Article QUATUOR CORONATI LODGE, No. 2076. Page 1 of 1 Article QUATUOR CORONATI LODGE, No. 2076. Page 1 of 1 Article We are requested to notify that :- Page 1 of 1 Article OUR TRESTLE BOARD Page 1 of 1
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Quatuor Coronati Lodge, No. 2076.
This lodge met at Freemasons' Hall on Friday , the 4 th instant . Present : Bros . W . Simpson . W . M . ; Robert Freke Gould . Past Grand Deacon . I . P . M . : Col . S . C . Pratt . S . W . : G . W . Speth . Sec . : Professor Hayter Lewis . S . D . ; Rev . C J . Ball , I . G . ; E . Macbean . Steward : F . ' H . Goldney . P . G . D . : W . II . Rylands ' , P . G . Steward ;
J . Finlay Finlayson , and C . Kupfersehmidt ; also the following members of the Correspondence Circle : Bros . J . Wood , D . P . Cama , P . G . Treas . ; Professor P . L . Simmonds . R . Gowan , Professor F . W . Driver , J . B . Mackey , C F . llogard . P . G . Std . Br . ; S . R . Baakett , F . Binckcs , P . G . S . B . ; A . Rowley , Dr . W . R . Woodman , P . G . S . B . ; and Max Mendelssohn : also the . following visitors : Bros . Burns
Gibson , C . W . G . Pines . Jabez Hogg , P . G . D . ; and C Meiter . The following brethren were admitted as joining members , viz . Bro . Gustav Adolf Cresar Kupferschmidt , author of " List , of Lodges founded in Germany from 1737 to the Present Time " ( still in M . S . ) , " Notes on the Relations between the Grand Lodges of England and Sweden during the last Century , " and of several essays read in
the Pilgrim Lodge ; Bro . John Finlay Finlayson . author of "The Legends and Symbols of Freemasonry . " and other works ; and Bro . Caspar Purdon Clarke , Companion of the Indian Empire , author of a Paper read before the Society of Antiquaries . 1873 , upon "The Supposed Mythric Church ( or chamber ) beneath the church of St . Clements , at Rome ; " before the Society of Arts , 1882 and 1888 . on
" The Domestic Architecture of India , " and "Street Architecture in India ; " before the Iron and Steel Institute on " Art Castings in Bronze in India ; " before the Royal Institute of British Architects , on il Moghul Art , " and of 26 articles in the Calcutta Eugli .-hmnn upon " Indian Art , " & c . - The following resolutions were carried , viz . : I . ' That this lodge
hbartily concurs in the object of the Gould Testimonial Fund ; is pleased to see that its W . M ... Senior P . M ., Secretary , and other o- 'dcers are on the committee of the same , and . remembering the Avowed objects for which this lodge was warranted , amongst which is the encouragement of Masonic Literature , desires the Treasurer to forward to Bro . Ralph Gooding . P . G . D ., the sum of ten guineas
from the Lodge Account Fund , with a request that the name of the lodge may head the list of contributors immediately after the names of the Committee Members . " 2 . ¦ " That the Permanent Committee , taking into consideration that the whole working time of the Secretary has long been devoted to the service of the lodge , do recommend that a minimum salary of a XI 00 per annum be
attached to that office while it shall continue to be held by Bro . G . W . Speth . " 3 . " That the members of the Lodge Quatuor Coronati , No . 2076 , have learnt with great sorrow the loss which Bro . W . M . Bywater , J . W ., has experienced in the recent decease of his wife , and beg to assure him of their fraternal sympathy with him in his grief and distress ; that the Secretary enter this
expression of their feelings on the minutes of the lodge , and convey to Bro . Bywater the sincere condolence of his brothers . " 1 . That Bro . Sir Charles Warren . G . C . M . G ., K . C . B ., Past Grand Deacon , having served the office of first W . M . of the Lodge Quatuor Coronati from the date of the warrant , 28 th November , 1884 , to the 8 th November , 1887 , the thanks of the brethren be , and . hereby are ,
tendered to him for his valuable services , and for the fraternal generosity evinced by him at its formation , in providing for the preliminary expenses ; that the above resolution be suitably engrossed and presented to Bro . Sir Charles Warren . " 5 . ' That Bro . Robert Freke Gould , Past Grand Deacon , having completed his year of office as Worshipful Master of the Lodge Quatuor Coronati , the
thanks of the brethren be , and hereby are , tendered to him for his courtesy in the chair and efficient management of the affairs of the lodge , and more especially for the time and study devoted by him during his Mastership to the preparation of the commentary and dissertation contained in Volume I . of Quatuor Coronatorum Antigrapha ; that the above resolution be suitably engrossed and
presented to Bro . R . F . Gould . " The following 15 lodges and 55 brethren were admitted members of the Correspondence Circle , thus bringing the total of admissions to 517 , viz .: Lodge Victory , 1027 , Nelson . New Zealand ; North Suburban Lodge of Instruction . 2177 , Carlton , Victoria ; Southern Cross Lodge , 1778 , Harrismith , Orange Free State ; St . Clair Lodge ,
2074 , Landport ; Minerva zu den drei Palmen , Leix > sic ; Prince Frederick William of Prussia ' s Lodge . 431 ( I . G ) , Ballymena : United Service Lodge , 1128 , Landport : Salopian Lodge of Charity . 117 , Shrewsbury ; Salopian Lodge . 262 , Shrewsbury : Eastnor Lodge , 751 , Ledbury ; St . Matthew ' s Lodge , 5311 , Walsall : St . Bartholomew Lodge , 61 ) 6 , Wednesbury ; Tudor L . of Rifle Volunteers . 1838 .
Wolverhampton ; Felix Gottlieb Conclave , No . 3 , Penang : Lodge ; of the Marches , No . fill , Ludlow ; and Bros . A . C . Smith , P . G . High Priest G . Chapter of Massachusetts ; J . Hillis , Boston , Mass . : L . G . Boor . P . Dist . G . W ., Wellington . New Zealand : Mr . JusticeR . I . Finnemore , Dist . Grand Master of Natal : Dr . W . C Bland , Portsmouth Commodore A . IT . Markham , C . B .. 11 . 31 . S . Active . Portsmouth
W . Gillman , Southsea ; E . A . Crocker , Foochow , Dist . G . Sunt , of W . North China ; G . 0 . A . Haastorther . W . M . 2232 , Vryburg , Brit . Bechuanaland ; T . A . Gardiner , Longlands , Vaal River : T . Mac-Naught , Kimberley ; J . Mylchreest , Peel . I . of Man : E . II . Croghan , M . D . ; J . G . Croghan , M . D . ; and J . C II . Croghan . all of Beaconsfield , South Africa ; E . Bull , F . W . Peters . V . K . Bradford . S .
Mendelssohn , D . J . Ilaartoff , F . M . vv oollan , and E . Aburrow , all of Kimberley , South Africa ; P . Bazenjee , Dist . G . Treasurer ; 51 . P . Bazenjee , A . W . S . Holmes , and J . McOonnaohy . all of Hong Kong ; S . S . Partridge , Dep . P . G . M . Leicester and Rutland . P . A . G . D . C . J . L . Brayshaw , Settle , Yorks : H . Firth . Baildon , Yorks ; T . M , Lawson , Leeds ; E . T-ylor . Devoran , Cornwall : J . W . Gieve . Prov .
G . Treas . Hants and I . of \\ . ; S . G . Munro , Southsea ; R . G . Venables , Dep . Prov . G . M . Shropshire ; T . Bume , Royal Hosp . Chelsea ; S . S . Williams , Past G . M . Ohio ; James Stevens , Author of several Masonic works , and Editor of the MASONIC STAR : J . W . Hayes , sen ., Bangalore , P . Dist . G . W . Madras ; Dr . C . J . Egan , King William ' s Town , South Africa , Dist . Grand Master Eastern Division South Africa : G . H . Fowle , Kokstad . Dist . A . G . Purst . Natal :
Quatuor Coronati Lodge, No. 2076.
T . Howell . Southsea : Dr . L . vau Doesburgh , Amsterdam ; W . Lidgey , Devoran . Cornwall ; G . H . Piper . Dep . Prov . Grand Master Herefordshire : D . W . Tallcott . Albany , P . Dist , Dep . G . M .. New York ; J . Wood . Whitstable : G . S . II . Gottlieb , Penang ; Rev . J . Sanders , Northampton . P . G . Chaplain ; Rev . T . Russell-Wright , P . P . G , Chap . Dorsetshire . Charminster ; W . B . Mayo , P . P . G . D . C Devon . Buckfastlcigh ; 11 . Stevens , Aslrburton ; G . A . Nock , Clapham ; S . Dyson
Elland . Yorks ; Max Mendelssohn , Brownswood Park , Finsbury ; and W . ' . T . Cunliffe , Manchester , P . P . S . G . D . East Lancashire . Bro . Simpson . W . M ., read a highly interesting and original paper on "The Worship of Death . " The lecturer propounded several novel and ingenious theories , which was very ably presented and powerfully sustained by arguments . A vote ' of thanks concluded the business of the evening , and refreshmentfollowed labour .
We Are Requested To Notify That :-
We are requested to notify that :-
A masonic ball , under the auspices of the five Leicester lodges , and in aid of the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys , will be held at the County Assembly Rooms . Leicester , on the 2 ! . th inst . The patronage of the Pro . Grand Master , the Deputy Grand Master , and a large number of high dignitaries in the craft has been
secured for this endeavour to assist our Boys' School , and there is no doubt it will be a grand and pleasant entertainment . Bro . J . B . Waring , of the John o'Gaunt Lodge , No . . " . 23 , is one of the lion . sees ., and will doubtless afford further information if required . Address to him at Freemasons' Hall , Leicester .
The installation meeting of the Lodge Temperance . A o . H . »! l , will be held this evening , 17 th inst .. at the White Swan Hotel . High Street . Dcptford . at 5 o ' clock , when Bro . Robert Jackson the S . W . and W . M . elect will be installed W . M . for the ensuing year .
Bro . Isidore do Solla has been engaged by the successful . English tenor . Mr . Valentine Smith , to conduct his English opera season at the Olympic Theatre . We should say that Bro . de Solla ' s experience should stand Mr . Smith in good stead .
The next social meeting of the ¦ ' Old Masomans " will be held on the 18 th inst . ( to-morrow . Friday evening ) , at Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet Street , at 8 . 30 . The chair will be taken by Mr . F . J . W . Hutton . Next Cinderella . Feb . 1 st , at 7 . 30 .
The annual ( Cinderella ) ball of the Cripplegate Lodge , No . 1613 . will take place at Cannon Street Hotel , on Friday , January 25 th . Particulars in advertising columns . The Panmure Lodge , No . 720 , Bro . Fred . Purkiss , W . M ., will meet at the Balham Hotel . Balham , S . W .. London , on the 21 st inst . at 5 . 30 . Initiation and other business . Refreshment after labour . Bro . Thos . Poore , P . M .. secretary , 153 . Wirtemberg Street , Clapham
The Royal Union Lodge , No . 382 . Bro . J . Taplin , W . M ., will meet at the Chequers Hotel . Uxbridgo , on Monday , the 21 st inst ., at 4 . 30 p . m . Work in third degree , and election night . The West Smithfield Lodge of Instruction . No . 1623 , will hold
a Smoking Concert at the Manchester Hotel , Aldersgato Street . E . G ., on Monday next , the 21 st inst ., at 7 p . m . Any profits arising therefrom to be devoted to Masonic Charity . Tickets Is . each Secretary , Bro . II . Hill , 12 . Everleigh Street , Tollington Park , N .
The fifteen Sections will be worked in the Upton Lodge of Instruction , No . 1227 , on Monday , the 1 th February , issit . at the Three Nuns Hotel . Aid gate , E . G ., at 7 p . m .
Our Trestle Board
" For the Master to lay lines and draw designs upon . "
ALL communications should be forwarded to 511 , Moor Lane , Fore Street . E . G .. London . Those relating to Editorial matter to be addressed to the EDITOR : and all others to Messrs . ADAMS BROS . * * * * * We desire to call the attention of our provincial reader ,- ; and
advertisers to the list of agents published in our advertisement columns . We are making such arrangements that through our agents any local information or business matters can be respectively forwarded or transmitted without trouble or expense . We shall add to our list as may be desired in respect , of other towns .
The current number of the i ' nie ! seal 'J'eucher contains : he first part of an article on drawing , from the hand of one of our esteemed correspondents , Bro . Charlie Woods . IXfi ' . i , Asst . Soj . Elect 1275 . * # * * * We regret to announce the death of Bro . Andrew Middlemass , P . M . 1321 ) . P . Z . 176 , kc . an active Camberwell politician , a vestryman , and a member of the Metropolitan Board of "Works , who died on the 6 th inst ., after a short illness .
CONSECRATION OF ' NEW L < > OI _ E . — The West Ham Abbey Lodge , No . 2211 ] . to be held at the Town Hall , Stratford , was consecrated cm Thursday , the I Oth inst .. by V . W . Bro . Col . Shad well II . Gierke , P . G . D . O . S .. assisted by grand officers . Bro . . lames Boulton was installed W . M .. and Iko ' s . George Hay and Albert Govier were invested as senior and junior wardens respectively . Bro . W . E . Purdue was elected treasurer , and the W . M . appointed Bros . F . 0 . D . Fenn . sec . ; Mark Gentry . S . D . ; W . G . > . orman , J . D . ; and E . Triggs , I . G . We are told that this new lodge promises to be " second to none . "
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Quatuor Coronati Lodge, No. 2076.
This lodge met at Freemasons' Hall on Friday , the 4 th instant . Present : Bros . W . Simpson . W . M . ; Robert Freke Gould . Past Grand Deacon . I . P . M . : Col . S . C . Pratt . S . W . : G . W . Speth . Sec . : Professor Hayter Lewis . S . D . ; Rev . C J . Ball , I . G . ; E . Macbean . Steward : F . ' H . Goldney . P . G . D . : W . II . Rylands ' , P . G . Steward ;
J . Finlay Finlayson , and C . Kupfersehmidt ; also the following members of the Correspondence Circle : Bros . J . Wood , D . P . Cama , P . G . Treas . ; Professor P . L . Simmonds . R . Gowan , Professor F . W . Driver , J . B . Mackey , C F . llogard . P . G . Std . Br . ; S . R . Baakett , F . Binckcs , P . G . S . B . ; A . Rowley , Dr . W . R . Woodman , P . G . S . B . ; and Max Mendelssohn : also the . following visitors : Bros . Burns
Gibson , C . W . G . Pines . Jabez Hogg , P . G . D . ; and C Meiter . The following brethren were admitted as joining members , viz . Bro . Gustav Adolf Cresar Kupferschmidt , author of " List , of Lodges founded in Germany from 1737 to the Present Time " ( still in M . S . ) , " Notes on the Relations between the Grand Lodges of England and Sweden during the last Century , " and of several essays read in
the Pilgrim Lodge ; Bro . John Finlay Finlayson . author of "The Legends and Symbols of Freemasonry . " and other works ; and Bro . Caspar Purdon Clarke , Companion of the Indian Empire , author of a Paper read before the Society of Antiquaries . 1873 , upon "The Supposed Mythric Church ( or chamber ) beneath the church of St . Clements , at Rome ; " before the Society of Arts , 1882 and 1888 . on
" The Domestic Architecture of India , " and "Street Architecture in India ; " before the Iron and Steel Institute on " Art Castings in Bronze in India ; " before the Royal Institute of British Architects , on il Moghul Art , " and of 26 articles in the Calcutta Eugli .-hmnn upon " Indian Art , " & c . - The following resolutions were carried , viz . : I . ' That this lodge
hbartily concurs in the object of the Gould Testimonial Fund ; is pleased to see that its W . M ... Senior P . M ., Secretary , and other o- 'dcers are on the committee of the same , and . remembering the Avowed objects for which this lodge was warranted , amongst which is the encouragement of Masonic Literature , desires the Treasurer to forward to Bro . Ralph Gooding . P . G . D ., the sum of ten guineas
from the Lodge Account Fund , with a request that the name of the lodge may head the list of contributors immediately after the names of the Committee Members . " 2 . ¦ " That the Permanent Committee , taking into consideration that the whole working time of the Secretary has long been devoted to the service of the lodge , do recommend that a minimum salary of a XI 00 per annum be
attached to that office while it shall continue to be held by Bro . G . W . Speth . " 3 . " That the members of the Lodge Quatuor Coronati , No . 2076 , have learnt with great sorrow the loss which Bro . W . M . Bywater , J . W ., has experienced in the recent decease of his wife , and beg to assure him of their fraternal sympathy with him in his grief and distress ; that the Secretary enter this
expression of their feelings on the minutes of the lodge , and convey to Bro . Bywater the sincere condolence of his brothers . " 1 . That Bro . Sir Charles Warren . G . C . M . G ., K . C . B ., Past Grand Deacon , having served the office of first W . M . of the Lodge Quatuor Coronati from the date of the warrant , 28 th November , 1884 , to the 8 th November , 1887 , the thanks of the brethren be , and . hereby are ,
tendered to him for his valuable services , and for the fraternal generosity evinced by him at its formation , in providing for the preliminary expenses ; that the above resolution be suitably engrossed and presented to Bro . Sir Charles Warren . " 5 . ' That Bro . Robert Freke Gould , Past Grand Deacon , having completed his year of office as Worshipful Master of the Lodge Quatuor Coronati , the
thanks of the brethren be , and hereby are , tendered to him for his courtesy in the chair and efficient management of the affairs of the lodge , and more especially for the time and study devoted by him during his Mastership to the preparation of the commentary and dissertation contained in Volume I . of Quatuor Coronatorum Antigrapha ; that the above resolution be suitably engrossed and
presented to Bro . R . F . Gould . " The following 15 lodges and 55 brethren were admitted members of the Correspondence Circle , thus bringing the total of admissions to 517 , viz .: Lodge Victory , 1027 , Nelson . New Zealand ; North Suburban Lodge of Instruction . 2177 , Carlton , Victoria ; Southern Cross Lodge , 1778 , Harrismith , Orange Free State ; St . Clair Lodge ,
2074 , Landport ; Minerva zu den drei Palmen , Leix > sic ; Prince Frederick William of Prussia ' s Lodge . 431 ( I . G ) , Ballymena : United Service Lodge , 1128 , Landport : Salopian Lodge of Charity . 117 , Shrewsbury ; Salopian Lodge . 262 , Shrewsbury : Eastnor Lodge , 751 , Ledbury ; St . Matthew ' s Lodge , 5311 , Walsall : St . Bartholomew Lodge , 61 ) 6 , Wednesbury ; Tudor L . of Rifle Volunteers . 1838 .
Wolverhampton ; Felix Gottlieb Conclave , No . 3 , Penang : Lodge ; of the Marches , No . fill , Ludlow ; and Bros . A . C . Smith , P . G . High Priest G . Chapter of Massachusetts ; J . Hillis , Boston , Mass . : L . G . Boor . P . Dist . G . W ., Wellington . New Zealand : Mr . JusticeR . I . Finnemore , Dist . Grand Master of Natal : Dr . W . C Bland , Portsmouth Commodore A . IT . Markham , C . B .. 11 . 31 . S . Active . Portsmouth
W . Gillman , Southsea ; E . A . Crocker , Foochow , Dist . G . Sunt , of W . North China ; G . 0 . A . Haastorther . W . M . 2232 , Vryburg , Brit . Bechuanaland ; T . A . Gardiner , Longlands , Vaal River : T . Mac-Naught , Kimberley ; J . Mylchreest , Peel . I . of Man : E . II . Croghan , M . D . ; J . G . Croghan , M . D . ; and J . C II . Croghan . all of Beaconsfield , South Africa ; E . Bull , F . W . Peters . V . K . Bradford . S .
Mendelssohn , D . J . Ilaartoff , F . M . vv oollan , and E . Aburrow , all of Kimberley , South Africa ; P . Bazenjee , Dist . G . Treasurer ; 51 . P . Bazenjee , A . W . S . Holmes , and J . McOonnaohy . all of Hong Kong ; S . S . Partridge , Dep . P . G . M . Leicester and Rutland . P . A . G . D . C . J . L . Brayshaw , Settle , Yorks : H . Firth . Baildon , Yorks ; T . M , Lawson , Leeds ; E . T-ylor . Devoran , Cornwall : J . W . Gieve . Prov .
G . Treas . Hants and I . of \\ . ; S . G . Munro , Southsea ; R . G . Venables , Dep . Prov . G . M . Shropshire ; T . Bume , Royal Hosp . Chelsea ; S . S . Williams , Past G . M . Ohio ; James Stevens , Author of several Masonic works , and Editor of the MASONIC STAR : J . W . Hayes , sen ., Bangalore , P . Dist . G . W . Madras ; Dr . C . J . Egan , King William ' s Town , South Africa , Dist . Grand Master Eastern Division South Africa : G . H . Fowle , Kokstad . Dist . A . G . Purst . Natal :
Quatuor Coronati Lodge, No. 2076.
T . Howell . Southsea : Dr . L . vau Doesburgh , Amsterdam ; W . Lidgey , Devoran . Cornwall ; G . H . Piper . Dep . Prov . Grand Master Herefordshire : D . W . Tallcott . Albany , P . Dist , Dep . G . M .. New York ; J . Wood . Whitstable : G . S . II . Gottlieb , Penang ; Rev . J . Sanders , Northampton . P . G . Chaplain ; Rev . T . Russell-Wright , P . P . G , Chap . Dorsetshire . Charminster ; W . B . Mayo , P . P . G . D . C Devon . Buckfastlcigh ; 11 . Stevens , Aslrburton ; G . A . Nock , Clapham ; S . Dyson
Elland . Yorks ; Max Mendelssohn , Brownswood Park , Finsbury ; and W . ' . T . Cunliffe , Manchester , P . P . S . G . D . East Lancashire . Bro . Simpson . W . M ., read a highly interesting and original paper on "The Worship of Death . " The lecturer propounded several novel and ingenious theories , which was very ably presented and powerfully sustained by arguments . A vote ' of thanks concluded the business of the evening , and refreshmentfollowed labour .
We Are Requested To Notify That :-
We are requested to notify that :-
A masonic ball , under the auspices of the five Leicester lodges , and in aid of the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys , will be held at the County Assembly Rooms . Leicester , on the 2 ! . th inst . The patronage of the Pro . Grand Master , the Deputy Grand Master , and a large number of high dignitaries in the craft has been
secured for this endeavour to assist our Boys' School , and there is no doubt it will be a grand and pleasant entertainment . Bro . J . B . Waring , of the John o'Gaunt Lodge , No . . " . 23 , is one of the lion . sees ., and will doubtless afford further information if required . Address to him at Freemasons' Hall , Leicester .
The installation meeting of the Lodge Temperance . A o . H . »! l , will be held this evening , 17 th inst .. at the White Swan Hotel . High Street . Dcptford . at 5 o ' clock , when Bro . Robert Jackson the S . W . and W . M . elect will be installed W . M . for the ensuing year .
Bro . Isidore do Solla has been engaged by the successful . English tenor . Mr . Valentine Smith , to conduct his English opera season at the Olympic Theatre . We should say that Bro . de Solla ' s experience should stand Mr . Smith in good stead .
The next social meeting of the ¦ ' Old Masomans " will be held on the 18 th inst . ( to-morrow . Friday evening ) , at Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet Street , at 8 . 30 . The chair will be taken by Mr . F . J . W . Hutton . Next Cinderella . Feb . 1 st , at 7 . 30 .
The annual ( Cinderella ) ball of the Cripplegate Lodge , No . 1613 . will take place at Cannon Street Hotel , on Friday , January 25 th . Particulars in advertising columns . The Panmure Lodge , No . 720 , Bro . Fred . Purkiss , W . M ., will meet at the Balham Hotel . Balham , S . W .. London , on the 21 st inst . at 5 . 30 . Initiation and other business . Refreshment after labour . Bro . Thos . Poore , P . M .. secretary , 153 . Wirtemberg Street , Clapham
The Royal Union Lodge , No . 382 . Bro . J . Taplin , W . M ., will meet at the Chequers Hotel . Uxbridgo , on Monday , the 21 st inst ., at 4 . 30 p . m . Work in third degree , and election night . The West Smithfield Lodge of Instruction . No . 1623 , will hold
a Smoking Concert at the Manchester Hotel , Aldersgato Street . E . G ., on Monday next , the 21 st inst ., at 7 p . m . Any profits arising therefrom to be devoted to Masonic Charity . Tickets Is . each Secretary , Bro . II . Hill , 12 . Everleigh Street , Tollington Park , N .
The fifteen Sections will be worked in the Upton Lodge of Instruction , No . 1227 , on Monday , the 1 th February , issit . at the Three Nuns Hotel . Aid gate , E . G ., at 7 p . m .
Our Trestle Board
" For the Master to lay lines and draw designs upon . "
ALL communications should be forwarded to 511 , Moor Lane , Fore Street . E . G .. London . Those relating to Editorial matter to be addressed to the EDITOR : and all others to Messrs . ADAMS BROS . * * * * * We desire to call the attention of our provincial reader ,- ; and
advertisers to the list of agents published in our advertisement columns . We are making such arrangements that through our agents any local information or business matters can be respectively forwarded or transmitted without trouble or expense . We shall add to our list as may be desired in respect , of other towns .
The current number of the i ' nie ! seal 'J'eucher contains : he first part of an article on drawing , from the hand of one of our esteemed correspondents , Bro . Charlie Woods . IXfi ' . i , Asst . Soj . Elect 1275 . * # * * * We regret to announce the death of Bro . Andrew Middlemass , P . M . 1321 ) . P . Z . 176 , kc . an active Camberwell politician , a vestryman , and a member of the Metropolitan Board of "Works , who died on the 6 th inst ., after a short illness .
CONSECRATION OF ' NEW L < > OI _ E . — The West Ham Abbey Lodge , No . 2211 ] . to be held at the Town Hall , Stratford , was consecrated cm Thursday , the I Oth inst .. by V . W . Bro . Col . Shad well II . Gierke , P . G . D . O . S .. assisted by grand officers . Bro . . lames Boulton was installed W . M .. and Iko ' s . George Hay and Albert Govier were invested as senior and junior wardens respectively . Bro . W . E . Purdue was elected treasurer , and the W . M . appointed Bros . F . 0 . D . Fenn . sec . ; Mark Gentry . S . D . ; W . G . > . orman , J . D . ; and E . Triggs , I . G . We are told that this new lodge promises to be " second to none . "