Article METROPOLITAN. Page 1 of 2 Article METROPOLITAN. Page 1 of 2 →
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MOUNT LEBANON LODGE , ( No . 73 ) - —The regular meeting of this lodere was held on Tusday , October 20 th , at the Bridge House Hotel , Welliiiglon-street , Southwark . Bro . T . J . Sabine , AA ' . M . opened the lodge . The work done was passing Bro . Tiinins , which wns performed in an admirable manner , £ 5 were voted to the I . P . M . Bro . J . Morris from the charity fund . Bro . F . Walters , P-Ai . gave a notice of motion to give £ 5 from the lodge funds to the Zetland Fund . The lodge was closed . There
were present Bros . F . H . Ebswortb , W . M . 1178 , S . W ., M . A . Loewenstark , S . D ., G . Free , J . D ., R . Stevens , W . S ., F . Walters , P . M ., E . Harris , P . AI . nnd Treas . ; J . Donkin , P . M . Sec ; Delany , Ciii [) jierfie ! d , Moore , Keeble , and others . Amongst the visitors were Bros . H . Massey , W . M . 619 , J . Hawker , AA ' . M . 871 , Tustin and others .
ST- LUKE ' LODGE , ( NO . 144 ) . —The installation meeting of this popular lodge wns held at the Pier Hotel , Cbeyne , AValk , on Monday , the 19 th inst ., Bro . Jarvis Maples , AV . M . presiding supported by his officers . The lodge having been opened in due form and solemn prayer the minutes of the former meeting in which wns recorded the unanimous election of Bro . AVilliam Dawson , S . W ., to fill the chair for the next twelve months were read and confirmed . Pro . Maples the retiring AV . M . then most
, ably installed Bro . Dawson in the chair of K . S . after which he delivered tbe customary addresses . Bro . Dawson AV . M . then appointed bis officers as follows : Bros . J . Maples , I . M . ; P . Davis Pullen , S . W ' . ; Edward AVallbancke , J . W ., Waite , Treas . ; AVilliam Birch , D . C ; William Mann , ( W . M . of the Industry Lodge ) S . D . ; Cadwell , J . D . ; Patient , G . H . F . Kirke , Stewards . The following P . M ' s . of the lodge were present Bros . James
Mason , P . G . S . B . ; Jarvis Maples , AVaite , Food , W . Birch , F . Birch , F . Berry , Hoskins , Kirke and Morland . Amongst tho numerous visitors present wore Bros . Matthew Cooke , P . M ., 23 , Saunders , 172 , William Bartlett , P . M ., ^ 1 S 6 , Sedgewick , P . M ., 180 , AV . Dawson , 186 , W . Goodyer , P . M ., 192 , James Cook , P . M ., 507 , Ashton Godwin , AV . M ., ' 852 , ; Edward Garden , 916 , F . AV . Pamphilon 852 Pirn 1056 . The AA' . M . presented the usual
, , , , P . M ' s . jewel to the retiring Master Bro . Jarvis Maples , and paid a high encomium to him for the excellent working and management of the lodge during his year of office , and more particularly for the admirable manner in which he had performed the impressive ceremony of installation that evening . On the motion of Bro . James Mason , P . M . and P . G . S . B ., £ 5 5 s . was voted from the lodge funds towards the Zetland
Commemoration Fund . " The lodge was then closed and the brethren adjourned to an ejxeellenfc banquet provided by Bro . Golding , and to which ample justice was done . The remainder of the evening was spent in fraternal convivality enlivened by the liM-uiony of Bios . Cooke , Dawson , and Garden .
WELLINGTON LODGE , ( No . 518 ) . —The usual meeting of this lodge was held on Tuesday , the 13 fch inst ., at the White Swan Tavern , Deptford , Bro . Gale , I . P . M . presiding supported by his officers Bro . Laing , P . M ., was Tyler . The minutes were read by Bro . Bumstead , P . M . the secretary , put and confirmed . Two brethren were passed to the second degree , and two were raised to the sublime degree . Mr . Dougherty was then initiated into the mysteries of ancient Freemasonry . The brethren adjourned to refreshment , after which the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given , and a pleasant evening was spent .
AVHITTINGTON LODGE , ( No . 862 ) . —The first meeting of this prosperous lodge for the season was held at the famed hostelry yclept , Anderton's , Fleet street , on Monday , the 19 th inst . The AA ' . M ., Bro . T . J . Nix on opening the lodge was supported by Bros . D . J . Davis , S . AV . ; J . AVeaver , J . W . ; J . G . Thompson , P . M . and Treas . ; R . AV . Little , P . M . and Sec . ; S . S . Davis S . D . ; L . Carle , I . G . ; P . M ' s . Brett , Hurlstone , Quilty , Smith , and a numerous muster of brethren including as visitors Bros . II .
Massey , AA ' . M ., 619 ; J . AValford , S . D ., 177 ; Mayo , S . D ., 754 , & c . After the confirmation of the minutes Messrs . Quintin , Di ' . v , and Jbsiah Oliver were initiated , and the election of oflicers for the ensuing year was then proceeded with and resulted ¦ unanimously as follows : —Bros . D . , T . Davis , W . M . ; J . G . Thompson , P . AI ., Treas ., and J . Gilbert , Tyler- The sum of five guineas was then voted to the Zetland Commemoration Fund , receiving
the unanimous support of the brethren . Bro . Allman was elected a country member , and the name of a talented and respected member Bro . J . A . Horner , was upon the proposition of the secretary , reinstated upon the list of country members from
which it had been erroneously displaced . After the lodge business the brethren sat down to a well served repast , and enjoyed one of those pleasant evenings together , for which the AVhittingtonians of late years are so celebrated .
ROXAL ALBEET LODGE , ( NO . 901 ) . The first meeting of tiiis lodge took place on the 19 th inst ., at the Freemason ' s Hall , Bro . Chard , AV . M ., in the chair , Lewis , S . W ., Rev . J . M . A ' aughan , J . W . and Chap ., Joseph Morton , S . D ., A . E . T . AVorley , J . D ., Joseph Smith , P . M . 177 , & c , Treas ., C . Vidler , I . G ., Daley , P . iAL , Tyler . The following visitors and brethren were also present Bros . Hervey the G . Sec . ; J . A .
Famlield , P . M . ; W . Farnfield , T . R . Lewis , G . P ., C . T . Chard , R . Briant , A . Sandal " , Terry , Hallett , Hodges , AVinds , ( Beadon ) C . E . Thompson , S . D . and Sec , Southern Star 1158 , and Domatic 177- At a late period of the evening Bros . Patten , P . G . S . B ., Cox , P . M ., came in . The lodge was opened in tbe customary manner , and the business gone through in an able way . The brethren adjourned to refreshments superintended by Bro . Gosden the
manager of the establishment . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given . To the toasts of the " D . G . M . and the rest of the Grand Officers , " Bro . S . J . Smith and Steward returned thanks . The W . M . proposed " The A'isitors " and said they were always delighted to see them present and especially when belonging to sueh distinguished lodges . Bro . Lewis sung " The dear old friends of old , " Bros . Hodges and Thompson severally returned thanks for the toast which was well received . Bro .
Farnfield P . M . gave the health of the AA' . M . Bro . Chard , and paid him a high compliment for the manner in which ho had discharged his duties and trusted that when he should go one step down the scale they might still have the benefit of his presence amongst them . The toast was drunk with enthusiasm . Bro . Chard returned thanks and said when be joined the lodge some years ago , it was with three old school fellows . They went into office and it had been a matter of pride to him to follow
their footsteps . He bad , according to Bro . Farnfield , done his duty well and he was happy and proud to find they thought so too . It had been a source of some inconvenience to attend to his Masonic duties to obtain his present proficiency , but he had done so cheerfully . As Jong as he belonged to that old lodge it would be his earnest desire to do all be possibly could to promote their interests and assist them . He thanked them heartily for the honour they had done him , and trusted that during the rest
of the time ho remained in office they might never have a less pleasing evening than they had then . He begged to offer to them the toast of the " Past Masters , " coupled with the name of Bro . Farnfield , I . P . M . He could assure them that without the assistance of the Past Masters he should havo fallen short on more than one occasion . For his Bro . Farnfield he had been associated with him not only as a Mason but as a friend for many yearsand be sincerely hoped the day was far distant
, when their bond of friendship should be severed . The toast was exceedingly well received . Bro . Moore sang "As I pull my rope . " Bro . Farnfield , I . P . M , returned thanks , and said their W . M . had been pleased to couple his name with the toast . He could only say that he always felt bound to assist in the well working of the lodge , but their AV . M . required no assistance , for
he was well up in his duties . Bro . J . Smith also returned thanks . Bro . Smith then said : The W . M . had allowed him the use of bis gavel , and for the purpose , he might say , of proposing the toast of the evening . He had the pleasure that evening of the presence of the new Grand Secretary , although it was not the first time Bro . Hervey bad honoured them with his presence . He believed the oifice of Grand Secretary was about the most
popular appointment in Freemasonry that had ever been made , and he trusted that for many years Bro . Hei vey would be spared to fill that office . They also had present Bro . Farnfield , P . G . Assist . Sec , who had done good suit and service to tbe lodge . That brother had introduced his three sons to that lodge , and of them they were justly proud . He next came to Bro . Paton , of the Girls' School ; Bro . Cox , and Bro . Raymond Steward ,
and hoped they would charge their glasses bumpers , and drink towards their very good health . The toast was done ample justice to . Bro . Hervey returned thanks in appropriate terms , and alluded to the advice and assistance he had received from Bros . Farnfield and Patten . He was sure there would never be found anything wanting on their part in the respective offices they so ably filled .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
MOUNT LEBANON LODGE , ( No . 73 ) - —The regular meeting of this lodere was held on Tusday , October 20 th , at the Bridge House Hotel , Welliiiglon-street , Southwark . Bro . T . J . Sabine , AA ' . M . opened the lodge . The work done was passing Bro . Tiinins , which wns performed in an admirable manner , £ 5 were voted to the I . P . M . Bro . J . Morris from the charity fund . Bro . F . Walters , P-Ai . gave a notice of motion to give £ 5 from the lodge funds to the Zetland Fund . The lodge was closed . There
were present Bros . F . H . Ebswortb , W . M . 1178 , S . W ., M . A . Loewenstark , S . D ., G . Free , J . D ., R . Stevens , W . S ., F . Walters , P . M ., E . Harris , P . AI . nnd Treas . ; J . Donkin , P . M . Sec ; Delany , Ciii [) jierfie ! d , Moore , Keeble , and others . Amongst the visitors were Bros . H . Massey , W . M . 619 , J . Hawker , AA ' . M . 871 , Tustin and others .
ST- LUKE ' LODGE , ( NO . 144 ) . —The installation meeting of this popular lodge wns held at the Pier Hotel , Cbeyne , AValk , on Monday , the 19 th inst ., Bro . Jarvis Maples , AV . M . presiding supported by his officers . The lodge having been opened in due form and solemn prayer the minutes of the former meeting in which wns recorded the unanimous election of Bro . AVilliam Dawson , S . W ., to fill the chair for the next twelve months were read and confirmed . Pro . Maples the retiring AV . M . then most
, ably installed Bro . Dawson in the chair of K . S . after which he delivered tbe customary addresses . Bro . Dawson AV . M . then appointed bis officers as follows : Bros . J . Maples , I . M . ; P . Davis Pullen , S . W ' . ; Edward AVallbancke , J . W ., Waite , Treas . ; AVilliam Birch , D . C ; William Mann , ( W . M . of the Industry Lodge ) S . D . ; Cadwell , J . D . ; Patient , G . H . F . Kirke , Stewards . The following P . M ' s . of the lodge were present Bros . James
Mason , P . G . S . B . ; Jarvis Maples , AVaite , Food , W . Birch , F . Birch , F . Berry , Hoskins , Kirke and Morland . Amongst tho numerous visitors present wore Bros . Matthew Cooke , P . M ., 23 , Saunders , 172 , William Bartlett , P . M ., ^ 1 S 6 , Sedgewick , P . M ., 180 , AV . Dawson , 186 , W . Goodyer , P . M ., 192 , James Cook , P . M ., 507 , Ashton Godwin , AV . M ., ' 852 , ; Edward Garden , 916 , F . AV . Pamphilon 852 Pirn 1056 . The AA' . M . presented the usual
, , , , P . M ' s . jewel to the retiring Master Bro . Jarvis Maples , and paid a high encomium to him for the excellent working and management of the lodge during his year of office , and more particularly for the admirable manner in which he had performed the impressive ceremony of installation that evening . On the motion of Bro . James Mason , P . M . and P . G . S . B ., £ 5 5 s . was voted from the lodge funds towards the Zetland
Commemoration Fund . " The lodge was then closed and the brethren adjourned to an ejxeellenfc banquet provided by Bro . Golding , and to which ample justice was done . The remainder of the evening was spent in fraternal convivality enlivened by the liM-uiony of Bios . Cooke , Dawson , and Garden .
WELLINGTON LODGE , ( No . 518 ) . —The usual meeting of this lodge was held on Tuesday , the 13 fch inst ., at the White Swan Tavern , Deptford , Bro . Gale , I . P . M . presiding supported by his officers Bro . Laing , P . M ., was Tyler . The minutes were read by Bro . Bumstead , P . M . the secretary , put and confirmed . Two brethren were passed to the second degree , and two were raised to the sublime degree . Mr . Dougherty was then initiated into the mysteries of ancient Freemasonry . The brethren adjourned to refreshment , after which the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given , and a pleasant evening was spent .
AVHITTINGTON LODGE , ( No . 862 ) . —The first meeting of this prosperous lodge for the season was held at the famed hostelry yclept , Anderton's , Fleet street , on Monday , the 19 th inst . The AA ' . M ., Bro . T . J . Nix on opening the lodge was supported by Bros . D . J . Davis , S . AV . ; J . AVeaver , J . W . ; J . G . Thompson , P . M . and Treas . ; R . AV . Little , P . M . and Sec . ; S . S . Davis S . D . ; L . Carle , I . G . ; P . M ' s . Brett , Hurlstone , Quilty , Smith , and a numerous muster of brethren including as visitors Bros . II .
Massey , AA ' . M ., 619 ; J . AValford , S . D ., 177 ; Mayo , S . D ., 754 , & c . After the confirmation of the minutes Messrs . Quintin , Di ' . v , and Jbsiah Oliver were initiated , and the election of oflicers for the ensuing year was then proceeded with and resulted ¦ unanimously as follows : —Bros . D . , T . Davis , W . M . ; J . G . Thompson , P . AI ., Treas ., and J . Gilbert , Tyler- The sum of five guineas was then voted to the Zetland Commemoration Fund , receiving
the unanimous support of the brethren . Bro . Allman was elected a country member , and the name of a talented and respected member Bro . J . A . Horner , was upon the proposition of the secretary , reinstated upon the list of country members from
which it had been erroneously displaced . After the lodge business the brethren sat down to a well served repast , and enjoyed one of those pleasant evenings together , for which the AVhittingtonians of late years are so celebrated .
ROXAL ALBEET LODGE , ( NO . 901 ) . The first meeting of tiiis lodge took place on the 19 th inst ., at the Freemason ' s Hall , Bro . Chard , AV . M ., in the chair , Lewis , S . W ., Rev . J . M . A ' aughan , J . W . and Chap ., Joseph Morton , S . D ., A . E . T . AVorley , J . D ., Joseph Smith , P . M . 177 , & c , Treas ., C . Vidler , I . G ., Daley , P . iAL , Tyler . The following visitors and brethren were also present Bros . Hervey the G . Sec . ; J . A .
Famlield , P . M . ; W . Farnfield , T . R . Lewis , G . P ., C . T . Chard , R . Briant , A . Sandal " , Terry , Hallett , Hodges , AVinds , ( Beadon ) C . E . Thompson , S . D . and Sec , Southern Star 1158 , and Domatic 177- At a late period of the evening Bros . Patten , P . G . S . B ., Cox , P . M ., came in . The lodge was opened in tbe customary manner , and the business gone through in an able way . The brethren adjourned to refreshments superintended by Bro . Gosden the
manager of the establishment . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given . To the toasts of the " D . G . M . and the rest of the Grand Officers , " Bro . S . J . Smith and Steward returned thanks . The W . M . proposed " The A'isitors " and said they were always delighted to see them present and especially when belonging to sueh distinguished lodges . Bro . Lewis sung " The dear old friends of old , " Bros . Hodges and Thompson severally returned thanks for the toast which was well received . Bro .
Farnfield P . M . gave the health of the AA' . M . Bro . Chard , and paid him a high compliment for the manner in which ho had discharged his duties and trusted that when he should go one step down the scale they might still have the benefit of his presence amongst them . The toast was drunk with enthusiasm . Bro . Chard returned thanks and said when be joined the lodge some years ago , it was with three old school fellows . They went into office and it had been a matter of pride to him to follow
their footsteps . He bad , according to Bro . Farnfield , done his duty well and he was happy and proud to find they thought so too . It had been a source of some inconvenience to attend to his Masonic duties to obtain his present proficiency , but he had done so cheerfully . As Jong as he belonged to that old lodge it would be his earnest desire to do all be possibly could to promote their interests and assist them . He thanked them heartily for the honour they had done him , and trusted that during the rest
of the time ho remained in office they might never have a less pleasing evening than they had then . He begged to offer to them the toast of the " Past Masters , " coupled with the name of Bro . Farnfield , I . P . M . He could assure them that without the assistance of the Past Masters he should havo fallen short on more than one occasion . For his Bro . Farnfield he had been associated with him not only as a Mason but as a friend for many yearsand be sincerely hoped the day was far distant
, when their bond of friendship should be severed . The toast was exceedingly well received . Bro . Moore sang "As I pull my rope . " Bro . Farnfield , I . P . M , returned thanks , and said their W . M . had been pleased to couple his name with the toast . He could only say that he always felt bound to assist in the well working of the lodge , but their AV . M . required no assistance , for
he was well up in his duties . Bro . J . Smith also returned thanks . Bro . Smith then said : The W . M . had allowed him the use of bis gavel , and for the purpose , he might say , of proposing the toast of the evening . He had the pleasure that evening of the presence of the new Grand Secretary , although it was not the first time Bro . Hervey bad honoured them with his presence . He believed the oifice of Grand Secretary was about the most
popular appointment in Freemasonry that had ever been made , and he trusted that for many years Bro . Hei vey would be spared to fill that office . They also had present Bro . Farnfield , P . G . Assist . Sec , who had done good suit and service to tbe lodge . That brother had introduced his three sons to that lodge , and of them they were justly proud . He next came to Bro . Paton , of the Girls' School ; Bro . Cox , and Bro . Raymond Steward ,
and hoped they would charge their glasses bumpers , and drink towards their very good health . The toast was done ample justice to . Bro . Hervey returned thanks in appropriate terms , and alluded to the advice and assistance he had received from Bros . Farnfield and Patten . He was sure there would never be found anything wanting on their part in the respective offices they so ably filled .