Article Royal Masonic Institution For Girls Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article THE GRAND ORIENT OF FRANCE BEFORE THE CRAFT UNIVERSAL. Page 1 of 3 →
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Royal Masonic Institution For Girls
Royal Masonic Institution For Girls
ST . JOHN'S HILL , S . W . Office : 5 Freemasons' Hall , Great Queen Street , W . C . Patrons : H . R . H . THE PRIXCE OV WALES K . G ., M . W . G . M ., President H . R . H . THE PlUiVCESS OF AVAT . ES .
A QUARTERLY GENERAL COURT of tho Governors and Subscribers of this Institution will be held in tho Hall of the 'Freemasons ' Tavern . Great Queen-street , Lincoln ' s-iim-fields , London , on Saturday , the Ilth of October 1871 ) , at Twelve o ' clock precisely , on the General Business of tlie Institution , to consider Notices of Motion as ' tbllnw , and to Elect Eighteen Girls into the School by ballot from a list of Forty-eight Approved Candidates . Tho Election will commence at One o ' clock ( or after tlio usual business is over ) , and close at Three o-clock precisely .
By Bro . Thos . Meggy , Vice-President . " That a Committee be appointed to consider the manner in which the scrutiny of tho votes shall be mado , both for the Election of Candidates and for other purposes , nnd to report to the next General Court . " Upon recommendation of the Building Committee . By Bro . Col . Creaton , Treasurer and Trustee , Chairman . " That a Dwarf "Wall be built on tho South side of the Institution Grounds , at a cost not exceeding . £ . 100 . "
By Bro . Jas . A . BivcU . Proposed alteration of Rule 71 , sub-section 2 , to road as follows : — "Tho Election and Kemoval of the Secretary shall be vested in the General Committee ; tho Voting to be by Balloting Papers duly forwarded to each ennlified Member , not less than fourteen days before tho date of Election-, such Balloting Papers must be signed by the party entitled thereto , aud may bo presented by a Member of the General Committee on his or her behalf at the timo of Election . " F . It . W . HEDGES , Sri-ret aril .
PROVINCE OF BERKS AND BUCKS . A SPECIAL PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE WILL bo held in the Corn Exchange , at Heading , nnd close tiled fit 11 o'clock run . on Tuesday , the MHi October IS "!) . Tlie Grand Lodge will then be adjourned , nnd the Procession will bo marshalled by tbe Grand Director of Ceremonies and bis Assistants to escort the M . W . the Pro Growl Master the Bight Hon . tlie Marl of Carnarvon to the site of the Now Public Buildings , the memorial stone of which will be set by the M . W . the Pro Grand Master . By order of the TMV . P . G . M ., ItOBEUT imART / BY , Provincial Grand Secretary . At Two o ' clock , on the termination of the Oercnmny , Luncheon will bo provided at the St . Lawrence's Institute , at fis each , inclnrtinir waiters and dessert , but not including wine . Ticket *—for which an early implication is requestedcan lie obtained of Ih-os . W . Ferguson , Broad Street " ; lllaclcwell , London Street , and Strniisom , Market Place . Morning Dress , Blade Trousers , l- ' nll Masonic Clothing , which will he worn during Luncheon . RAILWAY ARIiAXGEMKNTS . Return Tickets at Single Fares will bo issued on production of Summons , nt the Booking Olliccs of the Great Western Railway , from the following stations : London , Windsor , Abingdon , Oxford , Nowbin-y , Maidenhead , Bath , Devizes , Swindon , Farringdon , Aylesbury , Wycombe , aud Mavlow Road .
COVENT GARDEN LODGE OF INSTRUCTION , No . 1614 , ASHLEY'S HOTEL , HENRIETTA STREET , COVENT GARDEN . THIS LODGE will re-asscmble for the Winter Session ou Thursday , 9 th October , at 8 . 0 p . m . Tlie members will be glad to welcome Brethren from other Lodges . W . It . GULLIFORD , Hon . Sec .
VITRUVIAN LODGE , No . 87 . BEO . ISAAC , who has for some timo past provided for the requirements of this Lodge , begs to announce tint ho has obtained permission for the removal of his license to the Helvedere-road , and that he is about to erect commodious premises there . These ivill comprise -A . SIP . A . CIOTJS 3 VC ^ . S 02 sriC ECA . LL . WITH . ISTE noons , LARGE BANQUETTING HALL , Together with every convenience for Masonic gatherings . Applications from Secretaries and others for accommodation to bo addressed G . ISAAC , " WfliTK HART , " COLLEGE STREET , LAMBETH , Loxnoif , S . E .
LONDON MASONIC CHARITY ASSGCIATOM OCTOBER ELECTIONS , 1870 . The Committee have selected the following Candidates , and reque .-t the votes of tho London Brethren on their behalf : — BOYS . GIRLS . No . 15 . W . Tracy . No . 17 . C . A . Fellows „ MO . C . C . Wags In If „ 27 . M . A . A . Wyatt „ Hi . W . It . B-. uley „ lr ,. A . M . Dawson „ 7 : J . A . A . Gee ,, H . J . S . H . Priestley . „ 77 . . 1 . ii . . Frost „ . ' » . ]¦ :. K . Williams „ tit ) . J . C . Johnson „ . 13 . . ] . M . Harvey . Proxies to be sent to Bro . A . Trstr . i-, Hon . Secretary L . M . C . A ., 1 Clifford ' s Inn , Fleet-street , London , E . C
OSISMP ^ J ^ ' ' TIfF : ^ frnin TWELVE to THREE o ' clock . IsirSr r 5 ^ f'HOI'S and STEAKS from tlio GRILL till FIVE o'clock . S HEitSba tV 1 . MAIUWELL , Hercules Tavern , Lcudeuhall-st ., city , E . C .
J THE FREEMASONS' TAVERN , GREAT QUEEN STEEET . LONDON W . C . The admirable and unrivalled accommodation provided at this Establishment tor MASOUIC ZB ^ IETQTJ-IETS , PUBLIC AND PRIMTE DINNERS , WEO 0 IN 6 BREAKFASTS , BALLS , fic . Is too well known to need comment . The entire mnnaircment has been changed , and the Kstablisliment in alllts brunches thoroughly ve-ovssu \ lftw . \ . The attention of tho Masonic Body is directed to tho many advantages offerer * . CTJISHSTK OT THE HIG-HBST CHARACTER . WINES PEUFECT IN CONDITION ANO QUALITY . N . B-DINNERS PROVIDED FROM 3-. RESTAURANT , WINE , SMOKING & RETIRING ROOMS Tho fullest measure of public confidence nnd support ensured . ALFRED BEST , PROPRIETOR .
SAWYER'S ( LATE STATION ) RESTAURANT , 5 RAILWAY PLACE , FENCHURCH STREET , E . C . ENGLISH , FRENCH d GERMAN CUISINE , Hot and Colcl Luncheons on . the Ground ITloor ; This Room will accommodate 100 persons . CHOPS , STEAKS , & c , FROM THE GRILL The « rill Room will seat 150 persons . REIO'S TRE 3 LE STOUT , WORTHINCTON'S ALES , BERLIN TITOLI BEER . TEA AND COFFEE ALWAYS READY . CHAMPAGNES OF THE BEST BRANDS . OLD BOTTLED PORTS . SHERRIES AND OTHER WINES OF THE BEST QUALITY Bro . F . J . SAWYER , Proprietor . Late of Pimm ' s , and tho Crystal Palace .
MASONIC HIGH SCHOOL FOR BOYS , 1 NOTTING HILL SQUARE , W . rnHE SCHOOL has been established to provide a High Class J . Education to pons of Freemasons and others , on moderate terms . Thero are scholarships of the annual value of , L' 10 to £ 20 , and Exhihitions of £ 'Zo . Terms for sons of Freemasons from tto 7 fruincas per term , for other yaipils from . "> to 8 guineas per term . For further particulars apply to the Secretary , or to E . PASSAWER , LL . D . Head Master .
J ^ E-BVB ^ WA . ^ H ^^^^^^^ p 67 BAKBICAN , E . O .
The Grand Orient Of France Before The Craft Universal.
[ COMMUNICATED . ] JT is well worthy of note that the regrettable action talccn by some Masonic Powers against the Grand Orient , nearly two years ago , was not allowed tointerforo , in the least degree , with the fulfilment of its tlnty of Love and Charity towards tho members of the Brotherhood , to whatever country , race , nationality , or Eite they may havo
belonged . Nor is ifc possible to say now , as then predicted by a hostile press , that the result of tho assumed right of excommunication exercised against that Body , has by any means proved to be detrimental to the union and cohesion of the subordinate Lodges . That the Grand Orient is far from being disintegrated is , most
evidently , an incontestable fact . On tho contrary , prosperous and successful , the Grand Orient has since wisely maintained , towards the Masonic world , a dignified and unconcerned attitude , busily engaged in the good deeds and practical duties of true Freemasonry , and almost unmindful , so to speak , of all the frivolous talk ,
misleading statements , and uncdifying criticisms made against its conduct . Thus , it has done well to strengthen the position it has taken , by showing , on all occasions , fraternal kindness to all , even to those who would be its detractors and accusers , and further to deserve commendation by not looking for any appreciative motives in their
behaviour towards it , nor any due right iu their censure against its opinions . Condemned without being heard , it has not paused to ask of its judges the evidence upon which they have delivered judgment , nor the text of the law which they are supposed to have rightl y invoked , and whose penalty they have so authoritatively ay-
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Royal Masonic Institution For Girls
Royal Masonic Institution For Girls
ST . JOHN'S HILL , S . W . Office : 5 Freemasons' Hall , Great Queen Street , W . C . Patrons : H . R . H . THE PRIXCE OV WALES K . G ., M . W . G . M ., President H . R . H . THE PlUiVCESS OF AVAT . ES .
A QUARTERLY GENERAL COURT of tho Governors and Subscribers of this Institution will be held in tho Hall of the 'Freemasons ' Tavern . Great Queen-street , Lincoln ' s-iim-fields , London , on Saturday , the Ilth of October 1871 ) , at Twelve o ' clock precisely , on the General Business of tlie Institution , to consider Notices of Motion as ' tbllnw , and to Elect Eighteen Girls into the School by ballot from a list of Forty-eight Approved Candidates . Tho Election will commence at One o ' clock ( or after tlio usual business is over ) , and close at Three o-clock precisely .
By Bro . Thos . Meggy , Vice-President . " That a Committee be appointed to consider the manner in which the scrutiny of tho votes shall be mado , both for the Election of Candidates and for other purposes , nnd to report to the next General Court . " Upon recommendation of the Building Committee . By Bro . Col . Creaton , Treasurer and Trustee , Chairman . " That a Dwarf "Wall be built on tho South side of the Institution Grounds , at a cost not exceeding . £ . 100 . "
By Bro . Jas . A . BivcU . Proposed alteration of Rule 71 , sub-section 2 , to road as follows : — "Tho Election and Kemoval of the Secretary shall be vested in the General Committee ; tho Voting to be by Balloting Papers duly forwarded to each ennlified Member , not less than fourteen days before tho date of Election-, such Balloting Papers must be signed by the party entitled thereto , aud may bo presented by a Member of the General Committee on his or her behalf at the timo of Election . " F . It . W . HEDGES , Sri-ret aril .
PROVINCE OF BERKS AND BUCKS . A SPECIAL PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE WILL bo held in the Corn Exchange , at Heading , nnd close tiled fit 11 o'clock run . on Tuesday , the MHi October IS "!) . Tlie Grand Lodge will then be adjourned , nnd the Procession will bo marshalled by tbe Grand Director of Ceremonies and bis Assistants to escort the M . W . the Pro Growl Master the Bight Hon . tlie Marl of Carnarvon to the site of the Now Public Buildings , the memorial stone of which will be set by the M . W . the Pro Grand Master . By order of the TMV . P . G . M ., ItOBEUT imART / BY , Provincial Grand Secretary . At Two o ' clock , on the termination of the Oercnmny , Luncheon will bo provided at the St . Lawrence's Institute , at fis each , inclnrtinir waiters and dessert , but not including wine . Ticket *—for which an early implication is requestedcan lie obtained of Ih-os . W . Ferguson , Broad Street " ; lllaclcwell , London Street , and Strniisom , Market Place . Morning Dress , Blade Trousers , l- ' nll Masonic Clothing , which will he worn during Luncheon . RAILWAY ARIiAXGEMKNTS . Return Tickets at Single Fares will bo issued on production of Summons , nt the Booking Olliccs of the Great Western Railway , from the following stations : London , Windsor , Abingdon , Oxford , Nowbin-y , Maidenhead , Bath , Devizes , Swindon , Farringdon , Aylesbury , Wycombe , aud Mavlow Road .
COVENT GARDEN LODGE OF INSTRUCTION , No . 1614 , ASHLEY'S HOTEL , HENRIETTA STREET , COVENT GARDEN . THIS LODGE will re-asscmble for the Winter Session ou Thursday , 9 th October , at 8 . 0 p . m . Tlie members will be glad to welcome Brethren from other Lodges . W . It . GULLIFORD , Hon . Sec .
VITRUVIAN LODGE , No . 87 . BEO . ISAAC , who has for some timo past provided for the requirements of this Lodge , begs to announce tint ho has obtained permission for the removal of his license to the Helvedere-road , and that he is about to erect commodious premises there . These ivill comprise -A . SIP . A . CIOTJS 3 VC ^ . S 02 sriC ECA . LL . WITH . ISTE noons , LARGE BANQUETTING HALL , Together with every convenience for Masonic gatherings . Applications from Secretaries and others for accommodation to bo addressed G . ISAAC , " WfliTK HART , " COLLEGE STREET , LAMBETH , Loxnoif , S . E .
LONDON MASONIC CHARITY ASSGCIATOM OCTOBER ELECTIONS , 1870 . The Committee have selected the following Candidates , and reque .-t the votes of tho London Brethren on their behalf : — BOYS . GIRLS . No . 15 . W . Tracy . No . 17 . C . A . Fellows „ MO . C . C . Wags In If „ 27 . M . A . A . Wyatt „ Hi . W . It . B-. uley „ lr ,. A . M . Dawson „ 7 : J . A . A . Gee ,, H . J . S . H . Priestley . „ 77 . . 1 . ii . . Frost „ . ' » . ]¦ :. K . Williams „ tit ) . J . C . Johnson „ . 13 . . ] . M . Harvey . Proxies to be sent to Bro . A . Trstr . i-, Hon . Secretary L . M . C . A ., 1 Clifford ' s Inn , Fleet-street , London , E . C
OSISMP ^ J ^ ' ' TIfF : ^ frnin TWELVE to THREE o ' clock . IsirSr r 5 ^ f'HOI'S and STEAKS from tlio GRILL till FIVE o'clock . S HEitSba tV 1 . MAIUWELL , Hercules Tavern , Lcudeuhall-st ., city , E . C .
J THE FREEMASONS' TAVERN , GREAT QUEEN STEEET . LONDON W . C . The admirable and unrivalled accommodation provided at this Establishment tor MASOUIC ZB ^ IETQTJ-IETS , PUBLIC AND PRIMTE DINNERS , WEO 0 IN 6 BREAKFASTS , BALLS , fic . Is too well known to need comment . The entire mnnaircment has been changed , and the Kstablisliment in alllts brunches thoroughly ve-ovssu \ lftw . \ . The attention of tho Masonic Body is directed to tho many advantages offerer * . CTJISHSTK OT THE HIG-HBST CHARACTER . WINES PEUFECT IN CONDITION ANO QUALITY . N . B-DINNERS PROVIDED FROM 3-. RESTAURANT , WINE , SMOKING & RETIRING ROOMS Tho fullest measure of public confidence nnd support ensured . ALFRED BEST , PROPRIETOR .
SAWYER'S ( LATE STATION ) RESTAURANT , 5 RAILWAY PLACE , FENCHURCH STREET , E . C . ENGLISH , FRENCH d GERMAN CUISINE , Hot and Colcl Luncheons on . the Ground ITloor ; This Room will accommodate 100 persons . CHOPS , STEAKS , & c , FROM THE GRILL The « rill Room will seat 150 persons . REIO'S TRE 3 LE STOUT , WORTHINCTON'S ALES , BERLIN TITOLI BEER . TEA AND COFFEE ALWAYS READY . CHAMPAGNES OF THE BEST BRANDS . OLD BOTTLED PORTS . SHERRIES AND OTHER WINES OF THE BEST QUALITY Bro . F . J . SAWYER , Proprietor . Late of Pimm ' s , and tho Crystal Palace .
MASONIC HIGH SCHOOL FOR BOYS , 1 NOTTING HILL SQUARE , W . rnHE SCHOOL has been established to provide a High Class J . Education to pons of Freemasons and others , on moderate terms . Thero are scholarships of the annual value of , L' 10 to £ 20 , and Exhihitions of £ 'Zo . Terms for sons of Freemasons from tto 7 fruincas per term , for other yaipils from . "> to 8 guineas per term . For further particulars apply to the Secretary , or to E . PASSAWER , LL . D . Head Master .
J ^ E-BVB ^ WA . ^ H ^^^^^^^ p 67 BAKBICAN , E . O .
The Grand Orient Of France Before The Craft Universal.
[ COMMUNICATED . ] JT is well worthy of note that the regrettable action talccn by some Masonic Powers against the Grand Orient , nearly two years ago , was not allowed tointerforo , in the least degree , with the fulfilment of its tlnty of Love and Charity towards tho members of the Brotherhood , to whatever country , race , nationality , or Eite they may havo
belonged . Nor is ifc possible to say now , as then predicted by a hostile press , that the result of tho assumed right of excommunication exercised against that Body , has by any means proved to be detrimental to the union and cohesion of the subordinate Lodges . That the Grand Orient is far from being disintegrated is , most
evidently , an incontestable fact . On tho contrary , prosperous and successful , the Grand Orient has since wisely maintained , towards the Masonic world , a dignified and unconcerned attitude , busily engaged in the good deeds and practical duties of true Freemasonry , and almost unmindful , so to speak , of all the frivolous talk ,
misleading statements , and uncdifying criticisms made against its conduct . Thus , it has done well to strengthen the position it has taken , by showing , on all occasions , fraternal kindness to all , even to those who would be its detractors and accusers , and further to deserve commendation by not looking for any appreciative motives in their
behaviour towards it , nor any due right iu their censure against its opinions . Condemned without being heard , it has not paused to ask of its judges the evidence upon which they have delivered judgment , nor the text of the law which they are supposed to have rightl y invoked , and whose penalty they have so authoritatively ay-