Article ROYAL ARCH. ← Page 2 of 2 Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article KNIGHTS TEMPLAR. Page 1 of 1 Article IRELAND. Page 1 of 1 Article CHANNEL ISLANDS. Page 1 of 2 →
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Royal Arch.
with a view of upholding the authority of that body , felt they had no course left but to suspend the Alfred Chapter from all Masonic functions . The Committee have likewise to report that they have received an application from the High Cross Chapter ( No . 754 ) , Tottenham , praying for permission to remove to No . 56 ,
Crutched Friars , in tbe City of London . The application is accompanied with the approval of the High Cross Lodge , to which this chapter is attached , to the proposed removal . The Committee consider the application is regular in form , but leave it to Grand Chapter to determine as to the expediency or otherwise of a removal ; merely observing that the charter was originally granted on the ground that the chapter was to meet at some distance from London , although within the London district .
The Committee have further to report that they have received the following petitions , viz . : —¦ From Companions the Rev . Adolphus F . A . AA oodford as Z . ; the Rev . T . B . Ferris as H . ; Joseph Buckton as J . ; and seven others for a chapter to be attached to the Philanthropic Lodge ( No . 304 ) , Leeds , to be called the Philanthropic Chapter , and to
meet at the private rooms , No . 1 , Bond-street , Leeds , on the second Monday in each month . From Companions George Price as Z . ; AVilliam Locock AVebb as H . ; Curthbert Henry Woodward as J . ; and nine others for a chapter to be attached to the East Surrey Lodge of Concord ( No . 463 ) , Croydon , Surrey , to be called the East Surrey
Chapter of Concord , to meet at the Railway Hotel , Addiscombe-road , Croydon , on the third AVednesday in January , April , July , and October in each year . From Companions Ezekiel Nathan as Z ; Sydney James as II . ; Julius Hyman as J ; and nine others for a chapter to be attached to the Otago Lodge ( No . 841 ) , Dunedin , Otago , New Zealand ,
to be called the Chapter of Obdgo , to meet at the Shamrock Hotel , Dunedin , Otago , on the first Thursday in September , November , January , March , May , and July in every year .
These petitions being regular in form ( although the latter is not accompanied with the formal sanction of the lodge ) , the Committee recommend that the prayers thereof be respectively granted . The Committee have received notice of the following motions for the next Quarterl y Convocation of Grand Chapter from E .
Companion J . J . Hardey , P . Z . No . 753 . 1 st . — " That the minutes of the proceedings of the Grand Chapter of the 5 th August , 1863 , be not confirmed , so far as they declare it to be illegal to hold a Chapter of Royal Arch Masons on a Sunday . " 2 nd . — " That Freemasonry is universal , and that it is
inconsistent with such universality , to prohibit the holding of a Royal Arch Chapter on a Sunday , which is the Sabbath only of a section of the population of the world . " 3 rd . — "That Freemasonry comprising persons of all religious denominations , it is just and proper that a Royal Arch Chapter should be authorized to meet on a Sunday if desired by its
members . " ( Signed ) JOHN SAVAGE ( in the Chair ) . Freemasons' Hall , London , 21 st October , 1863 .
THERE exists in human nature a disposition to murmur at the disappointments and calamities incident to it , rather than to acknowledge with gratitude the blessings by which they are more than counterbalanced .
Knights Templar.
LANCASHIRE ( EAST ) . MANCHESTER . —Jerusalem Encampment . —A conclave or chapter of encampment was held on Wednesday , the 21 st inst ., when Sir Knt . Benjamin St . John B . Joule , J . P ., Mm . Hoe ., was unanimously elected E . C . for the ensuing year ; Sir . Knts . Hine , re-elected Treasurer ; and Joule and Capt . Bennett , Auditors . Eev . Sir Knt . Porter signed his certificate as a Knight
Templar and Knight of Malta , of the " Lagan Valley Encampment , " Ireland . A Priory of Knights of Malta was also held , and ceremonials compared . As usual , a most agreeable and ¦ fraternal evening was spent in Masonic conversation .
LONDONDERRY . LEPEORD . —The Freemasons of Lodge Harmony ( No . 102 ) , Lifford , entertained Bro . Captain J . K . Humfrey , Senior Warden , to a supper in their lodge-room , on AVednesday , 21 st inst ., previous to his leaving for the South of Ireland . The chair was occupied by Bro . John Moody , AV . M ., and the vice-chair by Captain Searle . About 36 of the brethren sat down to partake of the viands . After the usual loyal toasts were given and
responded to , the health of "Our Guest" was given , with full bumpers , accompanied with all the honours , to which he very gratefully and ably responded . During the evening a few good songs , & c , were given by some of tbe brethren , aud , after enjoying "the feast of reason and the flow of soul , " the company separated , wishing the guest every success .
Channel Islands.
JERSEY . —St . Aulyn ' s- Lodge ( No . 95 S ) . —At the regular monthly meeting held on Tuesday , Oct . 20 th , although the attendance of the members was somewhat limited , this was fully compensated by the large number of visitors , many of the Mechanics' Lodge having by previous agreement come together from St . Helier , so that there were nearly forty assembled , including the Prov . G . M ., and about a dozen Past Masters . The lodge was opened soon after half past six bBro . Dr .
Hopy kins , AV . M ., assisted by Bro . Schmitt , P . M ., acting as S . W ., and Bro . Orange , J . AV ., Bro . Ainslie taking the chair of Imm . P . M . The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed . Several letters were read , among them one requesting the appointment of a steward for the approaching festival of the Royal Benevolent Institution , which it was agreed could not be complied withowing to distance from Londonthe season at
, , which it is held , and inability on the part of a lodge but recently formed , the furniture of which is not yet quite complete , to join actively in such demonstrations . After examination of the certificate of Bro . James C C Pipon , and of a note from the Secretary of the Apollo University Lodge , in which he was initiated , and to which he still belongs , a ballot was taken for
Ins admission as a joining member of St . Anbyn s Lodge , which was unanimous in his favour . Several communications from the Prov . G . M . were read , announcing the suspension , in addition to the three mentioned at the last meeting , of the following brethren from all their Masonic rights and privileges . Bros . Neel , Desmoulins , Grossiere , Robert , C Asplet , G . Viekery , T . De la Mare , F . M . Giraudot , E . Gallichan , Peneveyre , Hon . E . Bellew . The AV . M . read a letter from the
Secretary of the Cesaree Lodge , announcing a formal resolution for the offer of its pedestal , chairs , & c , to St . Aubyn's Lodge for the sum of six guineas . The W . M . reminded the brethren that he and the AVardens had been previously commissioned to negotiate the matter , and explained his reason for not putting a resolution for the acceptance of this offer to the membersnamelythat he hoped to raise the money from
, , private Masonic sources , so as to make a present of the furniture mentioned . Mr . John F . G . le Bas was initiated by the AV . M . The AV . M . having announced that he had returned to the owner the pedestals at first used by the lodge , it was resolved , that the best thanks of St . Aubyn's Lodge be presented to the Prov . G . M . for his kindness in lending his pedestals for its use , as well as for the interest he has uniformly evinced
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Royal Arch.
with a view of upholding the authority of that body , felt they had no course left but to suspend the Alfred Chapter from all Masonic functions . The Committee have likewise to report that they have received an application from the High Cross Chapter ( No . 754 ) , Tottenham , praying for permission to remove to No . 56 ,
Crutched Friars , in tbe City of London . The application is accompanied with the approval of the High Cross Lodge , to which this chapter is attached , to the proposed removal . The Committee consider the application is regular in form , but leave it to Grand Chapter to determine as to the expediency or otherwise of a removal ; merely observing that the charter was originally granted on the ground that the chapter was to meet at some distance from London , although within the London district .
The Committee have further to report that they have received the following petitions , viz . : —¦ From Companions the Rev . Adolphus F . A . AA oodford as Z . ; the Rev . T . B . Ferris as H . ; Joseph Buckton as J . ; and seven others for a chapter to be attached to the Philanthropic Lodge ( No . 304 ) , Leeds , to be called the Philanthropic Chapter , and to
meet at the private rooms , No . 1 , Bond-street , Leeds , on the second Monday in each month . From Companions George Price as Z . ; AVilliam Locock AVebb as H . ; Curthbert Henry Woodward as J . ; and nine others for a chapter to be attached to the East Surrey Lodge of Concord ( No . 463 ) , Croydon , Surrey , to be called the East Surrey
Chapter of Concord , to meet at the Railway Hotel , Addiscombe-road , Croydon , on the third AVednesday in January , April , July , and October in each year . From Companions Ezekiel Nathan as Z ; Sydney James as II . ; Julius Hyman as J ; and nine others for a chapter to be attached to the Otago Lodge ( No . 841 ) , Dunedin , Otago , New Zealand ,
to be called the Chapter of Obdgo , to meet at the Shamrock Hotel , Dunedin , Otago , on the first Thursday in September , November , January , March , May , and July in every year .
These petitions being regular in form ( although the latter is not accompanied with the formal sanction of the lodge ) , the Committee recommend that the prayers thereof be respectively granted . The Committee have received notice of the following motions for the next Quarterl y Convocation of Grand Chapter from E .
Companion J . J . Hardey , P . Z . No . 753 . 1 st . — " That the minutes of the proceedings of the Grand Chapter of the 5 th August , 1863 , be not confirmed , so far as they declare it to be illegal to hold a Chapter of Royal Arch Masons on a Sunday . " 2 nd . — " That Freemasonry is universal , and that it is
inconsistent with such universality , to prohibit the holding of a Royal Arch Chapter on a Sunday , which is the Sabbath only of a section of the population of the world . " 3 rd . — "That Freemasonry comprising persons of all religious denominations , it is just and proper that a Royal Arch Chapter should be authorized to meet on a Sunday if desired by its
members . " ( Signed ) JOHN SAVAGE ( in the Chair ) . Freemasons' Hall , London , 21 st October , 1863 .
THERE exists in human nature a disposition to murmur at the disappointments and calamities incident to it , rather than to acknowledge with gratitude the blessings by which they are more than counterbalanced .
Knights Templar.
LANCASHIRE ( EAST ) . MANCHESTER . —Jerusalem Encampment . —A conclave or chapter of encampment was held on Wednesday , the 21 st inst ., when Sir Knt . Benjamin St . John B . Joule , J . P ., Mm . Hoe ., was unanimously elected E . C . for the ensuing year ; Sir . Knts . Hine , re-elected Treasurer ; and Joule and Capt . Bennett , Auditors . Eev . Sir Knt . Porter signed his certificate as a Knight
Templar and Knight of Malta , of the " Lagan Valley Encampment , " Ireland . A Priory of Knights of Malta was also held , and ceremonials compared . As usual , a most agreeable and ¦ fraternal evening was spent in Masonic conversation .
LONDONDERRY . LEPEORD . —The Freemasons of Lodge Harmony ( No . 102 ) , Lifford , entertained Bro . Captain J . K . Humfrey , Senior Warden , to a supper in their lodge-room , on AVednesday , 21 st inst ., previous to his leaving for the South of Ireland . The chair was occupied by Bro . John Moody , AV . M ., and the vice-chair by Captain Searle . About 36 of the brethren sat down to partake of the viands . After the usual loyal toasts were given and
responded to , the health of "Our Guest" was given , with full bumpers , accompanied with all the honours , to which he very gratefully and ably responded . During the evening a few good songs , & c , were given by some of tbe brethren , aud , after enjoying "the feast of reason and the flow of soul , " the company separated , wishing the guest every success .
Channel Islands.
JERSEY . —St . Aulyn ' s- Lodge ( No . 95 S ) . —At the regular monthly meeting held on Tuesday , Oct . 20 th , although the attendance of the members was somewhat limited , this was fully compensated by the large number of visitors , many of the Mechanics' Lodge having by previous agreement come together from St . Helier , so that there were nearly forty assembled , including the Prov . G . M ., and about a dozen Past Masters . The lodge was opened soon after half past six bBro . Dr .
Hopy kins , AV . M ., assisted by Bro . Schmitt , P . M ., acting as S . W ., and Bro . Orange , J . AV ., Bro . Ainslie taking the chair of Imm . P . M . The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed . Several letters were read , among them one requesting the appointment of a steward for the approaching festival of the Royal Benevolent Institution , which it was agreed could not be complied withowing to distance from Londonthe season at
, , which it is held , and inability on the part of a lodge but recently formed , the furniture of which is not yet quite complete , to join actively in such demonstrations . After examination of the certificate of Bro . James C C Pipon , and of a note from the Secretary of the Apollo University Lodge , in which he was initiated , and to which he still belongs , a ballot was taken for
Ins admission as a joining member of St . Anbyn s Lodge , which was unanimous in his favour . Several communications from the Prov . G . M . were read , announcing the suspension , in addition to the three mentioned at the last meeting , of the following brethren from all their Masonic rights and privileges . Bros . Neel , Desmoulins , Grossiere , Robert , C Asplet , G . Viekery , T . De la Mare , F . M . Giraudot , E . Gallichan , Peneveyre , Hon . E . Bellew . The AV . M . read a letter from the
Secretary of the Cesaree Lodge , announcing a formal resolution for the offer of its pedestal , chairs , & c , to St . Aubyn's Lodge for the sum of six guineas . The W . M . reminded the brethren that he and the AVardens had been previously commissioned to negotiate the matter , and explained his reason for not putting a resolution for the acceptance of this offer to the membersnamelythat he hoped to raise the money from
, , private Masonic sources , so as to make a present of the furniture mentioned . Mr . John F . G . le Bas was initiated by the AV . M . The AV . M . having announced that he had returned to the owner the pedestals at first used by the lodge , it was resolved , that the best thanks of St . Aubyn's Lodge be presented to the Prov . G . M . for his kindness in lending his pedestals for its use , as well as for the interest he has uniformly evinced