Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Week.
The examination of the Avitnesses left the affair in as much obscurity as it Avas before the iuA'Cstigntion commenced ; and ultimately an adjournment took place that further inquiries might be made . St . Matthew's Day Avas , as usual , celebrated at Christ's Hospital , on the 21 st inst ., by a religious service in the morning in Christ Church , and the delivery afterwards of orations hy the senior scholars in the great hall of the institution . The Lord Mayor attended in state , and Avas accompanied by the sheriffs and a number of aldermen and common councilmen .
Tho September sessions of tho Central Criminal Court commenced on tho 23 rd inst . It will bo romomborod that at tho last session of tho court , Mr . Frederick Loo , a , saddler , was fined £ 100 for sending his foreman to porsonato him Avhen summoned to son'o as a juror . 3 Ir . Leo now appeared to SIIOAV cause AA'hy that fino should not bo enforced , and pleaded ignorance and tho
absence of criminal motives . On account of his circumstances tho fino Ai-as commuted to £ 50 , and Avas paid . Alderman Halo announced bis dissension from the decision of tho court . Ho Avas of opinion that tho full fino should havo boon indicted , Air . Leo having induced another person to commit perjury . Tho Middlesex Sessions also commenced on tho same date . Tho
proceedings of tho second inquiry into tho causes of tbo collision botAveon tho Metis and tho WenlmoHJi woro resumed at Plmnstoad on tbo 24 th inst . Some important oA-idonco , especially that of tho secretary of tho Thames Conservancy Board , having been hoard , tho inquiry AA-as adjourned . On tho 23 th inst ., an IpsAvich steamer , OAving to some defect in hor machinery , drifted irp tho rivor and
caino into collision Avith London-bridge . Hor funnel and masts Avoro carried « AA-ny by tho force of tho concussion ; ,-md , on hor anchor bringing her to on tho other side of tho arch , sho presented tho appearance of a perfect Avrcck . An inquiry into tbo death of an infant at Tottenham has disclosed some singular
facts . Tho child Avas illegitimate , and had boon placed by its mother iu tho care of a AA-oman named Jaggor , Avho Avas in the habit of taking caro of children . Tho medical man Avho examined the deceased said that tho body Avas in a most emaciated condition . Mrs . Jaggor , it appears , advertises for children , and . sho admitted that during tho last throe years sho might havo had as many as forty iu hor care . Tho
coroner stated that ho had already held two inquests in connection with deaths that had taken place in her house . The mother of the deceased was said to be a highly respectable and Avealthy young lady , AVIIO threatened to commit suicide if her nameAA'as divulged . This highly respectable person had been to see her child twice during the sixteen months it had been
under Mrs . dagger's roof . The jury , after a long consultation , decided not to require that the name of the mother should bo given , and in their verdict they censured Mrs . Jaggor for the nianuer in Avhich she gave her evidence , and for her conduct in not calling in a medical man to the deceased . At the Middlesex Sessions Air . Deputy-Judge Payne made an explanatory
statement in reference to the nou- celebrated case of Augusta Ann Mitchell , and read the correspondence which had passed between him and Air . Liddell , the Under-Secretary of State in connection therewith . It appears that the young woman is to be released from prison on the 2 nd of October next , on condition of her being received into the London Female Reformatory Insti
tution , and remaining there until discharged in due course Tho Volunteer Ball , Avhich has excited so much interest camo off at tho Agricultural Hall , on tho OA'ouing of tho 25 th inst Tho scono is described as having boon ono of exceptional splendour , Tbo attendance AA-as very largo , unci tho demonstration added another to tho long list of successes Avhich have been achieved in this vast building . At the Central Criminal Court John Wiggins , a Avutcruian , Avasput upon his trial for tho allowed
The Week.
murder of tho Avoman with whom bo cohabited . Tho caso is ono of considerable interest , arising from tho fact that tho jury have to docido Avhether tho docoasod committed suicido , or Avhothor sho Avas murdorod . Tho trial Avas not terminated . David Johnson , charged Avith forging plates for printing notes of tho Union Bank of Scotland , AA-US convicted and sentenced to ten years' penal
servitude . Tho threo men AA-ho are supposed to belong to tbo Casoly gang of burglars , and AA-ho AVOI-O charged AA-ith having skeleton keys unlaAvfully in their possession , AVOI-O found guilty , but sentence AA-as deferred , as their counsel stated that ho could
disprove some of tho things AA-hich Avoro alleged against them . FOREIGN ISTELHGEXCE . — . Count Bismarck has addressed a very reassuring circular to the representatives of Prussia ab foreign courts . He states that satisfactory explanations have been afforded both by the Austrian and French Governments with reference to the late Imperial interview at Salzburgh . The
Prussian Government has been assured that the visit of the Emperor . Napoleon to the Emperor of Austria has no relation Avhatever to the affairs of Germany , but Avas prompted solely by a feeling Avhich they could only honour . At the same time Count Bismarck significantly warns foreign Poivers against arousing the susceptibilities of the German nation ; and he con
cludes by expressing his conviction that there is no obstacle to a perfectly friendly understanding botAvoon tbe States of Northern and thoso of Southern Germany . Tho reply of tho Chamber o £ Deputies of tbo Baden Diet to tho recent speech of the Grand Duko shoAvs hoAv great is the anxiety in tho Northern Confederation to bridge over tbo gulf Avhich separates it from tho states south of tbo Maine , and to consolidate Gorman unity ou a truly
national basis . Late Aloxican advices state that JlaximiHan ' s body had not arriA-od at A ora Cruz , and its mutilation is denied . Admiral Tegothoff bad arrived at A ' ora Cruz , on bis iA-ay to the city of Aloxico . Santa Anna AA-as still in prison , and his son was meditating an expedition for tho purpose of liberating bis father . A general pardon had boon granted to all gonorals condemnor ! at
Quoretaro . Juarez was endeavouring to hasten tbo Presidential election . Furthar correspondence botAA-oon tbo English ancl American Governments with respect to tho Alabama claims has boon published . Lord Stanley , it appears , consents to arbitration on condition that two distinct tribunals aro established—ono tocousidor tho Alabama claims , and tho other to doal with the
general claims on both sides . Air . SoAvard dissents from tho proposition to create tAvo distinct courts of arbitration . Ho thinks that ono tribunal should bo clothed AA-ith full poAvors to adjudicate on all matters in dispute botwoon tho tAvo countries . NOAV that tho question has advanced to this stage , AVO think that there is a good hope of a satisfactory settlement . Tho difference botAvoon
Lord Stanley and Air . SoAvard is IIOAV ono of form , not of principle and it Avould bo honourable to either side if a small concession AA-ero made , and thoso vexatious claims and counterclaims at onco allowed to proceed to arbitration . Tho Prussian Chambers Avere dissolved on the 23 rd inst . by royal decree . The Government have come to terms Avith the
King of Hanover and tho Duke of Nassau . King George , who lias held out so long , consents to receive n sum of money and to surrender all his claims to the Crown domains . The Duke of Nassau ivill receive a sum of money in Prussian stock anal several castles in Nassau . His domains , however , AVI' 11 not be ouflscated .
To Correspondents.
* V '" ' -A ' communications to be addressed to 19 , Salisbury-street , Strand , London , W . C . EoiiEBT MOBHIS , ESQ . ( Kentucky ) .-First instalment to hand with thanks . Too late for this issue . Shall be inserted in our next . Your instructions ivill be attended to .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Week.
The examination of the Avitnesses left the affair in as much obscurity as it Avas before the iuA'Cstigntion commenced ; and ultimately an adjournment took place that further inquiries might be made . St . Matthew's Day Avas , as usual , celebrated at Christ's Hospital , on the 21 st inst ., by a religious service in the morning in Christ Church , and the delivery afterwards of orations hy the senior scholars in the great hall of the institution . The Lord Mayor attended in state , and Avas accompanied by the sheriffs and a number of aldermen and common councilmen .
Tho September sessions of tho Central Criminal Court commenced on tho 23 rd inst . It will bo romomborod that at tho last session of tho court , Mr . Frederick Loo , a , saddler , was fined £ 100 for sending his foreman to porsonato him Avhen summoned to son'o as a juror . 3 Ir . Leo now appeared to SIIOAV cause AA'hy that fino should not bo enforced , and pleaded ignorance and tho
absence of criminal motives . On account of his circumstances tho fino Ai-as commuted to £ 50 , and Avas paid . Alderman Halo announced bis dissension from the decision of tho court . Ho Avas of opinion that tho full fino should havo boon indicted , Air . Leo having induced another person to commit perjury . Tho Middlesex Sessions also commenced on tho same date . Tho
proceedings of tho second inquiry into tho causes of tbo collision botAveon tho Metis and tho WenlmoHJi woro resumed at Plmnstoad on tbo 24 th inst . Some important oA-idonco , especially that of tho secretary of tho Thames Conservancy Board , having been hoard , tho inquiry AA-as adjourned . On tho 23 th inst ., an IpsAvich steamer , OAving to some defect in hor machinery , drifted irp tho rivor and
caino into collision Avith London-bridge . Hor funnel and masts Avoro carried « AA-ny by tho force of tho concussion ; ,-md , on hor anchor bringing her to on tho other side of tho arch , sho presented tho appearance of a perfect Avrcck . An inquiry into tbo death of an infant at Tottenham has disclosed some singular
facts . Tho child Avas illegitimate , and had boon placed by its mother iu tho care of a AA-oman named Jaggor , Avho Avas in the habit of taking caro of children . Tho medical man Avho examined the deceased said that tho body Avas in a most emaciated condition . Mrs . Jaggor , it appears , advertises for children , and . sho admitted that during tho last throe years sho might havo had as many as forty iu hor care . Tho
coroner stated that ho had already held two inquests in connection with deaths that had taken place in her house . The mother of the deceased was said to be a highly respectable and Avealthy young lady , AVIIO threatened to commit suicide if her nameAA'as divulged . This highly respectable person had been to see her child twice during the sixteen months it had been
under Mrs . dagger's roof . The jury , after a long consultation , decided not to require that the name of the mother should bo given , and in their verdict they censured Mrs . Jaggor for the nianuer in Avhich she gave her evidence , and for her conduct in not calling in a medical man to the deceased . At the Middlesex Sessions Air . Deputy-Judge Payne made an explanatory
statement in reference to the nou- celebrated case of Augusta Ann Mitchell , and read the correspondence which had passed between him and Air . Liddell , the Under-Secretary of State in connection therewith . It appears that the young woman is to be released from prison on the 2 nd of October next , on condition of her being received into the London Female Reformatory Insti
tution , and remaining there until discharged in due course Tho Volunteer Ball , Avhich has excited so much interest camo off at tho Agricultural Hall , on tho OA'ouing of tho 25 th inst Tho scono is described as having boon ono of exceptional splendour , Tbo attendance AA-as very largo , unci tho demonstration added another to tho long list of successes Avhich have been achieved in this vast building . At the Central Criminal Court John Wiggins , a Avutcruian , Avasput upon his trial for tho allowed
The Week.
murder of tho Avoman with whom bo cohabited . Tho caso is ono of considerable interest , arising from tho fact that tho jury have to docido Avhether tho docoasod committed suicido , or Avhothor sho Avas murdorod . Tho trial Avas not terminated . David Johnson , charged Avith forging plates for printing notes of tho Union Bank of Scotland , AA-US convicted and sentenced to ten years' penal
servitude . Tho threo men AA-ho are supposed to belong to tbo Casoly gang of burglars , and AA-ho AVOI-O charged AA-ith having skeleton keys unlaAvfully in their possession , AVOI-O found guilty , but sentence AA-as deferred , as their counsel stated that ho could
disprove some of tho things AA-hich Avoro alleged against them . FOREIGN ISTELHGEXCE . — . Count Bismarck has addressed a very reassuring circular to the representatives of Prussia ab foreign courts . He states that satisfactory explanations have been afforded both by the Austrian and French Governments with reference to the late Imperial interview at Salzburgh . The
Prussian Government has been assured that the visit of the Emperor . Napoleon to the Emperor of Austria has no relation Avhatever to the affairs of Germany , but Avas prompted solely by a feeling Avhich they could only honour . At the same time Count Bismarck significantly warns foreign Poivers against arousing the susceptibilities of the German nation ; and he con
cludes by expressing his conviction that there is no obstacle to a perfectly friendly understanding botAvoon tbe States of Northern and thoso of Southern Germany . Tho reply of tho Chamber o £ Deputies of tbo Baden Diet to tho recent speech of the Grand Duko shoAvs hoAv great is the anxiety in tho Northern Confederation to bridge over tbo gulf Avhich separates it from tho states south of tbo Maine , and to consolidate Gorman unity ou a truly
national basis . Late Aloxican advices state that JlaximiHan ' s body had not arriA-od at A ora Cruz , and its mutilation is denied . Admiral Tegothoff bad arrived at A ' ora Cruz , on bis iA-ay to the city of Aloxico . Santa Anna AA-as still in prison , and his son was meditating an expedition for tho purpose of liberating bis father . A general pardon had boon granted to all gonorals condemnor ! at
Quoretaro . Juarez was endeavouring to hasten tbo Presidential election . Furthar correspondence botAA-oon tbo English ancl American Governments with respect to tho Alabama claims has boon published . Lord Stanley , it appears , consents to arbitration on condition that two distinct tribunals aro established—ono tocousidor tho Alabama claims , and tho other to doal with the
general claims on both sides . Air . SoAvard dissents from tho proposition to create tAvo distinct courts of arbitration . Ho thinks that ono tribunal should bo clothed AA-ith full poAvors to adjudicate on all matters in dispute botwoon tho tAvo countries . NOAV that tho question has advanced to this stage , AVO think that there is a good hope of a satisfactory settlement . Tho difference botAvoon
Lord Stanley and Air . SoAvard is IIOAV ono of form , not of principle and it Avould bo honourable to either side if a small concession AA-ero made , and thoso vexatious claims and counterclaims at onco allowed to proceed to arbitration . Tho Prussian Chambers Avere dissolved on the 23 rd inst . by royal decree . The Government have come to terms Avith the
King of Hanover and tho Duke of Nassau . King George , who lias held out so long , consents to receive n sum of money and to surrender all his claims to the Crown domains . The Duke of Nassau ivill receive a sum of money in Prussian stock anal several castles in Nassau . His domains , however , AVI' 11 not be ouflscated .
To Correspondents.
* V '" ' -A ' communications to be addressed to 19 , Salisbury-street , Strand , London , W . C . EoiiEBT MOBHIS , ESQ . ( Kentucky ) .-First instalment to hand with thanks . Too late for this issue . Shall be inserted in our next . Your instructions ivill be attended to .