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A duke does not disdain to he a P . G . M ., and thus it becomes a very great distinction to a smaller county magnate . By judicious and liberal treatment in this respect the prerogative of the M . W . G . M . would be greatly enhanced . The unfortunate baronet and M . P . who has
consented to serve as D . P . G . M . of his province and presided in his own Prov . Grand Lodge , has the shine taken out of him when he conies in full costume to take his seat among the youthful Wardens in Grand Lodge . Yours fraternally , P . D . G . M .
The Prince Of Wales And Ereemasonry.
TO TEE EDITOR OE THE EEEEJIASONS' MAGAZINE AND MASOXIC MIRHOU . Dear Sir and Brother , — -Since my last communication upon the above subject time has revealed the real author of the uncalled for and unjustifiable document which was presented to the Prince of Wales asking him to become a Mason , which , under the
circumstances , he courteousl y but very properly refused . The indh'idual AA'ho so notoriously outraged one of the first principles of our institution rejoices in the name of " Slack , " and he sets forth that he is Secretary of "the Glasgow St . John ' s Lodge , 3 Bis , " and he goes on further to say that " it is not the least important' ' in the Craft . I know not what importance he attaches to himself or the lodge to which he belongs , hut I think it would be difficult to find one who does
not condemn the scandalous conduct of which he has been guilty , notwithstanding his unauthorised assertion that" the Masonic body will be prompt and ready , should your Royal Hi ghness concur , to concert such measures as are necessary , according to the Masonic Order , for the fraternization of your Royal Highness immediately antecedent to the ceremonial at which
your royal presence is expected . " The fallacy of this assertion is manifest , for , from what I know of the feelings of many members of the Craft , ! feel assured that they Avould scorn the use of such an instrument as " John Slack " in the manner he has chosen to adopt for the purpose of touting for candidates for admission into our Order , even if in the end it should be successful in bringing into it the Prince of Wales .
I should also like to know upon what grounds he has thought proper to state , on behalf of the Masonic hody , that they would concur in the measures Avhich he has chosen to originate ; and how far it has come to his knowledge that Masons are ready to perjure themselves in order to carry out the glorification of the St . John ' s Lodge by the Prince of Wales becoming
a member of it . The impudence of the assertion seems to me to be beyond excuse , and I should like to know , as I have asked before , Avhether the lodge of which "John Slack" is Secretary approved and sanctioned what Avas done iu their name .
The whole proceeding seems to me to be a great scandal upon our Craft , and will not fail to be taken advantage of by some outside the pale of Ereemasonry who never lose the opportunity Avhen offered of casting a stone at our beloved and venerated institution . "I feel , Sir and Brother , that this is a matter that ought not to be allowed to sluaiber , but should at
The Prince Of Wales And Ereemasonry.
once be brought under the consideration of the ruling powers of the Grand Lodge of Scotland , or others will form but a poor opinion as to how Ereemasonry is conducted in that country if such practices as these are allowed to pass Avithout a proper notice being taken of them .
Erom what I have seen , and what I know of the Earl of Dalhousie , the present G . M . M . of Scotland , I am sure that he , in common with other members of the Grand Lodge of England , will feel that this is a subject which demands immediate investigation , and I shall be glad to hear from some of our Scottish brethren that it has already been commenced . Tours fraternally , P . M .
Oliver Memorial.
TO THE EDITOR OP THE FREEMASONS' MAGAZINE AND MASONIC MIEEOE . Dear Sir and Brother , —It gives me pleasure to find action about being taken to raise a memorial to our late Bro . Dr . Oliver , who must ever he held in veneration by deserving Masons . At the same time I Avould wish to express my regret that there should be a
probability even of action such as that proposed by the Rev . Reynolds , lvliich strikes me as being too dwarfish in its character . Such cannot consistently be contributed to by vote of lodge , though , of course , any Mason in his private behalf is at liberty to contribute to it , and most I think in England would do so . My
objection to themodeproposedliesin the universality of Masonry , as fully borne out in Dr . Oliver ' s writings , as well as our recognised land marks . The proposal before mentioned would prevent many subscribing , as being of too sectional a character , and Avould not enlist the sympathy of many deserving Masons
, whose mode of faith is different from that recognised by the Rev . Reynolds . Tours fraternally , J . H . GITTINS .
Canadian High Degrees.
TO TIIE EDITOR OE THE FREEMASONS' MAGAZINE AND MASONIC MIEEOE . Dear Sir and Brother , —In the Magazine for September 20 , 1 find some statements in the address of Grand Prior M'Leod Moore to the " Eratres of the Temple and Hospital" in Canada , which a regard for historic truth will not permit me to pass
unnoticed . I allude more particularly to the statements made in the last two paragraphs of that address on p . 259 , first column . Iu view of the fact that in the number of Magazine in which this address appears there also happens to be printed that portion of the history of tbe Knights Templars in which it is
distinctly stated that there never was a union of that Order and the Hospitallers , upon what authority does Graud Prior Moore assert that the present English Order composes such a union ? Eurther—¦ by what authority does he assume to himself the privilege of organizing a Consistory of 32 ° ( Sovereign
Princes of the Royal Secret ) at Hamilton , in Canada , and Rose Croix Chapters of Harodim elsewhere in the dominion ? Will Grand Prior Moore exhibit the proof to support his assertion that the degrees of Rone Cross and Kadosh existed in England at any time before they Avere taken to that country from
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
A duke does not disdain to he a P . G . M ., and thus it becomes a very great distinction to a smaller county magnate . By judicious and liberal treatment in this respect the prerogative of the M . W . G . M . would be greatly enhanced . The unfortunate baronet and M . P . who has
consented to serve as D . P . G . M . of his province and presided in his own Prov . Grand Lodge , has the shine taken out of him when he conies in full costume to take his seat among the youthful Wardens in Grand Lodge . Yours fraternally , P . D . G . M .
The Prince Of Wales And Ereemasonry.
TO TEE EDITOR OE THE EEEEJIASONS' MAGAZINE AND MASOXIC MIRHOU . Dear Sir and Brother , — -Since my last communication upon the above subject time has revealed the real author of the uncalled for and unjustifiable document which was presented to the Prince of Wales asking him to become a Mason , which , under the
circumstances , he courteousl y but very properly refused . The indh'idual AA'ho so notoriously outraged one of the first principles of our institution rejoices in the name of " Slack , " and he sets forth that he is Secretary of "the Glasgow St . John ' s Lodge , 3 Bis , " and he goes on further to say that " it is not the least important' ' in the Craft . I know not what importance he attaches to himself or the lodge to which he belongs , hut I think it would be difficult to find one who does
not condemn the scandalous conduct of which he has been guilty , notwithstanding his unauthorised assertion that" the Masonic body will be prompt and ready , should your Royal Hi ghness concur , to concert such measures as are necessary , according to the Masonic Order , for the fraternization of your Royal Highness immediately antecedent to the ceremonial at which
your royal presence is expected . " The fallacy of this assertion is manifest , for , from what I know of the feelings of many members of the Craft , ! feel assured that they Avould scorn the use of such an instrument as " John Slack " in the manner he has chosen to adopt for the purpose of touting for candidates for admission into our Order , even if in the end it should be successful in bringing into it the Prince of Wales .
I should also like to know upon what grounds he has thought proper to state , on behalf of the Masonic hody , that they would concur in the measures Avhich he has chosen to originate ; and how far it has come to his knowledge that Masons are ready to perjure themselves in order to carry out the glorification of the St . John ' s Lodge by the Prince of Wales becoming
a member of it . The impudence of the assertion seems to me to be beyond excuse , and I should like to know , as I have asked before , Avhether the lodge of which "John Slack" is Secretary approved and sanctioned what Avas done iu their name .
The whole proceeding seems to me to be a great scandal upon our Craft , and will not fail to be taken advantage of by some outside the pale of Ereemasonry who never lose the opportunity Avhen offered of casting a stone at our beloved and venerated institution . "I feel , Sir and Brother , that this is a matter that ought not to be allowed to sluaiber , but should at
The Prince Of Wales And Ereemasonry.
once be brought under the consideration of the ruling powers of the Grand Lodge of Scotland , or others will form but a poor opinion as to how Ereemasonry is conducted in that country if such practices as these are allowed to pass Avithout a proper notice being taken of them .
Erom what I have seen , and what I know of the Earl of Dalhousie , the present G . M . M . of Scotland , I am sure that he , in common with other members of the Grand Lodge of England , will feel that this is a subject which demands immediate investigation , and I shall be glad to hear from some of our Scottish brethren that it has already been commenced . Tours fraternally , P . M .
Oliver Memorial.
TO THE EDITOR OP THE FREEMASONS' MAGAZINE AND MASONIC MIEEOE . Dear Sir and Brother , —It gives me pleasure to find action about being taken to raise a memorial to our late Bro . Dr . Oliver , who must ever he held in veneration by deserving Masons . At the same time I Avould wish to express my regret that there should be a
probability even of action such as that proposed by the Rev . Reynolds , lvliich strikes me as being too dwarfish in its character . Such cannot consistently be contributed to by vote of lodge , though , of course , any Mason in his private behalf is at liberty to contribute to it , and most I think in England would do so . My
objection to themodeproposedliesin the universality of Masonry , as fully borne out in Dr . Oliver ' s writings , as well as our recognised land marks . The proposal before mentioned would prevent many subscribing , as being of too sectional a character , and Avould not enlist the sympathy of many deserving Masons
, whose mode of faith is different from that recognised by the Rev . Reynolds . Tours fraternally , J . H . GITTINS .
Canadian High Degrees.
TO TIIE EDITOR OE THE FREEMASONS' MAGAZINE AND MASONIC MIEEOE . Dear Sir and Brother , —In the Magazine for September 20 , 1 find some statements in the address of Grand Prior M'Leod Moore to the " Eratres of the Temple and Hospital" in Canada , which a regard for historic truth will not permit me to pass
unnoticed . I allude more particularly to the statements made in the last two paragraphs of that address on p . 259 , first column . Iu view of the fact that in the number of Magazine in which this address appears there also happens to be printed that portion of the history of tbe Knights Templars in which it is
distinctly stated that there never was a union of that Order and the Hospitallers , upon what authority does Graud Prior Moore assert that the present English Order composes such a union ? Eurther—¦ by what authority does he assume to himself the privilege of organizing a Consistory of 32 ° ( Sovereign
Princes of the Royal Secret ) at Hamilton , in Canada , and Rose Croix Chapters of Harodim elsewhere in the dominion ? Will Grand Prior Moore exhibit the proof to support his assertion that the degrees of Rone Cross and Kadosh existed in England at any time before they Avere taken to that country from