Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 3 of 3 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 1 Article INDIA. Page 1 of 2 →
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The minutes of the Provincial Grand Lodge , held afc Leeds , January 4 th , wero read and confirmed ; the By-law Committee presented their report . Bro . John Freeman , P . M . 275 , moved thafc by-law 60 , relating to annual contributions in its amended form , be adopted , which was carried unanimously . Bro . Henry Smith ' s motion for altering the latest date at which the lodge . returns may be sent in , from March 31 st to March 1 st , was also carried . The report of the Charity Committee was read aud adopted .
Iwo petitions for relief were presented and read , but in neither case had the promoters complied with the by-law ; and this being the first case of informality , ifc was deemed unwise to overlook it ; a subscription was at once made , and the sum of £ 20 handed to the distressed instead .
It was then decided to accept the invitation of the brethren of Lodge 458 to meet afc Goole in July , and the Provincial Grand Lodge was closed iu due form with prayer at half-past three o ' clock . A splendid banquet was served afc tho George Hotel afc four o ' clock , Lord de Grey and Ripon in the chair . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were iven . Lieut .-ColEdwardsMP
g . , .., replied for the Army and Yeomany , and Major AA ebster for the Rifle Volunteers ; Rev . C . Caiuidgo and the Rev . T . Smith for the Clergy . 'The toast of tho Masonic Charities was received wifch its usual enthusiasm , and responded fco by Capt . Nelson , who , in forcible language , pointed out the benefits of these noble institutions , expressing ' a hope that this province would be well represented at the forthcoming Festival of tbe
Boys' School on July 8 th , as ifc was most desirable : his school , in its hour of need , should have every assistance we could give ifc . The healths of the noble Chairman , and his deputy , Rentley Shaw , were received in a most hearty manner , and dulyresponded to , and the proceedings were brought to a close at nine o ' clock .
The following is a short history of the affairs of the Lockwood Mechanics' Hall , and the circumstances respecting its formation : — The memhers and office-bearers of the Lockwood Mechanics ' Institute have for some time had in contemplation the erection of a hall for the holding of meetings and for the transaction of the business of the Institution . The Institute itself has been in existence for a number of years , and has been found of
great advantage tothe village ; but its success has been of a rather dubious and fluctuating character , chiefly because of the fact that its rooms were very unsuitable and the tenure of them insecure . It has had for that reason to make several removals , aud its operations have in consequence been much interfered with . To meet and remove this obstacle to its usefulness subscriptions were obtained for the building of a new hall , and a meetingpresided over by Mr . Bentley Shaw
, , the president of the Institute , was , some months ago , held in Lockwood . It was then found that a considerable sum had been promised , but tho members did not consider it sufficient to justif y them in proceeding afc once with the erection of such a building as they thought necessary to meet their wants . Several gentlemen , however , offered to double their subscriptions , others promised to give larger sums , and
a vigorous canvass having been commenced , the committee found that such a sum had been obtained as warranted their receiving plans . These were prepared by Mr . J . II . Abbey , architect , Hudderslield . A further delay , however , in the commencement of the work , took place , for the estimated cost of the building , if erected after those plans , still exceeded the funds at the disposal of the institute . A sum of nearly £ 900 has at length been obtainedand though the hall will cost about
, ; tl , 400 , it was resolved at once to procceed with the work . The result was the ceremony of yesterday . The hall itself will be an unpretending but neat and tasteful building of two storeys high , and in the Italian style . The principal apartment will be a concert hall , 69 ft . long by 42 ft . wide , and 21 ft . high . It will be lighted in front by three circular-headed windows , and by three windows of the same shape down each side of the
building . Ifc will be fitted up with galleries and an orchestra , below the latter of which will be ante-rooms . The groundfloor will be divided into committee-rooms , secretary ' s office , library , & e . The front entrance is a portico with four columns and a balustrade . The work , it is expected , will be completed in about five months . The builder is Mr . George Pollard , Huddersfield ; and the joiner , Mr . Joseph Sunderland , LockwooJ .
Royal Arch.
METROPOLITAN . MOUNT LEBANON CHAPTER ( NO . 73 ) . Several Past Masters and members of the Mount Lebanon Lodge ( No . 73 ) feeling convinced , from its flourishing state , that if a Royal Arch Chapter were to be established in connection with the lodge it would doubtless prove equally as flourishing , petitioned accordinglfor a new chapterto be called after tbe
y , lodge , and which was granted by the Supreme Grand Royal Arch Chapter , in February last-On Thursday , tbe 20 th inst ., the companions assembled afc the Green Man Tavern , Tooley-stroefc , Southwark , for the purpose of consecrating the chapter . The chapter having been opened , the charter was read , and the companions present having signified their approval of the
officers nominated , it was then regularly dedicatee ! and consecrated by Comp . Henry Muggeridge , P . Z . He then duly installed Comps . John Dixon , M . L ., M . E . Z . ; F . Walters , II . j E . N . Levy , J . ; the ceremonies being most impressively rendered in Bro . Muggeridge ' s usual style . The following brethren having been previously balloted for were then exalted to the sublime degree of Royal Arch Masons , the newly-installed Principals performing their duties in a faultless
manner , drawing forth the admiration of all the companions : — Bros . T . J . Sabine , S . D . 73 ; N . II . Goulty , 73 ; A . Avery , P . M . C 19 ; M . A . Loewenstark , 73 ; A . P . Stedroan , 73 ; A . P . Leonard , J . W 019 ; R . Thomson , 700 ; C . A . Cathie , 73 . The by-laws having been discussed and formed , the officers were then appointed as follows : —Comps . A . Avery , Scribe N . ; A . D . Loewenstark , P . Soj . ;
A . P . Leonard , 1 st Assist . Soj . ; T . J . Sabine , 2 nd Assist . Soj . ; H . N . Goulty , Dir . of Cers . The whole ofthe furniture , banners , aud jewels were supplied by Bro . A . D . Loewenstark and Son , and the officers and companions expressed their satisfaction for the superior manner in which ] they had finished every article . The chapter having been closed , the companions . adjourned to a most sumptuous banquet , provided by Bro . Cathie , when , the cloth having
cleared , tlie usual loyal toasts were duly responded to . The M . E . Z . then proposed the health of the visitors , and coupled with ifc the name of Bro . II . Muggeridge , who had so ably performed the ceremony of consecration and thafc of installation . The toasfc having beeu warmly responded to , Bro . Muggeridge returned thanks iu au able speech , and in so doing called upon the companions to drink the health of the three Principalswhich was enthusiastically responded to by the
, companions . Bro . Dixon , M . E Z ., returned thanks on behalf of the Principals , and proposed fche health of fche newly-exalted companions , which was suitably acknowledged by Comp . Goulty . Among the visitors were Comps . Dr . Lilley , Z . 507 ; H . Muggeridge , P . Z . 2 , 13 , 145 ; C . A . Cottebrune , P . Z . 177 ; J . Hasley , 507 ; J . M'Lean , 8 L 2 . This chapter has been opened under most auspicious
circumstances , a dozen more candidates having their names entered for next meeting , and we have no doubt it will prove one of fche most flourishing chapters in the district , especially as the principal officers are all thoroughly conversant with their duties .
( From ll / e Masonic Jtecord of Western India . ) BOMBAY . LODOE CONCOKD ( Xo . 757 , E . C . ) . —A regular meeting of fche above lodge was held afc the Masonic Hall , near the Baboola Tank , on Saturday , the 21 sfc January . Present : —Bros . Dr . Diver , M . D ., AV . M . ; G . Taylor , Prov . G . M . ; Rev . J . J . Farnham , P . M . ; II . AVickham , Hon . P . M . ; J . Hodgarfc , P . M . 351 ;
A . King , P . M . and Treas . ; R . Donaldson , S . W .,- H , Prescott , Sec . ; II . Avron , S . D . ; G . Judd , J . D . ; J . Thomas , Org . ; J . Lockley , I . G . ; j . AA . Seager , Tyler ; and many other members and visitors . The lodge having been duly opened , the minutes of the last regular meeting were read and confirmed . Bro . G . Taylor , Prov . G . M ., then rose ancl said : —Brethren , ifc is not usual for the Provincial Grand Master to say much in a lodge ; still , as I am present , I cannot help rising and saying a few words of approbation . I have heard the minutes of your last
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The minutes of the Provincial Grand Lodge , held afc Leeds , January 4 th , wero read and confirmed ; the By-law Committee presented their report . Bro . John Freeman , P . M . 275 , moved thafc by-law 60 , relating to annual contributions in its amended form , be adopted , which was carried unanimously . Bro . Henry Smith ' s motion for altering the latest date at which the lodge . returns may be sent in , from March 31 st to March 1 st , was also carried . The report of the Charity Committee was read aud adopted .
Iwo petitions for relief were presented and read , but in neither case had the promoters complied with the by-law ; and this being the first case of informality , ifc was deemed unwise to overlook it ; a subscription was at once made , and the sum of £ 20 handed to the distressed instead .
It was then decided to accept the invitation of the brethren of Lodge 458 to meet afc Goole in July , and the Provincial Grand Lodge was closed iu due form with prayer at half-past three o ' clock . A splendid banquet was served afc tho George Hotel afc four o ' clock , Lord de Grey and Ripon in the chair . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were iven . Lieut .-ColEdwardsMP
g . , .., replied for the Army and Yeomany , and Major AA ebster for the Rifle Volunteers ; Rev . C . Caiuidgo and the Rev . T . Smith for the Clergy . 'The toast of tho Masonic Charities was received wifch its usual enthusiasm , and responded fco by Capt . Nelson , who , in forcible language , pointed out the benefits of these noble institutions , expressing ' a hope that this province would be well represented at the forthcoming Festival of tbe
Boys' School on July 8 th , as ifc was most desirable : his school , in its hour of need , should have every assistance we could give ifc . The healths of the noble Chairman , and his deputy , Rentley Shaw , were received in a most hearty manner , and dulyresponded to , and the proceedings were brought to a close at nine o ' clock .
The following is a short history of the affairs of the Lockwood Mechanics' Hall , and the circumstances respecting its formation : — The memhers and office-bearers of the Lockwood Mechanics ' Institute have for some time had in contemplation the erection of a hall for the holding of meetings and for the transaction of the business of the Institution . The Institute itself has been in existence for a number of years , and has been found of
great advantage tothe village ; but its success has been of a rather dubious and fluctuating character , chiefly because of the fact that its rooms were very unsuitable and the tenure of them insecure . It has had for that reason to make several removals , aud its operations have in consequence been much interfered with . To meet and remove this obstacle to its usefulness subscriptions were obtained for the building of a new hall , and a meetingpresided over by Mr . Bentley Shaw
, , the president of the Institute , was , some months ago , held in Lockwood . It was then found that a considerable sum had been promised , but tho members did not consider it sufficient to justif y them in proceeding afc once with the erection of such a building as they thought necessary to meet their wants . Several gentlemen , however , offered to double their subscriptions , others promised to give larger sums , and
a vigorous canvass having been commenced , the committee found that such a sum had been obtained as warranted their receiving plans . These were prepared by Mr . J . II . Abbey , architect , Hudderslield . A further delay , however , in the commencement of the work , took place , for the estimated cost of the building , if erected after those plans , still exceeded the funds at the disposal of the institute . A sum of nearly £ 900 has at length been obtainedand though the hall will cost about
, ; tl , 400 , it was resolved at once to procceed with the work . The result was the ceremony of yesterday . The hall itself will be an unpretending but neat and tasteful building of two storeys high , and in the Italian style . The principal apartment will be a concert hall , 69 ft . long by 42 ft . wide , and 21 ft . high . It will be lighted in front by three circular-headed windows , and by three windows of the same shape down each side of the
building . Ifc will be fitted up with galleries and an orchestra , below the latter of which will be ante-rooms . The groundfloor will be divided into committee-rooms , secretary ' s office , library , & e . The front entrance is a portico with four columns and a balustrade . The work , it is expected , will be completed in about five months . The builder is Mr . George Pollard , Huddersfield ; and the joiner , Mr . Joseph Sunderland , LockwooJ .
Royal Arch.
METROPOLITAN . MOUNT LEBANON CHAPTER ( NO . 73 ) . Several Past Masters and members of the Mount Lebanon Lodge ( No . 73 ) feeling convinced , from its flourishing state , that if a Royal Arch Chapter were to be established in connection with the lodge it would doubtless prove equally as flourishing , petitioned accordinglfor a new chapterto be called after tbe
y , lodge , and which was granted by the Supreme Grand Royal Arch Chapter , in February last-On Thursday , tbe 20 th inst ., the companions assembled afc the Green Man Tavern , Tooley-stroefc , Southwark , for the purpose of consecrating the chapter . The chapter having been opened , the charter was read , and the companions present having signified their approval of the
officers nominated , it was then regularly dedicatee ! and consecrated by Comp . Henry Muggeridge , P . Z . He then duly installed Comps . John Dixon , M . L ., M . E . Z . ; F . Walters , II . j E . N . Levy , J . ; the ceremonies being most impressively rendered in Bro . Muggeridge ' s usual style . The following brethren having been previously balloted for were then exalted to the sublime degree of Royal Arch Masons , the newly-installed Principals performing their duties in a faultless
manner , drawing forth the admiration of all the companions : — Bros . T . J . Sabine , S . D . 73 ; N . II . Goulty , 73 ; A . Avery , P . M . C 19 ; M . A . Loewenstark , 73 ; A . P . Stedroan , 73 ; A . P . Leonard , J . W 019 ; R . Thomson , 700 ; C . A . Cathie , 73 . The by-laws having been discussed and formed , the officers were then appointed as follows : —Comps . A . Avery , Scribe N . ; A . D . Loewenstark , P . Soj . ;
A . P . Leonard , 1 st Assist . Soj . ; T . J . Sabine , 2 nd Assist . Soj . ; H . N . Goulty , Dir . of Cers . The whole ofthe furniture , banners , aud jewels were supplied by Bro . A . D . Loewenstark and Son , and the officers and companions expressed their satisfaction for the superior manner in which ] they had finished every article . The chapter having been closed , the companions . adjourned to a most sumptuous banquet , provided by Bro . Cathie , when , the cloth having
cleared , tlie usual loyal toasts were duly responded to . The M . E . Z . then proposed the health of the visitors , and coupled with ifc the name of Bro . II . Muggeridge , who had so ably performed the ceremony of consecration and thafc of installation . The toasfc having beeu warmly responded to , Bro . Muggeridge returned thanks iu au able speech , and in so doing called upon the companions to drink the health of the three Principalswhich was enthusiastically responded to by the
, companions . Bro . Dixon , M . E Z ., returned thanks on behalf of the Principals , and proposed fche health of fche newly-exalted companions , which was suitably acknowledged by Comp . Goulty . Among the visitors were Comps . Dr . Lilley , Z . 507 ; H . Muggeridge , P . Z . 2 , 13 , 145 ; C . A . Cottebrune , P . Z . 177 ; J . Hasley , 507 ; J . M'Lean , 8 L 2 . This chapter has been opened under most auspicious
circumstances , a dozen more candidates having their names entered for next meeting , and we have no doubt it will prove one of fche most flourishing chapters in the district , especially as the principal officers are all thoroughly conversant with their duties .
( From ll / e Masonic Jtecord of Western India . ) BOMBAY . LODOE CONCOKD ( Xo . 757 , E . C . ) . —A regular meeting of fche above lodge was held afc the Masonic Hall , near the Baboola Tank , on Saturday , the 21 sfc January . Present : —Bros . Dr . Diver , M . D ., AV . M . ; G . Taylor , Prov . G . M . ; Rev . J . J . Farnham , P . M . ; II . AVickham , Hon . P . M . ; J . Hodgarfc , P . M . 351 ;
A . King , P . M . and Treas . ; R . Donaldson , S . W .,- H , Prescott , Sec . ; II . Avron , S . D . ; G . Judd , J . D . ; J . Thomas , Org . ; J . Lockley , I . G . ; j . AA . Seager , Tyler ; and many other members and visitors . The lodge having been duly opened , the minutes of the last regular meeting were read and confirmed . Bro . G . Taylor , Prov . G . M ., then rose ancl said : —Brethren , ifc is not usual for the Provincial Grand Master to say much in a lodge ; still , as I am present , I cannot help rising and saying a few words of approbation . I have heard the minutes of your last