Article Round and About. ← Page 3 of 3 Article Masonic Mems. Page 1 of 4 Article Masonic Mems. Page 1 of 4 →
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Round And About.
whose time and attention cannot faithfully be rendered to the requirements of his office . There is no earthly reason why the Masonic Boys' Institution should not be a model of completeness and perfection . * * *
No portrait accompanies the " Eminent Mason at Home" this month , by the special wish of the Baron , and it was only on these conditions that the writer of the article was granted the facilities for preparing it . As Baron Ferdinand is the only member of the Craft among the houses of Rothschild , the opportunity could not be missed of accepting his restrictions . THE DRUID .
Masonic Mems.
Masonic Mems .
Bro . Lord John Taylour , whose death from pneumonia occurred in the early part of last month , was a younger brother of Bro . the Marquis of Headfort , S . G . W . of the Grand Lodge of Ireland , and uncle of Bro . the Earl of Bective , M . P ., Prov . Grand Master of Cumberland and Westmoreland . His lordship was born in the year 1831 , says the Freemason , and , having joined the army as ensign in
the 94 th Foot , rose ultimately to be its lieut .-colonel , and retired from the service with the honorary rank of major-general in 1886 . He was a very active Mason , and had won distinction in the District Grand Lodge of New South Wales , in the Province of Hants and the Isle of Wight , and in United Grand Lodge itself .
He was initiated in the Cambrian Lodge of Australia , No . 656 , Sydney , N . S . W ., on January 3 , 1862 , and was installed W . M . in December , 1866 . He was Dist . G . S . B . of New South Wales in 1863 , and Dist . S . G . W . in 1866 . On returning to England , he joined the Fenwick Lodge , No . 1389 ,
Sunderland , in 1877 , and continued a subscribing member till 1882 . He was also a P . M . of the Ryde Lodge , No . 6 98 , and Past Prov . J . G . W . of Hants and the Isle of Wight . In 1888 he was appointed and invested J . G . W . of United Grand Lodge . In the Royal Arch Degree , he was P . Z . of the East Medina Chapter , No . 175 , Ryde , and P . P . G . Prin . Soj . of Hants and the Isle of
Wight , and G . Prin . Soj . of Supreme Grand Chapter . In Mark Masonry , he was P . M . of the William Hickman Lodge , No . 320 , Sandown , and in 1884 was both Prov . S . G . W . of Hants and the Isle of Wight , and S . G . W . of the Grand Mark Lodge of England . He was a P . M . of the Shadwell Clerke Lodge , a member of the
Vectis Chapter of Rose Croix , and last , but not least , a supporter of the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls . His death was quite unexpected , as he was among the guests invited to be present at the installation meeting of the Savage Club Lodge , on Tuesday , the 4 th ult ., and it was certainly premature , as he was onl y in his fifty-eighth year .
* * * A new Masonic Lodge , the ninety-ninth in the province of West Lancashire , and numbered 2 , 335 on the roll of Masonic Lodges under the banner of the Grand Lodge of England , was duly consecrated on the afternoon of the 10 th ult . at the Coffee-house ,
Church-road , Wavertree , by Worshipful Bro . Edward Segar , P . Prov . G . W ., who officiated in the absence of the Ri ght Worshipful Earl Lathom , Provincial Grand Master . The title of the new Lodge is the " Cycling and Athletic" Lodge , and its prosperity seems to be assured , for there are already nearly forty members ,
and fourteen initiates were proposed during the course of the proceedings . A large assembly of Provincial Grand Officers , Founders of the Lodge , and visitors from other Lodges took part in the proceedings . The Worshipful Master-Designate was Bro . Robert Foote , P . M ., P . P . G . Treas ., who is so active a Masonic worker and
is connected with so many Lodges in the province of West Lancashire . The Senior Warden and the Junior Warden designate were Bros . R . R . Ellis and R . Lloyd respectively . The officers of the new Lodge were duly installed as follows : —Bros . R . Foote ,
Masonic Mems.
W . M ., J . Winsor , I . P . M ., R . R . Ellis , S . W ., R . Lloyd , J . W ., A . H . Morecroft , Treas ., T . G . Parkes , Sec , J . Lane , S . D ., T . Price , J . D ., J . Shields , D . C , J . Pugh , Org ., W . Orrey Callow , I . G ., Dr . Crozier , S . S ., J . Langford , J . S ., and J . Doran , Tyler . At the close of the proceedings a vote of thanks was accorded the consecrating officers , each of whom was made an Honorary Member
of the Lodge . * * # For the first time in the history of the Mansion House the civic residence of the Chief Magistrate of the City of London was brilliant with the decorations of no fewer than 320 Brethren of
various rank in the Craft assembled within its walls on the nth ult . to witness the installation of Sir Henry Isaacs , Lord Mayor of London , as Worshipful Master of the Drury Lane Lodge . The impressive ceremony was performed by Bro . J . C . Parkinson . Ordinarily the Lodge meets in the salon of Drury Lane Theatre , but ,
by special dispensation of the Grand Master , Sir Henry ' s installation was celebrated in the chief municipal building in the metropolis . The Brethren whom he afterwards invested as officers were Bro . J . Fernandez , Bro . Bancroft , Bro . Fleming , Bro . J . H . Matthews , Bro . Harry Nicholls , Bro . Thomas Catling , the Rev . C . J . Martyn ,
Bro . Bashford , Bro . Oscar Barrett , Bro . C . J . Phipps , and Bro . Sir Morell Mackenzie . The new Master subsequently entertained the company to dinner in the Egyptian Hall , and avowed that he esteemed the honor the Lodge had conferred upon him as a very high one indeed . Admiral Sir E . A . Inglefield , who officiated as
Master last year , was presented with a handsome P . M . jewel , and the proceedings terminated with a private concert in the saloon . Never before has the Craft witnessed such a collection of learned and able men as responded to the invitations of the Lord Mayor .
* * The restoration of the choir , lantern-tower , and transepts of Peterborough Cathedral having been completed , the Dean and Chapter are now in want of funds to furnish the choir . Several stalls have been promised by honorary canons , and as a memorial of
the Masonic ceremony which took p lace on the occasion of the laying of the foundation-stone of the central tower , a fund has been opened by the St . Peter ' s Lodge to present two stalls on behalf of the Freemasons of England . The restoration committee have decided to issue another appeal for funds to proceed with the work .
* * * The commemoration on Friday , 14 th ult ., of a charter having been granted in favor of Lodge Greenock St . John in 1790 occasioned a manifestation of Masonic vitality which does credit to the Greenock portion of the Renfrewshire West Province . Nor was
it only among the Brethren that this lively interest in the Order was observable . The banquet , which was served in splendid style and amid luxurious surroundings in the saloon of the Town Hall , was attended by a number of non-Masons , and when the Brethren issued forth in processional order , the streets in the vicinity of the hall were
literally packed with denizens . A torchlight procession was formed to the house of the W . M ., and eventually new colors were presented to the Lodge , to replace the old banner of 1829 . Bro . John Galbraith , P . M ., the oldest member of the Lodge , was not present .
* * * Colonel George Turner , a prominent officer of the Volunteer movement in Liverpool , and a well-known Freemason—he having attained the rank of Provincial Grand Treasurer—died last month , at the age of 67 years . Numbers of Brethren attended the funeral . * * #
On the 6 th ult . their Excellencies the Lord-Lieutenant and the Countess of Zetland visited the Masonic . Female Orphan School , Ball's Bridge , Dublin . They were accompanied by Lord Herbert Vane Tempest , the Earl of Clonmell , General Fraser , Captain Orr-Ewing , and Captain M'Calmont , and were received by his Grace the Duke of Abercorn , Grand Master ; the Deputy-
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Round And About.
whose time and attention cannot faithfully be rendered to the requirements of his office . There is no earthly reason why the Masonic Boys' Institution should not be a model of completeness and perfection . * * *
No portrait accompanies the " Eminent Mason at Home" this month , by the special wish of the Baron , and it was only on these conditions that the writer of the article was granted the facilities for preparing it . As Baron Ferdinand is the only member of the Craft among the houses of Rothschild , the opportunity could not be missed of accepting his restrictions . THE DRUID .
Masonic Mems.
Masonic Mems .
Bro . Lord John Taylour , whose death from pneumonia occurred in the early part of last month , was a younger brother of Bro . the Marquis of Headfort , S . G . W . of the Grand Lodge of Ireland , and uncle of Bro . the Earl of Bective , M . P ., Prov . Grand Master of Cumberland and Westmoreland . His lordship was born in the year 1831 , says the Freemason , and , having joined the army as ensign in
the 94 th Foot , rose ultimately to be its lieut .-colonel , and retired from the service with the honorary rank of major-general in 1886 . He was a very active Mason , and had won distinction in the District Grand Lodge of New South Wales , in the Province of Hants and the Isle of Wight , and in United Grand Lodge itself .
He was initiated in the Cambrian Lodge of Australia , No . 656 , Sydney , N . S . W ., on January 3 , 1862 , and was installed W . M . in December , 1866 . He was Dist . G . S . B . of New South Wales in 1863 , and Dist . S . G . W . in 1866 . On returning to England , he joined the Fenwick Lodge , No . 1389 ,
Sunderland , in 1877 , and continued a subscribing member till 1882 . He was also a P . M . of the Ryde Lodge , No . 6 98 , and Past Prov . J . G . W . of Hants and the Isle of Wight . In 1888 he was appointed and invested J . G . W . of United Grand Lodge . In the Royal Arch Degree , he was P . Z . of the East Medina Chapter , No . 175 , Ryde , and P . P . G . Prin . Soj . of Hants and the Isle of
Wight , and G . Prin . Soj . of Supreme Grand Chapter . In Mark Masonry , he was P . M . of the William Hickman Lodge , No . 320 , Sandown , and in 1884 was both Prov . S . G . W . of Hants and the Isle of Wight , and S . G . W . of the Grand Mark Lodge of England . He was a P . M . of the Shadwell Clerke Lodge , a member of the
Vectis Chapter of Rose Croix , and last , but not least , a supporter of the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls . His death was quite unexpected , as he was among the guests invited to be present at the installation meeting of the Savage Club Lodge , on Tuesday , the 4 th ult ., and it was certainly premature , as he was onl y in his fifty-eighth year .
* * * A new Masonic Lodge , the ninety-ninth in the province of West Lancashire , and numbered 2 , 335 on the roll of Masonic Lodges under the banner of the Grand Lodge of England , was duly consecrated on the afternoon of the 10 th ult . at the Coffee-house ,
Church-road , Wavertree , by Worshipful Bro . Edward Segar , P . Prov . G . W ., who officiated in the absence of the Ri ght Worshipful Earl Lathom , Provincial Grand Master . The title of the new Lodge is the " Cycling and Athletic" Lodge , and its prosperity seems to be assured , for there are already nearly forty members ,
and fourteen initiates were proposed during the course of the proceedings . A large assembly of Provincial Grand Officers , Founders of the Lodge , and visitors from other Lodges took part in the proceedings . The Worshipful Master-Designate was Bro . Robert Foote , P . M ., P . P . G . Treas ., who is so active a Masonic worker and
is connected with so many Lodges in the province of West Lancashire . The Senior Warden and the Junior Warden designate were Bros . R . R . Ellis and R . Lloyd respectively . The officers of the new Lodge were duly installed as follows : —Bros . R . Foote ,
Masonic Mems.
W . M ., J . Winsor , I . P . M ., R . R . Ellis , S . W ., R . Lloyd , J . W ., A . H . Morecroft , Treas ., T . G . Parkes , Sec , J . Lane , S . D ., T . Price , J . D ., J . Shields , D . C , J . Pugh , Org ., W . Orrey Callow , I . G ., Dr . Crozier , S . S ., J . Langford , J . S ., and J . Doran , Tyler . At the close of the proceedings a vote of thanks was accorded the consecrating officers , each of whom was made an Honorary Member
of the Lodge . * * # For the first time in the history of the Mansion House the civic residence of the Chief Magistrate of the City of London was brilliant with the decorations of no fewer than 320 Brethren of
various rank in the Craft assembled within its walls on the nth ult . to witness the installation of Sir Henry Isaacs , Lord Mayor of London , as Worshipful Master of the Drury Lane Lodge . The impressive ceremony was performed by Bro . J . C . Parkinson . Ordinarily the Lodge meets in the salon of Drury Lane Theatre , but ,
by special dispensation of the Grand Master , Sir Henry ' s installation was celebrated in the chief municipal building in the metropolis . The Brethren whom he afterwards invested as officers were Bro . J . Fernandez , Bro . Bancroft , Bro . Fleming , Bro . J . H . Matthews , Bro . Harry Nicholls , Bro . Thomas Catling , the Rev . C . J . Martyn ,
Bro . Bashford , Bro . Oscar Barrett , Bro . C . J . Phipps , and Bro . Sir Morell Mackenzie . The new Master subsequently entertained the company to dinner in the Egyptian Hall , and avowed that he esteemed the honor the Lodge had conferred upon him as a very high one indeed . Admiral Sir E . A . Inglefield , who officiated as
Master last year , was presented with a handsome P . M . jewel , and the proceedings terminated with a private concert in the saloon . Never before has the Craft witnessed such a collection of learned and able men as responded to the invitations of the Lord Mayor .
* * The restoration of the choir , lantern-tower , and transepts of Peterborough Cathedral having been completed , the Dean and Chapter are now in want of funds to furnish the choir . Several stalls have been promised by honorary canons , and as a memorial of
the Masonic ceremony which took p lace on the occasion of the laying of the foundation-stone of the central tower , a fund has been opened by the St . Peter ' s Lodge to present two stalls on behalf of the Freemasons of England . The restoration committee have decided to issue another appeal for funds to proceed with the work .
* * * The commemoration on Friday , 14 th ult ., of a charter having been granted in favor of Lodge Greenock St . John in 1790 occasioned a manifestation of Masonic vitality which does credit to the Greenock portion of the Renfrewshire West Province . Nor was
it only among the Brethren that this lively interest in the Order was observable . The banquet , which was served in splendid style and amid luxurious surroundings in the saloon of the Town Hall , was attended by a number of non-Masons , and when the Brethren issued forth in processional order , the streets in the vicinity of the hall were
literally packed with denizens . A torchlight procession was formed to the house of the W . M ., and eventually new colors were presented to the Lodge , to replace the old banner of 1829 . Bro . John Galbraith , P . M ., the oldest member of the Lodge , was not present .
* * * Colonel George Turner , a prominent officer of the Volunteer movement in Liverpool , and a well-known Freemason—he having attained the rank of Provincial Grand Treasurer—died last month , at the age of 67 years . Numbers of Brethren attended the funeral . * * #
On the 6 th ult . their Excellencies the Lord-Lieutenant and the Countess of Zetland visited the Masonic . Female Orphan School , Ball's Bridge , Dublin . They were accompanied by Lord Herbert Vane Tempest , the Earl of Clonmell , General Fraser , Captain Orr-Ewing , and Captain M'Calmont , and were received by his Grace the Duke of Abercorn , Grand Master ; the Deputy-