Article OUR WEEKLY BUDGET. ← Page 3 of 3 Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS. Page 1 of 5 →
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Our Weekly Budget.
are M . Buffet , tho Premier , and M . Rouher , the chief support of the Imperialist party . M . Gambetta has been making a speech at Lille , which , as regards language appears to have been more moderate than M . Gambetta ' s speeches usually are . When his say was said , the
ex-dictator , as he is sometimes called , was adopted as a candidate for the representation of Lille . There has been a terrible colliery accident in the neighbournood of St . Etienne , and from New York we hear of a terrible conflagration , which has destroyed half a block of houses , bounded by
Broadway , Howard , Crosby , and Grand Streets , including two hotels and several clothing warehouses . Three firemen were killed , and five injured , and property estimated at three million dollars destroyed . We learn from Cairo , that a contract has been signed between the
Egyptian Government and the Anglo-Egyptian Bank , for an advance of £ 2 , 000 , 000 sterling on certain security , and that another contract for a loan of fourteen millions to the Khedive , to provide for the floating debt and other charges , has also been signed . We hope that Mr . Cave ' s mission
to Egypt will have the desired effect of placing the finances of Egypt on a somewhat satisfactory footing . The insurrection in the Turkish provinces is still in progress , but nothing material has happened to alter the status . There is no question but Servians and Montenegrins keep the
insurrection on its legs , and it strikes us tho first step which the great European powers will bo called upon to take , will be to insist that the people of these petty principalities no longer shall bo a stumbling block in the way of peace . What the spring and
summer may bring forth it is impossible to say , but tho assurances of the Earl of Derby , on the opening night of the Session , that the efforts of the Great Powers will all tend in tho direction of peace , are eminently satisfactory . We trust the integrity of the Turkish Empire may be
maintained , but to this end it is absolutely necessary that the reforms promised by the Grand Vizier should be immediately introduced . The Eastern Question is a ticklish one , and will sorel y tax tho ability of the di plomatic bod y in Europe .
The regular meeting of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution was held on Tuesday , the 8 th instant , in lieu of the 9 th ( that being the day fixed for the Annivcrsnry Festival ) , at Freemason ' s Hall , Great Queen Street . Bro . Colonel Creaton , V . P . in the Chair . The Secretary , Bro .
James Terry , read the minutes of the former meeting , which were confirmed . Two deaths were announced . Owing to the prosperous state of the funds , seventeen male , and twenty female candidates arc to be elected at the next election . Bro . Colonel Creaton , in pursuance of notice of
motion , and at the recommendation of the Finance Committee , moved , — "That , in consideration of the increased work in the office , and the large augmentation to the duties , the salary of the Secretary be raised £ 50 per annum , commencing from the 1 st December 1875 . " Bro .
Colonel Creaton said how ably Bro . Terry had discharged his duties , for since his occupation of the post of Secretary 1 he funds had increased one-third . ' Bro . II . W . Stewart seconded the motion , he remarked the fact of placing ten additional widows ou the list of candidates was a very
pleasing fact ; and that is sufficient to show how well the work had been done . He ( Bro . Stewart ) had served over twenty stewardships , and at one time £ 500 was thought a large sum , and now , under the care of Bro . Terry , the Institution had prospered . The motion was carried
unanimously . Bro . ' lorry thanked the brethren . A vote of thanks was accorded to the Chairman . There were present Bro S . Rawson , B . Head , J . Brett , T . Cnbitt , J . Constable . Hilton , Tattershall , H . Massey , Newton , L Stean , C . Lacey , H . M . Levy , R . W . Stewart , Le Maitre , J . Belierby , C . Hogard , & c .
Our readers will have noticed an advertisement in OUT columns of last week relating to the Boys' and Girls ' Schools , in which it was announced that any brother , not serving- the office of Steward , who may collect for either ol these Institutions the sum of fifty guineas , shall , when thai
snrn is completed , be nuulo a life sub-or bcr and have urn vote for life , an additional vote beng allowed him for even ndnitional fifty guineas he may nu .- ; e . This proposition was i juried at the Special General Courts of the two Institutions held at Freemasons' Hall , on w : i , fcurday last .
Notices Of Meetings.
Enoch , Iiodge , No 11 . —This Lodge held its regular meeting afc Freemasons' Hall , Great Queen-street , on Wednesday , the 9 th inst . Present—Bros . E . C . Taylor WM ., Tubby S . W ., Oxenham J . W ., C . J . Watson P . M . Treasurer , P . Matthews P . M . Secretary , Pigott S . D ., Held J . D ., L . Garrett I . G ., Nutfc D . C , and Past Masters Honey , McQueen , C . Montrio , Bradsheefc , J . Young , & o . The Lodge was opened , and the minutes were confirmed . Tho name of a brother
was placed on the agenda paper for passing , but he was not present . Bro . Farquarson was unanimously elected a joining member . Tho Lodge was then closed , and instead of partaking of the usnal banquet , adjourned to tho Festival of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution , under the banner of Bro . C . J . Watson , who was a Steward . Bro . C . E . Packer , I . G . of the tVhittington Lodgo , was present as a visitor .
Newcastle-upon-Tyne Lodge , No . 24 . —This Lodge held its regular meeting on Thursday , 3 rd inst ., at Freemasons' Hall , Grainger-street , Newcastle-upon-Tyne . Present—Bros . George Cockburn W . M ., Loades S . W ., Taylor J . W ., Taylor Sec ., J . Bolan S . D ., Can- J . D ., W . Foulsham P . M . D . C , Boston Steward , Bewis I . G ., Corrio Tyler . Past Masters Bros . Cochrane I . P . M ., and Foulsham .
Visitors—Bros . Spearman W . M . 481 , Wilson 1017 , Cook P . M . ' 181 , Sewell J . W . 481 . Business—First and second degrees were given in a manner that shows that tho W . M . and officers of this ancient Lodgo aro determined to keep up its traditionary good working . After business a most enjoyable evening was spent , the W . M . contributing greatly to the harmony by his excellent singing .
Egyptian Lodge , No . 27 . —The installation ceremony of this celebrated Lodge was held on Thursday , the 3 rd insfc ., afc Auderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-strcefc . Present—Bros . S . E . Lamblo W . M ., J . Green S . W ., Hale J . W ., H . G . Buss P . M . Treasurer , J . B . Poole P . M . Secretary , and P . M . 's Bros . Atkins , J . Coutts P . G . P ., Libbis , T . Sheppard , Palmer , Hoaro , D . H . Jacobs , Harrison and C . B . Payne . The Lodge was
opened , and the minutes were confirmed . Bro . Pattison was passed to the 2 nd d' gree in a very able manner . A board of installed Masters was then formed , Bro . John Coutts P . M . P . G . P . then ocenpied the chair , Bros . J . Smith P . G . P . as S . W ., John Boyd P . G . P . as J . W ., when John Green S . W . and W . M . elect was presented to the Lodge . The late respected Bro . John Savage P . G . D . had
performed the ceremony of installation for the last thirty years , and a worthy successor was found in Bro . John Coutts P . M . P . G . P ., who installed Bro . Green into the chair iu a very excellent and perfect manner , thirty-seven W . M . 's aud P . M . ' s being present . On the admission of the brethren tho customary salutations were given , and the following officers were invested : —Bros . Hales S . W ., Walker
J . W ., H . G . Buss P . G . P . Middlesex Treasurer , J . B . Poole P . M . Secretary , Pattenden S . D ., Richards J . D ., T . Maidwell I . G ., Salmonese D . C , D . 11 . Jacobs P . M . W . S ., and Potter Tyler ; and to jndge by the demonstrations of tho brethren , the appointment of officers gavo great satisfaction . Bro . Poole announced that it was the intention of the brethren to applv for a warrant for a Chapter to bo attached to
the Lodge . The widow of a deceased brother was relieved with the sum of £ 5 . The Lodge was then closed , <\ w \ the brethren , eightynine in number , sat down to n sumptuous banquet and dessert , provided by Bro . Cleinow , and superintended by Bro . Smith . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given . Bro . Dr . Jabez Hogg P . G . D ., in a very eloquent speech , responded to tho toast of the
II . W . the Earl of Skolmersdalo D . G . M ., and tho rest of tho Grand Officers , and in the course of his remarks said Bro . John Coutts P . G . P . had shown a good example by the manner in which ho had always done his duty , and his rendering the ceremony of installation , he hoped , would prove an incentive to the younger brethren ; ho felt proud , on behalf of the Grand Officers , to return his sincere
thanks for the kind hospitality atlorded them . The W . M . then pro . posed the toast of the Visitors , who were very numerous—there being above forty present—he , as well as each member of the Lodge , was pleased to see them . Ho would couple tho toast with the name of Bro . IIowo P . Or . P . Middlscx , who returned thanks , and said how gratified they were by the admirable working of Bro . John Coutts ;
under the able presidency of the W . M . tho Lodge would nofc lose any of its lustre . Bro . Lamble I . M . P . proposed the toast of the W . M ., who , in reply , said ho thanked tho brethren for the enthusiastic manner they had drunk his health . Ho was initiated at an installa . turn meeting ; he mede a step in advance each succeeding year , aud he now had arrived at tho summit of his ambition . He then
proposed the toast of the Installing Master , Bro . John Coutts , who had so perfectly rendered thafc ceremony . Bro . Coutts thanked the W . M . and brethren . He , as well as every one present , deeply regietted the loss they had sustained by the death of their respected brother , John Savage , but he was proud if they were satisfied with his exertions . Uis services were always at their command , and ho hoped always to
have the good wishes of each brother in the Lodge . Tho W . M . then proposed the toast of the I . P . M ., Bro . Lamble , whose excellent working was well known and fully appreciated . He had great pleasure in placing on his breast a very elegant gold Past Master ' s jewel , with ippropriiito inscription , in just appreciation of his services during hia year of office , and he hoped he might live long to wear it ; it was not
. he only one tho Lodge had presented hirn with , but he was sure he would be equally proud to wear this . The toast of the Past Masters ullowed , and the W . M . mentioned their names seriatim ; they had . Nich one rendered valuable as .-istanec to the Ledge , and they were ¦•¦ tillorl to H : o ro-.-P' -fl jin <) p-f .-ptii oF j'verv brother . Bi'o . Lamble
esponded . . "lie W . M . then said he had to propose , he might say the oast of the evening , and that was the Masonic Charities . The Lodge lad cloLo homo good for them , and he hoped they would do more . They bad the pleasure of having amongst them the three Secretaries of those noble institutions ; each were indefatigable in their exertions
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Our Weekly Budget.
are M . Buffet , tho Premier , and M . Rouher , the chief support of the Imperialist party . M . Gambetta has been making a speech at Lille , which , as regards language appears to have been more moderate than M . Gambetta ' s speeches usually are . When his say was said , the
ex-dictator , as he is sometimes called , was adopted as a candidate for the representation of Lille . There has been a terrible colliery accident in the neighbournood of St . Etienne , and from New York we hear of a terrible conflagration , which has destroyed half a block of houses , bounded by
Broadway , Howard , Crosby , and Grand Streets , including two hotels and several clothing warehouses . Three firemen were killed , and five injured , and property estimated at three million dollars destroyed . We learn from Cairo , that a contract has been signed between the
Egyptian Government and the Anglo-Egyptian Bank , for an advance of £ 2 , 000 , 000 sterling on certain security , and that another contract for a loan of fourteen millions to the Khedive , to provide for the floating debt and other charges , has also been signed . We hope that Mr . Cave ' s mission
to Egypt will have the desired effect of placing the finances of Egypt on a somewhat satisfactory footing . The insurrection in the Turkish provinces is still in progress , but nothing material has happened to alter the status . There is no question but Servians and Montenegrins keep the
insurrection on its legs , and it strikes us tho first step which the great European powers will bo called upon to take , will be to insist that the people of these petty principalities no longer shall bo a stumbling block in the way of peace . What the spring and
summer may bring forth it is impossible to say , but tho assurances of the Earl of Derby , on the opening night of the Session , that the efforts of the Great Powers will all tend in tho direction of peace , are eminently satisfactory . We trust the integrity of the Turkish Empire may be
maintained , but to this end it is absolutely necessary that the reforms promised by the Grand Vizier should be immediately introduced . The Eastern Question is a ticklish one , and will sorel y tax tho ability of the di plomatic bod y in Europe .
The regular meeting of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution was held on Tuesday , the 8 th instant , in lieu of the 9 th ( that being the day fixed for the Annivcrsnry Festival ) , at Freemason ' s Hall , Great Queen Street . Bro . Colonel Creaton , V . P . in the Chair . The Secretary , Bro .
James Terry , read the minutes of the former meeting , which were confirmed . Two deaths were announced . Owing to the prosperous state of the funds , seventeen male , and twenty female candidates arc to be elected at the next election . Bro . Colonel Creaton , in pursuance of notice of
motion , and at the recommendation of the Finance Committee , moved , — "That , in consideration of the increased work in the office , and the large augmentation to the duties , the salary of the Secretary be raised £ 50 per annum , commencing from the 1 st December 1875 . " Bro .
Colonel Creaton said how ably Bro . Terry had discharged his duties , for since his occupation of the post of Secretary 1 he funds had increased one-third . ' Bro . II . W . Stewart seconded the motion , he remarked the fact of placing ten additional widows ou the list of candidates was a very
pleasing fact ; and that is sufficient to show how well the work had been done . He ( Bro . Stewart ) had served over twenty stewardships , and at one time £ 500 was thought a large sum , and now , under the care of Bro . Terry , the Institution had prospered . The motion was carried
unanimously . Bro . ' lorry thanked the brethren . A vote of thanks was accorded to the Chairman . There were present Bro S . Rawson , B . Head , J . Brett , T . Cnbitt , J . Constable . Hilton , Tattershall , H . Massey , Newton , L Stean , C . Lacey , H . M . Levy , R . W . Stewart , Le Maitre , J . Belierby , C . Hogard , & c .
Our readers will have noticed an advertisement in OUT columns of last week relating to the Boys' and Girls ' Schools , in which it was announced that any brother , not serving- the office of Steward , who may collect for either ol these Institutions the sum of fifty guineas , shall , when thai
snrn is completed , be nuulo a life sub-or bcr and have urn vote for life , an additional vote beng allowed him for even ndnitional fifty guineas he may nu .- ; e . This proposition was i juried at the Special General Courts of the two Institutions held at Freemasons' Hall , on w : i , fcurday last .
Notices Of Meetings.
Enoch , Iiodge , No 11 . —This Lodge held its regular meeting afc Freemasons' Hall , Great Queen-street , on Wednesday , the 9 th inst . Present—Bros . E . C . Taylor WM ., Tubby S . W ., Oxenham J . W ., C . J . Watson P . M . Treasurer , P . Matthews P . M . Secretary , Pigott S . D ., Held J . D ., L . Garrett I . G ., Nutfc D . C , and Past Masters Honey , McQueen , C . Montrio , Bradsheefc , J . Young , & o . The Lodge was opened , and the minutes were confirmed . Tho name of a brother
was placed on the agenda paper for passing , but he was not present . Bro . Farquarson was unanimously elected a joining member . Tho Lodge was then closed , and instead of partaking of the usnal banquet , adjourned to tho Festival of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution , under the banner of Bro . C . J . Watson , who was a Steward . Bro . C . E . Packer , I . G . of the tVhittington Lodgo , was present as a visitor .
Newcastle-upon-Tyne Lodge , No . 24 . —This Lodge held its regular meeting on Thursday , 3 rd inst ., at Freemasons' Hall , Grainger-street , Newcastle-upon-Tyne . Present—Bros . George Cockburn W . M ., Loades S . W ., Taylor J . W ., Taylor Sec ., J . Bolan S . D ., Can- J . D ., W . Foulsham P . M . D . C , Boston Steward , Bewis I . G ., Corrio Tyler . Past Masters Bros . Cochrane I . P . M ., and Foulsham .
Visitors—Bros . Spearman W . M . 481 , Wilson 1017 , Cook P . M . ' 181 , Sewell J . W . 481 . Business—First and second degrees were given in a manner that shows that tho W . M . and officers of this ancient Lodgo aro determined to keep up its traditionary good working . After business a most enjoyable evening was spent , the W . M . contributing greatly to the harmony by his excellent singing .
Egyptian Lodge , No . 27 . —The installation ceremony of this celebrated Lodge was held on Thursday , the 3 rd insfc ., afc Auderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-strcefc . Present—Bros . S . E . Lamblo W . M ., J . Green S . W ., Hale J . W ., H . G . Buss P . M . Treasurer , J . B . Poole P . M . Secretary , and P . M . 's Bros . Atkins , J . Coutts P . G . P ., Libbis , T . Sheppard , Palmer , Hoaro , D . H . Jacobs , Harrison and C . B . Payne . The Lodge was
opened , and the minutes were confirmed . Bro . Pattison was passed to the 2 nd d' gree in a very able manner . A board of installed Masters was then formed , Bro . John Coutts P . M . P . G . P . then ocenpied the chair , Bros . J . Smith P . G . P . as S . W ., John Boyd P . G . P . as J . W ., when John Green S . W . and W . M . elect was presented to the Lodge . The late respected Bro . John Savage P . G . D . had
performed the ceremony of installation for the last thirty years , and a worthy successor was found in Bro . John Coutts P . M . P . G . P ., who installed Bro . Green into the chair iu a very excellent and perfect manner , thirty-seven W . M . 's aud P . M . ' s being present . On the admission of the brethren tho customary salutations were given , and the following officers were invested : —Bros . Hales S . W ., Walker
J . W ., H . G . Buss P . G . P . Middlesex Treasurer , J . B . Poole P . M . Secretary , Pattenden S . D ., Richards J . D ., T . Maidwell I . G ., Salmonese D . C , D . 11 . Jacobs P . M . W . S ., and Potter Tyler ; and to jndge by the demonstrations of tho brethren , the appointment of officers gavo great satisfaction . Bro . Poole announced that it was the intention of the brethren to applv for a warrant for a Chapter to bo attached to
the Lodge . The widow of a deceased brother was relieved with the sum of £ 5 . The Lodge was then closed , <\ w \ the brethren , eightynine in number , sat down to n sumptuous banquet and dessert , provided by Bro . Cleinow , and superintended by Bro . Smith . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given . Bro . Dr . Jabez Hogg P . G . D ., in a very eloquent speech , responded to tho toast of the
II . W . the Earl of Skolmersdalo D . G . M ., and tho rest of tho Grand Officers , and in the course of his remarks said Bro . John Coutts P . G . P . had shown a good example by the manner in which ho had always done his duty , and his rendering the ceremony of installation , he hoped , would prove an incentive to the younger brethren ; ho felt proud , on behalf of the Grand Officers , to return his sincere
thanks for the kind hospitality atlorded them . The W . M . then pro . posed the toast of the Visitors , who were very numerous—there being above forty present—he , as well as each member of the Lodge , was pleased to see them . Ho would couple tho toast with the name of Bro . IIowo P . Or . P . Middlscx , who returned thanks , and said how gratified they were by the admirable working of Bro . John Coutts ;
under the able presidency of the W . M . tho Lodge would nofc lose any of its lustre . Bro . Lamble I . M . P . proposed the toast of the W . M ., who , in reply , said ho thanked tho brethren for the enthusiastic manner they had drunk his health . Ho was initiated at an installa . turn meeting ; he mede a step in advance each succeeding year , aud he now had arrived at tho summit of his ambition . He then
proposed the toast of the Installing Master , Bro . John Coutts , who had so perfectly rendered thafc ceremony . Bro . Coutts thanked the W . M . and brethren . He , as well as every one present , deeply regietted the loss they had sustained by the death of their respected brother , John Savage , but he was proud if they were satisfied with his exertions . Uis services were always at their command , and ho hoped always to
have the good wishes of each brother in the Lodge . Tho W . M . then proposed the toast of the I . P . M ., Bro . Lamble , whose excellent working was well known and fully appreciated . He had great pleasure in placing on his breast a very elegant gold Past Master ' s jewel , with ippropriiito inscription , in just appreciation of his services during hia year of office , and he hoped he might live long to wear it ; it was not
. he only one tho Lodge had presented hirn with , but he was sure he would be equally proud to wear this . The toast of the Past Masters ullowed , and the W . M . mentioned their names seriatim ; they had . Nich one rendered valuable as .-istanec to the Ledge , and they were ¦•¦ tillorl to H : o ro-.-P' -fl jin <) p-f .-ptii oF j'verv brother . Bi'o . Lamble
esponded . . "lie W . M . then said he had to propose , he might say the oast of the evening , and that was the Masonic Charities . The Lodge lad cloLo homo good for them , and he hoped they would do more . They bad the pleasure of having amongst them the three Secretaries of those noble institutions ; each were indefatigable in their exertions