Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
THE FREEMASONS' TAVERN , GREAT QTJEEJNT STREET , LONDON " . W . C . Tin ; ai-mtruMe and mi ri valid . at-L-ommn . latum jiroyuU-dat this Establishment Tor MASOUIC _ 3 _ A ___ TQ , TJ _ I ! _ : S PUBLIC AHD PRIVATE DINNERS , WEDDING BREAKFASTS , BALLS , Se . Is tou well known t » i .. o . fU'oiiiniont . Tho cntiro m . n :. ' _ um . iithris facun changed , and the KstaMtshmt-nt in all its branches thu roughly iv-oviriinisctl . The * attention ot' tho Masonic BuiIy i . _ iliructetl to the many advantages ofVyrert . CUISIiSrK OTP THIS HIGHEST CH __ . R __ . CTKI-. WINKS _ ¦ _ " -. _ - - ;_ -, ' IN * 'ONI > IX _« X A _<» « I _ A _ . _ T ¥ . H . B .-D 1 HUERS PROVIDED FROM 3 ' -. EESTAU-tANT , WINE , SMOKING & RETIR NO ROOMS . Tho fullest measure of public confklenee anil support ensured . ALFRED BEST . PROPRIETOR .
SAWYER'S ( LATE STATION ) RESTAURANT , 5 IIAJLWAY PLACE , PENCIIURCH STREET , E . C . ENGLISH , FRENCH d- GERMAN CUISINE . Hob and Colcl Luiielieons on the Grrormd ITl-or ; This Room -vill accouuuoilato 100 persons . CHOPS , STEAKS , & c ., FROM THE GRILL ; The Hvill Room will KOSU 130 versou-i . RS . S'S TREBLE STOUT , WQRTHINCTON' 3 ALES , Ti EELIK TIVOLI 13 K 131 I _ . TEA AND COFFEE ALWAYS READY . O'flA-tPAGNKS OP Till ' ' I ' lCST BRANDS . OLD 1 JOTTI 7 KD TOUTS . SUEUIUES AND OTllEll WINES OF Till !! BEST QUALITY . Bro . F . J . SAWYER , Proprietor . Late of Pimm ' s , mid tho Crystal Palace ,
^ - _ 2 S-J " F % ^ rnolt Tim JOINT I ' romTWKLVK to TlirU'lK o ' clock . I-PPi ?^ I" H \ ffOI' . S and STKAKS from tho ( HULL till KI \ 'K o ' clock . __* ___ £ _____?_? T . - I-n-wi ' Li ., Hercules Tavern , Leadenlmll-st ., City , K . C .
WHERE ABE YOU GOING TO DSHE ? milY tlio " CANNON" TAVERX , " SO Cannon Street , corner of JL IViilbrook , immediately opposile tlie C ' AN . vo-f STHKET R . ur . WA - . SI . VTIO . V . Bros . SMITH & KING , Proprietors .
VITEUVIAN LODG-E , No . 87 . BliO . ISAAC , who hits lor st-me time * past provided for tho requirements nf this Timlg-, '> e <_ 's to announce tint , lio lias obtained pcrmis-ion for the reiaoval ol'bis license i" the UelveiUivrnad , aud that he is about to erect commodious ! 're : ui . ie- there . These will comprise _ ft _ S-P-fii - CIOtTS 3 ZC __ . SOI . riC S-A-X-X-. wtnr __ iTK iiooirs , LARGE BANQUETTING HAU / , Tog-. n .. with every convenience for llasonic gatherings . Applications from Secretaries anil others for accommodation to bo addressed 0 . ISAAC , " Wiim HABT , " CO _____ SIB .-T , I . I ___ , LOSDOIT , S . E .
Trice _ s , Crown Svo , stiff paper covers ; 2 s Oil clotli lettered . WILL BE PUBLISHED immediately upon the receipt of a sufficient number ot' guaranteed subscribers to cover cost of printing-, ^ IttUwmf tu io . f % fccmir ^ ItwwX mft Mz mxmM , _ Jt _ Ji . lCi . VCf Tit-CORRESPONDENCE UNDER THE RESPECTIVE HEADINGS or PAST MASTERS AS PEECEPTOES , UNIFOHMLTY OF WORKING , and "WHICH IS COEEECT ? Extracted from the - lasouu' Publications and JtSS . letters of listiugtii .- 'lic'l . Masons , with other interesting . Masonic information . Coinpileil Ijy BEO . JAMES STEVENS P . M . P . 2 ,., & e . Subscribers' name . ? may be fonv .-irtlel t ' " > JJro . JMIKS ,. TI-: V __ - -, Chphnm , . S . 1 W , or to iho I ' ub'isher , J ' . ro . \ V . \ V " . . Uoi'tiA-,- , ' » 7 IJuv ! r ... 'an , [ , eu < lv ! i , K . C .
J'ablisUed moriliily , Demy -. co , '' r ci * 'M . rp ilV , CilKS .. - -LAY 1-. U '; - . ClIllONJ / JL . ] - ; . A List i f IIRVV and In ! crest in : ' Wor } . -,- ou C'liess ' , Cards , Arc . can be had on application to V > " . W . AID . ' .-HA . , l > 7 l /' arbicau , K . C . Any _ [ oeiorn Work ? ( Atiicvieiiii or C ' ou * ii ; eniaij procure'il at short notice .
I '' tce by !' . ' ,.. ; iV-r I . otar . ips . A FTVM Til !; TnllTJ' /! ' .. —Tliiriy-.., if » : r . s' lUi ' iiis / r-rifif T ' olfev a- ; -et fin-tU a . f , "i . n :. [\\< Mi ' s Dw 1 ; -.: A-CV . TS , irom lsls L-, Is 7 s . Collected by KICJI-UH ) y _ v _ , !•' . ;¦' .. . . Load , , - : XV . , \" . l-bjnux ::, 17 llnrbivm , K . C . I
_ CT ^ S wV _ % VAV _" , ^ g || _ -Si- _ ' _ V _ ^ Ei-^^^^^^^ -v ^ a 67 BARBICAN , E . O .
An English Lodge On The Site Of Ancient Carthage.
'"HUE town of Golotta is situated to tho south-west of the most J- central portions of the ruins of Carthago , and about a mile and a half from tho Phoenician and Roman harbours of the once famous city . Tho town is built on the shores of tho Mediterranean , and bears precisel y tho same relation to tho Tunisian capital as the Pivions does to Athens . Commanding as it does tho outlet of the canal which unites tho open sea and tho salt-lake , on the western extremity
ot which tho " white-walled city ot Tunis is placed , ifc has always been strongly fortified by the rulers of the Regency , and during tho middle ages many a stirring conflict has occurred nnder its walls . These bastions aud ramparts aro now slowly falling into decay , and the chief Hanger to thorn arises from tho firing of salutes , which invariably contributes to tho destruction of these curious and
timehonoured memorials of corsairs and pirates , of barbaric splendour and Christian chivalry . Louis of France landed in tbe vicinity ol Golctta . In 1535 the united forces of Charles V . and the Knights of Malta appeared before it . We know that the latter claimed the honour of leading tho attack on tho seaward beach . Headed by tho Chevalier Copier , with the standard of the Order in hand , they
leaped into the waves , and lit an hour victory was theirs . Many bravo knights perished in tho attack , aud scarcely ono escaped without a wound . The Golctta became a Spanish fortress for half a century . Again in 1 GJ 0 , tho Knights of Malta , nnder tho command of tho t ' rinci * d'Osia , made a second descent on Goletta , now onco moro in the hands of the Moslem , and succeeded in burning tho Tunisian fleet under tho shelter of its fortifications . For another
century and a halt Golotta was destined to protect the corsairs of its rulers ; but on tho 17 th of April ISlfi , throe salvos of its even then formidable artillery announced the moral victory of Lord Exmouth , who had that morning induced the Boy to sign a treaty abolishing slavery for ever throughout his dominions , and releasing several hundred Furopean prisoners undergoing captivity in the Regency . The
bristling gnus ot tho Admiral s fleet echoed a response , aud Golctta from that day forth has merged its military associations with those of one of the most beautiful and picturesque of watering-places . Its resident population consists of about four thousand souls , almost wholly Europeans . In summer it is the royal residence , and nearly
half the upper class ot lunisiau society migrates thither to enjoy the cool breezes and unrivalled bathing in tho blue waves of the Mediterranean . All vessels load aud unload at Golctta , , and an English railroad , ton miles in length , places ifc in almost hourly communication with Tunis .
Several ot the residents ia Goletta belonged to tho Ancient Carthago Lodge , No . . 1717 E . G ., at Tunis , aud when the number of its members exceeded ono hundred , they determined to apply for a , warrant of thoir own , and this with tho full consent and approbation of the W . M ., Officers and brethren of tho former Lodge . An application was duly signed and transmitted to
Bro . Kingston , the ll . XV . D . D . G . M , who issued a Provisional Warrant to the brethren , empowering them to work pending tho receipt of the charter from Grand Lodgo . The brethren received this document on the 1 st June , and succeeded in obtaining the lease of tho palace of one of the former governors of Goletta , which they expeditiously converted into a Masonic Hall ,
complete even in the most minute details , and appropriately furnished throughout . On tho -1 st June 1870 , the first meeting of the William Kingston Lodge was held , under the presidency of U . Bro . A . M . Broadley D . D . G . M . Malta . The following P . M . ' s assisted at the ceremony ;—W . Bros . Fttnaro , Vais yy , Sulcata , Baron Castcllnttovo and Morpttrgo , together
with the principal officers of No . 1717 K . C . aud the founders of tho now Lodge . Tho D . D . G . M . having read the warrant proceeded to instal Bro . John Edmund Lancaster Barker ( Past J . W . 1717 E . C . ) as W . M .. , according to ancient form . Tho W . M . then invested the following Officers : —Bros . W . Broadley ( D . D . G . M ) Hon . P . M . aud Treasurer , Edward Thay S . W ., Laurence Curletto J . W ., 0 . Engerer Secretary ,
B . Pudoa D . of C , A . Attard S . D ., A . A . Eomiatt J . D ., and A , Ii . u-setti J . G . Tho other founders arc Bros . S . Martina , A . Viffarealo , and L . C-r-ppi . At f , he request of the W . M ., tbe D . D . G . M . assumed tho gavel , antl initiated into Freemasonry Mr . Walter "Vaux , Locomotive Superintendent of tho Tunisian . Railways Company Limited . Thi-s ceremony beiug concluelecl , W . Bro . Broadley delivereel au
address . He alluded to tho tact that tho Lodge was , by the unanimous desire of the brethren , named tho William Kingston , as a flight mark of their recognition of tbe services rendered to English Masonry iu Tunis by their deservedly popular D . G . M ., Bro . kiii' . tou . lie rend a letter from that brother , now in Engl aud
containing his kindly greetings to tho brethren , aud informing them he hud already despatched the collars anil jewels of tho Otliccrs as , •¦ offering to tho new Lodge . The reading of Bt ' o . Kingston ' s letter produced enthusiastic applause . 'The D . D . G . M . gave a short sketch of tho classical aud meditoval associations cottuectcd with tbe sitc 0 ' the Lodge , aud after giving some practical advice to the member-.
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
THE FREEMASONS' TAVERN , GREAT QTJEEJNT STREET , LONDON " . W . C . Tin ; ai-mtruMe and mi ri valid . at-L-ommn . latum jiroyuU-dat this Establishment Tor MASOUIC _ 3 _ A ___ TQ , TJ _ I ! _ : S PUBLIC AHD PRIVATE DINNERS , WEDDING BREAKFASTS , BALLS , Se . Is tou well known t » i .. o . fU'oiiiniont . Tho cntiro m . n :. ' _ um . iithris facun changed , and the KstaMtshmt-nt in all its branches thu roughly iv-oviriinisctl . The * attention ot' tho Masonic BuiIy i . _ iliructetl to the many advantages ofVyrert . CUISIiSrK OTP THIS HIGHEST CH __ . R __ . CTKI-. WINKS _ ¦ _ " -. _ - - ;_ -, ' IN * 'ONI > IX _« X A _<» « I _ A _ . _ T ¥ . H . B .-D 1 HUERS PROVIDED FROM 3 ' -. EESTAU-tANT , WINE , SMOKING & RETIR NO ROOMS . Tho fullest measure of public confklenee anil support ensured . ALFRED BEST . PROPRIETOR .
SAWYER'S ( LATE STATION ) RESTAURANT , 5 IIAJLWAY PLACE , PENCIIURCH STREET , E . C . ENGLISH , FRENCH d- GERMAN CUISINE . Hob and Colcl Luiielieons on the Grrormd ITl-or ; This Room -vill accouuuoilato 100 persons . CHOPS , STEAKS , & c ., FROM THE GRILL ; The Hvill Room will KOSU 130 versou-i . RS . S'S TREBLE STOUT , WQRTHINCTON' 3 ALES , Ti EELIK TIVOLI 13 K 131 I _ . TEA AND COFFEE ALWAYS READY . O'flA-tPAGNKS OP Till ' ' I ' lCST BRANDS . OLD 1 JOTTI 7 KD TOUTS . SUEUIUES AND OTllEll WINES OF Till !! BEST QUALITY . Bro . F . J . SAWYER , Proprietor . Late of Pimm ' s , mid tho Crystal Palace ,
^ - _ 2 S-J " F % ^ rnolt Tim JOINT I ' romTWKLVK to TlirU'lK o ' clock . I-PPi ?^ I" H \ ffOI' . S and STKAKS from tho ( HULL till KI \ 'K o ' clock . __* ___ £ _____?_? T . - I-n-wi ' Li ., Hercules Tavern , Leadenlmll-st ., City , K . C .
WHERE ABE YOU GOING TO DSHE ? milY tlio " CANNON" TAVERX , " SO Cannon Street , corner of JL IViilbrook , immediately opposile tlie C ' AN . vo-f STHKET R . ur . WA - . SI . VTIO . V . Bros . SMITH & KING , Proprietors .
VITEUVIAN LODG-E , No . 87 . BliO . ISAAC , who hits lor st-me time * past provided for tho requirements nf this Timlg-, '> e <_ 's to announce tint , lio lias obtained pcrmis-ion for the reiaoval ol'bis license i" the UelveiUivrnad , aud that he is about to erect commodious ! 're : ui . ie- there . These will comprise _ ft _ S-P-fii - CIOtTS 3 ZC __ . SOI . riC S-A-X-X-. wtnr __ iTK iiooirs , LARGE BANQUETTING HAU / , Tog-. n .. with every convenience for llasonic gatherings . Applications from Secretaries anil others for accommodation to bo addressed 0 . ISAAC , " Wiim HABT , " CO _____ SIB .-T , I . I ___ , LOSDOIT , S . E .
Trice _ s , Crown Svo , stiff paper covers ; 2 s Oil clotli lettered . WILL BE PUBLISHED immediately upon the receipt of a sufficient number ot' guaranteed subscribers to cover cost of printing-, ^ IttUwmf tu io . f % fccmir ^ ItwwX mft Mz mxmM , _ Jt _ Ji . lCi . VCf Tit-CORRESPONDENCE UNDER THE RESPECTIVE HEADINGS or PAST MASTERS AS PEECEPTOES , UNIFOHMLTY OF WORKING , and "WHICH IS COEEECT ? Extracted from the - lasouu' Publications and JtSS . letters of listiugtii .- 'lic'l . Masons , with other interesting . Masonic information . Coinpileil Ijy BEO . JAMES STEVENS P . M . P . 2 ,., & e . Subscribers' name . ? may be fonv .-irtlel t ' " > JJro . JMIKS ,. TI-: V __ - -, Chphnm , . S . 1 W , or to iho I ' ub'isher , J ' . ro . \ V . \ V " . . Uoi'tiA-,- , ' » 7 IJuv ! r ... 'an , [ , eu < lv ! i , K . C .
J'ablisUed moriliily , Demy -. co , '' r ci * 'M . rp ilV , CilKS .. - -LAY 1-. U '; - . ClIllONJ / JL . ] - ; . A List i f IIRVV and In ! crest in : ' Wor } . -,- ou C'liess ' , Cards , Arc . can be had on application to V > " . W . AID . ' .-HA . , l > 7 l /' arbicau , K . C . Any _ [ oeiorn Work ? ( Atiicvieiiii or C ' ou * ii ; eniaij procure'il at short notice .
I '' tce by !' . ' ,.. ; iV-r I . otar . ips . A FTVM Til !; TnllTJ' /! ' .. —Tliiriy-.., if » : r . s' lUi ' iiis / r-rifif T ' olfev a- ; -et fin-tU a . f , "i . n :. [\\< Mi ' s Dw 1 ; -.: A-CV . TS , irom lsls L-, Is 7 s . Collected by KICJI-UH ) y _ v _ , !•' . ;¦' .. . . Load , , - : XV . , \" . l-bjnux ::, 17 llnrbivm , K . C . I
_ CT ^ S wV _ % VAV _" , ^ g || _ -Si- _ ' _ V _ ^ Ei-^^^^^^^ -v ^ a 67 BARBICAN , E . O .
An English Lodge On The Site Of Ancient Carthage.
'"HUE town of Golotta is situated to tho south-west of the most J- central portions of the ruins of Carthago , and about a mile and a half from tho Phoenician and Roman harbours of the once famous city . Tho town is built on the shores of tho Mediterranean , and bears precisel y tho same relation to tho Tunisian capital as the Pivions does to Athens . Commanding as it does tho outlet of the canal which unites tho open sea and tho salt-lake , on the western extremity
ot which tho " white-walled city ot Tunis is placed , ifc has always been strongly fortified by the rulers of the Regency , and during tho middle ages many a stirring conflict has occurred nnder its walls . These bastions aud ramparts aro now slowly falling into decay , and the chief Hanger to thorn arises from tho firing of salutes , which invariably contributes to tho destruction of these curious and
timehonoured memorials of corsairs and pirates , of barbaric splendour and Christian chivalry . Louis of France landed in tbe vicinity ol Golctta . In 1535 the united forces of Charles V . and the Knights of Malta appeared before it . We know that the latter claimed the honour of leading tho attack on tho seaward beach . Headed by tho Chevalier Copier , with the standard of the Order in hand , they
leaped into the waves , and lit an hour victory was theirs . Many bravo knights perished in tho attack , aud scarcely ono escaped without a wound . The Golctta became a Spanish fortress for half a century . Again in 1 GJ 0 , tho Knights of Malta , nnder tho command of tho t ' rinci * d'Osia , made a second descent on Goletta , now onco moro in the hands of the Moslem , and succeeded in burning tho Tunisian fleet under tho shelter of its fortifications . For another
century and a halt Golotta was destined to protect the corsairs of its rulers ; but on tho 17 th of April ISlfi , throe salvos of its even then formidable artillery announced the moral victory of Lord Exmouth , who had that morning induced the Boy to sign a treaty abolishing slavery for ever throughout his dominions , and releasing several hundred Furopean prisoners undergoing captivity in the Regency . The
bristling gnus ot tho Admiral s fleet echoed a response , aud Golctta from that day forth has merged its military associations with those of one of the most beautiful and picturesque of watering-places . Its resident population consists of about four thousand souls , almost wholly Europeans . In summer it is the royal residence , and nearly
half the upper class ot lunisiau society migrates thither to enjoy the cool breezes and unrivalled bathing in tho blue waves of the Mediterranean . All vessels load aud unload at Golctta , , and an English railroad , ton miles in length , places ifc in almost hourly communication with Tunis .
Several ot the residents ia Goletta belonged to tho Ancient Carthago Lodge , No . . 1717 E . G ., at Tunis , aud when the number of its members exceeded ono hundred , they determined to apply for a , warrant of thoir own , and this with tho full consent and approbation of the W . M ., Officers and brethren of tho former Lodge . An application was duly signed and transmitted to
Bro . Kingston , the ll . XV . D . D . G . M , who issued a Provisional Warrant to the brethren , empowering them to work pending tho receipt of the charter from Grand Lodgo . The brethren received this document on the 1 st June , and succeeded in obtaining the lease of tho palace of one of the former governors of Goletta , which they expeditiously converted into a Masonic Hall ,
complete even in the most minute details , and appropriately furnished throughout . On tho -1 st June 1870 , the first meeting of the William Kingston Lodge was held , under the presidency of U . Bro . A . M . Broadley D . D . G . M . Malta . The following P . M . ' s assisted at the ceremony ;—W . Bros . Fttnaro , Vais yy , Sulcata , Baron Castcllnttovo and Morpttrgo , together
with the principal officers of No . 1717 K . C . aud the founders of tho now Lodge . Tho D . D . G . M . having read the warrant proceeded to instal Bro . John Edmund Lancaster Barker ( Past J . W . 1717 E . C . ) as W . M .. , according to ancient form . Tho W . M . then invested the following Officers : —Bros . W . Broadley ( D . D . G . M ) Hon . P . M . aud Treasurer , Edward Thay S . W ., Laurence Curletto J . W ., 0 . Engerer Secretary ,
B . Pudoa D . of C , A . Attard S . D ., A . A . Eomiatt J . D ., and A , Ii . u-setti J . G . Tho other founders arc Bros . S . Martina , A . Viffarealo , and L . C-r-ppi . At f , he request of the W . M ., tbe D . D . G . M . assumed tho gavel , antl initiated into Freemasonry Mr . Walter "Vaux , Locomotive Superintendent of tho Tunisian . Railways Company Limited . Thi-s ceremony beiug concluelecl , W . Bro . Broadley delivereel au
address . He alluded to tho tact that tho Lodge was , by the unanimous desire of the brethren , named tho William Kingston , as a flight mark of their recognition of tbe services rendered to English Masonry iu Tunis by their deservedly popular D . G . M ., Bro . kiii' . tou . lie rend a letter from that brother , now in Engl aud
containing his kindly greetings to tho brethren , aud informing them he hud already despatched the collars anil jewels of tho Otliccrs as , •¦ offering to tho new Lodge . The reading of Bt ' o . Kingston ' s letter produced enthusiastic applause . 'The D . D . G . M . gave a short sketch of tho classical aud meditoval associations cottuectcd with tbe sitc 0 ' the Lodge , aud after giving some practical advice to the member-.