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The Rules Of Voting At Provincial Grand Lodges.
know the brother who seconded his motion , he was no party to the mistake ( the brother referred to as the seconder was , on the occasion referred to , acting as Proxy Warden , and was , it appears , unaware that proxies could not vote ) , and held that all that was necessary was to strike out the seconder ' s name from the list of those who votedwhich would still leave a
, majority of one in favour of Bro . Nisbet . Ho was , however , quite Avilling to stand by the decision of a future meeting if all the members were made aware of what Avas to be brought before them ; but he objected to taking the vote of the present meeting , on the grouuds that Bro . Nisbet and his supporters trusted ,
from the legality of the proceedings at the Prov . Graud Lodge held in August , that the appointment would be confirmed in favour of Bro . Nisbet , and therefore several of those who had given him their vote then were not on the present occasion present ; whereas Bro . Nisbet's opponents , foreseeing this
objection , had mustered their forces in full strength . The Acting Prov . G . M . overruled the objection and again put the vote to the meeting , who declared in favour of Bro . Nisbet's opponent . The supporters of Bro . Nisbet declined to vote uuder the circumstances , and a protest was entered against the proceedings , Bro . Nisbet ' s proposer stating that if a part of the
proceedings of the previous meeting was vitiated by the voting of an unqualified brother , cell the proceedings of the previous meeting were null and void , as the said unqualified brother spoke aud voted on all the business brought before the meeting . A feeling is prevalent amongst several of the brethren in the Middle Ward that the non-recording of the minute
of the carrying of Bro . Nisbet ' s nomination tended to mislead the brethren who voted at the meeting of October 13 ; and that , had this minute been incorporated and read , the minutes of the August meeting must—in toto—either have been confirmed or objected to .
I have to apologize for encroaching so much upon your valuable space , but it has been suggested by some of the brethren here that an impartial statement of the facts in the Freemasons' Magazine , together with the object in view , might be the means of eliciting the opinions to the points at issue of competent
authorities in matters of Masonic jurisprudence , and which would also tend materially to check the feeling of dissatisfaction that might arise should the dubiety in the minds of some of the brethren here iu connexion with this case not be disposed of one way or other . Tours fraternally , " FAIR PLAY . "
Fraudulent Claimants For Casual Relief.
TO THE EDITOR OF THE FREEMASONS' MAGAZINE AND MASONIC MIEROR . Dear Sir aud Brother , —Tour Avorthy correspondent , " East Lancashire " ( to whom I am indebted for much valuable information privately communicated ) would , I am sure , be conferring a boon on all the Masters and Almoners of country lodges if he would , as he offers , send for insertion in your pages a list of
applicants and the " dodges resorted to to fleece the unwary , " as such information could not but prove very useful . Tours fraternally , D . P . G . M .
Masonic Mems.
THE MASONIC HM 0 & & ,, ? All communications to be addressed to 19 , Salisbury-street Strand , London , AV . C .
THE UNIVERSAL MASOXIC CAEEJSDAB , DIARY , AND POCKET BOOK EOR 1869 . —We aro requested to remind the secretaries of Craft and Mark lodges , and Scribes of R . A . chapters , under the English , Irish , and Scotch jurisdictions , aud tbe secretaries and otlier officers of other Masonic bodies at borne , in the colonies , and abroad , that they should forward tbo fullest and latest
information intended for publication in the nest issue , with all convenient speed , to the editors of the Calendar ; and all communications may bo addressed to them at the office of the FREEMASONS' MAGAZINE , 19 , Salisbury-street , Strand , London ,, or in Glasgow .
BRETHREN are reminded that tbe Lodge Music published a few weeks ago , in several issues of the MAGAZINE , has been republished in a convenient form for Lodge use , price 2 s . 6 d . ROYAL MASONIC BENEVOLENT INSTITUTION BOB AGED FREEMASON ' S . —The nest anniversary festival in aid of tbe fund of this deserving { institution will be held at the Freemasons' ' Tavern on the 27 th of January , 1869 . The Right Hon . Bro . the Earl of Carnarvon , Prov . G . M . of Somersetshire , will preside .
AVE have'been requested to publish the following caution : — " Brethren are fraternally requested not to respond to anappeal for charitable aid which has recently be made from-Criekhowel , in South Wales . " THE Right Hon . the Lord Leigh , Provincial Grand Master for Warwickshire , has kindly consented to preside at the next
anniversary festival of the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls ,, ou Wednesday , 12 th May , 1869 . GBAND LODGE OE SCOTLAND . —A Quarterly Communication of the Grand Lodge of Scotland , will be held at the Freemasons ' Hall , Edinburgh , on Monday , the 2 nd proximo , at six o'clock , p . m ., precisely . Business : —1 . Proxy Commissions . 2 .
Presents from Grand Lodges of France , Texas , and Tennessee ; portrait of Grand Master by Bro . W . Smith , CE ., Proprietor of FBEEITASOA ' S' MAGAZINE . 3 . Minutes of Grand Lodge and Grand Committee . 4 . Nomination of Office-Bearers and Grand Stewards for year 136 S-69 . 5 . Petitions for Charters : 1 . Lodge Broughty Castle , Broughty Ferry ; 2 . Lodgo Charleston
Kilwinning , New Zealand . 6 . Petition to repone Lodge Union and Crown , Barrhead . 7 . Report on remit to Grand Committee as to Bro . Thallon ' s motion anont the Salaries of Grand Lodge Officials . 8 . Note of Appeal , Chalmers 1 . Paton , against sentence of Suspension passsed upon him by Grand Lodge . 9 . Appointment of Representative at tho Grand Lodge of Tennessee . 10 . Presentation of Bust to Past Grand Master . 11 . Festival of St . Andrew .
WE understand that the Provincial Grand Lodge Meeting of East Lancashire will take place on Monday , the 2 nd of November , at the Freemasons' Hall , Manchester , under tho R . AV . Bro ,. Stephen Blair , but we have had no official information thereof from the Prov . G . See .
AVE understand that it is proposed to hold the next meetingof the Provincial Grand Lodge of AVest Yorkshire at Sheffield , on Wednesday , the 20 fch of January next .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Rules Of Voting At Provincial Grand Lodges.
know the brother who seconded his motion , he was no party to the mistake ( the brother referred to as the seconder was , on the occasion referred to , acting as Proxy Warden , and was , it appears , unaware that proxies could not vote ) , and held that all that was necessary was to strike out the seconder ' s name from the list of those who votedwhich would still leave a
, majority of one in favour of Bro . Nisbet . Ho was , however , quite Avilling to stand by the decision of a future meeting if all the members were made aware of what Avas to be brought before them ; but he objected to taking the vote of the present meeting , on the grouuds that Bro . Nisbet and his supporters trusted ,
from the legality of the proceedings at the Prov . Graud Lodge held in August , that the appointment would be confirmed in favour of Bro . Nisbet , and therefore several of those who had given him their vote then were not on the present occasion present ; whereas Bro . Nisbet's opponents , foreseeing this
objection , had mustered their forces in full strength . The Acting Prov . G . M . overruled the objection and again put the vote to the meeting , who declared in favour of Bro . Nisbet's opponent . The supporters of Bro . Nisbet declined to vote uuder the circumstances , and a protest was entered against the proceedings , Bro . Nisbet ' s proposer stating that if a part of the
proceedings of the previous meeting was vitiated by the voting of an unqualified brother , cell the proceedings of the previous meeting were null and void , as the said unqualified brother spoke aud voted on all the business brought before the meeting . A feeling is prevalent amongst several of the brethren in the Middle Ward that the non-recording of the minute
of the carrying of Bro . Nisbet ' s nomination tended to mislead the brethren who voted at the meeting of October 13 ; and that , had this minute been incorporated and read , the minutes of the August meeting must—in toto—either have been confirmed or objected to .
I have to apologize for encroaching so much upon your valuable space , but it has been suggested by some of the brethren here that an impartial statement of the facts in the Freemasons' Magazine , together with the object in view , might be the means of eliciting the opinions to the points at issue of competent
authorities in matters of Masonic jurisprudence , and which would also tend materially to check the feeling of dissatisfaction that might arise should the dubiety in the minds of some of the brethren here iu connexion with this case not be disposed of one way or other . Tours fraternally , " FAIR PLAY . "
Fraudulent Claimants For Casual Relief.
TO THE EDITOR OF THE FREEMASONS' MAGAZINE AND MASONIC MIEROR . Dear Sir aud Brother , —Tour Avorthy correspondent , " East Lancashire " ( to whom I am indebted for much valuable information privately communicated ) would , I am sure , be conferring a boon on all the Masters and Almoners of country lodges if he would , as he offers , send for insertion in your pages a list of
applicants and the " dodges resorted to to fleece the unwary , " as such information could not but prove very useful . Tours fraternally , D . P . G . M .
Masonic Mems.
THE MASONIC HM 0 & & ,, ? All communications to be addressed to 19 , Salisbury-street Strand , London , AV . C .
THE UNIVERSAL MASOXIC CAEEJSDAB , DIARY , AND POCKET BOOK EOR 1869 . —We aro requested to remind the secretaries of Craft and Mark lodges , and Scribes of R . A . chapters , under the English , Irish , and Scotch jurisdictions , aud tbe secretaries and otlier officers of other Masonic bodies at borne , in the colonies , and abroad , that they should forward tbo fullest and latest
information intended for publication in the nest issue , with all convenient speed , to the editors of the Calendar ; and all communications may bo addressed to them at the office of the FREEMASONS' MAGAZINE , 19 , Salisbury-street , Strand , London ,, or in Glasgow .
BRETHREN are reminded that tbe Lodge Music published a few weeks ago , in several issues of the MAGAZINE , has been republished in a convenient form for Lodge use , price 2 s . 6 d . ROYAL MASONIC BENEVOLENT INSTITUTION BOB AGED FREEMASON ' S . —The nest anniversary festival in aid of tbe fund of this deserving { institution will be held at the Freemasons' ' Tavern on the 27 th of January , 1869 . The Right Hon . Bro . the Earl of Carnarvon , Prov . G . M . of Somersetshire , will preside .
AVE have'been requested to publish the following caution : — " Brethren are fraternally requested not to respond to anappeal for charitable aid which has recently be made from-Criekhowel , in South Wales . " THE Right Hon . the Lord Leigh , Provincial Grand Master for Warwickshire , has kindly consented to preside at the next
anniversary festival of the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls ,, ou Wednesday , 12 th May , 1869 . GBAND LODGE OE SCOTLAND . —A Quarterly Communication of the Grand Lodge of Scotland , will be held at the Freemasons ' Hall , Edinburgh , on Monday , the 2 nd proximo , at six o'clock , p . m ., precisely . Business : —1 . Proxy Commissions . 2 .
Presents from Grand Lodges of France , Texas , and Tennessee ; portrait of Grand Master by Bro . W . Smith , CE ., Proprietor of FBEEITASOA ' S' MAGAZINE . 3 . Minutes of Grand Lodge and Grand Committee . 4 . Nomination of Office-Bearers and Grand Stewards for year 136 S-69 . 5 . Petitions for Charters : 1 . Lodge Broughty Castle , Broughty Ferry ; 2 . Lodgo Charleston
Kilwinning , New Zealand . 6 . Petition to repone Lodge Union and Crown , Barrhead . 7 . Report on remit to Grand Committee as to Bro . Thallon ' s motion anont the Salaries of Grand Lodge Officials . 8 . Note of Appeal , Chalmers 1 . Paton , against sentence of Suspension passsed upon him by Grand Lodge . 9 . Appointment of Representative at tho Grand Lodge of Tennessee . 10 . Presentation of Bust to Past Grand Master . 11 . Festival of St . Andrew .
WE understand that the Provincial Grand Lodge Meeting of East Lancashire will take place on Monday , the 2 nd of November , at the Freemasons' Hall , Manchester , under tho R . AV . Bro ,. Stephen Blair , but we have had no official information thereof from the Prov . G . See .
AVE understand that it is proposed to hold the next meetingof the Provincial Grand Lodge of AVest Yorkshire at Sheffield , on Wednesday , the 20 fch of January next .