Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
lodge meeting * read this evening- —you have confirmed the same . Brethren , I congratulate you on the choice yon have made ; you have very wisely re-elected your AVorshipful Master , anil your desire now is that he may again rule over you . I admire Bro . T . Diver as a friend and a Mason ; he has worked well ancl successfully , ancl has brought this lodge to a most flourishing condition ; the outsiders know this fact , and the large gathering I see here convinces me that not onlthe brethren but the
y visitors esteem and honow the Worshipful Master of Lodge Concord ; I hope he may long rule over you—may he be long spared , and may he prosper . I shall be absent for a short time at my native land , from which I have been absent for more than , twenty years , and I have no doubt but if I am spared to see you again , I shall see a larger number mustering in this lodge . I have been an eye-witness of the progress of this lodge ; once there but few
were , now I can say , you in Concord ave second to none , I am proud and glad fco see you flourish ; under such a head you cannot do otherwise . I wish you all every prosperity . Turning to the AV . M . the Prov . G . M . said—I am pleased once more to see you in the Eastern Chair , and I rejoice to see that the brethren have re-elected you . The brethren then , at the desire of the Prov . G . M ., saluted the AV . M . in the
three degrees . The AV . M . then asked Bro . Donaldson to advance to the East and presented him with the insignia of office as the S . AV . ; Bro . G . Judd was next called , and received the insignia of J . W . ; Bro . A King was invested with the insignia of office as Treas . ; Bros . Henry Prescott , See . ; H . Avron , S . D . ; J . Lockley , J . D . ; AV . Abraham , I . G . ; J . AV . Seager , as Tyler . The undermentioned gentlemen were then balloted for initiation
, and the result was announced in each case clear ; Messrs . James Fallas , Andrew Baillie , II . M . Cormick , E . Rainford , Carrimallee Cassumbhoy , Dhurrumsey . The above candidates being present , were introduced , properly prepared , and admitted to the mysteries and privileges of our Order . The Secretary read the dispensation granted to initiate the native gentlemen , who were candidates for the Order . Bro . II . AVickham proand
posed , Bro . Alfred King seconded—that Bro . G . Taylor , the Provincial Grand Master of the District Grand Lodge , and honorary member of this lodge , be requested to sit . for his portrait , and thafc the cost of . fche same be paid out of fche lodge
funds . The proposition was carried unanimously . Bro . G . Taylor returned thanks for the honour done him . Bro . II . Prescott then rose ancl said that it was his duty , ' and a most pleasing one , to inform the brethren that the highly respected and esteemed Worshipful Master had given in the Secretary's hand that morning a cheque of SOOrs . for tho Charity Fund ; this was iii accordance with the Worshipful Master ' s promise , viz . that for every share presented he would ive 50 to the
, g rs . Charity Fund . Tho AVorshipful Master had by this handsome and generous gift placed the funds of this lodge in a flourishing condition . Tbe Secretary would therefore propose thafc a vote of the hearty and sincere thanks of the lodgo be given to the AVorshipful Master . The proposition being seconded by Bro . A . King , it was carried with applause . The A \ . M . then declared his intention to hold an emergent meeting on Saturthe 4 th
day February . There being no other business before the lodge it was closed in peace and harmony at 8 . 30 p . m . Tho brethren then adjourned to a sumptuous banquet . The cloth having , heen removed , the usual toasts were proposed by the AV . M . and drunk with honours . "The two Provincial Grand Masters ( England and Scotland ) , Bros . R . B . Barton and G . Taylor" with Masonic honoursBroTaylor and spoke
, . . rose as follows : —Brethren , I am really sorry thafc my able and worthy brother , the Provincial Grand Master for Scotland , is not here to address you , for after all I have stated upstairs , I am unable to say more . You have as often as I have come among you received me with joy and honoured me to a greater degree than I merit ; still as feeble a speaker as I may be , it is my bounden duty to return yon my hearty thanks for the manner health
my was proposed and drunk ; convinced I am that be ifc in fche lodge or at the festive board , you are those who esteem and honour those who rule over you ; this spirit I love and admire . Another feature I am happy to trace in you is , thafc you highly respect your head , Bro . Diver , therefore I shall ask you to drink to his health , wishing him and his lodge every prosperity . The toasfc was drunk in bumpers with true British
cheers . The W . Master then rose ancl said : —Brethren , you are aware that I am but a poor speaker . I thank you , Right AVorshipful Sir and brethren , for the honour you have done me this evening . Many have indeed been my shortcomings , and I am glad that the brethren have passed over them with a
forbearing eye . As I said before , I again repeat , that the happiest moments of my life are those which I spend among you . I hope brethren will work with me as they have ever done , and I must confess that the prosperity of this lodge is owing in a great measure to the help I have derived from every individual member of this lodge , but especially the officers . I would therefore propose "The " Health of the Past Officers of Lodge Concord , " which was drunk with honours . Bro . Prescott
rose and said : —Worshipful Sir and Brethren , unaccustomed as I am to speaking , I could have wished that this pleasingtask had devolved on a better person than myself . Sorry indeed I am that our worthy Bro . Leckey is absent from us , for then we would have had something humorous ; however , as I rise bidden by others , Worshipful Sir and brethren , I thank you from my heart for myself and the other officers for havingso highly honoured \\ s in drinking to our good health . The
Worshipful Master has been pleased to attribute the success of the lodge to our efforts—indeed they were poor efforts ; however , we are glad they have met with your approbation . AA e owe in a great measure the success to the brethren who have worked with us in perfect harmony ; but the greatest praise is due to the Worshipful Master , for we consider him as our head and we his members . AA e are all aware that unless the head be sound the members cannot work ; he bas proved to us that he
is a sound and an efficient Master , and therefore I again say , our best thanks are clue to him . Brethren , I again thank you . The health of the newly initiated was then proposed , to which Bros . Rainford and Baillie in short and clever speeches returned thanks . The health of the visiting brethren was then proposed and drunk with honours . Bro . G . Fowler of Lodge St . Paul ' s , Mhow , responded . The final toasfc was proposed , and the company parted at eleven o ' clock all perfectlsatisfied .
y Several brethren enlivened the company by singing several humorous songs . An emergent meeting of this lodge was held on 4 th February . Present : —Bros . Dr . Diver , M . D ., AV . M . ; A . King , P . M . and Treas . ; Rev . J . J . Farnham , P . M . ; H . Wickham , Hon . P . M . ; R . Donaldson , S . W . ; G . Judd , J . W . ; II . Prescott , See . ; H . Avron , S . D . ; J . Lockley , J . D . ; C . Swanseger , Organist ; AV . Abraham , I . G . ; AA . Seager , Tyler ;
and many others . Bro . C . Clifton and James Gleave were severally balloted for as joining members and the result was announced in both cases clear . Messrs . A . J . Malcolm and W . Russell , candidates for initiation , were balloted for , and the result was announced in both cases clear . Messrs . J . Fallas , T . E . Rainford , Currimallee Cassumbhoy , and A . J . Malcolm , who had been previously balloted for , being present , were introduced , and admitted to the secrets ancl privileges of Our Order . Bros .
II . Winckler and II . B . Salisbury , candidates for the second degree were next pufc through fche usual examination , and p . issed to the degree of F . C . Bros . John Poyntz , G . Tucker , W . Rogers , John Jones , Thomas Proud , A . S . Constantine , W . Whittaker , Thomas Mills , ancl J . Grant , were then called before the pedestal and examined as to their proficiency as F'ellow Craftsmen , and raised to the sublime degree of Master
Masons in ancient and solemn form . There being no other work before tho lodge it was closed in peace at 8 . 45 p . m . The brethren then adjourned to a sumptuous banquet given by Bro . G . Taylor , Prov . G . M . A regular meeting „ of this lodge was also held on the 18 th February . There were present : —Bros . Dr . T . Diver , M . D ., W . M . ; G . Taylor , Prov . G . M . ; A . King , P . M . and Treas . ; Rev . J . J . Farnham , Donaldson
P . M . ; R . , S . W . ; G . Judd , J . AV . ; H . Prescott , Sec . ; H . Avron , S . D . ; J . Lockley , J . D . ; C . Swanseger , Org . ; W . Abraham , I . G . ; J . W . Seager , Tyler , and several other members and visitors . Bros . J . Scott , A . Baillie , and II . M . Cormick were then called before the pedestal and examined as to their proficiency iu tho E . A . degree , and having satisfactorily acquitted themselves were passed . Propositions were then
recorded for five brethren as joining members , and twelve gentlemen for initiation . There being no other work before the lodge , ifc was closed in peace at 8 p . m . The brethren then adjourned to the banquet . After the cloth was removed several constitutional toasts were proposed ami drunk ; some fine speeches were also made , among the foremost being that of the Bro . G . Taylor and fche W . Master . Several songs were sung , aud after the enjoyment of a pleasant evening the brethren separated , convinced thafc iu Lodge Concord brotherly love and concord do exist .
FRIENDSHIP is a dangerous word for young ladies ; it is full fledged , and waiting for a fine day to fly .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
lodge meeting * read this evening- —you have confirmed the same . Brethren , I congratulate you on the choice yon have made ; you have very wisely re-elected your AVorshipful Master , anil your desire now is that he may again rule over you . I admire Bro . T . Diver as a friend and a Mason ; he has worked well ancl successfully , ancl has brought this lodge to a most flourishing condition ; the outsiders know this fact , and the large gathering I see here convinces me that not onlthe brethren but the
y visitors esteem and honow the Worshipful Master of Lodge Concord ; I hope he may long rule over you—may he be long spared , and may he prosper . I shall be absent for a short time at my native land , from which I have been absent for more than , twenty years , and I have no doubt but if I am spared to see you again , I shall see a larger number mustering in this lodge . I have been an eye-witness of the progress of this lodge ; once there but few
were , now I can say , you in Concord ave second to none , I am proud and glad fco see you flourish ; under such a head you cannot do otherwise . I wish you all every prosperity . Turning to the AV . M . the Prov . G . M . said—I am pleased once more to see you in the Eastern Chair , and I rejoice to see that the brethren have re-elected you . The brethren then , at the desire of the Prov . G . M ., saluted the AV . M . in the
three degrees . The AV . M . then asked Bro . Donaldson to advance to the East and presented him with the insignia of office as the S . AV . ; Bro . G . Judd was next called , and received the insignia of J . W . ; Bro . A King was invested with the insignia of office as Treas . ; Bros . Henry Prescott , See . ; H . Avron , S . D . ; J . Lockley , J . D . ; AV . Abraham , I . G . ; J . AV . Seager , as Tyler . The undermentioned gentlemen were then balloted for initiation
, and the result was announced in each case clear ; Messrs . James Fallas , Andrew Baillie , II . M . Cormick , E . Rainford , Carrimallee Cassumbhoy , Dhurrumsey . The above candidates being present , were introduced , properly prepared , and admitted to the mysteries and privileges of our Order . The Secretary read the dispensation granted to initiate the native gentlemen , who were candidates for the Order . Bro . II . AVickham proand
posed , Bro . Alfred King seconded—that Bro . G . Taylor , the Provincial Grand Master of the District Grand Lodge , and honorary member of this lodge , be requested to sit . for his portrait , and thafc the cost of . fche same be paid out of fche lodge
funds . The proposition was carried unanimously . Bro . G . Taylor returned thanks for the honour done him . Bro . II . Prescott then rose ancl said that it was his duty , ' and a most pleasing one , to inform the brethren that the highly respected and esteemed Worshipful Master had given in the Secretary's hand that morning a cheque of SOOrs . for tho Charity Fund ; this was iii accordance with the Worshipful Master ' s promise , viz . that for every share presented he would ive 50 to the
, g rs . Charity Fund . Tho AVorshipful Master had by this handsome and generous gift placed the funds of this lodge in a flourishing condition . Tbe Secretary would therefore propose thafc a vote of the hearty and sincere thanks of the lodgo be given to the AVorshipful Master . The proposition being seconded by Bro . A . King , it was carried with applause . The A \ . M . then declared his intention to hold an emergent meeting on Saturthe 4 th
day February . There being no other business before the lodge it was closed in peace and harmony at 8 . 30 p . m . Tho brethren then adjourned to a sumptuous banquet . The cloth having , heen removed , the usual toasts were proposed by the AV . M . and drunk with honours . "The two Provincial Grand Masters ( England and Scotland ) , Bros . R . B . Barton and G . Taylor" with Masonic honoursBroTaylor and spoke
, . . rose as follows : —Brethren , I am really sorry thafc my able and worthy brother , the Provincial Grand Master for Scotland , is not here to address you , for after all I have stated upstairs , I am unable to say more . You have as often as I have come among you received me with joy and honoured me to a greater degree than I merit ; still as feeble a speaker as I may be , it is my bounden duty to return yon my hearty thanks for the manner health
my was proposed and drunk ; convinced I am that be ifc in fche lodge or at the festive board , you are those who esteem and honour those who rule over you ; this spirit I love and admire . Another feature I am happy to trace in you is , thafc you highly respect your head , Bro . Diver , therefore I shall ask you to drink to his health , wishing him and his lodge every prosperity . The toasfc was drunk in bumpers with true British
cheers . The W . Master then rose ancl said : —Brethren , you are aware that I am but a poor speaker . I thank you , Right AVorshipful Sir and brethren , for the honour you have done me this evening . Many have indeed been my shortcomings , and I am glad that the brethren have passed over them with a
forbearing eye . As I said before , I again repeat , that the happiest moments of my life are those which I spend among you . I hope brethren will work with me as they have ever done , and I must confess that the prosperity of this lodge is owing in a great measure to the help I have derived from every individual member of this lodge , but especially the officers . I would therefore propose "The " Health of the Past Officers of Lodge Concord , " which was drunk with honours . Bro . Prescott
rose and said : —Worshipful Sir and Brethren , unaccustomed as I am to speaking , I could have wished that this pleasingtask had devolved on a better person than myself . Sorry indeed I am that our worthy Bro . Leckey is absent from us , for then we would have had something humorous ; however , as I rise bidden by others , Worshipful Sir and brethren , I thank you from my heart for myself and the other officers for havingso highly honoured \\ s in drinking to our good health . The
Worshipful Master has been pleased to attribute the success of the lodge to our efforts—indeed they were poor efforts ; however , we are glad they have met with your approbation . AA e owe in a great measure the success to the brethren who have worked with us in perfect harmony ; but the greatest praise is due to the Worshipful Master , for we consider him as our head and we his members . AA e are all aware that unless the head be sound the members cannot work ; he bas proved to us that he
is a sound and an efficient Master , and therefore I again say , our best thanks are clue to him . Brethren , I again thank you . The health of the newly initiated was then proposed , to which Bros . Rainford and Baillie in short and clever speeches returned thanks . The health of the visiting brethren was then proposed and drunk with honours . Bro . G . Fowler of Lodge St . Paul ' s , Mhow , responded . The final toasfc was proposed , and the company parted at eleven o ' clock all perfectlsatisfied .
y Several brethren enlivened the company by singing several humorous songs . An emergent meeting of this lodge was held on 4 th February . Present : —Bros . Dr . Diver , M . D ., AV . M . ; A . King , P . M . and Treas . ; Rev . J . J . Farnham , P . M . ; H . Wickham , Hon . P . M . ; R . Donaldson , S . W . ; G . Judd , J . W . ; II . Prescott , See . ; H . Avron , S . D . ; J . Lockley , J . D . ; C . Swanseger , Organist ; AV . Abraham , I . G . ; AA . Seager , Tyler ;
and many others . Bro . C . Clifton and James Gleave were severally balloted for as joining members and the result was announced in both cases clear . Messrs . A . J . Malcolm and W . Russell , candidates for initiation , were balloted for , and the result was announced in both cases clear . Messrs . J . Fallas , T . E . Rainford , Currimallee Cassumbhoy , and A . J . Malcolm , who had been previously balloted for , being present , were introduced , and admitted to the secrets ancl privileges of Our Order . Bros .
II . Winckler and II . B . Salisbury , candidates for the second degree were next pufc through fche usual examination , and p . issed to the degree of F . C . Bros . John Poyntz , G . Tucker , W . Rogers , John Jones , Thomas Proud , A . S . Constantine , W . Whittaker , Thomas Mills , ancl J . Grant , were then called before the pedestal and examined as to their proficiency as F'ellow Craftsmen , and raised to the sublime degree of Master
Masons in ancient and solemn form . There being no other work before tho lodge it was closed in peace at 8 . 45 p . m . The brethren then adjourned to a sumptuous banquet given by Bro . G . Taylor , Prov . G . M . A regular meeting „ of this lodge was also held on the 18 th February . There were present : —Bros . Dr . T . Diver , M . D ., W . M . ; G . Taylor , Prov . G . M . ; A . King , P . M . and Treas . ; Rev . J . J . Farnham , Donaldson
P . M . ; R . , S . W . ; G . Judd , J . AV . ; H . Prescott , Sec . ; H . Avron , S . D . ; J . Lockley , J . D . ; C . Swanseger , Org . ; W . Abraham , I . G . ; J . W . Seager , Tyler , and several other members and visitors . Bros . J . Scott , A . Baillie , and II . M . Cormick were then called before the pedestal and examined as to their proficiency iu tho E . A . degree , and having satisfactorily acquitted themselves were passed . Propositions were then
recorded for five brethren as joining members , and twelve gentlemen for initiation . There being no other work before the lodge , ifc was closed in peace at 8 p . m . The brethren then adjourned to the banquet . After the cloth was removed several constitutional toasts were proposed ami drunk ; some fine speeches were also made , among the foremost being that of the Bro . G . Taylor and fche W . Master . Several songs were sung , aud after the enjoyment of a pleasant evening the brethren separated , convinced thafc iu Lodge Concord brotherly love and concord do exist .
FRIENDSHIP is a dangerous word for young ladies ; it is full fledged , and waiting for a fine day to fly .