Article METROPOLITAN. ← Page 2 of 3 →
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tion . After fche usual preliminaries had been observed a board of Installed Masters was opened , and the outgoing Master then installed his successor into the chair of IC . S . according to ancient custom . Tho board was then closed and tho brethren readmitted . Tho new Master was saluted in the three degrees , and the several addresses to the officers and the lodge were beautifully rendered by Bros . Joseph Smith , T . Lewis , ancl Watson , P . M . ' s . The following brethren are the officers for the
ensuing year : —J . Downs , I . P . M ., AV . M . ; T . Peters , S . W . ; Farnfield , J . AV . ; J . Smith , Treas . ; R . AV . Little , Sec ; J . Abbott , S . D . ; C . Chard , J . D . ; II . X Lewis , I . G . ; C . P . Farnfield , Dir . of Cers . The lodge was then closed , and the brethren adjourned to the banquet . After the cloth was drawn the usual formal toasts were given and received with great cordiality , especially thafc of fche D . G . M . Earl de Grey and Ripon , and the rest of the Grand Officers to which Bro . FarnfieldAG
, .., Sec , responded , expressing his thanks to the brethren for the kind manner in which they always acknowledged tho able ser-¦ vices of Lord de Grey , a nobleman who had won golden opinions from the Craffc by his earnest and eloquent advocacy of the Masonic Charities , and he ( Bro . Farnfield ) was always proud to have his name associated with the Deputy Grand Masters . Bro . Farnfield further assured the brethren of the great gratification he had experienced that evening to see his
second son , their AV . M ., installed in the chair , ancl ho trusted when the W . M . ' s year of office expired he would still retain tho good opinion of every member of the Royal Albert Lodge . The visitors'toasfc was responded to by Bro . Dr . Goldsbro ' , W . M . 90 S , P . M . 201 , also by fche Rov . A . Cornier , 872 . Bro . Smith replied for the P . M . ' s , and in doing so introduced the Master's health to the brethren , commenting upon fche many high and estimable qualities possessed bBro . J . A . Farnfieldand expressing his
y , belief that the AV . M . would even surpass the expectations ofthe lodge if the earnest of ability he had shown in presiding for fche first time were to be taken as a type for the future . The toast having been enthusiastically received , the W . M . rose , and said he had great pleasure in finding thafc the brethren were pleased with the manner in which he had commenced his duties , which he must say for that evening were very light . He deprecated the high eulogium Bro . Smith had passed upon
his abilities , but trusted with the assistance of Bro . Smith , himself , Bro . Lewis , and other esteemed P . M . ' s , to acquit himself in ii manner not unworthy of the name of Farnfield . ( Hear , hear . ) The W . M . concluded by again thanking the brethren for their confidence . The toasts- of the officers were given seriatim and duly responded to . AVe must not omit to mention how admirably Bros . Lewis , H . J . Lewis , T . Peters , S . W ., and C . P . Farnfield , contributed to the enjoyment of the evening by both
sentimental and entertaining songs . Bro . J . Hervey , P . S . G . D . visited the lodge towards the close of the proceedings ( having just arrived from the Continent ) in order to see his old pupil , the AA . M ., filling the high position of Master of the Royal Albert Lodge . ROSE or DENMARK LODGE ( XO . 975 ) . —The last meeting of this lodge for the season was held on Friday , the 21 st inst ., at the White Hart TavernBarnes . The lodwas dulopened
, ge y by Bro . R . W . Little , AV . M . ; H . Potter , Treas ., as S . W . ; J . Cockbnrn , J . W . ; assisted by Bros . Oliver , S . D . ; Page , J . D . ; Newens , I . G ., and several other brethren . The business of the evening consisted of two initiations , one passing , and three raisings , all of ivhich ceremonies were performed by the W . M . and his officers in a manner that called forth the warmest praise from the visiting hretlircn . Bro . Mansell , of Xo . 83-1 ,
was unanimously elected a joining member , and several gentlemen were proposed for initiation . The lodge was then closed , and the brethren adjourned to tho banquet , and a most pleasant evening was spent . Bro . Squire , as usual ,-regaled the brethren wifch a choice selection of songs , Bro . Buswell with a capital recitation , whilst Bros . Harrison and Hay let ; contributed to the amusement of the meeting by some really good comic songs . The AV . M . gave the " Entered Apprentices song , " and the
brethren heartily joined in the chorus . Toasfc and song followed in rapid succession , the AA . M . eulogising the services of his ¦ officers , especially those who hacl assisted him in the working that evening , particularising Bros . Oliver and Pago as examples of what real earnestness in the cause could produce , as he ( tho AV . M . ) had never seen Deacons go through-their work so thoroughly as they had done . Bros . Potter and Cockbnrn returned thanks for Hie P . M . ' s , Oliver for the officers , and Bros . Hubbard , AV . M . 173 , and Haylett 780 , for the visitors . The latter brother again expressed his admiration at the working of
the lodge * , and wished it every prosperity . Visitors in addition to Bros . Hubbard ancl Haylett : —E-. Hall 4 S 9 , and Brown 22 , Canada . VICTORIA LODGE ( Xo . 1056 ) . —The consecration meeting of this lodge was held afc the Sir John Cass Tavern , Victoria Park-road , South Hackney , on Saturday , the 22 nd April , the M . AV . Grand Master having been pleased to appoint Bro . Henry Muggeridge , P . M . 192 , as consecrating and installing Master . At four o ' clock
precisely the brethren formed in procession under the direction of Bro . J . H . Cos , P . M . 49 , and entered the lodge-room , when Bro . Muggeridge having- assumed the chair , appointed as Wardens , pro tern ., Bros . Hodgson , P . M . 49 , and White , 22 . ; H . G . "Buss , P . M . 27 , to act as Secretary , aud Morris ( a petitioner ) as I . G . The lodge was then opened in the three degrees , and Bro . Cox , as acting Chaplain , offered up prayer . Bro . Buss , as Secretary , then read the petition and warrant , and the brethren ,
in response to tho presiding otHcer , duly signified their approval of the brethren named as Master ancl Wardens . The consecrating Master then rose and delivered an oration on the principles of Freemasonry , which elicited the applause of the assembled brethren , not only for tho beauty and eloquence of its language , but for the truly impressive and masterly manner in which ifc was delivered by Bro . Muggeridge . An anthem , " Behold I how pleasant and how good" was then sung by all
pre-, sent , accompanied by Bro . Saqui on the harmonium . The new Master was then presented to tho presiding officer , and the brethren of the new lodgo arranged themselves on each side of the lodge-board . The first portion of the dedication prayer followed , after which a chant and the sanctus , " Glory be to Thee 0 Lord , " succeeded . The usual ceremony with the corn , wine , aud oil then ensued ; then another anthem , and the Chaplain proceeded round the lodgo with the censer three times . The
second portion of tbe Dedication Prayer was then given , and the chant "So mote it be . " Tho consecrating Master then solemnly dedicated and constituted the lodge , and an anthem by the musical brethren concluded the interesting ceremony . 'The W . M . designate , Bro . W . AVrenn , was then presented to be installed into the chair of K . S ., and , after the usual formalities had been complied with , a board of installed Masters was duly formed , consisting of eighteen brethren , amongst whom
wo noticed Bros . Buss , P . M . 27 ; Latham , P . M . 190 ; Little , AV . M . 975 ; Barlow , W . M . 17-1 ; Wright , AV . M . 75-1 ; Payne , G . Tyler , and P . M . 27 ; Hodson , P . M . 40 ; Cox . P . M . 40 ; Terry , P . M . 228 ; Saqui , P . M . 205 ; Scurr , AV . M . 033 ; & c . Bro . Wrenn was then duly installed as first Master of the lodge by Bro . Muggeridge . The brethren below the chair were then readmitted , and the new Master was duly saluted in the three degrees , after which Bro . Muggeridge , by desire of the
AV . M ., invested Bros . A . A . Pendlebury , S . W . ; W . Turner , J . W . ; Kobottom , Sec ; Snow , S . D . ; Soilleux , J . D . ; Morris , I . G . ; and Conchman , Tyler ; with appropriate addresses to each . The lodge was then closed down by the W . M ., and five gentlemen were duly proposed and seconded for initiation , also several joining members . The lodge was then closed in duo form and with solemn prayer , and the brethren adjourned to a sumptuous banquet provided by tho worthy hostwho is
, about to be initiated into the Order . Tho usual loyal and Masonic toasts wero given and received with great enthusiasm after the cloth was cleared , and the W . M ; then rose fco propose the toast of the evening , " The Health of Bro . Muggeridge , " who had so ably performed the ceremonies of consecrating fche lodge and installing its first Blaster . He ( the W . M . ) , on behalf of the lodge , was proud to think thafc 13 ro . Muggeridge had accepted tbe position of an honorary member ( which
had been conferred upon him in open lodge ) and trusted he would o / ten favour them with his presence . —Bro . Muggeridge , in reply , acknowledged the compliment paid him , and was very pleased to find that the brethren generally were gratified . He must , however , express his thanks fco Bro . Cox , who had so efficiently assisted him as Director of the Ceremonies ; aud in conclusion ho wished every prosperity to the Victoria Lodge . Bro . Muggeridge then rose and said , the W . M . having intrusted
him with the gavel , ho had great pleasure in proposing the next toast , which the brethren no doubt anticipated was the health of the W . M . ; and he was satisfied thafc every brother present would drink ifc with all the honours duo lo Bro . \ A renn . The toast having been heartily responded to , the W . M . rose and said , that he was almost overwhelmed by the enthusiastic manner in which his health had been received , but trusted to deserve the kind supoort of the brethren during his year of office . He might assure those present that great difri-
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
tion . After fche usual preliminaries had been observed a board of Installed Masters was opened , and the outgoing Master then installed his successor into the chair of IC . S . according to ancient custom . Tho board was then closed and tho brethren readmitted . Tho new Master was saluted in the three degrees , and the several addresses to the officers and the lodge were beautifully rendered by Bros . Joseph Smith , T . Lewis , ancl Watson , P . M . ' s . The following brethren are the officers for the
ensuing year : —J . Downs , I . P . M ., AV . M . ; T . Peters , S . W . ; Farnfield , J . AV . ; J . Smith , Treas . ; R . AV . Little , Sec ; J . Abbott , S . D . ; C . Chard , J . D . ; II . X Lewis , I . G . ; C . P . Farnfield , Dir . of Cers . The lodge was then closed , and the brethren adjourned to the banquet . After the cloth was drawn the usual formal toasts were given and received with great cordiality , especially thafc of fche D . G . M . Earl de Grey and Ripon , and the rest of the Grand Officers to which Bro . FarnfieldAG
, .., Sec , responded , expressing his thanks to the brethren for the kind manner in which they always acknowledged tho able ser-¦ vices of Lord de Grey , a nobleman who had won golden opinions from the Craffc by his earnest and eloquent advocacy of the Masonic Charities , and he ( Bro . Farnfield ) was always proud to have his name associated with the Deputy Grand Masters . Bro . Farnfield further assured the brethren of the great gratification he had experienced that evening to see his
second son , their AV . M ., installed in the chair , ancl ho trusted when the W . M . ' s year of office expired he would still retain tho good opinion of every member of the Royal Albert Lodge . The visitors'toasfc was responded to by Bro . Dr . Goldsbro ' , W . M . 90 S , P . M . 201 , also by fche Rov . A . Cornier , 872 . Bro . Smith replied for the P . M . ' s , and in doing so introduced the Master's health to the brethren , commenting upon fche many high and estimable qualities possessed bBro . J . A . Farnfieldand expressing his
y , belief that the AV . M . would even surpass the expectations ofthe lodge if the earnest of ability he had shown in presiding for fche first time were to be taken as a type for the future . The toast having been enthusiastically received , the W . M . rose , and said he had great pleasure in finding thafc the brethren were pleased with the manner in which he had commenced his duties , which he must say for that evening were very light . He deprecated the high eulogium Bro . Smith had passed upon
his abilities , but trusted with the assistance of Bro . Smith , himself , Bro . Lewis , and other esteemed P . M . ' s , to acquit himself in ii manner not unworthy of the name of Farnfield . ( Hear , hear . ) The W . M . concluded by again thanking the brethren for their confidence . The toasts- of the officers were given seriatim and duly responded to . AVe must not omit to mention how admirably Bros . Lewis , H . J . Lewis , T . Peters , S . W ., and C . P . Farnfield , contributed to the enjoyment of the evening by both
sentimental and entertaining songs . Bro . J . Hervey , P . S . G . D . visited the lodge towards the close of the proceedings ( having just arrived from the Continent ) in order to see his old pupil , the AA . M ., filling the high position of Master of the Royal Albert Lodge . ROSE or DENMARK LODGE ( XO . 975 ) . —The last meeting of this lodge for the season was held on Friday , the 21 st inst ., at the White Hart TavernBarnes . The lodwas dulopened
, ge y by Bro . R . W . Little , AV . M . ; H . Potter , Treas ., as S . W . ; J . Cockbnrn , J . W . ; assisted by Bros . Oliver , S . D . ; Page , J . D . ; Newens , I . G ., and several other brethren . The business of the evening consisted of two initiations , one passing , and three raisings , all of ivhich ceremonies were performed by the W . M . and his officers in a manner that called forth the warmest praise from the visiting hretlircn . Bro . Mansell , of Xo . 83-1 ,
was unanimously elected a joining member , and several gentlemen were proposed for initiation . The lodge was then closed , and the brethren adjourned to tho banquet , and a most pleasant evening was spent . Bro . Squire , as usual ,-regaled the brethren wifch a choice selection of songs , Bro . Buswell with a capital recitation , whilst Bros . Harrison and Hay let ; contributed to the amusement of the meeting by some really good comic songs . The AV . M . gave the " Entered Apprentices song , " and the
brethren heartily joined in the chorus . Toasfc and song followed in rapid succession , the AA . M . eulogising the services of his ¦ officers , especially those who hacl assisted him in the working that evening , particularising Bros . Oliver and Pago as examples of what real earnestness in the cause could produce , as he ( tho AV . M . ) had never seen Deacons go through-their work so thoroughly as they had done . Bros . Potter and Cockbnrn returned thanks for Hie P . M . ' s , Oliver for the officers , and Bros . Hubbard , AV . M . 173 , and Haylett 780 , for the visitors . The latter brother again expressed his admiration at the working of
the lodge * , and wished it every prosperity . Visitors in addition to Bros . Hubbard ancl Haylett : —E-. Hall 4 S 9 , and Brown 22 , Canada . VICTORIA LODGE ( Xo . 1056 ) . —The consecration meeting of this lodge was held afc the Sir John Cass Tavern , Victoria Park-road , South Hackney , on Saturday , the 22 nd April , the M . AV . Grand Master having been pleased to appoint Bro . Henry Muggeridge , P . M . 192 , as consecrating and installing Master . At four o ' clock
precisely the brethren formed in procession under the direction of Bro . J . H . Cos , P . M . 49 , and entered the lodge-room , when Bro . Muggeridge having- assumed the chair , appointed as Wardens , pro tern ., Bros . Hodgson , P . M . 49 , and White , 22 . ; H . G . "Buss , P . M . 27 , to act as Secretary , aud Morris ( a petitioner ) as I . G . The lodge was then opened in the three degrees , and Bro . Cox , as acting Chaplain , offered up prayer . Bro . Buss , as Secretary , then read the petition and warrant , and the brethren ,
in response to tho presiding otHcer , duly signified their approval of the brethren named as Master ancl Wardens . The consecrating Master then rose and delivered an oration on the principles of Freemasonry , which elicited the applause of the assembled brethren , not only for tho beauty and eloquence of its language , but for the truly impressive and masterly manner in which ifc was delivered by Bro . Muggeridge . An anthem , " Behold I how pleasant and how good" was then sung by all
pre-, sent , accompanied by Bro . Saqui on the harmonium . The new Master was then presented to tho presiding officer , and the brethren of the new lodgo arranged themselves on each side of the lodge-board . The first portion of the dedication prayer followed , after which a chant and the sanctus , " Glory be to Thee 0 Lord , " succeeded . The usual ceremony with the corn , wine , aud oil then ensued ; then another anthem , and the Chaplain proceeded round the lodgo with the censer three times . The
second portion of tbe Dedication Prayer was then given , and the chant "So mote it be . " Tho consecrating Master then solemnly dedicated and constituted the lodge , and an anthem by the musical brethren concluded the interesting ceremony . 'The W . M . designate , Bro . W . AVrenn , was then presented to be installed into the chair of K . S ., and , after the usual formalities had been complied with , a board of installed Masters was duly formed , consisting of eighteen brethren , amongst whom
wo noticed Bros . Buss , P . M . 27 ; Latham , P . M . 190 ; Little , AV . M . 975 ; Barlow , W . M . 17-1 ; Wright , AV . M . 75-1 ; Payne , G . Tyler , and P . M . 27 ; Hodson , P . M . 40 ; Cox . P . M . 40 ; Terry , P . M . 228 ; Saqui , P . M . 205 ; Scurr , AV . M . 033 ; & c . Bro . Wrenn was then duly installed as first Master of the lodge by Bro . Muggeridge . The brethren below the chair were then readmitted , and the new Master was duly saluted in the three degrees , after which Bro . Muggeridge , by desire of the
AV . M ., invested Bros . A . A . Pendlebury , S . W . ; W . Turner , J . W . ; Kobottom , Sec ; Snow , S . D . ; Soilleux , J . D . ; Morris , I . G . ; and Conchman , Tyler ; with appropriate addresses to each . The lodge was then closed down by the W . M ., and five gentlemen were duly proposed and seconded for initiation , also several joining members . The lodge was then closed in duo form and with solemn prayer , and the brethren adjourned to a sumptuous banquet provided by tho worthy hostwho is
, about to be initiated into the Order . Tho usual loyal and Masonic toasts wero given and received with great enthusiasm after the cloth was cleared , and the W . M ; then rose fco propose the toast of the evening , " The Health of Bro . Muggeridge , " who had so ably performed the ceremonies of consecrating fche lodge and installing its first Blaster . He ( the W . M . ) , on behalf of the lodge , was proud to think thafc 13 ro . Muggeridge had accepted tbe position of an honorary member ( which
had been conferred upon him in open lodge ) and trusted he would o / ten favour them with his presence . —Bro . Muggeridge , in reply , acknowledged the compliment paid him , and was very pleased to find that the brethren generally were gratified . He must , however , express his thanks fco Bro . Cox , who had so efficiently assisted him as Director of the Ceremonies ; aud in conclusion ho wished every prosperity to the Victoria Lodge . Bro . Muggeridge then rose and said , the W . M . having intrusted
him with the gavel , ho had great pleasure in proposing the next toast , which the brethren no doubt anticipated was the health of the W . M . ; and he was satisfied thafc every brother present would drink ifc with all the honours duo lo Bro . \ A renn . The toast having been heartily responded to , the W . M . rose and said , that he was almost overwhelmed by the enthusiastic manner in which his health had been received , but trusted to deserve the kind supoort of the brethren during his year of office . He might assure those present that great difri-