Article Masonic Mems. ← Page 3 of 4 →
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Masonic Mems.
Masonic law was a belief in the Supreme Being . He also proved that everything contained in tlie Craft at the present day existed at that period in a much simpler form , and demonstrated that in both operative and symbolic Masonry the various grades were developed gradually , as well as the connection of the Craft with the old great Trade Guilds . This he proved by documents dating
back to 1583 , and even to the time of the earlier Saxon kings , showing the growth of the more complicated government now existing . He then called attention to the gradual intro - duction of the present signs and symbols in use all over the globe , proving their sequential appearance , not only from Masonic
manuscripts , but from man ) ' still existing outside documents to be found in national libraries and museums . He finally gave an exhaustive statement , in which he showed that the present degrees in Craft Masonry were not recognised in their now-accepted order before 1725 . The interesting lecture , illustrated by diagrams and
photographs of many ancient manuscripts , was listened to with the greatest interest throughout , and a vote of thanks was unanimously accorded to Bro . Speth . —In reply to Bro . Dr . Costine , P . P . G . D ., the lecturer staled that he had not alluded to Royal Aichmasonry , as it was not germane to the matter immediately in hand . —Tlie
Chairman announced that in future the lectures would be addressed to members only , a large number of whom enrolled themselves after the proceedings terminated . —The Secretary , Bro . PI . B . Browne , P . M ., will be happy to receive any applications for membership .
* * * Sir John B . Monckton was the installing officer , on Wednesday , the 19 th ult ., on the occasion of the installation , at Freemasons ' Hall , of the W . M . of the Buckingham and Chandos Lodge . Bro . Septimus NotJey was the Brother placed in office for the year ensuing . At the close of the ceremony , the members entertained their friends at a banquet . The music , which was exceptionally choice , was in the hands of Mr . F . A . Jewson .
* * * Bro . F . C . Hallett has , for the third time , been installed W . M . of the Benevolent Lodge meeting at Plymouth . * # * Bro . Ex-Sheriff Clarke lias become a member of the Bayard
Chapter of the Royal Arch Masonry . To the retiring Z . —Captain Henry Wright—a handsome jewel , in recognition of his services , w-as voted at the last meeting of the Chapter . * * * It is proposed to form a Masonic Lodge in connection with the
old boys of St . Olave ' s Grammar School , The idea emanates from the Old Olavians' Society , whose members meet at the Masons' Hall Tavern .
* * * Law and Freemasonry in Sussex seem to have a close connection , for tlie late W . Bro . Gerard Ford , who was Deputy Provincial Grand Master , was a solicitor , and his successor , W . Bro . the Right Hon . Sir \ V . T . Marriott , Q . C , M . P ., is a barrister .
Then we have two solicitors as present W . M . ' s of Lodges in the province , viz ., Bro . H . L . Staffurth ( Clerk to die Bognor Local Board ) , W . M . of tlie Gordon Lodge , Bognor , and Bro . T . P . Harker ( Clerk of the Peace for Brighton ) , who was a few days since installed W . M . of the Royal Brunswick Lodge , Brighton ; and
another Brighton solicitor , Bro . J . C . Buckwell , is , on Monday next , to be installed W . M . of the Adur Lodge , Henfield . Among the Past Provincial Grand Officers of Sussex are several more solicitors , viz . : —Provincial Grand Registrars : Bro . Henry Verrall ( Clerk to Brighton Magistrates ) , who has also been J . G . W . ; JJro .
C . A . Woolley ( Town Clerk of Hove ) , Provincial Junior Grand Warden ; Bro . Sir R . G . Raper ( Mayor of Chichester and Secretary to the Bishop ) , Provincial Junior Grand Deacon ; Bro . J . H . C . Coles ( Town Clerk of Eastbourne ) , Provincial Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies ; Bro . R . Pidcock ( Eastbourne ); and Provincial Grand Sword Bearer , Bro . W . A . Stuckey ( Brighton ) .
The Wilberforce Chapter , No . 2 , 134 , was consecrated on the 28 th ult . The ceremony took place at tlie Masonic Hall , Hull , and created a considerable amount of interest amongst the Masons in the neighborhood , and brought together a very influential assembly . The feature of the new Lodge is that it is to be conducted upon temperance principles—that is to say , no intoxicating liquors
will be allowed to be consumed during the refreshment of the Lodge , but it does not force total abstinence otherwise upon its members . In the absence of Compt . the Right Hon . the Earl of Zetland , Grand Superintendent of the Province of North and East Yorkshire , Compt . Lieut .-Col . the Hon . W . T . Orde-Powlett ,
P . G . Scribe E . England , P . P . G . P ! ., was the consecrating officer . The petition and charter of constitution having been read , and the officers approved of , Compt . M . C . Peek delivered an oration upon the origin of Arch Masonrj-, and the proceedings were impressively carried out to the end .
* * * The anniversary festival of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution was held on the 26 th ult . at the Freemasons' Tavern , Lord Euston , P . G . M ., North Hants and Huntingdon , presiding , in the unavoidable absence of the Right Hon . the Lord Mayor , who was
unable to attend through illness . —About 400 Brethren sat down to dinner , among them being Bros . J . Derby Allcroft , P . G . T ., Richard Eve , P . G . T ., A . Barfield , P . G . T ., Major George Lambert , P . G . S . B ., Thomas Fenn , P . G . J . W ., II . Smith , P . G . D ., D . P . G . M West Yorkshire ; J . A . Farnfield , P . A . G . D . C ; J . H . Matthews ,
P . G . S . B ., P . D . G . D ., Bengal ; W . J . Crutch , P . P . G . D ., Herts ; Baron de Ferrieres ; Col . Shadwell Clark , Grand Secretary ; R . Clowes , P . P . G . W . Essex ; R . Berridge , P . G . D ., W . F . Smithson , P . P . G J . W . Yorks ; C . F . Matier , P . G . S . B ., & c—The usual loyal toasts having been duly honored , the
Chairman proposed the toast of the evening , " Success to the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution . " He reminded his hearers that ( . he fund was originally started in 1 S 42 , when £ 400 was voted by Grand Lodge to assist Masons who were in affliction , distress ,
and poverty through no fault of their own . This had now increased to , £ " 15 , 000 per annum , an amount which showed that those who became Freemasons were alive to the obligations imposed by the principles of charity they had adopted . There were , unfortunately however , many more applications than vacancies existing , and
although during the past few years they had paid ^ 200 , 000 in annuities , there were at the next election 148 candidates for 24 vacancies . The institution was admirably managed b } ' Bro . Terry , whose devotion to the work was a guarantee of sound administration . They had always found Freemasonry ready to generously
support it , and he prayed God that in the future , as in the pasti prosperity might ever attend its operations . —Bro . Farnfield , in responding , pointed out that a collection of at least £ " 14 , 000 was necessary at the annual festival to enable the Institution to meet its engagements , and Bro . Terry then announced subscriptions to tlie
amount of over ^ 13 , . —Other toasts followed , after which the company adjourned to the Temple , where an admirable concert was given , under the direction of Bro . W . T . Graves , by Misses Annie Lea , O . St . Hill , Gretta Williams , Bertha Colnaghi , and Messrs . E . Bryant , Stanley , Smith , and Egbert Roberts .
SCMMAKY OL- - Tltli ' ' KOVISCI . 'S . £ . S . J- £ . S . J . ' Jierks and I ! ucl ; s JJJ 12 6 Middlesex .. ,. 285 12 6 C-imlti iil : 4 C . sliire .. .. .. .. 52 10 o NoiToll ; .. .. .. .. .. 223 5 o Cheshire .. .. .. .. .. no 5 o Norlhant . s and Hunts .. .. .. 42 o o Cuiu ^ aU .. .. .. .. .. 110 5 u Oxfordshire .. ., .. .. 235 12 o Cuniheiland and Westmoreland .. 73 IU o S ] n'o ]> shire .. .. .. .. ,. 06 12 o I V-rhy .-Jn ' rc ( 2 17 o NotNersels / iire iik > 7 o
llevonshire 1 : 07 I o Sonlll Wales ( West Division ) .. .. 2 . ( l . j ' ) Dmhani ¦ / ? , 15 i' Slnl .. rdsliire .. ? oo u o Kssex , ;" .-, ' ( , (• Mllloll ; 21 , , = ; u ( d . mccsler . hire i 1 ; 17 .. Surrey 217 it 6 llanlsand Lleof Wi 2 . ht .. .. i-y . -, i Sussex -,, o llenlord .-iiiie .. ' a , - II o WanvidtTlire 21 u o Kent .. .. .. .. .. ,. 7 ] j / . ( . 1 Worcestershire .. .. ,. ,. 10 10 o Lancashire ( Last 1 'iv ' iMon ) .. ,. 217 17 o Vo'kshire ( West Riding ) .. .. 525 o o „ ( West Iii vi inn ) .. .. ;;| i 4 o Channel Islands ( o o o Leicestershire and Knlland .. ,. I ' JO o o Jersey .. .. ,. ., .. JIO 15 o Lincolnshire 1
.. .. .. ,. ICXJ o 175 STKWAKDS—LONDON £ 6 , 753 8 6 i 5 j STEWAKUS—I ' KOVINCKS .. .. .. 6 , 3 ) 1 ' 3 o GKAND TOTAL . 613 , 095 i 6
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Mems.
Masonic law was a belief in the Supreme Being . He also proved that everything contained in tlie Craft at the present day existed at that period in a much simpler form , and demonstrated that in both operative and symbolic Masonry the various grades were developed gradually , as well as the connection of the Craft with the old great Trade Guilds . This he proved by documents dating
back to 1583 , and even to the time of the earlier Saxon kings , showing the growth of the more complicated government now existing . He then called attention to the gradual intro - duction of the present signs and symbols in use all over the globe , proving their sequential appearance , not only from Masonic
manuscripts , but from man ) ' still existing outside documents to be found in national libraries and museums . He finally gave an exhaustive statement , in which he showed that the present degrees in Craft Masonry were not recognised in their now-accepted order before 1725 . The interesting lecture , illustrated by diagrams and
photographs of many ancient manuscripts , was listened to with the greatest interest throughout , and a vote of thanks was unanimously accorded to Bro . Speth . —In reply to Bro . Dr . Costine , P . P . G . D ., the lecturer staled that he had not alluded to Royal Aichmasonry , as it was not germane to the matter immediately in hand . —Tlie
Chairman announced that in future the lectures would be addressed to members only , a large number of whom enrolled themselves after the proceedings terminated . —The Secretary , Bro . PI . B . Browne , P . M ., will be happy to receive any applications for membership .
* * * Sir John B . Monckton was the installing officer , on Wednesday , the 19 th ult ., on the occasion of the installation , at Freemasons ' Hall , of the W . M . of the Buckingham and Chandos Lodge . Bro . Septimus NotJey was the Brother placed in office for the year ensuing . At the close of the ceremony , the members entertained their friends at a banquet . The music , which was exceptionally choice , was in the hands of Mr . F . A . Jewson .
* * * Bro . F . C . Hallett has , for the third time , been installed W . M . of the Benevolent Lodge meeting at Plymouth . * # * Bro . Ex-Sheriff Clarke lias become a member of the Bayard
Chapter of the Royal Arch Masonry . To the retiring Z . —Captain Henry Wright—a handsome jewel , in recognition of his services , w-as voted at the last meeting of the Chapter . * * * It is proposed to form a Masonic Lodge in connection with the
old boys of St . Olave ' s Grammar School , The idea emanates from the Old Olavians' Society , whose members meet at the Masons' Hall Tavern .
* * * Law and Freemasonry in Sussex seem to have a close connection , for tlie late W . Bro . Gerard Ford , who was Deputy Provincial Grand Master , was a solicitor , and his successor , W . Bro . the Right Hon . Sir \ V . T . Marriott , Q . C , M . P ., is a barrister .
Then we have two solicitors as present W . M . ' s of Lodges in the province , viz ., Bro . H . L . Staffurth ( Clerk to die Bognor Local Board ) , W . M . of tlie Gordon Lodge , Bognor , and Bro . T . P . Harker ( Clerk of the Peace for Brighton ) , who was a few days since installed W . M . of the Royal Brunswick Lodge , Brighton ; and
another Brighton solicitor , Bro . J . C . Buckwell , is , on Monday next , to be installed W . M . of the Adur Lodge , Henfield . Among the Past Provincial Grand Officers of Sussex are several more solicitors , viz . : —Provincial Grand Registrars : Bro . Henry Verrall ( Clerk to Brighton Magistrates ) , who has also been J . G . W . ; JJro .
C . A . Woolley ( Town Clerk of Hove ) , Provincial Junior Grand Warden ; Bro . Sir R . G . Raper ( Mayor of Chichester and Secretary to the Bishop ) , Provincial Junior Grand Deacon ; Bro . J . H . C . Coles ( Town Clerk of Eastbourne ) , Provincial Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies ; Bro . R . Pidcock ( Eastbourne ); and Provincial Grand Sword Bearer , Bro . W . A . Stuckey ( Brighton ) .
The Wilberforce Chapter , No . 2 , 134 , was consecrated on the 28 th ult . The ceremony took place at tlie Masonic Hall , Hull , and created a considerable amount of interest amongst the Masons in the neighborhood , and brought together a very influential assembly . The feature of the new Lodge is that it is to be conducted upon temperance principles—that is to say , no intoxicating liquors
will be allowed to be consumed during the refreshment of the Lodge , but it does not force total abstinence otherwise upon its members . In the absence of Compt . the Right Hon . the Earl of Zetland , Grand Superintendent of the Province of North and East Yorkshire , Compt . Lieut .-Col . the Hon . W . T . Orde-Powlett ,
P . G . Scribe E . England , P . P . G . P ! ., was the consecrating officer . The petition and charter of constitution having been read , and the officers approved of , Compt . M . C . Peek delivered an oration upon the origin of Arch Masonrj-, and the proceedings were impressively carried out to the end .
* * * The anniversary festival of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution was held on the 26 th ult . at the Freemasons' Tavern , Lord Euston , P . G . M ., North Hants and Huntingdon , presiding , in the unavoidable absence of the Right Hon . the Lord Mayor , who was
unable to attend through illness . —About 400 Brethren sat down to dinner , among them being Bros . J . Derby Allcroft , P . G . T ., Richard Eve , P . G . T ., A . Barfield , P . G . T ., Major George Lambert , P . G . S . B ., Thomas Fenn , P . G . J . W ., II . Smith , P . G . D ., D . P . G . M West Yorkshire ; J . A . Farnfield , P . A . G . D . C ; J . H . Matthews ,
P . G . S . B ., P . D . G . D ., Bengal ; W . J . Crutch , P . P . G . D ., Herts ; Baron de Ferrieres ; Col . Shadwell Clark , Grand Secretary ; R . Clowes , P . P . G . W . Essex ; R . Berridge , P . G . D ., W . F . Smithson , P . P . G J . W . Yorks ; C . F . Matier , P . G . S . B ., & c—The usual loyal toasts having been duly honored , the
Chairman proposed the toast of the evening , " Success to the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution . " He reminded his hearers that ( . he fund was originally started in 1 S 42 , when £ 400 was voted by Grand Lodge to assist Masons who were in affliction , distress ,
and poverty through no fault of their own . This had now increased to , £ " 15 , 000 per annum , an amount which showed that those who became Freemasons were alive to the obligations imposed by the principles of charity they had adopted . There were , unfortunately however , many more applications than vacancies existing , and
although during the past few years they had paid ^ 200 , 000 in annuities , there were at the next election 148 candidates for 24 vacancies . The institution was admirably managed b } ' Bro . Terry , whose devotion to the work was a guarantee of sound administration . They had always found Freemasonry ready to generously
support it , and he prayed God that in the future , as in the pasti prosperity might ever attend its operations . —Bro . Farnfield , in responding , pointed out that a collection of at least £ " 14 , 000 was necessary at the annual festival to enable the Institution to meet its engagements , and Bro . Terry then announced subscriptions to tlie
amount of over ^ 13 , . —Other toasts followed , after which the company adjourned to the Temple , where an admirable concert was given , under the direction of Bro . W . T . Graves , by Misses Annie Lea , O . St . Hill , Gretta Williams , Bertha Colnaghi , and Messrs . E . Bryant , Stanley , Smith , and Egbert Roberts .
SCMMAKY OL- - Tltli ' ' KOVISCI . 'S . £ . S . J- £ . S . J . ' Jierks and I ! ucl ; s JJJ 12 6 Middlesex .. ,. 285 12 6 C-imlti iil : 4 C . sliire .. .. .. .. 52 10 o NoiToll ; .. .. .. .. .. 223 5 o Cheshire .. .. .. .. .. no 5 o Norlhant . s and Hunts .. .. .. 42 o o Cuiu ^ aU .. .. .. .. .. 110 5 u Oxfordshire .. ., .. .. 235 12 o Cuniheiland and Westmoreland .. 73 IU o S ] n'o ]> shire .. .. .. .. ,. 06 12 o I V-rhy .-Jn ' rc ( 2 17 o NotNersels / iire iik > 7 o
llevonshire 1 : 07 I o Sonlll Wales ( West Division ) .. .. 2 . ( l . j ' ) Dmhani ¦ / ? , 15 i' Slnl .. rdsliire .. ? oo u o Kssex , ;" .-, ' ( , (• Mllloll ; 21 , , = ; u ( d . mccsler . hire i 1 ; 17 .. Surrey 217 it 6 llanlsand Lleof Wi 2 . ht .. .. i-y . -, i Sussex -,, o llenlord .-iiiie .. ' a , - II o WanvidtTlire 21 u o Kent .. .. .. .. .. ,. 7 ] j / . ( . 1 Worcestershire .. .. ,. ,. 10 10 o Lancashire ( Last 1 'iv ' iMon ) .. ,. 217 17 o Vo'kshire ( West Riding ) .. .. 525 o o „ ( West Iii vi inn ) .. .. ;;| i 4 o Channel Islands ( o o o Leicestershire and Knlland .. ,. I ' JO o o Jersey .. .. ,. ., .. JIO 15 o Lincolnshire 1
.. .. .. ,. ICXJ o 175 STKWAKDS—LONDON £ 6 , 753 8 6 i 5 j STEWAKUS—I ' KOVINCKS .. .. .. 6 , 3 ) 1 ' 3 o GKAND TOTAL . 613 , 095 i 6