Article METROPOLITAN. ← Page 2 of 2 Article METROPOLITAN. Page 2 of 2 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 1 of 3 →
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Tbe W . M . proposed " The Masonic Charities , " coupled with the names of Bros . Farnfield , Patten , and Stewart . Bro . Farnfield was associated with the old men and womens' institution ; Bro . Patten was connected with the girls' school , and he could assure them them that if ever they or any other brethren went there they would enjoy a few hours better than ever they had done in their lives . The same could be said of tbe boys' school ,
for things were carried out equally well there . The toast , it is almost needless to say , was well received . Bro . Morton sang " The brave old oak " in capital style . Bro . Farnfield , in responding to the toast , reverted to the fact that the institution to which he was connected had given away in one year above £ 4 , 000 , and to do that they must be assured they required a great number of subscriptions , almost all of which were paid bthe Craft . The M . W . G . M . had
apy pointed a day early in January next for the meeting of the institution , ancl he trusted they would give it thoir cordial support . Bro . Patten could not allow the toast to pass without saying a few words on behalf of the girls' school . That institution , he was pleased to say , was in a very flourishing condition . If ever they visited it be was confident they would give tbe same report the AV . M . had about it . If they went in there as
non-subscribers they would not be twenty-four hours without becoming subscribes . They would find everything in a most satisfactory condition . For tbe kind terms in which his name had been mentioned lie was very grateful . Bro . Stewart of the Boys' School also responded and advocated the claims of that institution , for , said he , '' Calamity cometh when no man telleth . " If they should meet a Masons ' child in distress it would be their duty to do what they could
for it . He hoped they would maintain that institution , and give it their support , for the boys received there an excellent education fitting them for almost any station in life . The AV . M . gave " The Officers , " and expressed his thanks to them for the assistance they had at all times given to him in the discbarge of his important duties . Bro . Lewis , S . AV ., although suffering from indisposition , said he should be wanting in courtesy to the chair were he not to
be always willing to promote the interest of the lodge . After a few words from Bro . Morton the Tylers' toast closed the proceedings . STRAWiiERity HILL LODGE , ( No . 946 )—This lodge met at the Grotto Hotel , Twickenham , ou the 14 th inst ., the W . M . Bro . H . J Smith presided , supported hy bis officers . The lodge being opened and minutes read aud confirmed , Messrs . T . Kipling and AV . H . Waghorn having been proposedwere initiated into the
, mysteries of the Craft , by the AV . M . in a most creditable mariner . Bro . Cornish was raised to the degree of M . M . This ceremony was performed by permission of the W . M . by Bro . Smeed in a very excellent manner . This being all the business the lodgo was closed and the brethren ( numbering 35 ) adjourned from labour to refreshment provided by Bro . Bendy , that gave every satisfaction . Among the visitors were Bros . j . J . Pope , P . M ., Charles SlomanT . BarlemanEskinFoxalland several other
, , , , brethren . Bro . J . J . Pope returned thanks in a very eloquent manner , and the harmony of the evening received an agreeable surprise , by the excellent singing of Bros . Pope , Choi-ley and Sloman , who in an improvisatore song delighted many members of the lodge ; Bro . Bartleinan ' s melodious voice was as enthusiastically received . After spending a delightful evening , the brethren separated iu peace and harmony .
ROSE OE DENMARK LODGE , ( NO . 975 )—The first meeting of this lodge for the season was held at the White Hart Tavern , Barnes , Surrey , on Friday , the 16 th inst . The lodge was duly opened by Bro . C . Page , W . M ., assisted by Bro . F . H . Newens , S . AV . ; G . T . Noyce , J . W . ; H . Potter , Treas . ; R . AV . Little , P . M . and Sec , C . A . Smith , I . G . ; W . H . Barnard , D . C . ; A . Samuels , AV . S ., and a large muster of brethren . The minutes were confirmed , and the establishment of a Benevolent Fund in
connection with tbe lodge is now an accomplished fact . Bro . Little , P . M ., was requested to take the chair and perform the ceremony of raising Bros . Niblett , Farrell , Steele , Bell and Ayles to the sublime degree of M . M . The lodge was then resumed in the first degree , the election of officers being the next business . Bro . Newens , S . W . was elected W . M ., Potter re-elected Treas ., and Gilbert , Tyler . Several propositions were received and the lodge was closed . The customary banquet followed , and was graced by the presence of six visitors , Bros , the Rev . J . Sydney Darvell , P . M ., 108 , W . H . Hubbard , P . M ., 173 , J . Terry , P . M ., 228 , Dawson , Themans and Spence .
MONTEPIOBE LODGE , ( NO- 1017 ) . —A meeting of this lodge took place at the Freemasons' Half , on AVednesday , the 14 th inst ., the "W . M . Bro . M . B . Levy being in his place punctually at 5 p . m . There was a numerous muster of the brethren and several visitors amongst whom we noticed Bros . D . H . Jacobs , P . M ., 27 , H . M . Levy , P . M ., 188 , B . De Solla , late 188 , H . Lyons , 223 E . Lee 185 M . Alexander 188 P . E- Van Noorden , 188 .
, , , , , Lodge having been opened and the minutes of the last meeting read and confirmed Messrs . Henri de Solla and Charles Frank having been ballotted for and accepted were initiated into the mysteries of ancient Freemasonry . Mr . De Solla was initiated by his father a member of this lodge and P . M . of 315 , in a very feeling and impressive manner . Bros . A . Levy , G . Symons , J . Blum , and Nassauer were raised to the sublime degree of M . M .
Bro . J . De Solla , 188 , P . M ., 305 , 917 , was balloted for and accepted as a joining member . No other business being before the lodge , it was closed and the brethren retired to banquet served up in Bro . Gosden's visual good style and a very harmonious and plesant evening was spent . COSMOTOLITAN LODGE , ( No . 916 ) . —This excellent workinglodge held its first meeting since the vacationon Tuesdaythe
, , 20 th inst ., at the City Terminus Hotel , Cannon-street , the above lodge having removed from the Great AA ' estern Hotel , fertile convenience of its members . It is worthy of remark , that the various ceremonies have on several occasions been worked in different languages . Bro . T . Pickering prrsided in the absence of tbe W . M . This being tbe night for election of the W . M ., Bro-T . Pickering was unanimously elected W . M . and Bro . De Portu
, Treasurer . The brethren then adjourned to a sumptuous banquet superintended by the manager of the Hotel . The W . M . was very ably supported by Bro . E . S . Stilwell , P . M ., the founder of the lodge , a very pleasant evening was spent , and thebrethren separated at an early hour .
INSTRUCTION . DOMATIC LODGE OE INSTRUCTION ( NO . 177 ) . —The weekly meeting of this lodge of instruction was held on Tuesday evening , 27 th inst ., at the Palmerston Arms , Palmerston-street ,. near the Wahvorth-road station of the Chatham and Dover Railway , and it was very well attended . Bro . J . Stevens , Steward of the Macdonald Lodge 1216 presided . The chief
, , business of the evening was the working of the third degrees , which was gone through in a very efficient manner . The lodge was then resumed to the first degree , when the fourth , fifth , and seventh sections of the first lecture were ably worked . Three new members were admitted , and the lodge is going on in a very flourishing manner . On Tuesday next , Bro . H . ThompsonP . M . of the parent lodgeand P . M . of the Southern
, , Star lodge , will work the ceremony of installation , and a goodly muster of brethren is expected . The chair is taken here at half-past seven o ' clock in the evening , and Bro . Marshall , the worthy host , does everything he can to promote tbe comfort of the visitors who honour the lodge who honour the lodge with their presence .
DEVONSHIRE . TORQUAY . —St . John ' s Lodge ( No . 328 ) . —At the last regular meeting of this lodge among those present were Bros , the Rev . R . Bowden , P . Prov . G . Chap ., AV . M . ; G . Glanfield , I . P . M . ; C . J . Harland , P . M . ; J . M . Bovey , Acting S . AV . ; Rossiter , J . AV . ; Oliver , S . D . ; Giles , J . D . ; Shutllewood , I . G . ; Guyer , AVatson , Poulton , Watts , Morgan , Millar , Parker , Sander ,
Tozer , Allams , Slade , & c . The minutes of the last lodge were put for confirmation , after which a ballot was taken for Mr-Thomas Sawyer , which being unanimous in his favour he was duly prepared and initiated into the Masonic mysteries according to ancient custom , the AA' . M . performing the ceremony most effectively ; the charge being given by Bro . Harland , and the description of the first board by Bro . AA ' afcson , Sec . Thesum of two guineas was voted to tho Zetland Commemoration
Fund , and one guinea to the Palestine Exploration Fund , proposed respectively by the AV . M ., and Bro . Glanfield . The lodge was then closed , and the brethren partook of refreshment—the AV . M . being supported on bis right by three Entered Apprentices .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Tbe W . M . proposed " The Masonic Charities , " coupled with the names of Bros . Farnfield , Patten , and Stewart . Bro . Farnfield was associated with the old men and womens' institution ; Bro . Patten was connected with the girls' school , and he could assure them them that if ever they or any other brethren went there they would enjoy a few hours better than ever they had done in their lives . The same could be said of tbe boys' school ,
for things were carried out equally well there . The toast , it is almost needless to say , was well received . Bro . Morton sang " The brave old oak " in capital style . Bro . Farnfield , in responding to the toast , reverted to the fact that the institution to which he was connected had given away in one year above £ 4 , 000 , and to do that they must be assured they required a great number of subscriptions , almost all of which were paid bthe Craft . The M . W . G . M . had
apy pointed a day early in January next for the meeting of the institution , ancl he trusted they would give it thoir cordial support . Bro . Patten could not allow the toast to pass without saying a few words on behalf of the girls' school . That institution , he was pleased to say , was in a very flourishing condition . If ever they visited it be was confident they would give tbe same report the AV . M . had about it . If they went in there as
non-subscribers they would not be twenty-four hours without becoming subscribes . They would find everything in a most satisfactory condition . For tbe kind terms in which his name had been mentioned lie was very grateful . Bro . Stewart of the Boys' School also responded and advocated the claims of that institution , for , said he , '' Calamity cometh when no man telleth . " If they should meet a Masons ' child in distress it would be their duty to do what they could
for it . He hoped they would maintain that institution , and give it their support , for the boys received there an excellent education fitting them for almost any station in life . The AV . M . gave " The Officers , " and expressed his thanks to them for the assistance they had at all times given to him in the discbarge of his important duties . Bro . Lewis , S . AV ., although suffering from indisposition , said he should be wanting in courtesy to the chair were he not to
be always willing to promote the interest of the lodge . After a few words from Bro . Morton the Tylers' toast closed the proceedings . STRAWiiERity HILL LODGE , ( No . 946 )—This lodge met at the Grotto Hotel , Twickenham , ou the 14 th inst ., the W . M . Bro . H . J Smith presided , supported hy bis officers . The lodge being opened and minutes read aud confirmed , Messrs . T . Kipling and AV . H . Waghorn having been proposedwere initiated into the
, mysteries of the Craft , by the AV . M . in a most creditable mariner . Bro . Cornish was raised to the degree of M . M . This ceremony was performed by permission of the W . M . by Bro . Smeed in a very excellent manner . This being all the business the lodgo was closed and the brethren ( numbering 35 ) adjourned from labour to refreshment provided by Bro . Bendy , that gave every satisfaction . Among the visitors were Bros . j . J . Pope , P . M ., Charles SlomanT . BarlemanEskinFoxalland several other
, , , , brethren . Bro . J . J . Pope returned thanks in a very eloquent manner , and the harmony of the evening received an agreeable surprise , by the excellent singing of Bros . Pope , Choi-ley and Sloman , who in an improvisatore song delighted many members of the lodge ; Bro . Bartleinan ' s melodious voice was as enthusiastically received . After spending a delightful evening , the brethren separated iu peace and harmony .
ROSE OE DENMARK LODGE , ( NO . 975 )—The first meeting of this lodge for the season was held at the White Hart Tavern , Barnes , Surrey , on Friday , the 16 th inst . The lodge was duly opened by Bro . C . Page , W . M ., assisted by Bro . F . H . Newens , S . AV . ; G . T . Noyce , J . W . ; H . Potter , Treas . ; R . AV . Little , P . M . and Sec , C . A . Smith , I . G . ; W . H . Barnard , D . C . ; A . Samuels , AV . S ., and a large muster of brethren . The minutes were confirmed , and the establishment of a Benevolent Fund in
connection with tbe lodge is now an accomplished fact . Bro . Little , P . M ., was requested to take the chair and perform the ceremony of raising Bros . Niblett , Farrell , Steele , Bell and Ayles to the sublime degree of M . M . The lodge was then resumed in the first degree , the election of officers being the next business . Bro . Newens , S . W . was elected W . M ., Potter re-elected Treas ., and Gilbert , Tyler . Several propositions were received and the lodge was closed . The customary banquet followed , and was graced by the presence of six visitors , Bros , the Rev . J . Sydney Darvell , P . M ., 108 , W . H . Hubbard , P . M ., 173 , J . Terry , P . M ., 228 , Dawson , Themans and Spence .
MONTEPIOBE LODGE , ( NO- 1017 ) . —A meeting of this lodge took place at the Freemasons' Half , on AVednesday , the 14 th inst ., the "W . M . Bro . M . B . Levy being in his place punctually at 5 p . m . There was a numerous muster of the brethren and several visitors amongst whom we noticed Bros . D . H . Jacobs , P . M ., 27 , H . M . Levy , P . M ., 188 , B . De Solla , late 188 , H . Lyons , 223 E . Lee 185 M . Alexander 188 P . E- Van Noorden , 188 .
, , , , , Lodge having been opened and the minutes of the last meeting read and confirmed Messrs . Henri de Solla and Charles Frank having been ballotted for and accepted were initiated into the mysteries of ancient Freemasonry . Mr . De Solla was initiated by his father a member of this lodge and P . M . of 315 , in a very feeling and impressive manner . Bros . A . Levy , G . Symons , J . Blum , and Nassauer were raised to the sublime degree of M . M .
Bro . J . De Solla , 188 , P . M ., 305 , 917 , was balloted for and accepted as a joining member . No other business being before the lodge , it was closed and the brethren retired to banquet served up in Bro . Gosden's visual good style and a very harmonious and plesant evening was spent . COSMOTOLITAN LODGE , ( No . 916 ) . —This excellent workinglodge held its first meeting since the vacationon Tuesdaythe
, , 20 th inst ., at the City Terminus Hotel , Cannon-street , the above lodge having removed from the Great AA ' estern Hotel , fertile convenience of its members . It is worthy of remark , that the various ceremonies have on several occasions been worked in different languages . Bro . T . Pickering prrsided in the absence of tbe W . M . This being tbe night for election of the W . M ., Bro-T . Pickering was unanimously elected W . M . and Bro . De Portu
, Treasurer . The brethren then adjourned to a sumptuous banquet superintended by the manager of the Hotel . The W . M . was very ably supported by Bro . E . S . Stilwell , P . M ., the founder of the lodge , a very pleasant evening was spent , and thebrethren separated at an early hour .
INSTRUCTION . DOMATIC LODGE OE INSTRUCTION ( NO . 177 ) . —The weekly meeting of this lodge of instruction was held on Tuesday evening , 27 th inst ., at the Palmerston Arms , Palmerston-street ,. near the Wahvorth-road station of the Chatham and Dover Railway , and it was very well attended . Bro . J . Stevens , Steward of the Macdonald Lodge 1216 presided . The chief
, , business of the evening was the working of the third degrees , which was gone through in a very efficient manner . The lodge was then resumed to the first degree , when the fourth , fifth , and seventh sections of the first lecture were ably worked . Three new members were admitted , and the lodge is going on in a very flourishing manner . On Tuesday next , Bro . H . ThompsonP . M . of the parent lodgeand P . M . of the Southern
, , Star lodge , will work the ceremony of installation , and a goodly muster of brethren is expected . The chair is taken here at half-past seven o ' clock in the evening , and Bro . Marshall , the worthy host , does everything he can to promote tbe comfort of the visitors who honour the lodge who honour the lodge with their presence .
DEVONSHIRE . TORQUAY . —St . John ' s Lodge ( No . 328 ) . —At the last regular meeting of this lodge among those present were Bros , the Rev . R . Bowden , P . Prov . G . Chap ., AV . M . ; G . Glanfield , I . P . M . ; C . J . Harland , P . M . ; J . M . Bovey , Acting S . AV . ; Rossiter , J . AV . ; Oliver , S . D . ; Giles , J . D . ; Shutllewood , I . G . ; Guyer , AVatson , Poulton , Watts , Morgan , Millar , Parker , Sander ,
Tozer , Allams , Slade , & c . The minutes of the last lodge were put for confirmation , after which a ballot was taken for Mr-Thomas Sawyer , which being unanimous in his favour he was duly prepared and initiated into the Masonic mysteries according to ancient custom , the AA' . M . performing the ceremony most effectively ; the charge being given by Bro . Harland , and the description of the first board by Bro . AA ' afcson , Sec . Thesum of two guineas was voted to tho Zetland Commemoration
Fund , and one guinea to the Palestine Exploration Fund , proposed respectively by the AV . M ., and Bro . Glanfield . The lodge was then closed , and the brethren partook of refreshment—the AV . M . being supported on bis right by three Entered Apprentices .