Article METROPOLITAN. ← Page 2 of 2 Article METROPOLITAN. Page 2 of 2 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 1 of 4 →
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be had the honour of being a member . Several other toasts were then given , among them "The Charities , "responded to by Bro . C . Warr , I . G ., one of the stewards at the forthcoming festival for the Girls School . After " The Tyler ' s " toast the brethren retired , not , however , without many lingerings in bidding the unwelcome farewell for the recess , all expressing their great gratification with the proceedings of the evening , one that will be long remembered by the members of the Lodge and the visitors who had the good fortune to be present . Among them we
noticed Bro . Edward Roberts . P . M . No . 167 and Prov . Grand Officer for Wilts ; Bro . Warner Wheeler , ' P . M . No . 324 ; Bro . A . Phelps , J . D . No . 83 ; Bro . H . Empson , W . M . No . 257 ; Bro . John S . Leigh , No . 32 ; Bro . R . D . Perry , No . 1070 ; Bro . Caison , No . 53 ; Bro . J . M . Goodall , and several others . The Lodge will not meet again until October next .
BRITISH LODGE ( 3 SO . S ) . —This Lodge met at the Freemasons' Tavern , on Monday , April 16 th . when a brother was raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason , and a gentleman initiated into the Order , the ceremonies being most ably performed by the Worshipful Master , Bro . Cowlard . The visitors were Bro . Leonard , formerly of No . 8 : Bro . Shenton , P . M ., No . 40 ; Bro . Curtis , No . 2 S 1 ; and Bro . Rose . No . 597 .
GLOBE LODGE ( NO . 23 ) . —The brethren of this Lodge met at the Freemasons' Tavern , on Thursday , April 19 th , when Bro . Collins was raised to the sublime degree of Blaster Mason . The Lodge was visited by Bro . Alisson , of No . 201 . LODGE OP PRUDENT BRETHREN ( NO . 169 ) . —A meeting of this Lodge was held at the Freemasons' Tavern , on Tuesday last , Bro . Boyd , W . M ., presiding , supported by all his officers aud a good muster of the brethren . The business having been concludedthe brethren adjourned to a
, very elegant supper , and spent a very pleasant evening , Bro . Tiley returning thanks for the toast of "The Visitors , " [ and Bro . Matthew Cooke for '' The Charities . " The entertainment of the evening was much enhanced by the excellent songs of Bros . M . Cooke , Tiley , Davis , E . Hart , Exall , Graygoose . & c . & c .
LODGE OF UNITED STRENGTH ( NO . 276 ) . —The annual meeting of this Lodge took place at Bro . B . Foster ' s , St . John ' s Gate , ClerkemveU , on Tuesday the 10 th inst ., with a full attendance of members . The W . M . Bro . J . " N . Frost , passed Bro . Dudley and Bro . Butt , No . 1006 , to the degree of F . C ., and raised Bro . Terry to the third degree . The numerous votes to the Masonic charities possessed by the Lodge were then disposed of , and the widow of the late Bro . Longstaff , who was for many years so able a Tyler to this Lodgewas not forgotten . Amongst the numerous
, visitors were Bros . Dickie , W . M . No . 53 ; Henry Marston , P . M .. No . 176 ; Jeffreys , J . D ., and Hammond , I . G ., No . 237 : Rev . Daniel Ace , No . 958 ; Olver , J . W . ; Parker , and Butt , No . 1006 . After dinner there was some excellent music by Bros . How , Paget , and Foster . This Lodge is adjourned to the second Tuesday in October , the AY . M . requesting the younger brethren to avail themselves of the benefits of Lodges of Instruction during the interim .
NEW CONCORD LODGE ( No . Ulu ) . —The second meeting of this Lodge was held on Friday , April 20 th , at Bro . Stannard ' s , the Rosemary Branch Tavern , Hoxton . Shortly after four o'clock , Bro . John Emmens , W . M ., opened the Lodge . After confirming the minutes of the previous meeting , a ballot was taken for the admission of the following gentlemen , and declared in their favour : —Messrs . Robert Gray , J . Hutton , Joseph Mackay , William Siddiman , and Nicholas Pethick . The following brethren who had been proposed as joining members were also
admitted : —Bros . Rev . J . W . Laughliu , Matthews . Osmond aud Stannard , No . 201 , Estwick , Lawrence , Tuthill , AY . Southall , C . Southall . and Farthing , of No . US ; Woodrow , and Riddeford , of No . 15 ; C . Pottam , of No . 902 ; Baker , of No . 247 ; R . Davey , of No . 276 ; and D . Shaboe , of No . S 12 . The Lodge was then opened in the second degree , aud Bros . Bamett , Boycc , Brown , Colo , Kennedy , Nightingale and Schweizer , passed to the rank of Fellow Craft . The W . M . then initiated Mr . George Sinclair , and Mr . Emile O . T . Hartman , who had been duly ballotedforatthc Lodalso
previous ge , Messrs . Gray , Mackay , and Pethick . The W . M . announced that the by-laws for the government of the Lodge bad received the approval oS the Grand Secretary , and it was resolved that they be adopted aud printed . The large amount of business which was steadily gone through by the W . M . and his officers was not coneluded till nine o ' clock , when after so much labour the Lodge being closed , the brethren re-assembled around the W . M . at the well earned refreshment ; about forty were present . The AYMin proposing
.., a cordial greeting to the initiates , alluded to his gratification as the AY . M . of the Lodge , in introducing into the Order twelve gentlemen iu the two first meetings—all of whom he trusted -were deeply impressed with the responsibility they had taken upon them . Bro . How , who had assisted in the business as P . M ., took advantage of the opportunit y his position afforded , to propose the health of tho AA . M ., and in doin" so referred to the proof of a Lodge being required in the localit y in the admission on thisits second meetingof twent-one new members
, , y Bro . Emmens residing in the immediate neighbourhood would , as a Mason of long standing , necessarily know the brethren resident in the district , and would , of course , draw all around him to give , support Vnid stability to the Lodge . In Bro . Emmens the New Concord had ' a-Master able to conduct the business iu a manner satisfactory r t 0 " its members and the Craft at large . Few of the suburban Lodges thatiaU been called into existence had made , much progress , in ' . consequence of then- not having to head them in the first instance a-Tiist-MaM- ' of
experience . The successful career of the New Concord might be con sidcrcd as certain , and tho success was due to their AY . M . The W . M ., in reply , said that although Bro . How was pleased to attribute the auspicious commencement of the Lodge to him , he was bound to acknowledge the cordial support he had received from several members of the Old Concord which had materially aided his own efforts . The AY . M . then said he would offer a toast that he was sure would be received with cordiality , it was the health of a member of the Old Concord who
had joined the New , and had accepted the office of its Chaplain ; ho alluded to the Rev . Bro . Laughliu , and added the Rev . Bro . Shaboe . Bro . Laughliu said it was gratifying to clerical Masons to be always so kindly received , and any service they did so warmly acknowledged . He always found pleasure iu the society of his brother Masons , as he there never met with the factions and discord that prevailed in the outer world . He echoed the remarks of Bro . How on the talents of the AY . M ., and he congratulated the Lodge on having so efficient a Mason to
preside over it : this was a guarantee to the Craft that the pure principles of Masonry would be preserved . He addressed a few words to the newly initiated brethren , showing that the foundations of Masonry were as firmly fixed as the volume of the Sacred Law , that both at labour and refreshment they would learn the best principles for their conduct in life , they would observe the good order that prevailed under the judicious government of the Master—who was a monarch in that Lodge , bound bthe Book of Constitutionsas a king was bounded by the laws
y , of the land . The reverend brother concluded his eloquent address by directing the attention of the young Masons to the general principles of Masonry as contained in the charges and illustrations . The AA . M . then gave " The health of the A isitors , " to which Bro . E . AY . Davis , AA . M . of No . 112 , replied ; aud after the " The Officers and their good Services , " the Tyler ' s toast , "To all poor and distressed Masons , " concluded the proceedings .
INSTRUCTION . ROBERT BURNS LODGE ( No . 25 ) . —On Friday evening , the 20 th inst ., at Bro . J . AV . Adams ' s , Union Tavern , Air-street , Regent-street , the Lodge worked the three lectures , the whole of the sections being rendered by members of the parent Lodge , whilst the officers for the evening were also members of that Lodge : Bros . AA . ATatson , ( P . M ., ) AA . M . ; Gladwin . ( AY . M .. ) S . AY . ; Farmer . ( P . M ., ) J . AA . ; Newton , ( P . M .. ) Sec . ; Le Gassick , ( P . M ., ) ' S . D . ; Nicholes , J . D . ; Hartley , I . G . ; Caulcher , ( J . W ., ) P . M . clock
The Lodge was opened in the throe degrees at half-past seven o ' . The sections were worked by the following brethren : —first lecture , first section , Bro . Nielioles ; second , Bro . George ; third , Bro . Al . AA atson , P . M . ; fourth , Bro . Hartley ; fifth , Bro . Le Gassick , P . M . ; sixth , Bro . Greatrex ; seventh , Bro . Farmer , P . M . Second lecture , first section , Bro . Rendell ; second , Bro . Gladwin , AA . M . ; third , Bro . Farmer ; fourth , Bro . Newali ; fifth , Bro . Le Gassick . Third lecture , first section , Bro . Caulcher ; second , Bro . H . G . AA ' arren ; third , Bro . J . AA . Adams . Particularly to
be noted was the working of the following young members of the Lodge : —Bros . Nicholes , George , Hartley , Rendell , and Newali . The questions by Bro . AA ' atson were in his usual style , which is too well known to need remark . Among the members of tho Lodge of Instruction were Bros . T . A . Adams , Asst . G . Purs . ; Bovd , States , Exall , JTyroll , Reily , Piatt , Gurton , Collins , AA . M ., No . 902 . The visitors : —Bros . Small and Rowley , No . , 1044 ; Muncey , Slagg , and Houghton , No . 190 ; May , AY . M ., No . 971 ; Biggs , No . 630 , Liverpool ; Hughes , No . 209 ; with about thirty other brethren .
HAMPSHIRE . BASINGSTOKE . —Oalclcy Lodge ( No . 995 ) . —The brethren assembled at the Lodge room , on Thursday , April 19 th , Bras . AA . AA . Beach , 31 . P ., as AY . M . ; G . AA . Clarke ( Prov . jG . Sec . ) as S . AA . ; Chains , J . AV . ; AVyudham S . Portal ( Past G . J . AA . of England , ) as P . M . ; M . Close , M . P ., AY . M ., No . 10 ; F . Perkins ( Mayor of Southampton ) Prov . G . S . AV ., Hants ; T . P . Payne , AV . M ., No . 152 ; H . Abraham , P . M ., No . 152 ; Lamb ,
Ford , Howe , Rev . —Pettett , and others . The Lodge having been opened in the first and second degrees , Bro . Beach requested Bro . Abraham to perform the duties of installation in the unavoidable absence of Bro . Stebbing , and Bro , Abraham then proceeded to install Bro . Beach iu the chair as AA ' . M . for the ensuing year . The AY . M . then appointed and invested Bros . Challis , S . AA . ; Hulbort , J . W . ; How , Sec . ; and the other officers . Bro . AY . S . Portal proposed that a cordial vote of thanks be tendered to Bro . H . Abraham for the kind and perfect manner iu which kind
ho had performed the ceremony of installation , Bro . Abraham ' s - ness being the greater , as it was not till his arrival at the Lodge that he was requested to perforin the duties which ho had so well executed . The resolution was unanimously carried , and so also was one acknowledging the presence ol tho several visitors . Refreshment was provided by Bro . Lodder at the Angel Hotel ; Bro . Beach presided , and was supported by most of the brethren who had attended the Lodge . Later in the evening a ball was given to the AV M . and Mrs . Beach at the Town
. Hall . The large assembly room was beautifully decorated with numerous flags of different nations , Masonic banners , and greenhouse plants and flowers . The AVinehester quadrille band was in attendance , and well sustained the spirit of the gathering . The refreshments were provided ill a style which proved that rw expense had been spared to make the
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
be had the honour of being a member . Several other toasts were then given , among them "The Charities , "responded to by Bro . C . Warr , I . G ., one of the stewards at the forthcoming festival for the Girls School . After " The Tyler ' s " toast the brethren retired , not , however , without many lingerings in bidding the unwelcome farewell for the recess , all expressing their great gratification with the proceedings of the evening , one that will be long remembered by the members of the Lodge and the visitors who had the good fortune to be present . Among them we
noticed Bro . Edward Roberts . P . M . No . 167 and Prov . Grand Officer for Wilts ; Bro . Warner Wheeler , ' P . M . No . 324 ; Bro . A . Phelps , J . D . No . 83 ; Bro . H . Empson , W . M . No . 257 ; Bro . John S . Leigh , No . 32 ; Bro . R . D . Perry , No . 1070 ; Bro . Caison , No . 53 ; Bro . J . M . Goodall , and several others . The Lodge will not meet again until October next .
BRITISH LODGE ( 3 SO . S ) . —This Lodge met at the Freemasons' Tavern , on Monday , April 16 th . when a brother was raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason , and a gentleman initiated into the Order , the ceremonies being most ably performed by the Worshipful Master , Bro . Cowlard . The visitors were Bro . Leonard , formerly of No . 8 : Bro . Shenton , P . M ., No . 40 ; Bro . Curtis , No . 2 S 1 ; and Bro . Rose . No . 597 .
GLOBE LODGE ( NO . 23 ) . —The brethren of this Lodge met at the Freemasons' Tavern , on Thursday , April 19 th , when Bro . Collins was raised to the sublime degree of Blaster Mason . The Lodge was visited by Bro . Alisson , of No . 201 . LODGE OP PRUDENT BRETHREN ( NO . 169 ) . —A meeting of this Lodge was held at the Freemasons' Tavern , on Tuesday last , Bro . Boyd , W . M ., presiding , supported by all his officers aud a good muster of the brethren . The business having been concludedthe brethren adjourned to a
, very elegant supper , and spent a very pleasant evening , Bro . Tiley returning thanks for the toast of "The Visitors , " [ and Bro . Matthew Cooke for '' The Charities . " The entertainment of the evening was much enhanced by the excellent songs of Bros . M . Cooke , Tiley , Davis , E . Hart , Exall , Graygoose . & c . & c .
LODGE OF UNITED STRENGTH ( NO . 276 ) . —The annual meeting of this Lodge took place at Bro . B . Foster ' s , St . John ' s Gate , ClerkemveU , on Tuesday the 10 th inst ., with a full attendance of members . The W . M . Bro . J . " N . Frost , passed Bro . Dudley and Bro . Butt , No . 1006 , to the degree of F . C ., and raised Bro . Terry to the third degree . The numerous votes to the Masonic charities possessed by the Lodge were then disposed of , and the widow of the late Bro . Longstaff , who was for many years so able a Tyler to this Lodgewas not forgotten . Amongst the numerous
, visitors were Bros . Dickie , W . M . No . 53 ; Henry Marston , P . M .. No . 176 ; Jeffreys , J . D ., and Hammond , I . G ., No . 237 : Rev . Daniel Ace , No . 958 ; Olver , J . W . ; Parker , and Butt , No . 1006 . After dinner there was some excellent music by Bros . How , Paget , and Foster . This Lodge is adjourned to the second Tuesday in October , the AY . M . requesting the younger brethren to avail themselves of the benefits of Lodges of Instruction during the interim .
NEW CONCORD LODGE ( No . Ulu ) . —The second meeting of this Lodge was held on Friday , April 20 th , at Bro . Stannard ' s , the Rosemary Branch Tavern , Hoxton . Shortly after four o'clock , Bro . John Emmens , W . M ., opened the Lodge . After confirming the minutes of the previous meeting , a ballot was taken for the admission of the following gentlemen , and declared in their favour : —Messrs . Robert Gray , J . Hutton , Joseph Mackay , William Siddiman , and Nicholas Pethick . The following brethren who had been proposed as joining members were also
admitted : —Bros . Rev . J . W . Laughliu , Matthews . Osmond aud Stannard , No . 201 , Estwick , Lawrence , Tuthill , AY . Southall , C . Southall . and Farthing , of No . US ; Woodrow , and Riddeford , of No . 15 ; C . Pottam , of No . 902 ; Baker , of No . 247 ; R . Davey , of No . 276 ; and D . Shaboe , of No . S 12 . The Lodge was then opened in the second degree , aud Bros . Bamett , Boycc , Brown , Colo , Kennedy , Nightingale and Schweizer , passed to the rank of Fellow Craft . The W . M . then initiated Mr . George Sinclair , and Mr . Emile O . T . Hartman , who had been duly ballotedforatthc Lodalso
previous ge , Messrs . Gray , Mackay , and Pethick . The W . M . announced that the by-laws for the government of the Lodge bad received the approval oS the Grand Secretary , and it was resolved that they be adopted aud printed . The large amount of business which was steadily gone through by the W . M . and his officers was not coneluded till nine o ' clock , when after so much labour the Lodge being closed , the brethren re-assembled around the W . M . at the well earned refreshment ; about forty were present . The AYMin proposing
.., a cordial greeting to the initiates , alluded to his gratification as the AY . M . of the Lodge , in introducing into the Order twelve gentlemen iu the two first meetings—all of whom he trusted -were deeply impressed with the responsibility they had taken upon them . Bro . How , who had assisted in the business as P . M ., took advantage of the opportunit y his position afforded , to propose the health of tho AA . M ., and in doin" so referred to the proof of a Lodge being required in the localit y in the admission on thisits second meetingof twent-one new members
, , y Bro . Emmens residing in the immediate neighbourhood would , as a Mason of long standing , necessarily know the brethren resident in the district , and would , of course , draw all around him to give , support Vnid stability to the Lodge . In Bro . Emmens the New Concord had ' a-Master able to conduct the business iu a manner satisfactory r t 0 " its members and the Craft at large . Few of the suburban Lodges thatiaU been called into existence had made , much progress , in ' . consequence of then- not having to head them in the first instance a-Tiist-MaM- ' of
experience . The successful career of the New Concord might be con sidcrcd as certain , and tho success was due to their AY . M . The W . M ., in reply , said that although Bro . How was pleased to attribute the auspicious commencement of the Lodge to him , he was bound to acknowledge the cordial support he had received from several members of the Old Concord which had materially aided his own efforts . The AY . M . then said he would offer a toast that he was sure would be received with cordiality , it was the health of a member of the Old Concord who
had joined the New , and had accepted the office of its Chaplain ; ho alluded to the Rev . Bro . Laughliu , and added the Rev . Bro . Shaboe . Bro . Laughliu said it was gratifying to clerical Masons to be always so kindly received , and any service they did so warmly acknowledged . He always found pleasure iu the society of his brother Masons , as he there never met with the factions and discord that prevailed in the outer world . He echoed the remarks of Bro . How on the talents of the AY . M ., and he congratulated the Lodge on having so efficient a Mason to
preside over it : this was a guarantee to the Craft that the pure principles of Masonry would be preserved . He addressed a few words to the newly initiated brethren , showing that the foundations of Masonry were as firmly fixed as the volume of the Sacred Law , that both at labour and refreshment they would learn the best principles for their conduct in life , they would observe the good order that prevailed under the judicious government of the Master—who was a monarch in that Lodge , bound bthe Book of Constitutionsas a king was bounded by the laws
y , of the land . The reverend brother concluded his eloquent address by directing the attention of the young Masons to the general principles of Masonry as contained in the charges and illustrations . The AA . M . then gave " The health of the A isitors , " to which Bro . E . AY . Davis , AA . M . of No . 112 , replied ; aud after the " The Officers and their good Services , " the Tyler ' s toast , "To all poor and distressed Masons , " concluded the proceedings .
INSTRUCTION . ROBERT BURNS LODGE ( No . 25 ) . —On Friday evening , the 20 th inst ., at Bro . J . AV . Adams ' s , Union Tavern , Air-street , Regent-street , the Lodge worked the three lectures , the whole of the sections being rendered by members of the parent Lodge , whilst the officers for the evening were also members of that Lodge : Bros . AA . ATatson , ( P . M ., ) AA . M . ; Gladwin . ( AY . M .. ) S . AY . ; Farmer . ( P . M ., ) J . AA . ; Newton , ( P . M .. ) Sec . ; Le Gassick , ( P . M ., ) ' S . D . ; Nicholes , J . D . ; Hartley , I . G . ; Caulcher , ( J . W ., ) P . M . clock
The Lodge was opened in the throe degrees at half-past seven o ' . The sections were worked by the following brethren : —first lecture , first section , Bro . Nielioles ; second , Bro . George ; third , Bro . Al . AA atson , P . M . ; fourth , Bro . Hartley ; fifth , Bro . Le Gassick , P . M . ; sixth , Bro . Greatrex ; seventh , Bro . Farmer , P . M . Second lecture , first section , Bro . Rendell ; second , Bro . Gladwin , AA . M . ; third , Bro . Farmer ; fourth , Bro . Newali ; fifth , Bro . Le Gassick . Third lecture , first section , Bro . Caulcher ; second , Bro . H . G . AA ' arren ; third , Bro . J . AA . Adams . Particularly to
be noted was the working of the following young members of the Lodge : —Bros . Nicholes , George , Hartley , Rendell , and Newali . The questions by Bro . AA ' atson were in his usual style , which is too well known to need remark . Among the members of tho Lodge of Instruction were Bros . T . A . Adams , Asst . G . Purs . ; Bovd , States , Exall , JTyroll , Reily , Piatt , Gurton , Collins , AA . M ., No . 902 . The visitors : —Bros . Small and Rowley , No . , 1044 ; Muncey , Slagg , and Houghton , No . 190 ; May , AY . M ., No . 971 ; Biggs , No . 630 , Liverpool ; Hughes , No . 209 ; with about thirty other brethren .
HAMPSHIRE . BASINGSTOKE . —Oalclcy Lodge ( No . 995 ) . —The brethren assembled at the Lodge room , on Thursday , April 19 th , Bras . AA . AA . Beach , 31 . P ., as AY . M . ; G . AA . Clarke ( Prov . jG . Sec . ) as S . AA . ; Chains , J . AV . ; AVyudham S . Portal ( Past G . J . AA . of England , ) as P . M . ; M . Close , M . P ., AY . M ., No . 10 ; F . Perkins ( Mayor of Southampton ) Prov . G . S . AV ., Hants ; T . P . Payne , AV . M ., No . 152 ; H . Abraham , P . M ., No . 152 ; Lamb ,
Ford , Howe , Rev . —Pettett , and others . The Lodge having been opened in the first and second degrees , Bro . Beach requested Bro . Abraham to perform the duties of installation in the unavoidable absence of Bro . Stebbing , and Bro , Abraham then proceeded to install Bro . Beach iu the chair as AA ' . M . for the ensuing year . The AY . M . then appointed and invested Bros . Challis , S . AA . ; Hulbort , J . W . ; How , Sec . ; and the other officers . Bro . AY . S . Portal proposed that a cordial vote of thanks be tendered to Bro . H . Abraham for the kind and perfect manner iu which kind
ho had performed the ceremony of installation , Bro . Abraham ' s - ness being the greater , as it was not till his arrival at the Lodge that he was requested to perforin the duties which ho had so well executed . The resolution was unanimously carried , and so also was one acknowledging the presence ol tho several visitors . Refreshment was provided by Bro . Lodder at the Angel Hotel ; Bro . Beach presided , and was supported by most of the brethren who had attended the Lodge . Later in the evening a ball was given to the AV M . and Mrs . Beach at the Town
. Hall . The large assembly room was beautifully decorated with numerous flags of different nations , Masonic banners , and greenhouse plants and flowers . The AVinehester quadrille band was in attendance , and well sustained the spirit of the gathering . The refreshments were provided ill a style which proved that rw expense had been spared to make the