonic allegiance ivhich I owo to the supreme authority in England . " I havehoAveversubmitted a copy of your communication
, , to the M . AA ' . the Grand Master , and requested his instructions as to the course which he may deem advisable for me to pursue . " I have the honour to be , Sir and Brother , yours respectfully , " FRED . C . STANDISII , Prov . G . M ., Victoria . " Bro . R . M'Clure , Esq ., Chairman of Committee . "
" Provincial Grand Lodge of Victoria , under tho Jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of Scotland . "Provincial Grand Secretary ' s Office , 55 , Burke-street AVest , April , 24 , 1 SG 3 . "Sir and Brother , —I am commanded by Bro . the Hon . AAln . Clark Haines , M . L . A ., Prov . G . M ., to acknowledge the receipt of your letter to him , dated the 20 th inst ., and to inform you , in repltheretothat the Prov . G . M . deems it inconsistent with
y , the proper discharge of his duties to give any sanction , direct or indirect , to the proceedings in question . "I have the honour to be , Sir and Brother , yours respectfully sincl fraternally , " JOHN EDAVAIIDS , Prov . G . Sec " Bro . Richard M'Clure , & c . "
As considerable misapprehension appears to have existed in the minds of many of the brethren Avith respect to the circular issued by the Committee , as also to the motives that influenced them in taking part in the movement for the establishment of a Grand Lodge in this country , they deem it only due to themselves that they should offer some few remarks upon these subjects . It has been urged by some brethrenaccording to the replies
, received by the committee , that the consideration of the circular could not be entertained in open lodge , it being contrary to the constitution of Freemasonry to discuss any question having for its object the severance of the allegiance Ave owe to the Grand Lodges , under whose jurisdiction we are placed , aud that the doing so might possibly lead to the suspension of the lodge . Tiie committee regret that such misapprehension should have
existed , as the slightest consideration would have convinced those brethren that the object of the circular Avas simply to ascertain the wishes of the Craft as a body , Avith respect to the establishing of a Grand Lodge , and that so far from its being the desire of the committee to urge upon the brethren the consideration of any matter contrary to the constitutions of our ancient fraternity , it Avas expressly stated that it Avas their
intention , as soon as sufficient replies had been received from the different lodges to Avarrant them in so doing , to forward a respectful memorial to the Grand Lodges , praying them to accede to our request ; under these circumstances , the committee are of opinion that the course adopted by them has been strictly in accordance w-ith Masonic usage , and with the laws as laid down by the Booh of Constitutions for the guidance of the
fraternity , which acknowledge the right of any lodge or body of Masons to meet and discuss any question having for ifs object the advancement and w-ell-beiiig of the Craft . Another subject to which the committee Avould briefly allude is the reports that were circulated by some members of the fraternity , imputing to them improper motives Avith respect to the appointment of a brother to the high office of Grand Master ; and to such an extent did these reports obtain publicity , that they felt bound , in justice to themselves , to prepare
the following statement , Avhich , by the courtesy of the editor , was inserted in the columns of the Masonic Journal ;—" Committee-rooms , Duke of Rothsay Hotel , Melbourne , 30 th April , 1 SG 3 . " To the 'Members of the Masonic Fraternity in Victoria . "Sirs and Brothers , —As certain letters which have appeared in the Masonic Journal , and also reports Avhich are in circulation , impugning the motives of the committeemightif
uncon-, , tradicted , lead to some misapprehension on the part of the members of the country lodges and of the Craft generally , it has been thought desirable by the committee to draw the attention of the brethren to tho following facts , viz .: — " That the committee were appointed at a general meeting of the Craft , on the ISth inst ., solely for tbe purpose of procuring , if possiblethe sanction of the Grand Lodges to the
establish-, ment of an Independent Grand Lodge for Victoria ; and , in corroboration of ivhich , they beg to refer the brethren to the report of the meeting alluded to . "That no instructions Avhatevcr AA-CI-O given to the committee Avith respect to the election of a Grand Master , and it consequently forms no part of their duty to undertake the consideration of that question .
"That neither directly nor indirectly has the subject been brought under the notice of the committee , and under no circumstances Avill any discussion be permitted thereon . " That as soon as replies have been received to the circulars forwarded to tbe various lodges it is tho intention of the committee to address a respectful memorial to the Grand Lodges , embodying the Avishes of tho fraternityand praying them to
, recognise a Grand Lodge of Victoria . " That as soon as the committee are in receipt of replies from the Grand Lodges , Avhether favourable or adverse to the proposed object , the committee Avill resign their functions into the hands of those brethren ivho elected them , and it will then be for the Craft to decide as to their future proceedings Avith respect to the establishment of a Grand Lodge .
"The committee trust that the above statement will remove any misapprehension that may exist with regard to their proceedings , and that the brethren will not allow themseh'es to bo led away by mischievous reports , such as above referred to .
" AA o remain , Sirs and Brothers , yours fraternally , " ROBERT M'CLURE , Chairman . "A . ELLIS , Hon . Sec . "ROBERT LEVICK , ")• ,,-, r "G . W . STOICS , L Members of "SAMUEL LAZARUS , ) Sub'CommiU' ° e-The delay which has arisen in presenting this report has not been from any inattention on the part of the committeebut
, solely from the neglect of many of the lodges in not replying to tiie circular forwarded them . The committee , believing that the time had arrived for some decisive action being taken in the matter , forwarded on the 4 th June a second circular to each of the lodges who had not replied to their previous communication . The committee have now to report that they have received
replies from thirty-three lodges . Of this number twenty are favourable to the establishment of a Grand Lodge , and Avill render all the assistance in their poAver for that purpose . The lodges favourable are six English , ten Irish , and four Scotch , and number amongst them not less than eleven metropolitan and suburban lodges . Of the lodges unfavourable and undecidedten are English
, , three Irish , and none Scotch . Eour are of opinion that the establishment of a Grand Lodge is desirable , but that the time has not arrived for any action being taken in the matter ; and two are of opinion that it Avould not he of any advantage to the Craft to have any change from our present system . From the general tenour of the repliesas Avell as from tho
, large number of old-established metropolitan lodges Avho have given in their adhesion to the movement , the committee are of opinion that they should be fully warranted in addressing the Grand Lodges on the subject , and for which purpose they have prepared a memorial , which they have now the honour of submitting for your approval , Avhich memorial they suggest should be forwarded to the lodges .
Bro . LEJIPHIERE , P . AL , Avished to make a few remarks before the report was put to tbe meeting for adoption . The committee Avhich prepared that report was appointed by a meeting called of those favourable to the establishment of a Grand Lodge , and it Avas not fair to now ask a meeting of brethren favourable and
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pledge ourselves to assist by every legitimate means in accomplishing that object . " Shortly , however , after the despatch to the various lodges of the form and circular alluded to , replies Avere received from the Prov . G . Masters of the English aud Scotch Constitutions to the following effect , viz .: — " Provincial Grand Lodge of Victoria ,
Melbourne , 24 th April , 1 SG 3 . " Sir and Brother , —I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 20 th inst ., in which , as chairman of a meeting of brethren held at the Duke of Rothsay Hotel , you request permission to address a circular to the lodges in this province nuclei- the English Constitution , with the view of ascertaining the wishes of the brethren as to the advisability of establishing a Grand Lodge of A ictoria .
"As the authority ivliich I hold as Prov . G . M . of this Institute , under the English Constitution , is delegated to me by the M . AAL the Grand Master of England , I decline to lend my sanction to any movement Avhich may lead to an interruption of the Masonic allegiance ivhich I owo to the supreme authority in England . " I havehoAveversubmitted a copy of your communication
, , to the M . AA ' . the Grand Master , and requested his instructions as to the course which he may deem advisable for me to pursue . " I have the honour to be , Sir and Brother , yours respectfully , " FRED . C . STANDISII , Prov . G . M ., Victoria . " Bro . R . M'Clure , Esq ., Chairman of Committee . "
" Provincial Grand Lodge of Victoria , under tho Jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of Scotland . "Provincial Grand Secretary ' s Office , 55 , Burke-street AVest , April , 24 , 1 SG 3 . "Sir and Brother , —I am commanded by Bro . the Hon . AAln . Clark Haines , M . L . A ., Prov . G . M ., to acknowledge the receipt of your letter to him , dated the 20 th inst ., and to inform you , in repltheretothat the Prov . G . M . deems it inconsistent with
y , the proper discharge of his duties to give any sanction , direct or indirect , to the proceedings in question . "I have the honour to be , Sir and Brother , yours respectfully sincl fraternally , " JOHN EDAVAIIDS , Prov . G . Sec " Bro . Richard M'Clure , & c . "
As considerable misapprehension appears to have existed in the minds of many of the brethren Avith respect to the circular issued by the Committee , as also to the motives that influenced them in taking part in the movement for the establishment of a Grand Lodge in this country , they deem it only due to themselves that they should offer some few remarks upon these subjects . It has been urged by some brethrenaccording to the replies
, received by the committee , that the consideration of the circular could not be entertained in open lodge , it being contrary to the constitution of Freemasonry to discuss any question having for its object the severance of the allegiance Ave owe to the Grand Lodges , under whose jurisdiction we are placed , aud that the doing so might possibly lead to the suspension of the lodge . Tiie committee regret that such misapprehension should have
existed , as the slightest consideration would have convinced those brethren that the object of the circular Avas simply to ascertain the wishes of the Craft as a body , Avith respect to the establishing of a Grand Lodge , and that so far from its being the desire of the committee to urge upon the brethren the consideration of any matter contrary to the constitutions of our ancient fraternity , it Avas expressly stated that it Avas their
intention , as soon as sufficient replies had been received from the different lodges to Avarrant them in so doing , to forward a respectful memorial to the Grand Lodges , praying them to accede to our request ; under these circumstances , the committee are of opinion that the course adopted by them has been strictly in accordance w-ith Masonic usage , and with the laws as laid down by the Booh of Constitutions for the guidance of the
fraternity , which acknowledge the right of any lodge or body of Masons to meet and discuss any question having for ifs object the advancement and w-ell-beiiig of the Craft . Another subject to which the committee Avould briefly allude is the reports that were circulated by some members of the fraternity , imputing to them improper motives Avith respect to the appointment of a brother to the high office of Grand Master ; and to such an extent did these reports obtain publicity , that they felt bound , in justice to themselves , to prepare
the following statement , Avhich , by the courtesy of the editor , was inserted in the columns of the Masonic Journal ;—" Committee-rooms , Duke of Rothsay Hotel , Melbourne , 30 th April , 1 SG 3 . " To the 'Members of the Masonic Fraternity in Victoria . "Sirs and Brothers , —As certain letters which have appeared in the Masonic Journal , and also reports Avhich are in circulation , impugning the motives of the committeemightif
uncon-, , tradicted , lead to some misapprehension on the part of the members of the country lodges and of the Craft generally , it has been thought desirable by the committee to draw the attention of the brethren to tho following facts , viz .: — " That the committee were appointed at a general meeting of the Craft , on the ISth inst ., solely for tbe purpose of procuring , if possiblethe sanction of the Grand Lodges to the
establish-, ment of an Independent Grand Lodge for Victoria ; and , in corroboration of ivhich , they beg to refer the brethren to the report of the meeting alluded to . "That no instructions Avhatevcr AA-CI-O given to the committee Avith respect to the election of a Grand Master , and it consequently forms no part of their duty to undertake the consideration of that question .
"That neither directly nor indirectly has the subject been brought under the notice of the committee , and under no circumstances Avill any discussion be permitted thereon . " That as soon as replies have been received to the circulars forwarded to tbe various lodges it is tho intention of the committee to address a respectful memorial to the Grand Lodges , embodying the Avishes of tho fraternityand praying them to
, recognise a Grand Lodge of Victoria . " That as soon as the committee are in receipt of replies from the Grand Lodges , Avhether favourable or adverse to the proposed object , the committee Avill resign their functions into the hands of those brethren ivho elected them , and it will then be for the Craft to decide as to their future proceedings Avith respect to the establishment of a Grand Lodge .
"The committee trust that the above statement will remove any misapprehension that may exist with regard to their proceedings , and that the brethren will not allow themseh'es to bo led away by mischievous reports , such as above referred to .
" AA o remain , Sirs and Brothers , yours fraternally , " ROBERT M'CLURE , Chairman . "A . ELLIS , Hon . Sec . "ROBERT LEVICK , ")• ,,-, r "G . W . STOICS , L Members of "SAMUEL LAZARUS , ) Sub'CommiU' ° e-The delay which has arisen in presenting this report has not been from any inattention on the part of the committeebut
, solely from the neglect of many of the lodges in not replying to tiie circular forwarded them . The committee , believing that the time had arrived for some decisive action being taken in the matter , forwarded on the 4 th June a second circular to each of the lodges who had not replied to their previous communication . The committee have now to report that they have received
replies from thirty-three lodges . Of this number twenty are favourable to the establishment of a Grand Lodge , and Avill render all the assistance in their poAver for that purpose . The lodges favourable are six English , ten Irish , and four Scotch , and number amongst them not less than eleven metropolitan and suburban lodges . Of the lodges unfavourable and undecidedten are English
, , three Irish , and none Scotch . Eour are of opinion that the establishment of a Grand Lodge is desirable , but that the time has not arrived for any action being taken in the matter ; and two are of opinion that it Avould not he of any advantage to the Craft to have any change from our present system . From the general tenour of the repliesas Avell as from tho
, large number of old-established metropolitan lodges Avho have given in their adhesion to the movement , the committee are of opinion that they should be fully warranted in addressing the Grand Lodges on the subject , and for which purpose they have prepared a memorial , which they have now the honour of submitting for your approval , Avhich memorial they suggest should be forwarded to the lodges .
Bro . LEJIPHIERE , P . AL , Avished to make a few remarks before the report was put to tbe meeting for adoption . The committee Avhich prepared that report was appointed by a meeting called of those favourable to the establishment of a Grand Lodge , and it Avas not fair to now ask a meeting of brethren favourable and