Article THE MASONIC MIRROR. Page 1 of 1 Article METROPOLITAN. Page 1 of 3 →
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The Masonic Mirror.
MASONIC MEiAI . The annual Christmas treat to the Eoyal Freemason ' s Girls School , is appointed to take place on Tuesday , the 7 th January .
MOUNT LEBANON LODGE ( No . 87 . )—This flourishing old lodge met as usual at the Green Man Tavern , Tooley-street , Southwark ( Bro . Cathie ' s ) , on Tuesday , 17 th inst . Bro . H . G . Baker , AV . M ., went through the three ceremonies in an able manner . The election of officers took place . Bro . B . Slade , SAY ., was unanimously elected AV . M . ; Bro . D . Davies was re-elected Treasurer , and Aidhouse re-elected Tyler . Visitors : Stahr , SOS ; Welsford , 805 ; March , 58 S ; Spencer , P . M . 91 ; Stevens , 18 , & c .
ST . GEORGE ' S LODGE ( NO . 164 ) . —This prosperous lodge met on AVednesday , 18 th December , at Bro . Moore ' s , Globe Tavern , Eoyal Hill , Greenwich . Bro . H . A . Collington , assisted by his officers , Mourylian , Scott , Smyth , Hubbard , and Bonachchi , in an able manner raised Bro . Godstone to the sublime degree of Master Mason . He then initiated Mr . Hards , and afterwards Mr . Badger , into the ancient mysteries of Freemasonry . All the ceremonies were performed by the AA ' . M . in his well-known first-class stle . The
y election of officers was then proceeded with , and Bro . Mourylian , S . AV ., was unanimously elected AV . M . Byder , P . M ., was unanimously re-elected Treasurer . The brethren then partook of an excellent banquet . Visitors—Noble , P . M . 93 ; Penny , AV . M . 93 ; AA ' alters , J . AV . 87 ; March , 588 ; & c .
LODGE OE JUSTICE ( NO . 172 . )—This old lodge met on AVednesday , 11 th December , at the Boyal Albert Tavern , New Cross-road , Deptford , Kent . Bro . Winn , AV . M ., opened the lodge , and Bro . Bolton , P . M ., in his usual first class working , raised Bros . Bavin and Lightfoot , to the sublime degree of Master Masons . The election of officers took place . Bro . Cavell , J . AV ., elected AV . M . ; Bolton , P . M ., re-elected Treasurer ; Crouch , re-elected Tyler , and the AV . M . afterwards closed the lodge . The brethren then adjourned to an excellent supper , provided in Bro . G . Boe ' s well-known style . \ isitors -. Fiddaman , 805 ; Ivlaveh , 588 ; AValters , J . AV . 87 .
LODGE OP TEMPERANCE ( NO . 198 ) . —The regular meeting of this celebrated lodge took place on Thursday , 19 th December , at Bro . Holman ' s Plough Tavern , Plough Bridge , Rotherhithe . The illness of Bro . M . Roach , AA . M ., prevented him from presiding . Bro . P . M . Bolton , with his usual first-rate skill , performed all the work ofthe evening . This being election night , Bro . Moore , a P . S . AV ., was elected AA ' . M . for the ensuing year . Bro . Cartwright was elected Treasurer . Holt unanimously re-elected Tyler . A ' isitors—AValters , J . A'V . 87 ; Stahr , 805 ; & c .
POLISH NATIONAL LODGE ( NO . 778 . )—This lodge held its regular meeting at the Freemason's Tavern on Thursday , the 12 th instant . The following members were present -. John Boyd , AV . M . ; Lublinski , S . AV . ; Nowakowski , J . AA ' . ; Lemanski , P . M . ' and Treas . "W . Paas , Sec ; E . Johnstone , Panchaud , AA ' atson , Zaha , and Michalski , P . M ' s . ; Mercik , J . D . ; Drew , I . G . ; and Bros . Lynch , Shnonds , Menzies , and others . The visitors were , Bros . Jacques
P . M . 30 ; Kirby , P . M . 109 ; Eobinson , P . M . 237 ; Exall , J . AA * . 169 ; Matthew Cooke , Sec , 23 ; Hooper , AA ' . M ., 169 ; Helps , S . D ., 1006 ; and Andrea Maziere from S . America . The business , which was admirably performed by the AA ' . M ., consisted of passing Bro . Lynch , and initiating Mr . J . A . Clendinning , Capt . AV . G . B . Tyler , and air . Emanuel Ekrlich . These ceremonies having concluded , the lodge was closed and the brethren adjourned to the banquet , after which the r
AA . M . proposed the usual loyal and masonic toasts , which were properly received . The AA ' . M . said he rose with some degree of diffidence to propose the toast of the evening . It was always considered that to Initiates that honour was due , for without Initiates Masonry would be nothing ; their Order , in common with all others , requiring fresh blood to keep up it its members . He -was very happy to see three at their board . One he had known for twentsix
y- years , and it was a great source of delight to introduce him into Freemasonry . The AV . M . hoped he , Bro . Clendinnine , would do for his own hoy what he had done for him , and , as liis aiephew , think it an uncle ' s part to initiate the AV . M . ' s sou . —Bro .
CLENDINNING thanked them for the toast , and trusted to be able to fulfil all his uncle ' s wishes . —The AV . M . said the members were always anxious to do justice to the toast of the visitors . He then enumerated them , paying each some marked compliment . —Bro . MAZIERI said that America thanked them for his reception , and hoped if any of them visited her shores they would be made as welcome . —Bro . EOBINSON was much pleased with the work . He had long desired to visit them , and having done so once , would be
sure to do so again . —Bro . HOOPER , ou behalf of himself and the brethren of Lodge Prudent Brethren , begged to return many thanks . Bro . LEMANSKI , P . M . and Treasurer , " said as the AA ' . M . had experienced a difficulty in proposing a toast , he ( Bro . Lemanski ) , had great difficulty in rendering in proper terms that health which they all maintained with one accord and affection . For many years their AV . M . had been amongst them aud it was almost superfluous to enlarge upon his merits . As a man he was inferior to
none of them , while , as a Mason , all his conduct was measured by the level and square . As far as No . 778 was concerned he was one of its main stays and staunchest supporters . The lodge had numbered many English brethren who felt for the position of his native country , and the AV . M . only wanted a " ski" at the end of his name to make him a thorough Pole . He had served every office in the lodgewould st andas Steward for the lodge atthe Boy ' s School
, festival , and he ( Bro . Lemanski ) trusted the brethren ofthe lodge would see that his list was equal to any , that being the best way they could testify their great esteem for him , All around tbat board could readily bear witness to his zeal and good works , and he called upon them to drink health and long life to their AV . M . Bro . Boyd . —The AA ' . M . felt his difficulty was increased by the very flattering manner in which P . M . Lemanski had spoken of him . If
said he was very much obliged for the compliment it would seem a cold response , but he was , nevertheless , very much obliged . He loved the lodge and every one in it as well as the chapter , and also those who had followed him in another portion of Masonry . He should always do his best to follow the P . M . ' s who had proceeded
him , for there were none so old but that they could learn , and if their newly initiated brethren would pay a little attention they would be sure to rise into good officers . For the very kind manner his health had been proposed and received they had his best thanks . In the P . M . ' s of the lodge they had five of very great weight and inilvence , Bros . Lemanski , Johnstone , AA ' atson , Michalski , and Ponchaud . With all his hearty desire to see the Poles enjoy the blessings of liberthe did not wish to see their brother Poles back
y go . After alluding to the services of the various P . M . 's he ' pronosed "The Health of the P . M . ' s of the Polish National Lodge . " Bro . LEMANSKI , as the senior P . M . of the lodge remaining , the G . A . O . T . U . having taken all his predecessors , returned thanks for their kind remembrance . At one time the lodge was very limited , but it had considerably increased of late years . The working was creditable to the lodge . AA'hen he went visiting he found the name of their
lodge procured him a cordial reception . The greatest national guilt , in his fatherland , was a want of hospitality , and it was looked upon , as in the East , as a breach of all the dearest ties to neglect a guest . Though their entertainment to their own visitors was humble , yet they welcomed them with open hearts , and they were indebted to the lodge of Prudent Brethren which had contributed greatly-to their benefit in sending them such a brother to preside
over them as their AV . M . In conclusion , so long as he was in health he should not neglect any opportunity , nor would they ever find him wanting in the support of the Polish National Ledge . Bro . E . JOHNSTONE thought it would be impossible for their sentiments to be more ably expressed . Bro . MICHALSKI , could not say much , his chest was bad , but he thanked them very heartily for the honour done to the P . M . ' s . Bro . AA ' . AVATSONthanked them for the
, mention of his name . He looked upon the lodge as a child of his own , and felt deeply gratified to see the P . M . 's looked up to , and so many of them remain . Bro . PANCHAUD , was anxious at all times to be of service to the lodge . The toast of " The Officers ofthe Lodge " was next given , whicli was responded to by the SAY ., JAY ., and J . D ., and the Tyler ' s toast concluded the proceedings .
AA ' ELLINGTON LODGE ( No . 805 ) . —This well established lodge held its usual monthly meeting on Tuesday 10 th December at Bro . Hay ' s Lord Duncan Tavern , High Street , Deptford , Kent . The AV . M . Bro . AA ' elsford in au able manner passed one brother to the degree of a Fellow Craft . This being the election night for Officers the choice of the brethren fell on Bro . Bentley S . AV ., for the AA ' . M ., and Bro . Earaty for Treasurer . Bro . Crouch was unanimously reelected Tyler .... Bro . F . AA ' alters J . W . 87 & c , was a visitor .
HOBNSET LODGE ( NO . 1192 . )—This lodge was consecrated by Bro . Henry Muggeridge , P . M ., 227 , on AVednesday the 18 th inst . Bro . Job Austen directed tbe musical arrangements , and Bro . Packwood officiated as Director of the Ceremonies in the presence of Bro . John Symonds , Assist . Grand Dir . of Cers . Among the brethren present were Bros . Daniel Clarke , Gr . Steward , AV . M ., 21 :
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Masonic Mirror.
MASONIC MEiAI . The annual Christmas treat to the Eoyal Freemason ' s Girls School , is appointed to take place on Tuesday , the 7 th January .
MOUNT LEBANON LODGE ( No . 87 . )—This flourishing old lodge met as usual at the Green Man Tavern , Tooley-street , Southwark ( Bro . Cathie ' s ) , on Tuesday , 17 th inst . Bro . H . G . Baker , AV . M ., went through the three ceremonies in an able manner . The election of officers took place . Bro . B . Slade , SAY ., was unanimously elected AV . M . ; Bro . D . Davies was re-elected Treasurer , and Aidhouse re-elected Tyler . Visitors : Stahr , SOS ; Welsford , 805 ; March , 58 S ; Spencer , P . M . 91 ; Stevens , 18 , & c .
ST . GEORGE ' S LODGE ( NO . 164 ) . —This prosperous lodge met on AVednesday , 18 th December , at Bro . Moore ' s , Globe Tavern , Eoyal Hill , Greenwich . Bro . H . A . Collington , assisted by his officers , Mourylian , Scott , Smyth , Hubbard , and Bonachchi , in an able manner raised Bro . Godstone to the sublime degree of Master Mason . He then initiated Mr . Hards , and afterwards Mr . Badger , into the ancient mysteries of Freemasonry . All the ceremonies were performed by the AA ' . M . in his well-known first-class stle . The
y election of officers was then proceeded with , and Bro . Mourylian , S . AV ., was unanimously elected AV . M . Byder , P . M ., was unanimously re-elected Treasurer . The brethren then partook of an excellent banquet . Visitors—Noble , P . M . 93 ; Penny , AV . M . 93 ; AA ' alters , J . AV . 87 ; March , 588 ; & c .
LODGE OE JUSTICE ( NO . 172 . )—This old lodge met on AVednesday , 11 th December , at the Boyal Albert Tavern , New Cross-road , Deptford , Kent . Bro . Winn , AV . M ., opened the lodge , and Bro . Bolton , P . M ., in his usual first class working , raised Bros . Bavin and Lightfoot , to the sublime degree of Master Masons . The election of officers took place . Bro . Cavell , J . AV ., elected AV . M . ; Bolton , P . M ., re-elected Treasurer ; Crouch , re-elected Tyler , and the AV . M . afterwards closed the lodge . The brethren then adjourned to an excellent supper , provided in Bro . G . Boe ' s well-known style . \ isitors -. Fiddaman , 805 ; Ivlaveh , 588 ; AValters , J . AV . 87 .
LODGE OP TEMPERANCE ( NO . 198 ) . —The regular meeting of this celebrated lodge took place on Thursday , 19 th December , at Bro . Holman ' s Plough Tavern , Plough Bridge , Rotherhithe . The illness of Bro . M . Roach , AA . M ., prevented him from presiding . Bro . P . M . Bolton , with his usual first-rate skill , performed all the work ofthe evening . This being election night , Bro . Moore , a P . S . AV ., was elected AA ' . M . for the ensuing year . Bro . Cartwright was elected Treasurer . Holt unanimously re-elected Tyler . A ' isitors—AValters , J . A'V . 87 ; Stahr , 805 ; & c .
POLISH NATIONAL LODGE ( NO . 778 . )—This lodge held its regular meeting at the Freemason's Tavern on Thursday , the 12 th instant . The following members were present -. John Boyd , AV . M . ; Lublinski , S . AV . ; Nowakowski , J . AA ' . ; Lemanski , P . M . ' and Treas . "W . Paas , Sec ; E . Johnstone , Panchaud , AA ' atson , Zaha , and Michalski , P . M ' s . ; Mercik , J . D . ; Drew , I . G . ; and Bros . Lynch , Shnonds , Menzies , and others . The visitors were , Bros . Jacques
P . M . 30 ; Kirby , P . M . 109 ; Eobinson , P . M . 237 ; Exall , J . AA * . 169 ; Matthew Cooke , Sec , 23 ; Hooper , AA ' . M ., 169 ; Helps , S . D ., 1006 ; and Andrea Maziere from S . America . The business , which was admirably performed by the AA ' . M ., consisted of passing Bro . Lynch , and initiating Mr . J . A . Clendinning , Capt . AV . G . B . Tyler , and air . Emanuel Ekrlich . These ceremonies having concluded , the lodge was closed and the brethren adjourned to the banquet , after which the r
AA . M . proposed the usual loyal and masonic toasts , which were properly received . The AA ' . M . said he rose with some degree of diffidence to propose the toast of the evening . It was always considered that to Initiates that honour was due , for without Initiates Masonry would be nothing ; their Order , in common with all others , requiring fresh blood to keep up it its members . He -was very happy to see three at their board . One he had known for twentsix
y- years , and it was a great source of delight to introduce him into Freemasonry . The AV . M . hoped he , Bro . Clendinnine , would do for his own hoy what he had done for him , and , as liis aiephew , think it an uncle ' s part to initiate the AV . M . ' s sou . —Bro .
CLENDINNING thanked them for the toast , and trusted to be able to fulfil all his uncle ' s wishes . —The AV . M . said the members were always anxious to do justice to the toast of the visitors . He then enumerated them , paying each some marked compliment . —Bro . MAZIERI said that America thanked them for his reception , and hoped if any of them visited her shores they would be made as welcome . —Bro . EOBINSON was much pleased with the work . He had long desired to visit them , and having done so once , would be
sure to do so again . —Bro . HOOPER , ou behalf of himself and the brethren of Lodge Prudent Brethren , begged to return many thanks . Bro . LEMANSKI , P . M . and Treasurer , " said as the AA ' . M . had experienced a difficulty in proposing a toast , he ( Bro . Lemanski ) , had great difficulty in rendering in proper terms that health which they all maintained with one accord and affection . For many years their AV . M . had been amongst them aud it was almost superfluous to enlarge upon his merits . As a man he was inferior to
none of them , while , as a Mason , all his conduct was measured by the level and square . As far as No . 778 was concerned he was one of its main stays and staunchest supporters . The lodge had numbered many English brethren who felt for the position of his native country , and the AV . M . only wanted a " ski" at the end of his name to make him a thorough Pole . He had served every office in the lodgewould st andas Steward for the lodge atthe Boy ' s School
, festival , and he ( Bro . Lemanski ) trusted the brethren ofthe lodge would see that his list was equal to any , that being the best way they could testify their great esteem for him , All around tbat board could readily bear witness to his zeal and good works , and he called upon them to drink health and long life to their AV . M . Bro . Boyd . —The AA ' . M . felt his difficulty was increased by the very flattering manner in which P . M . Lemanski had spoken of him . If
said he was very much obliged for the compliment it would seem a cold response , but he was , nevertheless , very much obliged . He loved the lodge and every one in it as well as the chapter , and also those who had followed him in another portion of Masonry . He should always do his best to follow the P . M . ' s who had proceeded
him , for there were none so old but that they could learn , and if their newly initiated brethren would pay a little attention they would be sure to rise into good officers . For the very kind manner his health had been proposed and received they had his best thanks . In the P . M . ' s of the lodge they had five of very great weight and inilvence , Bros . Lemanski , Johnstone , AA ' atson , Michalski , and Ponchaud . With all his hearty desire to see the Poles enjoy the blessings of liberthe did not wish to see their brother Poles back
y go . After alluding to the services of the various P . M . 's he ' pronosed "The Health of the P . M . ' s of the Polish National Lodge . " Bro . LEMANSKI , as the senior P . M . of the lodge remaining , the G . A . O . T . U . having taken all his predecessors , returned thanks for their kind remembrance . At one time the lodge was very limited , but it had considerably increased of late years . The working was creditable to the lodge . AA'hen he went visiting he found the name of their
lodge procured him a cordial reception . The greatest national guilt , in his fatherland , was a want of hospitality , and it was looked upon , as in the East , as a breach of all the dearest ties to neglect a guest . Though their entertainment to their own visitors was humble , yet they welcomed them with open hearts , and they were indebted to the lodge of Prudent Brethren which had contributed greatly-to their benefit in sending them such a brother to preside
over them as their AV . M . In conclusion , so long as he was in health he should not neglect any opportunity , nor would they ever find him wanting in the support of the Polish National Ledge . Bro . E . JOHNSTONE thought it would be impossible for their sentiments to be more ably expressed . Bro . MICHALSKI , could not say much , his chest was bad , but he thanked them very heartily for the honour done to the P . M . ' s . Bro . AA ' . AVATSONthanked them for the
, mention of his name . He looked upon the lodge as a child of his own , and felt deeply gratified to see the P . M . 's looked up to , and so many of them remain . Bro . PANCHAUD , was anxious at all times to be of service to the lodge . The toast of " The Officers ofthe Lodge " was next given , whicli was responded to by the SAY ., JAY ., and J . D ., and the Tyler ' s toast concluded the proceedings .
AA ' ELLINGTON LODGE ( No . 805 ) . —This well established lodge held its usual monthly meeting on Tuesday 10 th December at Bro . Hay ' s Lord Duncan Tavern , High Street , Deptford , Kent . The AV . M . Bro . AA ' elsford in au able manner passed one brother to the degree of a Fellow Craft . This being the election night for Officers the choice of the brethren fell on Bro . Bentley S . AV ., for the AA ' . M ., and Bro . Earaty for Treasurer . Bro . Crouch was unanimously reelected Tyler .... Bro . F . AA ' alters J . W . 87 & c , was a visitor .
HOBNSET LODGE ( NO . 1192 . )—This lodge was consecrated by Bro . Henry Muggeridge , P . M ., 227 , on AVednesday the 18 th inst . Bro . Job Austen directed tbe musical arrangements , and Bro . Packwood officiated as Director of the Ceremonies in the presence of Bro . John Symonds , Assist . Grand Dir . of Cers . Among the brethren present were Bros . Daniel Clarke , Gr . Steward , AV . M ., 21 :