Article METROPOLITAN. ← Page 3 of 3 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 1 of 2 →
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Lodge of Instruction had been held up as a beacon , as if no lodge had been able to show in the East . The Constitutional Lodge had for fifty years been established in the East , and the duties , as performed there , were not to he excelled by any lodge in London , so there was another and older beacon iu that part of the metropolis ; and the British Oak Lodge must consider itself second , and not first . He returned thanks for the visitors . — " The Health of the
Officers" followed , for which Bro . NORTON , S . AA * ., returned thanks in a very pithy speech . —The toast of "The Initiates of the Year " was acknowledged by . Bro . Capt . AA ' RIGHT , the senior initiate present . After which , the proceedings terminated . LODGE OE TEMPERANCE ( NO . 198 ) . —The fifteen sections were most admirably worked on Friday , 13 th December , at Bro . Bolton's , Victoria Tavern , Victoria-road , Deptford . Bro . T . Arnold , P . M .
165 , acted as AV . M ., and put all the questions . He was assisted by Bros . Farmer , Thomas , Oliver , Moore , Howes , Hawkins , & c . This is , beyond all doubt , the best supported lodge of instruction in the neighbourhood , and we wish it every success and prospsrity .
KENT . MAIDSTONE . —Belvidere Lodge ( No . 741 ) . —The anniversary meeting of this lodge took place at the Star Hotel , on Tuesday , the 3 rd inst ., for the purpose of installing the W . M . elect , Bro . AVilliam Page , who though a young Freemason , has won the good . opinion of the members of his lodge , and is justly held in high ¦ esteem by all of them . Amongst those present on this interesting
occasion , we noticed Bros . Dobsou , the D . Prov . G . M .,- Ashley , P . D . Prov . G . M . ; Savage , P . S . G . D . of England ; Saunders , Prov . G . Treas . ; C . Isaacs , Prov . G . S . ; Nettlingham , AA ' . M ., 91 ; Herrington , 261 ; Philcox , P . M . 376 ; and the following officers and members of the Belvidere Lodge 741 , Bros . Hartuup , AA ' . M . -. Pike , P . M . ; Crattenden , Sen ., P . M . ; Serjeant , P . M . ; F . AV . Day . P . M . ; Pearson . P . M . ; E . Day , P . M . ; A ' ale , P . M . ; AA ' . Page , AV . M . elect ,
Durrani , Harpur , Foord , Field , Tolputt , Gibson , Stephens , Bridgland , Titus , Spencer , Pine , Couper , Goodwin , Grundy , Woolcott , Monckton , Briggs , AVoodstock , etc . The lodge having been opened and some rouine business disposed of , Bro . Savage , who had come specially from London for the occasion , proceeded to install Bro . Page as AV . M ., and the ceremony having been performed in a graceful and impressive manner , the AA ' . M . appointed the following brethren as ollicers for the ensuing yearand they were
, invested accordingly : Harpur , S . AA' . ; Tolputt , JAY . ; Sergeant , P . M ., Treas .-, Pearson , P . M ., Sec ; Titus , S . D .-, Coupev , " , T . D . ; Gibson , I . G . ; Goodwin , D . C . ; Stephen , Steward . After cordial votes of thanks to Bro . Dobson , the D . Prov . G . M ., for his kind attendance that day , and to Bro . Savage for the manner in which he had conducted the installation , and whicli were duly acknowledged hy those distinguished brethren , the lodge was closed in l due form , perfect harmony having reigned during the whole of '
the proceedings . The brethren , to the number of nearly 40 , then sat down to an excellent banquet provided by Bro . Pine , the worthy host . —Bro . DOBSON , D . Prov . G . M ., presided , and kept up the conviviality ancl good temper of the evening with his accustomed urbanity ancl ability . In responding to the proposal of bis health , he enlarged in terse and elegant language on the moral and intellectual advantages of Freemasonry , and expressed an earnest hope that the unanimity which had prevailed that day miht
cong tinue , and that they would not permit anything to disturb it . He resumed his seat amid the cheers of the brethren . —Bro . ASHLET , who for many years most ably filled the office of D . Prov . G . M . for Kent , and who on rising was received with great applavise , -acknowledged in suitable terms a compliment paid to him , and said he took a warm interest in all that concerned lodge 741 , having been p resent and assisted at its consecration seventeen years sinceand
, he had rarely been absent from the installation meetings . — -Bro . SAVAGE , who was very warmly received , responded to the toast of " Health and happiness to him , " and expressed the pleasure he felt in renewing his visit ancl in keeping up the friendly intercourse which had so long subsisted between the members of the lodge and himself ; the lodge liad been presided over since its consecration in 1814 by seventeen mastersand he ( Bro . Savage ) liad had the
, pleasure of installing sixteen of that number . Bro . Savage at the conclusion of an eloquent speech , proposed " Prosperity to the Belvidere Lodge ( No . 741 ) . Several excellent songs enlivened the proceedings of the evening . Upon Bro . Dobson retiring , Bro . Page , the AV . M ., took the chair and the conviviality of the evening was continued for some time longer , each one striving to he happy himself and to communicate happiness to others .
LANCASHIBE ( EAST . ) PRESTON . —Lodge of Concord ( No . 429 . )—The regular monthly meeting of this loelge was held at the Stanley Arms , was opened ou Thursday , December 19 th , by the AA ' . M ., Bro . William " Brown , assisted by his officers . The minutes of the last regular meeting were read and confirmed , this being the night for installing the AA ' . M . electBvo . Eobert Summersgill was presented bBro . C . J .
, y Banister , Prov . G . D . C . AA ' est Lancashire , to the Installing Master , Bro . James Hamer , P . G . Treasurer , who performed the ceremony in his usual excellent manner . A . Board of Installed Masters was opened hy the Installing Master , Bro . Langley , AA ' . M . 1125 , as S . AV . ; Bro . Banister , J . AV . ; Bro . Graham , I . G . The brethren in each degree saluted the AV . M ., he then invested Bro . AA * . Brown , P . M . and Treasurer ; Bro . D . Graham , S . AV . ; Bro . George E .
AVorthington , JAY . ; Bro . John Mason , S . D . ; Eobinson , J . D . ; D . Dove , Secretary ; S . Lyon , I . G . ; Samuel Ashton , Tyler ; business of the lodge over , it was closed in due form and with solemn prayer . After supper the loyal and Masonic toasts were given and responded to . Bro . C . J . Banister responded to the toast of the Prov . Grand Officers , and proposed " The Health of the A'V . M ., Brown , " which was received with enthusiasmand the AA ' . M .
re-, turned thanks in a neat speech . Bro . Lanley , gave " The Health of the P . M ., Bro . AVm . Brown , " in excellent terms , which was duly responded to . Bro . D . Graham proposed - 'The Health of the Visitors , " which was responded to by Bro . McGliuchy , in a very animated and telling speech . The last toast brought a verydelightful and Masonic evening to a close .
LANCASHIBE ( AA'EST ) . LIVERPOOL—Mariner ' s Lodge ( No . 310 ) . —The monthly meeting of this lodge was held at the Temple , Hope-street , on Thursday , Dec Sth ; there being present : the AA ' . M . Bro . Caldwell ; Bro . Swift , P . M . ; Bro . Green , S . AV . ; Bro . C . J . Banister , Prov . G . D . C , as J . AA * . ; Bro . H . Lumb , Treasurer ; Bro . John Pepper , Secretary BroJames HamerProvGTreasurerBrosPettand
; . , .. ; . y Knowles , of Manchester , and a full attendance of brethren . " The first and third degrees were given to one or two candidates . Bro . John Pepper , Secretary and P . M . of this lodge , having been appointed Prov . G . A . D . C ., and having filled the office of Sectary for the last five years in this large ancl flourishing lodge , the brethren , anxious to reward merit , purchased a full suit of dress and undress clothing for his new appointmentand the WM . in a very pleasing
, manner and appropriate terms presented them in the name of the lodge , and invested him with them . Bro . Pepper acknowledged the handsome present in a truly fraternal spirit , stating that it was quite as much due to the past Treasurer , Bro . Peter Maddox , P . M . and Prov . G . S . AA * ., as it was by his kind services and attention , that the books were in the state that the AA . Jl . had been pleased to speak so favourably of ; and he hoped that an acknowledgement would be
made , tohim , and as Bro . Maddox had clothing ancl jewels of all kinds , something else might be more acceptable to that worthy brother , ancl he left it in the hands of the AV . M . Business ove > - / the lodge was closed . On Tuesday the 10 th , a Lodge of Emergency was held to initiate a gentleman who had been ballotted for at a previous meeting , and wanted to proceed to sea . The ceremony was performed by the W . M ., Bro . Caldwell , with great earnestness ; all his officers were present , ancl a fair attendance of members and visitors .
LIVERPOOL . —Merchant ' s Lodge ( No . 294 . )—A meeting of this lodge was held in the Temple , on Tuesday , December 10 th , by the W . M ., assisted by the officers , ancl a full attendance of the members . The first and second degrees were given in a most impressive way by the AA ' . M . The rest of the business over , the lodge -was closed , and the brethren adjourned to refreshment , and spent a very happy evening .
ST . HELEN ' S . —St . Helen ' s Lodge ( No . 1199 ) . —This new lodge opened on Monday , December 9 , after the dispensation was sent by the K . AA ' . D . Prov . G . Master , Sir Thomas Hesketh , Bart ., to enable the brethren of that lodge to meet before the Warrant arrived from the Grand Lodge . Bro . Thomas AVylie , Pi-ov . G . Secretary , acted for the B . W . D . Prov . G . M . ; Bro . James Hamer , Prov . G . Sec , acted as P . M . ; Bro . C . J . Banister , Prov . G . D . C , as S . AA * . ; Bro . Jno . PepperProv . G . A . D . Cas J . W . Bro . MarshP . M . 763 as IG
, , ; , , .. The dispensation was read in open lodge , ancl the new W . M . was presented and installed hy the Prov . G . Treas ., and saluted in regular form , after which he invested his officers . The ceremony of dedication will take place in January or February of next year . As the Prov . G . Officers had to leave by train the lod ge was called from labour to refreshment , and in half an hour they had departed . In this rising town the lodge will be well supported .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Lodge of Instruction had been held up as a beacon , as if no lodge had been able to show in the East . The Constitutional Lodge had for fifty years been established in the East , and the duties , as performed there , were not to he excelled by any lodge in London , so there was another and older beacon iu that part of the metropolis ; and the British Oak Lodge must consider itself second , and not first . He returned thanks for the visitors . — " The Health of the
Officers" followed , for which Bro . NORTON , S . AA * ., returned thanks in a very pithy speech . —The toast of "The Initiates of the Year " was acknowledged by . Bro . Capt . AA ' RIGHT , the senior initiate present . After which , the proceedings terminated . LODGE OE TEMPERANCE ( NO . 198 ) . —The fifteen sections were most admirably worked on Friday , 13 th December , at Bro . Bolton's , Victoria Tavern , Victoria-road , Deptford . Bro . T . Arnold , P . M .
165 , acted as AV . M ., and put all the questions . He was assisted by Bros . Farmer , Thomas , Oliver , Moore , Howes , Hawkins , & c . This is , beyond all doubt , the best supported lodge of instruction in the neighbourhood , and we wish it every success and prospsrity .
KENT . MAIDSTONE . —Belvidere Lodge ( No . 741 ) . —The anniversary meeting of this lodge took place at the Star Hotel , on Tuesday , the 3 rd inst ., for the purpose of installing the W . M . elect , Bro . AVilliam Page , who though a young Freemason , has won the good . opinion of the members of his lodge , and is justly held in high ¦ esteem by all of them . Amongst those present on this interesting
occasion , we noticed Bros . Dobsou , the D . Prov . G . M .,- Ashley , P . D . Prov . G . M . ; Savage , P . S . G . D . of England ; Saunders , Prov . G . Treas . ; C . Isaacs , Prov . G . S . ; Nettlingham , AA ' . M ., 91 ; Herrington , 261 ; Philcox , P . M . 376 ; and the following officers and members of the Belvidere Lodge 741 , Bros . Hartuup , AA ' . M . -. Pike , P . M . ; Crattenden , Sen ., P . M . ; Serjeant , P . M . ; F . AV . Day . P . M . ; Pearson . P . M . ; E . Day , P . M . ; A ' ale , P . M . ; AA ' . Page , AV . M . elect ,
Durrani , Harpur , Foord , Field , Tolputt , Gibson , Stephens , Bridgland , Titus , Spencer , Pine , Couper , Goodwin , Grundy , Woolcott , Monckton , Briggs , AVoodstock , etc . The lodge having been opened and some rouine business disposed of , Bro . Savage , who had come specially from London for the occasion , proceeded to install Bro . Page as AV . M ., and the ceremony having been performed in a graceful and impressive manner , the AA ' . M . appointed the following brethren as ollicers for the ensuing yearand they were
, invested accordingly : Harpur , S . AA' . ; Tolputt , JAY . ; Sergeant , P . M ., Treas .-, Pearson , P . M ., Sec ; Titus , S . D .-, Coupev , " , T . D . ; Gibson , I . G . ; Goodwin , D . C . ; Stephen , Steward . After cordial votes of thanks to Bro . Dobson , the D . Prov . G . M ., for his kind attendance that day , and to Bro . Savage for the manner in which he had conducted the installation , and whicli were duly acknowledged hy those distinguished brethren , the lodge was closed in l due form , perfect harmony having reigned during the whole of '
the proceedings . The brethren , to the number of nearly 40 , then sat down to an excellent banquet provided by Bro . Pine , the worthy host . —Bro . DOBSON , D . Prov . G . M ., presided , and kept up the conviviality ancl good temper of the evening with his accustomed urbanity ancl ability . In responding to the proposal of bis health , he enlarged in terse and elegant language on the moral and intellectual advantages of Freemasonry , and expressed an earnest hope that the unanimity which had prevailed that day miht
cong tinue , and that they would not permit anything to disturb it . He resumed his seat amid the cheers of the brethren . —Bro . ASHLET , who for many years most ably filled the office of D . Prov . G . M . for Kent , and who on rising was received with great applavise , -acknowledged in suitable terms a compliment paid to him , and said he took a warm interest in all that concerned lodge 741 , having been p resent and assisted at its consecration seventeen years sinceand
, he had rarely been absent from the installation meetings . — -Bro . SAVAGE , who was very warmly received , responded to the toast of " Health and happiness to him , " and expressed the pleasure he felt in renewing his visit ancl in keeping up the friendly intercourse which had so long subsisted between the members of the lodge and himself ; the lodge liad been presided over since its consecration in 1814 by seventeen mastersand he ( Bro . Savage ) liad had the
, pleasure of installing sixteen of that number . Bro . Savage at the conclusion of an eloquent speech , proposed " Prosperity to the Belvidere Lodge ( No . 741 ) . Several excellent songs enlivened the proceedings of the evening . Upon Bro . Dobson retiring , Bro . Page , the AV . M ., took the chair and the conviviality of the evening was continued for some time longer , each one striving to he happy himself and to communicate happiness to others .
LANCASHIBE ( EAST . ) PRESTON . —Lodge of Concord ( No . 429 . )—The regular monthly meeting of this loelge was held at the Stanley Arms , was opened ou Thursday , December 19 th , by the AA ' . M ., Bro . William " Brown , assisted by his officers . The minutes of the last regular meeting were read and confirmed , this being the night for installing the AA ' . M . electBvo . Eobert Summersgill was presented bBro . C . J .
, y Banister , Prov . G . D . C . AA ' est Lancashire , to the Installing Master , Bro . James Hamer , P . G . Treasurer , who performed the ceremony in his usual excellent manner . A . Board of Installed Masters was opened hy the Installing Master , Bro . Langley , AA ' . M . 1125 , as S . AV . ; Bro . Banister , J . AV . ; Bro . Graham , I . G . The brethren in each degree saluted the AV . M ., he then invested Bro . AA * . Brown , P . M . and Treasurer ; Bro . D . Graham , S . AV . ; Bro . George E .
AVorthington , JAY . ; Bro . John Mason , S . D . ; Eobinson , J . D . ; D . Dove , Secretary ; S . Lyon , I . G . ; Samuel Ashton , Tyler ; business of the lodge over , it was closed in due form and with solemn prayer . After supper the loyal and Masonic toasts were given and responded to . Bro . C . J . Banister responded to the toast of the Prov . Grand Officers , and proposed " The Health of the A'V . M ., Brown , " which was received with enthusiasmand the AA ' . M .
re-, turned thanks in a neat speech . Bro . Lanley , gave " The Health of the P . M ., Bro . AVm . Brown , " in excellent terms , which was duly responded to . Bro . D . Graham proposed - 'The Health of the Visitors , " which was responded to by Bro . McGliuchy , in a very animated and telling speech . The last toast brought a verydelightful and Masonic evening to a close .
LANCASHIBE ( AA'EST ) . LIVERPOOL—Mariner ' s Lodge ( No . 310 ) . —The monthly meeting of this lodge was held at the Temple , Hope-street , on Thursday , Dec Sth ; there being present : the AA ' . M . Bro . Caldwell ; Bro . Swift , P . M . ; Bro . Green , S . AV . ; Bro . C . J . Banister , Prov . G . D . C , as J . AA * . ; Bro . H . Lumb , Treasurer ; Bro . John Pepper , Secretary BroJames HamerProvGTreasurerBrosPettand
; . , .. ; . y Knowles , of Manchester , and a full attendance of brethren . " The first and third degrees were given to one or two candidates . Bro . John Pepper , Secretary and P . M . of this lodge , having been appointed Prov . G . A . D . C ., and having filled the office of Sectary for the last five years in this large ancl flourishing lodge , the brethren , anxious to reward merit , purchased a full suit of dress and undress clothing for his new appointmentand the WM . in a very pleasing
, manner and appropriate terms presented them in the name of the lodge , and invested him with them . Bro . Pepper acknowledged the handsome present in a truly fraternal spirit , stating that it was quite as much due to the past Treasurer , Bro . Peter Maddox , P . M . and Prov . G . S . AA * ., as it was by his kind services and attention , that the books were in the state that the AA . Jl . had been pleased to speak so favourably of ; and he hoped that an acknowledgement would be
made , tohim , and as Bro . Maddox had clothing ancl jewels of all kinds , something else might be more acceptable to that worthy brother , ancl he left it in the hands of the AV . M . Business ove > - / the lodge was closed . On Tuesday the 10 th , a Lodge of Emergency was held to initiate a gentleman who had been ballotted for at a previous meeting , and wanted to proceed to sea . The ceremony was performed by the W . M ., Bro . Caldwell , with great earnestness ; all his officers were present , ancl a fair attendance of members and visitors .
LIVERPOOL . —Merchant ' s Lodge ( No . 294 . )—A meeting of this lodge was held in the Temple , on Tuesday , December 10 th , by the W . M ., assisted by the officers , ancl a full attendance of the members . The first and second degrees were given in a most impressive way by the AA ' . M . The rest of the business over , the lodge -was closed , and the brethren adjourned to refreshment , and spent a very happy evening .
ST . HELEN ' S . —St . Helen ' s Lodge ( No . 1199 ) . —This new lodge opened on Monday , December 9 , after the dispensation was sent by the K . AA ' . D . Prov . G . Master , Sir Thomas Hesketh , Bart ., to enable the brethren of that lodge to meet before the Warrant arrived from the Grand Lodge . Bro . Thomas AVylie , Pi-ov . G . Secretary , acted for the B . W . D . Prov . G . M . ; Bro . James Hamer , Prov . G . Sec , acted as P . M . ; Bro . C . J . Banister , Prov . G . D . C , as S . AA * . ; Bro . Jno . PepperProv . G . A . D . Cas J . W . Bro . MarshP . M . 763 as IG
, , ; , , .. The dispensation was read in open lodge , ancl the new W . M . was presented and installed hy the Prov . G . Treas ., and saluted in regular form , after which he invested his officers . The ceremony of dedication will take place in January or February of next year . As the Prov . G . Officers had to leave by train the lod ge was called from labour to refreshment , and in half an hour they had departed . In this rising town the lodge will be well supported .