Article NOTICE OF MEETINGS ← Page 2 of 2 Article NOTICE OF MEETINGS Page 2 of 2
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Notice Of Meetings
Dalhousie Lodge of Instruction , N-. 860 . —On Tnes . day evening , 30 th of September , at Bro . Smyth ' s , Sisters' Tavern , Pownall-road , Dalston . Bros . Dallas W . M ., Wardell S . W ., Greenwood , J . W ., Williams S . D ., Christian J . D ., Clark I . G ., Smyth Treas ., P . M . Wallington Preceptor . Also a largo muster of tho brethren . Lodge opened in due form , and tho minutes of last meeting wero read
and confirmed . Bro . Polak answered the questions , and was duly passed to the degree of Fellow Craft . Lodge waa opened in the third degree , when the brethren were called from labour' to refreshment . Upon resuming- labour , Lodge was regularly closed to first degree . Bro . Fleck , W . M . of Windsor Lodgo , was elected a member . Bro . Dallas tendered his resignation as Secretary , stating thafc his business
engagements compelled him reluctantly to do so . His resignation was accepted with regret . Bro . James Lorkin was unanimously elected Hon . Sec , for which he returned thanks . A pleasing incident of the evening was the presentation of a handsome gold ring , also Honorary Membership of the Lodge , to Bro . Dallas , the brethren , considering his constant and unflagging attention to his duties
had aided to raise the Lodge to its present proud position , chose this method of expressing their regard and esteem towards him . The Preceptor , Bro . Wallington , in presenting tho ring , expressed the wish of the brethren thafc although thoy wero about ; to lose Bro . Dallas ' s services as Secretary , they hoped ho would come among
them as often as possible , and that he might live many years to wear the gift so unanimously presented . Bro . Dallas returned thanks for the great honour done him , in a few pithy remarks , and hoped he might yet spend many happy hours with them . Bro . Wardell was elected M . M . for ensuing week . Lodgo then closed in due form .
Whittington Lodge of Instruction , No . 862 . —A meeting was held on Wednesday , 1 st October , afc Bro . Hyde ' s , Red Lion , Poppin ' s-court , Fleet-street . Present—Bros . C . J . Fox W . M ., E . Abel ; S . W ., R . P . Tate J . W ., J . S . Brown S . D ., Pate J . D ., Marston I . G . ; Long Preceptor , and several others . After the confirmation of the
minntes , Bro . Pate offered himself as a candidate , and tho W . M . ably performed tho ceremony of initiation . The Lecture was then proceeded with , by Bros . Abell , Tate and Brown ; tho last named Brother has been appointed to work the Fifteen Section on the 29 th inst . Bro . Abell was elected W . M . for tho ensuing week , and Lodgo was closed .
Doric Lodge of Instruction , No . 933 . — The usual meeting of this Lodge was held at Bro . J . Clayton ' s , " Duke ' s Head , " Whitechapel-road , on Friday the 26 th nit . The following Officers and brethren were present : —Bros . Job W ! M ., Ellis S . W ., Magrath J . W ., Tait S . D ., Macdonald I . G ., W . Musto P . M . Hon . Sec , B . Cundick P . M . Preceptor , 0 . II . Webb P . M ., Grounds , Clayton ,
Stephens , & e . Lodge was opened nnd the minntes confirmed . Tho usual preliminaries having been observed , Lodge was advanced , and the ceremony of raising was very well rendered by Bro . Job , Bro . Grounds candidate . The W . M . also worked the first , second , and third sections of the lecture , assisted by tho brethren . Bro . Ellis was elected W . M . for tho ensuing meeting , and Lodge was closed in due form .
St . Augustine Lodge of Instruction , No . 972 , Canterbury . —On Wednesday , 1 st October . Bros . II . F . Pringuer W . M ., Rossiter S . W ., Crump J . W ., Price S . D ., Miskin J . D ., Vile I . G ., P . M . ' s Peirce , Pilcher , Welsh , and Secra ; Bros . Hydo , E . Beer , S . F . Pringuer Sec . The Lodgo opened and tho minntes wore confirmed . I 3 ro . P . M . Welsh worked the fourth and fifth sections , and Bro . Rossiter tho sixth and seventh sections of the lecture in first degree . Lodge closed .
Royal Standard Lodge of Instruction , No . 1298 . — Held on Friday , 20 th Sept . Present—Bros . Hunter W . M ., Rowley S . W ., Williams J . W ., Eldridge Treas ., Gardiner S . D ., Ager J . D ., Cull Preceptor , Chant I . G ., Bros . Yeomans , Strnguell , Pierdon , Shackell , & c . Ceremonies of initiation and passing were rehearsed , Bro . Pierdon being candidate ; also the ceremony of raising , Bro . Strngnelf being
candidate . Bro . Rowley was elected W . M . for the next meeting . A letter was read from the West Smithfield Lodge of Instruction , in . viting the members to work tho Fifteen Sections on Monday , 27 th October , which tho acting Secretary reported had been answered , accepting the invitation . The Lodge was thou closed and adjourned .
Friars Lodge of Instruction , No . 1349 . —At Bro . Pavitt ' a , Liverpool Arms , Canning Town , on Tuesday , 30 th Sept ., P . M . Musto W . M ., Smith S . W ., Keable J . W ., Watkins S . D ., Bailey J . D ., Barker I . G ., Worsley Sec , and P . M . Myers I . P . M . ; also Bros . Butler , Johnson , Rawe , Sadler , White , Brownson , Pavitt , Roberts , Roberts 190 , and Norman . Lodge was opened in duo form , and tho minutes of
the last meeting were read and confirmed . Bro . Rawe took the obli gation of W . M . elect , unci Bro . Musto rehearsed tho installation cere mony . The ceremony of initiation was rehearsed by the W . M ., Bro Worsley being the candidate , and Bro . Johnson acting as Deacon Bro . Andrews worked the fourth section of the lecture , assisted h ) the brethren . Bro . B . iilev , of Lodge 47 , was elected a member . Bro
Smith was unanimously appointed W . M . for the ensuing week . A unanimous vote of thanks was ordered to be recorded on the minutes for the able and excellent working of the W . M ., this being tho first time in this Lodge of Instruction . Bro . Rawe thanked the brethren . Bro . Keable made an earnest appeal ou behalf of a distressed
brother , when a sum amounting to £ 2 was collected . Bro . Musto , the Preceptor , announced that the Fifteen Sections would be worked in this Lodge on tho fourth Tuesday in October . Bro . Andrews of the Upton Lodge will preside . Full particulars will Le duly given in this paper .
Notice Of Meetings
Marquess of Ripon Lodge of Instruction , No . 1489 . —The session of this Lodge of Instruction commences on Monday evening , 6 th October , at 7 . 45 , at the Pombury Tavern , Amhurst-road , Hackney , when the ceremony of installation will bo rehearsed by Bro . Trewinnard W . M . 1693 . The attendance and cooperation of members and other brethren is fraternally invited .
City of Westminster Lodge , No . 1563 . —The first meeting of this Lodge , after the snmmer recess , was held on Thursday , 25 th September , at the Masonic Hall , Aire-street , Regent-street , W . Present—Bros . White I . P . M . as W . M ., B . Turner S . W ., J . E . Shand J . W ., B . H . Swallow P . M . Treas ., E . J . Scott P . M . Sec ., Hutchinson S . D ., Wangh J . D ., Janes D . C , Hancock as I . G ., Potter Tyler ; Bros .
Ward , Docker , Gardner , Eastgate , Hammond , Kohler , Pratt , Day , Taylor . Visitors—T . Bull P . M . 145 , J . Edell I . G . 108 , Festa 834 , Robinson P . M . 1585 , Hoare 1765 , & c . Bro . Blackford and two other brethren were raised to the sublime degree . The byo-lawa were read , and auditors appointed . The election for W . M . resulted in favour of Bro . Turner , the present Senior Warden , whose installation
will take place in November . A Past Master ' s jewel was voted to the outgoing W . M . Bro . Phillips . Bro . Swallow was re-elected to tho office of Treasurer , as was also Bro . Potter as Tyler . About forty brethren afterwards dined together , when the usual toasts were honoured , interspersed with recitations and music , from tho Rev . P . M . Holden and other brethren .
Sir Hugh Myddelton , Lodge , No . 1602 . —A meeting was held on Friday the 26 th ult ., at the Agricultural Hall , Islington , Present : —Bros . A . F . Rowley W . M ., Weston S . W ., Osborne J . W ., Parslow Sec ., J . Greenfield Troa ., Norris S . D ., Ponlston J . D ., Rimell Steward , Field I . G ., Steedman Tyler . Past Masters Coombes , Sim and Lee . Bros . Allison , Heyse , Gwyn , Hollidge , Pelikan , E . Payne ,
W . Payne and many others . Visitors Bros . Weaver P . M ., Kidder P . M ., Pearoy W . M ., and others . The minutes of tho preceding meeting having been read and confirmed , Bros . C . Gwyn , P . J . S . Taylor and W . G . Larter wero raised to tho sublime degree of M . M ., and Bro . Heyse was passed to the second degree . Attention was called by several of the brethren to tho frequent applications received from
members of Canadian and American Lodges for relief , and the necessit y of carefully inquiring into all such cases . Relief was given in one sueh case by the brethren individually , the same not being allowed ont of Lodge funds . Loclgo having been closed in solemn form , the brethren proceeded to a very plain dinner , the waiting afc which was
indifferent . In the course of tho evening Bro . R . Pearcy W . M . No . 228 ( Preceptor of the Lodge of Instruction ) was presented with a testimonial of congratulation on his recovery from his recent severe illness , the excellent work of Bro . Oppenheim . Ib was understood thafc more substantial testimonial was in course of preparation , from the members of the Lodge of Instruction .
West Middlesex Lodge of Instruction , No . 1612 . — A meeting was held at the Feathers Hotel , Ealing , on Thursday , 25 th September . Present—Bros . H . Kasner W . M ., J . Green S . W ., Gasson J . W ., Gunner S . D ., W . Seward J . D ., J . W . Woolmer I . G ., H . E . Tucker Treas . and Preceptor , J . Wells Sec , Tink Brown , G . S . Wright , E . C . Porter , J . J . Clarko , E . J . Acworth and F . C . Woolmer .
Bro . 'link Brown volunteered as a candidate , and the ceremony of initiation was rehearsed . The Lodge called off for refreshment . On resuming labour , Bro . W . Seward occupied tho chair , and the Lodgo was opened in the second degree . The ceremony of passing was rehearsed . Bro . E . C . Porter candidate . The Lode-e was
resumed to first degree . On the motion of Bro . J . W . Woolmer , seconded by Bro . Preceptor , Bro . F . 0 . Woolmer of Stability Lodge , No . 217 , was elected a member . Bro . J . Green was unanimously elected W . M . for the next meeting , and having appointed his officers in rotation , tho Lodge was closed in due form with solemn prayer , and the meeting adjourned to Thursday 2 nd October .
Rose of Sharon Rose Croix Chapter , No . 33 , at Malta . —A regular meeting of tho Chapter was held at the Masonic Hall , Valetta . Malta , on the 15 th September . Present—Bro . A . M . Broadley M . W . S ., Capt . Blake , R . A ., as Prelate , C . Riechelmann first General , Surgeon-Major Maekinnon as second General , Lieut . Coffey R . A ., Raphael , Major Ewing Organist , W . J . Jones Captain of Guard nnd Acting Recorder , together with a large attendance of members
of the Chapter . A ballot was taken for the following candidates : — Captain A . Finch-Noyes , Capt . Hodgson 10 th Regt ., Lieut . McLaug . hin , R . A ., and Surgeon Walker , A . M . D . These brethren being present were duly perfected by the M . W . S . as S . P . R . C . of H . It was decided to change the election meeting from January to March . The labours of the evening boing ended , the Princes adjourned to a banquet .
Melita Grand Preceptory of Knights Templar , Malta . —A regular meeting oi' the Preceptory was held on the 12 th inst ., Present E . Sir Kt . J . Segond E . C , E . Sir Kt . A . M . Broadley P . E . C ., Sir Kts . Captain C . J . Wake , R . A ., as Prelate , Charles Riechelmann 1 st Captain , Surgeon-Major Maekinnon as 2 nd Captain , Lieut . Coffey , R . A ., as
Expert , Surgeon Grier ns Captain of the Lines , Major Ewing Organ . ist , and Beck Janitor , with other members of the Preceptory . The P . E . C ., at request of ihe E . G ., installed as Knights of the Order Captain H . Gardner of the 1 st R . S . Regt . and Captain C . E . Mortimer . The Preceptory being closed , the Knights adjourned to a banquet .
We remind our readers thafc the ceremonies of consecration and installation will bo rehearsed by W . Bro . James Terry , P . M . 228 , 1278 , 1306 ; P . P . J . G . W . Herts ., on Tuesday , 7 th October , at six o ' clock , at the Metropolitan Lodge of Instruction , No . 1507 , which will meet at the Moorgate Station Restaurant , Moorgate-street , E . C . The attendance of brethren , who are requested to appear in Masonic Craft clothing , is earnestly solicited .
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Notice Of Meetings
Dalhousie Lodge of Instruction , N-. 860 . —On Tnes . day evening , 30 th of September , at Bro . Smyth ' s , Sisters' Tavern , Pownall-road , Dalston . Bros . Dallas W . M ., Wardell S . W ., Greenwood , J . W ., Williams S . D ., Christian J . D ., Clark I . G ., Smyth Treas ., P . M . Wallington Preceptor . Also a largo muster of tho brethren . Lodge opened in due form , and tho minutes of last meeting wero read
and confirmed . Bro . Polak answered the questions , and was duly passed to the degree of Fellow Craft . Lodge waa opened in the third degree , when the brethren were called from labour' to refreshment . Upon resuming- labour , Lodge was regularly closed to first degree . Bro . Fleck , W . M . of Windsor Lodgo , was elected a member . Bro . Dallas tendered his resignation as Secretary , stating thafc his business
engagements compelled him reluctantly to do so . His resignation was accepted with regret . Bro . James Lorkin was unanimously elected Hon . Sec , for which he returned thanks . A pleasing incident of the evening was the presentation of a handsome gold ring , also Honorary Membership of the Lodge , to Bro . Dallas , the brethren , considering his constant and unflagging attention to his duties
had aided to raise the Lodge to its present proud position , chose this method of expressing their regard and esteem towards him . The Preceptor , Bro . Wallington , in presenting tho ring , expressed the wish of the brethren thafc although thoy wero about ; to lose Bro . Dallas ' s services as Secretary , they hoped ho would come among
them as often as possible , and that he might live many years to wear the gift so unanimously presented . Bro . Dallas returned thanks for the great honour done him , in a few pithy remarks , and hoped he might yet spend many happy hours with them . Bro . Wardell was elected M . M . for ensuing week . Lodgo then closed in due form .
Whittington Lodge of Instruction , No . 862 . —A meeting was held on Wednesday , 1 st October , afc Bro . Hyde ' s , Red Lion , Poppin ' s-court , Fleet-street . Present—Bros . C . J . Fox W . M ., E . Abel ; S . W ., R . P . Tate J . W ., J . S . Brown S . D ., Pate J . D ., Marston I . G . ; Long Preceptor , and several others . After the confirmation of the
minntes , Bro . Pate offered himself as a candidate , and tho W . M . ably performed tho ceremony of initiation . The Lecture was then proceeded with , by Bros . Abell , Tate and Brown ; tho last named Brother has been appointed to work the Fifteen Section on the 29 th inst . Bro . Abell was elected W . M . for tho ensuing week , and Lodgo was closed .
Doric Lodge of Instruction , No . 933 . — The usual meeting of this Lodge was held at Bro . J . Clayton ' s , " Duke ' s Head , " Whitechapel-road , on Friday the 26 th nit . The following Officers and brethren were present : —Bros . Job W ! M ., Ellis S . W ., Magrath J . W ., Tait S . D ., Macdonald I . G ., W . Musto P . M . Hon . Sec , B . Cundick P . M . Preceptor , 0 . II . Webb P . M ., Grounds , Clayton ,
Stephens , & e . Lodge was opened nnd the minntes confirmed . Tho usual preliminaries having been observed , Lodge was advanced , and the ceremony of raising was very well rendered by Bro . Job , Bro . Grounds candidate . The W . M . also worked the first , second , and third sections of the lecture , assisted by tho brethren . Bro . Ellis was elected W . M . for tho ensuing meeting , and Lodge was closed in due form .
St . Augustine Lodge of Instruction , No . 972 , Canterbury . —On Wednesday , 1 st October . Bros . II . F . Pringuer W . M ., Rossiter S . W ., Crump J . W ., Price S . D ., Miskin J . D ., Vile I . G ., P . M . ' s Peirce , Pilcher , Welsh , and Secra ; Bros . Hydo , E . Beer , S . F . Pringuer Sec . The Lodgo opened and tho minntes wore confirmed . I 3 ro . P . M . Welsh worked the fourth and fifth sections , and Bro . Rossiter tho sixth and seventh sections of the lecture in first degree . Lodge closed .
Royal Standard Lodge of Instruction , No . 1298 . — Held on Friday , 20 th Sept . Present—Bros . Hunter W . M ., Rowley S . W ., Williams J . W ., Eldridge Treas ., Gardiner S . D ., Ager J . D ., Cull Preceptor , Chant I . G ., Bros . Yeomans , Strnguell , Pierdon , Shackell , & c . Ceremonies of initiation and passing were rehearsed , Bro . Pierdon being candidate ; also the ceremony of raising , Bro . Strngnelf being
candidate . Bro . Rowley was elected W . M . for the next meeting . A letter was read from the West Smithfield Lodge of Instruction , in . viting the members to work tho Fifteen Sections on Monday , 27 th October , which tho acting Secretary reported had been answered , accepting the invitation . The Lodge was thou closed and adjourned .
Friars Lodge of Instruction , No . 1349 . —At Bro . Pavitt ' a , Liverpool Arms , Canning Town , on Tuesday , 30 th Sept ., P . M . Musto W . M ., Smith S . W ., Keable J . W ., Watkins S . D ., Bailey J . D ., Barker I . G ., Worsley Sec , and P . M . Myers I . P . M . ; also Bros . Butler , Johnson , Rawe , Sadler , White , Brownson , Pavitt , Roberts , Roberts 190 , and Norman . Lodge was opened in duo form , and tho minutes of
the last meeting were read and confirmed . Bro . Rawe took the obli gation of W . M . elect , unci Bro . Musto rehearsed tho installation cere mony . The ceremony of initiation was rehearsed by the W . M ., Bro Worsley being the candidate , and Bro . Johnson acting as Deacon Bro . Andrews worked the fourth section of the lecture , assisted h ) the brethren . Bro . B . iilev , of Lodge 47 , was elected a member . Bro
Smith was unanimously appointed W . M . for the ensuing week . A unanimous vote of thanks was ordered to be recorded on the minutes for the able and excellent working of the W . M ., this being tho first time in this Lodge of Instruction . Bro . Rawe thanked the brethren . Bro . Keable made an earnest appeal ou behalf of a distressed
brother , when a sum amounting to £ 2 was collected . Bro . Musto , the Preceptor , announced that the Fifteen Sections would be worked in this Lodge on tho fourth Tuesday in October . Bro . Andrews of the Upton Lodge will preside . Full particulars will Le duly given in this paper .
Notice Of Meetings
Marquess of Ripon Lodge of Instruction , No . 1489 . —The session of this Lodge of Instruction commences on Monday evening , 6 th October , at 7 . 45 , at the Pombury Tavern , Amhurst-road , Hackney , when the ceremony of installation will bo rehearsed by Bro . Trewinnard W . M . 1693 . The attendance and cooperation of members and other brethren is fraternally invited .
City of Westminster Lodge , No . 1563 . —The first meeting of this Lodge , after the snmmer recess , was held on Thursday , 25 th September , at the Masonic Hall , Aire-street , Regent-street , W . Present—Bros . White I . P . M . as W . M ., B . Turner S . W ., J . E . Shand J . W ., B . H . Swallow P . M . Treas ., E . J . Scott P . M . Sec ., Hutchinson S . D ., Wangh J . D ., Janes D . C , Hancock as I . G ., Potter Tyler ; Bros .
Ward , Docker , Gardner , Eastgate , Hammond , Kohler , Pratt , Day , Taylor . Visitors—T . Bull P . M . 145 , J . Edell I . G . 108 , Festa 834 , Robinson P . M . 1585 , Hoare 1765 , & c . Bro . Blackford and two other brethren were raised to the sublime degree . The byo-lawa were read , and auditors appointed . The election for W . M . resulted in favour of Bro . Turner , the present Senior Warden , whose installation
will take place in November . A Past Master ' s jewel was voted to the outgoing W . M . Bro . Phillips . Bro . Swallow was re-elected to tho office of Treasurer , as was also Bro . Potter as Tyler . About forty brethren afterwards dined together , when the usual toasts were honoured , interspersed with recitations and music , from tho Rev . P . M . Holden and other brethren .
Sir Hugh Myddelton , Lodge , No . 1602 . —A meeting was held on Friday the 26 th ult ., at the Agricultural Hall , Islington , Present : —Bros . A . F . Rowley W . M ., Weston S . W ., Osborne J . W ., Parslow Sec ., J . Greenfield Troa ., Norris S . D ., Ponlston J . D ., Rimell Steward , Field I . G ., Steedman Tyler . Past Masters Coombes , Sim and Lee . Bros . Allison , Heyse , Gwyn , Hollidge , Pelikan , E . Payne ,
W . Payne and many others . Visitors Bros . Weaver P . M ., Kidder P . M ., Pearoy W . M ., and others . The minutes of tho preceding meeting having been read and confirmed , Bros . C . Gwyn , P . J . S . Taylor and W . G . Larter wero raised to tho sublime degree of M . M ., and Bro . Heyse was passed to the second degree . Attention was called by several of the brethren to tho frequent applications received from
members of Canadian and American Lodges for relief , and the necessit y of carefully inquiring into all such cases . Relief was given in one sueh case by the brethren individually , the same not being allowed ont of Lodge funds . Loclgo having been closed in solemn form , the brethren proceeded to a very plain dinner , the waiting afc which was
indifferent . In the course of tho evening Bro . R . Pearcy W . M . No . 228 ( Preceptor of the Lodge of Instruction ) was presented with a testimonial of congratulation on his recovery from his recent severe illness , the excellent work of Bro . Oppenheim . Ib was understood thafc more substantial testimonial was in course of preparation , from the members of the Lodge of Instruction .
West Middlesex Lodge of Instruction , No . 1612 . — A meeting was held at the Feathers Hotel , Ealing , on Thursday , 25 th September . Present—Bros . H . Kasner W . M ., J . Green S . W ., Gasson J . W ., Gunner S . D ., W . Seward J . D ., J . W . Woolmer I . G ., H . E . Tucker Treas . and Preceptor , J . Wells Sec , Tink Brown , G . S . Wright , E . C . Porter , J . J . Clarko , E . J . Acworth and F . C . Woolmer .
Bro . 'link Brown volunteered as a candidate , and the ceremony of initiation was rehearsed . The Lodge called off for refreshment . On resuming labour , Bro . W . Seward occupied tho chair , and the Lodgo was opened in the second degree . The ceremony of passing was rehearsed . Bro . E . C . Porter candidate . The Lode-e was
resumed to first degree . On the motion of Bro . J . W . Woolmer , seconded by Bro . Preceptor , Bro . F . 0 . Woolmer of Stability Lodge , No . 217 , was elected a member . Bro . J . Green was unanimously elected W . M . for the next meeting , and having appointed his officers in rotation , tho Lodge was closed in due form with solemn prayer , and the meeting adjourned to Thursday 2 nd October .
Rose of Sharon Rose Croix Chapter , No . 33 , at Malta . —A regular meeting of tho Chapter was held at the Masonic Hall , Valetta . Malta , on the 15 th September . Present—Bro . A . M . Broadley M . W . S ., Capt . Blake , R . A ., as Prelate , C . Riechelmann first General , Surgeon-Major Maekinnon as second General , Lieut . Coffey R . A ., Raphael , Major Ewing Organist , W . J . Jones Captain of Guard nnd Acting Recorder , together with a large attendance of members
of the Chapter . A ballot was taken for the following candidates : — Captain A . Finch-Noyes , Capt . Hodgson 10 th Regt ., Lieut . McLaug . hin , R . A ., and Surgeon Walker , A . M . D . These brethren being present were duly perfected by the M . W . S . as S . P . R . C . of H . It was decided to change the election meeting from January to March . The labours of the evening boing ended , the Princes adjourned to a banquet .
Melita Grand Preceptory of Knights Templar , Malta . —A regular meeting oi' the Preceptory was held on the 12 th inst ., Present E . Sir Kt . J . Segond E . C , E . Sir Kt . A . M . Broadley P . E . C ., Sir Kts . Captain C . J . Wake , R . A ., as Prelate , Charles Riechelmann 1 st Captain , Surgeon-Major Maekinnon as 2 nd Captain , Lieut . Coffey , R . A ., as
Expert , Surgeon Grier ns Captain of the Lines , Major Ewing Organ . ist , and Beck Janitor , with other members of the Preceptory . The P . E . C ., at request of ihe E . G ., installed as Knights of the Order Captain H . Gardner of the 1 st R . S . Regt . and Captain C . E . Mortimer . The Preceptory being closed , the Knights adjourned to a banquet .
We remind our readers thafc the ceremonies of consecration and installation will bo rehearsed by W . Bro . James Terry , P . M . 228 , 1278 , 1306 ; P . P . J . G . W . Herts ., on Tuesday , 7 th October , at six o ' clock , at the Metropolitan Lodge of Instruction , No . 1507 , which will meet at the Moorgate Station Restaurant , Moorgate-street , E . C . The attendance of brethren , who are requested to appear in Masonic Craft clothing , is earnestly solicited .