Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Notices Of Meetings.
ceedings . Just upon 100 brethren sat down to banquet , including between 40 and 50 visitors , amongst whom were Bros . O'Brien 754 , W . Richards 1257 , R . Coombs 12 , A . Woodlifie 87 , W . Musto P . M . 1369 , F . W . Weckins 511 , P . Probyn P . M . 453 , Tepton P . M . 49 , C . Legg , Dr . O'Connor 636 , Myers P . M ., Cundick S . W . Langthon Lodge , and E . Gottheil P . M . 141 , 185 ; Bros . Coombs , Newton , Batchelor , Stevens , and Mnnyard contributed to the enjoyment of tho evening by their excellent singing of well-chosen songs .
Grey Friars' Lodge , No . 1101 . — This Lodge held its monthly meeting on Wednesday , 9 th inst ., afc the Masonic Hall , Reading . Present—Bros . William P . Ivey P . M . acting W . M ., E . Margrett S . W ., A . Welch J . W ., Thomas Newman acting Sec , J . T . Stvansom Treas ., W . G . Flanagan S . D ., W . Bailey acting J . D ., W . Ferguson Steward , J . E . Danks I . G ., Hemminga Tyler . Past
Masters—Bros . J . Egginton and J . Weightman . Members—Bros . Cottrell , Scammell , Phillips , Hawkes , Rolfe , and Robinson . Visitors —Bros . A . M . Yetto W . M . 414 , O . Oades S . D . 414 , and S . Bradley J . D . Business—Minutes of last Lodge confirmed , Bro . Hukins , 1470 , balloted for and unanimously elected ; Mr . Henry Creed balloted for initiation , and unanimously elected ; notice of motion by S . W .,
seconded by Bro . Egginton , P . M ., for a moiety of the jewel to be pesented to the Installing Master , carried unanimously . A Lodge of Instruction in tho second degreo , Bro . Egginton in the chair , and the actingW . M . as candidate , gave much satisfaction . After resuming the Lodge in the first degree , and receiving nominations , the Lodge was closed in ancient form .
Devon Lodge , No . 1138 . —This Lodge held its regular meeting on Tuesday , tho 8 th of Feburary . at the Masonic Hall , Devon , square , Newton Abbott . Present—Bros . Jno . Olver W . M ., Wm . Harris J . W ., B . Martin Sec , C Stevens J . D ., R . Cooke Steward , W . H . Banfill I . G ., Jno . Haywood Tyler . Past Masters , Bros . W . R . King I . P . M ., Philip D . Michelmone , G . Stokmans jun . Business—Tho Lodge was
opened in 1 st degree , minutes confirmed . It was then opened in 2 nd degree , when Bro . G . Townsend Warner proved his efficiency as a Fellow Craft . The Lodgo was then opened in 3 rd degree , when Bro . G . Townsend Warner was raised to the sublime degree of a M . M . by Bro . King I . P . M . The Lodge was then resumed to the 1 st degree when a candidate was balloted for and unanimously elected . The Lodge was then closed in duo and ancient form .
** Perfect Ashlar Lodge , No . 1178 . — A meeting of the above Lodgo was held on the 3 rd inst ., at tho Bridge House Hotel , Southwark . Present—Bros . J . A . Smith W . M ., W . Batchelor S . W ., W . Lover J . W ., F . H . Ehsworth P . M . Treasurer , F . Walters P . P . G . P . Middlesex Secretary , F . Garbett S . D ., J . Stock J . D ., 1 J . Porter as I . G . ; P . M . ' s Bros . C . Deakin and II . Harnsworth . Tho Lodgo was opened ,
and tho minutes were confirmed . Bros . Nice , Young and Greenwood 1326 were raised to the 3 rd degree ; Bros . Taylor , Shaw , Gauntlett and Vagg were passed to the 2 nd degree ; and Messrs . Hancock , Amens , Murdoch , Ford and Fenwick were initiated . Fifteen guineas was voted to tho Boys' School . Tho Lodge was then closed . There was no banquet . Tho visitors were Bros . D . Steinhauer 1326 , C . Lucop 1326 , C Graham 1540 and P . Mageo J . D . 518 .
Aldershot Camp Lodge , No . 1331 . —This Lodge held its regular meeting on Thursday , the 3 rd day of February , at the Assembly Rooms , High-street , Aldershot , at 6 o'clock p . m . Present—Bros . Thos . Anderson W . M ., Walton Mem .-er S . W ., John Smith J . W ., Edwin Harper Sec , Alex . Richardson P . M . and P . P . G . S . W . Treas ., Usher Lucas S . W ., Fred . Field P . M . J . W ., Alex . Richardson D . C .
( pro tern ) , John Edmund Steward , John McClisham I . G ., and John Thompson Tyler . Past Masters of the Lodge Bros . R . White P . G . P ., A . McKenzie P . P . G . P ., and John Kennedy , with numerous brethren of this flourishing Lodge . Among the visitors were—Bros . R . Erie P . M . and P . P . G . S . D ., and P . M . J . Pemeroy , of the Panmnre Lodge , No . 723 , P . M . J . Hall of the Royal Sussex Lodge , 342 , and many
others , numbering about GO in all . Mr . Douglas was initiated , tho ceremony , by particular desire , being performed by P . M . Richardson , in a masterly and impressive manner . The first charge was rendered with great effect by the J . W . ( Bro . Smith ) , and the lecture on tho ttacing board was delivered with fluency by P . M . Bro . R . White .
Bros . Craft , Welden aud Irish were duly passed to the 2 nd degree b y the W . M . Bro . Anderson , who delivered the charge iu that degree in accordance with ancient custom . This brought the evening ' s work to a conclusion after a most successful , pleasant , and instructive Masonic gathering .
Royal York Lodge of Instruction , Brighton . —A very pleasing re-union of the members of this Lodge was held on Tuesday , at the Royal Pavillion . A dinner was excellently served by Messrs . Snyers and Marks , the brethren and ladies mustering to the number of 70 . Bro . 0 . Sanderson occupied the chair , and Bro . W . T . Nell , the W . M . elect , the vice-chair . At nine o ' clock the tables were cleared
and light refreshments were supplied , when the company was reinforced by nearly 1300 ladies and gentlemen , who came to the ball , which it had been a ' ranged should follow . There was a well selected programme , under the direction of Bro . W . Devin . The whole arrangements were admirably carried out by Bro . It . J . Pope , the Hon . Secretary . The tables were very tastefully deeorated , as was also the main entrance .
Metropolitan Lodge of Instruction , No . 1507 . — A meeting was held at the Metropolitan Club , King ' s Cross , on Friday , the 4 th February . Present—Bros . Stacey W . M ., Mander S . W Willing J . W ., W . H . Lee S . D ., Abell J . D ., I . Leo I . G ., Brigga P . M .,
Stiles Secretary , and fifty brethren . At the invitation of this Lodge of Instruction , tho members of the Metropolitan Lodge of Instruction ( which holds its meetings afc the Portugal , Fleet-street ) worked the fifteen sections : —
FIRST LECTURE . 1 st Section . . . Bro . Webb I . G . 1381 2 nd „ „ Sqoirrell S . D . 206 3 rd „ . ¦ . . „ Read J . D . 1572 4 th „ „ Farwig I . G . 180 5 th „ „ Whittaker S . W . 1572 6 th „ . . . „ Mander P . M . 1201 7 th ,, . . . ,, „ „ ,,
SECOND LECTURE . 1 st Section . . . Bro . Abell 55 2 nd „ * „ I . Lee 1541 3 rd „ „ Whittaker S . W . 1572 4 th „ „ Stacev P . M . 180 5 th „ . . . „ W . H . Lee P . M . 1524
THIRD LECTURE . 1 st Section . . . Bro . W . H . Leo P . M . 1524 2 nd „ „ Farwig I . G . 180 3 rd „ „ BriggsP . M . 157
The whole of the working was excellent , and a cordial vote of thanks was unanimously given to tho brethren . Bros . Stacey and Mander were elected honorary members of the Metropolitan Lodge of Instruction . The Lodge was about to close when Bro . Shand said he had a motion to propose , that he thought should have emanated from an officer of tho Lodge . He felt that in the recent loss sustained by Bro . Adams , their worthy Preceptor , in tho death of his daughter ,
no doubt many of the Craft would tender their individual sympathy , but there were many young Masons , like himself , -who would nofc wish to obtrude upon Bro . Adams's feelings . This being the first meeting since the sad event , ho moved that a vote of condolence bo entered upon the minutes , and conveyed to Bro . Adams in a letter from the Secretary . Bro . Solomon stated that he echoed every word of Bro . Shawl ' s motion , and he would therefore second the resolution , which was carried unanimously .
Northumberland and Berwick Lodge of M . M . Masons . —This Lodge held its regular meeting on Wednesday , the 26 th of January 1876 , at Freemasons' Hall , Maple-street , Newcast'e-on-Tyno . Present—Bros . Holmes W . M ., Hughes S . W ., Franklin J . W ., Robson Sec , Armstrong Registrar , Cockbnrn M . O ., Halliday D .. Dr . Armstrong
S . O ., J . Armstrong J . O ., Salomon I . G ., Martin Tyler . Past Masters—Bros . Foulsham , and Redesdale . Business—The unusual number of ten brethren were advanced to the degree of M . M . M . in a manner that reflected tho greatest credit on tho W . M . and his officers . The Mark degreo seems to be making great and rapid progress in this province .
" A suitable gift from a Master to his Lodge . " NEATLY BOUND IN CLOTH , PRICE 8 s Gd EACH , THE FREEElSASetS'S MOtSSCLE , VOLUMES I . and II . Sent , Carriage Paid , to any address in tlie United Kingdom , on receipt of Cheque or P . 0 . 0 . London : —W . "VV . MORGAN , 67 Barbican , E . C . Cloth Cases for Binding can be had from the Offices , price ls 6 d each
Hie $ m \ u $ im ' $ f & lwnuU . WEEKLY , PRICE THREEPENCE . OFFICE : —67 BARBICAN , LONDON , E . G . Agents , from ivhom Copies can always be had : — Messrs . CURTICE and Co ., 12 Catherine Street , Strand . Mr . T . DRISCOLL , 87 Farringdon Street . Mr . G . W . JORDAN , lfiSJ Strand . Messrs . MARSHALL and SONS , 125 Fleet Street , E . C . Mr . M . J . PARKINSON , 114 Goswell Road , E . C . Mr . H . SIMPSON , 7 Red Lion Court , E . C . Messrs . SMITH and SONS , 183 Strand . Messrs . SPENCER and Co ., 23 A Great Queen Street , W . C . Messrs . STEEL and JONKS , 4 Spring Gardens , Charing Cross . Mr . G . VICKERS , Angel Court , 172 Strand . Mr . H . VICKKKS , 317 Strand .
CHINESE CARVING . FOR Sale , an elaborately carved Set of Ivory Chessmen . Tho Kings stand S \ inches high , the other pieces in proportion . Knighta and Pawns ou horseback , all mounted on stands , with ( dicentric balls . Can bo seen , and full particulars obtained , on application to W . W . MoBOi ^ r 87 Barbican , —Met ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Notices Of Meetings.
ceedings . Just upon 100 brethren sat down to banquet , including between 40 and 50 visitors , amongst whom were Bros . O'Brien 754 , W . Richards 1257 , R . Coombs 12 , A . Woodlifie 87 , W . Musto P . M . 1369 , F . W . Weckins 511 , P . Probyn P . M . 453 , Tepton P . M . 49 , C . Legg , Dr . O'Connor 636 , Myers P . M ., Cundick S . W . Langthon Lodge , and E . Gottheil P . M . 141 , 185 ; Bros . Coombs , Newton , Batchelor , Stevens , and Mnnyard contributed to the enjoyment of tho evening by their excellent singing of well-chosen songs .
Grey Friars' Lodge , No . 1101 . — This Lodge held its monthly meeting on Wednesday , 9 th inst ., afc the Masonic Hall , Reading . Present—Bros . William P . Ivey P . M . acting W . M ., E . Margrett S . W ., A . Welch J . W ., Thomas Newman acting Sec , J . T . Stvansom Treas ., W . G . Flanagan S . D ., W . Bailey acting J . D ., W . Ferguson Steward , J . E . Danks I . G ., Hemminga Tyler . Past
Masters—Bros . J . Egginton and J . Weightman . Members—Bros . Cottrell , Scammell , Phillips , Hawkes , Rolfe , and Robinson . Visitors —Bros . A . M . Yetto W . M . 414 , O . Oades S . D . 414 , and S . Bradley J . D . Business—Minutes of last Lodge confirmed , Bro . Hukins , 1470 , balloted for and unanimously elected ; Mr . Henry Creed balloted for initiation , and unanimously elected ; notice of motion by S . W .,
seconded by Bro . Egginton , P . M ., for a moiety of the jewel to be pesented to the Installing Master , carried unanimously . A Lodge of Instruction in tho second degreo , Bro . Egginton in the chair , and the actingW . M . as candidate , gave much satisfaction . After resuming the Lodge in the first degree , and receiving nominations , the Lodge was closed in ancient form .
Devon Lodge , No . 1138 . —This Lodge held its regular meeting on Tuesday , tho 8 th of Feburary . at the Masonic Hall , Devon , square , Newton Abbott . Present—Bros . Jno . Olver W . M ., Wm . Harris J . W ., B . Martin Sec , C Stevens J . D ., R . Cooke Steward , W . H . Banfill I . G ., Jno . Haywood Tyler . Past Masters , Bros . W . R . King I . P . M ., Philip D . Michelmone , G . Stokmans jun . Business—Tho Lodge was
opened in 1 st degree , minutes confirmed . It was then opened in 2 nd degree , when Bro . G . Townsend Warner proved his efficiency as a Fellow Craft . The Lodgo was then opened in 3 rd degree , when Bro . G . Townsend Warner was raised to the sublime degree of a M . M . by Bro . King I . P . M . The Lodge was then resumed to the 1 st degree when a candidate was balloted for and unanimously elected . The Lodge was then closed in duo and ancient form .
** Perfect Ashlar Lodge , No . 1178 . — A meeting of the above Lodgo was held on the 3 rd inst ., at tho Bridge House Hotel , Southwark . Present—Bros . J . A . Smith W . M ., W . Batchelor S . W ., W . Lover J . W ., F . H . Ehsworth P . M . Treasurer , F . Walters P . P . G . P . Middlesex Secretary , F . Garbett S . D ., J . Stock J . D ., 1 J . Porter as I . G . ; P . M . ' s Bros . C . Deakin and II . Harnsworth . Tho Lodgo was opened ,
and tho minutes were confirmed . Bros . Nice , Young and Greenwood 1326 were raised to the 3 rd degree ; Bros . Taylor , Shaw , Gauntlett and Vagg were passed to the 2 nd degree ; and Messrs . Hancock , Amens , Murdoch , Ford and Fenwick were initiated . Fifteen guineas was voted to tho Boys' School . Tho Lodge was then closed . There was no banquet . Tho visitors were Bros . D . Steinhauer 1326 , C . Lucop 1326 , C Graham 1540 and P . Mageo J . D . 518 .
Aldershot Camp Lodge , No . 1331 . —This Lodge held its regular meeting on Thursday , the 3 rd day of February , at the Assembly Rooms , High-street , Aldershot , at 6 o'clock p . m . Present—Bros . Thos . Anderson W . M ., Walton Mem .-er S . W ., John Smith J . W ., Edwin Harper Sec , Alex . Richardson P . M . and P . P . G . S . W . Treas ., Usher Lucas S . W ., Fred . Field P . M . J . W ., Alex . Richardson D . C .
( pro tern ) , John Edmund Steward , John McClisham I . G ., and John Thompson Tyler . Past Masters of the Lodge Bros . R . White P . G . P ., A . McKenzie P . P . G . P ., and John Kennedy , with numerous brethren of this flourishing Lodge . Among the visitors were—Bros . R . Erie P . M . and P . P . G . S . D ., and P . M . J . Pemeroy , of the Panmnre Lodge , No . 723 , P . M . J . Hall of the Royal Sussex Lodge , 342 , and many
others , numbering about GO in all . Mr . Douglas was initiated , tho ceremony , by particular desire , being performed by P . M . Richardson , in a masterly and impressive manner . The first charge was rendered with great effect by the J . W . ( Bro . Smith ) , and the lecture on tho ttacing board was delivered with fluency by P . M . Bro . R . White .
Bros . Craft , Welden aud Irish were duly passed to the 2 nd degree b y the W . M . Bro . Anderson , who delivered the charge iu that degree in accordance with ancient custom . This brought the evening ' s work to a conclusion after a most successful , pleasant , and instructive Masonic gathering .
Royal York Lodge of Instruction , Brighton . —A very pleasing re-union of the members of this Lodge was held on Tuesday , at the Royal Pavillion . A dinner was excellently served by Messrs . Snyers and Marks , the brethren and ladies mustering to the number of 70 . Bro . 0 . Sanderson occupied the chair , and Bro . W . T . Nell , the W . M . elect , the vice-chair . At nine o ' clock the tables were cleared
and light refreshments were supplied , when the company was reinforced by nearly 1300 ladies and gentlemen , who came to the ball , which it had been a ' ranged should follow . There was a well selected programme , under the direction of Bro . W . Devin . The whole arrangements were admirably carried out by Bro . It . J . Pope , the Hon . Secretary . The tables were very tastefully deeorated , as was also the main entrance .
Metropolitan Lodge of Instruction , No . 1507 . — A meeting was held at the Metropolitan Club , King ' s Cross , on Friday , the 4 th February . Present—Bros . Stacey W . M ., Mander S . W Willing J . W ., W . H . Lee S . D ., Abell J . D ., I . Leo I . G ., Brigga P . M .,
Stiles Secretary , and fifty brethren . At the invitation of this Lodge of Instruction , tho members of the Metropolitan Lodge of Instruction ( which holds its meetings afc the Portugal , Fleet-street ) worked the fifteen sections : —
FIRST LECTURE . 1 st Section . . . Bro . Webb I . G . 1381 2 nd „ „ Sqoirrell S . D . 206 3 rd „ . ¦ . . „ Read J . D . 1572 4 th „ „ Farwig I . G . 180 5 th „ „ Whittaker S . W . 1572 6 th „ . . . „ Mander P . M . 1201 7 th ,, . . . ,, „ „ ,,
SECOND LECTURE . 1 st Section . . . Bro . Abell 55 2 nd „ * „ I . Lee 1541 3 rd „ „ Whittaker S . W . 1572 4 th „ „ Stacev P . M . 180 5 th „ . . . „ W . H . Lee P . M . 1524
THIRD LECTURE . 1 st Section . . . Bro . W . H . Leo P . M . 1524 2 nd „ „ Farwig I . G . 180 3 rd „ „ BriggsP . M . 157
The whole of the working was excellent , and a cordial vote of thanks was unanimously given to tho brethren . Bros . Stacey and Mander were elected honorary members of the Metropolitan Lodge of Instruction . The Lodge was about to close when Bro . Shand said he had a motion to propose , that he thought should have emanated from an officer of tho Lodge . He felt that in the recent loss sustained by Bro . Adams , their worthy Preceptor , in tho death of his daughter ,
no doubt many of the Craft would tender their individual sympathy , but there were many young Masons , like himself , -who would nofc wish to obtrude upon Bro . Adams's feelings . This being the first meeting since the sad event , ho moved that a vote of condolence bo entered upon the minutes , and conveyed to Bro . Adams in a letter from the Secretary . Bro . Solomon stated that he echoed every word of Bro . Shawl ' s motion , and he would therefore second the resolution , which was carried unanimously .
Northumberland and Berwick Lodge of M . M . Masons . —This Lodge held its regular meeting on Wednesday , the 26 th of January 1876 , at Freemasons' Hall , Maple-street , Newcast'e-on-Tyno . Present—Bros . Holmes W . M ., Hughes S . W ., Franklin J . W ., Robson Sec , Armstrong Registrar , Cockbnrn M . O ., Halliday D .. Dr . Armstrong
S . O ., J . Armstrong J . O ., Salomon I . G ., Martin Tyler . Past Masters—Bros . Foulsham , and Redesdale . Business—The unusual number of ten brethren were advanced to the degree of M . M . M . in a manner that reflected tho greatest credit on tho W . M . and his officers . The Mark degreo seems to be making great and rapid progress in this province .
" A suitable gift from a Master to his Lodge . " NEATLY BOUND IN CLOTH , PRICE 8 s Gd EACH , THE FREEElSASetS'S MOtSSCLE , VOLUMES I . and II . Sent , Carriage Paid , to any address in tlie United Kingdom , on receipt of Cheque or P . 0 . 0 . London : —W . "VV . MORGAN , 67 Barbican , E . C . Cloth Cases for Binding can be had from the Offices , price ls 6 d each
Hie $ m \ u $ im ' $ f & lwnuU . WEEKLY , PRICE THREEPENCE . OFFICE : —67 BARBICAN , LONDON , E . G . Agents , from ivhom Copies can always be had : — Messrs . CURTICE and Co ., 12 Catherine Street , Strand . Mr . T . DRISCOLL , 87 Farringdon Street . Mr . G . W . JORDAN , lfiSJ Strand . Messrs . MARSHALL and SONS , 125 Fleet Street , E . C . Mr . M . J . PARKINSON , 114 Goswell Road , E . C . Mr . H . SIMPSON , 7 Red Lion Court , E . C . Messrs . SMITH and SONS , 183 Strand . Messrs . SPENCER and Co ., 23 A Great Queen Street , W . C . Messrs . STEEL and JONKS , 4 Spring Gardens , Charing Cross . Mr . G . VICKERS , Angel Court , 172 Strand . Mr . H . VICKKKS , 317 Strand .
CHINESE CARVING . FOR Sale , an elaborately carved Set of Ivory Chessmen . Tho Kings stand S \ inches high , the other pieces in proportion . Knighta and Pawns ou horseback , all mounted on stands , with ( dicentric balls . Can bo seen , and full particulars obtained , on application to W . W . MoBOi ^ r 87 Barbican , —Met ,