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INSTALLATION OF H . R . H . THE PRINCE OF WALES . ^ Mfi HIS EOYAL HIGHNESS THE PRINCE OF WALES , E . G ., g X & ST $ !& iL Most Worshipful Grand Master , & c , Ac , Laving been graciously | B | j = s . \ Ofe 3 £ t £ 7 yj ^ pleased to accept the special Dedication , aPf * < ^^^^^^^ . A . SPLEUDID . M ff \ feM , HISTORICAL STEEL ENGRAVING ^^^^^^^^^^ WILL SHORTLY BE PUBLISHED , / fi ^| 3 & ' ^^^^^ R 0 YAL INSTALLATION ON THE 28 TH OF APRIL LAST , I W ^ \ ^ mM ^^ IN THE EOYAL ALBERT HALL , ^ Mfc ^ - ^^^ gpg ^ y ( ^ \| | J ^ By BRO . EDWARD JAMES HARTY , S . W . No . 1201 . ^^^^^ B ^ P ^ Application for Circulars and for all particulars to bo made to tho ROYAL MASONIC INSTALLATION GALLERY COMPANY , 213 REGENT STREET , LONDON , W
THEATBE ROYAL , COVENT GARDEN " . - At 7 . 0 , THE MERCHANT OF VENICE . At 8 . 30 , CINDERELLA . DRURY LANE . —At 7 . 0 , THE WHITE HAT . At 7 .-15 , WHITTINGTON AND HIS CAT . HAYMARKET—At 7 . 30 , OVERTURE , followed by ANNE BOLEYN . LYCEUM . —At 7 . 0 , POPPING THK QUESTION . At 8 . 0 , LEAH , aud SIMPSON AND CO . Ou Monday , OTHELLO . ADELPHI . —At 7 . 0 , VANDYKE BROWN . At 7 . 15 , PEEP O' DAY , and MY OWN GHOST . PRINCESS'S . —At 7 . 0 , A HAPPY PAIR . At 8 . 0 , RIP VAN WINKLE , and HEAD OF A CLAN . STRAND—At 7 . 0 , TWO TO ONE . At 7 . 15 , A LESSON IN LOVE . At 8 . 30 , ANTARCTIC . VATJDEVILLE .-At 7 . 30 , A WHIRLIGIG , OUR BOYS , and A FEARFUL FOG . GAIETY .-At 7 . 15 , OPERETTA . At 8 . 0 , TOTTLE'S . At 10 . 0 , DOMESTIC ECONOMY . OLYMPIC .-At 7 . 0 , THE SERGEANT'S WEDDING . At 7 . 15 , CLYTIE . At 10 . 0 , MY WIFE'S DENTIST . DUKE'S .-At 7 . 0 , TOO TRUE , BLACK EYED SUSAN , aud A TEMPTING JbAlT . GLOBE . — At 7 . 30 , A BLIGHTED BEING . At S . 15 , THE DUKE'S DAUGHTER . PRINCE OF WALES'S—At 8 . 0 , MASKS AND FACES . COURT . — At 7 . 30 , A MORNING CALL , BROKEN HEARTS , and A QUIET RUBBER . ST . JAMES'S . —At 7 . 30 , PRETTY POLL . At 8 . 15 , ALL FOR HER . CHARING CROSS .-At 7 . 30 , BROUGHT TO BOOK . At 8 . 15 , MARRIED IN HASTE , and SLIGHT MISTAKES . OPERA . COMIQUE .-At 7 . 15 , A HORNET'S NEST . At 8 . 0 , MADAME L'ARCHIDUC , and TRIAL BY JURY . CRITERION . —At 7 . 30 , CRYPTOCWCHOIDSYPIIONOSTOMATA , JIAN IS NOT PERFECT , and at s . 15 , PIFF-PAFF . ALHAMBRA . —At 7 . 15 , A QUIET FAMILY . At 8 . 0 , DON" JUAN , ic . PHILHARMONIC-SIMON , Jtc . ( last night ) . ALEXANDRA PALACE-CHRISTMAS PANTOMIME , CIRCUS , & c . Open Daily . POLYTECHNIC-GABRIEL GRUB , AND THE GRIM GOBLIN . HOLIDAY BUDGET OF CURIOUS EXPERIMENTS . PROGRESS OF ROYALTY IN INDIA . THK SERIAL MERCURY . Many other entertainments . Open twice daily , at I 2 . n and 7 . 0 . Admission ls . EGYPTIAN" ( LARGE ) HALL .-MASKELYNE AND COOKE , daily at 3 . 0 and 8 . 0 . HENGLER'S CIRQUE . —Daily at 2 . 30 and 7 . 30 . SANGER'S AMPHITHEATRE . —LADY GODIVA , at 1 . 30 and 7 . 0 daily . ST . GEORGE'S HALL , LANGHAM PLACE . - MR . and Mas . GERMAN REED . Thursday and Saturday at 3 . 0 ; other days at 8 . 0 .
fTlHE FREEMASON'S CHRONICLE cau bo ordered of any J- Bookseller in Town or Country , but should any difficulty be expeiienced , it will be forwarded direct from the Office , ou receipt ol Post Office Order for the amount . Intending Subscribers should forward their full Addresses to prevent mistakes . Post Office Orders to be made payable to VV . W . MORGAN , At Barbican Office . Cheques crossed " London and County . " 'Ihe Terms of Subscri ption ( payable in advance ) to THE FUKKMASOIV ' CHRONICLE are—Twelve Mouths , Post Free £ 0 13 6 Six Months ditto ... .... 0 7 0 Thre ; i Months ditto 0 3 6 To the United States and France , 4 s 3 d per quarter , and to Germany , 4 s yd per quarter . SCALE OF CHAFES FOR ADVERTISEMENTS . Advertisers will find THE FREEMASON ' CHKON ICLK an exceptionall y good medium for Advertisements of every class . Per Page £ § 0 0 Back Page £ 10 0 0 General Advertisements , Trade Announcera ents , & c . single column , 5 s per inch . Double . Column Ac lvertisements ° ls per line . Special Terms for « , Series . of insertion * on ] ttj . . ' a » . UuU . Jiirt i'j . ; Mamrjes xa & Deaths , 6 'd . par lino * I
g ^^^^^^^^ 67 BARBICAN , E . C .
Our Weekly Budget.
PARLIAMENT was opened by the Queen m person on Tnesday . Her Majesty was accompanied by their Eoyal Hig hnesses the Princess of Wales , the Princess Louise ( Marchioness of Lome ) , and tho Princess Beatrice ; the Duke and Duchess of Edinburgh and the Princess Mary
of Cambridge ( Duchess of Teck ) being also present . The lioyal procession was of the usual character , and a considerable number of people , including , of course , a strong muster of country cousins , congregated along the line of route . The House of Lords presented , as usual , a
magnificent spectacle , the whole of the chamber , with the exception of one or two benches , being occupied by the fair sex , splendidly appareled . The Great Officers of State were in attendance upon the Queen , and the part of the House set apart for the Corps Diplomatique was well filled with tho
representatives of Foreign States . The speech was not delivered by Her Majesty in person , but by tho Lord High . Chancellor . Its most notable feature is its brevity , tho long array of promised measures which has hitherto
garnished this important document being wisely , we think , omitted . Naturally enough the subjects principally referred to were those relating to the Eastern Question and the Suez Canal . Nor did the visit of the Prince of Wales
to India pass unnoticed . It seems , indeed , that as a consequence of this visit , the Queen will extend her regal titles . A bill is announced , having for object to enlarge Her Majesty ' s titular dignity , and doubtless ere long she will be proclaimed not only as Queen , by the Grace of God ,
of Great Britain and Ireland , and Defender of the Faith , but also as Empress of Hindostan . The one objectionable feature in connection with this important ceremonial appears to have been , according to the Daily Telegraph , the unruly entry of the Commons , when summoned to the
Peers' House in order to hear the speech . There is usually an uo-ly rush on the part of the Commons , whose membeis come into the presence of their Sovereign in a manner most undignified . But iu this instance , alleges our contemporary , the pushing of the peoples' representatives was of the rudest , and the Premier had to retire
from the melee . If this be the case , the sooner the elect of our boroughs and counties learn manners , the better . This , however , seems to have been the only contretemps which marked the occasion . It only remains to add tl at the Queen left the House in the same state with which she
euttved it , and that her reception by the sightseers , both on £ oing and returning , w-. ^ s rp-wc ' tYi l an . I qnierlv coniial . In the evening of the same day , the work of Parliament
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
INSTALLATION OF H . R . H . THE PRINCE OF WALES . ^ Mfi HIS EOYAL HIGHNESS THE PRINCE OF WALES , E . G ., g X & ST $ !& iL Most Worshipful Grand Master , & c , Ac , Laving been graciously | B | j = s . \ Ofe 3 £ t £ 7 yj ^ pleased to accept the special Dedication , aPf * < ^^^^^^^ . A . SPLEUDID . M ff \ feM , HISTORICAL STEEL ENGRAVING ^^^^^^^^^^ WILL SHORTLY BE PUBLISHED , / fi ^| 3 & ' ^^^^^ R 0 YAL INSTALLATION ON THE 28 TH OF APRIL LAST , I W ^ \ ^ mM ^^ IN THE EOYAL ALBERT HALL , ^ Mfc ^ - ^^^ gpg ^ y ( ^ \| | J ^ By BRO . EDWARD JAMES HARTY , S . W . No . 1201 . ^^^^^ B ^ P ^ Application for Circulars and for all particulars to bo made to tho ROYAL MASONIC INSTALLATION GALLERY COMPANY , 213 REGENT STREET , LONDON , W
THEATBE ROYAL , COVENT GARDEN " . - At 7 . 0 , THE MERCHANT OF VENICE . At 8 . 30 , CINDERELLA . DRURY LANE . —At 7 . 0 , THE WHITE HAT . At 7 .-15 , WHITTINGTON AND HIS CAT . HAYMARKET—At 7 . 30 , OVERTURE , followed by ANNE BOLEYN . LYCEUM . —At 7 . 0 , POPPING THK QUESTION . At 8 . 0 , LEAH , aud SIMPSON AND CO . Ou Monday , OTHELLO . ADELPHI . —At 7 . 0 , VANDYKE BROWN . At 7 . 15 , PEEP O' DAY , and MY OWN GHOST . PRINCESS'S . —At 7 . 0 , A HAPPY PAIR . At 8 . 0 , RIP VAN WINKLE , and HEAD OF A CLAN . STRAND—At 7 . 0 , TWO TO ONE . At 7 . 15 , A LESSON IN LOVE . At 8 . 30 , ANTARCTIC . VATJDEVILLE .-At 7 . 30 , A WHIRLIGIG , OUR BOYS , and A FEARFUL FOG . GAIETY .-At 7 . 15 , OPERETTA . At 8 . 0 , TOTTLE'S . At 10 . 0 , DOMESTIC ECONOMY . OLYMPIC .-At 7 . 0 , THE SERGEANT'S WEDDING . At 7 . 15 , CLYTIE . At 10 . 0 , MY WIFE'S DENTIST . DUKE'S .-At 7 . 0 , TOO TRUE , BLACK EYED SUSAN , aud A TEMPTING JbAlT . GLOBE . — At 7 . 30 , A BLIGHTED BEING . At S . 15 , THE DUKE'S DAUGHTER . PRINCE OF WALES'S—At 8 . 0 , MASKS AND FACES . COURT . — At 7 . 30 , A MORNING CALL , BROKEN HEARTS , and A QUIET RUBBER . ST . JAMES'S . —At 7 . 30 , PRETTY POLL . At 8 . 15 , ALL FOR HER . CHARING CROSS .-At 7 . 30 , BROUGHT TO BOOK . At 8 . 15 , MARRIED IN HASTE , and SLIGHT MISTAKES . OPERA . COMIQUE .-At 7 . 15 , A HORNET'S NEST . At 8 . 0 , MADAME L'ARCHIDUC , and TRIAL BY JURY . CRITERION . —At 7 . 30 , CRYPTOCWCHOIDSYPIIONOSTOMATA , JIAN IS NOT PERFECT , and at s . 15 , PIFF-PAFF . ALHAMBRA . —At 7 . 15 , A QUIET FAMILY . At 8 . 0 , DON" JUAN , ic . PHILHARMONIC-SIMON , Jtc . ( last night ) . ALEXANDRA PALACE-CHRISTMAS PANTOMIME , CIRCUS , & c . Open Daily . POLYTECHNIC-GABRIEL GRUB , AND THE GRIM GOBLIN . HOLIDAY BUDGET OF CURIOUS EXPERIMENTS . PROGRESS OF ROYALTY IN INDIA . THK SERIAL MERCURY . Many other entertainments . Open twice daily , at I 2 . n and 7 . 0 . Admission ls . EGYPTIAN" ( LARGE ) HALL .-MASKELYNE AND COOKE , daily at 3 . 0 and 8 . 0 . HENGLER'S CIRQUE . —Daily at 2 . 30 and 7 . 30 . SANGER'S AMPHITHEATRE . —LADY GODIVA , at 1 . 30 and 7 . 0 daily . ST . GEORGE'S HALL , LANGHAM PLACE . - MR . and Mas . GERMAN REED . Thursday and Saturday at 3 . 0 ; other days at 8 . 0 .
fTlHE FREEMASON'S CHRONICLE cau bo ordered of any J- Bookseller in Town or Country , but should any difficulty be expeiienced , it will be forwarded direct from the Office , ou receipt ol Post Office Order for the amount . Intending Subscribers should forward their full Addresses to prevent mistakes . Post Office Orders to be made payable to VV . W . MORGAN , At Barbican Office . Cheques crossed " London and County . " 'Ihe Terms of Subscri ption ( payable in advance ) to THE FUKKMASOIV ' CHRONICLE are—Twelve Mouths , Post Free £ 0 13 6 Six Months ditto ... .... 0 7 0 Thre ; i Months ditto 0 3 6 To the United States and France , 4 s 3 d per quarter , and to Germany , 4 s yd per quarter . SCALE OF CHAFES FOR ADVERTISEMENTS . Advertisers will find THE FREEMASON ' CHKON ICLK an exceptionall y good medium for Advertisements of every class . Per Page £ § 0 0 Back Page £ 10 0 0 General Advertisements , Trade Announcera ents , & c . single column , 5 s per inch . Double . Column Ac lvertisements ° ls per line . Special Terms for « , Series . of insertion * on ] ttj . . ' a » . UuU . Jiirt i'j . ; Mamrjes xa & Deaths , 6 'd . par lino * I
g ^^^^^^^^ 67 BARBICAN , E . C .
Our Weekly Budget.
PARLIAMENT was opened by the Queen m person on Tnesday . Her Majesty was accompanied by their Eoyal Hig hnesses the Princess of Wales , the Princess Louise ( Marchioness of Lome ) , and tho Princess Beatrice ; the Duke and Duchess of Edinburgh and the Princess Mary
of Cambridge ( Duchess of Teck ) being also present . The lioyal procession was of the usual character , and a considerable number of people , including , of course , a strong muster of country cousins , congregated along the line of route . The House of Lords presented , as usual , a
magnificent spectacle , the whole of the chamber , with the exception of one or two benches , being occupied by the fair sex , splendidly appareled . The Great Officers of State were in attendance upon the Queen , and the part of the House set apart for the Corps Diplomatique was well filled with tho
representatives of Foreign States . The speech was not delivered by Her Majesty in person , but by tho Lord High . Chancellor . Its most notable feature is its brevity , tho long array of promised measures which has hitherto
garnished this important document being wisely , we think , omitted . Naturally enough the subjects principally referred to were those relating to the Eastern Question and the Suez Canal . Nor did the visit of the Prince of Wales
to India pass unnoticed . It seems , indeed , that as a consequence of this visit , the Queen will extend her regal titles . A bill is announced , having for object to enlarge Her Majesty ' s titular dignity , and doubtless ere long she will be proclaimed not only as Queen , by the Grace of God ,
of Great Britain and Ireland , and Defender of the Faith , but also as Empress of Hindostan . The one objectionable feature in connection with this important ceremonial appears to have been , according to the Daily Telegraph , the unruly entry of the Commons , when summoned to the
Peers' House in order to hear the speech . There is usually an uo-ly rush on the part of the Commons , whose membeis come into the presence of their Sovereign in a manner most undignified . But iu this instance , alleges our contemporary , the pushing of the peoples' representatives was of the rudest , and the Premier had to retire
from the melee . If this be the case , the sooner the elect of our boroughs and counties learn manners , the better . This , however , seems to have been the only contretemps which marked the occasion . It only remains to add tl at the Queen left the House in the same state with which she
euttved it , and that her reception by the sightseers , both on £ oing and returning , w-. ^ s rp-wc ' tYi l an . I qnierlv coniial . In the evening of the same day , the work of Parliament