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The Week.
antly for his country , Kmety , like Bern , entered the Turkish Iservice . Under the name of Ismail Pasha ho obtained renown during the Crimean war by the share he took in the splendid defence of ICars . Kmety hacl for some time past resided in England . He has followed quickly to the grave his old
brotherin-arms Dembinsky , who died in Paris not long since . The stream of emigration from all parts of Ireland to the United States continues with unabated force . Every steamer leaving Queenstown takes out its quota , awl we gather from a local paper fcliafc the demand for passages is largely in excess of the accommodation offered by the steamship
companies . Oddly enough , while hundreds are thus seeking homes on the other side of the Atlantic , there is , as the Cork Reporter tells as , " a steady current homeward of emigrants disappointed with the state of affairs in America . " One steamer last week brought- home 127 of tho disappointed class . The Gazelle contains the award of the Victoria Cross to Mr . Boyes ,
midshipman , Thomas Pride , captain of tho after-guard , and Williani Seeley , ordinary seaman of her Majesty's ship jEmyalus , for conspicuous bravery shoinr in the attack of the forts of Siinonosaki on the 6 th of last September . There is a strong probability of the immediate termination of the dispute iu the Scotch iron trade . At a conference of
representatives of the masters and workmen , held at Glasgow on Monday , a compromise was agreed to—the raductien of wagos being restricted to Gd . instead of 1 * . per ton iu the case Of the puddlers , and fco five instead of ten per cent , iu the case of the millmen . The workmen of the Glasgow district havo ratified this compromise , and no serious opposition is anticipated in the other districts . Afc a public meeting held at Stockport it was decided to erect a statue of the late Mr . Cobden in thafc town . The
competition between the Wbitworth and Armstrong guns which has been going on for the last six months at Shoeburyness , was brought to a close on AVednesday . Two targets were set up , alike in every respect , ono of ivhich was fired afc by the Armstrong , the other by the Wbitworth gun . In two rounds the AVhitworth gun penetrated the target to the depth only
of three inches , bulging the plate a little on the inside ; while the Armstrong shots went right through , aud caused extensive injury iu the interior . A third round was fired , changing the position of the guns , so that each fired afc tbe other's target , hut fche result was equally in favour of fche Armstrong gun . A new railway between Chichester and Midliursfc , to be
eventually extended to Haslemere , and which promises to be of great local value , was begun to bo constructed on Saturday on a spot about two miles from Midhurst , and Lord Henry Lennox , M . P . for Chichester , attended , ancl was assigned the honour of cutting the lirst soil , whieh he did in a thoroughly workmanlike manner , filling the barrow by hard honest
digging , trundling ifc along the platform and tipping it over amid tho cheers of a large assembled company . The chairman of tho line addressed the meeting at some length on the advantages offered by this new lino to tho district . A dinner in fche evening terminated the proceedings . The Lord Chancellor gave judgment on Saturday last upon an important question of
international law . The case arose out of a contract between two persons who had jointly entered into one of those blockaderunning speculations which have been so common during the civil war in America . One of the Bankruptcy Commissioners deeided thafc this contract , which had reference to munitions of war for the Confederate States , was an offence against
international law , and , therefore , not valid . This was the point which the Lord Chancellor had to decide on Saturday . His Lordship ruled that tho Commissioner was wrong in law .
Belligerents , he said , had no right fco impose or require the neutral Government fco impose restrictions on commerce . A belligerent had fche power to seize a neutral ship carry contraband of war , but beyond this internal law did not go—the right to trade and the right to seize being co-exisfcenfc . The
Queen ' s jiroclamation had been appealed to , bnfc that document merely declared that the provisions of the Foreign Enlistment Acfc would be enforced , and warned her Majesty's subjects against the consequences of seizure . Lord Hunfcingtowcr ' s marriage has been under discussion in the Court of Exchequer . At the late Maidstone assizes an action
was brought against Lord Huntiugfcower by a Miss Acford for £ 15—one quarter ' s allowance under a deed by which the defendant had agreed to allow fche defendant £ , & 0 a year on account of their previous cohabitation . This claim was met by his lordship by a plea that Miss Aekford was his wife , there having been a Scotch marriage . Miss Aekford was put into the
box and swore that she believed she was Lord Hunfcingfcower ' s wife . On this a verdict was entered for tho defendant subject fco fche opitiioti of the court above on the question of marriage . The application has been made for a rule nisi calling on Lord Huntingtower to show cause why the verdict should not be entered for the plaintiff . Counsel who appeared for Huntingtower
said he was satisfied there had been no Scotch marriage , and hence the rule might be made absolute . Thafc was accordingly done . A capture of blackguards has been made . Tho officers of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals came down upon a public-house iu Great Windmill-street , Haymarket , where cock fighting was going on . There was a collection of brutal fellows—including , it is said , some county magistrates . AA'hen the alarm was given several got away , but no less than thirty-eight were taken into custody by the police , including
Colonel Henry Armytage and Captain Augustus Berkeley , all of whom were fined £ 5 each at tho Marlborongh-street Police court . Another batch of cock fighters has been proceeded against and convicted . The offence was committed in Delamero Forest , near Cheshire , but ifc is said thafc some of the defendants were also before the magistrates in London . They all pleaded to one of the charges made against them , and were fined sums
varying from £ 2 10 * . to £ 5 . The Messrs . Barry , wharfingers , ancl their three servants , charged Avith defrauding insurance offices , by alleging falsely that certain goods in their possession had been destroyed by fire , have been again before Mr . Alderman Stone , afc fche Mansion House , and the case for the posecution closed . Mr . Serjeant Ballant-iiie , for the Messrs .
Barry , reserved his observations till fche case was brought up again for the formal signature of the depositions . A Dutchman , named Fougers , was brought before Mr . Tyrwhifct on Tuesday , on the charge of threatening violence in the presence of the Belgian Minister . He had applied to his excellency for relief , who told him he must apply to tho embassy
of his own nation , when he became excited , drew out a stiletto , and said it would be seen who was to be the victim . He wa secured bcfoi-e harm was done fco any one , and there seemed reason to believe that it was his own life he intended to take away . He was remanded for a week . The ease of Matthews , the cabman , was again before the Bankruptcy Court on
AA ednesday . He proposes to pay his creditors 5 s , in the pound which has been accepted , though some doubts were expressed as to the genuineness of his friendly creditors and the amount of their debts . Matthews was examined respecting thorn , aud stated thafc he owed all the money they alleged was due to them . Afc fche Middlesex Sessions on Saturday an appeal was lodged by a farmer at Ealing against a conviction by Mr . D'Evneourt for crueltv to animals in bringing a eow to market
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Week.
antly for his country , Kmety , like Bern , entered the Turkish Iservice . Under the name of Ismail Pasha ho obtained renown during the Crimean war by the share he took in the splendid defence of ICars . Kmety hacl for some time past resided in England . He has followed quickly to the grave his old
brotherin-arms Dembinsky , who died in Paris not long since . The stream of emigration from all parts of Ireland to the United States continues with unabated force . Every steamer leaving Queenstown takes out its quota , awl we gather from a local paper fcliafc the demand for passages is largely in excess of the accommodation offered by the steamship
companies . Oddly enough , while hundreds are thus seeking homes on the other side of the Atlantic , there is , as the Cork Reporter tells as , " a steady current homeward of emigrants disappointed with the state of affairs in America . " One steamer last week brought- home 127 of tho disappointed class . The Gazelle contains the award of the Victoria Cross to Mr . Boyes ,
midshipman , Thomas Pride , captain of tho after-guard , and Williani Seeley , ordinary seaman of her Majesty's ship jEmyalus , for conspicuous bravery shoinr in the attack of the forts of Siinonosaki on the 6 th of last September . There is a strong probability of the immediate termination of the dispute iu the Scotch iron trade . At a conference of
representatives of the masters and workmen , held at Glasgow on Monday , a compromise was agreed to—the raductien of wagos being restricted to Gd . instead of 1 * . per ton iu the case Of the puddlers , and fco five instead of ten per cent , iu the case of the millmen . The workmen of the Glasgow district havo ratified this compromise , and no serious opposition is anticipated in the other districts . Afc a public meeting held at Stockport it was decided to erect a statue of the late Mr . Cobden in thafc town . The
competition between the Wbitworth and Armstrong guns which has been going on for the last six months at Shoeburyness , was brought to a close on AVednesday . Two targets were set up , alike in every respect , ono of ivhich was fired afc by the Armstrong , the other by the Wbitworth gun . In two rounds the AVhitworth gun penetrated the target to the depth only
of three inches , bulging the plate a little on the inside ; while the Armstrong shots went right through , aud caused extensive injury iu the interior . A third round was fired , changing the position of the guns , so that each fired afc tbe other's target , hut fche result was equally in favour of fche Armstrong gun . A new railway between Chichester and Midliursfc , to be
eventually extended to Haslemere , and which promises to be of great local value , was begun to bo constructed on Saturday on a spot about two miles from Midhurst , and Lord Henry Lennox , M . P . for Chichester , attended , ancl was assigned the honour of cutting the lirst soil , whieh he did in a thoroughly workmanlike manner , filling the barrow by hard honest
digging , trundling ifc along the platform and tipping it over amid tho cheers of a large assembled company . The chairman of tho line addressed the meeting at some length on the advantages offered by this new lino to tho district . A dinner in fche evening terminated the proceedings . The Lord Chancellor gave judgment on Saturday last upon an important question of
international law . The case arose out of a contract between two persons who had jointly entered into one of those blockaderunning speculations which have been so common during the civil war in America . One of the Bankruptcy Commissioners deeided thafc this contract , which had reference to munitions of war for the Confederate States , was an offence against
international law , and , therefore , not valid . This was the point which the Lord Chancellor had to decide on Saturday . His Lordship ruled that tho Commissioner was wrong in law .
Belligerents , he said , had no right fco impose or require the neutral Government fco impose restrictions on commerce . A belligerent had fche power to seize a neutral ship carry contraband of war , but beyond this internal law did not go—the right to trade and the right to seize being co-exisfcenfc . The
Queen ' s jiroclamation had been appealed to , bnfc that document merely declared that the provisions of the Foreign Enlistment Acfc would be enforced , and warned her Majesty's subjects against the consequences of seizure . Lord Hunfcingtowcr ' s marriage has been under discussion in the Court of Exchequer . At the late Maidstone assizes an action
was brought against Lord Huntiugfcower by a Miss Acford for £ 15—one quarter ' s allowance under a deed by which the defendant had agreed to allow fche defendant £ , & 0 a year on account of their previous cohabitation . This claim was met by his lordship by a plea that Miss Aekford was his wife , there having been a Scotch marriage . Miss Aekford was put into the
box and swore that she believed she was Lord Hunfcingfcower ' s wife . On this a verdict was entered for tho defendant subject fco fche opitiioti of the court above on the question of marriage . The application has been made for a rule nisi calling on Lord Huntingtower to show cause why the verdict should not be entered for the plaintiff . Counsel who appeared for Huntingtower
said he was satisfied there had been no Scotch marriage , and hence the rule might be made absolute . Thafc was accordingly done . A capture of blackguards has been made . Tho officers of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals came down upon a public-house iu Great Windmill-street , Haymarket , where cock fighting was going on . There was a collection of brutal fellows—including , it is said , some county magistrates . AA'hen the alarm was given several got away , but no less than thirty-eight were taken into custody by the police , including
Colonel Henry Armytage and Captain Augustus Berkeley , all of whom were fined £ 5 each at tho Marlborongh-street Police court . Another batch of cock fighters has been proceeded against and convicted . The offence was committed in Delamero Forest , near Cheshire , but ifc is said thafc some of the defendants were also before the magistrates in London . They all pleaded to one of the charges made against them , and were fined sums
varying from £ 2 10 * . to £ 5 . The Messrs . Barry , wharfingers , ancl their three servants , charged Avith defrauding insurance offices , by alleging falsely that certain goods in their possession had been destroyed by fire , have been again before Mr . Alderman Stone , afc fche Mansion House , and the case for the posecution closed . Mr . Serjeant Ballant-iiie , for the Messrs .
Barry , reserved his observations till fche case was brought up again for the formal signature of the depositions . A Dutchman , named Fougers , was brought before Mr . Tyrwhifct on Tuesday , on the charge of threatening violence in the presence of the Belgian Minister . He had applied to his excellency for relief , who told him he must apply to tho embassy
of his own nation , when he became excited , drew out a stiletto , and said it would be seen who was to be the victim . He wa secured bcfoi-e harm was done fco any one , and there seemed reason to believe that it was his own life he intended to take away . He was remanded for a week . The ease of Matthews , the cabman , was again before the Bankruptcy Court on
AA ednesday . He proposes to pay his creditors 5 s , in the pound which has been accepted , though some doubts were expressed as to the genuineness of his friendly creditors and the amount of their debts . Matthews was examined respecting thorn , aud stated thafc he owed all the money they alleged was due to them . Afc fche Middlesex Sessions on Saturday an appeal was lodged by a farmer at Ealing against a conviction by Mr . D'Evneourt for crueltv to animals in bringing a eow to market