Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS. ← Page 3 of 5 →
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Notices Of Meetings.
3 rd degree ; and Capt . West , and Messrs . J . Clarke and E . J . Davey were initiated into tho Order . These ceremonies were excellently and perfectly rendered by the W . M . Notices of motion were placed on the agenda paper , but , through the pertinent and eloquent speeches of Bro . Israel Abrahams P . M ., they were not carried . Three applicants were relieved , from tho fund of tho Lodge , to tho amount ol
4 J guineas . Bro . L . Lazarus S . W . then proposed that a letter of sympathy be sent to Bro . S . L . Hickman I . P . M ., who is now lying in the London Hospital , wishing him a speedy recovery , and that the same be recorded on the minutes . Bro . E . Walters then announced his intention to act as a Steward at the Anniversary Festival of the Boys' School , on the 28 th June next , on which occasion the Right
Hon . Lord Leigh R . W . G . M . for Warwickshire will take tho chair , aud the sum of £ 10 10 s was voted for his list . The Lodge was then closed , and the brethren adjourned to slight refreshments . The W . M . proposed the usual Loyal and Masonic toasts . Bro . E . P . Albert returned thanks for tho toast of the Grand Officers . Bros . L . Alexander P . M . and I . Abrahams responded to the toast of " Prosperity to the
Berevolent Fund . " Bro . L . Alexander P . M . then proposed the toast of the W . M ., and regretted the absence of Bro . Hickman I . P . M ., who had met with a severe accident , but was pleased to inform them Bro . Hickman was slowly recovering , they had seen how admirably the W . M . had thafc evening performed his duties , aud ho must have given a great amount of study to attain such proficiency . Bro .
Hickman had discharged his duties to their satisfaction , and ho was sure the brethren hoped , afc their next meeting , to see him among them . ( Cheers . ) The W . M . said nothing should bo wanting on his part to study tho interests of the Lodge , and the comfort of the members . Bro . Cheeswright responded to the toast of tho Visitors , who wore Bros . J . Emanuel 1540 , J . Rogers , J . H . Ross W . M . 185 , H . Beadell
65 , Boyce and Cheeswright 907 . The W . M ., in proposing the toast of the Initiates , Bros . Clarke and Smith , said tho attention they had paid to tho ceremony , showed they were fully impressed with it , and he was sure they would be a credit to tho Order . Bro . Clarke responded ; it had long been his wish to become a Mason , and he was p ' eascd to say he was acquainted with many members of the Lodge ,
and ho hoped to become a worthy member of it . The W . M ., in proposing the toast of tho Past Masters , regretted the absence of Bro . Hickman . Bro . Israel Abrahams , in a very eloquent speech , returned thanks for the toast , and Bro . H . M . Levy followed . The toast of tho Wardens and Officers , and the Tyler ' s toast was given . Bros . Benjamin and Mayers contributed to tho harmony during the evening .
Cornwall Rose Croix Chapter , Truro . —Tho annual meeting of tho Cornwall Rose Croix Chapter was held at tho Masonic Hall , Truro , on Thursday , the 3 rd inst ., Sir Frederick Martin Williams , Bart ., M . P ., 32 ud degree , in the chair , being the M . W . S . There were also present several members of th » . Chapter , including III . Bios , William James Ilughau , 30 th degree , P . M . W . S ., and Charles Truseott ,
30 th deirrce , Recorder ; Bros , the Rev . George Ross , M . A ., Prolate . Co ) . Pea ' rd 1 st G ., N . J . West 2 nd General , Rev . W . II . Bloxsome , M . A . ' , E . D . Andciton G . M ., E . T . Carlyou , & c The Chapter was honoured with the presence " of the III . Bro . Richard ltodda P . M . W . . Huyshe Chapter , Plymouth , who , by the special desire of tho M . W . S ., Sii Frederick M . Williams , Bart ., officiated as installing sovereign , and in
a most impressive manner conducted that important and imposing ceremony , to the great delight of tho members . The M . W . Sir Colonel J . W . Peard , on assuming the chair , and in response to tho proposer and seconder , not only put a vote of thanks to the Chapter , but heartily supported it himself , as III . Brother Rodda had done his work exceedingly well , and deserved the enthusiastic reception which was
given him . ihe now M . W . S . appointed as officers—Sir F . M . Williams , Bart ., M . P ., P . M . W . S ., Rev . George Ross , M . A ., Prelate , X . J . West 1 st General , E . D . Anderton 2 mf General . J . W . Dabb Treas ., C Truseott G . M . and Recorder , J . F . Penrose Raphael , Rev . W . H . Bloxsome Herald , E . T . Carlyor . C . of G ., J . T . Taylor C , T . J . Howe A ., John Hocking jun . Organist , Wm . Lake D . of C , W . Mason 2 nd IL , W . Rooks S . The banquet was served at the Red Lion Hotel , in a
most recherche manner , Col . J . W . Peanl in the chair , aud N . J . West as V . C . Amongst those present were Sir F . M . Williams , R . Rodda , E . D . Anderton , and others , and a most enjoyable evening was spent , tho speeches being above the average , and the f elicit ions address ot Brother Rodda , iu proposing the health of Brother Hughan , being especially noteworthy and elegant in diction , as well as hearty and most Masonic .
Bank of England Lodge , No . 263 . —This Lodge met at the Albion Tavern , Aldcrsgute-street , on Thursday , the 10 th inst ., Bro . W . R . Morton W . M . Bro . Trevcnti was raised to the third degree . Two visitors were present . Bro . Howdcn , S . W ., agreed to represent the Lodge at the annual Festival of the Royal . Masonic Institution for Boys this year , tho W . M . having served as Steward to the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution . Tho usual excellent banquet was
provided . Much gratification was expressed at the presence of Bro . Richard Spencer , . P . M ., who , after an absence from recent meetings , was again present . He is tho Father of the Lodge , having been initiated therein 49 years ago . He cau sing a good song , aud is as active and cheerful an any of ihe members . Tho brethren heard with regret of a sevtre accident to Bro . Venables , who was lately injured while alighting from a hansom cab , and the most cordial wishes wortexpressed for his speedy recovery aud te-apnearance amongst them .
Shamrock and Thistle Lodge , No . 275 . —This Lodce heV its monthly meeting on Friday , ! t , ii February , Bro . Ranald R . W . M , who was well supported both b y his officers am ! members . The won . consisted of passing and raising-. The first ceremony was conducted by Bro . Patterson D . M ., and tho last b y Bro . James Dnthie of the Star Lodge . 219 , Several visitors wcreVesent .
Concord Lodge , No . 332 , Omagh . —This Lodge met at the Masonic Hall , on Thursday evening , 3 rd inst ., Bro . A . C . Buchanan W . M . in the chair , and presented a valuable jewel to Bro . W . J . Palmer P . M . P . G . S . D . Kent , on his removal to Armagh . Bro . T . C Dickie P . M . proposed , and Bro . F . J . West P . M . P . Z . P . G . S . of Works , Tyrone and Fermanagh , seconded , a resolution recording on the
minutes the valuable services rendered to the Lodge by tho late secretary , and tho regret of the brethren at his removal from tho county . The brethren afterwards entertained Bro . Palmer at dinner , at tho White Hart Hotel , which was served in host Bro . W . Mullin's best style . Tho W . M . presided , and Bro . W . F . Black P . M . P . Z . P . G . Treasurer , Tyrone and Fermanagh , occupied the vice-chair . After tho usual loyal and Masonic toasts , tho health of Bro . Palmer was
proposed by the W . M . in very flattering terms , and acknowledged m a most appropriate manner . That of the Visitors was responded to by Bro . French , of Cappagh Lodge , No . 350 , who conveyed to Concord Lodge the best wishes of Bro . Commander Charles Scott , R . N ,, P . M . P . Z . 33 ° , also Bro . Scott's regret at being unable to attend . Tho Tyler's toast was generously responded to , and the brethren separated at an early hour , having spent a most agreeable evening .
Union Lodge , No . 332 . —This Lodge met on Monday , 7 th February , Bro . McGirdy R . W . M . presiding , who performed the cere , mony of Initiation in a very creditable manner .
St . George ' s Lodge , No . 333 . —Held its monthly meeting on Wednesday , 9 th February , at 213 Buchanan-street , Glasgow . The R . W . M ., Bro . A . Thomson , presiding , assisted by Bros . J . McFarland D . M ., Jas . Findlay S . M ., J . Forsyth S . W , R . Anderson Treas ., A . Mclutyre Sec , A . Bovd Chaplain , It . Munro S . D ., J . Hill J . D ., Arch . Mclntyrc S . S ., G . Christie I . G ., aud A . Wright Tyler . The Lodgo
being opened in the 1 st degree , Bro . Findlay S . M . initiated the following three gentlemen , John Findlay , Jas . Robertson and M . A . Grandison . The Lodge was th n raised to tho 2 nd degree , when ho passed , as Fellow Crafts , Bros . James K . Adams , It . Hunter and J . Car . mack . The Lodge was reduced to tho 1 st degree , when tho R . W . M . intimated thafc as Bro . Abrahams had returned from London and
brought ; his violin , and Bro . Forsyth had come over from Dunorn , who would preside afc tho harmonium , he would place the Lodge under the care of the J . W . and proceed to harmony . Tho usual loyal and Masonic toasts were proposed and duly honoured . Bro , Allen , D . M . of No . 28 , Kirkintilloch , responding for tho Visitors , and Bro . John Findlay for the Initiates , ho is a Brother in blood
as well as by the Craft to his Initiator . Tho instrumentation of Bros . Abrahams and C . Forsyth was highly applauded . Bro . Haddow gave a couple of excellent readings , while among tho vocalists Bros . Adams , Abraham , Bell , Dunn , J . Forsyth , and G . Thompson were speedily noticeable , and tho Members of St . George ' s , 333 , spent a perfectly happy evening , and fill departed well pleased .
Pomfret Lodge , No . 3 GO . —This Lodge held its usual meeting on Thursdav , the 3 rd Februarv . at tho George Hotel , Northampton . Present—Bros . M . A . Boeiiie P . M . W . M ., " R . Winter S . W ., T . WhitchoiiBo J . W ., Geo . Robinson P . M . Secretary , B . Wilkins D . P . G . M Treasurer , F . Gadsby S . D ., II . W . Parker J . D ., J . T . Green P . M . D . C , J . 17 . Stanton P . M ., and T . It , Wood Stewards , J . S . Nor . man T . G ., C Dean Tyler . P . M . ' s Bros . V . T . Bartbrd I . P . M ., M . W .
Flewitt , Geo . Cotton , E . W . Tumey ; Bros . Atkius , Barnes , Richard . son , Winter , & c , & c . Visitor—Bro . Morrice . Business—Bros . Aldrich , Ellard aud Ashford were raised to tho sublime degreo of M . M . ' s , the W . M . performing the ceremony in a most impressive manner . This was the first meeting since the appointment of officers , mid all performed their duties unusually -well . Tho meeting was altogether a most agreeable one .
Northern Counties' Lodge , No . 406 . —This Lodge held its regular meeting on Wednesday , the 2 nd of February , at Freemasons' Hall , Maple-street , Newcastlc-on-Tyne . Present—Bros . Itobt , Knox W . M ., Mundy S . W ., Halliday J . W ., Armstrong Sec , Martin Tyler . P . M . ' s Bros . Hughes I . P . M ., Harris , Spearmau . Business—The 2 nd degree was given by the W . M . with his usual im . pressive ability .
Athol Lodge , No . 413- —This Ledge held its regular meeting on Tuesday , Sth February . Present—Bros . J . Louttit R . W . M ., D . Leeds S . W ., A . Holmes J . W ., R . J . Graham Secretary , P . Agnew Tyler , J . Barkic Substitute Master . Amongst the visitors were Bros .
E . Arthur No . 0 , W . Boll I . P . M . 3 bis , Aitken R . W . M . 570 , and J . Guire 419 . Application for admission was presented from Mr . John Thorn , who was initiated in first class st yle by Bro . Wm . Bell P . M . St . John 3 bis . Arrangements were made for the Festival to be held in St . Mark ' s Starou Fridav the 25 th .
De Lorame Jbodge , No . 541 . —This Lodge held its regular meeting on Friday , the 21 st of January , at Freemasons' Hall , Grainger-street , Newcastle-on-Tvne . Present—Bros . Sewell jun . W . M ., Anderson P . M . acting S . W ., Mein J . W ., Dean Sec , Smaile P . M . Treas ., J Corrie Tyler . P . M . ' s Bros . Paul , O . Smith I . P . M ., Foulsham , Winter , Cochrane , Anderson , Smaile , & c . Visitors—Bros . Cooke P . M . 481 , Spearm ,,:, W . M . 481 . Business—Two candidates
were most ably initiated by the W . M ., assisted by the brethren pre . ^ ent , _ and the Lod go then proceeded to the election of W . M . for tho ensuing twelve months , Bro . Winter being unanimously chosen . The installation and banquet were appointed for tho third Friday in Febrnsirv .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Notices Of Meetings.
3 rd degree ; and Capt . West , and Messrs . J . Clarke and E . J . Davey were initiated into tho Order . These ceremonies were excellently and perfectly rendered by the W . M . Notices of motion were placed on the agenda paper , but , through the pertinent and eloquent speeches of Bro . Israel Abrahams P . M ., they were not carried . Three applicants were relieved , from tho fund of tho Lodge , to tho amount ol
4 J guineas . Bro . L . Lazarus S . W . then proposed that a letter of sympathy be sent to Bro . S . L . Hickman I . P . M ., who is now lying in the London Hospital , wishing him a speedy recovery , and that the same be recorded on the minutes . Bro . E . Walters then announced his intention to act as a Steward at the Anniversary Festival of the Boys' School , on the 28 th June next , on which occasion the Right
Hon . Lord Leigh R . W . G . M . for Warwickshire will take tho chair , aud the sum of £ 10 10 s was voted for his list . The Lodge was then closed , and the brethren adjourned to slight refreshments . The W . M . proposed the usual Loyal and Masonic toasts . Bro . E . P . Albert returned thanks for tho toast of the Grand Officers . Bros . L . Alexander P . M . and I . Abrahams responded to the toast of " Prosperity to the
Berevolent Fund . " Bro . L . Alexander P . M . then proposed the toast of the W . M ., and regretted the absence of Bro . Hickman I . P . M ., who had met with a severe accident , but was pleased to inform them Bro . Hickman was slowly recovering , they had seen how admirably the W . M . had thafc evening performed his duties , aud ho must have given a great amount of study to attain such proficiency . Bro .
Hickman had discharged his duties to their satisfaction , and ho was sure the brethren hoped , afc their next meeting , to see him among them . ( Cheers . ) The W . M . said nothing should bo wanting on his part to study tho interests of the Lodge , and the comfort of the members . Bro . Cheeswright responded to the toast of tho Visitors , who wore Bros . J . Emanuel 1540 , J . Rogers , J . H . Ross W . M . 185 , H . Beadell
65 , Boyce and Cheeswright 907 . The W . M ., in proposing the toast of the Initiates , Bros . Clarke and Smith , said tho attention they had paid to tho ceremony , showed they were fully impressed with it , and he was sure they would be a credit to tho Order . Bro . Clarke responded ; it had long been his wish to become a Mason , and he was p ' eascd to say he was acquainted with many members of the Lodge ,
and ho hoped to become a worthy member of it . The W . M ., in proposing the toast of tho Past Masters , regretted the absence of Bro . Hickman . Bro . Israel Abrahams , in a very eloquent speech , returned thanks for the toast , and Bro . H . M . Levy followed . The toast of tho Wardens and Officers , and the Tyler ' s toast was given . Bros . Benjamin and Mayers contributed to tho harmony during the evening .
Cornwall Rose Croix Chapter , Truro . —Tho annual meeting of tho Cornwall Rose Croix Chapter was held at tho Masonic Hall , Truro , on Thursday , the 3 rd inst ., Sir Frederick Martin Williams , Bart ., M . P ., 32 ud degree , in the chair , being the M . W . S . There were also present several members of th » . Chapter , including III . Bios , William James Ilughau , 30 th degree , P . M . W . S ., and Charles Truseott ,
30 th deirrce , Recorder ; Bros , the Rev . George Ross , M . A ., Prolate . Co ) . Pea ' rd 1 st G ., N . J . West 2 nd General , Rev . W . II . Bloxsome , M . A . ' , E . D . Andciton G . M ., E . T . Carlyou , & c The Chapter was honoured with the presence " of the III . Bro . Richard ltodda P . M . W . . Huyshe Chapter , Plymouth , who , by the special desire of tho M . W . S ., Sii Frederick M . Williams , Bart ., officiated as installing sovereign , and in
a most impressive manner conducted that important and imposing ceremony , to the great delight of tho members . The M . W . Sir Colonel J . W . Peard , on assuming the chair , and in response to tho proposer and seconder , not only put a vote of thanks to the Chapter , but heartily supported it himself , as III . Brother Rodda had done his work exceedingly well , and deserved the enthusiastic reception which was
given him . ihe now M . W . S . appointed as officers—Sir F . M . Williams , Bart ., M . P ., P . M . W . S ., Rev . George Ross , M . A ., Prelate , X . J . West 1 st General , E . D . Anderton 2 mf General . J . W . Dabb Treas ., C Truseott G . M . and Recorder , J . F . Penrose Raphael , Rev . W . H . Bloxsome Herald , E . T . Carlyor . C . of G ., J . T . Taylor C , T . J . Howe A ., John Hocking jun . Organist , Wm . Lake D . of C , W . Mason 2 nd IL , W . Rooks S . The banquet was served at the Red Lion Hotel , in a
most recherche manner , Col . J . W . Peanl in the chair , aud N . J . West as V . C . Amongst those present were Sir F . M . Williams , R . Rodda , E . D . Anderton , and others , and a most enjoyable evening was spent , tho speeches being above the average , and the f elicit ions address ot Brother Rodda , iu proposing the health of Brother Hughan , being especially noteworthy and elegant in diction , as well as hearty and most Masonic .
Bank of England Lodge , No . 263 . —This Lodge met at the Albion Tavern , Aldcrsgute-street , on Thursday , the 10 th inst ., Bro . W . R . Morton W . M . Bro . Trevcnti was raised to the third degree . Two visitors were present . Bro . Howdcn , S . W ., agreed to represent the Lodge at the annual Festival of the Royal . Masonic Institution for Boys this year , tho W . M . having served as Steward to the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution . Tho usual excellent banquet was
provided . Much gratification was expressed at the presence of Bro . Richard Spencer , . P . M ., who , after an absence from recent meetings , was again present . He is tho Father of the Lodge , having been initiated therein 49 years ago . He cau sing a good song , aud is as active and cheerful an any of ihe members . Tho brethren heard with regret of a sevtre accident to Bro . Venables , who was lately injured while alighting from a hansom cab , and the most cordial wishes wortexpressed for his speedy recovery aud te-apnearance amongst them .
Shamrock and Thistle Lodge , No . 275 . —This Lodce heV its monthly meeting on Friday , ! t , ii February , Bro . Ranald R . W . M , who was well supported both b y his officers am ! members . The won . consisted of passing and raising-. The first ceremony was conducted by Bro . Patterson D . M ., and tho last b y Bro . James Dnthie of the Star Lodge . 219 , Several visitors wcreVesent .
Concord Lodge , No . 332 , Omagh . —This Lodge met at the Masonic Hall , on Thursday evening , 3 rd inst ., Bro . A . C . Buchanan W . M . in the chair , and presented a valuable jewel to Bro . W . J . Palmer P . M . P . G . S . D . Kent , on his removal to Armagh . Bro . T . C Dickie P . M . proposed , and Bro . F . J . West P . M . P . Z . P . G . S . of Works , Tyrone and Fermanagh , seconded , a resolution recording on the
minutes the valuable services rendered to the Lodge by tho late secretary , and tho regret of the brethren at his removal from tho county . The brethren afterwards entertained Bro . Palmer at dinner , at tho White Hart Hotel , which was served in host Bro . W . Mullin's best style . Tho W . M . presided , and Bro . W . F . Black P . M . P . Z . P . G . Treasurer , Tyrone and Fermanagh , occupied the vice-chair . After tho usual loyal and Masonic toasts , tho health of Bro . Palmer was
proposed by the W . M . in very flattering terms , and acknowledged m a most appropriate manner . That of the Visitors was responded to by Bro . French , of Cappagh Lodge , No . 350 , who conveyed to Concord Lodge the best wishes of Bro . Commander Charles Scott , R . N ,, P . M . P . Z . 33 ° , also Bro . Scott's regret at being unable to attend . Tho Tyler's toast was generously responded to , and the brethren separated at an early hour , having spent a most agreeable evening .
Union Lodge , No . 332 . —This Lodge met on Monday , 7 th February , Bro . McGirdy R . W . M . presiding , who performed the cere , mony of Initiation in a very creditable manner .
St . George ' s Lodge , No . 333 . —Held its monthly meeting on Wednesday , 9 th February , at 213 Buchanan-street , Glasgow . The R . W . M ., Bro . A . Thomson , presiding , assisted by Bros . J . McFarland D . M ., Jas . Findlay S . M ., J . Forsyth S . W , R . Anderson Treas ., A . Mclutyre Sec , A . Bovd Chaplain , It . Munro S . D ., J . Hill J . D ., Arch . Mclntyrc S . S ., G . Christie I . G ., aud A . Wright Tyler . The Lodgo
being opened in the 1 st degree , Bro . Findlay S . M . initiated the following three gentlemen , John Findlay , Jas . Robertson and M . A . Grandison . The Lodge was th n raised to tho 2 nd degree , when ho passed , as Fellow Crafts , Bros . James K . Adams , It . Hunter and J . Car . mack . The Lodge was reduced to tho 1 st degree , when tho R . W . M . intimated thafc as Bro . Abrahams had returned from London and
brought ; his violin , and Bro . Forsyth had come over from Dunorn , who would preside afc tho harmonium , he would place the Lodge under the care of the J . W . and proceed to harmony . Tho usual loyal and Masonic toasts were proposed and duly honoured . Bro , Allen , D . M . of No . 28 , Kirkintilloch , responding for tho Visitors , and Bro . John Findlay for the Initiates , ho is a Brother in blood
as well as by the Craft to his Initiator . Tho instrumentation of Bros . Abrahams and C . Forsyth was highly applauded . Bro . Haddow gave a couple of excellent readings , while among tho vocalists Bros . Adams , Abraham , Bell , Dunn , J . Forsyth , and G . Thompson were speedily noticeable , and tho Members of St . George ' s , 333 , spent a perfectly happy evening , and fill departed well pleased .
Pomfret Lodge , No . 3 GO . —This Lodge held its usual meeting on Thursdav , the 3 rd Februarv . at tho George Hotel , Northampton . Present—Bros . M . A . Boeiiie P . M . W . M ., " R . Winter S . W ., T . WhitchoiiBo J . W ., Geo . Robinson P . M . Secretary , B . Wilkins D . P . G . M Treasurer , F . Gadsby S . D ., II . W . Parker J . D ., J . T . Green P . M . D . C , J . 17 . Stanton P . M ., and T . It , Wood Stewards , J . S . Nor . man T . G ., C Dean Tyler . P . M . ' s Bros . V . T . Bartbrd I . P . M ., M . W .
Flewitt , Geo . Cotton , E . W . Tumey ; Bros . Atkius , Barnes , Richard . son , Winter , & c , & c . Visitor—Bro . Morrice . Business—Bros . Aldrich , Ellard aud Ashford were raised to tho sublime degreo of M . M . ' s , the W . M . performing the ceremony in a most impressive manner . This was the first meeting since the appointment of officers , mid all performed their duties unusually -well . Tho meeting was altogether a most agreeable one .
Northern Counties' Lodge , No . 406 . —This Lodge held its regular meeting on Wednesday , the 2 nd of February , at Freemasons' Hall , Maple-street , Newcastlc-on-Tyne . Present—Bros . Itobt , Knox W . M ., Mundy S . W ., Halliday J . W ., Armstrong Sec , Martin Tyler . P . M . ' s Bros . Hughes I . P . M ., Harris , Spearmau . Business—The 2 nd degree was given by the W . M . with his usual im . pressive ability .
Athol Lodge , No . 413- —This Ledge held its regular meeting on Tuesday , Sth February . Present—Bros . J . Louttit R . W . M ., D . Leeds S . W ., A . Holmes J . W ., R . J . Graham Secretary , P . Agnew Tyler , J . Barkic Substitute Master . Amongst the visitors were Bros .
E . Arthur No . 0 , W . Boll I . P . M . 3 bis , Aitken R . W . M . 570 , and J . Guire 419 . Application for admission was presented from Mr . John Thorn , who was initiated in first class st yle by Bro . Wm . Bell P . M . St . John 3 bis . Arrangements were made for the Festival to be held in St . Mark ' s Starou Fridav the 25 th .
De Lorame Jbodge , No . 541 . —This Lodge held its regular meeting on Friday , the 21 st of January , at Freemasons' Hall , Grainger-street , Newcastle-on-Tvne . Present—Bros . Sewell jun . W . M ., Anderson P . M . acting S . W ., Mein J . W ., Dean Sec , Smaile P . M . Treas ., J Corrie Tyler . P . M . ' s Bros . Paul , O . Smith I . P . M ., Foulsham , Winter , Cochrane , Anderson , Smaile , & c . Visitors—Bros . Cooke P . M . 481 , Spearm ,,:, W . M . 481 . Business—Two candidates
were most ably initiated by the W . M ., assisted by the brethren pre . ^ ent , _ and the Lod go then proceeded to the election of W . M . for tho ensuing twelve months , Bro . Winter being unanimously chosen . The installation and banquet were appointed for tho third Friday in Febrnsirv .