Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 2 of 3 →
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YORKSHIRE ( WEST ) . PROVINCIAL GRAND LOD & E . The annual meeting of this Provincial Grand Lodge was held afc Hudderslield on AVednesday , the 19 fch inst ., under the presidency of Bro . the Right Hon . the Earl de Grey and Ripon , D . G . M . of England , and Prov . G . M . of this province . Amongst
fche brethren present were the following : —Bros . Bent-ley Shaw , D . Prov . G . M . ; J . Peace , P . Prov . G . W . ; W . Cookin , P . Prov . G . Supt . of \ A orks ; Jno . Brook , P . Prov . G . Dir . of Cers . ; D . Boscovitz , P . Prov . J . G . D . ; AA . G . Dyson , P . Prov . G . Dir . of Cers . ; Jos . Brook , P . Prov . G . Purst . ; John Freeman , Prov . G . See ., Huddersfield ; Rev . J . Senior , ZiL . D ., Prov . G . Chap .,
and P . Prov . S . G . W . ; W . Rothwell , P . Prov . S . G . \ A . ; Lieut .-Col . Edwards , M . P ., P . Prov . S . G . W . ; Jas . Franklin , P . Prov . J . G . AV . ; Thomas Perkiiiton , P . Prov . G . Snpfc . of AA orks ; Isaac Booth , P . Prov . G . Snpfc . of Works , Halifax ; Thomas England , P . Prov . J . G . W . ; John Lee , P . Prov . J . G . W . ; Samuel Freeman , Prov . S . G . D ., Leeds ; AVilliam , Gath , P . Prov . J . G . W ; M .
Rhodes , James Lumb , J . J . Schccppi , AA m . Bottomley , Henry Smith , P . Prov . S . G . D . ; Thomas Hill , P . Prov . S . G . D . ; John Ward , P . Prov . J . G . D ., Bradford ; Rev . James Fearon , S . A ., P . Prov . G . Chap . ; J . M . Woodhead , P . G . Std . Bearer , Holmfirth ,-T . A . Haigh , P . Prov . G . D ., Melfcham ; AVm . Longeron , Prov . J . G . D . ; AVm . AVhite , jun ., P . Prov . G . Dir . of Cers . ; Major
AVebster , Prov . G . Reg ., Sheffield ; James Clay , Prov . G . Dir . of Cers ., Dewsbury ; James Atkinson , P . Prov . G . S . B ., Cleckheafcon ; John Wilson , Prov . G . Assist . S . B . ; T . AV . Tew , P . Prov . G . Assist . Dir . of Cers . ; Jeremiah Rhodes , Prov . G . Org ,, Pontefract ; M . Rhods , Prov . G . Steward ; Isador Ahrens , Prov . G . S ., Bradford ; Wm . Patman , Prov . G . S ., Hebden
Bridge ; II . Butterworth , Baildon ; aud about 200 W . M . ' s , P . M . ' s , Wardens , and brethren of the following lodges : — Huddersfield , 275 , 290 , and Truth , 521 ; Melfcham , Peace , 14-9 ; Almondbury , Concord , 1052 ; Dewsbury , Sfc . John's , 827 ; Three Grand Principles , 2 U 8 ; Batley , Trafalgar , 971 ; Nelson of
the Nile ; Cleckheaton , Zetland , 603 ; Heckmondwike , Amphibious , 258 ; Keighley , 265 ; Leeds , Fidelity , 289 ; Philanthropic , 304 ; De Grey and Ripon , 837 ; Alfred , 306 ; AVakefield , 495 ; Harmony , 275 ; Unanimity , 154 ; Sincerity , 1019 ; Halifax , Probity , 61 ; ' Union York , St . James' 448 ; Hebden Bridge , Prince Frederick , 307 ; Bradford , Hope , 302 ; Airedale , 387 ; Pentalpha 974 ; Shakespeare 1081 ; HarrogateHarrogate and
, , , Claro , 1001 ; Pontefract , St . Oswald ; Sheffield , Britannia , 139 ; Eccleshill ; Holmfirth , Holm Valley 652 ; Saddleworth , Candour , 387 ; Todmorden , Prince George , 303 ; Rochdale , Prince Edward , 308 ; Blackgates , Integrity , 308 . After the Provincial Grand Lodge had been declared opened , the roll of lodges was called , ancl each AA . Master present handed in the report of the state of his lod to the present
ge up time . Tho R . W . Provincial Grand Master ordered the brethren to form a procession to proceed to the site of the intended Mechanics' Hall afc Lockwood ( about a mile distant ) . Tho procession was formed in Masonic order , each lodge headed by its banner—junior lodges first—preceded hy tlie band and a guard of honour of the Hudderslield Ride Volunteers . The weather , which hacl been unpropitions during the early part of
the day , turned out fine . The route of the procession was lined by thousands of eager spectators , who cheered ifc on its progress , aud the Right Hon . Lord de Grey was everywhere received with shouts of welcome and marks of respect , and the warehouses , factories , and buildings were decorated with flags and banners . Lord de Grey has reason to feel assured that he has lost none of the popularity ho has so long enjoyed in this neighbourhood .
On arriving at the entrance of the site , the procession opened out and allowed his lordship and the Provincial Grand Officers to pass through their ranks to the south-east corner of fche intended building , when he proceeded to lay the stone—Bro . Bentley Shaw , D . Prov . G . M . and President of the Institution , presenting him with an elegant silver trowel suitably inscribed , and the Rev . J . Benstead , M . A ., also presented him with a mallet bearing a similar inscription . Mr . BEfTiEi- SirAAV , in oflermg the trowel , said that on
behalf of the Lockwood Mechanics' Institute , of which he had the honour of boing president , ifc had been his duty to invite his lordship to lay the foundation stone of this new hall . In approaching his lordship , not only he himself , but that large assemblage wero fully aware that they were approaching a nobleman distinguished no less by his public than by his private virtues—a nobleman who filled one of the highest positions in the state , and who discharged the duties connected with that
office with zeal and devotion . ( Cheers . ) They also knew thafc they were approaching a nobleman who presided most worthily over the large and honourable fraternity known as the Ancient and Accepted Masons of AA ' esfc Yorkshire . As his lordship's humble deputy he ( Mr . Shaw ) would be pardoned if he ventured to say that it was with sincere and honest pride thafc ho welcomed his lordship and his esteemed brethren of AVesfc Yorkshire fco this , his native village . He would ask his lordship to combine the
functions of au operative and a speculative Mason , and he would ask to be permitted , in the name of the members of the Lockwood Mechanics' Institute , to present his lordship with a trowel , a beautiful emblem of the art he was about to exercise . He trusted the Great Architect of the Universe would prosper the undertaking , aud vouchsafe to his lordship , to his countess , and fco his noble son His richest blessings . The Rev . Mr . BENSTEAP , in offering tho mallet , said they
must heartily thank his lordship for coming amongst ; them on this occasion , and they accepted his having done so as a fresh proof of the kindly reeling he had for so many years manifested to Hudderslield and the neighbourhood . They not only felt thafc he was conferring an honour upon them , and doinc ; a kind deed , but also that he was doing u good thing . They trusted that , by God's blessing , this building would tend very materially to the mentalmoraland reliious improvement of
, , g the young operatives of the place , and in their name , as well as in the name of all connected with Lockwood , he begged tooffer this small testimony of their regard . Mr . J . II . ABBEY then presented the plans , Earl DB GREY AND RIPON said that at this stage of the proceedings he would only occupy thoir time for one moment while lie heartily expressed in his own name , and that of tho Masonic body of the West Riding , over which he had the
honour to preside , their readiness to accept the duty laid upon them on this occasion , and to lay the first stone of this Mechanics' Institution . He believed such institutions calculated to confer large benefits on the people of the district in which they were established ; and if that wore so , it was only consistent with the leading principles of Freemasonry that they should be ready to come forward and do their pari ; in laying tlie foundation . ( Cheers . )
Tho Prov . G . Secretary , Bro . R . R . NELSOS , then read the inscription on the plate , and the Prov . G . Treasurer deposited in the cavity of the stone a bottle containing various coins of the present reign and some of the local newspapers . The stone was then properly proved and adjusted , and the Prov . G . Master laid it in due form . Corn , wine , and oil were presented to the P . G . Chaplain , who distributed them over the stone . Earl DE GREY AND RIPON then addressed the assemblas
y , reported in our Mi . ai . zvsn of last week . Mr . JOSEPH CROSLAND , in proposing a vote of thanks to Earl de Grey and Ripon , said he would assure his lordship thafc he had fche united thanks not only of the friends of the Lockwood Mechanics' Institution , but of all who surrounded them . He was sure they had every encouragement , not only from his presence amongst fchem , but from the expressions of
which he hacl made use in his address , to go on their way rejoicing . Mr . NATHANIEL BEKBY seconded tlio motion , which was carried with enthusiastic cheers . His LoitDSHlP , in reply , said they must permit him to detain them for one moment fco thank fchem for the manner iu which they had just received the proposed vote of thanks . He could assure them that it had been to him a great source of
satisfaction ancl pleasure to have been able to be present , to meet so many of his old friends , to shake them again by the hand , and to have this opportunity of assuring them of the great pleasure he always felt when he came to the neighbourhood of Huddersfield . The proceedings concluded wifch cheers for the Countess de Grey and Ripon , tho Lockwood Mechanics' Institute , for its president , the ladies , & e . The procession then returned to the town , ami the business of tho Provincial Grand Lodge was resr . mcd .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
YORKSHIRE ( WEST ) . PROVINCIAL GRAND LOD & E . The annual meeting of this Provincial Grand Lodge was held afc Hudderslield on AVednesday , the 19 fch inst ., under the presidency of Bro . the Right Hon . the Earl de Grey and Ripon , D . G . M . of England , and Prov . G . M . of this province . Amongst
fche brethren present were the following : —Bros . Bent-ley Shaw , D . Prov . G . M . ; J . Peace , P . Prov . G . W . ; W . Cookin , P . Prov . G . Supt . of \ A orks ; Jno . Brook , P . Prov . G . Dir . of Cers . ; D . Boscovitz , P . Prov . J . G . D . ; AA . G . Dyson , P . Prov . G . Dir . of Cers . ; Jos . Brook , P . Prov . G . Purst . ; John Freeman , Prov . G . See ., Huddersfield ; Rev . J . Senior , ZiL . D ., Prov . G . Chap .,
and P . Prov . S . G . W . ; W . Rothwell , P . Prov . S . G . \ A . ; Lieut .-Col . Edwards , M . P ., P . Prov . S . G . W . ; Jas . Franklin , P . Prov . J . G . AV . ; Thomas Perkiiiton , P . Prov . G . Snpfc . of AA orks ; Isaac Booth , P . Prov . G . Snpfc . of Works , Halifax ; Thomas England , P . Prov . J . G . W . ; John Lee , P . Prov . J . G . W . ; Samuel Freeman , Prov . S . G . D ., Leeds ; AVilliam , Gath , P . Prov . J . G . W ; M .
Rhodes , James Lumb , J . J . Schccppi , AA m . Bottomley , Henry Smith , P . Prov . S . G . D . ; Thomas Hill , P . Prov . S . G . D . ; John Ward , P . Prov . J . G . D ., Bradford ; Rev . James Fearon , S . A ., P . Prov . G . Chap . ; J . M . Woodhead , P . G . Std . Bearer , Holmfirth ,-T . A . Haigh , P . Prov . G . D ., Melfcham ; AVm . Longeron , Prov . J . G . D . ; AVm . AVhite , jun ., P . Prov . G . Dir . of Cers . ; Major
AVebster , Prov . G . Reg ., Sheffield ; James Clay , Prov . G . Dir . of Cers ., Dewsbury ; James Atkinson , P . Prov . G . S . B ., Cleckheafcon ; John Wilson , Prov . G . Assist . S . B . ; T . AV . Tew , P . Prov . G . Assist . Dir . of Cers . ; Jeremiah Rhodes , Prov . G . Org ,, Pontefract ; M . Rhods , Prov . G . Steward ; Isador Ahrens , Prov . G . S ., Bradford ; Wm . Patman , Prov . G . S ., Hebden
Bridge ; II . Butterworth , Baildon ; aud about 200 W . M . ' s , P . M . ' s , Wardens , and brethren of the following lodges : — Huddersfield , 275 , 290 , and Truth , 521 ; Melfcham , Peace , 14-9 ; Almondbury , Concord , 1052 ; Dewsbury , Sfc . John's , 827 ; Three Grand Principles , 2 U 8 ; Batley , Trafalgar , 971 ; Nelson of
the Nile ; Cleckheaton , Zetland , 603 ; Heckmondwike , Amphibious , 258 ; Keighley , 265 ; Leeds , Fidelity , 289 ; Philanthropic , 304 ; De Grey and Ripon , 837 ; Alfred , 306 ; AVakefield , 495 ; Harmony , 275 ; Unanimity , 154 ; Sincerity , 1019 ; Halifax , Probity , 61 ; ' Union York , St . James' 448 ; Hebden Bridge , Prince Frederick , 307 ; Bradford , Hope , 302 ; Airedale , 387 ; Pentalpha 974 ; Shakespeare 1081 ; HarrogateHarrogate and
, , , Claro , 1001 ; Pontefract , St . Oswald ; Sheffield , Britannia , 139 ; Eccleshill ; Holmfirth , Holm Valley 652 ; Saddleworth , Candour , 387 ; Todmorden , Prince George , 303 ; Rochdale , Prince Edward , 308 ; Blackgates , Integrity , 308 . After the Provincial Grand Lodge had been declared opened , the roll of lodges was called , ancl each AA . Master present handed in the report of the state of his lod to the present
ge up time . Tho R . W . Provincial Grand Master ordered the brethren to form a procession to proceed to the site of the intended Mechanics' Hall afc Lockwood ( about a mile distant ) . Tho procession was formed in Masonic order , each lodge headed by its banner—junior lodges first—preceded hy tlie band and a guard of honour of the Hudderslield Ride Volunteers . The weather , which hacl been unpropitions during the early part of
the day , turned out fine . The route of the procession was lined by thousands of eager spectators , who cheered ifc on its progress , aud the Right Hon . Lord de Grey was everywhere received with shouts of welcome and marks of respect , and the warehouses , factories , and buildings were decorated with flags and banners . Lord de Grey has reason to feel assured that he has lost none of the popularity ho has so long enjoyed in this neighbourhood .
On arriving at the entrance of the site , the procession opened out and allowed his lordship and the Provincial Grand Officers to pass through their ranks to the south-east corner of fche intended building , when he proceeded to lay the stone—Bro . Bentley Shaw , D . Prov . G . M . and President of the Institution , presenting him with an elegant silver trowel suitably inscribed , and the Rev . J . Benstead , M . A ., also presented him with a mallet bearing a similar inscription . Mr . BEfTiEi- SirAAV , in oflermg the trowel , said that on
behalf of the Lockwood Mechanics' Institute , of which he had the honour of boing president , ifc had been his duty to invite his lordship to lay the foundation stone of this new hall . In approaching his lordship , not only he himself , but that large assemblage wero fully aware that they were approaching a nobleman distinguished no less by his public than by his private virtues—a nobleman who filled one of the highest positions in the state , and who discharged the duties connected with that
office with zeal and devotion . ( Cheers . ) They also knew thafc they were approaching a nobleman who presided most worthily over the large and honourable fraternity known as the Ancient and Accepted Masons of AA ' esfc Yorkshire . As his lordship's humble deputy he ( Mr . Shaw ) would be pardoned if he ventured to say that it was with sincere and honest pride thafc ho welcomed his lordship and his esteemed brethren of AVesfc Yorkshire fco this , his native village . He would ask his lordship to combine the
functions of au operative and a speculative Mason , and he would ask to be permitted , in the name of the members of the Lockwood Mechanics' Institute , to present his lordship with a trowel , a beautiful emblem of the art he was about to exercise . He trusted the Great Architect of the Universe would prosper the undertaking , aud vouchsafe to his lordship , to his countess , and fco his noble son His richest blessings . The Rev . Mr . BENSTEAP , in offering tho mallet , said they
must heartily thank his lordship for coming amongst ; them on this occasion , and they accepted his having done so as a fresh proof of the kindly reeling he had for so many years manifested to Hudderslield and the neighbourhood . They not only felt thafc he was conferring an honour upon them , and doinc ; a kind deed , but also that he was doing u good thing . They trusted that , by God's blessing , this building would tend very materially to the mentalmoraland reliious improvement of
, , g the young operatives of the place , and in their name , as well as in the name of all connected with Lockwood , he begged tooffer this small testimony of their regard . Mr . J . II . ABBEY then presented the plans , Earl DB GREY AND RIPON said that at this stage of the proceedings he would only occupy thoir time for one moment while lie heartily expressed in his own name , and that of tho Masonic body of the West Riding , over which he had the
honour to preside , their readiness to accept the duty laid upon them on this occasion , and to lay the first stone of this Mechanics' Institution . He believed such institutions calculated to confer large benefits on the people of the district in which they were established ; and if that wore so , it was only consistent with the leading principles of Freemasonry that they should be ready to come forward and do their pari ; in laying tlie foundation . ( Cheers . )
Tho Prov . G . Secretary , Bro . R . R . NELSOS , then read the inscription on the plate , and the Prov . G . Treasurer deposited in the cavity of the stone a bottle containing various coins of the present reign and some of the local newspapers . The stone was then properly proved and adjusted , and the Prov . G . Master laid it in due form . Corn , wine , and oil were presented to the P . G . Chaplain , who distributed them over the stone . Earl DE GREY AND RIPON then addressed the assemblas
y , reported in our Mi . ai . zvsn of last week . Mr . JOSEPH CROSLAND , in proposing a vote of thanks to Earl de Grey and Ripon , said he would assure his lordship thafc he had fche united thanks not only of the friends of the Lockwood Mechanics' Institution , but of all who surrounded them . He was sure they had every encouragement , not only from his presence amongst fchem , but from the expressions of
which he hacl made use in his address , to go on their way rejoicing . Mr . NATHANIEL BEKBY seconded tlio motion , which was carried with enthusiastic cheers . His LoitDSHlP , in reply , said they must permit him to detain them for one moment fco thank fchem for the manner iu which they had just received the proposed vote of thanks . He could assure them that it had been to him a great source of
satisfaction ancl pleasure to have been able to be present , to meet so many of his old friends , to shake them again by the hand , and to have this opportunity of assuring them of the great pleasure he always felt when he came to the neighbourhood of Huddersfield . The proceedings concluded wifch cheers for the Countess de Grey and Ripon , tho Lockwood Mechanics' Institute , for its president , the ladies , & e . The procession then returned to the town , ami the business of tho Provincial Grand Lodge was resr . mcd .