Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 1 Article KNIGHTS TEMPLAR. Page 1 of 1 Article KNIGHTS TEMPLAR. Page 1 of 1 Article MARK MASONRY. Page 1 of 1 Article MASONIC FESTIVITIES. Page 1 of 1
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Royal Arch.
LANCASHIRE ( AVEST . ) LIVERPOOL . —Mariner ' s Chapter ( No . 310 . )—This chapter was opened at the Temple , in Hope-street , on Friday , December 13 th , by the M . E . 1 st Principal , Hugh Edwards , assisted by James Hamer , H . ; Peter Maddox , J . ; P . M . E . Z . Thomas Wylie , as P . S . ; Jno . Pepper , S . E . ; C . J . Banister , as N . ; Comps . Eev . Jno . Dunkley , Jackson , of Chapter 267 , and a full attendance of
members . Bro . Marsh , of 864 , was advanced to this sublime degree by the 1 st Principal . P . M . E . James Hamer delivered the two historical lectures , P . M . E . Z ., Thomas AVylie , the symbolic , and Comp . H . the mystic lecture . Two companions were unanimously elected joining members to this chapter . The next meeting was fixed for the second Friday in March . The chapters in this province are working well , the lectures being delivered by the Principals in every case ; indeed it is quite the exception when they are not all given . Business of the chapter concluded , it was closed in due form .
GARSTON— Chapter of Harmony ( No . 267 ) . —This chapter was opened on the 12 th of December by M . E . Z . Comp . C . J . Banister , Z . ; P . M . E . Z . Comp . Thos . AA * ylie , as H . ; P . M . E . Z . James Hamer , as J . The companions were admitted , and the minutes of last meeting confirmed . The ballot was taken for Bro . Eev . Jno . Dunkley , Lodge 181 ; Geo . Ladmore , ancl Eohert Pearson , both of Lodge 971 ; and , being unanimous , they were presented to the MEZCompC JBanisterwho exalted each to this
..., . . , supreme degree , Comp . AA . S . May acting as P . S ., and delivering the first historical lecture . P . M . E . Z . James Hamer delivered the lecture on the plate . P . M . E . Z . Thomas AA * ylie gave tbe symbolical lecture , and the M . E . First Principal the mystic lecture , the whole ceremony being performed to the satisfaction of the companions . The companions of this chapter have now made the Second Principal a life governor to the AV * est Lancashire Masonic Educational
Institution ; and next year the Third Principal will he made a life governor . A donation of £ 5 5 s . was voted by the chapter towards the fund to erect a suitable monument to the late Comp . Josh . AValmsley , a Past First Principal of this chapter . Comps . J . Pepper , H . ; and Chas . Aldrich , J , ; took their respective chairs after the first exaltation . Business of the chapter over , it was closed in due form . At the supper table , the First Principal
presided , and , after the usual toasts were given and received , proposed the healths of the newly exalted companions , which was responded to by the Rev . Jno . Dunkley with true Masonic spirit . Comps . T . AVylie and ^ J . Ham er's liealths being proposed , the former responded , giving excellent advice to all present . " The Health of the Visitors" was responded to by Comp . AA ' alkev . P . M . E . Z . James Hamer proposed " The Health of the Three Principals and the P . S . / ' speaking in high terms of the way the chapter had been worked that evening , which was duly responded to . The meetingwas truly harmonious . i
Knights Templar.
CHESHIEE . STOCKPORT . —Love and Friendship " Encampment . —A meeting of this encampment was held at the A ' ernon Arms Hotel . Stockport , on AVednesday the ISth inst ., when the rctirintr E . C , Sir Knt . John Yarker , installed the E . C elect , the Eev . Sii Knt . Stephen Lea AA'ilson , who appointed his officers as follows : Eev . Brabazon LowtherPrelate ; AA mSmith 1 st CapRichardson Andrew
, , , . ; , 2 nd Cap . ; % Philip Cheetham , Peg . ; Isaac Deville elected , Treas . ; % Henry AVhitmore , Hospitaller ; % S . P . Leuther , appointed Almoner ; Jos . Swindell , Expert ; J . H . Brown , 1 st S . B . ; Henry Hunt , 2 nd S . B . ; AV . H . Brown , Cap . of Lines .-It was proposed by-Sir Knt . AVhitmore , that the Encampment solicit the Craft of Cheshire , to unite ivith them as Masons in a letter of condolence to her Most Gracious Majeston the melanchollossshein common
y y , , with the nation , has sustained , and Sir Knt . Henry AVhitmore , was appointed by the A * . E . P . G . C , Sir Knt . AVm . Court ' enay Cruttenden , to see that the wishes of the encampment were carried out . Business being concluded the Knights adjourned to banquet , and the following toasts were given and duly responded to , " The Queen " "The Grand Master , " "The Deputy ' Grand Master , P . G . C , " who honoured the banquet with his and proposed "The EG
presence .., and P . E . C , " "The Officers , " "Sir Knt . Jno- 'Smith , " "T he Jerusalem Encampment Manchester ( by Sir Knt . Whitmore ) , coupled with the name of Sir Knt . J Chas . Ellis . " A most agreeable evening was passed , the Knights separating at 9 o'clock . " The three en-
Knights Templar.
campment , at Dukinfield , Stockport , and Macclesfield , in this province , are now in a highly flourishing condition , and well officered , the half dormant encampment of-St . Salem , having recently been removed from Stockport to the latter town , and we argur well for the future prospects of Templarism in this province . DEA'ONSHIRE .
PLYMOUTH . —Loyal Brunsimclc Encampment .- —The regular quarterly convocation of the above encampment was held in the Freemasons' Chapter-room , St . George ' s Hall , on Thursday the 19 th December , 1861 . present , the following Sir Knig hts : — -Dowse ,, P . E . C ; Triscott , Ist Captain ; Eodd , 2 nd Captain ; Merrifield ,. Prelate ; Gorham , Expert , P . T . ; Mills , Captain of Lines ; Thomas BegistrarDabbAVillsBainsHarfootAA'hitmarshEdwards and
, , , , , , Sogers , Equerry . In the absence of the E . G ., Lord Graves , the encampment was opened in due form by P . E . C Dowse , at 4 o ' clock p . m . The minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed ; the ballot was then taken for the following Sir Knights , late of Calpe Encampment , proposed by Sir Knight Gorham , as joining members of the encampment : —Captain Richard O'Hava and Lieutenant Adrian , De Montmorency Prior , of the Eoyal Artillery ,
whicli pi-oving unanimous they were declared duly elected . The ballot was then taken for Companion Major Henry C . Fitzgerald , 33 rd Begiment , of Eoyal Arch Chapter , No . 68—Scotch Begister —proposed by Sir Knight Gorham for installation to the Order , the same proving unanimous and he having signed the required declaration , he was introduced in ancient form , ancl installed a Sir-Knight of the Eoyal , Exalted , Religious , and Military Order of
Masonic Knights Templar . After the disposal of some other business for the good of the encampment and voting a sum of money foieharitable purposes , at this festive season , the encampment was : closed in solemn form , with prayer , at half-past six o ' clock .
Mark Masonry.
GRAND LODGE . The Grand Lodge was opened at four o ' clock p . m ., Wednesday , 11 th inst ., and held at the Freemasons' Tavern , Bro . Beach ( M . P . for North Hampshire ) , Prov . G . M . ; Berks and Hants in the chair-Among those present , were Bros . Eev . J . G . AA ' ood , G . Ch . ap . ; Eev . G . E . Portal , PastCf . C ; J . R , Stabbing , G . AV . ; G . Haward , G . W . ; — . BinckesG . S . ; Fi G . S . B . ; EmpsonPast AV . Captain
, gg , , ; Trower , P . M . ; No . 9 ; Coxwell , S ; Carpenter , W . S . ; Dr . Nolan , AV . ; Frank Erie , Israel Abrahams , Steward of Thistle Lodge ( No . 8 ) , J . AA * . elect 223 , & c After solemn prayer and routine business lodge closed , ancl the brethren adjourned to a magnificent banquet . The musical arrangements were under the able superintendence of Bros . Tedder and Edney ; Bro . Rev . J . G . Wood , G . Chap , said grace . Bro . Beach , M . P ., Prov . G . M ., rose ancl
proposed " The Health of the Queen aud Royal Family , " which was drunk with all honours ; the next toast was that of "Mark Masonry , " joining with it the names of Bros . Earl of Carnarvon ., M . W . G . M . ; A'iscount Holemcsdale , MP ., Dep . G . M ., and the Grand Officers ; and he ( Bro . Beach ) took the opportunity of informing the brethren that their numbers , since the establishment of an English Grand Lodge , had very greatly increased . Bros . Binckes , G . S ., and Portal returned thanks . Several other toasts followed , which included Thistle Lodge ( No . 8 ) , Bros . Dr . Nolan and Israel Abrahams returned thanks .
Masonic Festivities.
LIVERPOOL . —On Wednesday , Dec . 11 , a Grand Masonic Concert was given in the small concert-room , at St . George's Hall , the proceeds of which are to be devoted to the purchase of a new organ for the Masonic Temple in Hope-street . Upwards of 700 were present , and the brethren , clothed in Masonic costume , the ladies , in every variety of evening attire , and the uniform of the volunteerspresented a beautiful icture . The vocal ancl
in-, very p strumental artistes were members of the Liverpool lodges and their wives , sisters , and daughters , whose services were gratuitously given . The . concert was a successful one , and all present enjoyed themselves , and showed their appreciation of the music by a number of encores . 'The small concert-room in St . George ' s Hall is one of the most elegant and beautiful rooms in the kingdom .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Royal Arch.
LANCASHIRE ( AVEST . ) LIVERPOOL . —Mariner ' s Chapter ( No . 310 . )—This chapter was opened at the Temple , in Hope-street , on Friday , December 13 th , by the M . E . 1 st Principal , Hugh Edwards , assisted by James Hamer , H . ; Peter Maddox , J . ; P . M . E . Z . Thomas Wylie , as P . S . ; Jno . Pepper , S . E . ; C . J . Banister , as N . ; Comps . Eev . Jno . Dunkley , Jackson , of Chapter 267 , and a full attendance of
members . Bro . Marsh , of 864 , was advanced to this sublime degree by the 1 st Principal . P . M . E . James Hamer delivered the two historical lectures , P . M . E . Z ., Thomas AVylie , the symbolic , and Comp . H . the mystic lecture . Two companions were unanimously elected joining members to this chapter . The next meeting was fixed for the second Friday in March . The chapters in this province are working well , the lectures being delivered by the Principals in every case ; indeed it is quite the exception when they are not all given . Business of the chapter concluded , it was closed in due form .
GARSTON— Chapter of Harmony ( No . 267 ) . —This chapter was opened on the 12 th of December by M . E . Z . Comp . C . J . Banister , Z . ; P . M . E . Z . Comp . Thos . AA * ylie , as H . ; P . M . E . Z . James Hamer , as J . The companions were admitted , and the minutes of last meeting confirmed . The ballot was taken for Bro . Eev . Jno . Dunkley , Lodge 181 ; Geo . Ladmore , ancl Eohert Pearson , both of Lodge 971 ; and , being unanimous , they were presented to the MEZCompC JBanisterwho exalted each to this
..., . . , supreme degree , Comp . AA . S . May acting as P . S ., and delivering the first historical lecture . P . M . E . Z . James Hamer delivered the lecture on the plate . P . M . E . Z . Thomas AA * ylie gave tbe symbolical lecture , and the M . E . First Principal the mystic lecture , the whole ceremony being performed to the satisfaction of the companions . The companions of this chapter have now made the Second Principal a life governor to the AV * est Lancashire Masonic Educational
Institution ; and next year the Third Principal will he made a life governor . A donation of £ 5 5 s . was voted by the chapter towards the fund to erect a suitable monument to the late Comp . Josh . AValmsley , a Past First Principal of this chapter . Comps . J . Pepper , H . ; and Chas . Aldrich , J , ; took their respective chairs after the first exaltation . Business of the chapter over , it was closed in due form . At the supper table , the First Principal
presided , and , after the usual toasts were given and received , proposed the healths of the newly exalted companions , which was responded to by the Rev . Jno . Dunkley with true Masonic spirit . Comps . T . AVylie and ^ J . Ham er's liealths being proposed , the former responded , giving excellent advice to all present . " The Health of the Visitors" was responded to by Comp . AA ' alkev . P . M . E . Z . James Hamer proposed " The Health of the Three Principals and the P . S . / ' speaking in high terms of the way the chapter had been worked that evening , which was duly responded to . The meetingwas truly harmonious . i
Knights Templar.
CHESHIEE . STOCKPORT . —Love and Friendship " Encampment . —A meeting of this encampment was held at the A ' ernon Arms Hotel . Stockport , on AVednesday the ISth inst ., when the rctirintr E . C , Sir Knt . John Yarker , installed the E . C elect , the Eev . Sii Knt . Stephen Lea AA'ilson , who appointed his officers as follows : Eev . Brabazon LowtherPrelate ; AA mSmith 1 st CapRichardson Andrew
, , , . ; , 2 nd Cap . ; % Philip Cheetham , Peg . ; Isaac Deville elected , Treas . ; % Henry AVhitmore , Hospitaller ; % S . P . Leuther , appointed Almoner ; Jos . Swindell , Expert ; J . H . Brown , 1 st S . B . ; Henry Hunt , 2 nd S . B . ; AV . H . Brown , Cap . of Lines .-It was proposed by-Sir Knt . AVhitmore , that the Encampment solicit the Craft of Cheshire , to unite ivith them as Masons in a letter of condolence to her Most Gracious Majeston the melanchollossshein common
y y , , with the nation , has sustained , and Sir Knt . Henry AVhitmore , was appointed by the A * . E . P . G . C , Sir Knt . AVm . Court ' enay Cruttenden , to see that the wishes of the encampment were carried out . Business being concluded the Knights adjourned to banquet , and the following toasts were given and duly responded to , " The Queen " "The Grand Master , " "The Deputy ' Grand Master , P . G . C , " who honoured the banquet with his and proposed "The EG
presence .., and P . E . C , " "The Officers , " "Sir Knt . Jno- 'Smith , " "T he Jerusalem Encampment Manchester ( by Sir Knt . Whitmore ) , coupled with the name of Sir Knt . J Chas . Ellis . " A most agreeable evening was passed , the Knights separating at 9 o'clock . " The three en-
Knights Templar.
campment , at Dukinfield , Stockport , and Macclesfield , in this province , are now in a highly flourishing condition , and well officered , the half dormant encampment of-St . Salem , having recently been removed from Stockport to the latter town , and we argur well for the future prospects of Templarism in this province . DEA'ONSHIRE .
PLYMOUTH . —Loyal Brunsimclc Encampment .- —The regular quarterly convocation of the above encampment was held in the Freemasons' Chapter-room , St . George ' s Hall , on Thursday the 19 th December , 1861 . present , the following Sir Knig hts : — -Dowse ,, P . E . C ; Triscott , Ist Captain ; Eodd , 2 nd Captain ; Merrifield ,. Prelate ; Gorham , Expert , P . T . ; Mills , Captain of Lines ; Thomas BegistrarDabbAVillsBainsHarfootAA'hitmarshEdwards and
, , , , , , Sogers , Equerry . In the absence of the E . G ., Lord Graves , the encampment was opened in due form by P . E . C Dowse , at 4 o ' clock p . m . The minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed ; the ballot was then taken for the following Sir Knights , late of Calpe Encampment , proposed by Sir Knight Gorham , as joining members of the encampment : —Captain Richard O'Hava and Lieutenant Adrian , De Montmorency Prior , of the Eoyal Artillery ,
whicli pi-oving unanimous they were declared duly elected . The ballot was then taken for Companion Major Henry C . Fitzgerald , 33 rd Begiment , of Eoyal Arch Chapter , No . 68—Scotch Begister —proposed by Sir Knight Gorham for installation to the Order , the same proving unanimous and he having signed the required declaration , he was introduced in ancient form , ancl installed a Sir-Knight of the Eoyal , Exalted , Religious , and Military Order of
Masonic Knights Templar . After the disposal of some other business for the good of the encampment and voting a sum of money foieharitable purposes , at this festive season , the encampment was : closed in solemn form , with prayer , at half-past six o ' clock .
Mark Masonry.
GRAND LODGE . The Grand Lodge was opened at four o ' clock p . m ., Wednesday , 11 th inst ., and held at the Freemasons' Tavern , Bro . Beach ( M . P . for North Hampshire ) , Prov . G . M . ; Berks and Hants in the chair-Among those present , were Bros . Eev . J . G . AA ' ood , G . Ch . ap . ; Eev . G . E . Portal , PastCf . C ; J . R , Stabbing , G . AV . ; G . Haward , G . W . ; — . BinckesG . S . ; Fi G . S . B . ; EmpsonPast AV . Captain
, gg , , ; Trower , P . M . ; No . 9 ; Coxwell , S ; Carpenter , W . S . ; Dr . Nolan , AV . ; Frank Erie , Israel Abrahams , Steward of Thistle Lodge ( No . 8 ) , J . AA * . elect 223 , & c After solemn prayer and routine business lodge closed , ancl the brethren adjourned to a magnificent banquet . The musical arrangements were under the able superintendence of Bros . Tedder and Edney ; Bro . Rev . J . G . Wood , G . Chap , said grace . Bro . Beach , M . P ., Prov . G . M ., rose ancl
proposed " The Health of the Queen aud Royal Family , " which was drunk with all honours ; the next toast was that of "Mark Masonry , " joining with it the names of Bros . Earl of Carnarvon ., M . W . G . M . ; A'iscount Holemcsdale , MP ., Dep . G . M ., and the Grand Officers ; and he ( Bro . Beach ) took the opportunity of informing the brethren that their numbers , since the establishment of an English Grand Lodge , had very greatly increased . Bros . Binckes , G . S ., and Portal returned thanks . Several other toasts followed , which included Thistle Lodge ( No . 8 ) , Bros . Dr . Nolan and Israel Abrahams returned thanks .
Masonic Festivities.
LIVERPOOL . —On Wednesday , Dec . 11 , a Grand Masonic Concert was given in the small concert-room , at St . George's Hall , the proceeds of which are to be devoted to the purchase of a new organ for the Masonic Temple in Hope-street . Upwards of 700 were present , and the brethren , clothed in Masonic costume , the ladies , in every variety of evening attire , and the uniform of the volunteerspresented a beautiful icture . The vocal ancl
in-, very p strumental artistes were members of the Liverpool lodges and their wives , sisters , and daughters , whose services were gratuitously given . The . concert was a successful one , and all present enjoyed themselves , and showed their appreciation of the music by a number of encores . 'The small concert-room in St . George ' s Hall is one of the most elegant and beautiful rooms in the kingdom .