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An English Lodge On The Site Of Ancient Carthage.
returned tlio gavel to Bro . Barker , who thanked the D . D . M . G . for his remarks . Ho said it way useless for them to disguise the fact that they owed tho existence of the William Kingston to the zeal and energy of Bro . Broadley , who was now residing amongst them , and in whom Bro . Kingston had so active and untiring a Deputy . IFo would try to do his duty , nnd ho considered it as his best r
"commendation that ho had served for a year tinder the D . D . G . M . as J . W . of 1717 E . C . He sincerely thanked tho brethren for the honour thoy had done him . W . Bro . Fnnaro , W . M . of tho Italian Lodgo Eisorglmonto , addressed ( he brethren , arid offered tho congratulations of tho Italian Masons over whom ho presided . Bro . Professor Yais ( 33 ° Italy ) made an elaborate speech on tho dnties
of a Freemason , and ended by paying- to tho D . D . G . M . a very high compliment , in tho name of Italian Masonry . Bro . Professor Soniller ( 1717 E . C . ) having tendered the congratulations of his Lodgo , and tbo charitable collection having been made , tho Lodgo was closed and adjourned . The work was followed by an elaborate banquet , afc which tho usual Masonio and Loyal toasts wore enthusiastically honom-ed . Since this date tho Lodgo has hold weekly meetings ,
both for current business and instruction . On the 3 rd Jnly tho M . W . G . M . was pleased to grant a , Warrant for tho Constitution of tho William Kingston Lodgo , No . 1835 , to moot at the Golotta , in tho Itegency of Tunis , and tho Provisional Warrant was forthwith surrendered . Tlio new Lodgo now numbers twenty-two members , and the rulers of tho Graft in Malta have reason to hopo that this last interesting addition to tho strength of tlio District Grand Lodge will prove a great and lasting success .
Mark Masonry In Malta.
Broadley Lodge , No , 248 . —This Lodge—which has boon recently founded by a number of influential r-nd well-known Mark Masters iu this island—held its first meeting on Tuesday , 20 th July , at the Masonic Hall , No . 27 Strada Stretta , La Valletta ; Bro . C . E . Coffey W . M . —who had been previously installed at a mooting of the Keystone Mark Lodge , nnder a Provisional Warrant from
Bro . A . M . Broadley , P . G . M . M . of tho Province of Tunis and Maltain the chair . After tho Warrant of Constitution had boon road by tho Secretary , a ballot was taken for two joining members and six candidates for advancement , which proved unanimous . The joining members were then admitted , and five of tho six candidates being present , were , after due preparation , " advanced to tho rank of Mark
Masters . Lodge having been closed , the brethren adjourned to the refreshment room . After tho usual Masonio toasts had boon given , " Tho Success and Prosperit y of the now Lodgo " was given , and received with enthusiasm . The health of tho W . M . aud Olliecrs was afterwards proposed , and tho joining members congratulated them warmly on the excellent manner in which the ceremony of advancement had been carried ont .
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Mark Master Masons Of Devonshire.
f HUE annual meeting was hold on Tuesday at the Iluysho Masonic J- Temple , Plymouth . The proceedings commenced by the mooting of tho Committee of General Purposes at two p . m . Col . J . Tanner Davy 11 . XV . P . G . Master presided . Tho members present wore . —Tho Hon . XV . Hitton-Jolliflb P . G . S . W ., Charles Godtschalk P . G . M . O ., V . Bird P . G . M . O . England P . G . S ., XV . Vicary P . G . T ., Samuel Jew P . P . G . M . O ., J . B . Gover P . P . G . M . O ., L . D . Westcott
P . P . G . T . After auditing tlio accounts there was au available balance of £ 11 , and it was resolved that the sum of forty guineas bo recommended to bo given to tho Devon Educational Fund , and that this sum be given in tho name of the Eight Worshipful Provincial Grand Master for tho time being , giving him fifty votes for twenty years . Tho Provincial Grand Lodgo
was opened at three p . m ., when in addition to the Committee there were present : —V . W . and W . Bros . 1 ! . B . S . Eichard W . M . 2 . ' ! , John Ingle . 1 . 0 . 215 , J . Allen W . M . Of ! P . G . S ., H . Miller W . M . 1 ) 1 , l . iout .-Col . Fitzgerald P . P . G . M . O ., Admiral Glasso C . E . ( ill , Henry Bridgetnau M . O . < jI ,. lames H . Toms P . P . G . S . B ., John B . Lord 50 , William James Hughan _ . G . W . Eng . P . M . 7 S P . P . G . S . Cornwall ,
G . II . E . Vans P . P . G . D . C . M . O . 35 , Eev . W . Whittloy P . P . G . C ., I ! ev . T . W . Lemon , M . A ., W . M . 35 P . P . G . C , II . 0 . Uglow 50 , J . Bogers P . M . P . G . T ., J . Giclley S . D ., A'ieholls I . P . M . 23 , II . G . Bcachy S . W . 215 , W . Harris W . M . 215 , Henry H . Arnold P . P . G . O .. Charles Croydon J . W . 35 P . P . G . S . B ., John W . Collins S . W . Hi . E . Binding W . M . IE P . G . O ., J . M . Hilllcy P . M . 7 ( 1 P . P . G . J . D ., J . IL Stephens W . M . IS
P . G . S . B ., W . Collins J . W . 46 J . S ., Georgo It . Barrett J . S ., L . D . Westcott P . M . W P . P . G . T ., E . A . Davies P . P . G . J . D ., John Hot-swell J . O . 15 , Eichard Lose I'M . 4 $ P . P . G . D . C , Edwin Eoscvcare P . M . P . P . G . S . B ., I . Latimer P . M . P . P . G . S . O ., T . C . Low . iru W . M . 7 ( 1 , 1 . Griffin S . O . , "(» , Henry Horton M . O . 35 P . G . J . W ., J . VV . Stanbury 50 , E . B . Twoso P . M . 50 P . G . T ., E . G . Bird M . O . 50 P . P . G . O ., E . Tout 50 J . O ., J . Barons 10 , John U . Barker O . 50 , J . E . Curteis P . M . 35
P . G . D . England P . P . G . J . W ., John Lynn P . M . 91 P . P . G . O ., Thomas 11 . Bayley P . P . G . J . W ., E . D . Parncll P . M . P . P . G . li . B ., 'J ' , jr . May 90 , Samuel Martin W . M . 57 , W . V . I'Viriss 5 S , A . 11 . Lethbn'd ge l' . M . IS P . P . G . M . O ., J . B . II . Harris S . W . ! . )! , Georgo Milchell I . G . 70 . E . Pengelly I . P . M . 50 , P . P . G . S . B ., W . B . Elston Ls , Dr . Geoive Jackson S . W . 35 , T . Glidon 70 , John James J . W . 50 . The Secretary reported that all the Lodges in the Province , except one , had made the usual returns . The Ti ' . a .- ' . u' . v rupovt-d that nil the Lodge ., except one , had paid
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Mark Master Masons Of Devonshire.
their contributions , and that all tho fees of honour had been paid . Ho had a satisfactory balance— ¦ £ - _ Us lOd . Tho report of the Board of General Purposes having then been read , —which contained the recommendation that forty guineas should bo given to the Devon Education Fund , —Bro . Charles Godtschalk rose to ask if it was the intention of tho P . G . Master to put that
recommendation to the Prov . Grand Lodge aud take their opinion upon it , as iu that case ho intended to move an amendment . Bro . J . U . Gover hereupon formally moved forty guineas he voted to the Devon Educational Fund . Bro . Charles Godtschalk , rising to move the amendment , said it was well known that ho had taken a deep and sincere interest iu
founding- the Devon Educational Fund , and having well thought out its best interests , had every wish to seo it successful iu the future . Ono of tho great interests of this local fund was , that it should bo self-supporting ; in this sense self-supporting , —that the annual subscriptions of individual brethren of 5 s , 10 s aud guineas throughout tho Province would produce ample funds for tho
surplus orphans of tho Province . By tho word surplus was meant thoso orphans who conld never hopo to bo elected into tho great National Masonic Charities , tho Boys' aud Girls' Schools . Another interest of this local fund was , that it should never interfere or clash with tho interests of thoso great Charities . Neither should this local fund compete for monies From tho governing
bodies of Masons in tho province— by governing bodies in tho province he meant Prov . Grand Lodge , —no matter whether Craft , Arch , or Mark . Tho monies from these bodies naturally belonged to tho great Charities to which we , as a province , stand deeply indebted . Ho saw many brethren around him who wero present when tho Devon fund was established early this year ; it was then clearly
understood , and that by speaker after speaker , that tho real element of success for this local fund wonld bo its power of solf-support by tho individual subscriptions of brethren ; also that Provincial Grand Lodgo should not bo appealed to for funds that should go iu another direction . And what do wo find ? Why , tho very first Provincial Grand Lodge hold after this local fund is founded
two or three brethren coming forward to ask—for what ? not a few pounds ; but every penny possessed by tho Prov . Grand Lodgo for this local fund , which arc the earnings of two years of tho Mark degree of the Province . Tho Prov . Grand Lodge having voted nothing in 1878 , bnt keeping all in hand , now adds to it tho income of 1879 , and endeavours to voto all away to a local fund that afc least iu a great measure should bo self-supporting , and to the
detriment of tho groat Charities to which tho Province is deeply indebted . Ho therefore said , if this custom was to bo followed up , he , as their representative at tho great Charities warned thctn that their power of electing candidates at the great Charities would bo weakened , and if thoy decided to keep their money afc home , so must thoy keep their poor with it . Trusting the brethren would see , not alone the justice of his remarks , but also the policy of them , ho would move tho fbllowinc- amendment : —
" That tho forty guineas reoomuv-nded by the Board of General Purposes to bo voted to the Devon Educational Fund be reduced to twenty guineas , that sum giving the qualification of a Vice Patron , with 25 votes at each election . The suite bo presented as a mivk of respect and esteem to the Provincial Grand Mark Master , Colonel Tanner Davy . "
Tho amendment of Bro . Godtsclnlk being seconded by Pro . A . B . Lethbridge P . M . P . P . G . M . O . No . IS , it was put to the Provincial Grand Lodge and lost , fho numbers being 21 . for , aud 27 against . Bros . T . IL Bayloy , C . Godtschalk , It . Loos , nnd S . Jew were elected the additional members of the Board of General Purposes . Bro . J . Ingle was unanimously elected tho Treasurer .
The following brethren wero then appointed aud invested as tho Officers for the ensuing year : —Eev . P . II . Nowiihutn D . P . G . M . Admiral F . 11 . II . Glasso GG S . G . W ., Eickard 9 J . G . W ., John James 50 M . O ., George Jackson 35 S . O ., Henry Cole 100 J . O ., Eev . G . Warner 215 Chaplain , John Inglo 215 Treasurer , Henry G . Beachoy 215 Registrar , Vincent Bird ( Jfi Secretary , J . E .
Galliford 9 S . D ., William Harris 215 J . D ., Henry Miller 91 Sup . Works , John Horswill 15 D . C , F . Littleton IS A . D . C ., John Allen 91 S . B ., Samuel D . lYicholls 23 S . B ., John I ) . Barker 50 O ., H . 11 Langtnead 16 ' P ., J . C Lnwarne 7 f > " S . B ., Eichards 23 , Georgo Mitchell 50 Stewards , James Gidley T . Tho dinner was held at Bro . Walters' Farley Hotel . About forty wero
present . Ihe health of J ? ro . Colonel Tanner Davy was receiver ! with enthusiasm . In reply , the E . W . Master expressed tho pleasure ho had always experienced in presiding . ' over the large and important province of Devon , anil his gratification that Ihe Order was in a flourishing condition . Bro . Admiral Glasso responded for the P . G . Gfiiocts in his usual happy manner .
To the toast of Prosperity to tlie Fortitude Mark Lodge , No . (!(? , under whoso banner tho Provincial Grand Marie Lodgo was hold , Br . Chas . Gndtsclialk P . M . P . G . M . O . responded . As Past Master of the Lodge , for his col leagues and himself , he tendered his sincere thanks , adding the honour was to tho Lodge , in its being iu a
po . 'ilioii to entertain tho Provincial Grand Mark Lodge . Alluding to the business thai bad taken place that day —he was fully convinced that the amendment proposed by him was for the future welfare of tie Devon Educational Fund . He now acquiesced iu the result , and with all his heart trusted it would benefit those interested .
Ili . r . i . owsv ' s I'u . i . s are Hie proper medicine for people W I'O SP " 'Cii-tif .- siro jaded , ami whose riiereries » r .: cshaosied hy eia-cssivc licet .. , « . e w doses nf these pills always pn , \ -e a . simple . safe , and cneliai ; - treatment " . < -, ¦ pi .-:. ., i . ricii ami'ivorconipiainfs , a Mn . -vr rour-e will set . right cwery o . ' ,- n ' . ' .- 1 ise net ion i . simwiire- ! , s- ivir-tl 'n every structure \ viii .-e ; tone is ilimini de' I , a ' ' r !* i-. \ alo tlinfc ) .:, / . «! wht . s' j purity is lai'ip *! . e'iddine-.. ; , ((<¦ eticiie , X : uis . a , t' a'a ' cney , ( mil all other ilysprpiic synipioiin yii'ld with surprisint , ' certainty a i . l ccl-Ti ' ry to these corrective pills , which lay sic ' . 'c to the seat of those di .-tc . ' ' . - se . isiitions , and carry off , without any [ rain or ether disagreeable ilrawbac'i , those peccant matters which arc di . sun ! ei'iii _ the entire luun-in Machine .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
An English Lodge On The Site Of Ancient Carthage.
returned tlio gavel to Bro . Barker , who thanked the D . D . M . G . for his remarks . Ho said it way useless for them to disguise the fact that they owed tho existence of the William Kingston to the zeal and energy of Bro . Broadley , who was now residing amongst them , and in whom Bro . Kingston had so active and untiring a Deputy . IFo would try to do his duty , nnd ho considered it as his best r
"commendation that ho had served for a year tinder the D . D . G . M . as J . W . of 1717 E . C . He sincerely thanked tho brethren for the honour thoy had done him . W . Bro . Fnnaro , W . M . of tho Italian Lodgo Eisorglmonto , addressed ( he brethren , arid offered tho congratulations of tho Italian Masons over whom ho presided . Bro . Professor Yais ( 33 ° Italy ) made an elaborate speech on tho dnties
of a Freemason , and ended by paying- to tho D . D . G . M . a very high compliment , in tho name of Italian Masonry . Bro . Professor Soniller ( 1717 E . C . ) having tendered the congratulations of his Lodgo , and tbo charitable collection having been made , tho Lodgo was closed and adjourned . The work was followed by an elaborate banquet , afc which tho usual Masonio and Loyal toasts wore enthusiastically honom-ed . Since this date tho Lodgo has hold weekly meetings ,
both for current business and instruction . On the 3 rd Jnly tho M . W . G . M . was pleased to grant a , Warrant for tho Constitution of tho William Kingston Lodgo , No . 1835 , to moot at the Golotta , in tho Itegency of Tunis , and tho Provisional Warrant was forthwith surrendered . Tlio new Lodgo now numbers twenty-two members , and the rulers of tho Graft in Malta have reason to hopo that this last interesting addition to tho strength of tlio District Grand Lodge will prove a great and lasting success .
Mark Masonry In Malta.
Broadley Lodge , No , 248 . —This Lodge—which has boon recently founded by a number of influential r-nd well-known Mark Masters iu this island—held its first meeting on Tuesday , 20 th July , at the Masonic Hall , No . 27 Strada Stretta , La Valletta ; Bro . C . E . Coffey W . M . —who had been previously installed at a mooting of the Keystone Mark Lodge , nnder a Provisional Warrant from
Bro . A . M . Broadley , P . G . M . M . of tho Province of Tunis and Maltain the chair . After tho Warrant of Constitution had boon road by tho Secretary , a ballot was taken for two joining members and six candidates for advancement , which proved unanimous . The joining members were then admitted , and five of tho six candidates being present , were , after due preparation , " advanced to tho rank of Mark
Masters . Lodge having been closed , the brethren adjourned to the refreshment room . After tho usual Masonio toasts had boon given , " Tho Success and Prosperit y of the now Lodgo " was given , and received with enthusiasm . The health of tho W . M . aud Olliecrs was afterwards proposed , and tho joining members congratulated them warmly on the excellent manner in which the ceremony of advancement had been carried ont .
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Mark Master Masons Of Devonshire.
f HUE annual meeting was hold on Tuesday at the Iluysho Masonic J- Temple , Plymouth . The proceedings commenced by the mooting of tho Committee of General Purposes at two p . m . Col . J . Tanner Davy 11 . XV . P . G . Master presided . Tho members present wore . —Tho Hon . XV . Hitton-Jolliflb P . G . S . W ., Charles Godtschalk P . G . M . O ., V . Bird P . G . M . O . England P . G . S ., XV . Vicary P . G . T ., Samuel Jew P . P . G . M . O ., J . B . Gover P . P . G . M . O ., L . D . Westcott
P . P . G . T . After auditing tlio accounts there was au available balance of £ 11 , and it was resolved that the sum of forty guineas bo recommended to bo given to tho Devon Educational Fund , and that this sum be given in tho name of the Eight Worshipful Provincial Grand Master for tho time being , giving him fifty votes for twenty years . Tho Provincial Grand Lodgo
was opened at three p . m ., when in addition to the Committee there were present : —V . W . and W . Bros . 1 ! . B . S . Eichard W . M . 2 . ' ! , John Ingle . 1 . 0 . 215 , J . Allen W . M . Of ! P . G . S ., H . Miller W . M . 1 ) 1 , l . iout .-Col . Fitzgerald P . P . G . M . O ., Admiral Glasso C . E . ( ill , Henry Bridgetnau M . O . < jI ,. lames H . Toms P . P . G . S . B ., John B . Lord 50 , William James Hughan _ . G . W . Eng . P . M . 7 S P . P . G . S . Cornwall ,
G . II . E . Vans P . P . G . D . C . M . O . 35 , Eev . W . Whittloy P . P . G . C ., I ! ev . T . W . Lemon , M . A ., W . M . 35 P . P . G . C , II . 0 . Uglow 50 , J . Bogers P . M . P . G . T ., J . Giclley S . D ., A'ieholls I . P . M . 23 , II . G . Bcachy S . W . 215 , W . Harris W . M . 215 , Henry H . Arnold P . P . G . O .. Charles Croydon J . W . 35 P . P . G . S . B ., John W . Collins S . W . Hi . E . Binding W . M . IE P . G . O ., J . M . Hilllcy P . M . 7 ( 1 P . P . G . J . D ., J . IL Stephens W . M . IS
P . G . S . B ., W . Collins J . W . 46 J . S ., Georgo It . Barrett J . S ., L . D . Westcott P . M . W P . P . G . T ., E . A . Davies P . P . G . J . D ., John Hot-swell J . O . 15 , Eichard Lose I'M . 4 $ P . P . G . D . C , Edwin Eoscvcare P . M . P . P . G . S . B ., I . Latimer P . M . P . P . G . S . O ., T . C . Low . iru W . M . 7 ( 1 , 1 . Griffin S . O . , "(» , Henry Horton M . O . 35 P . G . J . W ., J . VV . Stanbury 50 , E . B . Twoso P . M . 50 P . G . T ., E . G . Bird M . O . 50 P . P . G . O ., E . Tout 50 J . O ., J . Barons 10 , John U . Barker O . 50 , J . E . Curteis P . M . 35
P . G . D . England P . P . G . J . W ., John Lynn P . M . 91 P . P . G . O ., Thomas 11 . Bayley P . P . G . J . W ., E . D . Parncll P . M . P . P . G . li . B ., 'J ' , jr . May 90 , Samuel Martin W . M . 57 , W . V . I'Viriss 5 S , A . 11 . Lethbn'd ge l' . M . IS P . P . G . M . O ., J . B . II . Harris S . W . ! . )! , Georgo Milchell I . G . 70 . E . Pengelly I . P . M . 50 , P . P . G . S . B ., W . B . Elston Ls , Dr . Geoive Jackson S . W . 35 , T . Glidon 70 , John James J . W . 50 . The Secretary reported that all the Lodges in the Province , except one , had made the usual returns . The Ti ' . a .- ' . u' . v rupovt-d that nil the Lodge ., except one , had paid
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Mark Master Masons Of Devonshire.
their contributions , and that all tho fees of honour had been paid . Ho had a satisfactory balance— ¦ £ - _ Us lOd . Tho report of the Board of General Purposes having then been read , —which contained the recommendation that forty guineas should bo given to the Devon Education Fund , —Bro . Charles Godtschalk rose to ask if it was the intention of tho P . G . Master to put that
recommendation to the Prov . Grand Lodge aud take their opinion upon it , as iu that case ho intended to move an amendment . Bro . J . U . Gover hereupon formally moved forty guineas he voted to the Devon Educational Fund . Bro . Charles Godtschalk , rising to move the amendment , said it was well known that ho had taken a deep and sincere interest iu
founding- the Devon Educational Fund , and having well thought out its best interests , had every wish to seo it successful iu the future . Ono of tho great interests of this local fund was , that it should bo self-supporting ; in this sense self-supporting , —that the annual subscriptions of individual brethren of 5 s , 10 s aud guineas throughout tho Province would produce ample funds for tho
surplus orphans of tho Province . By tho word surplus was meant thoso orphans who conld never hopo to bo elected into tho great National Masonic Charities , tho Boys' aud Girls' Schools . Another interest of this local fund was , that it should never interfere or clash with tho interests of thoso great Charities . Neither should this local fund compete for monies From tho governing
bodies of Masons in tho province— by governing bodies in tho province he meant Prov . Grand Lodge , —no matter whether Craft , Arch , or Mark . Tho monies from these bodies naturally belonged to tho great Charities to which we , as a province , stand deeply indebted . Ho saw many brethren around him who wero present when tho Devon fund was established early this year ; it was then clearly
understood , and that by speaker after speaker , that tho real element of success for this local fund wonld bo its power of solf-support by tho individual subscriptions of brethren ; also that Provincial Grand Lodgo should not bo appealed to for funds that should go iu another direction . And what do wo find ? Why , tho very first Provincial Grand Lodge hold after this local fund is founded
two or three brethren coming forward to ask—for what ? not a few pounds ; but every penny possessed by tho Prov . Grand Lodgo for this local fund , which arc the earnings of two years of tho Mark degree of the Province . Tho Prov . Grand Lodge having voted nothing in 1878 , bnt keeping all in hand , now adds to it tho income of 1879 , and endeavours to voto all away to a local fund that afc least iu a great measure should bo self-supporting , and to the
detriment of tho groat Charities to which tho Province is deeply indebted . Ho therefore said , if this custom was to bo followed up , he , as their representative at tho great Charities warned thctn that their power of electing candidates at the great Charities would bo weakened , and if thoy decided to keep their money afc home , so must thoy keep their poor with it . Trusting the brethren would see , not alone the justice of his remarks , but also the policy of them , ho would move tho fbllowinc- amendment : —
" That tho forty guineas reoomuv-nded by the Board of General Purposes to bo voted to the Devon Educational Fund be reduced to twenty guineas , that sum giving the qualification of a Vice Patron , with 25 votes at each election . The suite bo presented as a mivk of respect and esteem to the Provincial Grand Mark Master , Colonel Tanner Davy . "
Tho amendment of Bro . Godtsclnlk being seconded by Pro . A . B . Lethbridge P . M . P . P . G . M . O . No . IS , it was put to the Provincial Grand Lodge and lost , fho numbers being 21 . for , aud 27 against . Bros . T . IL Bayloy , C . Godtschalk , It . Loos , nnd S . Jew were elected the additional members of the Board of General Purposes . Bro . J . Ingle was unanimously elected tho Treasurer .
The following brethren wero then appointed aud invested as tho Officers for the ensuing year : —Eev . P . II . Nowiihutn D . P . G . M . Admiral F . 11 . II . Glasso GG S . G . W ., Eickard 9 J . G . W ., John James 50 M . O ., George Jackson 35 S . O ., Henry Cole 100 J . O ., Eev . G . Warner 215 Chaplain , John Inglo 215 Treasurer , Henry G . Beachoy 215 Registrar , Vincent Bird ( Jfi Secretary , J . E .
Galliford 9 S . D ., William Harris 215 J . D ., Henry Miller 91 Sup . Works , John Horswill 15 D . C , F . Littleton IS A . D . C ., John Allen 91 S . B ., Samuel D . lYicholls 23 S . B ., John I ) . Barker 50 O ., H . 11 Langtnead 16 ' P ., J . C Lnwarne 7 f > " S . B ., Eichards 23 , Georgo Mitchell 50 Stewards , James Gidley T . Tho dinner was held at Bro . Walters' Farley Hotel . About forty wero
present . Ihe health of J ? ro . Colonel Tanner Davy was receiver ! with enthusiasm . In reply , the E . W . Master expressed tho pleasure ho had always experienced in presiding . ' over the large and important province of Devon , anil his gratification that Ihe Order was in a flourishing condition . Bro . Admiral Glasso responded for the P . G . Gfiiocts in his usual happy manner .
To the toast of Prosperity to tlie Fortitude Mark Lodge , No . (!(? , under whoso banner tho Provincial Grand Marie Lodgo was hold , Br . Chas . Gndtsclialk P . M . P . G . M . O . responded . As Past Master of the Lodge , for his col leagues and himself , he tendered his sincere thanks , adding the honour was to tho Lodge , in its being iu a
po . 'ilioii to entertain tho Provincial Grand Mark Lodge . Alluding to the business thai bad taken place that day —he was fully convinced that the amendment proposed by him was for the future welfare of tie Devon Educational Fund . He now acquiesced iu the result , and with all his heart trusted it would benefit those interested .
Ili . r . i . owsv ' s I'u . i . s are Hie proper medicine for people W I'O SP " 'Cii-tif .- siro jaded , ami whose riiereries » r .: cshaosied hy eia-cssivc licet .. , « . e w doses nf these pills always pn , \ -e a . simple . safe , and cneliai ; - treatment " . < -, ¦ pi .-:. ., i . ricii ami'ivorconipiainfs , a Mn . -vr rour-e will set . right cwery o . ' ,- n ' . ' .- 1 ise net ion i . simwiire- ! , s- ivir-tl 'n every structure \ viii .-e ; tone is ilimini de' I , a ' ' r !* i-. \ alo tlinfc ) .:, / . «! wht . s' j purity is lai'ip *! . e'iddine-.. ; , ((<¦ eticiie , X : uis . a , t' a'a ' cney , ( mil all other ilysprpiic synipioiin yii'ld with surprisint , ' certainty a i . l ccl-Ti ' ry to these corrective pills , which lay sic ' . 'c to the seat of those di .-tc . ' ' . - se . isiitions , and carry off , without any [ rain or ether disagreeable ilrawbac'i , those peccant matters which arc di . sun ! ei'iii _ the entire luun-in Machine .