Article REPORTS OF MEETINGS. ← Page 3 of 4 Article REPORTS OF MEETINGS. Page 3 of 4 →
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Reports Of Meetings.
ON Thursday , 2 nd inst ., at the Hargreaves Arms Hotel , Accrington , the festival of St . John the Evangelist and installation of Bro . J . Walmsley took place , the installing Officers being Bros . Whittaker BondP . M . P . G . D . D . C . West Lancashire , Wray P . M . P . P . G . Sw . B . West Lancashire , and Eli Knowles P . M . P . Z . 462 . There was a large attendance of members and visiting Brethren , about seventy being present .
Lodge was opened by Bro . D . C . Dewhurst W . M ., and after disposing of certain business the installation ceremony was proceeded with , the Installing Masters performing their duties in a most efficient manner . An interesting ceremony then took place , the members of the Lodge presenting valuable gold Past Master ' s jewels to five Brethren who had occupied the chair with credit to themselves and benefit to the Craft . The jewels were pinned on the breasts of the Past Masters by the newly-installed
W . M ., the recipients being Bros . D . C . Dewhurst I . P . M ., Thomas Cunliffe Treasurer , William Ormerod Secretary ( who received a Past Master ' s collar and jewel ) , William Roger , and Hartley Goddard . The W . M . alluded in highly appreciative terms to the valuable services which each of these Brethren had rendered to the Lodge and to Freemasonry , and expressed a hope that each of the recipients would live long to wear the beautiful jewels which he had so much pleasure in handing to them .
Each of the jewels bore an inscription bearing the name of the Lodge and of the Brother , and recording the fact that it was presented by the Brethren in recognition of valuable services rendered duringtheyear of office , the date of which was stated . The Lodge having been closed , the banquet was then served in excellent style by Bro . Wm . Birtwistle .
SILURIAN LODGE , No . 471 . THE annual festival took place at the Masonic Hall , Newport , Mon ., on Wednesday , 1 st inst ., when the W . M . Bro . James Dixon was supported by the Deputy P . G . M . Bro . Colonel C . R . Lyne , Officers of the Lodge , and a large number of visiting Brethren . Bro . Alfred Ernest Jones S . W . was installed into the chair of K . S . The banquet was held at the King's Head Hotel .
LOYAL BERKSHIRE LODGE , No . 574 . ON Friday , 3 rd inst ., at the Temperance Hall , Newbury , Brother C . E . Keyser P . M . P . G . D . was installed as Worshipful Master in the presence of a numerous assemblage of members of the Craft , including Bros . W . W . B . Beach , M . P ., P . G . M . for Hampshire and the Isle of Wight , Sir
Reginald Hanson , Bart ., M . P ., Past Grand Warden of England , Edward Letchworth Secretary of Grand Lodge , W . G . Mount , M . P ., J . T . Morland Deputy Provincial Grand Master of Berkshire , J . E . LeFeuvre Deputy P . G . M . for Hants and the Isle of Wight , Colonel F . C . Keyser , C . B ., Grand Steward , J . W . Martin P . G . Secretary , J . M . McLeod Secretary Royal Masonio Institution for Boys , & c .
The ceremony was impressively performed by Bro . J . T . Morland P . M . Past Grand Deacon , and acting Provincial Grand Master of the Berkshire Province , who , with several other visitors , had been the guests of the W . M .-elect at Aldermaston Court . A handsome Past Master ' s jewel was presented to Brother Liddle , Mus . Bac , on retiring from the chair .
The various matters on the agenda having been disposed of , the Brethren adjourned to the Council Chamber , where a banquet was served in recherche style by Mrs . Hamlen , of the Queen's Hotel . The newly-installed Worshipful Master presided , and a long toast list , interspersed with ' cello , glee solos , and song , followed .
The arrangements for this successful gathering mainly devolved upon the energetic and painstaking Secretary of the Lodge Brother Stephen Knight P . M .
ON Tuesday , 7 th inst ., at the Masonic Hall , St . John's Avenue , Bridlington , Bro . William Albert Wetwan S . W . was installed Worshipful Master by Bro . Francis Creaser P . M . P . P . G . St . B ., a large number of visiting Brethren being present . The banquet was held in the evening at the Station Hotel , when the usual Masonic toasts were given .
ST . TUDNO LODGE , No . 755 . THE annual installation took place at the Masonic Hall , Llandudno , on Wednesday , 8 th inst ., and was largely attended , there . being a strong muster of visiting Brethren . Bro . G . R . Ashley was installed W . M ., the ceremony being impressively discharged by Brother James Porter I . P . M . P . G . Steward .
The banquet was served at the Imperial Hotel , the W . M . presiding . The customary toasts were honoured , and a musical programme was furnished by Bros . Ellis Jones , Magrath , Griffiths , Farrington , Rowland , and Henderson .
CARNARVON LODGE , No . 804 . THE regular monthly meeting took place on Tuesday , 7 th inst . The W . M . Brother Harry N . Price P . M . 177 was supported by all but one of his Officers , who was unavoidably absent . The minutes having been confirmed , Bro . A . Robins was passed to the degree of F . C .
A candidate having been proposed and other business disposed of , the Brethren adjourned for supper , after which the usual toasts were interspersd with some excellent singing by members and visitors , a flute and piccolo solo being given by Brother Bazley . Bro . H . J . Fryer 487 kindly presided at the piano .
Among the visitors present were : —Bros . T . H . Hobbs P . M . 2308 , C . F . Charge P . M . 38 , C . J . Long J . W . 342 , J . R . Eyles 170 , T . Doyle 145 , H . Jago 2074 , A . J . Guy 1834 , J . W . Wright 548 .
o o o FRANKLIN LODGE , No . 838 . THE Brethren celebrated the festival of St . John , at Boston , on the 3 rd , a large number of Brethren and Visitors being present .
Reports Of Meetings.
The ceremony of installing Bro . W . H . Hopkins Worshipful Master for the ensuing year was impressively performed by Bro . G . H . Gregory P . M . P . P . G . O . The W . M . subsequently invested his Officers . The customary banquet took place in the evening .
RESTORMEL LODGE , No . 856 . THE annual festival of St . John was celebrated at Lostwithiel , on Thursday , 2 nd inst ., when Bro . E . V . Bryant was installed as W . M . for the ensuing year , the ceremony being impressively performed by Bro . J . Doney P . M . P . P . A . D . C .
Bro . E . R . Brown P . M . was unanimously elected Steward of the Central Association , and Bro . J . Bassett P . M . P . P . G . S . Wks . Steward for the C . M . A . and B . Fund . The business of the Lodge having been concluded , the Brethren adjourned to Bro . J . Rowe ' s Monmouth Inn , where an excellent banquet was provided . The usual Loyal and Masonic toasts were observed .
BUTE LODGE , No . 960 . THE annual festival was held at the Masonic Temple , Cardiff , on Tuesday , 7 th inst ., when the retiring W . M . Brother Dr . Henry C . Ensor was supported by the D . Prov . G . M . Bro . Marmaduke Tennant , the Officers of the Lodge , and a large number of members and visitors .
The installation of the new W . M . Brother George H . Bedford was impressively performed by Bro . Ensor . During the meeting Bro . Ensor was presented with a Past Master ' s jewel , which was in addition to the portrait of himself presented by his Officers at the last meeting .
After the installation a most enjoyable banquet was held at the Queen's
ST . ANNE LODGE , No . 970 . THE annual installation was held in the Masonic Hall , East Looe , on the 1 st , Bro . H . Shapcott W . M . After the usual routine business , a gentleman who had been previously balloted for was initiated .
The W . M .-elect Bro . V . J . Maddock was then presented and installed into the chair of K . S . by Bro . G . Dunsterville in a most impressive manner . The Lodge being closed , the Brethren adjourned to the Ship Hotel to a sumptuous banquet , after which the usual Loyal and Masonic toasts were given and responded to .
FOWEY LODGE , No . 977 . THE festival of St . John the Evangelist was celebrated on the 6 th inst ., when Bro . W . J . Samble was installed W . M . by Bro . S . Gale I . P . M . . The banquet was held at Bro . Beer ' s Railway Hotel . Between the speeches were capital songs and music .
SCARBOROUGH LODGE , No . 1214 . THE annual installation took place at the Station Hotel , Batley , on Tuesday , 31 st ult ., when Brother Jas . Davis ( Bradford ) was installed Worshipful Master , the I . P . M . and Installing Master being the Rev . W . Wilkinson Prov . G . C .
ST . KEW LODGE , No . 1222 . THE annual festival was held on Tuesday , 7 th inst ., in the Masonic Hall , Western-super-Mare , when Bro . John Cooper was installed as W . M . by Bro . W . H . Webb I . P . M . At the conclusion of the Lodge business , the customary banquet was held .
CENTURION LODGE , No . 2322 . AN emergency meeting in connection with this Lodge was held at the Victoria Hotel , Manchester , on Monday last . Among those present we noticed Bros . Surg .-Capt . Arthur H . Smith W . M ., Capt . Geo . Kershaw
S . W ., Col . J . Howarth Clark , J . P ., P . M . P . P . G . S . D . Treas ., Surg .-Capt . J . J . Kent Fairclough Secretary , Capt . Peter Nightingale I . G ., Capt . S . Brown , Capt . Alan Sykes , Lieut . Geo . Heys , Edward Roberts P . M . 1459 . Visitor : — Bro . W . M . Hamilton S . D . 1345 .
Four ceremonies had been announced , but two candidates only put in an appearance , in the persons of Major Henry Benjamin Moss , 3 rd V . B . Lane . Fusiliers , and Bro . Lieut . Geo . Heys , the former after a successful ballot being initiated into antient Freemasonry by tho W . M ., while the latter was passed into the degree of F . C . by Bro . Col . Clarke , J . P .
The usual festive board followed , Loyal and Masonic toasts being pleasantly varied by songs , & c .
LONGSIGHT LODGE , No . 2464 . THE regular meeting was held at the Club Rooms , Birch Lane , Longsight , on Thursday , 2 nd inst ., Bro . Wm . Gadd W . M ., and the following , among others , being also present : —Bros . Aid . L . Higginbottom S . W ., Henry Sheard J . W ., G . H . Russell Treas ., John Phythian P . M . Treas . P . P . D . D . C .,
W . H . Wilson S . D ., Henry Wood I . G ., C . S . Cotton Assist . Sec ., F . Grammer , and Thomas Glynn Stewards , H . Grimshaw I . P . M ., Councl . Thomas Uttley P . M . P . P . G . A . D . C ., F W . Lean P . M . P . P . S . G . D ., and Frederick Berry P . M . Visitors : —Bros . John E . Looker W . M . 993 , John Boon J . D . 104 , and Charles Kay 152 .
After the confirmation of minutes , a ballot was taken for Mr . Samuel Crowther , paper merchant , C .-on-M ., Manchester , and being successful , he was initiated into the mysteries and privileges of antient Freemasonry by the W . M . This was followed by the passing to the degree of F . C . of Bro . R .
Weaver by Bro . Uttley , while the raising of Bro . Thomas Heskoth Meada was undertaken by tho W . M . The working tools in each degree were presented and explained by the J . W ., the antient charge after initiation being delivered by the S . W . The usual festive board followed .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Reports Of Meetings.
ON Thursday , 2 nd inst ., at the Hargreaves Arms Hotel , Accrington , the festival of St . John the Evangelist and installation of Bro . J . Walmsley took place , the installing Officers being Bros . Whittaker BondP . M . P . G . D . D . C . West Lancashire , Wray P . M . P . P . G . Sw . B . West Lancashire , and Eli Knowles P . M . P . Z . 462 . There was a large attendance of members and visiting Brethren , about seventy being present .
Lodge was opened by Bro . D . C . Dewhurst W . M ., and after disposing of certain business the installation ceremony was proceeded with , the Installing Masters performing their duties in a most efficient manner . An interesting ceremony then took place , the members of the Lodge presenting valuable gold Past Master ' s jewels to five Brethren who had occupied the chair with credit to themselves and benefit to the Craft . The jewels were pinned on the breasts of the Past Masters by the newly-installed
W . M ., the recipients being Bros . D . C . Dewhurst I . P . M ., Thomas Cunliffe Treasurer , William Ormerod Secretary ( who received a Past Master ' s collar and jewel ) , William Roger , and Hartley Goddard . The W . M . alluded in highly appreciative terms to the valuable services which each of these Brethren had rendered to the Lodge and to Freemasonry , and expressed a hope that each of the recipients would live long to wear the beautiful jewels which he had so much pleasure in handing to them .
Each of the jewels bore an inscription bearing the name of the Lodge and of the Brother , and recording the fact that it was presented by the Brethren in recognition of valuable services rendered duringtheyear of office , the date of which was stated . The Lodge having been closed , the banquet was then served in excellent style by Bro . Wm . Birtwistle .
SILURIAN LODGE , No . 471 . THE annual festival took place at the Masonic Hall , Newport , Mon ., on Wednesday , 1 st inst ., when the W . M . Bro . James Dixon was supported by the Deputy P . G . M . Bro . Colonel C . R . Lyne , Officers of the Lodge , and a large number of visiting Brethren . Bro . Alfred Ernest Jones S . W . was installed into the chair of K . S . The banquet was held at the King's Head Hotel .
LOYAL BERKSHIRE LODGE , No . 574 . ON Friday , 3 rd inst ., at the Temperance Hall , Newbury , Brother C . E . Keyser P . M . P . G . D . was installed as Worshipful Master in the presence of a numerous assemblage of members of the Craft , including Bros . W . W . B . Beach , M . P ., P . G . M . for Hampshire and the Isle of Wight , Sir
Reginald Hanson , Bart ., M . P ., Past Grand Warden of England , Edward Letchworth Secretary of Grand Lodge , W . G . Mount , M . P ., J . T . Morland Deputy Provincial Grand Master of Berkshire , J . E . LeFeuvre Deputy P . G . M . for Hants and the Isle of Wight , Colonel F . C . Keyser , C . B ., Grand Steward , J . W . Martin P . G . Secretary , J . M . McLeod Secretary Royal Masonio Institution for Boys , & c .
The ceremony was impressively performed by Bro . J . T . Morland P . M . Past Grand Deacon , and acting Provincial Grand Master of the Berkshire Province , who , with several other visitors , had been the guests of the W . M .-elect at Aldermaston Court . A handsome Past Master ' s jewel was presented to Brother Liddle , Mus . Bac , on retiring from the chair .
The various matters on the agenda having been disposed of , the Brethren adjourned to the Council Chamber , where a banquet was served in recherche style by Mrs . Hamlen , of the Queen's Hotel . The newly-installed Worshipful Master presided , and a long toast list , interspersed with ' cello , glee solos , and song , followed .
The arrangements for this successful gathering mainly devolved upon the energetic and painstaking Secretary of the Lodge Brother Stephen Knight P . M .
ON Tuesday , 7 th inst ., at the Masonic Hall , St . John's Avenue , Bridlington , Bro . William Albert Wetwan S . W . was installed Worshipful Master by Bro . Francis Creaser P . M . P . P . G . St . B ., a large number of visiting Brethren being present . The banquet was held in the evening at the Station Hotel , when the usual Masonic toasts were given .
ST . TUDNO LODGE , No . 755 . THE annual installation took place at the Masonic Hall , Llandudno , on Wednesday , 8 th inst ., and was largely attended , there . being a strong muster of visiting Brethren . Bro . G . R . Ashley was installed W . M ., the ceremony being impressively discharged by Brother James Porter I . P . M . P . G . Steward .
The banquet was served at the Imperial Hotel , the W . M . presiding . The customary toasts were honoured , and a musical programme was furnished by Bros . Ellis Jones , Magrath , Griffiths , Farrington , Rowland , and Henderson .
CARNARVON LODGE , No . 804 . THE regular monthly meeting took place on Tuesday , 7 th inst . The W . M . Brother Harry N . Price P . M . 177 was supported by all but one of his Officers , who was unavoidably absent . The minutes having been confirmed , Bro . A . Robins was passed to the degree of F . C .
A candidate having been proposed and other business disposed of , the Brethren adjourned for supper , after which the usual toasts were interspersd with some excellent singing by members and visitors , a flute and piccolo solo being given by Brother Bazley . Bro . H . J . Fryer 487 kindly presided at the piano .
Among the visitors present were : —Bros . T . H . Hobbs P . M . 2308 , C . F . Charge P . M . 38 , C . J . Long J . W . 342 , J . R . Eyles 170 , T . Doyle 145 , H . Jago 2074 , A . J . Guy 1834 , J . W . Wright 548 .
o o o FRANKLIN LODGE , No . 838 . THE Brethren celebrated the festival of St . John , at Boston , on the 3 rd , a large number of Brethren and Visitors being present .
Reports Of Meetings.
The ceremony of installing Bro . W . H . Hopkins Worshipful Master for the ensuing year was impressively performed by Bro . G . H . Gregory P . M . P . P . G . O . The W . M . subsequently invested his Officers . The customary banquet took place in the evening .
RESTORMEL LODGE , No . 856 . THE annual festival of St . John was celebrated at Lostwithiel , on Thursday , 2 nd inst ., when Bro . E . V . Bryant was installed as W . M . for the ensuing year , the ceremony being impressively performed by Bro . J . Doney P . M . P . P . A . D . C .
Bro . E . R . Brown P . M . was unanimously elected Steward of the Central Association , and Bro . J . Bassett P . M . P . P . G . S . Wks . Steward for the C . M . A . and B . Fund . The business of the Lodge having been concluded , the Brethren adjourned to Bro . J . Rowe ' s Monmouth Inn , where an excellent banquet was provided . The usual Loyal and Masonic toasts were observed .
BUTE LODGE , No . 960 . THE annual festival was held at the Masonic Temple , Cardiff , on Tuesday , 7 th inst ., when the retiring W . M . Brother Dr . Henry C . Ensor was supported by the D . Prov . G . M . Bro . Marmaduke Tennant , the Officers of the Lodge , and a large number of members and visitors .
The installation of the new W . M . Brother George H . Bedford was impressively performed by Bro . Ensor . During the meeting Bro . Ensor was presented with a Past Master ' s jewel , which was in addition to the portrait of himself presented by his Officers at the last meeting .
After the installation a most enjoyable banquet was held at the Queen's
ST . ANNE LODGE , No . 970 . THE annual installation was held in the Masonic Hall , East Looe , on the 1 st , Bro . H . Shapcott W . M . After the usual routine business , a gentleman who had been previously balloted for was initiated .
The W . M .-elect Bro . V . J . Maddock was then presented and installed into the chair of K . S . by Bro . G . Dunsterville in a most impressive manner . The Lodge being closed , the Brethren adjourned to the Ship Hotel to a sumptuous banquet , after which the usual Loyal and Masonic toasts were given and responded to .
FOWEY LODGE , No . 977 . THE festival of St . John the Evangelist was celebrated on the 6 th inst ., when Bro . W . J . Samble was installed W . M . by Bro . S . Gale I . P . M . . The banquet was held at Bro . Beer ' s Railway Hotel . Between the speeches were capital songs and music .
SCARBOROUGH LODGE , No . 1214 . THE annual installation took place at the Station Hotel , Batley , on Tuesday , 31 st ult ., when Brother Jas . Davis ( Bradford ) was installed Worshipful Master , the I . P . M . and Installing Master being the Rev . W . Wilkinson Prov . G . C .
ST . KEW LODGE , No . 1222 . THE annual festival was held on Tuesday , 7 th inst ., in the Masonic Hall , Western-super-Mare , when Bro . John Cooper was installed as W . M . by Bro . W . H . Webb I . P . M . At the conclusion of the Lodge business , the customary banquet was held .
CENTURION LODGE , No . 2322 . AN emergency meeting in connection with this Lodge was held at the Victoria Hotel , Manchester , on Monday last . Among those present we noticed Bros . Surg .-Capt . Arthur H . Smith W . M ., Capt . Geo . Kershaw
S . W ., Col . J . Howarth Clark , J . P ., P . M . P . P . G . S . D . Treas ., Surg .-Capt . J . J . Kent Fairclough Secretary , Capt . Peter Nightingale I . G ., Capt . S . Brown , Capt . Alan Sykes , Lieut . Geo . Heys , Edward Roberts P . M . 1459 . Visitor : — Bro . W . M . Hamilton S . D . 1345 .
Four ceremonies had been announced , but two candidates only put in an appearance , in the persons of Major Henry Benjamin Moss , 3 rd V . B . Lane . Fusiliers , and Bro . Lieut . Geo . Heys , the former after a successful ballot being initiated into antient Freemasonry by tho W . M ., while the latter was passed into the degree of F . C . by Bro . Col . Clarke , J . P .
The usual festive board followed , Loyal and Masonic toasts being pleasantly varied by songs , & c .
LONGSIGHT LODGE , No . 2464 . THE regular meeting was held at the Club Rooms , Birch Lane , Longsight , on Thursday , 2 nd inst ., Bro . Wm . Gadd W . M ., and the following , among others , being also present : —Bros . Aid . L . Higginbottom S . W ., Henry Sheard J . W ., G . H . Russell Treas ., John Phythian P . M . Treas . P . P . D . D . C .,
W . H . Wilson S . D ., Henry Wood I . G ., C . S . Cotton Assist . Sec ., F . Grammer , and Thomas Glynn Stewards , H . Grimshaw I . P . M ., Councl . Thomas Uttley P . M . P . P . G . A . D . C ., F W . Lean P . M . P . P . S . G . D ., and Frederick Berry P . M . Visitors : —Bros . John E . Looker W . M . 993 , John Boon J . D . 104 , and Charles Kay 152 .
After the confirmation of minutes , a ballot was taken for Mr . Samuel Crowther , paper merchant , C .-on-M ., Manchester , and being successful , he was initiated into the mysteries and privileges of antient Freemasonry by the W . M . This was followed by the passing to the degree of F . C . of Bro . R .
Weaver by Bro . Uttley , while the raising of Bro . Thomas Heskoth Meada was undertaken by tho W . M . The working tools in each degree were presented and explained by the J . W ., the antient charge after initiation being delivered by the S . W . The usual festive board followed .