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Notices Of Meetings
Dalhousie Lodge of Instruction , No . 860 . — -At tbe weekly meeting on Tuesday , at Bro . Smyth's , tho Sisters' Tavern , Pownall-road , Dalston , Bios . Christian W . M ., Forss S . W ., Polak . T . W ., Wei-, ' - S . D ., J . Lorkin J . D ., Greenwood I . G ., Dallas Sec ., Smyth Treas ., P . M . Wallington Preceptor ; Bros . Carr , Brasted , Moss , Williams , C . Lorkin , and others . Lodge was opened in due form , and tho minutes of last meeting wero read and confirmed .
Bro . Brasted answered tho questions leading to tbe second degree . Lodge was advanced , and ceremony of passing was rehearsed . The Lodgo was called from labour to refreshment , and after resuming its Masonic duties Bro . Moss worked tho first section of tlie lecture , assisted by the brethren . Lodge was opened in the third degree and regularly closed to the first , when the "W . M . worked the third and fourth sections of tbe lecture , assisted by tho brethren . Bro . Forss W . M . was elected W . M . for next Tuesday evening .
Wbittington Lodge of Instruction , No . 862 . —A meeting was held on Wednesday , 13 th August , at the Red Lion , Poppin ' s ' court , Fleet-streot , E . C . Present-Bros . Abell W . M ., Brown S . W ., Hallam J . W ., Long Preceptor , Tate S . D ., Kearney I . G ., Hydo , Parlctt , Gladwell , and others . The Lodge was opened , and after tho confirmation of the minutes , Bro . Parlott offered himself as a
candidate for tho second degree . Tho examination being satisfactory , be was entrusted ; the Lodgo was opened in tlie second degree , and tho ceremony of passing was ably rohearsed by the W . M . The lecture of tho degree having been worked in sections , the Lodge was resumed , and Bro . Brown S . W . elected W . M . for next meeting . Lodge was then closed .
Friars Lodge of Instruction , Ho . 1340 . —Hold at Bro , Pavitt's , Liverpool Arms , Canning-town , Tuesday 12 th August . Bros . XV . J . Smith WM ., Barker S . W ., Andrews J . W ., Johnson S . D ., Pavitt J . D ., Glasspool I . G ., Worsley Sec . ; also Bros . Ellis 121 , Ellis 8 ( 10 , Richardson , Norman , Spencer , Sadler , AVhito , < fcc . Tho warm weather has now unquestionably sot in , we aro realising what
summer means , and those who can any way manage it aro betaking themselves to cool retreats and shady nooks ; however tho attendance here on Tuesday was well up to the average . Tho Lodgo opened in due form with prayer , when the minutes were read and confirmed . Bro . Eichardson answered the necessary questions , and the Lodge opened in the second degree , when tho ceremony of passing was
rehearsed . Bro . Barker worked tlie first section of tho lecture , Worsley the second , Andrews the third and fourth , assisted by the brethren . The Lodge then resumed to tho first degree . Bro . Richardson of 47 was elected a member . Bro . Barker was appointed W . M . for tho ensuing week . It was unanimously resolved that this
Lodge of Instruction hold a summer banquet , and that the following brethren constitute the committee for carrying out tho arrange , ments : —Bros . Smith , Andrews , Musto , Barker , and Pavitt ; they will meet on Tuesday next , at six p . m ., to dotermino when and whero tho banquet shall take place .
SackVllle Lodge , No . 1619 . —An emergency mooting was hold on Tuesday , tho Sth inst ., at the Crown Hotel , East Grinsfccad . Present—Bros . John G . Horsey W . M ., S . Davison S . W ., E . A . Head J . W ., XV . Hale P . M . Treas ., C . Sawyer I . P . M . Sec , W . Budge S . D ., Jas . E . Woodbridgo Steward , P . Sargcant Tyler , Past Masters Bros . Jno . Noko and W . II . Hook ; Bros . Jas . Cooper , John Woodbridge ,
C . T . Young , B . Dick-man , Wm . Pile , J . II . Ileckford . Visitors—Bros . XV . C . Banks W . M . 1223 , Babington , Ilopkinson , and G . Trench of tho Faversham Lodge . Business—After preliminaries tho auditors ' report was received and approved . Bro . Wm . Pile was raised to tho third degree . Ballot was taken for the following candidates for initiation .- —Messrs . C . Fairbank , Goo . XV . Holmes and Mark Ovenden , who
wero initiated . The brethren afterwards adjourned to a substantial repast , when tho usual loyal and other toasts were given . The excellent working of tho first aud third degrees by Bro . John G . Horsey W . M ., who did them for the first timo , was highly spoken of by several of tlio P . M . 's and Visitors . P . M . ITnle s . iid that during a long Masonic career bo had never heard better working ; it was most gratifying to him to bo present .
Portsmouth Masonic Hall And Club.
IN our last week ' s issue appeared tho first report of the directors of "The Borough of Portsmouth Freemasons' Hail and Club Company , " of which tho Mayor ( W . I ) . King Ksq . ) is chairman , Mr . Councillor G . T . Cunningham vice-chairman , aud Mr . E . S . Main Secretary . The shareholders held an extraordinary meeting at the offices of tho Portsca Island Gas Company , Commercial-road , Landport , on Saturday morning , and after tho business bad been transacted
an adjournment was made to the eligible site between the Gas Offices and the Theatre Royal , on which the Freemasons' Hall aud Club is to be erected . The directors and a number of shareholders aud other Freemasons , with several ladies , were present , and the Provincial Grand Lodge was represented by the Ritrht , Worshipful tho Prov . G . M . H ,-o . XV . XV . B . Beach , M . P ., tho V . W . Deputy Prov . G . M . ¦
¦> ro . XV . Hickman , tho Prov . G . Secretary Bro . J . K . bo Fouvrc , & c . Tlio building will be iu the plain Italian style of architecture , and the front , which will have a gable , with terracotta terminals nn either side , is to bo constructed of red bricks , with Bath and Portland stono dressings with ornamental tile panels . On the upper floor there will
he a bay window projecting on nn ornamental corbel , arid , in a circular pauel immediately over tho centre plate will bo engraved a Masonicemblem . The building will have a frontage of 20 ft ., with a depth of 63 ft ., audits height to the extreme point of the gable will bo _ 4 [' fc The ground floor is to be let off as offices , and the room on the first
Portsmouth Masonic Hall And Club.
floor , 30 ft . Gin . long by IS feet wide , will bo appropriated to the Chamber of Commerce ; whilo tho upper story will have n Masonic club . room of equal dimensions , together with an ante-room 22 ft . by lift . At tho roar of the building aro tho Roman Catholic schools , which , having been included in the purchase , will bo converted into a banqueting room and a Lodgo room , with the requisite ante-rooms .
The fonndation stone was of Portland stone , and bore tho following inscription -. — " This foundation stouo was laid by his Worship the Mayor of Portsmouth ( Mr . Alderman W . D . King , J . P . ) , Chairman of the Company , August 0 , 1879 . E . J . Smith , architect ; XV . D . Lewis , contractor . " Tho trowel used for tho occasion was of silver , elaborately chased , with an ornamental ivory handle , and had
inscribed upon it , " Borough of Portsmouth I' reomasons' Hall and Club Company . Presented to his Worship the Mayor ( Mr . Alderman XV . D . King , J . P . ) , ou his laying tho foundation stone of tho Club House , Commercial-road . W . D . Lewis , contractor ; Emanuel J . Smith , architect . August Oth , 1 S 79 . " The trowel was supplied by Bro . Abrahams , silversmith and jeweller , of High-street . Tho
Mayor , in declaring tho stono well and truly laid , alluded with satisfaction to tho presence of tho Right Worshipful Prov . Grand Master , and described tho negociations which had led to tho purchase of tho site . A few energetic Masons had recognised tho necessity of establishing what had long been wanted in the borough , a central meeting place for tho purpose of carrying
ont tho principles of Jlnsoniy . Thoy at onco sot to work , and tho brethren generally cordially co-operated with them , with tho result that thoy would shortly have a decent building , in which pleasure and instruction might bo advantageously blended . If thoy wero assembled that day merely as speculative Masons , his position could havo been moro fitly occupied by Mr . Beach ; but they wero there as
operative Masons , and he could not , therefore , refuse to tako part in tho erection of a building which would bo a credit to the borough , and reflect honour upon its designer and the contractor . ( Hear , hear . ) From his knowledge of tho directors ho had very littln doubt that a few months hence they would again meet to celebrate tho opening of tho club , and thoy would then readily accord to ono and all who had
been associated with tho erection of tho building that meed of praise to which they wore fairly entitled . ( Hear , hear . ) It was in contemplation to open" another Mason ic Lodge , and thoso outside the Craft would be glad to learn that Masonry was fast spreading in tho borough , so that its principles were taking a firm hold upon thoso who
came together to help each other not only whilo they were in health but , what was far more material , when thoy wero in sickness . Ho was much obliged to the R . W . Prov . G . M . for his presence , and hoped to have the pleasure of again seeing him at no distant day to celebrate tho opening of that building and tho consecration of an appropriate Lodgo room .
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Hampshire And The Isle Of Wight.
rpiIE Prov . Grand Lodgo was hold at tho Undorclift Assembly -1 Eooms on Monday . The Right Worshipful Bro . W . W . B . Beach , M . P ., Provincial Grand Master , presided , supported by the Worshipful Bro . XV . Hickman D . P . G . M ., and the Provincial Grand OUlcers ; and there was a very largo attendance of brethren , the various Lodges being well represented . The usual routine business was transacted . Tho statement of tho Provincial Grand Treasurer
Bro . M . E . Frost showed a very satisfactory balance , and having boon adopted , Bro . Frost was unanimously re-elected Treasurer for tho year ensuing . The committees for managing tho funds of tho Charities Committee having been selected , tho Provincial Grand Master appointed his Officers for tho year as follow : — Bro . W . Hickman Royal Gloucester Lodge , No . 130 , Deputy Provincial Grand Master .
Bro . F . Newman , Yarborough Lodge , No . oal , Provincial Senior Grand Warden . Bro . W . Parsons , Oakley Lodgo , Basingstoke , No . 094 , Provincial Junior Grand Warden . Bros . Rov . G . C . Browne , "Unity Lodge , No . 132 , Ringwood , and Rev . II . E . M . Hughes , Albany Lodge , No . 151 , Newport , P . G . Chaplains .
Bro . E . D . Godwin , Lodge of Economy , No . 70 , Winchester , P . G . Reg . Bro . M . E . Frost , Portsmouth Lodge , No . 457 , P . G . Treasurer . Bro . J . E . Lis Feuvrc , Royal Gloucester Lodge , Ho . 130 , P . G . Sec . Tiro . G . J . Phillips , Royal Gloucester Lodge , No . 130 , P . G . Senior Deacon .
Bro . G . A . Green , Lodgo of Harmony , No . 30 !) , Faroham , P . G Jnnior Deacon . Bro . H . Threadingham , Portsmouth Lodgo , No . 187 , P . G . Super iuteiidout of Works . Hro . C . V . Helsdon , St . Hubert Lodgo , No . 1373 , Andovcr , P . G Director of Ceremonies .
Bro . A . Houston , Yarborough Lodge , No . fwl , Veiitnor , P . G . Assist . Director of Ceremonies . Uro . James Johns , United Service Lodge , No . 1-1-28 , Portsmouth , P . G . Sword Bearer . Bro . J . Frierleherg , Royal Sussex Lodgo , No . 342 , Portsca , P . G . Pnrsuivant .
Bro . Thomas Wilton , United Service Lodge , No . 142 S , P . G . Or . ganisfc . Bros . J . 0 . Holliday , Unity Lodge , No . 132 , R . B . Chiverton , Albany No . I ' ll , J . W . Willmott , Royal Sussex , No . 3 42 , Josiah Clay , I [ swan t , No . . SOI , aud C . B . Whitcomb , Print-oof Wales' Lodge , 1705 , Gosport , P . G . Stewards . Bros . J . Biggs 13 ( 1 and J . Exall P . G . Tylers . The Lodgo having been closed , tho brethren adjourned to a banquet at the Literary Institute High-street , tho P . G . M . presiding .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Notices Of Meetings
Dalhousie Lodge of Instruction , No . 860 . — -At tbe weekly meeting on Tuesday , at Bro . Smyth's , tho Sisters' Tavern , Pownall-road , Dalston , Bios . Christian W . M ., Forss S . W ., Polak . T . W ., Wei-, ' - S . D ., J . Lorkin J . D ., Greenwood I . G ., Dallas Sec ., Smyth Treas ., P . M . Wallington Preceptor ; Bros . Carr , Brasted , Moss , Williams , C . Lorkin , and others . Lodge was opened in due form , and tho minutes of last meeting wero read and confirmed .
Bro . Brasted answered tho questions leading to tbe second degree . Lodge was advanced , and ceremony of passing was rehearsed . The Lodgo was called from labour to refreshment , and after resuming its Masonic duties Bro . Moss worked tho first section of tlie lecture , assisted by the brethren . Lodge was opened in the third degree and regularly closed to the first , when the "W . M . worked the third and fourth sections of tbe lecture , assisted by tho brethren . Bro . Forss W . M . was elected W . M . for next Tuesday evening .
Wbittington Lodge of Instruction , No . 862 . —A meeting was held on Wednesday , 13 th August , at the Red Lion , Poppin ' s ' court , Fleet-streot , E . C . Present-Bros . Abell W . M ., Brown S . W ., Hallam J . W ., Long Preceptor , Tate S . D ., Kearney I . G ., Hydo , Parlctt , Gladwell , and others . The Lodge was opened , and after tho confirmation of the minutes , Bro . Parlott offered himself as a
candidate for tho second degree . Tho examination being satisfactory , be was entrusted ; the Lodgo was opened in tlie second degree , and tho ceremony of passing was ably rohearsed by the W . M . The lecture of tho degree having been worked in sections , the Lodge was resumed , and Bro . Brown S . W . elected W . M . for next meeting . Lodge was then closed .
Friars Lodge of Instruction , Ho . 1340 . —Hold at Bro , Pavitt's , Liverpool Arms , Canning-town , Tuesday 12 th August . Bros . XV . J . Smith WM ., Barker S . W ., Andrews J . W ., Johnson S . D ., Pavitt J . D ., Glasspool I . G ., Worsley Sec . ; also Bros . Ellis 121 , Ellis 8 ( 10 , Richardson , Norman , Spencer , Sadler , AVhito , < fcc . Tho warm weather has now unquestionably sot in , we aro realising what
summer means , and those who can any way manage it aro betaking themselves to cool retreats and shady nooks ; however tho attendance here on Tuesday was well up to the average . Tho Lodgo opened in due form with prayer , when the minutes were read and confirmed . Bro . Eichardson answered the necessary questions , and the Lodge opened in the second degree , when tho ceremony of passing was
rehearsed . Bro . Barker worked tlie first section of tho lecture , Worsley the second , Andrews the third and fourth , assisted by the brethren . The Lodge then resumed to tho first degree . Bro . Richardson of 47 was elected a member . Bro . Barker was appointed W . M . for tho ensuing week . It was unanimously resolved that this
Lodge of Instruction hold a summer banquet , and that the following brethren constitute the committee for carrying out tho arrange , ments : —Bros . Smith , Andrews , Musto , Barker , and Pavitt ; they will meet on Tuesday next , at six p . m ., to dotermino when and whero tho banquet shall take place .
SackVllle Lodge , No . 1619 . —An emergency mooting was hold on Tuesday , tho Sth inst ., at the Crown Hotel , East Grinsfccad . Present—Bros . John G . Horsey W . M ., S . Davison S . W ., E . A . Head J . W ., XV . Hale P . M . Treas ., C . Sawyer I . P . M . Sec , W . Budge S . D ., Jas . E . Woodbridgo Steward , P . Sargcant Tyler , Past Masters Bros . Jno . Noko and W . II . Hook ; Bros . Jas . Cooper , John Woodbridge ,
C . T . Young , B . Dick-man , Wm . Pile , J . II . Ileckford . Visitors—Bros . XV . C . Banks W . M . 1223 , Babington , Ilopkinson , and G . Trench of tho Faversham Lodge . Business—After preliminaries tho auditors ' report was received and approved . Bro . Wm . Pile was raised to tho third degree . Ballot was taken for the following candidates for initiation .- —Messrs . C . Fairbank , Goo . XV . Holmes and Mark Ovenden , who
wero initiated . The brethren afterwards adjourned to a substantial repast , when tho usual loyal and other toasts were given . The excellent working of tho first aud third degrees by Bro . John G . Horsey W . M ., who did them for the first timo , was highly spoken of by several of tlio P . M . 's and Visitors . P . M . ITnle s . iid that during a long Masonic career bo had never heard better working ; it was most gratifying to him to bo present .
Portsmouth Masonic Hall And Club.
IN our last week ' s issue appeared tho first report of the directors of "The Borough of Portsmouth Freemasons' Hail and Club Company , " of which tho Mayor ( W . I ) . King Ksq . ) is chairman , Mr . Councillor G . T . Cunningham vice-chairman , aud Mr . E . S . Main Secretary . The shareholders held an extraordinary meeting at the offices of tho Portsca Island Gas Company , Commercial-road , Landport , on Saturday morning , and after tho business bad been transacted
an adjournment was made to the eligible site between the Gas Offices and the Theatre Royal , on which the Freemasons' Hall aud Club is to be erected . The directors and a number of shareholders aud other Freemasons , with several ladies , were present , and the Provincial Grand Lodge was represented by the Ritrht , Worshipful tho Prov . G . M . H ,-o . XV . XV . B . Beach , M . P ., tho V . W . Deputy Prov . G . M . ¦
¦> ro . XV . Hickman , tho Prov . G . Secretary Bro . J . K . bo Fouvrc , & c . Tlio building will be iu the plain Italian style of architecture , and the front , which will have a gable , with terracotta terminals nn either side , is to bo constructed of red bricks , with Bath and Portland stono dressings with ornamental tile panels . On the upper floor there will
he a bay window projecting on nn ornamental corbel , arid , in a circular pauel immediately over tho centre plate will bo engraved a Masonicemblem . The building will have a frontage of 20 ft ., with a depth of 63 ft ., audits height to the extreme point of the gable will bo _ 4 [' fc The ground floor is to be let off as offices , and the room on the first
Portsmouth Masonic Hall And Club.
floor , 30 ft . Gin . long by IS feet wide , will bo appropriated to the Chamber of Commerce ; whilo tho upper story will have n Masonic club . room of equal dimensions , together with an ante-room 22 ft . by lift . At tho roar of the building aro tho Roman Catholic schools , which , having been included in the purchase , will bo converted into a banqueting room and a Lodgo room , with the requisite ante-rooms .
The fonndation stone was of Portland stone , and bore tho following inscription -. — " This foundation stouo was laid by his Worship the Mayor of Portsmouth ( Mr . Alderman W . D . King , J . P . ) , Chairman of the Company , August 0 , 1879 . E . J . Smith , architect ; XV . D . Lewis , contractor . " Tho trowel used for tho occasion was of silver , elaborately chased , with an ornamental ivory handle , and had
inscribed upon it , " Borough of Portsmouth I' reomasons' Hall and Club Company . Presented to his Worship the Mayor ( Mr . Alderman XV . D . King , J . P . ) , ou his laying tho foundation stone of tho Club House , Commercial-road . W . D . Lewis , contractor ; Emanuel J . Smith , architect . August Oth , 1 S 79 . " The trowel was supplied by Bro . Abrahams , silversmith and jeweller , of High-street . Tho
Mayor , in declaring tho stono well and truly laid , alluded with satisfaction to tho presence of tho Right Worshipful Prov . Grand Master , and described tho negociations which had led to tho purchase of tho site . A few energetic Masons had recognised tho necessity of establishing what had long been wanted in the borough , a central meeting place for tho purpose of carrying
ont tho principles of Jlnsoniy . Thoy at onco sot to work , and tho brethren generally cordially co-operated with them , with tho result that thoy would shortly have a decent building , in which pleasure and instruction might bo advantageously blended . If thoy wero assembled that day merely as speculative Masons , his position could havo been moro fitly occupied by Mr . Beach ; but they wero there as
operative Masons , and he could not , therefore , refuse to tako part in tho erection of a building which would bo a credit to the borough , and reflect honour upon its designer and the contractor . ( Hear , hear . ) From his knowledge of tho directors ho had very littln doubt that a few months hence they would again meet to celebrate tho opening of tho club , and thoy would then readily accord to ono and all who had
been associated with tho erection of tho building that meed of praise to which they wore fairly entitled . ( Hear , hear . ) It was in contemplation to open" another Mason ic Lodge , and thoso outside the Craft would be glad to learn that Masonry was fast spreading in tho borough , so that its principles were taking a firm hold upon thoso who
came together to help each other not only whilo they were in health but , what was far more material , when thoy wero in sickness . Ho was much obliged to the R . W . Prov . G . M . for his presence , and hoped to have the pleasure of again seeing him at no distant day to celebrate tho opening of that building and tho consecration of an appropriate Lodgo room .
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Hampshire And The Isle Of Wight.
rpiIE Prov . Grand Lodgo was hold at tho Undorclift Assembly -1 Eooms on Monday . The Right Worshipful Bro . W . W . B . Beach , M . P ., Provincial Grand Master , presided , supported by the Worshipful Bro . XV . Hickman D . P . G . M ., and the Provincial Grand OUlcers ; and there was a very largo attendance of brethren , the various Lodges being well represented . The usual routine business was transacted . Tho statement of tho Provincial Grand Treasurer
Bro . M . E . Frost showed a very satisfactory balance , and having boon adopted , Bro . Frost was unanimously re-elected Treasurer for tho year ensuing . The committees for managing tho funds of tho Charities Committee having been selected , tho Provincial Grand Master appointed his Officers for tho year as follow : — Bro . W . Hickman Royal Gloucester Lodge , No . 130 , Deputy Provincial Grand Master .
Bro . F . Newman , Yarborough Lodge , No . oal , Provincial Senior Grand Warden . Bro . W . Parsons , Oakley Lodgo , Basingstoke , No . 094 , Provincial Junior Grand Warden . Bros . Rov . G . C . Browne , "Unity Lodge , No . 132 , Ringwood , and Rev . II . E . M . Hughes , Albany Lodge , No . 151 , Newport , P . G . Chaplains .
Bro . E . D . Godwin , Lodge of Economy , No . 70 , Winchester , P . G . Reg . Bro . M . E . Frost , Portsmouth Lodge , No . 457 , P . G . Treasurer . Bro . J . E . Lis Feuvrc , Royal Gloucester Lodge , Ho . 130 , P . G . Sec . Tiro . G . J . Phillips , Royal Gloucester Lodge , No . 130 , P . G . Senior Deacon .
Bro . G . A . Green , Lodgo of Harmony , No . 30 !) , Faroham , P . G Jnnior Deacon . Bro . H . Threadingham , Portsmouth Lodgo , No . 187 , P . G . Super iuteiidout of Works . Hro . C . V . Helsdon , St . Hubert Lodgo , No . 1373 , Andovcr , P . G Director of Ceremonies .
Bro . A . Houston , Yarborough Lodge , No . fwl , Veiitnor , P . G . Assist . Director of Ceremonies . Uro . James Johns , United Service Lodge , No . 1-1-28 , Portsmouth , P . G . Sword Bearer . Bro . J . Frierleherg , Royal Sussex Lodgo , No . 342 , Portsca , P . G . Pnrsuivant .
Bro . Thomas Wilton , United Service Lodge , No . 142 S , P . G . Or . ganisfc . Bros . J . 0 . Holliday , Unity Lodge , No . 132 , R . B . Chiverton , Albany No . I ' ll , J . W . Willmott , Royal Sussex , No . 3 42 , Josiah Clay , I [ swan t , No . . SOI , aud C . B . Whitcomb , Print-oof Wales' Lodge , 1705 , Gosport , P . G . Stewards . Bros . J . Biggs 13 ( 1 and J . Exall P . G . Tylers . The Lodgo having been closed , tho brethren adjourned to a banquet at the Literary Institute High-street , tho P . G . M . presiding .