Article METROPOLITAN. ← Page 2 of 2 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 1 of 1 Article YORKSHIRE (WEST). Page 1 of 1 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 2 →
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to continue to give that attention to them which he had hitherto done . He would take the liberty of proposing to them "The Health of their AY . "Master Viscount IRanelagh . " The noble Viscount had long advocated the volunteer movement , which had now taken such deep root in the empire , and he hoped and believed that he would be as beloved in Masonry as he was by his comrades in the volunteer service , and rule over a happy and prosperous lodge .
The W . M . having returned thanks , a variety of other toasts were drunk , which were acknowledged by Bro . W . P . Scott , P . G . D . ; Bro . Dr . Hinxman , AV . BI . of the Grand Stewards' Lodge , and others , the brethren not separating until a late hour . AVESTBOURNE LODGE , ( 1035)—This flourishing and respectable lodge held its usual meeting on Thursday last at the Mitre Tavern , Craven TerraceBayswater Roadunder the presidency of Bro . H .
, , A . Stacey , AA' . M ., who was assisted most ably by his officers . Bro . Dietrich and Harrison as AVardens . The lodge having been opened in due form , at five o'clock precisely , the following business was gone through;—Bros . AVarner and Isaacs were raised ; Bros . Tildesley , Fisher and Lederhausen passed , and Messrs . Edward Hill ancl Edward Welsh initiated . The whole of these ceremonies being performed by the AV . M . in his usual correct manner . Four
gentlemen were proposed for initiation at the next lodge meeting , and after some formal measures , such as the removal of the lodge , and'the alteration of the by-laws , the brethren , numbering over thirty retired to an excellent banquet , served in Bro . Fisher ' s accustomed style , which gave universal satisfaction . After the usual toasts were given ancl drank with great enthusiasm , the AA . M . in a brief address , proposed the initiates , for which Bro . E . Hill
returned thanks in an effective speech . The visitors health was responded to by Bro . Best , W . M . 1006 , on behalf of the following brethren : —Bro . A argues , from Brazils , AV . M . Cobham , of 165 ancl 536 , Bro . Dixson , of 201 , Bro . Dorset , of 201 , Bro . Lyon , of 25 , and several other brethren . Then followed the AA . M . ' s health , the Past Master's and the officers , to which Bro . Stacey , Bro . Cottebrune and Bro . Dietrich respondedwhen the members separatedhihl
, , gy pleased and delighted with each other , and satisfied with the arrangements and excellent accommodation . AVe cannot close our report without mentioning that the following brethren , viz : —Bros . Stacey , Appelby , Hill , Summersly and Cobham enhanced the enjoyment of the evening with some very excellent singing .
SOMERSETSHIRE . HIGHBRIDGE , BITK 3 . IA _ . I _ —RuralPliil-anthropicLodge ( No . 367 ) . — On Friday , April 19 th , 1861 , this lodge held its monthly meeting at the Masonic Room , Railway Hotel , Highbridge . The W . M ., Bro . Joseph Duke , then read a letter of congratulation in accordance with tbe unanimous resolution passed by the brethren at the last lodge , and which was now approved and adopted . The W . M .
, in a very able and complimentary speech , presented it to Bro . Henry Bridges , D . Prov . G . M . and G . S . B . The following is a copy of tlle kind testimonial : — 19 th April , 1861 . To the Very Worshipful I-IEXBX BIUDGES , TEsquire , Deputy Provincial Grand Master of the Province of Somerset , G . S . B . — DEAR SIR AJTD BEOTHEE , —I have been requested , by the
unanimous vote of the members of Lodge 367 , in open Lodge assembled , to tender you their warmest congratulation on your recent appointment , by the Very Worshipful the Grand Registrar of England , to the distinguished and honourable position of Deputy Provincial Grand Master of this Province , an appointment which reflects honour alike on the A ery AArorshipful Grand Registrar and on you . AVe rejoice that merit alone has dictated the selection , and we trust
that you may for many years to come fill that high position , as wc believe that your ability as a Mason and your courtesy and kindness as a Brother will tend to cement the bonds of Masonry , and brotherly love amongst us , and that the constant efforts made by you to increase our charities will greatly lead to the permanence of our institutions . AVe also rejoice that our most gracious Majestthe Queen has
y lately issued her commission to you as the Captain of one of the finest Corps of Volunteers in the AVest of England , and wc are proud , and rejoice , that the Deputy Provincial ' Grand Master of this county , and the Secretary and P . M . of our lodge , should occupy so important and distinguished a position ; and we heartily wish you long life and happiness to enjoy the honour . - thus worthily conferred on you .
I am , Dear Sir and Brother , your faithful Brother , ( Signed ) JOSEPH DUKE , AV . M . 367 . Captain Henry Bridges , A ' ery AVorshipful Deputy Provincial Grand Master . i
Yorkshire (West).
PHOVIKCIAL GUAM ) LODGE . We are requested to correct an error which occurred in our last week ' s impression of the report of the provincial meeting holden at Huddersfield , in which it should have appeared in the appointment of officers that Bro . AA ' m . White , AA . M . 162 , Sheffield , E . G ., and Rose >{< , 30 ° , & c , was installed Asst . G . Dir . of Cers . for that province , and that Bro . Berry , of Huddersfield , was installed Asst . G . Purst . ; these being newly-created offices in this province , were overlooked in the hurry of reporting .
B-iADVOED . — Lodge of TSopie ( So . 379 ) . —The lodge was opened on Monday , April 22 , by the AV . M ., Bro . J . Lumb , with his usual punctuality , at seven o ' clock , supported by Bros . J . Gaunt , S . AV . ; A . Hunter " ; J . W . ; Rev . H . de L . Willis , D . D ., as Chaplain ; L . C . Hill , Sec . ; ancl G . Beanland , Treas . ; and the rest of the officers , and a goodly number of P . Ms ., brethren , and visitors , amongst whom were , Bros . Robinson Salmond , P . Prov . S . G . AV . ; M .
Rogerson , P . Prov . S . D . ; AA ' m . Gath , P . Prov . J . G . AV . ; Thos . Hill , AV . Mawson , P . Prov . Sup . of AVorks ; C . H . Taylor , Prov . G . S ., and H . Smith , P . Prov . S . G . D ., P . Ms . ; visitors from No . 174 , Meltham ; No . 7 % Huddersfield ; and No . 874 , Bradford . After the usual routine business was concluded , the W . M . passed Bro . AV . Bottomley to the F . C . degree , he being found proficient . Mr . E . C . Pearson was balloted forand afterwards initiated bthe
, y AV . M . ; the working tools were respectively given by Bros . Smith and Hill , and the charge to the initiate by Bro . Rogerson . The subject of removal to the new lodge rooms , now being erected , was brought before the brethren , in accordance with the formal notice previously given , when it was unanimously resolved that the removal should take place so soon as legal and convenient . Bro . Isaac AVright , the Mayor of Bradford , was proposed as a joining
member . Bro . Little , of Derby , was admitted a joining member . The subject of the vacant Secretaryship of the Girls' School was introduced , ancl a strong feeling was expressed in favour of Bro . C . H . Patten for the office , whose services on behalf of the charities are so well-known and highly appreciated in this province , and it was earnestly hoped that he might be successful in his application , the subscribers to the charity promising him their hearty support as a worthy successor to that invaluable brother whom every one must regret is compelled to relinquish the office on account of declining health . The brethren of AVest Yorkshire will lonsr
remember with feelings of pleasure the visit of Bros . Crew . and Patten to their provincial meetings at Doneaster , at which their energetic appeal in favour of the Girls' School produced such fruitful results . It was mentioned b y Bro . C . H . Taylor , Prov . G . Steward , that the arrangements for the installation of Prov . G . Master were progressing satisfactorily , and that great energy was being displayed by tha Leeds brethren to give such a warm and hearty reception to the Riht Hon . Earl de Grey and Ri as
g pon would prove to him how highly the brethren of the province approve ofthe appointment . The following brethren were appointed a committee to carry out the furnishing- ancl decorating the new lodge-rooms , viz ., J . Lumb , W . M . ; M . Rogerson , P . M . ; D . Salmond , VM . ; AV . Gath , P . M . ; Henry Farrar , P . M . ; John Barraclough , P . M . ; C . H . Taylor , P . M . ; S . C . Tetley , C . Pratt , A . M . Matthews , and AVm . Mawson , P . M . The lodge was closed in harmony at 9 , p . m ., '
after which the brethren retired to a substantial repast . After tlie usual loyaland Masonic toast-shad been duly honoured , together with thc newly passed andinitiated brethren , the AV . M . called upon Bro . C . Lees , Prov . S . W ., to propose the toast of thc visiting brethren which he did in his usual fluent and humorous style , expressing the feelings of pleasure aud pride with which the Lodge of Hope ever welcomed those who honoured them with their presence ; trusting
that when the time shall arrive for him to be placed in the high position of AVorshipful Master of the lodge , the same hearty support will be given to him , which is now accorded to the present W . M ., and that the Past Masters and brethren will rally round him , and the visitors become still more numerous , and that all might evince that truly Masonic and enthusiastic support of the charities , which has tended to render Freemasonry so estimable to its votaries . The proceedings were enlivened by many songs , aud brought to a conclusion at the usual hour of eleven o'clock .
Royal Arch.
MIDDLESEX . UXBRIDGE . —Royal Union Chapter ( No . 536 ) . —Tills chapter , which has been in abeyance some three or four vears , was formally resuscitated on the 20 th inst . Its appointments ' have been carefull y preserved by its P . Z . am ! Treas ., Comp . Edsn , and , with very little
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
to continue to give that attention to them which he had hitherto done . He would take the liberty of proposing to them "The Health of their AY . "Master Viscount IRanelagh . " The noble Viscount had long advocated the volunteer movement , which had now taken such deep root in the empire , and he hoped and believed that he would be as beloved in Masonry as he was by his comrades in the volunteer service , and rule over a happy and prosperous lodge .
The W . M . having returned thanks , a variety of other toasts were drunk , which were acknowledged by Bro . W . P . Scott , P . G . D . ; Bro . Dr . Hinxman , AV . BI . of the Grand Stewards' Lodge , and others , the brethren not separating until a late hour . AVESTBOURNE LODGE , ( 1035)—This flourishing and respectable lodge held its usual meeting on Thursday last at the Mitre Tavern , Craven TerraceBayswater Roadunder the presidency of Bro . H .
, , A . Stacey , AA' . M ., who was assisted most ably by his officers . Bro . Dietrich and Harrison as AVardens . The lodge having been opened in due form , at five o'clock precisely , the following business was gone through;—Bros . AVarner and Isaacs were raised ; Bros . Tildesley , Fisher and Lederhausen passed , and Messrs . Edward Hill ancl Edward Welsh initiated . The whole of these ceremonies being performed by the AV . M . in his usual correct manner . Four
gentlemen were proposed for initiation at the next lodge meeting , and after some formal measures , such as the removal of the lodge , and'the alteration of the by-laws , the brethren , numbering over thirty retired to an excellent banquet , served in Bro . Fisher ' s accustomed style , which gave universal satisfaction . After the usual toasts were given ancl drank with great enthusiasm , the AA . M . in a brief address , proposed the initiates , for which Bro . E . Hill
returned thanks in an effective speech . The visitors health was responded to by Bro . Best , W . M . 1006 , on behalf of the following brethren : —Bro . A argues , from Brazils , AV . M . Cobham , of 165 ancl 536 , Bro . Dixson , of 201 , Bro . Dorset , of 201 , Bro . Lyon , of 25 , and several other brethren . Then followed the AA . M . ' s health , the Past Master's and the officers , to which Bro . Stacey , Bro . Cottebrune and Bro . Dietrich respondedwhen the members separatedhihl
, , gy pleased and delighted with each other , and satisfied with the arrangements and excellent accommodation . AVe cannot close our report without mentioning that the following brethren , viz : —Bros . Stacey , Appelby , Hill , Summersly and Cobham enhanced the enjoyment of the evening with some very excellent singing .
SOMERSETSHIRE . HIGHBRIDGE , BITK 3 . IA _ . I _ —RuralPliil-anthropicLodge ( No . 367 ) . — On Friday , April 19 th , 1861 , this lodge held its monthly meeting at the Masonic Room , Railway Hotel , Highbridge . The W . M ., Bro . Joseph Duke , then read a letter of congratulation in accordance with tbe unanimous resolution passed by the brethren at the last lodge , and which was now approved and adopted . The W . M .
, in a very able and complimentary speech , presented it to Bro . Henry Bridges , D . Prov . G . M . and G . S . B . The following is a copy of tlle kind testimonial : — 19 th April , 1861 . To the Very Worshipful I-IEXBX BIUDGES , TEsquire , Deputy Provincial Grand Master of the Province of Somerset , G . S . B . — DEAR SIR AJTD BEOTHEE , —I have been requested , by the
unanimous vote of the members of Lodge 367 , in open Lodge assembled , to tender you their warmest congratulation on your recent appointment , by the Very Worshipful the Grand Registrar of England , to the distinguished and honourable position of Deputy Provincial Grand Master of this Province , an appointment which reflects honour alike on the A ery AArorshipful Grand Registrar and on you . AVe rejoice that merit alone has dictated the selection , and we trust
that you may for many years to come fill that high position , as wc believe that your ability as a Mason and your courtesy and kindness as a Brother will tend to cement the bonds of Masonry , and brotherly love amongst us , and that the constant efforts made by you to increase our charities will greatly lead to the permanence of our institutions . AVe also rejoice that our most gracious Majestthe Queen has
y lately issued her commission to you as the Captain of one of the finest Corps of Volunteers in the AVest of England , and wc are proud , and rejoice , that the Deputy Provincial ' Grand Master of this county , and the Secretary and P . M . of our lodge , should occupy so important and distinguished a position ; and we heartily wish you long life and happiness to enjoy the honour . - thus worthily conferred on you .
I am , Dear Sir and Brother , your faithful Brother , ( Signed ) JOSEPH DUKE , AV . M . 367 . Captain Henry Bridges , A ' ery AVorshipful Deputy Provincial Grand Master . i
Yorkshire (West).
PHOVIKCIAL GUAM ) LODGE . We are requested to correct an error which occurred in our last week ' s impression of the report of the provincial meeting holden at Huddersfield , in which it should have appeared in the appointment of officers that Bro . AA ' m . White , AA . M . 162 , Sheffield , E . G ., and Rose >{< , 30 ° , & c , was installed Asst . G . Dir . of Cers . for that province , and that Bro . Berry , of Huddersfield , was installed Asst . G . Purst . ; these being newly-created offices in this province , were overlooked in the hurry of reporting .
B-iADVOED . — Lodge of TSopie ( So . 379 ) . —The lodge was opened on Monday , April 22 , by the AV . M ., Bro . J . Lumb , with his usual punctuality , at seven o ' clock , supported by Bros . J . Gaunt , S . AV . ; A . Hunter " ; J . W . ; Rev . H . de L . Willis , D . D ., as Chaplain ; L . C . Hill , Sec . ; ancl G . Beanland , Treas . ; and the rest of the officers , and a goodly number of P . Ms ., brethren , and visitors , amongst whom were , Bros . Robinson Salmond , P . Prov . S . G . AV . ; M .
Rogerson , P . Prov . S . D . ; AA ' m . Gath , P . Prov . J . G . AV . ; Thos . Hill , AV . Mawson , P . Prov . Sup . of AVorks ; C . H . Taylor , Prov . G . S ., and H . Smith , P . Prov . S . G . D ., P . Ms . ; visitors from No . 174 , Meltham ; No . 7 % Huddersfield ; and No . 874 , Bradford . After the usual routine business was concluded , the W . M . passed Bro . AV . Bottomley to the F . C . degree , he being found proficient . Mr . E . C . Pearson was balloted forand afterwards initiated bthe
, y AV . M . ; the working tools were respectively given by Bros . Smith and Hill , and the charge to the initiate by Bro . Rogerson . The subject of removal to the new lodge rooms , now being erected , was brought before the brethren , in accordance with the formal notice previously given , when it was unanimously resolved that the removal should take place so soon as legal and convenient . Bro . Isaac AVright , the Mayor of Bradford , was proposed as a joining
member . Bro . Little , of Derby , was admitted a joining member . The subject of the vacant Secretaryship of the Girls' School was introduced , ancl a strong feeling was expressed in favour of Bro . C . H . Patten for the office , whose services on behalf of the charities are so well-known and highly appreciated in this province , and it was earnestly hoped that he might be successful in his application , the subscribers to the charity promising him their hearty support as a worthy successor to that invaluable brother whom every one must regret is compelled to relinquish the office on account of declining health . The brethren of AVest Yorkshire will lonsr
remember with feelings of pleasure the visit of Bros . Crew . and Patten to their provincial meetings at Doneaster , at which their energetic appeal in favour of the Girls' School produced such fruitful results . It was mentioned b y Bro . C . H . Taylor , Prov . G . Steward , that the arrangements for the installation of Prov . G . Master were progressing satisfactorily , and that great energy was being displayed by tha Leeds brethren to give such a warm and hearty reception to the Riht Hon . Earl de Grey and Ri as
g pon would prove to him how highly the brethren of the province approve ofthe appointment . The following brethren were appointed a committee to carry out the furnishing- ancl decorating the new lodge-rooms , viz ., J . Lumb , W . M . ; M . Rogerson , P . M . ; D . Salmond , VM . ; AV . Gath , P . M . ; Henry Farrar , P . M . ; John Barraclough , P . M . ; C . H . Taylor , P . M . ; S . C . Tetley , C . Pratt , A . M . Matthews , and AVm . Mawson , P . M . The lodge was closed in harmony at 9 , p . m ., '
after which the brethren retired to a substantial repast . After tlie usual loyaland Masonic toast-shad been duly honoured , together with thc newly passed andinitiated brethren , the AV . M . called upon Bro . C . Lees , Prov . S . W ., to propose the toast of thc visiting brethren which he did in his usual fluent and humorous style , expressing the feelings of pleasure aud pride with which the Lodge of Hope ever welcomed those who honoured them with their presence ; trusting
that when the time shall arrive for him to be placed in the high position of AVorshipful Master of the lodge , the same hearty support will be given to him , which is now accorded to the present W . M ., and that the Past Masters and brethren will rally round him , and the visitors become still more numerous , and that all might evince that truly Masonic and enthusiastic support of the charities , which has tended to render Freemasonry so estimable to its votaries . The proceedings were enlivened by many songs , aud brought to a conclusion at the usual hour of eleven o'clock .
Royal Arch.
MIDDLESEX . UXBRIDGE . —Royal Union Chapter ( No . 536 ) . —Tills chapter , which has been in abeyance some three or four vears , was formally resuscitated on the 20 th inst . Its appointments ' have been carefull y preserved by its P . Z . am ! Treas ., Comp . Edsn , and , with very little