Article CHANNEL ISLANDS. ← Page 2 of 2 Article AUSTRALIA. Page 1 of 1 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 1 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 1 Article MARK MASONRY. Page 1 of 1 Article KNIGHTS TEMPLAR. Page 1 of 2 →
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Channel Islands.
not perhaps quite in its right place here , it may yet be permissible to mention that the notorious " Seigmund Sax , " about whom so much has appeared in your MAGAZINE of late , has honoured Guernsey with a visit . He succeeded in imposing on the good nature of a P . M . of this lodge , and obtained from him £ 5 under a fraudulent pretence . All your readers will , however , I am sure , be glad to find that he was made to disgorge . The imposition he had played oft'on the too credulous P . M . was discovered in time , and a gentle screw having been placed on him and his movements , he very wisely decided on repaying the money he had fraudulently obtained .
NEW SOUTH AVALES . GRAFTON CLARENCE RIVER . —Palmerston Lodge , ( No . 1 , 148 , Ll . C . )—The installation meeting of this lodge took place at the lodge rooms , Prince-street , in this City on Friday evening , the 14 tb Aug . The chair was taken by Bro . W . H . Hughes Bccke , W . M ., supported by Bro . AA' . Mathews , acting S . W ., Bro . Revd . Joseph Fillingham , J . AV ., ( W . M . elect . ) AV . Blford Reed , acting
S . D ., Spencer Cottee , aciing J . D ., J . Turley Jones , acting I . G . Visiting brethren P . R . Donaldson , P . M . Cambrians , G . Foott , P . M . 494 , I . C , Capt . Alfred Darby , 955 , I . C , F . G . Crouch , 595 , A . G . Gregory , 868 . The lodge was opened in the first degreee , the W . M . explained that this meeting had been postponed from last month in consequence of the absence of Past Masters . The lodge was passed to second degree . The Revd . brother then
was presented by P . M . Donaldson as the AV . AI . elect to receive the benefit of installation , the ceremony then commenced in the usual manner , and Bro . Potts acting as secretary having read the ancient laws and regulations , and the Revd . Bro . having given his unqualified assent the various points of this solemn ceremony were introduced in due order by Bro . Becke as installing Master , the brethren then retired and the board of Past Masters having been dulopenedthe RevdBro
y , . . was duly installed according to ancient usages as W . M . for the ensuing year . The brethren were then admitted and saluted the newly elected AV . M . who was duly proclaimed , the lodge was worked down to the first degree and finally closed at 9 p . m . A large accession of members is shortly expected by the proposition of eight more candidates at the next monthly meeting .
Royal Arch.
METROPOLITAN . CAVEAC CHAPTER , ( No . 176 ) . —Installation Meeting , —At Radley's Hotel , New Bridge-street , Blackfriars , the anniversary meeting of this young aud prosperous chapter was held . In the unavoidable absence of Comp . R . Galloway , B . C . M . E . Z-, caused by his absence from town , the chapter was opened by Comps . F . Walters , P . Z ., S . E .
as M . E . Z . C . T . Dorey , H . and T . Lacey , J ., and there were also present Comps . J . W , Halsey and A . D . Loewenstark . The members were admitted . The minutes of the proceeding convocation were read and unanimously confirmed , npoligies were received from the candidates for exaltation excusing ancl regretting their non-attendance , which ' was caused by circumstances entirely beyond their control . The board of installed principals was formed and Comp . F . AValters severally installed Comp . E .
T . Dorey , AI . E . Z ., T . Lacey , H . and P . R . Naime , J . The board was closed , a ballot was taken for the office of treasurer and declared to be unanimous in favour of Comp . F . Walters , P . Z . The officers were then invested and appointed as follows , viz : F . AValters , P . Z . S . E . as Treas ., P . Browne , S . W ., M . Scott , P . S ., R . S . Foreman , 1 st Assist . Soj ., A . Williams , 2 nd Assist . Soj ., C . T . Speight , Jan . It was proposed seconded and carried unanimously that a vote of thanks bo given to
Comp . Frederick Walters , P . Z ., S . E . and Treasurer for the admirable manner he had done all the installations which were described to the members by all the principals as perfect ceremonies admirably rendered and most impressively performed . The same to be entered on the chapter minute book , Comp . F . AValters , P . Z . in a brief speech returned his thanks for this honour , and renewed marks of their favour . The handsome small five guinea P . Z's . jewel was exhibited which had been
Royal Arch.
subscribed for by the members of this chapter to be presented to Comp . R . Galloway , P . Z . He being absent the Treasurer Comp . F . AValters , P . Z . undertook to deliver this jewel to Comp . R . Galloway , P . Z . This jewel was one of Comp . A . D . Loewenstark ' s best specimens of bis skill as a medallist , and reflected great credit on his manufactory . The chapter was . closed . Comp . E . Palmer was unanimously elected as steward
to represent this chapter at the Boy ' s School Festival , in March , 1869 . POLISH NATIONAL CHAPTER , ( No . 534 ) . —A convocation of the above chapter was held on Thursday , 22 nd inst ,, at tbe Freemason ' s Hall , Great Queen-street , Comp . John Boyd M . E . Z . in the chair . Comp . Smeed acting as J . in the absence of Comp . Norris , The M . E . Z . in a very excellent manner exalted Bros . Samuel Harwoodof lod No 77 P and
, ge . , yne Martin Diosy of No , 534 , The company adjourned to the banquet room , where a very excellent dinner was served . The usual toasts were given and responded to in a very eloquent manner . After which some excellent singing by Comp , Smeed and Comp . Matthew Cooke , P . Z .
Mark Masonry.
CORNWALL . PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE . The annual meeting of this newly-constituted Prov . Grand Lodge was held at Truro , on the 13 th inst ., at 3 p . m ., when a goodly number of the members of the various lodges assembled to meet their esteemed Prov . G . M ., the R . W . Bro . F . M . Williams 3 I . P . who took the chair at the time named in the
, , ; summons , and in a most cordial manner responded to the warm congratulations of the brethren on his again presiding under such favourable circumstances . Tbe lodges represented were as follows : —Meridan , 73 , Redruth ; Fortitude , 78 , Truro ; Cornubian , 87 , Hayle ; Love and Honour , 94 , Falmouth ; Boscawen , 101 , Chacewater . The Prov . G . M . in his opening remarks referred to the
continued progress in the far west most felicitously , and then called on the Prov . G . Sec , Bro . AV . J . Hughan ( Past G . O . ) . to read the minutes of the last Prov . G . Lodge . The V . AV ., Bro . Reginald Rogers , was then installed as D . Prov . G . AL , and subsequently the by-laws of tbe province were finally arranged and decided upon . After which , Bro . Thomas Churgwin , P . M . and P . S . G . AY ., presented the Prov . G . Lodge , on behalf of the Prov .
G . M ., with a handsome set of Prov . G . Lodge collars and jewels of a most ornate and massive description . Bro . F . M . AVilliams is well known in Masonry , and his kindness to the members in Cornwall especially , in having opened one lodge through his generous aid , and in supporting the charities most munificently , have especially endeared him to the Craft ; but this most opportune and splendid gift makes all his other presents fiale . The brethrenof coursethanked him most enthusiasticallfor his
, , y , magnificent gift , but the warmest offering of gratitude seemed insufficient , as the Province of Cornwall is now placed in the front rank of Prov . G . Lodges of the Mark by having a set of collars and jewels like the Grand Lodge . It is needless to say tbe meeting ' , was a grand success , as the presidentship of Bro . F . M . Williams always secures that result .
Knights Templar.
SOUTH AVALES . SWANSEA . —Palestine Encampment—The regular meeting of this encampment was held at the Assembly Rooms , on Thursday , the 22 nd inst . Present—Sir Knt . T . Mansel Talbot , P .. G . Herald , ( E . C . ); Edward J . Morris , 1 st Capt . ; Thomas G . South , 2 nd Capt . ; Thos . B . Hosken , Prelate ; D . Williams , Treas . ; C- T . KetrtleyAlmoner ; J . E . RobinsonExpert
, , ; . Charles Bath , M . C . ; S- B . Power and D . Thomas , Standard Bearers ; G . Bradford , Herald ; J . G . Hall , Capt . of Lines ; E . F . Daniel , AV . S . Canton , F . D . Michael , AV . Phillips , J . Heron . Maxwell , S . Wilson .. ^ Companions H- AV . AVilliams and J . R .. Francis , of Chapter Virtue and Hope , Swansea , and S . G . Homfray , of the Silurian Chapter , Newport , were balloted for and duly installed Knights Companions of the Order by the E . C .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Channel Islands.
not perhaps quite in its right place here , it may yet be permissible to mention that the notorious " Seigmund Sax , " about whom so much has appeared in your MAGAZINE of late , has honoured Guernsey with a visit . He succeeded in imposing on the good nature of a P . M . of this lodge , and obtained from him £ 5 under a fraudulent pretence . All your readers will , however , I am sure , be glad to find that he was made to disgorge . The imposition he had played oft'on the too credulous P . M . was discovered in time , and a gentle screw having been placed on him and his movements , he very wisely decided on repaying the money he had fraudulently obtained .
NEW SOUTH AVALES . GRAFTON CLARENCE RIVER . —Palmerston Lodge , ( No . 1 , 148 , Ll . C . )—The installation meeting of this lodge took place at the lodge rooms , Prince-street , in this City on Friday evening , the 14 tb Aug . The chair was taken by Bro . W . H . Hughes Bccke , W . M ., supported by Bro . AA' . Mathews , acting S . W ., Bro . Revd . Joseph Fillingham , J . AV ., ( W . M . elect . ) AV . Blford Reed , acting
S . D ., Spencer Cottee , aciing J . D ., J . Turley Jones , acting I . G . Visiting brethren P . R . Donaldson , P . M . Cambrians , G . Foott , P . M . 494 , I . C , Capt . Alfred Darby , 955 , I . C , F . G . Crouch , 595 , A . G . Gregory , 868 . The lodge was opened in the first degreee , the W . M . explained that this meeting had been postponed from last month in consequence of the absence of Past Masters . The lodge was passed to second degree . The Revd . brother then
was presented by P . M . Donaldson as the AV . AI . elect to receive the benefit of installation , the ceremony then commenced in the usual manner , and Bro . Potts acting as secretary having read the ancient laws and regulations , and the Revd . Bro . having given his unqualified assent the various points of this solemn ceremony were introduced in due order by Bro . Becke as installing Master , the brethren then retired and the board of Past Masters having been dulopenedthe RevdBro
y , . . was duly installed according to ancient usages as W . M . for the ensuing year . The brethren were then admitted and saluted the newly elected AV . M . who was duly proclaimed , the lodge was worked down to the first degree and finally closed at 9 p . m . A large accession of members is shortly expected by the proposition of eight more candidates at the next monthly meeting .
Royal Arch.
METROPOLITAN . CAVEAC CHAPTER , ( No . 176 ) . —Installation Meeting , —At Radley's Hotel , New Bridge-street , Blackfriars , the anniversary meeting of this young aud prosperous chapter was held . In the unavoidable absence of Comp . R . Galloway , B . C . M . E . Z-, caused by his absence from town , the chapter was opened by Comps . F . Walters , P . Z ., S . E .
as M . E . Z . C . T . Dorey , H . and T . Lacey , J ., and there were also present Comps . J . W , Halsey and A . D . Loewenstark . The members were admitted . The minutes of the proceeding convocation were read and unanimously confirmed , npoligies were received from the candidates for exaltation excusing ancl regretting their non-attendance , which ' was caused by circumstances entirely beyond their control . The board of installed principals was formed and Comp . F . AValters severally installed Comp . E .
T . Dorey , AI . E . Z ., T . Lacey , H . and P . R . Naime , J . The board was closed , a ballot was taken for the office of treasurer and declared to be unanimous in favour of Comp . F . Walters , P . Z . The officers were then invested and appointed as follows , viz : F . AValters , P . Z . S . E . as Treas ., P . Browne , S . W ., M . Scott , P . S ., R . S . Foreman , 1 st Assist . Soj ., A . Williams , 2 nd Assist . Soj ., C . T . Speight , Jan . It was proposed seconded and carried unanimously that a vote of thanks bo given to
Comp . Frederick Walters , P . Z ., S . E . and Treasurer for the admirable manner he had done all the installations which were described to the members by all the principals as perfect ceremonies admirably rendered and most impressively performed . The same to be entered on the chapter minute book , Comp . F . AValters , P . Z . in a brief speech returned his thanks for this honour , and renewed marks of their favour . The handsome small five guinea P . Z's . jewel was exhibited which had been
Royal Arch.
subscribed for by the members of this chapter to be presented to Comp . R . Galloway , P . Z . He being absent the Treasurer Comp . F . AValters , P . Z . undertook to deliver this jewel to Comp . R . Galloway , P . Z . This jewel was one of Comp . A . D . Loewenstark ' s best specimens of bis skill as a medallist , and reflected great credit on his manufactory . The chapter was . closed . Comp . E . Palmer was unanimously elected as steward
to represent this chapter at the Boy ' s School Festival , in March , 1869 . POLISH NATIONAL CHAPTER , ( No . 534 ) . —A convocation of the above chapter was held on Thursday , 22 nd inst ,, at tbe Freemason ' s Hall , Great Queen-street , Comp . John Boyd M . E . Z . in the chair . Comp . Smeed acting as J . in the absence of Comp . Norris , The M . E . Z . in a very excellent manner exalted Bros . Samuel Harwoodof lod No 77 P and
, ge . , yne Martin Diosy of No , 534 , The company adjourned to the banquet room , where a very excellent dinner was served . The usual toasts were given and responded to in a very eloquent manner . After which some excellent singing by Comp , Smeed and Comp . Matthew Cooke , P . Z .
Mark Masonry.
CORNWALL . PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE . The annual meeting of this newly-constituted Prov . Grand Lodge was held at Truro , on the 13 th inst ., at 3 p . m ., when a goodly number of the members of the various lodges assembled to meet their esteemed Prov . G . M ., the R . W . Bro . F . M . Williams 3 I . P . who took the chair at the time named in the
, , ; summons , and in a most cordial manner responded to the warm congratulations of the brethren on his again presiding under such favourable circumstances . Tbe lodges represented were as follows : —Meridan , 73 , Redruth ; Fortitude , 78 , Truro ; Cornubian , 87 , Hayle ; Love and Honour , 94 , Falmouth ; Boscawen , 101 , Chacewater . The Prov . G . M . in his opening remarks referred to the
continued progress in the far west most felicitously , and then called on the Prov . G . Sec , Bro . AV . J . Hughan ( Past G . O . ) . to read the minutes of the last Prov . G . Lodge . The V . AV ., Bro . Reginald Rogers , was then installed as D . Prov . G . AL , and subsequently the by-laws of tbe province were finally arranged and decided upon . After which , Bro . Thomas Churgwin , P . M . and P . S . G . AY ., presented the Prov . G . Lodge , on behalf of the Prov .
G . M ., with a handsome set of Prov . G . Lodge collars and jewels of a most ornate and massive description . Bro . F . M . AVilliams is well known in Masonry , and his kindness to the members in Cornwall especially , in having opened one lodge through his generous aid , and in supporting the charities most munificently , have especially endeared him to the Craft ; but this most opportune and splendid gift makes all his other presents fiale . The brethrenof coursethanked him most enthusiasticallfor his
, , y , magnificent gift , but the warmest offering of gratitude seemed insufficient , as the Province of Cornwall is now placed in the front rank of Prov . G . Lodges of the Mark by having a set of collars and jewels like the Grand Lodge . It is needless to say tbe meeting ' , was a grand success , as the presidentship of Bro . F . M . Williams always secures that result .
Knights Templar.
SOUTH AVALES . SWANSEA . —Palestine Encampment—The regular meeting of this encampment was held at the Assembly Rooms , on Thursday , the 22 nd inst . Present—Sir Knt . T . Mansel Talbot , P .. G . Herald , ( E . C . ); Edward J . Morris , 1 st Capt . ; Thomas G . South , 2 nd Capt . ; Thos . B . Hosken , Prelate ; D . Williams , Treas . ; C- T . KetrtleyAlmoner ; J . E . RobinsonExpert
, , ; . Charles Bath , M . C . ; S- B . Power and D . Thomas , Standard Bearers ; G . Bradford , Herald ; J . G . Hall , Capt . of Lines ; E . F . Daniel , AV . S . Canton , F . D . Michael , AV . Phillips , J . Heron . Maxwell , S . Wilson .. ^ Companions H- AV . AVilliams and J . R .. Francis , of Chapter Virtue and Hope , Swansea , and S . G . Homfray , of the Silurian Chapter , Newport , were balloted for and duly installed Knights Companions of the Order by the E . C .