Article CHIPS OF FOREIGN ASHLAR. ← Page 2 of 2 Article CHIPS OF FOREIGN ASHLAR. Page 2 of 2 Article MASONIC LIFE-BOAT FUND. Page 1 of 2 →
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Chips Of Foreign Ashlar.
change of raiment . Doubtless-there is afterwards something inspiring in writing about such episodes as this , and the British public is reported to lionize greatly , men who " paddle their own canoe ; " but the half-drowned , shivering , unheroic individual
who Avas only too glad to give up his own " paddling" in order to secure the safety of a paddle-steamer , would hardly like his portrait as he then exhibited himself to be displayed in the London draAving-rooms Avhere he has become
famous on the strength of his canoe voyages . We shall not disclose this person ' s name , for Ave believe hi m to be— -saving his monomania—a man of sterling Avorth ; but Ave do heartily Avish him and others something better to do than foolishly risking
their lives in order to obtain the envy and admiration of persons with minds as mis-directed as their OAVU . The extravagances of the ritualists
and the asceticism of imitative , monks have at least the justification that ritualists and self-styled " fathers" believe they are doing God's Avork ; but the follies of "Canoe Clubs" and "Alpine Clubs " have no other merit than that they may
possibly diminish the number of fools in the Avorld , and so benefit society at the expense of said clubs .
At Palkoping Junction we parted Avith our friend Herr Lefiler , sorry indeed to lose so pleasant a companion . We Avere UOAV iudebted to a young S'vede , who spoke a little English for guidance . The Swedish railways travel very
sloAvly and make frequent stoppages . The carriages are more comfortable than our own , and the politeness of the employes is admirable . The refreshments provided at the stations Avere the best Ave have ever tasted on the railways of any
country . Charles Dickens eulogised some years ago the refreshments at Amiens , in Prance , and of our own knoAvledge Ave can support his opinion , but in Sweden they beat Amiens . Delicious soup , cutlets , beef , veal , venison , hot potatoes , Avith
excellent tea- and coffee , contrasted in our minds with the horrors of Swindon , Peterborough , and Rugby . Possibly , however , raihvay directors in England consider that they have done their duty in providing young ladies of wondrous " make up "
and startling chignons for the male passengers to flirt with , and therefore they need not care about " gross materialism , " as some insensate philosopher with bad digestion , weak eyes , and long hair lias designated the vulgar duty of eating . The food consumed in Siveden is very English in
Chips Of Foreign Ashlar.
character . It is much more substantial than French cookery , and the nature of the viands is more easily ascertained—N . B . Note this English heads of families who love not "foreign kickshaws . "
The Eoyal Swedish Eaihvay passes through a succession of splendid landscapes . Forest follows forest , and lake folloAVS lake . We glory in our OAVU lakes , but in Sweden they have Windermeres , Killarneys , and Loch Lomonds by the score . They
have forests which surpass in extent what Sherwood was in " the good old times " of Eobin Hood aud Little John . Englishmen may hunt the timid hare and shrinking fox , but in SAveden they have nobler sport in chasing bears and Avolves .
As Ave passed along Ave saw at various stations Avhat appeared an accumulation of blacksmiths , but Avhich proved to bo only ordinary peasants attired in one of their national dresses with long
leathern aprons . This style does not look very handsome , but the other national costumes are most picturesque and elegant . It is curious , too , that in Dalacaria , Avhere these are most worn , the peasants have a language of their own , which is
quite unintelligible to the educated Swede ; but we are assured as a fact that a Scottish Highlander has been known to converse easily with the Dalacarians at the first meeting . In the same Avay a Welshman is at home among the
peasantry of Brittany in France , and in parts of Denmark native Irish is not unknown . Moreover , Mrs . Taffy ' s wondrous beaver hat is also to be found in Denmark and Sweden .
At Hallsburg we had a passing view of Bro . Charles XV ., King of Sweden and Norway , who ivas going to Wenersborg - to open a new canal His Majesty is a fine , handsome man , Avith a pleasant open countenance . J . A . H .
Masonic Life-Boat Fund.
APPEAL TO THE CRAPT . In the MAGAZINE for February loth of this present year Ave called the attention of our readers to an ap ] 3 eal that was being made through our advertising columns for subscriptions toAvards defraying
the cost of a lifeboat . Eight months have elapsed , and still the object sought has not been obtained ; and from the apathy that up to this time which , Avith a feAv exemptions , has been displayed , the attainment of it seems far distant .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Chips Of Foreign Ashlar.
change of raiment . Doubtless-there is afterwards something inspiring in writing about such episodes as this , and the British public is reported to lionize greatly , men who " paddle their own canoe ; " but the half-drowned , shivering , unheroic individual
who Avas only too glad to give up his own " paddling" in order to secure the safety of a paddle-steamer , would hardly like his portrait as he then exhibited himself to be displayed in the London draAving-rooms Avhere he has become
famous on the strength of his canoe voyages . We shall not disclose this person ' s name , for Ave believe hi m to be— -saving his monomania—a man of sterling Avorth ; but Ave do heartily Avish him and others something better to do than foolishly risking
their lives in order to obtain the envy and admiration of persons with minds as mis-directed as their OAVU . The extravagances of the ritualists
and the asceticism of imitative , monks have at least the justification that ritualists and self-styled " fathers" believe they are doing God's Avork ; but the follies of "Canoe Clubs" and "Alpine Clubs " have no other merit than that they may
possibly diminish the number of fools in the Avorld , and so benefit society at the expense of said clubs .
At Palkoping Junction we parted Avith our friend Herr Lefiler , sorry indeed to lose so pleasant a companion . We Avere UOAV iudebted to a young S'vede , who spoke a little English for guidance . The Swedish railways travel very
sloAvly and make frequent stoppages . The carriages are more comfortable than our own , and the politeness of the employes is admirable . The refreshments provided at the stations Avere the best Ave have ever tasted on the railways of any
country . Charles Dickens eulogised some years ago the refreshments at Amiens , in Prance , and of our own knoAvledge Ave can support his opinion , but in Sweden they beat Amiens . Delicious soup , cutlets , beef , veal , venison , hot potatoes , Avith
excellent tea- and coffee , contrasted in our minds with the horrors of Swindon , Peterborough , and Rugby . Possibly , however , raihvay directors in England consider that they have done their duty in providing young ladies of wondrous " make up "
and startling chignons for the male passengers to flirt with , and therefore they need not care about " gross materialism , " as some insensate philosopher with bad digestion , weak eyes , and long hair lias designated the vulgar duty of eating . The food consumed in Siveden is very English in
Chips Of Foreign Ashlar.
character . It is much more substantial than French cookery , and the nature of the viands is more easily ascertained—N . B . Note this English heads of families who love not "foreign kickshaws . "
The Eoyal Swedish Eaihvay passes through a succession of splendid landscapes . Forest follows forest , and lake folloAVS lake . We glory in our OAVU lakes , but in Sweden they have Windermeres , Killarneys , and Loch Lomonds by the score . They
have forests which surpass in extent what Sherwood was in " the good old times " of Eobin Hood aud Little John . Englishmen may hunt the timid hare and shrinking fox , but in SAveden they have nobler sport in chasing bears and Avolves .
As Ave passed along Ave saw at various stations Avhat appeared an accumulation of blacksmiths , but Avhich proved to bo only ordinary peasants attired in one of their national dresses with long
leathern aprons . This style does not look very handsome , but the other national costumes are most picturesque and elegant . It is curious , too , that in Dalacaria , Avhere these are most worn , the peasants have a language of their own , which is
quite unintelligible to the educated Swede ; but we are assured as a fact that a Scottish Highlander has been known to converse easily with the Dalacarians at the first meeting . In the same Avay a Welshman is at home among the
peasantry of Brittany in France , and in parts of Denmark native Irish is not unknown . Moreover , Mrs . Taffy ' s wondrous beaver hat is also to be found in Denmark and Sweden .
At Hallsburg we had a passing view of Bro . Charles XV ., King of Sweden and Norway , who ivas going to Wenersborg - to open a new canal His Majesty is a fine , handsome man , Avith a pleasant open countenance . J . A . H .
Masonic Life-Boat Fund.
APPEAL TO THE CRAPT . In the MAGAZINE for February loth of this present year Ave called the attention of our readers to an ap ] 3 eal that was being made through our advertising columns for subscriptions toAvards defraying
the cost of a lifeboat . Eight months have elapsed , and still the object sought has not been obtained ; and from the apathy that up to this time which , Avith a feAv exemptions , has been displayed , the attainment of it seems far distant .