Article UNITED GRAND LODGE. ← Page 2 of 5 →
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United Grand Lodge.
of Cers ., Bros . Jennings and Chapman ; P . G . Sword Bearers , Bros . Le Veau , Poeock , Elkington , VValmisley , Spiers , and Patten , and about 150 other brethren . Grand Lodge having been opened in a solemn form , the minutes as to the election of the M . AV . G . M . and Grand Treasurer , were read and confirmed . The M . AV . G . M . having been duly saluted , thanked
the brethren for the renewed mark of their favour in selecting him as their Grand Master . He could assure the brethren that he deeply appreciated the honour , and he would continue , as he had ever done , to endeavour to promote the interests of the Craft to the best of his ability . Though he had felt it is duty to be present that afternoon , he deeply regretted that it would not be in his power to
join them in the evening , he having received intelligence of the serious illness of a near and dear relation ( Sir Hedworth AVilliamson ) He could assure the brethren he deeply regretted being unable to . meet them , and he was certain under the circumstances they would excuse him . The M . AV . G . Master then proceeded to appoint his officers , as follow those marked thus * being re-appointments .
Tbe Earl de Grey and Ripon , D . Grand Master . Lorcl Richard Grosvenor , S . G . AVarden . Bro . Novell ! , J . G Warden . Bros . the . Rev . Dr . Senior , and Riland Bedford , G . Chaps . Bro . S . Tomkins , * G . Treas . „ F . Roxburgh , * G . Reg . AV . G . Clarke * G . Sec .
„ , „ Brandt , G . Sec . German Correspondence . „ M . Mclntyre , S . G . D . „ C . H . Gregory , J . G . D . ,, AV . Dawkes * G . Sup . AVorks . „ A . AV . Woods , * G . D . C . „ J . Symonds , * Asst . G . D . C . Hyde PullenG . Sd . Bearer .
„ , „ AV . Farnfield , * Asst . G . Sec . ,, C . Horslev , * G . Org . „ T . A . Adams , * G . Burst . ,, D . Farmer * , Asst . G . Purst . „ Chas . B . Payne , * G . Tyler .
It was explained that Lord Richard Grosvenor was unable to attend in consequence of engagements in the countrr ; Bro . Gregory , owing to professional engagements in Sicily ; and Bro . Brandt , by ill-health . The following brethren having been returned by the respective lodges as Grand Stewards for the ensuing year , and approved of by
the Grand Master , were duly presented : —Bros . Lumley , No . 1 ; S . L . Tomkins , 2 ; S . ' Haydon , 4 ; H . Coote , 5 ; Capt . AA . Piatt , G ; AV . W . Knight , S ; H . Cazenove , 14 ; Geo . Smith , 23 ; C . C . McDonnell ^? ; S . Herapath , 32 ; Thos . B . Brankston , 5-1 ; Ed . H . Hwbback , 6 G ; Thos . Parker , 72 ; Herman Kopke , 108 ; Wii Blewett , 116 ; Capt . M . J . Currie , 233 ; Thos . Hughan , 321 ,
The Earl DE GIIEY and HIPOX having been duly obligated by Bro . Hall , Past Grand Master for Cambridgeshire , as Deputy Grand Master , was conducted to his seat on the right of the Grand Master and having been regularly proclaimed according to ancient custom , received the usual salutations from the brothers . His lordshi p then said .- — " Most AVorsliipfnl Sir , I have to return you my most sincere
acknowledgments for your kindness in promoting me to the responsible and important office which . I havo now the honour to fill , and to you my brethren for the cordial manner in which you have just now saluted me . I feel how very little I have deserved from any services which I have as yet performed in the cause of Masonry to attain to this distinction , but I can assure you that having accepted
the office of Deputy Grand Master , it shall be my constant effort to labour , to the best of my ability , to discharge its arduous and honourable functions , and to promote the general good of our ancient craft , and to afford you , Most AA'orshipful Sir , all the assistance in my power in the government of the Order . The Earl of DALHOUSIE then addressed the Grand Lodge , and
said , I cannot surrender the office which I have held in the Craft for the last few years without offering to the Most AVorsh . ipf-.-. l Grand Master , and to you my brethren , my most sincere ' thanks
for the kind manner in which you have at all times borne with the many imperfections which I brought to the discharge of its duties . I have felt it to be my duty to request the Most AVorshipful the Grand Master to release me from the responsibility of the office which he was kind enough to entrust to me , simply because I could not command that health which I felt I required to adequately fulfil it .
( Hear , hear . ) But in retiring from office , I do not retire from Masonry . I do not relinquish the interest which I have always and will ever take in the advancement of the Craft . ( Cheers . ) I am happy to say I have Ins permission to remain as one of his council—a member of his cabinet , but without office , not simply to meet him in his cabinet , but to aid him in the high duty of
advocating for the Craft the maintenance of those privileges and immunities to which it is entitled ( cheers ) and rejoice to think that in retiring from office I leave the Craft in a state of harmony and unity , and nourishing in a manner almost unprecedented , and on which we may all congratulate ourselves . During the state of disunion which everywhere exists , I raise my hands in thanksgiving to the
G . A . O . T . U . that he has vouchsafed to us that state of unity which alone can make Masonry useful to the world at large . ( Cheers . ) I see that the seeds of that unity have been sown broadcast in England , ancl I feel confident it will secure to the Craft that high character and reputation which it had hitherto enjoyed . Bro . HAVERS , President of the Board of General Purposes , then rose and said , Most AVorshipful Grand Master , the Grand Secretary
has already communicated to you the cause of the absence of Bro . Brandt , representative of the Grand Lodge of Hamburg . AVhilst we regret the indisposition which has prevented that Brother's attendance , I am sure that he feels even a greater regret that he cannot in person perforin the task which he has deputed to me . Late last night , Most Worshipful Sir , I received this packet , ivith
the request that , in the unavoidable absence of Bro . Brandt , I would present it to your Lordship . I feel that I cannot better perforin my task than by reading a translation of a letter which accompanies it . Bro . Havers then read a very complimentary and fraternal letter from the Grand Master and Grand Officers of the Grand
Lodge of Hamburg to the Grand Master of England , referring to the period when the Lodges of Freemasons in Hamburg were subo ordinate to the Grand Lodge of England , and to the period of 50 years which had now elapsed since the formation of the Grand Lodge of Hamburg , and expressing the very fraternal feeling ancl respect whicli they still hold to their Mother Lodge , and that , as a mark of their respect the Grand Lodge of Hamburg had , by an unanimous vote on the occasion of their meeting for their 50 th
anniversary , elected the Earl of Zetland an honorary member . The following is a translation of the document , which was engrossed on vellum , and , as Bro . Havers remarked , was in itself an exquisite piece of art . ' - ' AA e , Grandmaster , Deputy Grandmaster , and Grandwardens of the most honourable Grand Lodge of Hamburg , hereby announce in the name of the aforesaid lodgethat by a unanimous determination
, of the 2 nd February , 1861 , the honorary membership of the Grand Lodge of Hamburg was awarded to the most honourable Bro . the Earl of Zetland , Grandmaster of the United Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of England , in the Lodge of London . AVe beg this beloved Bro . to accept the same as a token of our sincere love and esteem , and also as a proof of our grateful fraternal acknowledgement of his manifold services to our Grand Lodge and
to the Union of Freemasons . ' ' DE . BUCKSEX , Grand Master . " DR . C . W . ASIIER , Deputy Grand Master . ' C . E . BUCK , Senior Grand AA arden . " V . A . "NOODT , Junior Grand AA arden . " B . L . TIISCII , Grand Secretary . " In presenting it to the Most AVorshipful Grand Master , Bro .
Havers , said , permit me to add on behalf of my Brethren in Grand ILodge , for I am convinced that I shall speak their feelings as well as my own , that if this mark of respect and attachment paid to you by P . ' -foreign Grand Lodge is gratifying to your Lordship's feelings , it "ill le felt as no less gratifying and complimentary by the
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
United Grand Lodge.
of Cers ., Bros . Jennings and Chapman ; P . G . Sword Bearers , Bros . Le Veau , Poeock , Elkington , VValmisley , Spiers , and Patten , and about 150 other brethren . Grand Lodge having been opened in a solemn form , the minutes as to the election of the M . AV . G . M . and Grand Treasurer , were read and confirmed . The M . AV . G . M . having been duly saluted , thanked
the brethren for the renewed mark of their favour in selecting him as their Grand Master . He could assure the brethren that he deeply appreciated the honour , and he would continue , as he had ever done , to endeavour to promote the interests of the Craft to the best of his ability . Though he had felt it is duty to be present that afternoon , he deeply regretted that it would not be in his power to
join them in the evening , he having received intelligence of the serious illness of a near and dear relation ( Sir Hedworth AVilliamson ) He could assure the brethren he deeply regretted being unable to . meet them , and he was certain under the circumstances they would excuse him . The M . AV . G . Master then proceeded to appoint his officers , as follow those marked thus * being re-appointments .
Tbe Earl de Grey and Ripon , D . Grand Master . Lorcl Richard Grosvenor , S . G . AVarden . Bro . Novell ! , J . G Warden . Bros . the . Rev . Dr . Senior , and Riland Bedford , G . Chaps . Bro . S . Tomkins , * G . Treas . „ F . Roxburgh , * G . Reg . AV . G . Clarke * G . Sec .
„ , „ Brandt , G . Sec . German Correspondence . „ M . Mclntyre , S . G . D . „ C . H . Gregory , J . G . D . ,, AV . Dawkes * G . Sup . AVorks . „ A . AV . Woods , * G . D . C . „ J . Symonds , * Asst . G . D . C . Hyde PullenG . Sd . Bearer .
„ , „ AV . Farnfield , * Asst . G . Sec . ,, C . Horslev , * G . Org . „ T . A . Adams , * G . Burst . ,, D . Farmer * , Asst . G . Purst . „ Chas . B . Payne , * G . Tyler .
It was explained that Lord Richard Grosvenor was unable to attend in consequence of engagements in the countrr ; Bro . Gregory , owing to professional engagements in Sicily ; and Bro . Brandt , by ill-health . The following brethren having been returned by the respective lodges as Grand Stewards for the ensuing year , and approved of by
the Grand Master , were duly presented : —Bros . Lumley , No . 1 ; S . L . Tomkins , 2 ; S . ' Haydon , 4 ; H . Coote , 5 ; Capt . AA . Piatt , G ; AV . W . Knight , S ; H . Cazenove , 14 ; Geo . Smith , 23 ; C . C . McDonnell ^? ; S . Herapath , 32 ; Thos . B . Brankston , 5-1 ; Ed . H . Hwbback , 6 G ; Thos . Parker , 72 ; Herman Kopke , 108 ; Wii Blewett , 116 ; Capt . M . J . Currie , 233 ; Thos . Hughan , 321 ,
The Earl DE GIIEY and HIPOX having been duly obligated by Bro . Hall , Past Grand Master for Cambridgeshire , as Deputy Grand Master , was conducted to his seat on the right of the Grand Master and having been regularly proclaimed according to ancient custom , received the usual salutations from the brothers . His lordshi p then said .- — " Most AVorsliipfnl Sir , I have to return you my most sincere
acknowledgments for your kindness in promoting me to the responsible and important office which . I havo now the honour to fill , and to you my brethren for the cordial manner in which you have just now saluted me . I feel how very little I have deserved from any services which I have as yet performed in the cause of Masonry to attain to this distinction , but I can assure you that having accepted
the office of Deputy Grand Master , it shall be my constant effort to labour , to the best of my ability , to discharge its arduous and honourable functions , and to promote the general good of our ancient craft , and to afford you , Most AA'orshipful Sir , all the assistance in my power in the government of the Order . The Earl of DALHOUSIE then addressed the Grand Lodge , and
said , I cannot surrender the office which I have held in the Craft for the last few years without offering to the Most AVorsh . ipf-.-. l Grand Master , and to you my brethren , my most sincere ' thanks
for the kind manner in which you have at all times borne with the many imperfections which I brought to the discharge of its duties . I have felt it to be my duty to request the Most AVorshipful the Grand Master to release me from the responsibility of the office which he was kind enough to entrust to me , simply because I could not command that health which I felt I required to adequately fulfil it .
( Hear , hear . ) But in retiring from office , I do not retire from Masonry . I do not relinquish the interest which I have always and will ever take in the advancement of the Craft . ( Cheers . ) I am happy to say I have Ins permission to remain as one of his council—a member of his cabinet , but without office , not simply to meet him in his cabinet , but to aid him in the high duty of
advocating for the Craft the maintenance of those privileges and immunities to which it is entitled ( cheers ) and rejoice to think that in retiring from office I leave the Craft in a state of harmony and unity , and nourishing in a manner almost unprecedented , and on which we may all congratulate ourselves . During the state of disunion which everywhere exists , I raise my hands in thanksgiving to the
G . A . O . T . U . that he has vouchsafed to us that state of unity which alone can make Masonry useful to the world at large . ( Cheers . ) I see that the seeds of that unity have been sown broadcast in England , ancl I feel confident it will secure to the Craft that high character and reputation which it had hitherto enjoyed . Bro . HAVERS , President of the Board of General Purposes , then rose and said , Most AVorshipful Grand Master , the Grand Secretary
has already communicated to you the cause of the absence of Bro . Brandt , representative of the Grand Lodge of Hamburg . AVhilst we regret the indisposition which has prevented that Brother's attendance , I am sure that he feels even a greater regret that he cannot in person perforin the task which he has deputed to me . Late last night , Most Worshipful Sir , I received this packet , ivith
the request that , in the unavoidable absence of Bro . Brandt , I would present it to your Lordship . I feel that I cannot better perforin my task than by reading a translation of a letter which accompanies it . Bro . Havers then read a very complimentary and fraternal letter from the Grand Master and Grand Officers of the Grand
Lodge of Hamburg to the Grand Master of England , referring to the period when the Lodges of Freemasons in Hamburg were subo ordinate to the Grand Lodge of England , and to the period of 50 years which had now elapsed since the formation of the Grand Lodge of Hamburg , and expressing the very fraternal feeling ancl respect whicli they still hold to their Mother Lodge , and that , as a mark of their respect the Grand Lodge of Hamburg had , by an unanimous vote on the occasion of their meeting for their 50 th
anniversary , elected the Earl of Zetland an honorary member . The following is a translation of the document , which was engrossed on vellum , and , as Bro . Havers remarked , was in itself an exquisite piece of art . ' - ' AA e , Grandmaster , Deputy Grandmaster , and Grandwardens of the most honourable Grand Lodge of Hamburg , hereby announce in the name of the aforesaid lodgethat by a unanimous determination
, of the 2 nd February , 1861 , the honorary membership of the Grand Lodge of Hamburg was awarded to the most honourable Bro . the Earl of Zetland , Grandmaster of the United Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of England , in the Lodge of London . AVe beg this beloved Bro . to accept the same as a token of our sincere love and esteem , and also as a proof of our grateful fraternal acknowledgement of his manifold services to our Grand Lodge and
to the Union of Freemasons . ' ' DE . BUCKSEX , Grand Master . " DR . C . W . ASIIER , Deputy Grand Master . ' C . E . BUCK , Senior Grand AA arden . " V . A . "NOODT , Junior Grand AA arden . " B . L . TIISCII , Grand Secretary . " In presenting it to the Most AVorshipful Grand Master , Bro .
Havers , said , permit me to add on behalf of my Brethren in Grand ILodge , for I am convinced that I shall speak their feelings as well as my own , that if this mark of respect and attachment paid to you by P . ' -foreign Grand Lodge is gratifying to your Lordship's feelings , it "ill le felt as no less gratifying and complimentary by the