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Knights' Templary In Cornwall.
THE Province of Cornwall as regards Knights' Templary has been dormant for some years , tho last appointed officers dating from 2-lfch Oct . 1871 , when the Earl of St . Germans ( then Lord Eliot ) was the Provincial Grand Commander . The list of officers then appointed numbered some seventeen knights , since which time no less than nine have either resigned or died . Among the resignations was that of
the Earl of St . Germans . Tho late Sir Frederick Martin Williams , Bart ., M . P ., was to have been the successor to the Provincial Grand Commandership , but declined the honour on account , of his numerous engasements , and it was generally felt that the choice should fall npon ~ Colonel John AVhitohead Peard , J . P ., of Trenython , Par , who is the Provincial Grand Master for tho Mark Provincial Grand Lodge .
This well-known brother , happily for the degree , has been appointed by patent to the office in question , and Friday was selected for his installation . Since 1871 a variety of alterations have been made in the statutes of the Order , and many of the titles have been changed , the head of the province i \ ow being styled the Provincial Prior , and the various provinces are united in this country nnder Lord
Skelmersdale as Great Prior of England . England , Ireland and Canada have united to form the "Convent General , " over which presides tho Grand Master tho Prince of Wales , and Her Majesty is the Patroness . Ifc is hoped ere long thafc Scotland will join in this organisation—being now independent of all others—and ultimately it is hoped that all the English-speaking tongues throughout the world
will accept the Prince of Wales as solo Grand Master , leaving each Great Priory for the various countries or states to make their own separate statutes . AVhen this occurs there will he upwards of 100 , 000 members , many of whom are of the first rank in society , and enthusiastic and y . ealous Craffc Masons . Lient .-Col . Shadwell H . Gierke Prov . Prior of Sussex , & c , had been
deputed by Lord Skelmersdale as acting Great Prior , and effectually fulfilled his hig h and responsible position on Friday 2 Gth ult ., at tho Masonic Hall Public Rooms , Truro , in the presence of the most distinguished body of Knights Templar that has ever assembled in the Province . Among the numerous Sir Knights who attended in honour of the occasion were the Hon . R . AV . Hoskins Giddy Prov . Prior of
South Africa , J . M . P . Montagu Prov . Prior of Dorset , Hugh David Sandeman Past Prov . Prior of Bengal , General II . E . Doherty , C . B ., Past First Grand Captain of England , Emra Holmes Hon . Prov . Prior of Canada and Representative , & c , AVilliam Tweedy Past Prior of the Cornubian , Colonel S . G . Bake Prior of the Restormal , Richard John Prior of the Cornubian , Edward Dixon Anderton Pasfc Prior ( C ) ,
T . C . Stephens Pasfc Prior ( R ) , Charles Trustcotfc jun . ( R ) , Past Prior W . Polkinghorno Pasfc Prior ( R ) , John Stephens Past Prior ( R ) , Dr . Mason Past Prior ( R ) , A . Luke Pasfc Prior ( R ) , Richard Carter , the Rev . AV . H . Bloxsome , Dr . Henry de Legh , the Rev . F . B . Paul , George Brown , Samuel Harvey . AV . D . Rogers , AVilliam Rooks , and H . Elliott . The various banners of the great Officers and of the Prov . Priors , & c ,
added much to the effect of the scene , which was very imposing , on the reception of Lieut .-Colonel Shadwell H . Clerko as acting Great Prior , aud of Lieut .-Colonel J . W . Peard the Prov . Prior nominate . Tho minutes of the lasfc Prov . Priory having been read , the patent of Colonel Peard was announced , and he was then in a very efficient manner obligated , invested , and proclaimed as the Prov .
Prior for Cornwall . He afterwards appointed tho following as his officers for the ensuing term : —AVilliam Tweedy ( 0 ) Prov . Sub-Prior , Rev . AV . H . Bloxsome , M . A . ( C ) Prelate , Edward Dixon Anderton ( C ) Chancellor , Charles Truscott jun . ( R ) Constable , Dr . William Mason ( R ) Marshall , Thomas Couch Stevens ( R ) Registrar ( reappointed ) , AVilliam Polkinghorne ( R ) Treasurer ( re-elected ) , Rev . F . B . Pard
( R ) Almoner , Richard Carter ( C ) Organist , Col . S . G . Bake ( R ) Captain of Guard , R . John Sub-Marshall , John Stevens Aidc-de-Camp , Alfred Luke 1 st Herald , Dr . Hugh de Legh Sword Bearer , Samuel Harvey Standard Bearer , H . Elliott Equerry . A hearty vote of thanks was passed to the members of the Great Priory for their kindness in attending , and particularly to the Acting Great Prior . Sir Knight
Emra Holmes proposed a grant of five guineas to the " Cathedral Fund , " but was ruled out of Order , as no notice had been given , but ho gave due notice to that effect for the next Prov . Priory . The banquet at the Red Lion Hotel , presided over by Colonel Peard , was a brilliant one , and gave satisfaction to the members who participated , the brethren of the Rose Croix Chapter , of which the Prov .
Prior is a member , having joined the Sir Knights afc the festive board . A very hearty reception was given to Lieut . Colonel S . H . Gierke , especially for his valued and able services as the Installing Great Prior ; and the other members of his distinguished staff were most warmly greeted and entertained by the Cornish fraters . In the afternoon the Cornwall Rose Croix Chapter assembled in
considerable strength , nearly all the Officers and resident brethren being present , and received a visit from several members of the Supreme Council of England , viz .: —Bros . J . Montagu Pulteney Montagu Grand Chancellor 33 ° , Lieutenant-Colonel Shadwell H . Gierke Grand Secretary General 33 ° , and Hugh David Sandeman Grand Secretary for Foreign Correspondence 33 ° , the Hon . Richard AA . H .
Giddy Chief Inspector General 33 ° for South Africa , and General II E . Doherty , C . B ., the Deputy Inspector-General 33 ° for the AVestcru District , as well as other distinguished \ isitors . The Supreme Council were pleased to find the Chapter iu such an efficient state , and appeared highly gratified afc the cordiality and heartiness of their reception . One candidate was exalted by tho M . W . S . iu a pleasing maimer , and a young member was also unanimously elected .
A Special Consistory of the P . R . S . 32 was held on this occasionfoi the purpose of investing Bro . AV . J . Hughan , our distinguished and erudite brother , with the collar of that degree , and Col . Gierke , in announcing the fact , stated that it had given the Supremo Council great pleasure to confer this degree , honoris causa , upon Bro . Hnghan , of whose services to this Order and to Freemasonry generall y he spoke in the highest terms . Bro . Anderton M . AV . S ., on behalf of the Chapter , thanked the Council for this mark of their
Knights' Templary In Cornwall.
favour , and Bro . Emra Holmes said that Bro . Hnghan was appreciated and honoured in both hemispheres as a Masonic writer . He was held in the highest estimation in the United States , and the Council of the Ancient and Accepted Rite had done honour to itself in honouring him . Bro . Hughan ' s advancement is very popular in Cornwall .
The Supreme Council , in the course of their western tour , have already visited the St . Peter and St . Paul Chapter at Bath ; the Ivor Hael Chapter , at Newport ( Wales ); tho Morganway Chap , ter , afc Swansea ; the William de Irwin Chapter , at Weston-super-Mare ; the Alfred Chapter , afc Taunton ; and the Coryton and Rougemont Chapter , afc Exeter . To-day they attend the St . Aubyn
Chapter , at Morice Town , and on Monday the Huyshe Chapter , afc Plymouth , at which a Consistory of the Thirtieth Degree is to beheld —an occurrence so rare that doubtless many will be present who havo attained that distinction . These visits have given a great impetus to the Rose Croix Chapters , as well as to the Priories of the Knights Templar , which havo also been visited , and all concerned have every reason to be pleased with the success of the tour .
Order Of The Red Cross Of Constantlne.
rr \ HE annual meeting of tho Grand Imperial Council of Scotland of -1- the Knights of tho Red Cross of Constantino was held in Freemasons' Hall , Edinburgh , on the 24 th ult . The Most Illustrious Sovereign Colonel Francis Burdett on tho throne . The following members of the Grand Conncil were also present : —The Hon . Lord Inverurie Most Eminent Grand Viceroy , Captain Charles Hunter Junior - General , the Rev . T . N . Wan nop High Prelate , R . S . Brown
Recorder , James Crichton Treasurer , Dr . James Carmichael Almoner , John Crombie , C . A ., Aberdeen , Orator , AVilliam Edwards Chamberlain , C . G . C . Christie Int . Gen . Peebleshire , and the following members of the Grand Senate -. —N . Minola , Dr . George Dickson , James Melville , and F . L . Law , and a good attendance of members of tho various Conclaves . Colonel Bnrdett having completed his three years of
office , Lord Inverurie was unanimously elected in his plnce as M . I . Grand Sovereign , and was enthroned accordingly . His Lordship then appointed Captain Hunter as his successor in the office of M . E . Grand Viceroy , and thereafter the other office-bearers were appointed—Lieutenant J . G . Murray Senior General , John Crombie Junior General , Rev . T . N . Wannop High Prelate , J . B . Mercer Chancellor ,
R . S . Brown Recorder , J . Crichton Treasurer , Dr . James Carmichael Almoner , W . Edwards Marshal , Dr . Dickson Standard-Bearer , J . H . Balfour AV . S . Sword-Bearer , and Colonel Robeson Chamberlain . The following Sir Knts . were elected to seats in the Grand Seriate , —viz ., J . Dalrymple Duncan , AVilliam McLean , Cornelius Harmens and Dr . Thesdon Byrne of Elsieshields , Dumfries . A report from the
Executive Committee , showing satisfactory progress of the Order during tho past year , was approved . The Sovereign then , in appropriate terms , proposed that a vote of thanks should bo accorded to Colonel Burdett for his services as M . I . Grand Sovereign , and , in name of the Council , presented fco the Colonel a certificate ( beautifully emblazoned on vellum by Brother Melville ) ,
setting forth the able manner in which he had discharged the duties of the office , and tho thanks of tho members therefor . Colonel Burdett suitably acknowledged the compliment . After the transaction of some routine buisiness , the Knights adjourned to the Windsor Hotel , where they dined together . The newly-appointed Sovereign and Viceroy acted as chairman and croupier respectively , and tho company was
joined by a number of other Knights and Freemasons , among whom were—Sir Knights AV . Bulkeley Hughes , M . P . for Carnarvon , and Deputy Grand Master of North Wales and Salop , D . Murray Lyon G . Sec . G . L . Scotland , Dr . Byrne of Elsieshields , who had been appointed a member of the Grand Senate , & c . After dinner , served in excellent style by Brother Thiem , the Chairman proposed the usual
loyal toasts , calling for an extra cheer for the two young Princes vvho have just gone out on a voyage . " Tlio Army , Navy , and Reserve Forces " wero next given from tho chair—Colonel Burdett replying for the army , Dr . Byrne for the navy , and Captain Hunter for the reserve-forces . Colonel Burdett then proposed " The health of the Grand Sovereign , " remarking that he looked upon Lord Inverurie
as the mainstay of the Order , and the very best man they could have placed in the high position to which he had been elected . He felt sure , he said , that the new Sovereign would exerfc himself energetically and worthily , so as to do his best for the interests of the Order , and that ho would not only preside over the Grand Council but would look after the other Conclaves in tho different parts of the
country . Lord Inverurie was willing to work , and lie , Colonel Burdett , had great gratification in confiding tho high office into his care . The toast was cordially drunk , and Lord Inverurie , in acknowledging it , expressed the hope that at the end of his term of office no one would be able to say that the Order had suffered any mischance . The Chairman then proposed the toasts of " Tho Moafc Illustrious
Past Grand Sovereign , " which was acknowledged by Colonel Burdett ; " The Most Eminent Grand A iceroy , " replied for by Captain Hunter ; and " tho Present and Past Members of the Grand Council , " for which Brother Crombie , Aberdeen , responded . Thereafter the " Prosperity of the Grand Lodge of Scotland" was proposed in a congratulatory speech by Lord Inverurie , and acknowledged by Brother D . Murray Lyon , Grand Secretarv . A number of other toasts were dulv
honoured , Sir Knt . W . Bulkeley Hughes , M . P ., Hon . Sov ., -replying for " The Sovereigns and Viceroys of Conclaves , " in doing which he expressed his pleasure on account of having been admitted as a member of the Order ; and Colonel Burdett acknowledging the toast of " Tlie Grand Council of England , " which was proponed by Lord Inverurie . "Tho Recorder" nnd "Tho Visitors" wore al . « o tnnntorl , and the pro . ccedings were closed at eleven o ' clock .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Knights' Templary In Cornwall.
THE Province of Cornwall as regards Knights' Templary has been dormant for some years , tho last appointed officers dating from 2-lfch Oct . 1871 , when the Earl of St . Germans ( then Lord Eliot ) was the Provincial Grand Commander . The list of officers then appointed numbered some seventeen knights , since which time no less than nine have either resigned or died . Among the resignations was that of
the Earl of St . Germans . Tho late Sir Frederick Martin Williams , Bart ., M . P ., was to have been the successor to the Provincial Grand Commandership , but declined the honour on account , of his numerous engasements , and it was generally felt that the choice should fall npon ~ Colonel John AVhitohead Peard , J . P ., of Trenython , Par , who is the Provincial Grand Master for tho Mark Provincial Grand Lodge .
This well-known brother , happily for the degree , has been appointed by patent to the office in question , and Friday was selected for his installation . Since 1871 a variety of alterations have been made in the statutes of the Order , and many of the titles have been changed , the head of the province i \ ow being styled the Provincial Prior , and the various provinces are united in this country nnder Lord
Skelmersdale as Great Prior of England . England , Ireland and Canada have united to form the "Convent General , " over which presides tho Grand Master tho Prince of Wales , and Her Majesty is the Patroness . Ifc is hoped ere long thafc Scotland will join in this organisation—being now independent of all others—and ultimately it is hoped that all the English-speaking tongues throughout the world
will accept the Prince of Wales as solo Grand Master , leaving each Great Priory for the various countries or states to make their own separate statutes . AVhen this occurs there will he upwards of 100 , 000 members , many of whom are of the first rank in society , and enthusiastic and y . ealous Craffc Masons . Lient .-Col . Shadwell H . Gierke Prov . Prior of Sussex , & c , had been
deputed by Lord Skelmersdale as acting Great Prior , and effectually fulfilled his hig h and responsible position on Friday 2 Gth ult ., at tho Masonic Hall Public Rooms , Truro , in the presence of the most distinguished body of Knights Templar that has ever assembled in the Province . Among the numerous Sir Knights who attended in honour of the occasion were the Hon . R . AV . Hoskins Giddy Prov . Prior of
South Africa , J . M . P . Montagu Prov . Prior of Dorset , Hugh David Sandeman Past Prov . Prior of Bengal , General II . E . Doherty , C . B ., Past First Grand Captain of England , Emra Holmes Hon . Prov . Prior of Canada and Representative , & c , AVilliam Tweedy Past Prior of the Cornubian , Colonel S . G . Bake Prior of the Restormal , Richard John Prior of the Cornubian , Edward Dixon Anderton Pasfc Prior ( C ) ,
T . C . Stephens Pasfc Prior ( R ) , Charles Trustcotfc jun . ( R ) , Past Prior W . Polkinghorno Pasfc Prior ( R ) , John Stephens Past Prior ( R ) , Dr . Mason Past Prior ( R ) , A . Luke Pasfc Prior ( R ) , Richard Carter , the Rev . AV . H . Bloxsome , Dr . Henry de Legh , the Rev . F . B . Paul , George Brown , Samuel Harvey . AV . D . Rogers , AVilliam Rooks , and H . Elliott . The various banners of the great Officers and of the Prov . Priors , & c ,
added much to the effect of the scene , which was very imposing , on the reception of Lieut .-Colonel Shadwell H . Clerko as acting Great Prior , aud of Lieut .-Colonel J . W . Peard the Prov . Prior nominate . Tho minutes of the lasfc Prov . Priory having been read , the patent of Colonel Peard was announced , and he was then in a very efficient manner obligated , invested , and proclaimed as the Prov .
Prior for Cornwall . He afterwards appointed tho following as his officers for the ensuing term : —AVilliam Tweedy ( 0 ) Prov . Sub-Prior , Rev . AV . H . Bloxsome , M . A . ( C ) Prelate , Edward Dixon Anderton ( C ) Chancellor , Charles Truscott jun . ( R ) Constable , Dr . William Mason ( R ) Marshall , Thomas Couch Stevens ( R ) Registrar ( reappointed ) , AVilliam Polkinghorne ( R ) Treasurer ( re-elected ) , Rev . F . B . Pard
( R ) Almoner , Richard Carter ( C ) Organist , Col . S . G . Bake ( R ) Captain of Guard , R . John Sub-Marshall , John Stevens Aidc-de-Camp , Alfred Luke 1 st Herald , Dr . Hugh de Legh Sword Bearer , Samuel Harvey Standard Bearer , H . Elliott Equerry . A hearty vote of thanks was passed to the members of the Great Priory for their kindness in attending , and particularly to the Acting Great Prior . Sir Knight
Emra Holmes proposed a grant of five guineas to the " Cathedral Fund , " but was ruled out of Order , as no notice had been given , but ho gave due notice to that effect for the next Prov . Priory . The banquet at the Red Lion Hotel , presided over by Colonel Peard , was a brilliant one , and gave satisfaction to the members who participated , the brethren of the Rose Croix Chapter , of which the Prov .
Prior is a member , having joined the Sir Knights afc the festive board . A very hearty reception was given to Lieut . Colonel S . H . Gierke , especially for his valued and able services as the Installing Great Prior ; and the other members of his distinguished staff were most warmly greeted and entertained by the Cornish fraters . In the afternoon the Cornwall Rose Croix Chapter assembled in
considerable strength , nearly all the Officers and resident brethren being present , and received a visit from several members of the Supreme Council of England , viz .: —Bros . J . Montagu Pulteney Montagu Grand Chancellor 33 ° , Lieutenant-Colonel Shadwell H . Gierke Grand Secretary General 33 ° , and Hugh David Sandeman Grand Secretary for Foreign Correspondence 33 ° , the Hon . Richard AA . H .
Giddy Chief Inspector General 33 ° for South Africa , and General II E . Doherty , C . B ., the Deputy Inspector-General 33 ° for the AVestcru District , as well as other distinguished \ isitors . The Supreme Council were pleased to find the Chapter iu such an efficient state , and appeared highly gratified afc the cordiality and heartiness of their reception . One candidate was exalted by tho M . W . S . iu a pleasing maimer , and a young member was also unanimously elected .
A Special Consistory of the P . R . S . 32 was held on this occasionfoi the purpose of investing Bro . AV . J . Hughan , our distinguished and erudite brother , with the collar of that degree , and Col . Gierke , in announcing the fact , stated that it had given the Supremo Council great pleasure to confer this degree , honoris causa , upon Bro . Hnghan , of whose services to this Order and to Freemasonry generall y he spoke in the highest terms . Bro . Anderton M . AV . S ., on behalf of the Chapter , thanked the Council for this mark of their
Knights' Templary In Cornwall.
favour , and Bro . Emra Holmes said that Bro . Hnghan was appreciated and honoured in both hemispheres as a Masonic writer . He was held in the highest estimation in the United States , and the Council of the Ancient and Accepted Rite had done honour to itself in honouring him . Bro . Hughan ' s advancement is very popular in Cornwall .
The Supreme Council , in the course of their western tour , have already visited the St . Peter and St . Paul Chapter at Bath ; the Ivor Hael Chapter , at Newport ( Wales ); tho Morganway Chap , ter , afc Swansea ; the William de Irwin Chapter , at Weston-super-Mare ; the Alfred Chapter , afc Taunton ; and the Coryton and Rougemont Chapter , afc Exeter . To-day they attend the St . Aubyn
Chapter , at Morice Town , and on Monday the Huyshe Chapter , afc Plymouth , at which a Consistory of the Thirtieth Degree is to beheld —an occurrence so rare that doubtless many will be present who havo attained that distinction . These visits have given a great impetus to the Rose Croix Chapters , as well as to the Priories of the Knights Templar , which havo also been visited , and all concerned have every reason to be pleased with the success of the tour .
Order Of The Red Cross Of Constantlne.
rr \ HE annual meeting of tho Grand Imperial Council of Scotland of -1- the Knights of tho Red Cross of Constantino was held in Freemasons' Hall , Edinburgh , on the 24 th ult . The Most Illustrious Sovereign Colonel Francis Burdett on tho throne . The following members of the Grand Conncil were also present : —The Hon . Lord Inverurie Most Eminent Grand Viceroy , Captain Charles Hunter Junior - General , the Rev . T . N . Wan nop High Prelate , R . S . Brown
Recorder , James Crichton Treasurer , Dr . James Carmichael Almoner , John Crombie , C . A ., Aberdeen , Orator , AVilliam Edwards Chamberlain , C . G . C . Christie Int . Gen . Peebleshire , and the following members of the Grand Senate -. —N . Minola , Dr . George Dickson , James Melville , and F . L . Law , and a good attendance of members of tho various Conclaves . Colonel Bnrdett having completed his three years of
office , Lord Inverurie was unanimously elected in his plnce as M . I . Grand Sovereign , and was enthroned accordingly . His Lordship then appointed Captain Hunter as his successor in the office of M . E . Grand Viceroy , and thereafter the other office-bearers were appointed—Lieutenant J . G . Murray Senior General , John Crombie Junior General , Rev . T . N . Wannop High Prelate , J . B . Mercer Chancellor ,
R . S . Brown Recorder , J . Crichton Treasurer , Dr . James Carmichael Almoner , W . Edwards Marshal , Dr . Dickson Standard-Bearer , J . H . Balfour AV . S . Sword-Bearer , and Colonel Robeson Chamberlain . The following Sir Knts . were elected to seats in the Grand Seriate , —viz ., J . Dalrymple Duncan , AVilliam McLean , Cornelius Harmens and Dr . Thesdon Byrne of Elsieshields , Dumfries . A report from the
Executive Committee , showing satisfactory progress of the Order during tho past year , was approved . The Sovereign then , in appropriate terms , proposed that a vote of thanks should bo accorded to Colonel Burdett for his services as M . I . Grand Sovereign , and , in name of the Council , presented fco the Colonel a certificate ( beautifully emblazoned on vellum by Brother Melville ) ,
setting forth the able manner in which he had discharged the duties of the office , and tho thanks of tho members therefor . Colonel Burdett suitably acknowledged the compliment . After the transaction of some routine buisiness , the Knights adjourned to the Windsor Hotel , where they dined together . The newly-appointed Sovereign and Viceroy acted as chairman and croupier respectively , and tho company was
joined by a number of other Knights and Freemasons , among whom were—Sir Knights AV . Bulkeley Hughes , M . P . for Carnarvon , and Deputy Grand Master of North Wales and Salop , D . Murray Lyon G . Sec . G . L . Scotland , Dr . Byrne of Elsieshields , who had been appointed a member of the Grand Senate , & c . After dinner , served in excellent style by Brother Thiem , the Chairman proposed the usual
loyal toasts , calling for an extra cheer for the two young Princes vvho have just gone out on a voyage . " Tlio Army , Navy , and Reserve Forces " wero next given from tho chair—Colonel Burdett replying for the army , Dr . Byrne for the navy , and Captain Hunter for the reserve-forces . Colonel Burdett then proposed " The health of the Grand Sovereign , " remarking that he looked upon Lord Inverurie
as the mainstay of the Order , and the very best man they could have placed in the high position to which he had been elected . He felt sure , he said , that the new Sovereign would exerfc himself energetically and worthily , so as to do his best for the interests of the Order , and that ho would not only preside over the Grand Council but would look after the other Conclaves in tho different parts of the
country . Lord Inverurie was willing to work , and lie , Colonel Burdett , had great gratification in confiding tho high office into his care . The toast was cordially drunk , and Lord Inverurie , in acknowledging it , expressed the hope that at the end of his term of office no one would be able to say that the Order had suffered any mischance . The Chairman then proposed the toasts of " Tho Moafc Illustrious
Past Grand Sovereign , " which was acknowledged by Colonel Burdett ; " The Most Eminent Grand A iceroy , " replied for by Captain Hunter ; and " tho Present and Past Members of the Grand Council , " for which Brother Crombie , Aberdeen , responded . Thereafter the " Prosperity of the Grand Lodge of Scotland" was proposed in a congratulatory speech by Lord Inverurie , and acknowledged by Brother D . Murray Lyon , Grand Secretarv . A number of other toasts were dulv
honoured , Sir Knt . W . Bulkeley Hughes , M . P ., Hon . Sov ., -replying for " The Sovereigns and Viceroys of Conclaves , " in doing which he expressed his pleasure on account of having been admitted as a member of the Order ; and Colonel Burdett acknowledging the toast of " Tlie Grand Council of England , " which was proponed by Lord Inverurie . "Tho Recorder" nnd "Tho Visitors" wore al . « o tnnntorl , and the pro . ccedings were closed at eleven o ' clock .