Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 2 of 3 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 2 of 3 →
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DURHAM . Piiov . GRAND LODGE OE DURHAM . The meeting of this Prov . Grand Lodge was held on Tuesday , the 27 th inst ., at Durham , when the R . AA ' . Prov . G . M-, Bro , -John Fawcett , presided , supported by the R . W . Bro . Sir Hedwortb AVilliamson , Bart ., and the several Prov . Grand Officers , We must postpone until next , veek publication of the report .
ESSEX . COLCHESTER . — United Lodge , ( No . 697 ) , —The regular monthly meeting of this lodge was held at the George Hotel , on AVednesday , the 14 th inst ., at 7 p . m . Bro . J . Newman presided supported by Bros . Rix , S . W . ; J . Bigley , J . W ., Ring , Treas ., G . H . Ray , Sec , Middleton , S . D ., Eustace , J . D ., Calthorpe , I . G ., G . M . Crick , Mummings , Jenkiuson , Smith , Creagh , ReesMolyneux . Visitors : Bro . A . AVattsLod of Hope
, , ge , J . S . Smith , P . M ., 325 . The lodge was opened in due form in the first degree , the summons convening the meeting was read and the minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed . The secretary read the Grand Lodge communications for the 2 nd of September , a letter from the Grand Lodgo committee appointed to carry out the object of the Zetland Comemoration , the voting papers from the Royal Masonic Iustitutisn for Boys .
A requisition from Bro . Capt . Molyneux , 7 th Dragoon Guards proposer , and Bro . J . Bigley seconder , asking that the name of Bro . Higgins 7 th Dragoon Guards as a joining member , be inserted in tbe summons for convening the next meeting of the United Lodge , and those of Troop Serjeant Majors Buckwell and Richardson , as candidates for initiation , ( to be ballotted for ) was read also a report from tbe Board of General purposes , stating that Bro . Higgins was eligible as a joining member , and
Troop Serjeant Majors Buckivelland Richardson were eligible us candidates for initiation . Tbe report of the board having been confirmed , a ballot was taken for Bro . Higgins as joining member , and separately for Troop Serjeant Majors Buckwell and
Richardson for initiation , and which proved unanimous in each case . Bro . Gill signed his Grand Lodge certificate and received it from the W . M . Troop Serjeant Majors Buckwell and Richardson 7 th Dragoon Guards were initiated into the mysteries of our ancient Freemasonry , and signed and received a copy of the bye laws . It was proposed by the W . M ., and seconded by Bro . Rix that Bros . Alfred Augustus Watts , Lodge of Hope , and John Sydney Smith , No . 325 , bo permitted to become
members of the United Lodge . Proposed by the AV . M ., seconded by Bro . Ring that the jewels and furniture of the lodge be insured for the sum of £ 150 , which was carried and referred to the Board of General purposes . Proposed by Bro . J . Newman , AA ' . M ., and seconded by Bro . Rix that the sum of two guineas he given out of the funds of the lodge for the Zetland Commemoration . The W . M . brought to the notice of the brethren the fact of several persons representing themselves as distresed Masons having
recently visited Colchester , and who , upon being tested could not prove themselves what they represented , ami , therefore requested the brethren to be most particular in receiving such persons , and invariably to refer them to him or the secretary . The questions preparatory to the second degree were put round by the W . M . for the information of Bros . Buckwell and Richardson . Nothing further having been offered for the good of Freemasonry in general , or this lodge in particular it was closed in peace , harmony , and good will . The brethren ^ afterwards sat down to a substantial supper , ancl having spent a convivial evening retired at au early hour .
KENT . CANTERBURY . — United and Industrious Lodge ( No . . 31 ) . The installation of Bro . H . A . Butler-Johnston , 3 I . P ., as AV . M . of this lodge took place at the new lodge room iu the Highstreet , on Thursday , the 15 th inst . The lodge was opened in due form and solemn prayer ; the minutes of the last lodge night wore read and confirmed ; and tho report of the
committee for removing the lodge were read and adopted . The AA ' . M ., Bro . Seelman , stated that Bros , Archer and Peckham were candidates for the third degree ; and , proving themselves qualified for that honour , and having been intrusted , they retired . The lodge was opened in the third degree , and B ros . Archer and Peckham were raised to the sublime decree of M . M . The ceremony was performed in a most impressive manner . Bro . Delmar having vacated the chair , Bro . John Hemery resumed the gavel as Installing Master of the lodge in
the second degree . Bro . H . A . Butler Johnston , conducted by Bro . Delmar , was presented by him to the W . M . to receive the benefit of the installation . The usual preliminary having beon duly observed , a board of Installed Masters was formed , consisting of Bros . Hemery , Delmar , Ehnsall , Cooley , Bevin , Pout , Callaway , Collard , Cox , and Holttuiu . Bro . Johnston was duly installed AA ' . M . for the year ensuing , and was proclaimed and saluted as such by the brethren in the several degrees . The
ceremony of installation was performed by Bro . Hemery in a very effective manner . The following brethren were appointed officers for the year : — Bros . J . Foul , P . M . Hon . Sec . ; J . R . Hall , S . W . ; P . Hkrham , J . AV . ; A . Gordon , S . D . ; AV . Davey , jun ., J . D . ; C . G . Archer , I . G . ; and It . Strand , Tyler . The W . M . addressed tho different officers in a few appropriate and kindly words on investing them with their several collars and jewels .
The report of the audit committee of the treasurer ' s accounts was received and passed and ordered to be inserted on the minutes . Bro . Cooley proposed a vote of thanks to Bros . Delmar ancl Hemery for the very impressive manner in which both
ceremonies had been performed . There being no further business , the lodge was closed in solemn form ancl adjourned to the first Thursday in November , emergencies excepted . The brethren adjourned to Bro . Coppius , Rose Hotel , where they partook of an excellent banquet , the W . M . having presented the venison , turtle , and game . After grace the W . M . proposed the health of tbe Queen and Craftwhich was dulhonoured iu tho manner usual amongst
, y Masons " The Prince aud Princess of Wales and Royal Family . " The W . AI ., in proposing the health of the M . AV . G . M ., the Earl of Zetland , said : —¦ " You have all heard of the excellent qualities of the nobleman who presides over the Craft in this country , » nd of the great attention he pays to the duties of the hih office he fills . It is useless for me to dwell upon the
g toast , as all his great abilities are known through tbe length and breadth of the land to all Masons . " The next toast I shall propose is that of the Right Hon . the Earl de Grey and Ripon , D . G-M ., and the rest of the Grand Officers . I believe that the Earl de Grey and Ripon is au equally zealous Mason with the G . M . himself , and has devoted much time to the Order .
The next toast I shall propose is Bro . Lord Holmesdale , tho Frov . G . M . of Kent ; Bro . AV . F . Dobson , D . Prov . G . M ., and the rest of the Prov . G . Officers , coupling with them Bro . A . Cooley , P . Prov . J . G . W ., with thanks to him for his valuable assistance at all times to the brethren . Bro . Cooley thanked the AV . M . and the brethren , and assured them that his humble service was at all times at their command .
Bro . Huddleston proposed the Army and Navy , coupling with it the name of Bro . Major Elimsall , one of the heroes in the celebrated charge at Balaclava . !' i-o . Ehnsall responded to the toasts in his usual kind and pleasant manner . Bro . Hemery then proposed the health of the AA ' . M ., Bro . II . A . B . Johnston , who , in returning thanks , acknowledged bis
high sense of the honour conferred upon him as W . M . of their lodge , that day entrusted to him . He had now been a Mason for upwards of 10 or 11 years , and he had never been able to look upon Masonry in the light of a mere frivolous or convivial institution . Besides being a benefit society of the highest order , it was an institution inculcating precepts , tbe practice of which would make good citizens and good men- It was
moreover an institution of which Englishmen had special reason to be proud , for without entering into vexed questions of the origin of Masonry , its revival in the last century wns undoubtedly due to Englishmen and Scotchmen- It was imported into France by Lord Derwentwater , who founded the English lodge in Paris , in 1725 , and a lew years afterwards Lord Strathmore , the G . M . of England , permitted eleven gentlemen to form a
lodge at Hamburg , into which Frederick the Great of Prussia was admitted , and from France and Germany it penetrated into Russia , Sweden , and tbe rest of Europe . The causes of life and vigour with which Masonry was at that time imbued , lie deep in the peculiar circumstances of the times , a time when men were sick at heart with the differences—political , social , and religious—with which Europe was torn asunder , and turned to each other , saying , after all , are we not all men and underlying our ^ differences , have we not a religion and a .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
DURHAM . Piiov . GRAND LODGE OE DURHAM . The meeting of this Prov . Grand Lodge was held on Tuesday , the 27 th inst ., at Durham , when the R . AA ' . Prov . G . M-, Bro , -John Fawcett , presided , supported by the R . W . Bro . Sir Hedwortb AVilliamson , Bart ., and the several Prov . Grand Officers , We must postpone until next , veek publication of the report .
ESSEX . COLCHESTER . — United Lodge , ( No . 697 ) , —The regular monthly meeting of this lodge was held at the George Hotel , on AVednesday , the 14 th inst ., at 7 p . m . Bro . J . Newman presided supported by Bros . Rix , S . W . ; J . Bigley , J . W ., Ring , Treas ., G . H . Ray , Sec , Middleton , S . D ., Eustace , J . D ., Calthorpe , I . G ., G . M . Crick , Mummings , Jenkiuson , Smith , Creagh , ReesMolyneux . Visitors : Bro . A . AVattsLod of Hope
, , ge , J . S . Smith , P . M ., 325 . The lodge was opened in due form in the first degree , the summons convening the meeting was read and the minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed . The secretary read the Grand Lodge communications for the 2 nd of September , a letter from the Grand Lodgo committee appointed to carry out the object of the Zetland Comemoration , the voting papers from the Royal Masonic Iustitutisn for Boys .
A requisition from Bro . Capt . Molyneux , 7 th Dragoon Guards proposer , and Bro . J . Bigley seconder , asking that the name of Bro . Higgins 7 th Dragoon Guards as a joining member , be inserted in tbe summons for convening the next meeting of the United Lodge , and those of Troop Serjeant Majors Buckwell and Richardson , as candidates for initiation , ( to be ballotted for ) was read also a report from tbe Board of General purposes , stating that Bro . Higgins was eligible as a joining member , and
Troop Serjeant Majors Buckivelland Richardson were eligible us candidates for initiation . Tbe report of the board having been confirmed , a ballot was taken for Bro . Higgins as joining member , and separately for Troop Serjeant Majors Buckwell and
Richardson for initiation , and which proved unanimous in each case . Bro . Gill signed his Grand Lodge certificate and received it from the W . M . Troop Serjeant Majors Buckwell and Richardson 7 th Dragoon Guards were initiated into the mysteries of our ancient Freemasonry , and signed and received a copy of the bye laws . It was proposed by the W . M ., and seconded by Bro . Rix that Bros . Alfred Augustus Watts , Lodge of Hope , and John Sydney Smith , No . 325 , bo permitted to become
members of the United Lodge . Proposed by the AV . M ., seconded by Bro . Ring that the jewels and furniture of the lodge be insured for the sum of £ 150 , which was carried and referred to the Board of General purposes . Proposed by Bro . J . Newman , AA ' . M ., and seconded by Bro . Rix that the sum of two guineas he given out of the funds of the lodge for the Zetland Commemoration . The W . M . brought to the notice of the brethren the fact of several persons representing themselves as distresed Masons having
recently visited Colchester , and who , upon being tested could not prove themselves what they represented , ami , therefore requested the brethren to be most particular in receiving such persons , and invariably to refer them to him or the secretary . The questions preparatory to the second degree were put round by the W . M . for the information of Bros . Buckwell and Richardson . Nothing further having been offered for the good of Freemasonry in general , or this lodge in particular it was closed in peace , harmony , and good will . The brethren ^ afterwards sat down to a substantial supper , ancl having spent a convivial evening retired at au early hour .
KENT . CANTERBURY . — United and Industrious Lodge ( No . . 31 ) . The installation of Bro . H . A . Butler-Johnston , 3 I . P ., as AV . M . of this lodge took place at the new lodge room iu the Highstreet , on Thursday , the 15 th inst . The lodge was opened in due form and solemn prayer ; the minutes of the last lodge night wore read and confirmed ; and tho report of the
committee for removing the lodge were read and adopted . The AA ' . M ., Bro . Seelman , stated that Bros , Archer and Peckham were candidates for the third degree ; and , proving themselves qualified for that honour , and having been intrusted , they retired . The lodge was opened in the third degree , and B ros . Archer and Peckham were raised to the sublime decree of M . M . The ceremony was performed in a most impressive manner . Bro . Delmar having vacated the chair , Bro . John Hemery resumed the gavel as Installing Master of the lodge in
the second degree . Bro . H . A . Butler Johnston , conducted by Bro . Delmar , was presented by him to the W . M . to receive the benefit of the installation . The usual preliminary having beon duly observed , a board of Installed Masters was formed , consisting of Bros . Hemery , Delmar , Ehnsall , Cooley , Bevin , Pout , Callaway , Collard , Cox , and Holttuiu . Bro . Johnston was duly installed AA ' . M . for the year ensuing , and was proclaimed and saluted as such by the brethren in the several degrees . The
ceremony of installation was performed by Bro . Hemery in a very effective manner . The following brethren were appointed officers for the year : — Bros . J . Foul , P . M . Hon . Sec . ; J . R . Hall , S . W . ; P . Hkrham , J . AV . ; A . Gordon , S . D . ; AV . Davey , jun ., J . D . ; C . G . Archer , I . G . ; and It . Strand , Tyler . The W . M . addressed tho different officers in a few appropriate and kindly words on investing them with their several collars and jewels .
The report of the audit committee of the treasurer ' s accounts was received and passed and ordered to be inserted on the minutes . Bro . Cooley proposed a vote of thanks to Bros . Delmar ancl Hemery for the very impressive manner in which both
ceremonies had been performed . There being no further business , the lodge was closed in solemn form ancl adjourned to the first Thursday in November , emergencies excepted . The brethren adjourned to Bro . Coppius , Rose Hotel , where they partook of an excellent banquet , the W . M . having presented the venison , turtle , and game . After grace the W . M . proposed the health of tbe Queen and Craftwhich was dulhonoured iu tho manner usual amongst
, y Masons " The Prince aud Princess of Wales and Royal Family . " The W . AI ., in proposing the health of the M . AV . G . M ., the Earl of Zetland , said : —¦ " You have all heard of the excellent qualities of the nobleman who presides over the Craft in this country , » nd of the great attention he pays to the duties of the hih office he fills . It is useless for me to dwell upon the
g toast , as all his great abilities are known through tbe length and breadth of the land to all Masons . " The next toast I shall propose is that of the Right Hon . the Earl de Grey and Ripon , D . G-M ., and the rest of the Grand Officers . I believe that the Earl de Grey and Ripon is au equally zealous Mason with the G . M . himself , and has devoted much time to the Order .
The next toast I shall propose is Bro . Lord Holmesdale , tho Frov . G . M . of Kent ; Bro . AV . F . Dobson , D . Prov . G . M ., and the rest of the Prov . G . Officers , coupling with them Bro . A . Cooley , P . Prov . J . G . W ., with thanks to him for his valuable assistance at all times to the brethren . Bro . Cooley thanked the AV . M . and the brethren , and assured them that his humble service was at all times at their command .
Bro . Huddleston proposed the Army and Navy , coupling with it the name of Bro . Major Elimsall , one of the heroes in the celebrated charge at Balaclava . !' i-o . Ehnsall responded to the toasts in his usual kind and pleasant manner . Bro . Hemery then proposed the health of the AA ' . M ., Bro . II . A . B . Johnston , who , in returning thanks , acknowledged bis
high sense of the honour conferred upon him as W . M . of their lodge , that day entrusted to him . He had now been a Mason for upwards of 10 or 11 years , and he had never been able to look upon Masonry in the light of a mere frivolous or convivial institution . Besides being a benefit society of the highest order , it was an institution inculcating precepts , tbe practice of which would make good citizens and good men- It was
moreover an institution of which Englishmen had special reason to be proud , for without entering into vexed questions of the origin of Masonry , its revival in the last century wns undoubtedly due to Englishmen and Scotchmen- It was imported into France by Lord Derwentwater , who founded the English lodge in Paris , in 1725 , and a lew years afterwards Lord Strathmore , the G . M . of England , permitted eleven gentlemen to form a
lodge at Hamburg , into which Frederick the Great of Prussia was admitted , and from France and Germany it penetrated into Russia , Sweden , and tbe rest of Europe . The causes of life and vigour with which Masonry was at that time imbued , lie deep in the peculiar circumstances of the times , a time when men were sick at heart with the differences—political , social , and religious—with which Europe was torn asunder , and turned to each other , saying , after all , are we not all men and underlying our ^ differences , have we not a religion and a .