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Laying The Foundation Stone Of The Masonic Hall At Lewes .
and the duty which has devolved upon his lordship in laying the foundation stone of the new Masonic Hall , and he and I trust that prosperity may ever attend this lodge- To those ladies and gentlemen who are not masons I will take this opportunity of observing that there is nothing incompatible in Masonry with our civil , moral , and religious duties . If we look around us we
see numbers of oflicers in her Majesty's service , and iu the public departments , and we can rest assured there is no want of loyalty in them as masons . The object , therefore , of masonry is good , and charitable , and virtuous , as an instance of which I ask you to look at the charities of which the masons can boast . Wo can see around us many charities for the aged , the young , tho
infirm , and the helpless which it supports . I say , therefore , we find masonry does good , and I feel assured it will contribute to tho good of ourselves and to the happiness and prosperity of our fellow creatures . I beg to thank you for the attention with which you have listened to this short address . The National Anthem having been sung , three cheers were given for the Prov- G . M ., and the brethren having returned to the County Hall , the Prov . G . Lodge was closed .
At five o ' clock the brethren sat clown to a most reclierelie banquet , supplied in Bro . Geor ' s best style , in the Corn Exchange , which was decorated with banners for the occasion . The Lodges represented were : —Senior Lodge of Union , Chichester , No- 38 , Bro . J . St . Clair , W . M . ; Derwent Lodgo , Hastings , 40 . Bro . Richards , L . D .
, W . M ., and J . G . W .: Howard Lodge , Arundel , 56 , Bro . Price , W . M . ; Royal Clarence Lodge , Brighton , 271 , Bro . Pocock , W . M ., and Prov . G . Sec . ; South Saxon Lodge , Lewes , 311 , Bro . Elmsley , AV . M ., and Prov- G . S- ; Royal York Lodge , Brighton , 315 , Bro . Hudson , W . M ., ; Wellington Lodge , R 3 'e , 3-11 ; Royal Brunswick Lodge , Brihton 732 BroFreemanWMand PProvG-AV
g , , . , .. . . ... Yarborough Lodge , Brighton , 811 , Bro- J . Griffiths , Prov ' G . Chap . ; Lodge of Friendship , AVorthing , 851 , Bro . Sharp , W . M . ; Hai-fcington Lodge , Eastbourne , 916 Tyrian Lodge , Eastbourne , 1 , 110 ; Mid-Sussex Lodge , Horsham , 1 , 141 , Bro . W . Curtis , W . M ; Abbey Lodge , Battle , 1 , 184 .
The chair was taken by tho R . W . M . of the South Saxon Lodge , Bro . Alexander Elmsley , who was supported on the right by Bros , the R . W Prov . G . Master of Sussex , the Right Hon . Lord Pelham , and Brethren numbering in all about 150 The band played during dinner in the ante-room . After the room was cleared the usual Loyal and Alasonic toasts were proposed , and duly honoured , and a most enjoyable evening spent by those present .
Public Amusements.
NEW ROYALTY THEATRE . Mr . C F . Burnaud ' s successful burlesque continues to draw good houses . Its merits not only consist of sparkling wit but excellent acting , Miss M . Oliver and Miss Charlotte Saunders keeping the audience in one continual roar of laughter , in conjunction with the Misses Annie Collinson , Nelly Bromley , and Clara Thompson .
Mr . Danvors , acting tbo character of the Duchess of York , was fully appreciated ; also Mr . F . Dewar , as Richard III . The choruses were very harmoniously rendered , ancl were vociferously encored . The scenery , by Mr . H . Cuthbert , is splendidly painted , and cannot be surpassed at any theatre . The burlesque was preceded by the comedietta of "Married Daughters aud Young
Husbands , " Miss M . Oliver sustaining the principal part . At its conclusion , all the members of the company were called before the curtain .
Metropolitan Lodge Meetings, Etc., For The Week Ending November 7th, 1868.
MONDAY , November 2 nd . —Lodges : Robert Burns 25 ,. Freemasons' Hall . Royal Jubilee , 72 , Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street . United Lodge of Prudence , 83 , Albion Tavern , Aldersgate-street . St . John ' s , 144 , Radley ' s Hotel , Bridge-street , Blackfriars . St . Luke's , 144 , Pier Hotel , Oheyne Walk , Chelsea . Amity , 171 , Albion Tavern , Aldersgate-street . Joppa , 188 , Albion Tavern , Aldersgate-street . Unions , 256 , Freemasons' Hall .
TtiESDAi' , November 3 rd . —Colonial Board at 3 . Lodges : Albion , 9 , Freemasons' Hall . Old Dundee , 18 , London Tavern , Bishopsgate-street . Temple , 101 , Ship and Turtle , Leadenhall-street . Old Concord , 172 , Freemasons' Hall . La Tolerance , 588 , Freemasons' Hall . St . James ' s , 765 , Leather Market Tavern , New Westonstreet , Bermondsey . Chapters : Temperance , 169 , White Swan Tavern , Deptford . United Pilgrims , 507 , Horns ' Tavern ,
Kennington-park-WEDNESDAA * , November 4 th . —Grand Chapter at 8 . Lodge : Stability , 217 , George Hotel , Aldermanbury . THURSDAY , November 5 th . —Lodges : Egyptian , 27 , Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street . Strong Man , 45 , Freemasons' Hall . Good Report , 136 , Radley ' s Hotel , Bridgestreet , Blackfriars . Ionic , 227 , Ship and Turtle Tavern , Leadenhall-street . St . Andrew ' s , 231 Freemasons' Hall .
, Yarborough , 554 , Green Dragon , Stepney , Yictoria Rifles , 822 , Freemasons' Hall . Excelsior , 1 , 155 , Sydney Arms , Lewisham-road . Perfect Ashlar , 1 , 178 , Gregorian Arms , Bermondsey-road . Chapters : Sincerity , 174 ,. Cheshire Cheese Tavern , Crutched Friars . Crystal Palace , 742 , Crystal Palace , Sydenham .
FRIDAY , November 6 tb . —Lodges : Florence Nightingale , 706 , Masonic Hall , William-street , Woolwich . Hornsey , 89 _ 0 , Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street . Chapter Fidelity , 3 , London Tavern , Bishopsgate-street . SATURDAY , November 7 th . —Gen . Com . Boys' School at Freemasons' Hall at 4 . Lodges ; St . Thomas ' s , 149 , Radley ' s Hotel , Bridge-street , Blackfriars . Leigh , 957 s Freemasons' Hall .
To Correspondents.
*; ¦ . ;* All communications to be addressed to 19 , Salisburystreet , Strand , Loudon , W . C . G . M . W . ( Brandon U . S . A . )—AVe have credited you with the two dollars received . The subscription for twelve mouths , postage free , is £ 1 10 s Id , if paid in advance . Shall be glad to hear from you Masonically .
X . Y . Z . ( Australia ) . —Copy received . Thanks . AVe shall either insert your letter to the Editor next week , or shall answer you in Notices . J . D . M . ( Lancaster ) . —Much obliged for your suggestions which we shall avail ourselves of next week . J . S . ( Newcastle ) . —The meeting of chapter and lodge wil ?
appear in our next issue . BEADOJX LODOE and several other lodge meetings are unfortunately crowded out of present number ; also meeting of Red Cross of Koine aud Constantine . IN answer to several correspondents in the colonies we wish to give notice that the subscription is £ 1 6 s . annumpost
per , free , if paid in advance . A COUNTRY BROTHER . — AA ' e might be thought personally inte-ested if we urged such a complaint : write directly to the parties referred to .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Laying The Foundation Stone Of The Masonic Hall At Lewes .
and the duty which has devolved upon his lordship in laying the foundation stone of the new Masonic Hall , and he and I trust that prosperity may ever attend this lodge- To those ladies and gentlemen who are not masons I will take this opportunity of observing that there is nothing incompatible in Masonry with our civil , moral , and religious duties . If we look around us we
see numbers of oflicers in her Majesty's service , and iu the public departments , and we can rest assured there is no want of loyalty in them as masons . The object , therefore , of masonry is good , and charitable , and virtuous , as an instance of which I ask you to look at the charities of which the masons can boast . Wo can see around us many charities for the aged , the young , tho
infirm , and the helpless which it supports . I say , therefore , we find masonry does good , and I feel assured it will contribute to tho good of ourselves and to the happiness and prosperity of our fellow creatures . I beg to thank you for the attention with which you have listened to this short address . The National Anthem having been sung , three cheers were given for the Prov- G . M ., and the brethren having returned to the County Hall , the Prov . G . Lodge was closed .
At five o ' clock the brethren sat clown to a most reclierelie banquet , supplied in Bro . Geor ' s best style , in the Corn Exchange , which was decorated with banners for the occasion . The Lodges represented were : —Senior Lodge of Union , Chichester , No- 38 , Bro . J . St . Clair , W . M . ; Derwent Lodgo , Hastings , 40 . Bro . Richards , L . D .
, W . M ., and J . G . W .: Howard Lodge , Arundel , 56 , Bro . Price , W . M . ; Royal Clarence Lodge , Brighton , 271 , Bro . Pocock , W . M ., and Prov . G . Sec . ; South Saxon Lodge , Lewes , 311 , Bro . Elmsley , AV . M ., and Prov- G . S- ; Royal York Lodge , Brighton , 315 , Bro . Hudson , W . M ., ; Wellington Lodge , R 3 'e , 3-11 ; Royal Brunswick Lodge , Brihton 732 BroFreemanWMand PProvG-AV
g , , . , .. . . ... Yarborough Lodge , Brighton , 811 , Bro- J . Griffiths , Prov ' G . Chap . ; Lodge of Friendship , AVorthing , 851 , Bro . Sharp , W . M . ; Hai-fcington Lodge , Eastbourne , 916 Tyrian Lodge , Eastbourne , 1 , 110 ; Mid-Sussex Lodge , Horsham , 1 , 141 , Bro . W . Curtis , W . M ; Abbey Lodge , Battle , 1 , 184 .
The chair was taken by tho R . W . M . of the South Saxon Lodge , Bro . Alexander Elmsley , who was supported on the right by Bros , the R . W Prov . G . Master of Sussex , the Right Hon . Lord Pelham , and Brethren numbering in all about 150 The band played during dinner in the ante-room . After the room was cleared the usual Loyal and Alasonic toasts were proposed , and duly honoured , and a most enjoyable evening spent by those present .
Public Amusements.
NEW ROYALTY THEATRE . Mr . C F . Burnaud ' s successful burlesque continues to draw good houses . Its merits not only consist of sparkling wit but excellent acting , Miss M . Oliver and Miss Charlotte Saunders keeping the audience in one continual roar of laughter , in conjunction with the Misses Annie Collinson , Nelly Bromley , and Clara Thompson .
Mr . Danvors , acting tbo character of the Duchess of York , was fully appreciated ; also Mr . F . Dewar , as Richard III . The choruses were very harmoniously rendered , ancl were vociferously encored . The scenery , by Mr . H . Cuthbert , is splendidly painted , and cannot be surpassed at any theatre . The burlesque was preceded by the comedietta of "Married Daughters aud Young
Husbands , " Miss M . Oliver sustaining the principal part . At its conclusion , all the members of the company were called before the curtain .
Metropolitan Lodge Meetings, Etc., For The Week Ending November 7th, 1868.
MONDAY , November 2 nd . —Lodges : Robert Burns 25 ,. Freemasons' Hall . Royal Jubilee , 72 , Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street . United Lodge of Prudence , 83 , Albion Tavern , Aldersgate-street . St . John ' s , 144 , Radley ' s Hotel , Bridge-street , Blackfriars . St . Luke's , 144 , Pier Hotel , Oheyne Walk , Chelsea . Amity , 171 , Albion Tavern , Aldersgate-street . Joppa , 188 , Albion Tavern , Aldersgate-street . Unions , 256 , Freemasons' Hall .
TtiESDAi' , November 3 rd . —Colonial Board at 3 . Lodges : Albion , 9 , Freemasons' Hall . Old Dundee , 18 , London Tavern , Bishopsgate-street . Temple , 101 , Ship and Turtle , Leadenhall-street . Old Concord , 172 , Freemasons' Hall . La Tolerance , 588 , Freemasons' Hall . St . James ' s , 765 , Leather Market Tavern , New Westonstreet , Bermondsey . Chapters : Temperance , 169 , White Swan Tavern , Deptford . United Pilgrims , 507 , Horns ' Tavern ,
Kennington-park-WEDNESDAA * , November 4 th . —Grand Chapter at 8 . Lodge : Stability , 217 , George Hotel , Aldermanbury . THURSDAY , November 5 th . —Lodges : Egyptian , 27 , Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street . Strong Man , 45 , Freemasons' Hall . Good Report , 136 , Radley ' s Hotel , Bridgestreet , Blackfriars . Ionic , 227 , Ship and Turtle Tavern , Leadenhall-street . St . Andrew ' s , 231 Freemasons' Hall .
, Yarborough , 554 , Green Dragon , Stepney , Yictoria Rifles , 822 , Freemasons' Hall . Excelsior , 1 , 155 , Sydney Arms , Lewisham-road . Perfect Ashlar , 1 , 178 , Gregorian Arms , Bermondsey-road . Chapters : Sincerity , 174 ,. Cheshire Cheese Tavern , Crutched Friars . Crystal Palace , 742 , Crystal Palace , Sydenham .
FRIDAY , November 6 tb . —Lodges : Florence Nightingale , 706 , Masonic Hall , William-street , Woolwich . Hornsey , 89 _ 0 , Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street . Chapter Fidelity , 3 , London Tavern , Bishopsgate-street . SATURDAY , November 7 th . —Gen . Com . Boys' School at Freemasons' Hall at 4 . Lodges ; St . Thomas ' s , 149 , Radley ' s Hotel , Bridge-street , Blackfriars . Leigh , 957 s Freemasons' Hall .
To Correspondents.
*; ¦ . ;* All communications to be addressed to 19 , Salisburystreet , Strand , Loudon , W . C . G . M . W . ( Brandon U . S . A . )—AVe have credited you with the two dollars received . The subscription for twelve mouths , postage free , is £ 1 10 s Id , if paid in advance . Shall be glad to hear from you Masonically .
X . Y . Z . ( Australia ) . —Copy received . Thanks . AVe shall either insert your letter to the Editor next week , or shall answer you in Notices . J . D . M . ( Lancaster ) . —Much obliged for your suggestions which we shall avail ourselves of next week . J . S . ( Newcastle ) . —The meeting of chapter and lodge wil ?
appear in our next issue . BEADOJX LODOE and several other lodge meetings are unfortunately crowded out of present number ; also meeting of Red Cross of Koine aud Constantine . IN answer to several correspondents in the colonies we wish to give notice that the subscription is £ 1 6 s . annumpost
per , free , if paid in advance . A COUNTRY BROTHER . — AA ' e might be thought personally inte-ested if we urged such a complaint : write directly to the parties referred to .