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Knights Templar.
The code of by-laws intended for the government of the Encampment was afterwards submitted for the approval of the Sir Knights ; and on the proposition of Sir Knt . 1 st Capt ., seconded by Sir Knt . 2 nd Capt ., was duly adopted , subject to usual confirmation . The Sir Knights afterwards dined together at the Blackworth Arms Hotel , and a most agreeable evening was passed .
Laying The Foundation Stone Of The Masonic Hall At Lewes .
The foundation stone of the Masonic Hall , High-street , was laid on Wednesday , the 21 st inst ., by the R . W- Bro . Lord Pelham , M . P ., a numerous body of members of the Craft being present . Before describing the proceedings of the day , it may not be inappropriate to speak of the intended building . There is to be a lodge room 28 feet square on the first
floor , and a reception room also on the ground floor 28 feet by 15 feet , and an ante room or hall 12 feet square , together with a reception room up stairs , the architectural design of the structure beiug what is known as Lombai'dic . Bro . Perry , of Lewes , is the builder . The Prov . G-. Lodge was opened at the County Hall , at half-past two , and shortly afterwards a procession was
marshalled by Bro . Oorder , Prov . G-. Dir . of Cers . On arriving at the site of the hall a single file was formed to the right and left , between which the R . W . Prov . G . M . passed up to the stone , the other officers preceding and following as arranged in the programme . The Prov . G . M . having taken his seat , the golden vessels containing corn , wine , and oil , together with the trowel
and mallet , were placed on a pedestal , and the chairman of the Building Committee briefly addressed tbe Prov . G . M ., stating that he was deputed by the brethren of the South Saxon Lodge to request his lordship to be good enough to honour them by laying the foundation stone of the new Masonic Hall . Bro . Lord Pelham having expressed his pleasure in complying with the request ,
the upper stone was raised and the lower one adjusted , after which Mr . George Bowell sang the recitative and air from "Elijah , " composed by the late Bro . Mendelssohn : "Ye people , rend your hearts ; " " If with
ml your hearts , " and then the' Prov . G . Ohap . offered the following prayer , the brethren responding in the usual form : — "R . W . Sir , Masters and Brethren , let us invoke the assistance of the Most High in solemn prayer with alternate voices . " " 0 Almighty and Eternal Father , who inhabitest
Eternity , whom the Heaven of Heavens cannot contain , deign , from Thy mysterious abode of Life , Light and Love , to visit in Love , Truth , and Power , us Avho are now assembled in Thy Holy name to found a Lodge for Brethren who wish to dwell together in Unity . " Brethren : " So mote it be . " " We thank Thee for mercies vouchsafed in the former
House ; may those blessings be continued and increased upon Thy servants when here assembled . Brethren : " So mote it be . " " May the foundations of Brotherly love , relief , and truth , be deeply laid among us and all our Brotherhood . " Brethren : " So mote it be . "
"May this sacred volume be here diligently studied and its truths candidly received . " Brethren : " So mote it be . " " May brethren here learn to act on tbe Square with all mankind , and ever to keep within the Compass of rectitude . " Brethren -. " So mote it be . "
" May those who here dedicate themselves to Thy service prove themselves brethren indeed to each other , and benefactors to their fellow creatures . Brethren : " So mote it be . "
Laying The Foundation Stone Of The Masonic Hall At Lewes .
" May those who , progressing in moral worth , are permitted to pursue here the principles of intellectual truth rise in heart and mind even unto Thine own Divine presence . " Brethren : ' So mote it be . " " May those who shall here contemplate the close of this , their mortal existence , be so animated , guided , and
supported by Thy love , truth , and power , that ; looking up to that Morning Star , whose rising brings salvation to the faithful , they may finally rise from this earthly abode to the heavenly lodge not built with hands eternal in the heavens . " Brethren : " So mote it be . The Prov . G . Treas . having deposited the hial
conp taining the coins , Bro , Pocock read aloud the . inscription on the plate , which he placed on the lower stone ; this was followed by the architect handing to Bro . Lord Pelham the trowel—the cement having been previously spread on the upper face of the lower stone , which his lordship then adjusted with the trowel , after which the
upper stone was lowered slowly whilst the band of the Royal Sussex Artillery Militia played "Rule Britannia . ' - ' The Prov . G . M . then by testing with the plumb rule , level , square , and mallet , proved that the stone was properly laid , saying , "I pronounce this stone well and truly laid , and may the Great Architect of the universe permit us successfully to carry on the building , of which we have
now laid the foundation-stone , and may he enable us to finish this and every other work which we may undertake for the' welfare and happiness of our fellow-creatures . " After strewing the stone with corn and pouring wine and oil upon ic ( handed to him in a beautiful and elaborate cornucopia ) , the Prov- G-M , said : May He the All-bounteous author of nature ever supply this country
with abundance of corn , wine , and oil , and with all the necessaries of life ; and may the same Almighty Power bestow upon us the blessings of peace , harmony , and plenty . The old Hundredth tune was then sung "All people that on earth do dwell , " followed by Bro . the Rev . G . A . Little , Prov . G . Chap ., offering the following
prayer : — R . W . Sirs , Masters and Brethren , let us again supplicate the aid of Heaven , with heartfelt prayer and distinct voices . 0 , Father of All , guard , we pray Thee , the operative Masons and their labourers in the work before them from evil accident and death .
Brethren : " So mote it be . " Grant that the work thus begun in Thy Holy Name may be completed to Thy Glory , to the Honour of the Builder , and the comfort and instruction of the Brethren , who , iu its perfect proportions , shall see emblems of a Free and Accepted Masons' labours . Brethren : " So mote it be . "
0 Thou Most High ! who are building to Thyself a Temple of Living Stones elect and precious , we thank Thee for as many as Thou hast prepared by Thy grace and raised to their sublime place in that Temple . Teach us all to bend in humility ancl reverence to the will of the Great Architect , and when , by the intricate workings of ThProvidence and the secret influences of Th
y y Grace , Thou hast modelled us to Thy designs , raise and build us into the Grand Lodge above , there to rest in light , love , and holiness everlastingly . Brethren : " So mote it be " The following was the inscription on the stone : — " This corner stone was laid by Lord Pelham , Provincial Grand Master of Sussex , Oct . 21 , A . L . 5872 . "
Other details of a minor character having been carried out , Bro . Furner , D . Prov . G . M ., spoke as follows ;—Brethren , Ladies , and . Gentlemen , —Iu consequence of a very severe cold and hoarseness which our R . AV . Prov . G . M . now labours under , he has requested me to make a few observations as to tho ceremony ( as far as it goes ) which yon havo now witnessed . Ancl first , in his name , I beg to thank the South Saxon Lodge for the pleasure
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Knights Templar.
The code of by-laws intended for the government of the Encampment was afterwards submitted for the approval of the Sir Knights ; and on the proposition of Sir Knt . 1 st Capt ., seconded by Sir Knt . 2 nd Capt ., was duly adopted , subject to usual confirmation . The Sir Knights afterwards dined together at the Blackworth Arms Hotel , and a most agreeable evening was passed .
Laying The Foundation Stone Of The Masonic Hall At Lewes .
The foundation stone of the Masonic Hall , High-street , was laid on Wednesday , the 21 st inst ., by the R . W- Bro . Lord Pelham , M . P ., a numerous body of members of the Craft being present . Before describing the proceedings of the day , it may not be inappropriate to speak of the intended building . There is to be a lodge room 28 feet square on the first
floor , and a reception room also on the ground floor 28 feet by 15 feet , and an ante room or hall 12 feet square , together with a reception room up stairs , the architectural design of the structure beiug what is known as Lombai'dic . Bro . Perry , of Lewes , is the builder . The Prov . G-. Lodge was opened at the County Hall , at half-past two , and shortly afterwards a procession was
marshalled by Bro . Oorder , Prov . G-. Dir . of Cers . On arriving at the site of the hall a single file was formed to the right and left , between which the R . W . Prov . G . M . passed up to the stone , the other officers preceding and following as arranged in the programme . The Prov . G . M . having taken his seat , the golden vessels containing corn , wine , and oil , together with the trowel
and mallet , were placed on a pedestal , and the chairman of the Building Committee briefly addressed tbe Prov . G . M ., stating that he was deputed by the brethren of the South Saxon Lodge to request his lordship to be good enough to honour them by laying the foundation stone of the new Masonic Hall . Bro . Lord Pelham having expressed his pleasure in complying with the request ,
the upper stone was raised and the lower one adjusted , after which Mr . George Bowell sang the recitative and air from "Elijah , " composed by the late Bro . Mendelssohn : "Ye people , rend your hearts ; " " If with
ml your hearts , " and then the' Prov . G . Ohap . offered the following prayer , the brethren responding in the usual form : — "R . W . Sir , Masters and Brethren , let us invoke the assistance of the Most High in solemn prayer with alternate voices . " " 0 Almighty and Eternal Father , who inhabitest
Eternity , whom the Heaven of Heavens cannot contain , deign , from Thy mysterious abode of Life , Light and Love , to visit in Love , Truth , and Power , us Avho are now assembled in Thy Holy name to found a Lodge for Brethren who wish to dwell together in Unity . " Brethren : " So mote it be . " " We thank Thee for mercies vouchsafed in the former
House ; may those blessings be continued and increased upon Thy servants when here assembled . Brethren : " So mote it be . " " May the foundations of Brotherly love , relief , and truth , be deeply laid among us and all our Brotherhood . " Brethren : " So mote it be . "
"May this sacred volume be here diligently studied and its truths candidly received . " Brethren : " So mote it be . " " May brethren here learn to act on tbe Square with all mankind , and ever to keep within the Compass of rectitude . " Brethren -. " So mote it be . "
" May those who here dedicate themselves to Thy service prove themselves brethren indeed to each other , and benefactors to their fellow creatures . Brethren : " So mote it be . "
Laying The Foundation Stone Of The Masonic Hall At Lewes .
" May those who , progressing in moral worth , are permitted to pursue here the principles of intellectual truth rise in heart and mind even unto Thine own Divine presence . " Brethren : ' So mote it be . " " May those who shall here contemplate the close of this , their mortal existence , be so animated , guided , and
supported by Thy love , truth , and power , that ; looking up to that Morning Star , whose rising brings salvation to the faithful , they may finally rise from this earthly abode to the heavenly lodge not built with hands eternal in the heavens . " Brethren : " So mote it be . The Prov . G . Treas . having deposited the hial
conp taining the coins , Bro , Pocock read aloud the . inscription on the plate , which he placed on the lower stone ; this was followed by the architect handing to Bro . Lord Pelham the trowel—the cement having been previously spread on the upper face of the lower stone , which his lordship then adjusted with the trowel , after which the
upper stone was lowered slowly whilst the band of the Royal Sussex Artillery Militia played "Rule Britannia . ' - ' The Prov . G . M . then by testing with the plumb rule , level , square , and mallet , proved that the stone was properly laid , saying , "I pronounce this stone well and truly laid , and may the Great Architect of the universe permit us successfully to carry on the building , of which we have
now laid the foundation-stone , and may he enable us to finish this and every other work which we may undertake for the' welfare and happiness of our fellow-creatures . " After strewing the stone with corn and pouring wine and oil upon ic ( handed to him in a beautiful and elaborate cornucopia ) , the Prov- G-M , said : May He the All-bounteous author of nature ever supply this country
with abundance of corn , wine , and oil , and with all the necessaries of life ; and may the same Almighty Power bestow upon us the blessings of peace , harmony , and plenty . The old Hundredth tune was then sung "All people that on earth do dwell , " followed by Bro . the Rev . G . A . Little , Prov . G . Chap ., offering the following
prayer : — R . W . Sirs , Masters and Brethren , let us again supplicate the aid of Heaven , with heartfelt prayer and distinct voices . 0 , Father of All , guard , we pray Thee , the operative Masons and their labourers in the work before them from evil accident and death .
Brethren : " So mote it be . " Grant that the work thus begun in Thy Holy Name may be completed to Thy Glory , to the Honour of the Builder , and the comfort and instruction of the Brethren , who , iu its perfect proportions , shall see emblems of a Free and Accepted Masons' labours . Brethren : " So mote it be . "
0 Thou Most High ! who are building to Thyself a Temple of Living Stones elect and precious , we thank Thee for as many as Thou hast prepared by Thy grace and raised to their sublime place in that Temple . Teach us all to bend in humility ancl reverence to the will of the Great Architect , and when , by the intricate workings of ThProvidence and the secret influences of Th
y y Grace , Thou hast modelled us to Thy designs , raise and build us into the Grand Lodge above , there to rest in light , love , and holiness everlastingly . Brethren : " So mote it be " The following was the inscription on the stone : — " This corner stone was laid by Lord Pelham , Provincial Grand Master of Sussex , Oct . 21 , A . L . 5872 . "
Other details of a minor character having been carried out , Bro . Furner , D . Prov . G . M ., spoke as follows ;—Brethren , Ladies , and . Gentlemen , —Iu consequence of a very severe cold and hoarseness which our R . AV . Prov . G . M . now labours under , he has requested me to make a few observations as to tho ceremony ( as far as it goes ) which yon havo now witnessed . Ancl first , in his name , I beg to thank the South Saxon Lodge for the pleasure